beatrix potter’s -...

Post on 28-Oct-2019






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GINGER CAST PICKLES CAST PUBLIC SHOWS 3/29 at 7pm; 3/30 at 7pm; 3/30 & 4/6 at 2:30pm 3/31 & 4/7 2:30pm

SCHOOL SHOWS 4/2 & 4/5 4/3 & 4/4 at 9:30am and 11:30am at 9:30 and 11:30am

PETER RABBIT Bec Fitzsimmons Charlie Clevenger

FLOPSY Kamayah Sutton Lanie Wright

MOPSY Jaimie Abbott Lilly Lewis

Cottontail Audrey DeCredico Jaelyn Sanders

MRS. RABBIT Autumn Schulmeister Riley Brown

CAWDY, the CROW Kailey Buttry Bennett Russak

BENJAMIN BUNNY James Derrick Lucas Gregg

SQUIRREL NUTKIN Zachary Schulmeister Tilleigh Nazor-Comer

JOKER Tytus Hayes Brady Lewis

MRS. TIGGY-WINKLE Elise Hall Megan McGarvey

NIMBLE Cole Hayes Paul Knotts

MR. McGREGOR Zachary Huseman Hunter Landreth

MRS. McGREGOR Emily James Emily Johnson

LUCIE Claire James Ella McGinness STAGE MANAGERS Olivia Kelly Ella Hogue

Come Clean Entertainment | Happy’s Shaved Ice

The Chattanooga Theatre Centre extends sincere gratitiude to our sponsors

Youth Theatre Co-Producers

$1,000 Level:Mitch & Jackie Collins

Carole KlimeschDennis McGuire in memory of Mary Kate McGuire

$500 Level: AnonymousOwen Allen

Mark & Pamela BracherBrandon & Mandy Culpepper

Lily & Iris HambyEunice Hodges

Sallie & Dale Lawrence

$300 Level: Chattanooga Handyman

Rick & Lisa Glisson Diane & Michael Huseman

Charles & Krissy JoelsMartha Mackey

Amy & Steve MellerPapercut Interactive

Ryan & Nicole RogersDave & Jan Suhrbier

Julie & Rodney Van ValkenburgMichelle & Brett Warren

About the Director

Scott Dunlap: An alumni of our Youth Theatre program, Scott graduated from the American Acade-my of Dramatic Arts in 1996 and was a member of their 1997 Acting Company. He is proud to re-turn to his roots. Scott was Youth Theatre Designer from 1997 until 2000. He directed and designed Tuck Ever-lasting, Robin Goodfellow and Bamboozled for the Youth Theatre, additionally writing Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs and adapting Chuck Tuttle’s Sleeping Beauty for the program. From 2007-2012, he was writer/director of The Snow Queen, The Jungle Book and The Canterville Ghost for Baylor Middle School. He has been onstage in numerous CTC productions, including such diverse roles as the vil-lainous Miss Hannigan in Annie, and the playboy, Bobby in Company. In 2008, he received the award for Best Actor for Estrogon in Waiting for Godot at the Tennessee Theatre Association Community Theatre Competition and returned in 2012 to receive Best Director and Best Production for Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps. His long history of directing CTC shows, often designing his own produc-tions, includes Hair, Mr. & Mrs. M, Dark of the Moon, The Importance of Being Earnest, Rent, The Fantasticks, Almost Maine and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast in 2005, 2009 & 2017.

Executive Director.........................Todd OlsonDirector of Marketing...................Julie VanValkenburgPatron Services Director...............Wayne SchockBusiness Manager..........................Cassandra GrossDevelopment Associate................Lisa GlissonGroup Sales & Events Manager...Ric MorrisEducation Director........................Chuck TuttleYouth Theatre Director.................Scott Dunlap

Technical Director...........................Norman Eric KnaussMaster Carpenter.............................Evan BrackettProperties Master/Scenic Painter...Tara McDougalEducation Assistant.........................Katie CampassiBox Office Assistants.......................Kitty Murakami Nicole Coleman

C h a t t a n o o g a T h e a t r e C e n t r e S t a f f

•Please be on time to a performance. Usually this means arriving 30 minutes before curtain time to ensure proper time for parking and seating.

•This performance will be in the Main Stage Theatre (the double doors closest to the river).

•Upon arrival, one person should check in at the Will Call desk on the left side of the lobby.

