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News from Yeshiva Darchei Torah


  • 46 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014

    Rabbeim and talmidim rejoice

    Naftali Schuss leads the Hadran on Sukkah

    Yechiel Fragin leads the Hadran on Bava Metzia

    Rav Nosson Muller, guest speaker at the Melave Malka


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    How Did They Do It?The main focus of the Yeshivas learning is on iyun (in-

    depth learning), and not as much on bekius (covering ground). Yet, as Rav Zevi Trenk puts it, the Yeshiva en-courages the bachurim to make siyumim because every Yid has to finish Shas. My rebbi, Rav Shmuel Berenbaum zatzal, was one of the gedolei hador in iyun, and he said that a bachur in yeshiva must finish the masechta. Rav Trenk adds, If someone finishes one masechta, he can learn another masechta. As an adam gadol once put it, You have to turn the pages.

    It is impossible for a bachur to have finished, for example, Maseches Bava Metzia only by participating in the basic sidrei hayeshiva. Those who were me-sayem spent a significant amount of their own time to reach their goal bein hasedarim, Shabbos, and bein hazmanim.

    The Yeshiva not only encourages the talmidim to fin-ish; it also provides a number of ways to help them do it: Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, and Mr. Ronald Lowinger, president give weekly shiurim to Mesivta bachurim. Last year they completed between 20 and 30 blatt. Rav Pinchas Wachsman, a maggid shiur in Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid, gives a lightning 15-minute shiur every morning, Monday through Friday, during breakfast. Most of the bekius shiurim of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo cover much ground, as well. In addition, Rav Aaron Goldmans twelfth grade shiur completed both Chagigah and Rosh Hashana. This year, the Binyomin Klein Morning Kollel is going a long way to helping its member bachurim finish Gittin (see related article). These are but some of the ways that the Yeshiva actively assists its talmidim in completing the masechta.

    Rav Pinchas Wachsman gives a 15-minute voluntary shiur during the breakfast break, to help talmidim finish the masechta

    Yeshiva President Ronald Lowinger (pictured) and Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Yaakov Bender each give a weekly shiur to help talmidim com-plete the masechta

    Eli Scharf delivers chiddushei Torah on Bava Metzia

    Yehuda Aryeh Rosenblum delivers chiddushei Torah on Sukkah

    Rav Yisroel Meir Stern dances with talmidim

    Rav Yeruchim Shain, guest speaker at the Siyum

    Rav Yisroel Meir Stern dances with talmidim

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    How many sefarim are there in the Otzar?Approximately 8,500.

    On what topics?There are five main

    sections in the Otzar: Rishonim, Acharonim, Halacha/Shailos Uteshuvos, Mussar and Chumash/Tanach. There are also several minor sections,

    The Treasury


    Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014 49

    Shonim (miscellaneous); Moadim; Midrash; Pirkei Avos; Tefillah; Taryag Mitzvos; Rambam and a combined section of Mishnayos/Yerushalmi/Tosefta and Journals. We also have a number of sets of the classic Shas and the Hebrew elucidations as well. Plus an expanded reference section.

    Where do you get the sefarim?Most of our sefarim are purchased for us by Rav Avrohom Zelasko, an alumnus of the Yeshiva who lives in Lakewood. He makes sure we are up to date and even seeks out-of-print and rare titles and early editions. We get donations of brand-new sefarim as well.

    What is the purpose of the Otzar?

    It contains a tremendous wealth of sefarim that talmidim, rabbeim and the wider community can use for reference, for research, or to help them prepare a shiur, a cha-burah or a public drasha. There is no need to leave campus to find a sefer; everything is here. We have the largest collec-tion of sefarim in the Far Rockaway/Five Towns area. If someone cant find what they are looking for I try to help them.

    How do you decide what goes in the main Beis Medrash as opposed to the Diamond Otzar Hasefarim?The basic sefarim that be-long in a beis medrash Siddurim, Shas, Rambam, Halacha, Chumash and some Mussar, plus the mefarshim on the

    masechta and sugyos the Yeshiva is currently learn-ing - are all there. There are bookcases set aside for private sefarim, and beyond that there really is no room. That is where the Otzar comes in. In addition, there are some sections in the Zichron Avinoam Mussar Hall on the second floor.

    Are sefarim available to borrow?Only within the building. Beyond that the borrower needs to ask me person-ally, and I only lend a sefer if we own more than one copy.

    What does it take to maintain the Otzar?Two bachurim clean the room and organize the shelves twice a day. Its important to us that the Otzar stay neat and

    presentable. When we get a new sefer we only bind it if it is likely to endure heavy wear and tear with-in a short amount of time. Otherwise we just stamp it, label it and register it.

    How is technology incor-porated in the Otzar?We have a kiosk with a computer and printer that is user-friendly. It includes Otzar Hachochma, the largest digital collection of sefarim in the world with hundreds of thousands of searchable and printable titles. There is also the Bar-Ilan program and one similar database, as well as ArtScrolls Kleinman Mishkan multimedia software. We are planning to soon get HebrewBooks.orgs hard drive, which does not require internet access. Everything is self-contained. f

  • 50 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014

    Encounters with GreatnessThroughout the year our talmidim are privileged to greet and to hear divrei chizuk from some of the leading talmidei chachamim of our time. These encounters with living embodiments of the Torahs ideals serve to reinforce the lessons that our talmidim absorb at the Yeshiva each day.

    Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Philadelphia, greeting bachurim after davening Mincha at the Yeshiva. Here he is shown speaking to Shlomo Hirschey

    Rav Yaakov Moshe Hillel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Hevrat Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalayim

    Rav Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center in Cedarhurst, speaking at Kollel Tirtza Devorahs Chanukah Mesiba

    The eighth graders visited Rav Dovid Feinstein, rosh yeshiva of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem, with their rebbi and menahel, Rav Dovid Lan

    Rav Reuven Feinstein, rosh yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Staten Island, visiting the Weiss Vocational Center with Rav Shimon Dachs, who is the Centers director and co-principal of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo

    On a recent visit to Brooklyn, the seventh grade talmidim visited Rav Shlomo Braunstein, Menahel of Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin

    Rav Shimshon Sherer, rav of Khal Zichron Mordechai, speaking at the Mesivta Chaim Shlomo Chanukah Mesiba

    L-R: Rav Binyomin Carlebach and Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, with Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, after Rav Carlebach addressed the talmidim following Shacharis

    Rav Shmuel Witkin, rav of Khal Bnei Hayeshivos in North Woodmere, New York, speaking at a Mesivta melave malka. At left is Rav Zevi Trenk, menahel

    Rav Elimelech Reznick, a maggid shiur in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim


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    The Right Sideof the Equation WHY DO WE NEED TO LEARN THIS?

    Children often challenge their teachers and parents about school assignments they find difficult or tedious.

    Mr. Scott Stark, who teaches high school math to the 9th, 10th and 11th grades at Mesivta Chaim Shlomo, says he seldom gets that question from his students.

    One of his goals is to imbue from the very first day the understanding that mathematics trains a per-son to think logically and rationally, and to understand the world we live in. These are skills that every person needs to have.

    Math is everywhere, he says. Take a look at current events. You hear that federal programs like Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security are putting the country 18 trillion dollars in debt. How many people know how many zeroes are in that number, and how soon that number can jump to 180 trillion? If my gen-eration doesnt grasp these numbers and their implica-tions, what does that portend for our children?

    A seasoned teacher with more than 20 years of expe-rience working for the New York City Department of Education, Mr. Stark also serves as an adjunct profes-sor of mathematics at Nassau Community College, in addition to teaching four days a week at the Mesivta.

    Asked how he manages to juggle so many jobs, he quips, By getting summers off.

    Mr. Stark teaches 12 periods a week in geometry and trigonometry at Mesivta Chaim Shlomo. A firm believ-er in a teachers responsibility to reach every student, he dismisses the belief that some people are just no good at math. Ive heard the theories about the right brain and the left brain, he says. But Im convinced that

    if you understand how a students mind works, work with him and break it down the right wayhell even-tually succeed.

    Theres a joy that comes with mastery, he says. The trick is to harness the immense energy these boys have. He uses competition as a tool. Some days the room is in an uproar. An outsider might wonder what in the world is going on. But you listen in and the ex-citement is all about whos going to be first to figure out what X is.

    His teaching style is to empower students by provid-ing instruction and direction, then launching the boys on their own journey in finding the mathematical so-lution. Im there supervising, steering them when nec-essary. But they do the work. And they get rewarded with the joy of discovery, the joy of achievement and mastery.

    Mesivta Chaim Shlomo students take learning seri-ously, he says. He has not yet had to fail anyone. If theres a problem, we catch it right away, he asserts. Parents in this school are glad to work with you. One phone call and you get results. The same is true of the administration. Theyre very supportive. Its a pleasure to teach here.

    Mr. Stark excels with our students, explains Rav Menachem Gold, Co-Principal of the Mesivta, not only because of his expertise in mathematics and the nuances of the Regents exams, but also because of his very obvious care and concern for his students. He thoroughly enjoys math its literally in his blood, as his father also taught high school mathematics. We are so glad that he followed in his fathers footsteps! f

    For Mr. Scott Stark, Teaching Mathematics Runs in the Family

  • Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014 53

    A bachur in Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid will usually spend his first year in the shiur of Rav Pinchas Wachsman, followed by two years in the shiur of Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, Rosh Yeshiva.

    The Rosh Yeshiva describes the purpose of his shiur, given four

    days a week, as twofold: the first is to help the the bachurim develop their havana (comprehension) of the main points of the sugya and to provide them with an underly-ing mehalech (approach) to under-standing it; the other is more broad: to train them to further develop their analytical skills of lomdus to

    a degree that they will be able to delve into any sugya in Shas and understand it in a profound way.

    The Rosh Yeshiva explains: The shiur brings out the yesodos, the fundamental principles of the particular sugya that we are learn-ing. Moreover, as we explore each chakirah and svarah in our sugya,



    52 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014

    we are slowly building a frame-work that can be utilized when learning any sugya. The end result is that a bachurs thought process is trained to think lomdish ana-lytically when approaching any Gemara in Shas, and even when learning Chumash and Rashi.

