bell work 8.26 - moore public schools...mary died in 1558, and her half-sister elizabeth i, daughter...

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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BELL WORK 8.26.16

Turn in your textbooks to page 88. Read the chart “Founding of the 13 Colonies” and then answer

Questions (a) and (b) shown in the Skills Activity box.

Captain John Smith

Religious Leader John Winthrop

William Penn

Unit 1Beginnings of American History

1492Christopher Columbus sailed the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria across the Atlantic, laying claim to the Americas

for Spain and opening the two continents to regular contact with Europe.

1500sBy the time the first Europeans reached the Americas the Native Americans, who had inhabited this continent since

before 10,000 BC, had developed into a richly diverse group of people with distinct (different) ways of life.

A Dakota Sioux with Bear Claw Necklace

Arapaho Tribe



Native Americans of North AmericaFAR NORTH: Living in the Arctic

meant harsh, bitterly cold winters. Native Americans such as the Inuit

kept warm inside igloos made of ice. They would hunt marine mammals

like whales, seals, and walruses from kayaks made of skins.


Turn to page 13 of textbook.

Native Americans of North AmericaNORTHWEST COAST: Many Native

Americans lived in the region stretching from southern Alaska to

Northern California. Since there was plentiful food supply with deer,

boars, salmon, and forests full of roots and berries, they were able to live in large permanent settlements

and didn’t have to roam like nomads.

Two Tlingit girls, near Copper River (Alaska),


Bella Coola Indians wearing ceremonial blankets and

"Crooked Beak of Heaven" masks] - City of Vancouver


Coos Bay, Oregon

Coos Tribe

Just in case you think their pics are weird…

Native Americans of North AmericaFAR WEST: The people of this region differed greatly based on geographic regions. In the forests and grasslands of the north, winters were very cold. However, conditions could be desert-

like for those living in the southern parts.

Some lived in pit houses, dug into the ground; others lived in cone-shaped

houses, covered with bark.

Kwakiutl tribe


participate in a


initiation ceremony,



Reconstruction of a pit-house at the Step House ruins in

Mesa Verde National Park, United States,

Native Americans of North America

SOUTHWEST: The areas of modern day Arizona, New Mexico, and the southern parts of Utah & Colorado

was typically very dry but would have heavy rains in July/August. Farming was a major way of survival and to

protect themselves from attack, Pueblos built adobe (sun-dried brick)


Pueblo Indians

Mesa Verde

Native Americans of North AmericaGREAT PLAINS: In the eastern plains,

farmers planted corn, beans, and squash in the river valleys and lived in

earth lodges (buildings with log frames and covered in soil)

In the western plains, it was too dry to farm, so they hunted buffalo and were nomadic. They often lived in

teepees, made of animal skin.

Cheyenne Warrior

Arapaho Indians

The Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes were close


Native Americans of North AmericaEASTERN WOODLANDS: Tribes of this

area lived by hunting, fishing, and foraging for nuts and berries.

2 groups dominated this region: Algonquian (al GOHN kee un)

Iroquoian (IHR uh kwoy an)

Divisions were based on language.

A 16th-century sketch of the

Algonquian village of Pomeiock.

"In our every


we must

consider the

impact of our

decisions on

the next seven




Maxim. "

Native Americans of North America

SOUTHEAST: Tribes like the Cherokees and Creeks farmed the land and built houses on wooden frames, covered with straw mats.

They would plaster the houses with mud clay to keep the interiors cool

and dry.

A smaller number of Cherokees avoided forced

removal and remained in the mountains of North

Carolina. They became the Eastern Band of

Cherokee Indians.

Creek Indians

The 1500s in Europe

Religious chaos

Economic conflicts

Colonization craze

JudaismAbout 1700BC a nomadic group of the Middle East, known as the Israelites, adopted a system of religious beliefs called Judaism.

Judaism was the 1st major world religion to teach monotheism (the belief in one God).

Where other early religions had regarded rulers as gods, Jews believed that even the most powerful ruler had to obey God’s laws. This belief became the foundation of later ideas that no person, no matter how powerful or wealthy, is above the law.

Rise of ChristianityAbout 2,000 years ago, a Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth began teaching of the kingdom of God and many believed he was the Messiah (Savior chosen by God) to deliver Israel from the control of Rome.

The life of Jesus inspired a new religion, Christianity, based on the belief that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, sent by God to save the world.

As Christianity spread, Romans rejected it greatly at first – seeing it as a threat to the Roman empire. In fact, Christians were often arrested and killed. However, later Roman emperors accepted Christianity and eventually made it the official religion of Rome.

The Rise of Christianity

The Catholic ChurchThe Roman Catholic (universal) church had great power during the Middle Ages. Daily life revolved around the rituals by the church – dictated by the priests.

In fact, outside of the priests, few people (even wealthy nobles) were able to read or write.

Rome became the center of Christianity, which had spread across Europe!

The Reformation

From the late Roman Empire till the 1500s, most Europeans were Catholic.

In 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther began to question how the Church of Rome was doing things. He believed that men did not need a priest to go to God for them, but each person should be encouraged to seek God for themselves. He called for the church to reform (change).

The Catholic church called Luther a heretic (someone who’s teachings went against the faith).

The Reformation

Followers of Luther’s teachings were called “Protestants” because they were protesting certain church practices.

These followers started the Protestant Reformation, splitting away from the teachings of Catholicism and leading to the rise of many protestant churches (Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Church of God, etc…)

Lutheran Church of Hanko, Finland.


CatholicMust go to God thru


ProtestantIndividual can seek

God on own



Assembly of God Pentecostal

The Reformation sent Europe into a LONG series of wars between Catholics and Protestants.

