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Curriculum Vitae (CV) June 6, 2012

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BACKGROUND 1. Education SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY January 2001 – August 2006 Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA Doctorate of Philosophy in Management Information Systems and Technology SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY January 2001 – May 2003 Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA Master of Science in Management Information Systems INFORMATICS INSTITUTE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT September 1997 – July 2000 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY Master of Science in Information Systems DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS September 1993 – July 1997 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 2. Work experience other than teaching September 2006 – August 2008 Research Fellow The Kay Center for E-Health Research, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA February 2006 – August 2006 Research Associate The Kay Center for E-Health Research, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA July 2002 – August 2006 Research Associate Network Convergence Laboratory, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA

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January 2005 – January 2006 Lead Research Associate CITI, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA January 2002 – December 2004 Research Associate CITI, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA June 1999 – January 2001 Research Assistant Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey Systems Administrator September 1997 – September 1999 Industrial Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey

TEACHING 3. Teaching experience August 2006 – ongoing Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA September 2002 – May 2004 Teaching Assistant School of Information Science, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA September 1999 – January 2001 Teaching Assistant Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey 4. Teaching innovations at WPI New Course Development: I developed a new course called Innovating with Information Systems (MIS500) for the new MBA curriculum launched in Fall 2010. The new course was received very well (student evaluation Q2: 4.5). I designed the course to include the latest technologies that are being discussed in

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the field so that students can follow discussions in the media and in their own organizations about how to move forward with information technology (IT) innovations. While the topics covered were very current, I also provided necessary background about core IT topics (such as databases, networking, governance, etc.) to equip students with the foundational knowledge required to understand the complex IT issues faced by organizations. Unique Project Experience: In MIS4720 (D09), I revised the term project to involve different teams working together to develop a working information system. Each team (3-4 students) was responsible for different phases of different software projects. By using another team’s documentation as a starting point for their work, they understood the importance of complete and well-written documentation, and learned how to prepare complete documentation for each phase of the Systems Analysis and Design life cycle. They also learned the importance of negotiations during sign-offs between phases. This unique experience helped them understand and appreciate each phase of the cycle and experience an environment where they are involved in multiple projects at the same time. I refined this approach during D10 and brought in one of our alumni (Eric Twark) to provide a real project experience for undergraduate students. The same concept of teams rotating projects while transitioning from one phase to another was applied. In addition, Eric and his business partner came to student presentations and requirements gathering sessions and role-played the customer. This additional experience of role-playing made the process more realistic and provided students with invaluable feedback. Virtual Classroom Sessions: In MIS4720, MIS507, and MIS500 I conducted virtual class session using the “Interwise iMeeting” and Wimba applications. Students had a chance to experience the virtual meeting environments that are becoming more common in the business world. I used these experiences to explain how globally distributed virtual teams operate. Posting Lectures Online: For MIS507, I used Accordent (2007) and Echo (2009) to capture in-class lectures and shared these lectures through myWPI with students in ADLN (distance based) and on-campus sections. This enabled ADLN students who were interested in hearing in-class lectures to do so virtually. This also gave on-campus students an opportunity to review previous lectures at their own pace after the class. 5. Courses taught at WPI MIS4720 Systems Analysis and Design (required course) The students who take MIS4720 are usually juniors and seniors who are majoring or minoring in MIS. The course is a capstone for the MIS major/minor and gives students an opportunity to experience the full life cycle of a software

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development and implementation project in 7 weeks. Therefore, the term project is a big component of the final grade. I made major changes in D09 and D10, and some minor changes in D12 to help students better understand the course content.

Table 1 - MIS4720 Course Evaluation Summary

Term  Q2  mean  

 Q2  Univ.  

mean  Number  of  Evaluations  

Number  of  Students  

B06   4.25   4.00   8   8  D07   4.62   4.07   13   14  D08   4.00   4.02   10   13  D09   4.10   4.13   22   27  D10   3.60   4.06   14   16  D11   4.55   4.07   11   11  D12   4.70     16   16  

During D09, I stopped using a single case study for the term project where all teams worked on producing the same project. I introduced 3 different case studies that defined 3 projects and made 6 student teams rotate their deliverables after 2 major milestones. This changed the dynamics of the project significantly. The students understood how important project documentation is in large development environments. They also learned that development is only a small portion of a large project; the planning and analysis phase that comes before development is very important and could determine the direction of a project’s success. They also understood that development is not the final step. Testing, implementation and training, all of which could have an equally significant effect on project success, follow development and take time. This change was mostly received well even in the first year of implementation. During D10, two of our alumni (MIS’07 and ME’07) wanted to get involved with the course. They were entrepreneurs who established their software development business while they were studying at WPI and wanted to give back to our students by sharing their experiences in the field. I brought them in as “clients” for the term project and replaced the case studies used in earlier years with a case study we wrote together. The “clients” were present in the classroom and dedicated time outside the classroom to meet with the students and go over their progress. The students did not enjoy this experience as much as the well-defined and documented case study approach. The alumni brought in a very realistic environment where the students felt unclear about the goals of the project and clients’ expectations. I decided that a controlled environment for the term project is more suitable for undergraduate students and went back to the D09 design for D11. The course evaluations and mid-term evaluations helped me understand the issues students were facing and provided me with an opportunity to improve the course continuously. In its third year of implementation, students in D12 had an opportunity to choose from a larger pool of case studies that I developed through interactions with real clients.

