benefits of cad cam dental systems

Post on 28-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Benefits of Cad Cam Dental Systems

What is CAD/CAM Dental?

CAD/CAM Dentistry is making use of CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design or

Computer Aided Manufacturing) for the designing and manufacturing of dental

restorations such as crowns, fixed bridges, crown lays, veneers, inlays and outlays,

dentures, dental implant restorations and more. With the use of the advanced

method of design or creation, CAD/CAM helps in faster design and creation of

quality material.

A scanner, software and a mill is all the dental lab would need to design and

create CAD/CAM Dental restoration products. Since these three things can be

incorporated within a single workspace, it becomes easier to create these dental

restorations faster, using easier methods and at considerably lower costs. To be

more precise, the implementation of CAD and CAM in creation of dental

restorations makes it a simpler task that can b accomplished soon. Let us see the

main benefits of implanting this method in dentistry.

1. Packaged at one place: With the implementation of CAD and CAM, every

component required is produced at a single place. Obtaining all

components from the same company proves to be an advantage for labs.

Since the technicians would have to simply deal with the scanner, software

and mill installed in one place, they do not have to have the in depth

knowledge of the working. They just need to know a few introductory steps

about how to work with such an interface. It is advantageous for a lab to

obtain all components from a single source and thus it would help in

further maintenance jobs. The lab would then know whom to look up to for

any maintenance or repair work that comes.

2. Single Source: When a lab itself has a system such as the Ceramill, it can

take up in-house production of hardware. This will save enough of time and

will prove to be more cost effective. Installation of a mill within the

premises will help avoid sending a large number of material requirements

to outer mills. This ability to take up production within the lab increases the

time and cost efficiency of goods. Progress in technology is never ending. If

a lab owns an entire system and works on it regularly, it would be easy for

them to update the software according to the technology needs in order to

deliver better performance.

3. Perfect Match: A lab owning its own CAD/CAM Dental system is said to be a

perfect match as this will reduce the time and efforts needed to place an

order and get these restorations from elsewhere. An in house production

system will help in allowing a lab widening its jobs in the field of production

as well.

Thus, with the introduction of CAD/CAM Dentistry, not only will the utilization of

dental lab equipments improve, but it will also help labs create updated

restorations that would help in serving people in a much better way.

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