bell ringer #4 1/30 & 1/31 answer the question

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Bell Ringer #4 1/30 & 1/31 Answer the Question. What are the Two main turning points of WWI?. Theme Intro- Practice Example. Today’s Theme. Russia’s Leadership. Late 1800’s Czar Rule Alexander III (father) Nicholas II (son). Nicholas II. Sunday Jan. 22 , 1905 Bloody Sunday - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Bell Ringer #4 1/30 & 1/31

Answer the Question

Theme Intro- Practice Example

Today’s Theme

Russia’s Leadership

Late 1800’s Czar RuleAlexander III (father)Nicholas II (son)

Nicholas II

Sunday Jan. 22, 1905

Bloody Sunday

Peaceful protestors were gunned down by the Czar’s soldiers.

They were protesting over reform.


Riots break out all over Russia.

Nicholas II surrounded by all the chaos, agrees to a reform and creates Duma.

Duma- elected National Legislature

Problem Solved?


Duma had limited power.

Nicholas II solves this problem.

He dismisses them!

He also creates new laws that limit the powers of future Duma officials.

You are Fired!

Time Travel Time!


Location St. Petersburg at Nicholas II’s home, the Winter Palace.

Protestors Return!

Protestors march up to the doors of the Winter Palace.

Their protest was over Bread!

Nicholas II says “Fire!!!”

The Czar’s soldiers do NOT fire on the protestors!

This forces Nicholas II to quit.

I just fired myself!

Meanwhile WWI…

Germany gets word of the revolts and of Nicholas II retirement and pours more gasoline on the fire…

They set up the return of exiled Russian citizen Vladimir Lenin.

Wait.. We need more background info!

Seeds to a New Beginning handout….

Write this down if you want.

Follow directions given to you.

Bonus: What do these images refer to?

Lenin and Trotsky

Formed the Socialist Party the Bolsheviks

Lenin- Leader, motivator

Trotsky- Military leader

Adopted ideas by Karl Marx, but adopted them to the Russian situation.


Class struggle between workers and ownersCapitalism would inevitably produce internal

tensions which would lead to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system: Socialism


Would guide the revolution in Russia

Lenin- gained support of many people by making promises of “Peace, Land and Bread”

Also promised to end Russia’s involvement in WWI.

Withdrawal from WWI

Russia was weak, not enough weapons and no food

Signed Treaty of Brest-LitovskAgreement was costly for Russia as it

gave Germany a large of amount of Land in the Russian territory.

Lenin-believed he need to make Peace at any price so he could deal with his enemies at home!

Russia Civil War 1918-1921

Lenin’s Red army vs. the Whites (forces loyal to the Czar)

To eliminate a potential rallying symbol for the Whites, Communists (Red) executed Czar Nicholas II and his entire family.

Great Brittan, France and the United States sent troops to help the Whites. This rallied the Russian people and pushed them closer to Nationalism!

New Economic Policy

1917-From the take over of the Bolsheviks, they controlled everything, banks, mines, factories and railroads.

Economic disaster!

1921-NEP or New Economic Policy created by Lenin gave government (Communist) control to banks, large industries, and foreign trade.

Lenin to Stalin

During the time of Lenin he brought change.

But like many of us know through songs.. YOLO

Lenin died in 1924

Joseph Dzhugashivili (Joo-guhsh-VEEL-yih)

Changes his name to Joseph StalinStalin means “Man of Steel”

Under Stalin’s Rule

Ruled through terror and brutality.

Turned the Communist state into a Totalitarian state.

Totalitarian state- A government that takes total, centralized control over every aspect of public and private life.

Industry and Agricultural

Five year plan

Get results or else

Results were made in both.

Agricultural faced more resistance, 5-1o million peasants were executed and millions were sent to the Gulag.

Secret Police

1934 Great Purge

Stalin eliminated anyone who threatened his power. Thousands of old Bolsheviks, who helped stage the revolution in 1917 stood trial, they were executed for crimes against the Soviet state.

Not all were executed many were sent to the Gulag.


Moscow Zoo director

Soviet Women

Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 women won equal rights.

Under Stalin rule- women had no choice but to join the workforce. Young women did the same work as men. Millions of women worked in factories and built roads and dams.

With new educational opportunities, 75% of the doctors were women by 1950.

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