    Preparation for shiur begins at the very beginning of morn-ing seder, when the bachurim are given marei mekomos, the source notes for the shiur. Having al-ready learned the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos, each bachur and his chavrusa are directed by the marei mekomos to the passages from the Rishonim and Acharonim that will be relevant to the shiur.

    The shiur itself lasts just under

    an hour, and is attended by all the bachurim in their second and third year of Beis Medrash.

    During night seder, the bachurim are intently focused on chazara, reviewing the shiur with the aid of their chavrusa, their handwrit-ten notes, or a digital recording of the shiur. In addition, Reb Eli Winzelberg, a talmid of the Rosh Yeshiva and current member of the Kollel, attends the shiur each day and leads a group of bachurim in chazara every night.

    Over the course of his two years in the Rosh Yeshivas shiur, a bachur will emerge with a firm grounding in lomdus. Having covered ground in two or more masechtos, he will have encountered ample examples

    of Shas concepts such as rov, chaza-kah, hamotzi mechaveiro alav ha-rayah, and a multitude of others, in a variety of different scenarios. As a result of listening to and working on the shiurim, he will have absorbed the Rosh Yeshivas approach to analyzing and applying those prin-ciples and will now be armed with powerful tools that he can bring to his learning for the rest of his life.

    After three years in Beis Medrash, bachurim will nearly al-ways go on to the great yeshivos of Eretz Yisrael, advised by the Rosh Yeshiva as to which yeshiva and which maggid shiur will be best suited to their continued growth.

    There is also shiur klali ev-

    ery other week, which has a dif-ferent purpose, says the Rosh Yeshiva, in that we take a diffi-cult Rambam or sugyos elsewhere in Shas and glean principles which are important for the long term, but contain a lot of information not directly related to the particu-lar blatt that we are learning in the regular shiur. This is also an inte-gral part of the process of training for lomdus.

    Rav Avrohom Indich is a shoel umeishiv in Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid. He relates that when speaking to talmidim at one of the elite yeshivos of Yerushalayim, he confirmed that the alumni of Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid learning at that yeshiva clearly bear the

    imprint of the years in the Rosh Yeshivas shiur. They definite-ly have certain advantages over alumni of the other great American yeshivos, he asserts.

    Rav Indich adds that the Rosh Yeshiva accomplishes something extraordinary: I have found, when speaking to bachurim, that every single one comes out of each shiur having gained tremendously. This is not a shiur tailored for the best and the brightest at the ex-pense of everyone else; to the con-trary, the average bachurim gain all the necessary tools, as the Rosh Yeshiva intended, while the ad-vanced bachurim are awed at the scope of the shiur. f

    As we explore each chakirah and svarah in our sugya, we are slowly building a framework that can be

    utilized when learning any sugya. The end result is that a bachurs thought process is trained

    to think lomdish analytically when approaching any Gemara in Shas.

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    When Binyomin Klein, ah, was suddenly niftar in the spring of 2012 at the age of 30, Rav Shimon Dov Notis, a maggid shiur in Mesivta Chaim Shlomo, went to be menachem avel his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Motty Klein. Shaken by the tragedy and resolved to do something fitting in Binyomins memory, Rav Notis suggested to Mr. Klein that they start a morning kollel at the Yeshiva. Mr. Klein agreed.

    It is nearly two years later and the kollel is still going strong. We learn an amud a day, every day, Rav Notis explains. We begin at 7:00 a.m. and learn for 35 minutes, until Shacharis, Sunday through Friday. Shabbos is for chaz-ara. Although it is a kollel, a term usually used for married men, it is actually comprised of 35 Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid bachurim, and has already completed Masechtos

    Makkos, Megillah and Sukkah and is on track to complete Gittin, the masechta the Yeshiva is currently learning.

    At a recent siyum, bachurim spoke and described how this seder literally changes their entire day, Rav Notis relates. They are certainly not the only ones learning in the beis medrash at that hour, but rabbeim have commented about how gevaldig it is when they come in early for davening and there is already a beautiful kol Torah resonating in the room.

    There is no question, Rav Notis continues, that it changes my day. Im a different person. Its a different davening [afterwards]. Its a different day.

    And there is no question that besides the positive impact the Morning Kollel is having on the lives of its members and the Yeshiva as a whole, that it is also providing an aliyah for the neshama of Binyomin Tzvi, ah, ben Mordechai Halevi. f



    Motty Klein learning with Rav Shimon Dov Notis (left) and Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid bachurim before Shacharis at the Morning Kollel lizecher nishmas his son, Binyomin Tzvi ah

    MORNINGStarsRav Shimon Dachs, director of the Weiss Vocational Center and co-principal of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo, with Rav Moshe Brown, rav of Agudath Israel of West Lawrence and maggid shiur in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, during Rav Browns visit to the newly-renovated Center

    T he Weiss Vocational Center re-cently underwent the first renova-tion in its 19-year history, with the restoration of its main lobby area, two classrooms and its exterior facade. The project was designed by Rav Shimon Dachs, director of the Center, with the assistance of Yeshiva parents Mimi Fragin and Shevi Jacobowitz, and implemented under the personal direc-tion of Rav Moshe Lubart, a rebbi and instructor at the Center.