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MIS573 Systems Design & Development (required course) Table 2 - MIS573 Course Evaluation Summary

Semester  Q2  mean  

 Q2  Univ.  

mean  Number  of  Evaluations  

Number  of  Students  

Spring  07   4.50   4.14   6   6  Spring  08   3.50   4.18   13   13  Spring  10   4.50   4.18   19   24  Spring  11   4.00   4.23   17   17  Spring  12   4.20     18   19  

MIS573 is similar to MIS4720 in terms of topics covered and course structure. It is a heavily project based course. The students in this course go through the system development life cycle from beginning to end with a real client. The students are responsible for finding their own clients and interacting with them throughout the project. At the graduate level, the students are professional enough to handle this delicate relationship and learn from it. Since client relationships are delicate, I do not require students to change projects between different phases of the development cycle. However, I introduced formal review assignments where each group is responsible for reviewing another group’s documentation and providing constructive feedback pointing out issues that they identified and suggestions to improve the quality of work. The review documents that groups develop are shared with the group under review and are graded by me as part of their project grade. Each group conducts reviews of two other groups throughout the semester. This gives students an opportunity to learn from each other by identifying strengths and weaknesses. MIS507 Management Information Systems (required course)

Table 3 - MIS507 Course Evaluation Summary

Semester   Q2  mean  Q2  Univ.  

mean  Number  of  Evaluations  

Number  of  Students  

Fall  07   3.68   4.17   25   25  Fall  07  ADLN   3.88   4.17   8   13  Fall  09   4.40   4.20   29   31  Fall  09  ADLN   3.00   4.20   6   24  

MIS507 was designed as a foundation course for MS and MBA students in the Department of Management. The course content was based on the old Information Systems curriculum. In Fall 07, I taught this course for the first time and made minor modifications to include more case studies. The students were in general not satisfied with the content and the way the course was structured. In 2009, I redesigned the course after discussions with other MIS faculty. This improvement was well received by the students in in-class section as the course evaluations indicate. At the same time, the new MBA curriculum was under development: MIS507 was eliminated from the new curriculum and a new course, MIS500 – Innovating with information Systems, was introduced as a new introductory MIS course for MBA and MS students.

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MIS500 Innovating with Information Systems (required course) Table 4 - MIS500 Course Evaluation Summary

Semester   Q2  mean  Q2  Univ.  

mean  Number  of  Evaluations  

Number  of  Students  

Fall  10   4.50   4.25   26   28  Fall  11   4.20   4.21   32   36  

I developed MIS500 (a required course for MSIT and MBA students) as a new introductory MIS course and included new concepts in the Information Technology domain. This case based course was well received the first year. I eliminated the use of power point in this course to encourage student involvement in case-based teaching. I arranged the chairs in the room (WB323) to create a big circle where everyone, including myself, was part of the same circle facing each other. This improved the class discussion tremendously. The second year, I was assigned a classroom with fixed desks (SL105). Although it was a nicer room, I believe the classroom setup affected the ability of the students to participate and be comfortable talking to each other about the course content. I included different teaching techniques to address the needs of all students. Some sessions were based on individual participation in discussions, some sessions were group work and discussion among groups, other sessions were in debate format where students assigned themselves to either side of an argument and few students formed the judging panel. Given that both MBA and MS students take this course, students with very different backgrounds come together in the classroom. I used this as an opportunity for students to share their expertise. In some sessions, I asked technically oriented students to give small lectures to non-technical students in groups to cover the background material. I personally enjoyed teaching this new course since it covers content that is up-to-date and allows students to bring in talking points to the classroom from their personal work experience. 6. Undergraduate projects advised and co-advised at WPI IQP IQP1. 2011 (A11-B11-C12) “The Emerging Role of Robotics in Smart Health

Care” Students: Conrad Bzura, Hosung Im, Wan (Tammy) Liu, Kevin S. Malehorn (co-advised with Taskin Padir)

IQP2. 2010 (A10-B10-C11) “R.E.A.C.H. Program Data Management Solution”

Students: Alex Becker, Christopher Cullinan, Michael Gheorghe, Nhi Vo, Zijian (Donnie) Xia Sponsor: R.E.A.C.H Program at St. Elizabeth Hospital

IQP3. 2009 (A09-B09-C10) “Web-site Design for the R.E.A.C.H. program at St.

Elizabeth Hospital” Students: Ryan M. Brown, Ashleigh E. Wood Sponsor: R.E.A.C.H Program at St. Elizabeth Hospital

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IQP4. 2009 (A09-B09-C10) “Web-site Design at Family Health Center of

Worcester” Students: Olufunmilayo O. Adebayo, Jing Zhang Sponsor: Family Health Center of Worcester (co-advised with Diane M. Strong)

IQP5. 2008 (A08-B08-D09) “InfantCare: A Personal Health Record System

Prototype for the Next Generation” Students: Erik L Archambault, Konstantin Naryshkin (co-advised with Murali Mani)

IQP6. 2008 (C08-D08, PQP B07) "Health Services Curricula Study and

Recommendations" Students: Ahmed Furkan Gul, Yusuf Ziya Aydin (co-advised with Diane M. Strong)

IQP7. 2007 (C07, PQP B06) “Assessment of Bus Stops in Worcester”

Students: Chase Johnson, Stephen J. King, Rachael Petty, Liza A. Tuttle Sponsor: Worcester Project Center (co-advised with Chickery J. Kasouf)