The ReformationCatherine de Medici Gazing at Protestants Massacred in

the Aftermath of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew during

the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)

Conflicts in EuropeSpain’s empire (kingdom) in the Americas increased its wealth and power, causing the rulers of other European countries (like England & France) to get jealous.

As Protestants gained influence and spread their message, the split between them and Catholics increased religious and economic tensions between countries in Europe.

empire: An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority (historically, as in an emperor or empress); synonyms –kingdom, realm.

Religious Conflicts

By 1530, the rulers of Sweden, Denmark, and several European countries had split with the Roman Catholic Church and established Protestant churches in their countries.

Protestant movements were also gaining ground in France, Switzerland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.

Religious ConflictsKing Henry VIII was ruler of England and was married to Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. When Catherine failed to produce a boy (male heir) for her husband, Henry wanted to divorce her and remarry.

Since Catholic law didn’t permit divorce, Henry asked the Pope to “annul” (cancel) the marriage; Popes had annulled royal marriages before this.

This time, the Pope refused! So, Henry decided he didn’t want to be Catholic anymore. He established the protestant Church of England.

“In this world

I will confess

myself to be

the king’s

true wife, and

in the next

they will

know how


I am


Katharine of Aragon, 1532

Religious Conflicts

Once he got rid of Catherine of Aragon, Henry was free to marry someone else – Anne Boleyn.

Anne failed to produce a male heir too.

King Henry was ready to get rid of her, so officials in his court created a case against her and she was executed.

“I do not say that I have always borne towards the King the humility which I owed him, considering his kindness and the great honour he showed me and the great respect he always paid me; I admit too, that often I have taken it into my head to be jealous or him… But may God be my witness if I have

done him any other wrong.” – Anne Boleyn at her trial.

Religious Conflict

King Henry died in 1547.

He was succeeded by Edward VI – the son of Henry by his 3rd

wife, Jane Seymour. Edward only ruled a short time, then he died.

Mary I, became Queen. She was the daughter of Catherine of Aragon and was determined to restore the Roman Catholic Church to England.

Religious ConflictsMary convinced Parliament to restore medieval heresy laws, meaning heretics could be killed and their property and holdings given over to the Crown.

Heresy: belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.

In 1555, she began burning “heretics” who did not follow Catholic teachings. Instead of frightening Protestants into submission, it fueled their hatred for her.

About 275 were burned at the stake, earning the Queen the nickname "Bloody Mary".

Religious ConflictMary died in 1558, and her half-sister Elizabeth I, daughter of Anne Boleyn, became Queen. Elizabeth was Protestant and immediately worked to reverse what Mary had done.

Elizabeth had another issue – Spain!

Phillip II, king of Spain, was frustrated because he wanted England to be Catholic (like Spain was).

English raids on Spanish ships, carrying gold from the Americas.

The Spanish Armada

In 1588, Phillip put together a fleet of 130 warships known as the Spanish Armada. He hoped to force Elizabeth from the throne. A fleet of faster, stronger English ships met the Spanish off the coast of France, sinking a large number of the Spanish vessels.

The defeat of the Spanish Armada was very significant because it changed the balance of power in Europe - Spain no longer dominated the seas, which meant the new Americas were open to exploration and colonization from other European powers – like England and France!

British ships destroyed the Spanish Armada during battle in 1588

Exploration & Colonization

European explores searched for a northwest passage, a sea route connecting the Atlantic to Pacific that passed through or around North America.

John Cabot – England

Giovanni da Verrazano – France

Henry Hudson - England

Impact of Colonization on Natives

TradeNatives gave fur

Europeans gave manufactured goods – cloth, iron pots & tools, guns

Alliances – agreements between groups that benefit each of them.

French & Huron tribe

Dutch & Iroquois – Dutch gave Iroquois guns, which they used to devastate the Huron


1620Pilgrims established the colony of Plymouth,

Massachusetts in an effort to gain religious freedom from the Church of the England.

Pilgrims…1. people who journey, especially a long distance, to some sacred

place as an act of religious devotion2. travelers or wanderers, especially in a foreign place3. original settlers in a region.


New England Colonies



Plymouth 1620 William Bradford Religious

Mass. Bay 1630 John Winthrop Religious

New Hampshire 1622 Gorges/Mason Economic

Connecticut 1636 Thomas Hooker Economic/Religious/Political

Rhode Island 1636 Roger Williams Religious

New England Colonies

Fishing was the primary economic source in the northeastern colonies. The soil was too rocky for


Coastal waters gave rise to whaling. Whale oil was a valuable resource

used in oil lamps and for making soaps. Parts of whale were also used

to make candles, ointments, medicines, and perfumes. Whaling was so

profitable that, despite its dangers, many hundreds of ships were used

for the whaling industry.

There were many different types of fish including cod, mackerel,

herring, halibut, hake, bass and sturgeon that helped to make fishing

one of the most successful industries in Colonial Times.

Middle Colonies


New York 1624 Peter Minuit Economic

Delaware 1638 Swedish Settlers Economic

New Jersey 1664 Berkeley/Carteret Economic/Religious/Political

Pennsylvania 1682 William Penn Economic/Religious/Political

Middle Colonies

Good soil and warm climate led to huge wheat fields, giving Pennsylvania the nickname “America’s


Southern Colonies


Virginia 1607 John Smith Economic

Maryland 1634 Lord Baltimore Economic/Religious/Political

North Carolina 1712 Group of 8 Businessmen Economic

South Carolina 1719

Georgia 1733 James Oglethorpe Economic/Defense

Southern Colonies

A lowland area, known as the Tidewater, made the soil good for growing crops like sugar, tobacco, and rice. These crops were grown on huge stretches of land and required large

farms (plantations) and lots of labor.

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