becoming a better pen tester overview

Post on 08-Jun-2015






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How to continue growing as a security professional


  • 1. Security Testing

2. Test Process Flow Info gathering Planning Execution Closeout 3. Testing Methodology Recon Mapping Discovery Exploitation Post-exploitation ReportingReconExploitationMappingDiscovery 4. Testing Checklist 5. Info Gathering/PlanningReconReportingMappingRisk AnalysisDiscoveryPostexploitationExploitation Functional Analysis Process Flow Mapping Request/Response MappingSecurity Testing Checklist 6. Info Gathering Planning Execution CloseoutNotification of a request for testing Questionnaire and checklist is sent Questionnaire is returned with project documentation Tester assigned to project (if not already assigned) 7. Info Gathering Planning Execution CloseoutReview documentation Conduct interview with analyst/developer Application walkthrough Set the schedule Write Ready for Test Conduct a kickoff meeting Verify necessary access Recon phase of testing Checklist - Recon and analysis 8. Info Gathering Planning Execution CloseoutHost Assessment Patches and updates Ports/Services CIS Benchmarks OS/Web Server/DB configuration Checklist Assess application hosting & Configuration management Web Application Mapping Functional Analysis Process flow mapping Request/response mapping Discovery (Covered by TSB checklist) Configuration Management Testing Authentication Testing Session Management Testing Authorization Testing Business Logic Testing Data Validation Testing Exploitation Post-exploitation 9. Info Gathering Planning Execution CloseoutRemove false positives Risk analysis Compute CVSS score Conduct a findings meeting with the project Write final report 10. Weekly Status Reports Follow the template Set verbosity to 3 Include where you are in the process and the methodology Show progress Include non-test related items (demos, research, etc) 11. Post Testing Findings Schedule it for after the test, while writing the final report May provide helpful insight that is useful during the reporting process Assures that there are no surprises in the Final Report 12. Automated tool output Verify issues Provide clearer explanations Tune risk levels Provide custom recommendations Prioritize recommendations 13. Writing of Issues Be concise and direct Include description of the issue (how it is) how to reproduce it why it occurred (i.e. root cause) why it is a security issue (significance of the impact) recommendations on how to remediate the issue (how it should be) CVSS risk Should be able to fill out a CVSS calculator 14. Questions that should be taken into consideration and answered What assets are affected? What population of people have access to this exploit? What is the level of difficulty? What is the frequency that this exploit happens in the wild? What controls are in place that would mitigate the ability of someone to exploit this? 15. The issue is not written until these 2 questions can be answered by the audience: Will the reader understand why this is a security risk? Will the reader understand how to fix the issue? 16. Why exploit? Find things that automated tools cant or wont Reduces false positives Improves the report Saying that the password policy is weak and passwords and PII shouldnt be stored in plain text True, but understated Saying we were able to crack a users password and then obtain user IDs, passwords and PII (in detail) More powerful Identifies root causes efficient and effectively Leads to more security issues that otherwise may have been missed Threat modeling is important CVSS scores each vulnerability separate 17. Final Report Executive Summary 3-6 key findings (root causes) Highlight business impact Explain the levers management can pull to change root causes 18. Non-Technical Skills Project Management Education Staying up to date and learning new technologies Teaching Being able to explain new concepts and share knowledge Research BS Management (people skills & business skills) Writing Being able to explain and influence other people Attack modeling Having a security mindset 19. Technical Skills (The Baseline) Master of an OS (and some web server knowledge) Linux Windows In depth knowledge of TCP/IP Basic Scripting BASH, Perl, Python JavaScript Databases and SQL Lean how to program! Recommend python or Java Ability to complete the Security Testing Checklist 20. Basic tools NMAP NetCat TCPDump/Wireshark Metasploit Framework Burpsuite Pro Nessus Cenzic Hailstorm Core Impact Firefox plugins Backtrack/Samurai WTF SQLmap Command line tools Many, many more 21. Best Practices Run tcpdump when testing, especially with tools Use Burp as a proxy when browsing Disable firewall and A/V on attack system (and no PII) Start writing the report as you go Ask the project what is important and what needs to be protected Take notes as you test, include dates Save logs and checklist (especially burp logs) Update tools before the test begins Tune your tools Always verify results especially verify results discovered by an automated tool with manual verification Stick to Mapping -> Discovery -> Exploit When in Discovery phase, dont get side-tracked into exploits 5 attempts or 5 minutes Break vulnerabilities down until you hit root cause(s) 22. Ideas for Future Research & Powershell Web Services Cloud Computing Mobile Remediation recommendations Design input Attack analysis and forensics Code reviews Tool tuning HTML5

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