MQP MQP1. 2010 (A10-B10-C11) “MomOmeter: Smartphone Pregnancy Application

for Android” Students: Evan Duderewicz, Brendan Harris, Thomas Jenkins, Ken Miyauchi, Michael Ng Sponsor: University of Massachusetts Medical School (co-advised with Emmanuel Agu)

MQP2. 2010 (A10-B10) “Redesigning SDLC for HTG”

Students: Stephanie Manson, Khushbu Patel, Trevor Podber Sponsor: Hanover Insurance (co-advised with Vance Wilson and Amy Zeng)

MQP3. 2009 (A09-B09-C10) “System Engineer Account Logistics Dashboard”

Students: Nhi Dao, Rui Dai, Brian Ketterer, John Russo Sponsor: Cisco

MQP4. 2009 (A09-B09-C10) “Flow Improvement of the Family Health Center of

Worcester’s Dental Clinic” Students: Jillian Cohen, Batuhan Gizer, Abigail Piva Sponsor: Family Health Center of Worcester Dental Clinic (co-advised with Sharon Johnson)

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MQP5. 2007 (A07-B07-C08) “Secure Implementation for Business Use of Second Life, Blogs, and Wikis” Students: Angela Burrows, Stephen King, and Stefan Rashkov Sponsor: EMC

MQP6. 2007 (A07-B07-C08) "Telemental Health"

Students: Justin Odom (co-advised with Eleanor T. Loiacono)

MQP7. 2006 (A06-B06) “The Hanover Insurance Group Reporting System

Analysis” Students: Andrew D. Bailey, Daniel W. Caron, Catherine E. Carrigan, Jarthly Monterroso Sponsor: Hanover Insurance (co-advised with Diane M. Strong)

7. Graduate theses and dissertations advised at WPI (Students earning master’s degrees in the School of Business do not have thesis requirements and the School does not offer a doctoral program) 1. Dissertation Committee member, 2011-09-16 “Assessment of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in Type I diabetic mice” by Bufan Yang (Advisor: Ki H. Chon) 8. Independent studies conducted at WPI 2008 D Term – " Measuring Network Impairments: A Prototype for Providing Real-Time Feedback" Student(s): Rui Dai 2011 Spring – “Utilization of Personal Health Records” Student(s): Rajashree Baradur, Esha Mahesh Shah 9. Academic advising at WPI Spring 10: 1 undergraduate Fall 10: 9 undergraduates, 8 graduates Spring 11: 12 undergraduates, 8 graduates Fall 11: 9 undergraduates, 13 graduates Spring 12: 9 undergraduates, 14 graduates 10. Honors, awards, and other recognition related to teaching Press Coverage of IQP Work - “WPI Students Lauded for Developing New Website for Worcester's Family Health Center” (

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SCHOLARSHIP 11. Publications Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications J1. Feldman, S., Horan, T.A., Al-Buhairani, F., Lytle, N., Tulu, B. (2011)

“Information Systems for Disability Determination: A Multi-Stakeholder Assessment of Electronic Medical Evidence Needs and Processes” The Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

J2. LeRouge, C., Tulu, B., Forducey, P. (2010) “The Business of Telemedicine:

Strategy Primer”, Telemedicine and e-health; Vol.16, No.8, pp.898-909. J3. Wilson, E.V., Tulu, B. (2010) "The Rise of A Health-IT Academic Focus"

Communications of the ACM; Vol.53, No.5, pp.147-150. J4. Tulu, B., Horan, T.A. (2009) “The Electronic Disability Record: Purpose,

Parameters, and Model Use Case” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association; Vol.16 No.1, pp.7-13.

J5. Djamasbi, S.; Tulu, B.; Loiacono, E.; and Whitefleet-Smith, J. (2008) "Can a

Reasonable Time Limit Improve the Effective Usage of a Computerized Decision Aid?" The Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol.23, Article 22.

J6. Tulu, B., Chatterjee, S. (2008) “Internet Based Telemedicine: An Empirical

Investigation of Objective and Subjective Video Quality” Decision Support Systems, Vol.45, No.4, pp. 681-696.

J7. Tulu, B., Chatterjee, S., Maheshwari, M. (2007) “Telemedicine Taxonomy: A

Classification Tool” Telemedicine and e-health, Vol.13, No.3, pp.349-358. J8. Tulu, B., Burkhard, R.J., Horan, T.A. (2006) “Continuing Use of Medical

Information Systems by Medical Professionals: Empirical Evaluation of a Work System Model” The Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.18, Article 31.

J9. Lafky, D. B., Tulu, B., Horan, T.A. (2006) “A User-Driven Approach to

Personal Health Records” The Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.17, Article 46.

J10. Tulu, B., Hilton, B. N., Horan, T.A. (2006) “Improving Disability Evaluation

Process Productivity: Linking Innovative Business Models with Information Technology” International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, Vol.7, Nos.1/2, pp.168–182.

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J11. Chatterjee, S., Tulu, B., Abhichandani, T., Li, H., (2005) “SIP-based Enterprise Converged Network for Voice/Video over IP: Implementation and Evaluation of Components” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.23, No.10, pp.1921-1933.

J12. Chatterjee, S., Abhichandani, T., Li, H., Tulu, B., Byun, J. (2005) “Instant

Messaging and Presence Technologies for College Campuses” IEEE Network, Vol.19, No.3, May/June, pp.4-13.

J13. Tulu, B., Li, H., Chatterjee, S., Hilton, B. N., and Horan, T. A. (2005)

“Implementing Digital Signatures for Healthcare Enterprises: The Case of Online Disability Evaluation Reports” International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, Vol.6, No.4/5/6, pp.470-488.

