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Being Healthy Being Free[8/16/16, 12:18:46 PM]




July 26, 2011 at 11:28amAutism Testimonials

JULY 19, 2013





Being Healthy Being Free[8/16/16, 12:18:46 PM]

Autism Testimonials

The following pages include testimonialsfrom families affected by Autism. Thestories range from incredible to amazing! We hope you’ll find this informationbeneficial. Please be sure to contact theperson who provided you with thisinformation for further details about howthe Nikken Wellness Home can benefityour family.

The following is for informationalpurposes only and is not intended asmedical advice.

“Three months ago one of my new

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Being Healthy Being Free[8/16/16, 12:18:46 PM]

distributors who has a 21 year old daughter that is autistic put her on thekenko pad, and the magsteps. Thedaughter has wet the bed every night ofher life. In five days she had stoppedwetting the bed, and was sleeping throughthe night. Her mother said she is lessaggressive and is more interactive withother people. She would be glad to sharetheir experiences. Needless to say themother is very excited, changing sheetsevery day with a bad back was muchagony”.

~~~~Margaret Hunter

“I have heard many testimonies aboutsuccess using the pet pad for babies andyoung children along with insoles duringthe day for autism. For older children,using the sleep system, insoles andnecklace has changed many lives andmany family’s lives. In fact, I heardWilliam Todd tell about a child inAustralia where changes occurred in amatter of days. The child was 2 years 7months old. He also talked about a doctor

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that helped a 14 year old to get out ofdiapers and speak her first words (at 14)after getting on our products”.


“I gave a pair of insoles to my neighborsfor their 17 year old boy to use. Themother reported that she noticed he wasmuch calmer when he became frustratedin not being able to communicate withher. Anything is a help! You need theproducts during the night and during theday. Jim and Barb Willis, have am autisticgrandchild who use to be restless at nighttill they got him the large PetPad to sleepon and Magsteps for his shoes w/wonderful results. The child now speaks,sings, and is less hyper. This is secondtime I have experienced such a reaction to our products with this condition”.Beaufort,.


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Angela’s Story

Angela is my 4 year old daughter, a prettygirl born with a lot of difficulties. She wasborn with respiratory problems, she hadtrouble walking, trouble eating andchronic digestive problems (*autistic symptoms). Non Verbal…not evensounds, Didn’t smile or Didn’t laugh (*depressed, I guess) Sleeping problems (no sleep) Banged her head against wallor furniture. No eye contact. Sleep washard to come by for my wife.

We were both really sad ourselves becauseof our daughter’s conditions. No energy,

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No hope. No solutions were offered, justbad new from doctors saying it would onlyget worse as she grew up. We were atwits end!

We were HOPING and PRAYING to gethelp… Then one day I bumped intoNikken and my life changed instantlyforever. When I got home with theproducts my daughter was asleep and Iplaced the magnetic pad on the bed andplaced Angela on it. WOW Angela slept way better (breathing was quiet) It was amiracle. How could this be and whydidn’t I know about this sooner….I wasexcited and upset at the same time. I feltblessed but could not understand why Ihad to wait 4 years to find these greatproducts. Angela spoke 5 days later (*weboth were hysterical). She is now superhappy, runs, jumps, talks, hugs, sing, anddaddy does too. We are in love with lifeagain. I see a better future for mydaughter and my family. Thanks to thesewonderful products. I am forever grateful

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I wanted to share this with YOU & witheverybody and anybody.

Al Segala, A now very happy and excitedman

Cade’s Story

I and my husband James have beenfighting an uphill battle with our son, Cade, who was diagnosed with autism in2006 at three years old. With modernconventional therapies working to reachinto his mind to communicate and helphim progress, was slow at best. Cade wasdiagnosed as a high-functioning autisticchild but was still only at the level of a

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one year old. Our family is entirely healthconscious, my husband and I are vegans(strict vegetarians), as are our children. We tried to modify Cade’s diet byeliminating gluten products, which couldaffect his mental status.

Those of you who are familiar with gluten foods, this is not a big step fromveganism. But this did not prove altogether advantageous; there was nodiscernible difference in Cade’s progression.

Almost after a year of conventionalmedicine therapies, we were introducedto an alternative . . . Nikken. People whohave children with issues will understandthat a parent will go to almost any lengthto help their child. We weren’t opposed tothe idea, but were also not willing toplunge headstrong into something weknew nothing about.

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My husband has been a nurse for 10 years,and worked as a paramedic 7 years priorto that. He has worked in virtually every possible patient care setting that nursinghas to offer. He often tells me of thetragedies he has seen and the miracles hehas witnessed, but to have a parent’shopes for their child crushed by adiagnosis like autism is very devastating. So we did some research and study and learned that Nikken products haveimproved lives

Magnetic therapies, combined with anenvironment conducive to being healthy,have had positive results. Medicaldoctors cannot explain this other than to chalk it up as “coincidence”. But is it“coincidence” that when you treat yourbody the way it needs to be treated inorder for it to be healthy and give itproper nutrition, water, air, exercise, andenergy to function at its full potential,that it actually does function better? If awithering plant is in dry soil and you

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water it, does it continue to wither? Ofcourse not, it begins to flourish andblossom.

Cade’s progress had been very slow upuntil we introduced Nikken into his life. His sleep had always been restless and hewas extremely irritable when he wokeup. His ability to focus and concentratewas a struggle, and he would have suddenoutbursts which we learned to cope withby distracting him with other things. Itwas, by far, a difficult task.