    The Weiss Vocational Center of-fers a select group of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo talmidim the opportunity to spend a portion of their afternoons being trained in plumbing, electricity, carpentry, auto mechanics, heating and air conditioning and home wiring.

    Our center is housed in the old-est building on campus, Rav Dachs explains, and its condition had been run-down and plainly not conducive to helping our talmidim get the most out of the courses. Thanks to the gen-erosity of several individual donors, we are finally able to give this trail-blazing program the home it deserves, a place our talmidim can be proud to learn in. f

    Weiss Vocational Center Gets a Facelift

    A view of the lobby of the Weiss Vocational Center, one of the areas that was refurbished


  • 56 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014


    He walks the streets of Far Rockaway, this young man, his appearance simple yet dignified, his face bespeaking contentment and nobility of purpose.

    He heads down the street towards Yeshiva Darchei Torah, but he is neither a rebbi nor a bachur.

    He is a kollel yungerman.He enters the building of Mesivta Chaim

    Shlomo, deposits his hat in the coatroom and makes his way to the cavernous beis hamedrash. Within a few minutes this study hall will begin to fill with teenage boys, the talmidim of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo and their older counterparts in Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid. For now, the yungerman takes his seat in the right-of-center section, at one of the 400-plus wooden shtenders, and opens his Gemara. He begins to sing.

    The song of Torah. The song of life.Pretty soon his chavrusa will arrive, as will

    their 28 fellow members of Kollel Tirtza Devorah, Yeshiva Darchei Torahs elite group of married scholars. Their leader is Rav Dovid Bender, the Rosh Kollel and eldest son of Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva.

    During first seder the yungeleit will learn Maseches Gittin, the masechta that the rest of the Yeshiva is learning. In the afternoon, for second seder, many will continue Gittin, while others will join a halacha chaburah. At night they will all re-turn for the final seder of the day, except for those in shana rishona, their first year of marriage, who learn at home.

    They will continue this routine day after day, week after week. Dreams of parnassah or a career


    The Crown

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    Rav Dovid Bender, Rosh Kollel (right) with yungeleit


  • 58 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014

    are deferred. The world can wait. First comes Torah. Torah for its own sake.

    WHY A KOLLEL? We pose the question to Rav Dovid Bender, who

    explains that while the Yeshiva had been considering the idea for some time, it did not come to fruition until the alumni asked for it. In 2005 a small group requested if, instead of going to Lakewood after returning from Eretz Yisrael, they could return to Yeshiva. The Hanhala agreed, and the rest is his-tory. A history that is still unfolding.

    By returning to Darchei Torah, these alumni not only gained from continuing their learning, albeit on an advanced level, in familiar surroundings with access to and guidance from their rabbeim; they also laid the groundwork for an entirely new division of the Yeshiva, one that has transformed the rest of the Yeshiva and whose influence extends well beyond the campus gates.

    We made this kollel for the benefit of the yunge-leit themselves, so that they would have a program and environment that would be conducive to their continued growth, Rav Dovid Bender explains. The growth is not only in Torah learning per se, but also in hashkafa (outlook) and middos, and in general, as a ben Torah, as a talmid chacham.

    Nine years after its founding, the kollel has enjoyed great success, both in its effect on its own members and on the wider Yeshiva.

    There are very few yungeleit left from that origi-nal group, Rav Dovid relates. Most have moved

    on and taken jobs in a variety of fields, from the rebbi in Phoenix, Arizona to the local deputy head of the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway to the social workers and accountants. Every single one of the alumni of the kollel gained something great: a stronger grounding in Torah and hashkafa than he would have had otherwise, and, I

    venture to say, a stronger marriage. There is some-thing to be said about starting off married life with several years in kollel.

    As for the kollels impact on the Yeshiva, it is self-evident. When a bachur, be he in ninth grade or third-year Beis Medrash or anywhere in between, rubs shoulders with a real kollel yungerman, his eyes are open to a living example of what he can become, what he can strive for. Talmid chacham? That is not an obscure concept, only to be found in the far-off precincts of Lakewood or Yerushalayim. Its right here. Without preaching, each member of the kollel sends a message, a message that comes with being a role model: Apply yourself, and you can do it too.

    By osmosis, they have helped raise the learning

    They have helped raise the learning level in the entire yeshiva.

    The 30 members of Kollel Tirtza Devorah learn in the main beis hamedrash morning, afternoon and night


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    level in the entire yeshiva, Rav Dovid asserts. In addition, several yungeleit serve as shoel umeishivs in the Mesivta and Beis Medrash, and next year two members are slated to become rabbeim in the Yeshiva Darchei Torah Elementary School.

    RAV DOVID BENDER is a self-effacing individual, but it is clear that his leadership has been critical to the kollels success. He is there every day, morning till night, learning with the yungeleit, challenging them with an added dimension of pilpul chaveirim and delivering occasional chaburos. Beyond that, he is the Yeshivas resident posek, available to quietly advise the yungeleit in all matters of halacha. His wife, Rebbetzin Hennie Bender, plays a complemen-tary role with the kollel wives, whose valiant efforts ensure that their husbands can sit and learn as they provide the moral - and often financial support to make kollel life work.