J14. Gemmill, J., Srinivasan, A., Lynn, A., Chatterjee S., Tulu, B., Abhichandani

T. (2004) "Middleware for Scalable Real-time Multimedia Communications Cyberinfrastructure" Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.5, No.4.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications (WPI student authors are marked in bold italic) C1. Bzura, C., Im, H., Liu, W., Malehorn, K. S., Padir, T., Tulu, B. (2012) “A

Taxonomy for User-Healthcare Robot Interaction” Proceedings of the 34th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, August 28-September 1, 2012, San Diego, California, USA. (based on an IQP, includes WPI undergraduate students as authors)

C2. Tulu, B., Strong, D., Agu, E., Pedersen, P., He, S., Wang, L. (2012) “Diabetes Self Management: Role of Mobile Apps in Supporting Patients with Advanced Diabetes and Foot Ulcers” Proceedings of Medicine 2.0 5th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web2.0, September 15-16, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

C3. Malehorn, K. S., Liu, W., Im, H., Bzura, C., Padir, T., Tulu, B. (2012)

“The Emerging Role of Robotics in Home Health Care” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 4-7, 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA. (based on an IQP, includes WPI undergraduate students as authors)

C4. LeRouge, C., Tulu, B., Forducey, P. (2012) “Change and Project Management Critical Success Factor Model for Design and Implementation of a Telemedicine”,17th Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association, April 29, May 1, 2012, San Jose, CA, USA.

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C5. Tulu, B., Strong, D., Johnson, S., Bar-On, I., Trudel, J., Garber, L. (2012) “Personal Health Records: Identifying Utilization Patterns from System Use Logs and Patient Interview”, Proceedings of 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS- 45), January 4-7, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA. (nominated for best paper award)

C6. Tulu, B., Agu, E., Ng, M., Duderewicz, E., Harris, B., Jenkins, T.,

Miyaguchi, K., Moore-Simas, T., Rosal, M. (2011) “Mom-O-Meter: A self help pregnancy Android app”. Poster, American Medical Informatics Association 2011 Annual Symposium, October 23-26, 2011, Washington, D.C., USA. (based on a MQP, includes WPI undergraduate students as authors)

C7. Wilson. E. V., & Tulu, B. (2011). Increasing the transparency of patient-

provider email with real-time monitoring (pp. 117-120). In M Reddy, L. Mamykina, & A. G. Parker (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH), October 2011, Washington D.C., USA.

C8. McGimpsey, M., Strong, D., Johnson, S., Bar-On, I., Tulu, B. (2011)

“Autonomy and Electronic Health Records: Can We Have Both?” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA.

C9. Loiacono, E.; Djamasbi, S.; Tulu, B.; Pavlov, O. (2011) “Generation Y and

Virtual Job Recruiting” Proceedings of HCI International, July 9-14, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA.

C10. Strong, D., Johnson, S., Bar-On, I., Tulu, B., Pelletier, L., Volkoff, O.,

Garber, L., Trudel, J. (2010) “EHRs as an Agent of Change for Improving Health Care Delivery Processes”. Poster AMIA-0397-A2009, American Medical Informatics Association 2010 Annual Symposium, November 13-17, 2010, Washington, D.C., USA.

C11. Forducey, P., LeRouge, C., Tulu, B. (2010) “A Case Study on TeleStroke:

Guidelines for Success” Poster Presentation at the 15th Annual International Meeting of the American Telemedicine Association, May 16-18, 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA.

C12. Strong, DM, Volkoff O, Pelletier, LR, Johnson, SA, Bar-On, I, Tulu, B,

Garber, LD, Kashyap, NM, Trudel, JW (2009) “A Theory of Clinic-EHR Affordance Actualization” Journal of the AIS Theory Development Workshop at ICIS, December 14, 2009, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

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C13. Pelletier, LR, Johnson, SA, Strong, DM, Tulu, B, Bar-On, I, Trudel, JW, Kashyap, NM, Garber, LD (2009) “Standardization of Health Care Delivery Processes: A Qualitative Study of the Effects of Electronic Health Record Systems” Proceedings of the AMIA 2009 Annual Symposium, November 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.

C14. Tulu, B, Mani, M, Archambault, E, Naryshkin, K. (2009) “Designing

Personal Health Records for Parents of Infants: An Application Developed Using Google Health APIs” Proceedings of the AMIA 2009 Annual Symposium, November 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA. (based on an IQP, includes WPI undergraduate students as authors)

C15. Strong, D. M., Tulu, B., Pelletier, L. R., Johnson, S. A., Bar-On, I., Volkoff,

O., Garber, L., Kashyap, N., Trudel, J. (2009) “EHR Affordances and their Actualizations”, Extended Abstract, presented at the SIG-Health Workshop associated with the Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 6, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.

C16. Feldman, S., Horan, T., Al-Buhairan, F., Lytle; N., Tulu, B. (2009) “Health

Information Technology Tools for Vulnerable Populations: Improving the Disability Determination Process.” Proceedings of the AMIA 2009 Spring Congress, May 28-30, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.

C17. Dawson, J., Schooley, B., Tulu, B. (2009) “A Real World Perspective:

Employee Perspectives of Employer Sponsored Personal Health Record” Proceedings of 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS- 42), January 5-8, 2009, Hawaii, USA.

