best features in win10

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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By:-Live PC Geeks

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Best Features are :1. It’s Free

One of the biggest new developments in the Windows 10 story is that it will be completely free to upgrade.

2. Start MenuIt has some updated graphics and can optionally go full-screen. Half of the menu looks pretty much like it did in Windows 7 but there's the obvious addition of Live Tiles.

3. CortanaCortana is one of the headline features of Windows 10.

Cortana will sit next to with the Start button on the desktop, but you can invoke it by saying "Hey Cortana". You'll also be able to edit the things that Cortana knows about you to improve the service it provides. Typing to interact is also an option and you can request "show me photos from December" or "Show me PowerPoint slides about the charity presentation".

4. Xbox app and streamingWindows 10 will come with the Xbox app which has features like the ability to control the Xbox One and a DVR capture for any Windows games.Furthermore, you'll be able to play multiplayer games cross-platform between Xbox One and PC.

5. Universal AppsThe news of Universal apps is good news for anyone using more than one Windows device.A bundle of apps including Photos, Videos, Music, Maps, People & Messaging and Mail & will look and feel the same across different devices and screen sizes. The data will also be saved and sync automatically via OneDrive.

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