    The Roshei Yeshiva, Rav Yaakov Bender and Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, give of their time to guide the yungeleit, as well, both one-on-one and for the group as a whole. Rav Yaakov Bender delivers a vaad on parenting and shalom bayis every second week. Rav Altusky gives a weekly vaad in hashkafa as well as a chaburah . Taken together, these interac-tions with their Roshei Yeshiva propel the yungeleit to aim higher in their learning, their yiras Shamayim, their fatherhood, and all facets of their growth.

    During Second Seder, the option of learning a hala-cha-oriented sugya is available. This year it is Hilchos Muktzeh. They begin from the relevant Gemaros and continue through the Rishonim, Shulchan Aruch and the Mishnah Berurah. Previous subjects covered in-clude Bishul, Brachos, Basar Vchalav and Taaruvos. This halacha track broadens both their knowledge base as well as their horizons in Torah.

    Many yungeleit have their own sons enrolled in the Yeshiva, with daughters in local Beis Yaakovs. Nearly every member lives in Far Rockaway many in the immediate neighborhood of the Yeshiva and several have already bought homes in the area. Some kollel wives work as teachers and secretaries in lo-

    cal mosdos, as well, adding to the broader impact the kollel is having on the greater community. The primary impact, says Rav Dovid, is the live picture each one projects of a serious yungerman. People are impressed with them.

    IT IS 10:30 P.M. The streets are dark and nearly emp-ty. Our yungerman makes his way home, retracing his steps from earlier in the day. His body is tired, but his spirit is buoyant. His thoughts are of a lofty kind, of Torah, of avodah, of chesed. He reaches for his cellphone and calls his wife, his partner in this sacred career, to tell her that he will be home soon. Then he makes another call. This one is to his mother, many miles away.

    Rewind 25 years. Outside, the sun is dipping towards the horizon. Inside, the Shabbos prepa-rations are complete. All thats left to do is light the candles. Her infant son gurgles contentedly in a nearby playpen as she strikes a match. As the flames illuminate the room and the house, she covers her face with her hands.

    She davens. She davens for her son. Eibishter, give me the privilege of raising children and grand-children, wise menwho love and fear Hashem. Men of truth, holy progeny who cling to You...who illuminate the world with Torah and good deeds and all the work of serving Hashem...

    She sheds a tear, a tear of hope for her child.The phone is ringing. It is Thursday night, and

    her son, the kollel yungerman, is calling. Her son, the talmid chacham. The answer to her prayers. f

    Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, delivering a vaad on parenting and shalom bayis

    Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, Rosh Yeshiva, delivering a chaburah

    For more information about the Kollel or dedication opportunities, please call Rabbi Zev Bald at 718.868.2300 ext. 219 or Rabbi Baruch Rothman at 718.868.2300 ext. 706

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    T he latest project developed by the committee of the Yeshiva Darchei Torah Alumni Association is a series of shiurim, given approximately once every two months, from Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva.

    In these shiurim, entitled Chinuch Begins at Home, Rav Bender focuses on parenting and shalom bayis. The shiurim are hosted by a rotation of married alumni; so far all have been held in Far Rockaway and the Five Towns.

    It is an opportunity to spend time with Rav Bender in a more intimate setting, explains Tzvi Sussman, a member of the alumni committee who hosted a re-cent shiur, and ask questions and broach topics that are very relevant in todays day and age. The overall environment is easygoing and relaxed, enabling us to discuss important aspects of chinuch and raising kids.

    Some of the topics include: Love and Discipline, You Can Do It, Hakoras Hatov and Nurturing a Childs Thirst for Learning.

    To serve alumni of the Yeshiva who are single, Rav Ezra Rosner, an alumnus of the Yeshiva and a member of its Kollel, was appointed by the Yeshiva as coordinator of the Alumni Shadchan Network.

    Rav Ezra spends countless hours of every day and night speaking on the telephone and in person with alumni, their parents, and prospective shid-duchim. In the months since he began this project he has con-cluded a number of successful shidduchim, but more impor-tantly, he has assisted many single alumni in navigating the

    sometimes tur-bulent waters of shidduchim.

    Ezra is the perfect person for this job, says Rabbi Moshe Benoliel, direc-tor of alumni affairs, because he genuinely cares about the alumni, and he is relentless when pursuing a goal. The fact that the Hanhala asked him to do this is the lat-est example of how Yeshiva Darchei Torahs relationship with its talmidim does not end

    when they leave. The rabbeim stay involved in their lives. A Darchei talmid is forever.

    It is hoped that other alumni who are shadchanim will soon get involved, as well, enabling a true network to be formed and multiplying the impact that Rav Rosner is already having.

    New Series of Parenting Shiurim from the Rosh HaYeshiva

    Alumni Shadchan Network Formed

    ALUMNI REPORT Shmuess Hub Enables Alumni to Listen In

    As described in previous issues, email updates are sent on a nearly-weekly basis to alum-ni around the world to keep them abreast of news about the Yeshiva and their fellow alumni. In addition, CDs are mailed out each week of shmuessin and vaadim held at the Yeshiva and at alumni events. Now a digital resource has been made avail-able to the alumni, dubbed The Shmuess Hub, to allow them to listen or download vast amounts of inspiring audio from their rabbeim directly from their computers. For more information, please email

    Stay Connected!Attention Alumni! Stay informed. Be inspired. Reconnect with your yeshiva and your friends. Make sure the Alumni Association has your correct address and contact information.