C18. Tulu, B., Dai, R. (2008) “Measuring Network Impairments: A Prototype for

Providing Real-Time Feedback” Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, December 13-14, 2008, Paris, France, pp.257. (based on an ISP, includes WPI undergraduate student as author)

C19. Tulu, B., Daniels, S. Feldman, S., Horan, T.A. (2008) “Role of Health

Information Technology (HIT) in Disability Determinations: When Medical Records Become Medical Evidence” Proceedings of the AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium, November 8-12, 2008, Washington, D.C., USA.

C20. LeRouge, C., Tulu, B. (2008) “Telemedicine: Creating the Value-Added

Paradigm for Medical Video Conferencing” Proceedings of the AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium, November 8-12, 2008, Washington, D.C., USA.

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C21. Chatterjee, S., Obal, L., Tulu, B., Murthy, S. (2008) “Stakeholder Analysis Framework for IT Enabled Healthcare Outsourcing: Critical Success Factors” ”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 14-17, 2008, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

C22. Tulu, B., Loiacono, E., Gupta, S., Pandya, H., Goyal, A., Odom, J.

(2008) “Internet-base Telemedicine: Impacts of Network Impairments on Tele-Psychometric Evaluations”, Poster Presentation at the 13th Annual International Meeting of the American Telemedicine Association, April 6-8, 2008, Seattle, WA, USA. (based on an MQP, includes WPI undergraduate and graduate students as authors)

C23. Gomez Reynoso, J. M., Tulu, B. (2007) “Electronic Medical Records

Adoption Challenges in Mexico” Proceedings of the AMIA 2007 Annual Symposium, November 10-14, 2007, Chicago, IL, USA.

C24. Chatterjee, S., Hilton, B., Li, H., Hassan, T., Tulu, B., McCraty, R. (2007)

"Freeze Framer: A Prototype Tool to Monitor Stress and Heart Rate Variability", Proceedings of the AMIA 2007 Annual Symposium, November 10-14, 2007, Chicago, IL, USA.

C25. Chatterjee, S., Hilton, B., Li, H., Hassan, T., Tulu, B., McCraty, R. (2006)

"Freeze Framer: A Prototype Tool to Monitor Stress and Heart Rate Variability", Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, December 9-10, 2006, Milwaukee, WI, USA, pp.232.

C26. Tulu B., Chatterjee, S. (2006) "Metrics for Measuring Internet-based

Telemedicine Quality: An Empirical Investigation for Ophthalmology", Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on eHealth Networking Application and Services (Healthcom2006), August 17-19, 2006, New Delhi, India.

C27. Tulu B., Chatterjee, S., Maheshwari, M. (2006) "Telehealth Taxonomy: A

Tool to Classify Telehealth Programs and Applications", Poster Presentation at the Eleventh Annual International Meeting & Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association, May 7-10, 2006, San Diego, California, USA.

C28. Tulu B., Chatterjee, S. (2005) ”Understanding the Impact of Network

Impairments Over Internet-based Telemedicine Video Traffic”, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'05), December 10-11, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

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C29. Tulu, B., Horan, T.A., Burkhard, R. (2005) “Dimensions of Work Practice Compatibility and Influences on Actual System Use: Examining Physician Use of Online Disability Evaluation Systems”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 10-14, 2005, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.

C30. Tulu B., Chatterjee, S., Laxminarayan, S. (2005) “A Taxonomy of

Telemedicine Efforts with respect to Applications, Infrastructure, Delivery Tools, Type of Setting and Purpose”, Proceedings of 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS- 38), January 3-6, 2005, Hawaii, USA.

C31. Tulu, B., Li, H., Chatterjee, S., Hilton, B. N., Lafky, D., and Horan, T. A.

(2004) “Design and Implementation of a Digital Signature Solution for a Healthcare Enterprise”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 5-8, 2004, New York, New York, USA.

C32. Gomez Reynoso, J. M., Al-Busaidi, K., Tulu, B., and Ryan, T. (2004) “An

Experimental Study on User Satisfaction and Comparison Shopping Agents for Product Evaluation”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 5-8, 2004, New York, New York, USA.

C33. Al-Busaidi, K., Gomez Reynoso, J. M., and Tulu, B. (2004) “An Empirical

Approach to Evaluate the Effects of Comparison Shopping Agents on Customer Satisfaction”, 15th Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 23-26, 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

C34. Horan, T., Tulu, B., Hilton, B., Burton, J. (2004) “Use of Online Systems in

Clinical Medical Assessments: An Analysis of Physician Acceptance of Online Disability Evaluation Systems”, Proceedings of 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS- 37), January 5-8, 2004, Hawaii, USA. (nominated for best paper award)

C35. Tulu, B., Hilton. B., Horan. T.A. (2003) “Physicians’ Acceptance of Web-

Based Medical Assessment Systems: Findings from a National Survey”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 4-6, 2003, Tampa, FL.

C36. Tulu, B., Chatterjee, S. (2003) “A New Security Framework for HIPAA-

Compliant Health Information Systems”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 4-6, 2003, Tampa, FL.

C37. Abhichandani, T., Tulu, B., Chatterjee, S., Gemmill, J.B. (2003)

“Middleware for Secured Video-Conferencing”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 4-6, 2003, Tampa, FL.

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C38. Tulu, B., Abhichandani, T., Chatterjee, S., Li, H. (2003) “Design and Development of a SIP-Based Video Conferencing Application”, Proceedings of Sixth IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC’03), July 23-25, 2003, Estoril, Portugal.

C39. Tulu, B., Abhichandani, T., Chatterjee, S., Li, H. (2003) “Secure

Videoconferencing for Telemedicine”, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Healthcare Industry, June 6-7, 2003, Santa Monica, CA.