•Please line up in the lobby the way you would like your class to be seated. If you must move someone please do so before entering the theatre

•There will be no intermission for this show so please use the restroom before the performance to avoid a disruption during the performance.

•Turn off your cell phones and refrain from using them during the performance.

•Please pay close attention to the curtain speech before the performance. There is critical information given about the safety of our patrons while watching the performance.

•Please be mindful that any noise can be distracting for the audience...whispering is still speaking. Even unwrapping a piece of candy is more distracting than you know!

•Taking photos or video is strictly prohibited during a performance by our contractual agreement with the publisher.

•Please remain in your seat for the entire performance. If you must leave, do so discreetly so as not to disturb others. In an emergency, please walk, do not run, to the nearest exit.

•Please refrain from eating or drinking in the theatre.

•Keep feet off the seats and do not kick the seat in front of you.

•Applause at the end of the performance tells the performers and crew that you appreciate their work. Standing and applauding means you really liked the show.

•It is distracting and inappropriate to whistle or scream out to the performers (even if you know them).

Please consider filling out our survey after seeing the Production:

The Chattanooga Theatre Centre is thrilled that you are coming to the show! A few reminders for you and your students to ensure the best experience possible for everyone!

This performance will take place on our Main Stage.


Aristotle (384-322BC) was one of the first philosophers to begin to explain Dra-ma. He wrote an essential list of elements in Drama. Even though he wrote this list well over 2000 years ago, we still reference Aristotle’s elements when discuss-ing the definition of Drama.

Aristotle’s six Elements of Drama: Plot: What happens in the play; the storyline.

Theme: Meaning of the Play; lessons learned from story.Characters: Usually people in the play but at times characters can be animals,

inanimate objects, or simply and idea. Dialogue: The words spoken in the play written by the playwright. It helps

move the plot.Music/Rhythm: Sometimes Plays use music to help tell the story, but Aristotle was also talking about the rhythm of the dialogue of the characters. The pace of

the play.Spectacle: Visual elements of the play, which include:

• Scenery: The Set; The equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or plat-forms, used in production to communicate environment.

• Costumes: Clothing and accessories worn by the actors to portray character and period.

• Props: Properties; Any article except costumes and scenery, used as a part of a dramatic production; any moveable object that appears on stage during per-formance.

• Lights: The placement, intensity, and color of lights to help communicate en-vironment, mood, and/or feeling.

Beatrix Potter1866 - 1943

Helen Beatrix Potter was born on July 28, 1866 to Rupert and Helen Potter in London. She and her younger brother Bertram were schooled by a series of governesses who educated them in the sciences and the arts, while their parents nurtured a love of nature in them. Beatrix made many sketches of her

pet lizards, turtles, frogs, and rabbits including one she named Benjamin Bouncer, and another she called Peter Piper. The Potter family took several summer trips to the countryside in Scotland, where Beatrix showed an interest in the natural world, sketching plants and insects. She would later study at the National Art Training School. Beatrix’s first employment came as an illustrator of greeting cards. Later, she illustrated books, including Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Cinderella. For the Royal Botanical Gardens, she gained attention with her drawings of plants. Here she created technically detailed watercolors of fungi. This led her to research in Mycology (the study of fungi). Her paper on the reproduction of fungi was rejected by the head of the Botanical Gardens because she was a woman. Another Mycologist presented her paper to the Linnean Society of London. Beatrix had a habit of sending little illustrations and stories along with her correspondences, especially to children. One such drawing was sent to the son of her old governess, Annie Moore, who suggested that it would make a nice book. After being rejected by several publishers, Potter published The Tale of Peter Rabbit herself. The initial copies were intended for family and friends. It was such a success that it caught the attention of a publisher, which had previously rejected it. With this publication in 1902, it became a bestseller.She went on to publish other stories, such as The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, and The Tailor of Gloucester. Potter’s personal life found her courted by Norman Warne, of her publishing company, though her parents were against the relationship. Despite this they were engaged. Unfortunately, Mr. Warne became ill and, soon after, died of leukemia. In 1903, Beatrix designed patented a Peter Rabbit doll, and a board game, while continuing to write and illustrate new stories. With her income from these endeavors, she bought a farm and land in the Lake District of Scotland, where her family had vacationed many years before. Here she found peace and solace after the death of her fiancé. Here, she learned the ways of farming, and began to buy up other farms in the area. In this task, she met William Heelis, a lawyer who helped her in her real estate purchases. They married in 1913. After this time, her publishing slowed, as she spent more time with farm life and with the preservation of the Lake District. Upon her death in 1943, she left her farm, more than 4,000 acres of land, and many of her original illustrations to the National Land Trust, protecting them forever from development.