    Email us: alumni@darchei.orgCall us: 718-868-2300 ext. 317 Text YDTALUMNI to 22828to join our email list

    Alumni Reunite in Eretz Yisrael

    Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, Rosh Yeshiva, visits Lakewood several times a year to address alumni with divrei hisorirus

    Rosh Yeshiva Addresses Alumni in Lakewood

    Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, traveled to Eretz Yisrael in January, accompanied by Associate Dean Rav Moshe Bender. The two visited many of the senior gedolei hador to consult on a variety of issues. They also visited many of the yeshivos where alumni are learning. One evening the Rosh HaYeshiva addressed a gathering of married alumni on the topics of parenting and shalom bayis. On Motzaei Shabbos a festive melave malka was held in Yerushalayim for close to 200 alumni. It was also attended by Rav Moshe Krasnow, a rebbi in the Yeshiva, and Mr. Sholom Dov Rothman, a past president of Yeshiva Darchei Torah as well as Mesivta Chaim Shlomo who now lives in Eretz Yisrael.



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  • 62 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014 63

    Alumni at the Dinner

    The Rosh HaYeshiva with Chesky Newman Yaakov Adler and the Rosh HaYeshiva The Rosh Yeshiva with Shimmy Sussman Yehuda Schwartz and the Rosh HaYeshiva

    Mordechai Yormark with the Rosh HaYeshiva

    Menachem Pollack with the Rosh HaYeshiva

    Eli Weinberg with the Rosh HaYeshiva

    Eli Weiss and Tzvi Pancer The Rosh Hayeshiva with Dovid Yedidya Mark

    Shmuel Tennenbaum, the Rosh HaYeshiva and Yitzchok Wiener

    Dovid Wenger, the Rosh HaYeshiva and Moshe Chaim Horowitz

    L-R: Meir Weinreb, Pesach Reiss, Moshe Lipschitz, Moshe Benoliel and Ezra Rosner


    Chayim Adelman 09M,10B on his marriage to Chani Kramer of Brooklyn

    Yaakov 06B and Deena Malka Adler on the birth of a daughter, Racheli

    Dovid Zvi 80E and Suri Alter on the marriage of their son

    Yehuda Leib Altusky 03E,06M,08B on his marriage to Nechoma Pollack of Monsey

    Moshe 06M,09B and Rochel Aronov on the birth of a son

    Dovi 98E and Devorah Baida on the birth of a daughter, Nechama

    Mayer 95E and Esty Baida on the birth of a daughter, Chaya Sara

    Doniel 04E and Chasya Bain on the birth of a daughter, Faigy

    Dovid Bain 00E,04M,B on his marriage to Tobi Rottman of Miami Beach

    Nosson 99E,03M,06B and Nechama Bain on the birth of a daughter, Sarah

    Ezra Balsam 04E,08M,11B on his marriage to Shira Silberberg of Baltimore

    Chaim 02M and Mati Becker on the birth of a daughter, Ahuva

    Yitzy Berg 05E,09M,12B on his marriage to Esther Serle of Queens

    Aryeh Berkowitz 02E and his wife on the birth of a daughter

    Dov Aryeh Berkowitz 98E on his marriage

    Yaakov 05M,08B and Leah Bienstock on the birth of a daughter

    Simcha 88E and Rochel Blaney on the birth of a daughter, Toba Esther

    Yissachar 93E and Rena Blinder on the birth of a daughter

    Yisroel Meir 89E and Yehudis Blumenkrantz on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Moshe Shimon; and on the birth of a son

    Yisroel Meir 07M and Chayee Bookman on the birth of twins: a son, Efraim Aryeh and a daughter, Aliza

    Chezky 06M and Rivkah Brach on the birth of a son

    Menachem 97E and Basya Brickman on the birth of a son

    Yosef Bronstein and his wife on the birth of a son

    Avi 97E and Rina Burg on the birth of a son

    Avi Davidov 08M on his marriage to Sigalit Itshakov

    Avraham and Sori Deutsch on the birth of a son

    Ari 99E,03M and Sarit Dicker on the birth of a son, Nachum

    Boruch Dov 06M,09B and Frumie Diskind on the birth of a son

    Yitzy Drillman 05E,09M,12B on his marriage to Pessie Rudinsky of Monsey

    Jonathan 92E and Daniella Dyckman on being honored at the annual dinner of Kehilas Ishei Yisrael of Kew Garden Hills

    Yacov Asher 00M and Estee Engel on the birth of a daughter, Yocheved

    Pinchas Farber 04E on his marriage to Leora Herzig of Toronto

    Shimon Farber 09M on his marriage to Batsheva Berry of Brooklyn

    Zvi Yaakov Feifer 04E on his marriage to Brochi Landau of Lakewood

    Moshe Shlomo Feivelson 08M on his marriage to Michal Nitsun of St. Louis

    Tzvi Fischer 09B on his marriage to Faigy Perlstein of Brooklyn

    Dovid 03E,07M and Menucha Fogel on the birth of a son

    Tzvi Shaul Frankel 01E,04M on his appointment as assistant professor at Yale Universitys Department of Mathematics