C40. Hilton, B., Horan, T., Tulu, B. (2003) “GIS-Enabled Intelligent Call Center

System”, 14th Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 18-21, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters B1. Dawson J., Tulu B., Horan, T. (2008) “Towards Patient-Centered Care:

The Role of E-Health in Enabling Patient Access to Health Information” in Patient-Centered E-Health, Ed. Wilson, E. V., by IGI Global, Hershey PA.

B2. Horan, T., Tulu, B., Hilton, B., (2005) “Understanding Physician Use of

Online Systems: An Empirical Assessment of an Electronic Disability Evaluation System”, in E-Health Systems Diffusion and Use: The Innovation, the User and the USE IT Model, Ed. Schuring, R.W. and Spil, T.A.M., by Idea Group Inc. Hershey, PA.

B3. Hilton, B., Horan, T., Tulu, B. (2004) “Geographic Information Systems in

Health Care Services” in Geographic Information Systems in Business, Ed. Pick, J., Idea Group Inc, Hershey, PA.

12. Fellowships and grants Grants Awarded Source/Program: National Science Foundation (#NSF-IIS-1065298) Title: “SHB: Medium: Self-care Management: Patient-Centered Diabetic Wound Care Using Smart Phones” PI: Diane Strong Co-PIs: Bengisu Tulu, Emmanuel Agu, Peder Pedersen, Ronald Ignotz (UMMS) Duration: September 2011 – August 2015 Award Amount: $ 1,199,046 Source/Program: Veterans Affairs Title: “New England Health Care Engineering Partnership” PI: Isa Bar-On Co-PIs: Sharon Johnson, Bengisu Tulu Duration: February 2010 – February 2015 Amount: $ 300,000 for each year

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Source/Program: National Science Foundation (#NSF-SES-0826842) Title: “Health Information Technology as an Agent of Change for Improving Health Care Delivery Processes” PI: Diane Strong Co-PIs: Isa Bar-On, Sharon Johnson, Nitu Kashyap, Edward Westrick Senior Personnel: Bengisu Tulu, Lawrence Garber, Stuart Pollack, William Corbett, Roger Luckmann Duration: October 2008 – September 2011 Amount: $ 749,985 Source/Program: WPI Internal - Faculty Advancement in Research (FAR) Award Title: “Internet Based Telemedicine: An Empirical Investigation of Objective and Subjective Video Quality for Telementalhealth” PI: Bengisu Tulu Duration: July 2007 – June 2008 Amount: $14,000 Source/Program: Sub-award from Claremont Graduate University (sub-contract) Title: "Freeze Framer Extension" PI: Bengisu Tulu Duration: March 2007 – April 2007. Amount: $2,560 Source/Program: Claremont Graduate University (sub-contract) Title: "Freeze Framer Extension" PI: Bengisu Tulu Amount: $9,095 Duration: September, 2006 – April 2007 Grant Proposals Under Review Source/Program: UMMS subcontract for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Title: “Personal Health Information management through Smartphone Applications: Supporting the Physical Activity Needs of Aging Adults with Arthiritis” PI: Bengisu Tulu Co-PIs: Diane Strong, Emmanuel Agu Submission Date: February 2012 Requested Amount: $ 1,081,958 (WPI subcontract only) Source/Program: UMMS subcontract for NIH R21 Title: “Feasibility trial of a problem-solving weight loss mobile application” PI: Bengisu Tulu Co-PIs: Emmanuel Agu Submission Date: June 16, 2012 Requested Amount: $ 90,000 (WPI subcontract only)

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Grant Proposals Not Funded Source/Program: McKesson Foundation Title: “Managing Diabetic Pregnancies with Smartphones” PI: Diane Strong Co-PIs: Bengisu Tulu, Emmanuel Agu, E. Vance Wilson, Tiffany Simas-Moore, Milagros Rosal, Ann Baniukiewicz Submission Date: April 2011 Requested Amount: $ 249,503 Source/Program: NIH - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Title: “Integrating Digital Images into Electronic Health Records to Improve Wound Care” PI: Bengisu Tulu Co-PIs: Ronald Ignotz, Peder Pedersen Submission Date: June 2010 Requested Amount: $ 295,959 Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – CNS Title: “TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Patient-Centric Privacy: A Multi-Owner Security and Privacy Framework for Personal Health Records” PI: Wenjing Lou Co-PIs: Bengisu Tulu, Diane Strong, Joshua Guttman Submission Date: September 2010 Requested Amount: $ 726,091 Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – SES/DRMS Title: “Decision Making: The Role of Affect and its Management in the Use of Information Systems (IS) during Emergencies” PI: Eleanor Loiacono Co-PIs: Soussan Djamasbi, Bengisu Tulu, and Yitzhak Mendelson Submission Date: August 2010 Requested Amount: $ 894,956 Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – CNS Title: CPS: Small: Collaborative Research “Patient-Centric Privacy and Security Mechanisms for Personal Health Records” PI: Wenjing Lou Co-PIs: Bengisu Tulu and Diane Strong Submission Date: March 2010 Requested Amount: $400,000