Sources:Rob.harrison. “About Beatrix Potter.” Peter Rabbit,“Beatrix Potter.”, A&E Networks Television, 9 Jan. 2017,“Beatrix Potter.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Mar. 2019,

Of Rabbits and Hares

RabbitsRabbits are fast-moving, big-eared mammals. There are about 25 different species of rabbits. They live in a variety of environments, including deserts, swamps, marshes, forests, grasslands, and prairies. Rabbits are found on every continent, except Antarctica. Rabbits have their babies in underground bur-rows. The babies are born hairless with their eyes closed. They ween in about four to six weeks.

Life expectancy: eight years in captivity; one year in the wild (from predation)Predators: dogs, foxes raccoons, weasels, bobcats, lynxes, hawks, and eagles. They have a fast repro-ductive rate.Anatomy: Rabbits range in size from eight to twenty inches in length. They have very big and power-ful hind legs, which they use for hopping and for digging burrows.Diet: Rabbits are herbivores (plant-eaters). They eat grass, leaves, bark, and twigs.Classification: Kingdom – Animalia; Phylum – Chordata; Class – Mammalia; Order – Lagomorpha; Family – Leporidae; Genus – Oryctolagus; more than 50 different species


Hares are long-eared mammals with strong hind legs. They are closely related to rabbits (both belong to the family Leporidae), but hares are born fully haired, with open eyes, and can hop about only a few minutes after birth. They hop at great speeds on the large, powerful hind legs, in a kangaroo-like fashion. The female hare is called a doe, the male is call a buck, and the babies are called leverets. Like rabbits, hares are found on every continent except Antarctica, with the highest concentration in North America and Europe. Hares are one of the fastest of the small mammals, reaching speeds of 45 miles per hour. Un-like rabbits, hares have their nests above ground, instead of in a burrow.

Life Expectancy: Seven years in captivity; one year in the wild.Predators: Dogs, coyotes, owls, hawks. Because of their speed, and acute sense of smell, hares are not the preferred meal of most animals.Anatomy: Hares range in size from 14 to 28 inches. They have long tails of two to four inches. Their weight comes in between 3 and 12 pounds. They have big hind legs which give the great speed and allow them to leap upward to avoid capture. Though they are not rodents, their front teeth continue to grow throughout their lives.Diet: Hares are herbivores. Possibly because of needing to trim their teeth, hares’ diet tends towards bark and twigs.Classification: Kingdom – Animalia; Phylum – Chordata; Class – Mammalia; Order – Lagomorpha; Family – Leporidae; Genus – Lepus; there are over 30 different species of hares, including the com-mon hare, jack rabbit, the Arctic Hare, the Snowshoe Hare, and the Blue Hare.

Animals, A-Z. “A To Z Index of Animals.” A, 27 Mar. 2019,


Rabbits and hares are two types of mammals. Scientists classify animals so they can learn more about how they live. This dramatic exercise is an easy way to classify animals:

On the floor in three different corners, place a large brown cloth, a large green cloth and a large blue cloth. Tell your children that the brown cloth is the ground, the green cloth is a tree and the blue cloth is the water. Have the children start in the middle of the room. Say the following:“Different animals live in different places. I’m going to name an animal and I want you to go where you think they live. Ready? Where does a fish live?Where does a bird live?Where does a cow live?”

After you do this a few times, use an animal that isn’t easily classified:

“Where does a snake live?”

Because snakes can live on the ground or a tree or the water, it can stimulate discussion about how different kinds of the same animal can live in different places.