    Eli Moshe Friedman 04E,08M,10B on his marriage to Naomi Himy of Monsey

    Reuvain 03E,07M,10B and Chani Garfinkel on the birth of a son

    Dovid 85E and Rivky Geller on the bar mitzvah of their son, Shlomala

    Yehuda 99E,03M,05B and Tzippora Gelman on the

    birth of a son, Moshe

    Aharon 04E,08M and Adina Gerson on the birth of a son, Yaakov Yehoshua

    Yossi 07M,10B and Aviva Gindoff on the birth of a son

    Sholom 01M,03B and Aviva Goldberg on the birth of a son

    Simcha 90E and Mala Goldberg on the birth of a son

    Yosef 00M,03B and Chani Goldberg on the birth of a daughter, Atara Malka

    Dovid Goldgrab 03E on his marriage

    Tuvia 02M,06B and Chani Goldstein on the birth of a son, Rafael Dov

    Yochanan 99M,01B and Chani Gordon on the birth of a daughter, Ariella Miriam

    Yudi 89E and Shoshana Gordon on the birth of a son, Moshe

    Dovid Yoel 94E and Naomi Glenn on the birth of a son

    Avrohom Baruch 04E,08M,10B and Aviva Greenblatt on the birth of a son, Yehuda Aryeh