To give you a minute idea of ourchallenges with Cade, here is an excerpt of his speech evaluation. The clinicianwrote: “Cade simply was unable toparticipate in structured activities orassessments though a considerableamount of time was spent trying to helpcalm him down, settle in and sit in a chairto participate. Clinician allowed him to sit with mom, stand by the table, and/or

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have a stuffed toy with him during theassessments. This held no interest forCade and the assessments werediscontinued due to his running aroundthe room and his general inability toparticipate. The FunctionalCommunication Profile was completedvia live interview with mom.” Theseevents are vivid in my memory and hisbehavior in that office was no differentthan his actions at home. But after he hadbeen sleeping on a Nikken sleep system(magnetic travel pad, pillow, andcomforter) the first week, we began to seedrastic changes. He slept soundly, nothrashing about, he woke up easily andwasn’t irritable. His focus andconcentration improved and his outburstswere much, much less severe. It was, assome would put it (and we’re amongthem), a miracle.

“Coincidence” one might say . . .perhaps. So, we decided to let Cade sleepon a conventional bed for a night just to

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see what would happen, just to see if hischange was “coincidence”. In themorning everything was difficult; it tookhim a while to wake up and he wasirritable again. Throughout the day he,and we, struggled with his attention andfocus. It was like he was his old self. Well, that convinced us, this child willcontinue to have Nikken productssurrounding him. Not only has it provenitself effective for him, but it is risk free,there are zero side effects!

Now, Cade up to date is doing remarkablywell. This little boy who struggled tomaintain the level of a one year old cannow complete a workbook designed forchildren from ages 4 to 6. He continues tomake strides everyday and he is a jewel toevery eye that beholds him.

We hope this decision to promote Nikkenwill help many other families who arestruggling with similar issues. There are

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many other companies who carrymagnetic products, air systems, water treatment systems and nutritionalsupplements, but Nikken is the only company with everything wrapped up inone easy package, not to mention thenumerous testimonies given withtremendous positive results from theiruse. And becoming an actual member inthe business can help bring aboutfinancial strength and freedom

Thank you for taking the time to read this,and may you be blessed as we are.

James & Kitty Bann

James’ Story

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My son, James, was diagnosed withautism before the age of 3. I started attending conferences all over NorthAmerica, getting newsletters from allover the world and became trained inteaching modalities that showed us agood percentage of progress. James isnow 11.

“Over the years, we made progress, butJames still had a sleep disorder and arash on his arms and legs that wecouldn’t do anything about. I tried everything. For the sleep, I tried massage,Reiki, herbal remedies (melatonin), andeven painted his room blue for a calmingeffect. Of course, the doctors wereprescribing medicines throughout theyears.

“Yet every night, this child would get upand roam all over the house, turning onTVs with loud volume, turning on lights,and going into his brothers’ rooms and

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wake them up. Needless to say I wasstruggling with lack of sleep myself. Itdisrupted the entire household.

“I decided to try a Nikken mattress padon his bed. It still amazes me. For theFIRST TIME IN EIGHT YEARS, I WOKEMY SON UP! That was almost two yearsago, and he continues to sleep every night,medicine-free! His body is now doingwhat it is supposed to be, and he is nowmaking more progress through the daybecause of this good sleep he is getting. He is also now COMPLETELY medicine-free through the school day, as well!

“He has had other positive effects fromNikken products, and if I didn’texperience this myself, I would have neverbelieved it. The best part was how non-invasive all of these products are. Autism is like a puzzle, and you are alwaysseeking the right pieces that fit. Well, I

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definitely found some of the biggest piecesto help my son. It didn’t cure him, but hisquality of life is so much better. And isn’t that ultimately what we all desire?”

Carla Piccarreto

Myles’ Story

My husband and I have two sons, ouryoungest son Myles is 5 years old and wasdiagnosed with Autism just after his 2ndBirthday. Myles was non-verbal at thetime, had little to no eye contact, and didnot answer to his name. He also had avery high level of activity all the time, andvery sporadic sleep patterns.

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Since the time of his diagnosis we havebeen heavily immersed in all of thetraditional therapies including behavioraltherapy, speech and occupational therapywhich have helped him to make greatstrides.

However, Myles’ sleep continued to be avery difficult piece of the puzzle. It wouldtake him anywhere from 30 minutes to 2.5hours to fall asleep and then he would consistently wake up 1-3 times each night. This had a very negative impact on ourfamily as my husband or I would have tosit in his room with him until he fellasleep in order to avoid distractions andother behavior issues.

In August 2006, I was introduced toNikken. We bought our wellness home atthat time and added a 2nd sleep systemfor Myles. We saw a positive change inhis sleep from the very beginning. He

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now takes a maximum of 15 minutes tofall asleep! This is an incredible relief tous! Myles also wears insoles in his shoes,two sports bracelets linked as a necklacearound his neck and has an air wellnesstraveler in his bedroom. He chooses todrink a great deal more water than everbefore now that we drink Pi-water. We’venoticed that he is drawn to the BiaxialBody Energizer. We call it the “relaxing machine” which translates to “laxingsheen” according to Myles.

In addition to the positive change with hissleep, his language has progressed a greatdeal as well. We believe that this has to dowith the layering of the products providedby our Nikken Wellness Home.

As parents of children with Autism weknow that toxins in our environment negatively impact our children. Wecannot underestimate the value of cleanair and water in our homes for the benefit

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of our children.

Ida Kecskes




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