A Happy Phair, 1890The Tailor of Gloucester, 1902The Tale of Two Bad MiceThe Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, 1905The Story of Miss Moppet, 1906The Tale of Jemima Puddle-DuckThe Tale of Ginger and Picles, 1908The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse, 1910The Tale of Mr. Tod, 1912

The Tale of Peter Rabbit, 1901The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, 1903 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, 1904The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, 1906The Tale of Tom Kitten, 1907The Roly-Poly Pudding, 1908The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies, 1909the Tale of Timmy Tiptoes, 1911The Tale of Piglind Bland, 1913

Selected Books by Beatrix Potter

Plays and movies must rely on humans to tell stories, even when those stories are about animals. In cartoons, the animals that are drawn and animated are voiced by people. No matter how realistic the animals look, if they talk, there are people portraying them. When people portray animals, the animals take on human traits. This is called anthropomorphism. In order to portray animals on stage the actor must think about how the animal would move and then blend that movement to human movement. If the animal is four-footed, in most cases, an actor will try to adapt the movements and behavior to a two-footed version of the animal, allowing them easier and better mobility and visibility on stage.

Warm-up(To be done in an open area) Tell everyone to find a spot not near anyone or anything (you can check this by walking between them if you think they are too close). Tell them to remember this spot. Tell them to walk around and when you say, “Spot,” they must return to their spot.

Tell them this time they will move around the room and you will say, “freeze.” When you day freeze they must stop ex-actly as they are when you say freeze. Do this. They may throw their hands in the air and make a fancy pose. Tell them that that is not freezing since that is not how they were when you said, “freeze,”

Tell them this time you will have them walk around the room and you may say “freeze,” or you may say “pose.” If you say “freeze,” they must freeze. If you say “pose,” they must pose until you say something else.

Now make your arm into a gauge. To the right is 0. At 0 they are completely still. To the left is 10. At 10 they are moving as fast as they can. Tell them 5 is walking normally. Tell them to move around the room at 3. If this seems too fast you can slow it to 2. If this is too fast, slow it to 1. Be sure to let them go at least at 8. Say “spot.”

Animal TransformationStart with everyone standing up. “I’m going to count from one to ten. As I count you will slowly turn your body into a gross and disgusting monster. When I reach ten it should be the most gross and disgusting monster you can make.”

Start counting slowly. When you get to ten, tell them to move around like the monster. Then, “I’m going to count from one to ten again and I want you to slowly turn your monster back into your lovely, everyday self.”

Diminish the count from 10 to eight, then six, then four, then two then one. They should have fun doing this.

Then change to doing a dog. You can just do the one to 10 count,then let them move around as the dog. Sometimes students want their dogs to fight. If so, you can tell them that these are happy dogs. If they want to bark, tell them you just hit the mute button on the remote so they can’t make any sound

Tell them they’ll next do a cat. Ask them how a cat and a dog are different. They might mention that cats meow and dogs bark but remind them that the mute button is on. Do the exercise with cats and coach them to think about how a cat does things different than a dog. You can give them suggestions like you are cleaning yourself. Now you are eating, now your are sleeping. Count them back to their lovely, everyday selves.

You can do as many animals as you wish. Each one will have a different movement challenge and make the students think about what makes each animal unique.

Variation: You can tell them that you want to make them half and animal and half human. You’ll count to five and they have to stop transforming halfway to being an animal. Have them move around and do different things.

Portraying Animals

Summer Academy 2019Class for students Rising K - 12th Grade

June 3 - August 2

1. Bugs Bunny Feuded with which one of these characters?A) Elmer FuddB) Daffy DuckC) Yosemite SamD) Wile E. CoyoteE) All of the above

2. Despite the fact that he was invisible, Harvey was still a good friend to who?A) Jimmy StewartB) Veta Louise SimmonsC) Elwood P. DowdD) Eddie Valiant

3. In wonderland, Alice comes across a rather unusual tea party featuring a March Hare. Who is the March Hare’s tea-drinking companion?A) The White RabbitB) The Mad HatterC) The Queen of HeartsD) The Cheshire CatE) All of the above

4. Roger Rabbit finds himself in trouble with what character?A) Jessica rabbitB) Baby HermanC) Eddie ValiantD) Judge Doom

5. Rabit’s smallest friend and relation from Winnie the Pooh is…?A) RooB) PigletC) Alexander BeetleD) Eeyore

6. Thumper meets two of his best friends in the forest. Who are they?A) Bugs Bunny and Daffy DuckB) Babs and Buster BunnyC) Flopsy and MopsyD) Bambi and Flower

Famous RabbitsWe love rabbits. Here’s a little quiz about some favorite rabbits.

Answers1)e, 2)c, 3)b, r)d, 5)c, 6)d

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