become a social media expert

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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I highly recommend this book to anyone pursuing Social Media as a career or any business wanting to expand their reach and positioning on the Social Media platforms.


Become a Social Media Expert

Welcome to this weeks Book Review!

I have a humdinger of a book for you this week!

This is a book that I have had in my possession for some months now, but I just

never got around to reading it, even though it’s hugely relevant to the niche I am in!

I must say that I have the utmost respect for the lady who wrote this weeks

recommended title and I had the pleasure of interviewing her late last year.

I have included a link to that interview underneath this video.

In the meantime, please check out this video and find out what book I am raving

about…. hghghghghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghgiii ghghghgghhghghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhgghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghghhghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghhghghghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghghghghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghghghhghghghghghhghghghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghghhghghghghhghiiii

I highly recommend this book to anyone pursuing Social Media as a career or any

business wanting to expand their reach and positioning on the Social Media


To see a fantastically candid interview with the lovely Mari Smith – CLICK HERE!

For your copy of The New Relationship Marketing head over to Amazon right now!

Let me know if you’ve read it and what your thoughts were / are!

Jo :)

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