bermuda triangle (ppt)

Post on 10-May-2015






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The Graveyard Of The Atlantic

Things we will discuss todayIntroductionResearch WorkHistoryScientific Reasons IncidentsArguments Is It Really True?

INTRODUCTION1. The Bermuda Triangle is also know as “The Devil’s Triangle”.

2. It is the region situated in the Western part of North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to disappeared mysteriously.

3. The Triangles three vertices are Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.

4. As per different writers the area varies from 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km (500,000 to 1,510,000 sq mi). 5. In spite of mysterious disappearance it is one of the busiest shipping lane in the world.


Information on Bermuda Triangle

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HISTORYThe Legends says when CHRISTROPHER COLUMBUS sailed through that area on his first voyage to the NEW WORLD, he reported that a great flame of fire crashed into the sea one night.

He also wrote about the Erratic compass reading perhaps because at that Time A Silver of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on the Earth where the true North and Magnetic North lined up.

Bermuda Triangle got public attention in 1918 when the USS CYCLOPS, a 542-foot-long Navy Cargo sank .

On the ship 300 men and 10,000 tones of Manganese Ore onboard . This was one of the biggest incidents.

SCIENTIFIC REASONSThe different Scientific Reasons :-1. Compass Variation2. Gulf Stream3. Rouge Wave4. Methane Hydrates5. The Lost City Of Atlantis

Compass Variation: The area of the Bermuda Triangle has some “magnetic abnormalities”. It can differ “ by such 20 degrees in TRUE NORTH AND MAFNETIC NORTH". With their compasses out of track it would be very easy for ships to get lost.

Gulf Stream : It is a deep ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico. It has a surface velocity of up to 2.5 m per second (5.6 m). A boat having a engine trouble can be carried away from its reported position by the current.

Rogue Waves: Another interesting consideration would be Rogue waves. Rogue waves are spontaneous, deadly waves that occur far in the ocean. These could explain how ships can be toppled over suddenly. We can never forget to include hurricanes as possible causes for the missing ships in the Bermuda Triangle.

Methane Hydrates: An explanation for some of the disappearances has focused on the presence of large fields of methane hydrates (a form of natural gas).Laboratory experiments prove that bubbles can indeed, sink a scale model ship by decreasing the density of water.


Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean.

A popular theory put forward for the mysterious goings-on in this part of the ocean is that it is the location of the legendary lost city of Atlantis.

According to legend, Atlantis was powered by mysterious crystals and some believe that these still rest on the seabed, sending out waves of energy that destroy ships and planes.


Flight 19 was a training flight with 5 TBM Avenger Bombers . On December 5, 1945 it disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle during US navigation training. All 14 aircrafts were lost as well as 13 crew members by a mariner flight boat assumed by professional investigators.

A Douglas DC-3 disappeared on December 28, 1948. All 32 passengers were never found .

1. Flight 19

2. Douglas DC-3

One of the Weirdest incident involved a pilot Bruce Gernon . In 1970 he was flying from Bahamas to Florida when his plane was under that triangle he saw that his plane was entering in an cigar shaped cloud. Inside he found that he was surrounded by a strange electronic fog that made his compass spin widely. The plane passed through safely but he suddenly discovered that he reached his destination half-an-hour before.

3. Cigar Shaped Cloud

ARGUMEMTS & COUNTER ARGUMENTS Bermuda Triangle has also had its own share of ARGUMENTS

and counter arguments

I. Lawrence David KuschLary Kusch was a researcher from Arizon state university in US. He wrote the book. “The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved” in 1975. Kusch concluded:• Many of the planes and ships that

disappeared mysteriously in the Bermuda triangle was not in the triangle at all

• The triangle area is frequented by tropical storm's

• In many cases the incidence has been misreported due to sloppy research. For example a boat’s disappearance has been mentioned but its eventual return has not been reported.

Lloyd's of LondonIt has been reported in an article published in a Fate’s magazine in 1975. According to him 428 ships have been lost throughout the world . It may be interesting to know that there is no evidence to support the claim that the Bermuda Triangle has more losses than anywhere else. It has made a considerable fortune for many authors and in return has provided the public with a continuing source of entertainment for 50 years.Bermuda Triangle does it exists?There is nothing special about Bermuda triangle. The claim state that if you take the same area of water and you were to put it in a busy area of water you get a number of stories like Bermuda triangle one's. It has been stated that most of the accidents in the Bermuda triangle are from human error or mechanical error.

IS IT REALLY TRUE?The Bermuda Triangle has been under learning

since 1956. It is such a mystery that excites the “BRAINS OF MANY PEOPLE". Before attempting to explain the high levels of disappearances in the Bermuda triangle, it is necessary to ascertain whether there is really such a thing.

•The area is one of the busiest shipping lane in the world, so correspondingly higher level of typical ships lost would be expected.

• The south-east coast of the us is also prone to violent storms, suggesting that a more frequent occurrences of non-supernatural disappearances would be expected.

•Moreover, insurance rates for shipping and travel within the triangle are higher than anywhere else.

•We are not used to large objects disappearing but the sea is more capable of making large object vanished entirely.




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