    Doni Gross 11B on his marriage to Sara Lehrman of Brooklyn

    Menashe Gross 02E on his marriage

    Sruly 88E and Hudy Grunberger on the bar mitzvah of their son, Zalman

    Chaim Yossi Gruner 01E and his wife on the birth of

    a daughter

    Akiva Hoffman 07E on his marriage

    Yehuda Holzer 04E on his engagement to Talia Pruzansky

    Moshie 06M and Naomi Horn on the birth of a daughter, Malka Ora

    Simcha Horowitz 08M,11B on his marriage to Chavy Wilhelm of Lakewood

    Ahron 02B and Mrs. Jacobovich on the birth of a son

    Dovid Tzvi 99M and Shani Jacobs on the birth of a daughter

    Mosey 99M,05B and Shira Kaplan on the birth of a daughter

    Uri 80E and Devorah Katz on the marriage of their daughter

    Yanky 89E and Mrs. Kleinman on the birth of twin sons

    Yoni 04E,08M and Tara Klestzick on the birth of a son

    Moshe Kops 99E and his wife on the birth of a daughter

    Michoel Kosoff 03E,07M,08B on his engagement to Malky Brodsky of Lakewood

    Yehuda Kram 11B on his marriage to Avigayil Kaminetsky of Lakewood

    Betzalel Krasnow 05E,09M,12B on his marriage to Lea Biegleisen of Lakewood

    Mazel Tov

  • 64 Bedarchei Hatorah d Spring 5774/2014

    Yair Kugel 08M on his engagement to Chava Devora Rosenwasser of Monsey

    Avi 06M,09B and Malka Baila Lauterbach on the birth of a son, Yehuda

    Yosef Leff 06E,10M on his marriage to Esti Kaplan of Passaic

    Aryeh Lerer 02E,06M on his engagement

    Daniel 04M,07B and Miriam Lichtman on the birth of a daughter, Tamar Yael

    Shaya 00M and Garyn Lieber on the birth of a son, Benjy

    Yechiel 03E and Rivka Lieberman on the birth of a daughter

    Yehoshua Mandelbaum 08M,09B on his engagement to Feiga Sora Tropper of Baltimore

    Yitzchok 97E,01M,04B and Liba Mark on the birth of a son

    Yoni Markowitz 00E on his marriage

    Aharon Martin 00E and his wife on the birth of a son

    Meshulem Zev Mayer 11M on his marriage

    Eliyahu Mayerfeld 08M,11B on his marriage to Shira Rietti of Monsey

    Yehuda Leib 05M,08B and Brocha Liba Mayerfeld on the birth of a daughter, Chana

    Ephraim Meth 99E and his wife on the birth of a son

    Moshe Mezei 09M on his marriage to Elisheva Goldhar of Passaic

    Yakov David and Fayge Mirocznik 89E on the birth of a son

    Yaakov 05B and Ronit Moddel on the birth of a son

    Yaakov Yosef Monczyk 00E,04M,08B on his

    marriage to Sima Rosenberg of the Lower East Side

    Yisroel and Devorah Moshen on the birth of a daughter, Miriam

    Netanel Naamat 97E on receiving smicha

    Yaakov 01E,05M and Bruria Neuman on the birth of a daughter, Hadassah

    Chesky 00M,03B and Naomi Newman on the birth of a son, Yisroel Yaakov

    Moshe 03E,07M and Tehilla Ney on the birth of a son

    Meshulem Novoseller 11M on his engagement to Shaina Feldman

    Eliyahu 08M,10B and Chava Gitty Oppen on the birth of a son, Yehuda

    Meir 05M,10K and Chana Sara Oratz on the birth of a daughter

    Aron 05E,09M and Mindy Parnes on the birth of a son

    Aharon 03E and Mrs. Pfeiffer on the birth of a daughter

    Avrohom Chaim Platschek 03E,07M on his marriage to Mari Pelcovitz of Lawrence

    Shlomo Platschek 05E on his marriage to Racheli Lisker

    Yanky 07K and Rochel Potash on the birth of a son

    Eli Press 11M on his marriage to Esther Swerdlik of Far Rockaway

    Yitzy 94E and Yaffa Pretter on the birth of a son

    Nissan 06M,09B and Sarah Gitty Profesorske on the birth of a son

    Avrohom Prupas 08B on his marriage to Cheli Muskat

    Yehuda 05B and Etah Rais on the birth of a son, Yair Mordechai

    Aron Zvi Rayman 12B on his marriage

    Chaim Asher Reisman 10M,13B on his engagement to Raizy Messner of Kensington

    Zevi Rhodes 02E,06M on his engagement

    Dovid Roll 07M,09B on his marriage to Chani Krumholtz of Edison, NJ

    Yaacov 04M,07B and Rochel Rowner on the birth of a daughter, Ahuvah

    Dovi 00E,04M,05B and Diana Safier on the birth of a daughter, Tamar Kayla

    Yitzi Safier 02E,06M on his marriage to Shani Gluck

    Shaya Samet 03E,07M on his marriage to Meira Zacks of Toronto

    Binyamin Samuels 05E on his marriage

    Jonie 99E,03M,07B and Chaviva Sarf on the birth of a daughter, Ruchama Esther

    Aryeh 92E and Esther Satt on the birth of a son, Yaakov Mordichai

    Yaakov Schuss 05E on his engagement

    Avrumi 92E and Ronit Schwartz on the birth of a son

    Shlomo Schwed 98E and his wife on the birth of a son

    Yosef Chaim Selah 12B on his marriage to Simi Yurowitz of Staten Island

    Michoel Sharifian 10M,11B on his engagement

    Dovid Sichel 01M and his wife on the birth of a son

    Yaakov 00E,04M and Leah Sod on the birth of a daughter

    Menachem 99M and Michal Soffer on the birth of a daughter

    Yaakov 01E,05M and Kayla Soffer on the birth of a son, Yoel

    Zevy 99M and Shevy Stern on the birth of a daughter, Masha Yehudis.

    Eliyahu 01E,05M,08B and Malkie Sternberg on the birth of a son

    Yeruchem Stone 07M,08B on his marriage

    Yehuda Strickman 05E on his marriage to Basya Waxman of Brooklyn

    Shimmy 01M,04B and Rochel Sussman on the birth of a son, Mordechai

    Simcha 89E and Mimi Sussman on the birth of a son.

    Yitzchok Elya 85E and Rivky Sussman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son

    Benyamin Tach 12B on his marriage to Karmela Rubinov

    Yossi 04E,08M,11B and Yehudis Tendler on the birth of a daughter

    Ephraim 13B and Michal Tuchman on the birth of a son

    Pinchas 01E and Shulamis Vogel on the birth of a son, Yosef Dov

    Ari Weiss 10B on his marriage to Mimi Reich of Lawrence

    Eli Weiss 10B (Monsey) on his engagement to Zahava Brown of Flatbush

    Eli 06M, 09B and Rivky Winzelberg on the birth of a son, Yosef

    Asher Witty 12M on his engagement to Aliza Bregin of Baltimore

    Moshe Nosson 99E,03M,04B and B.T. Wolff on the birth of a son

    Benyamin 04E,08M,10B and Rochel Wolfson on the birth of a daughter, Tzipora

    Yisroel Yavne 02E on his marriage to Miriam Selinger of Monsey

    Aryeh 84E and Adeena Zabrowsky on the engagement of their daughter

    Yehuda Zutler 09M,12B on his engagement to Ariella Sommerstein of Cedarhurst

    [All alumni simchos submitted after Sukkos 5774 have been included.]

    Kos Tanchumim Heshy Friedlander 82E on the passing of his mother

    Moishe Golomb 04M on the passing of his father

    Boruch Binyomin 00M,03B and Zisel Kitay on the passing of their son

    Aryeh 02E,06M, Eliyahu Zalman 05E, Menachem 00E,04M and Binyamin 08E,12M Lerer on the passing of their mother

    Avi Mordechai 03E,07M on the passing of his father

    Yonatan Osyatinsky 12E on the passing of his father

    Chaim Plumer 00M on the passing of his father

    Dovid Sichel 01M on the passing of his mother

    Yosef Wartelsky 02M on the passing of his mother

    ohkaurhu iuhm hkct rta lu,c of,t ojbh v



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  • Yeshiva Darchei Torah257 Beach 17th StreetFar Rockaway, NY 11691


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    41st Annual DinnerThis winter an estimated 1500 parents, grandparents, alumni and friends participated in the Yeshivas annual dinner, an inspiring event that paid tribute to several distinguished honorees, the pioneer class of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo and the Yeshiva itself. The theme of the evening was Preparing a Child for Life. Coverage begins on page 12.

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