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Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – SES/DRMS Title: “Decision Making: The Role of Affect and its Management in the Use of Information Systems (IS) during Emergencies” PI: Eleanor Loiacono Co-PIs: Soussan Djamasbi, Bengisu Tulu, and Yitzhak Mendelson Submission Date: August 2009 Requested Amount: $674,736 Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – SES/DRMS Title: “Decision Making: The Role of Affect and its Management in the Use of Information Systems (IS) during Emergencies” PI: Eleanor Loiacono Co-PIs: Soussan Djamasbi, Bengisu Tulu, and JoAnn Whitefleet Submission Date: January 2008. Requested Amount: $497,036 Source/Program: National Science Foundation (NSF) – IIS – Creative IT Title: “The Elegant Solution: Portraits of Beautiful IT Solutions”” PI: Steve Taylor Co-PIs: Bengisu Tulu, Eleanor Loiacono Submission Date: October 2007 Requested Amount: $199,724 Source/Program: Department of Education – NIDRR-FIP Title: “Improving Health Management: A Field Test of a PHR in Disability Communities” PI: Thomas A. Horan, Claremont Graduate University Co-PI: Bengisu Tulu Submission Date: September 2007 Requested Amount: $69,983 Fellowships Awarded Phi Beta Kappa Alumni – Alpha Association Scholarship Duration: Fall 2005 Amount: $1,600 Full Scholarship from Turkish Higher Education Council Duration: 2001-2004 Amount: $100,000 13. Professional presentations 1. Invited Speaker, “Personal Health Records: Identifying Utilization Patterns

from System Use Logs and Patient Interviews” at WPI Biomedical Engineering Seminars, WPI, Worcester, MA, February 1, 2012.

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2. Invited Speaker, “Research Portfolio of the Healthcare Delivery Institute at WPI” at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, January 13, 2012.

3. Invited Speaker, “Meet HDI @ WPI” at University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Medicine, Worcester, MA, November 28, 2011.

4. Invited Presentation, “Synergies and Challenges of Working across University, VERC, and QUERI” at the VA Engineering Resource Center Symposium, August 3-4, 2011, Detroit, Michigan.

5. Invited Speaker “Collaboration Opportunities between VA and University” at SIGHEALTH Workshop at AMCIS, August 4, 2011, Detroit, Michigan.

6. Panel Moderator, “Innovations in Mobile Health” at careInnovators 2011, Boston, MA, May 13, 2011.

7. Invited Speaker, “Disability Determination Process: An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Incomplete Medical Evidence”, Kay Center Study Briefing, Washington, DC, March 4, 2008.

8. Invited Speaker, "Intersection of Information Technology and Healthcare", presented at the 2nd Conference on Exact Sciences at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, September 24-28, 2007, Aguascalientes, Mexico.

9. Invited Speaker, "Connecting Disability Users and Systems to Health Information Networks", Kay Center Disability Policy Forum, April 19, 2007, Washington, DC, USA.

10. Invited Presentation, Kay-CGU Annual Symposium on “Pacific Edge E-Health Innovations: Linking Research, Practice and Policy to Benefit Consumers and Communities”, December 1-2, 2006, Claremont, CA, USA.

11. Invited Presentation, Kay-Cornell Policy Forum on “Electronic Disability Records: How to link the needs of people with disabilities to the national health initiatives?”, October 17, 2006 Washington, DC, USA.

12. Invited Roundtable Participant, "Women in IT - Emerging Leaders", First International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2006), February 24-25, 2006, Claremont, CA, USA.

14. Patents None 15. Consultanships None

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16. Scholarship in progress Journal Papers under Review 1. “A Theory of Clinic-EHR Affordance Actualization” by Strong, D.M., Volkoff,

O., Johnson, S.A., Pelletier, L., Tulu, B., Bar-On, I., Garber, L., Trudel, J. revise and resubmit 3rd round at Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

2. “Monitoring Adherence to Evidence-Based Practices: A Method to Utilize HL7

Messages from Hospital Information Systems” by Konrad, R., Tulu, B., Lawley, M. submitted in January 2012 to Decision Sciences Journal.

Journal Papers in Progress 1. “Can Autonomous Local Decision Making Co-exist with Centralized Electronic

Health Record Systems? ” Co-authors: Sharon Johnson, Diane Strong, Isa Bar-On Target: Summer 2012

2. Critical Success Factors for Telestroke Programs Co-authors: Cynthia LeRouge, Pam Forducey Target: International Journal of Medical Informatics, Summer, 2012

3. “Personal Health Record System Utilization”

Co-authors: Diane M. Strong, Sharon A. Johnson, Larry Garber, John Trudel Target: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Summer 2012

4. An Empirical Study on New Work Design Within and Between Organizations Co-authors: Cynthia LeRouge, Lars Mathiassen Target: MIS Quarterly, Summer 2012

17. Professional society memberships and offices Member of: • ACM • IEEE • Association for Information Systems (AIS)

- SIG-Health (Publicity coordinator) • American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) • American Telemedicine Association (ATA)

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18. Editorial and referee activities Editorial Activities • Journals – Associate Editor for:

o The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) – Special Issue on “Health Care IT Process, People and Patients”

• Conference – Associate Editor for: o European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2010, 2012 o International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2009, 2011 - IT

in Healthcare Track Referee Activities • Journals - Ad Hoc Reviewer for:

o Policy and Internet (2012) o MIS Quarterly (2010, 2011) o Journal of the Association for Information Systems, JAIS (2010) o Journal of Business Research (2009) o Journal of Systems and Software (2009) o Multimedia Systems (2009) o Communications of the Association for Information Systems, CAIS

(2005, 2007, 2008) o European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) – Special Issue on

“Healthcare Information Systems Research, Revelations and Visions.” (2007)

o IEEE Network (2006) o Decision Support Systems (DSS) – (Special issue on "Decision

Support in Medicine" 2005, Special issue on “Healthcare Modeling” 2010)

o Information Systems Frontier Journal – Special Issue on “Network Convergence” (2004)

• Books – Ad Hoc Reviewer for:

o Patient-Centered E-Health, Ed. Wilson, E. V. (Book by IGI Global, Hershey PA) (2007)

o GIS in Business (Book by Idea Group Inc.) (2003) • Conferences – Ad Hoc Reviewer for:

o American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, 2012

o Medicine 2.0, 2012 o European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2010 o Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2005,

2007, 2010, 2012 o DESRIST 2007

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o Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2003, 2004, 2005

o International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2005 o International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in

Healthcare Industry, Healthcom 2003, 2004 19. Honors, awards, and other recognition related to scholarship Best paper nominations at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences in 2004 and 2012. Press Coverage of Work - “The Quick, Nimble Find Opportunities”, in Worcester Business Journal, 2010 ( - “Translating IT into Better Healthcare”, in WPI Transformations, 2010 ( - “WPI Researchers Form Health Care Tech Center”, in Worcester Business Journal, 2009 ( - “Worcester Polytechnic team lands $1.2M for 'sugar' app”, in HealthcareIT News, December 12, 2011 ( - “WPI team gets $1.2M from NIH for diabetes care app”, in Mass High Tech, December 12, 2011 ( - “Researchers Awarded US$1.2 Million to Develop Smartphone App for Diabetics”, in medtechinsider, December 12, 2011, (

SERVICE TO 20. Profession 1. AIS-SIG-Health Publicity Coordinator (appointed position) – since 2009

2. ICIS and ECIS Healthcare Track Associate Editor (2009, 2012)

3. SIG-Health Workshop associated with the Americas Conference on

Information Systems (AMCIS) 2009 Table Discussion Leader

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4. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2006 - 2011 Mini Track Chair - “Role of technology in improving health care delivery processes” - “Consumer-Centric Health Information Systems” - “Towards Consumer-Centric Health Information Systems in the 21st Century”, SIG-Health

5. Association of Information Systems Special Interest Group on Health IT

Member of the 2007 Nominating Committee 6. DESRIST 2007

Member of Program Committee and Best Paper Award Committee Chief Coordinator of the Best Paper Award Committee

7. Kay-CGU Annual Symposium 2007

Member of the Program Committee 21. Department and university Fall 2009 (ongoing) – Healthcare Delivery Institute (formerly Center for e-Health Innovation and Process Transformation - CeHIPT) Executive Council Founding Member, now called Faculty Executive Council Fall 2009-Spring 2012 – Member of the Graduate Policy and Curriculum Committee (GPCC) at the School of Business (Chair during 2010-11 academic year) Fall 2009 – Member of the search committee for a visiting professor in the field of MIS (interviewed candidates at ICIS 2009) July 2007 - Attended the department retreat on positioning and direction Fall 2007 - Explored the possibility of introducing healthcare as a focus area in the department of management with Diane Strong, Sharon Johnson, Mac Banks. December 2006 - Participated in the department retreat for learning outcomes assessment CeHIPT Aspinwall Symposium Series: I co-chaired the First and Second CeHIPT breakfast symposium with Prof. Johnson and chaired the First Aspinwall Annual Symposium with the help of Vera Tice. These events brought WPI recognition as one of the key players in healthcare innovation. CeHIPT had a very successful first symposium on October 8, 2009 at WPI. Three panelists (Peter Levin, PhD, Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Jody Gittell, PhD, Associate Professor of Management and MBA Program Director at Brandeis

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University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management, and Tim Ferris, MD, MPH, Medical Director for the Massachusetts General Physician Organization) helped us explore opportunities for better integrating health information technology and process design. The second breakfast symposium was held on April 8, 2010 at WPI. Two panelists (Blackford Middleton, MD, MPH, Partners Healthcare System and Michael F. Mayo-Smith, MD, MPH, Network Director for the VA New England Healthcare System) helped us explore the current and near future opportunities for using HIT data to improve healthcare delivery processes. More than 50 participants (mostly from local healthcare organizations such as UMass Medical School, UMass Memorial, Fallon Clinic, Family Health Center of Worcester, GE, IBM, New England VA, BCBS, etc.) attended these invitation only events and had a chance to interact with the panelists and with each other in breakout sessions to identify potential collaboration opportunities and urgent problems that should be addressed in this area. I also chaired CeHIPT's First Annual Aspinwall Symposium, held on April 4, 2011. Two internationally recognized speakers (Patricia Flatley Brennan, PhD, RN – Moehlman Bascom Professor and Director, Living Environment Laboratories, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Daniel Sands, MD, MPH – Senior Medical Informatics Director and Director, Healthcare Business Transformation at Cisco Systems) presented to more than 100 attendees. This symposium featured a half-day program with research poster presentations by CeHIPT faculty and students and panel discussions followed by a networking reception. 22. Students at WPI I have provided assistantships for graduate and undergraduate students through my research budget. They were given an opportunity to work on cutting edge research topics and to gain experience during their education. August 2006-2012 – Attended the “Annual New Graduate Management Student Welcoming Dinner” May 2006-12 – Attended Student Recognition Dinner for graduating students of School of Business (formerly Department of Management) September 2006, 2007 - Attended the reception in honor of WPI’s New Female Students hosted by Dr. Catherine Berkey 23. Community Member of the Parent Advisory Board, REACH Program at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Boston, MA. (2008-9)

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OTHER August 2006 – Attended the New Faculty Orientation

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