be a finder and a keeper of diverse talent

Post on 21-Feb-2016






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Be A Finder and A Keeper of Diverse Talent. Leigh Settlemoir Dzwik Academic Human Resources Joi Cunningham Office of Inclusion & Intercultural Initiatives. Successful Searches . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Be A Finder and A Keeper of Diverse


Leigh Settlemoir DzwikAcademic Human Resources

Joi CunninghamOffice of Inclusion & Intercultural Initiatives

Successful searches begin with successful search committee members— trained, dedicated, and experienced individuals.

Search committees succeed when they build highly qualified, diverse applicant pools.

Highly qualified, diverse applicant pools lead to the potential for outstanding hires which, in turn are natural recruitment vehicles for the next searches.

Successful Searches

Transform the search process

Commit to diversity through action

Build a diverse applicant pool

Avoid exclusionary thinking in recruitment, selection and hiring

Be aware of unconscious bias

Successful Search Committees:

“They must have attended the ‘right’ school, training program, etc.”

Consider the situation of the National Football League.

If they only considered those from traditionally outstanding programs (e.g., Oklahoma and other Big 12 schools), would John Elway have had the opportunity to lead the Broncos to two Super Bowl victories?

An Example of ‘Exclusionary Thinking’

Unconscious bias is based on a stereotype. A stereotype is a standardized mental

picture that represents an oversimplified opinion, affective attitude or uncritical judgment about a group. (Merriam Webster Online).

MIT/University of Chicago study – sent 5000 resumes to help wanted ads in Boston and Chicago with stereotypical white and black names.

Unconscious Bias

The composition of the search committee is critical to its success. Involve people with diverse perspectives and fresh ideas.

Note: Departmental faculty not on search committee still play critical role in search process.

Search Committee Composition

Search Committee Myths

Fact or Fiction

The few faculty of color are being sought out by numerous institutions, and are not affordable.

Fiction!Reality ~ Some minority and women faculty weigh location and job environment more than salary —so market your assets!

Fact or Fiction?

Faculty of color won’t select academe—they choose more lucrative positions in government or industry.

Fiction!Reality ~ Minority and women PhDs are no more orless likely to work in academe than other PhDs.

Fact or Fiction?

Minority scholars are not available in the STEM disciplines.

Fiction!Reality ~ Although numbers are low recent PhDs and Post Docs are available.

Fact or Fiction?

So, Where do we Begin?

We need to know what role each affected area plays in the search process.

Key Faculty Search Areas

Search Committee Prepares selection criteria, evaluation information

and advertisements. Corresponds with applicants. Screens candidates and recommends for interview.

Conducts interviews and reference checks. Recommends candidates to hire.

Key Faculty Search Areas

Department Chairperson (if applicable)◦ Appoints search committee◦ Approves recommendations of search committee◦ Interviews candidates

Dean/Director◦ Approves recommendations of search committee◦ Interviews candidates◦ Prepares offers to candidates

Key Faculty Search Areas

Inclusion Director/Provost’s Office◦ Approves recommendations of the search

committee◦ Interacts with search committee regarding

procedures◦ Summarizes candidate data and information

relative to protected groups with regard to the position

Key Faculty Search Areas

Cast a Wide NetIt’s important to

recruit from a wide range of

sources and use a variety of methods to

cast a wide net. If you need extra

resources, contact the Office of Inclusion.


Do not post job announcement until:

1) Search Committee has reviewed

2) Dean/Director has reviewed and approved

3) Office of Inclusion has reviewed and


Job Advertisement RULE

If you are not going to consider applicants, until all materials are received, indicate so in your job ad.

Remember… Outstanding candidates often do not apply for advertised positions—you must ‘court’ these potential applicants.

Graystone Advertising – make them work for you!


Change in the law related to permanent residency-- National Print Ad No Longer Required!! Can still place national print advertisement but can use electronic or web-based national professional journal too.

What is required if use electronic or web-based national professional journal?◦ Advertisement must be posted for at least 30 calendar days◦ Documentation of advertisement placement required◦ Documentation of advertisement placement must include evidence of the

start and end dates ◦ Documentation of advertisement placement must show text of advertisement


Recruitment Guidelines Regarding the Immigration Process

Search Committee Methods

Cannot give the appearance of or favor relatives or those with which you have a personal relationship◦ No involvement in the search process◦ No direct or indirect line of supervision

Such relationships must be disclosed to Academic Human Resources

Might pose a conflict of interest in contravention of Board of Trustees policy◦ Conflict of Interest Policy In the Appointment and

Assignment of Related Employees


Invite minority and women scholars to campus to present symposia, etc.

Provide mentoring and other resources for junior faculty, esp. important for women and minority faculty.

Build cultural competency into clinical and educational experiences.

Build diversity into curriculum.

Sample Initiatives to R&R Diverse Talent

Messages start with words and behavior of leaders (deans, department chairs, etc.).

Build networks and resources/ continuous recruiting.

Grow the pipeline.

Champion Diversity Initiatives at OU – ERGs, programming, Welcome Committee, policies!!

Sample Diversity Initiatives (cont’d)

ALL search committee members share responsibility to attract diverse pool and ensure fair and equitable treatment of all applicants.

Committee Member Responsibilities

Telephone calls

Personalized letters to potential applicants

Personalized emails

Talk face-to-face with people who might nominate candidates

Outreach Activities

Approach potential candidates at professional meetings.

Consult with diverse faculty members on campus about outreach activities.

Contact traditional professional organizations that have affiliated groups for women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups.

Other ideas?

Outreach Activities (cont’d)

Committee must establish selection/evaluation criteria and scoring process before reviewing applicant materials.

Internal applicants should not participate inthe evaluation process of other applicants.


Treat all applicants consistently and fairly.

Be courteous and prompt in correspondence.

Remember your own experiences as an applicant.


The search committee does not need to wait until the materials submission deadline to review applicant materials. Review may begin at any time.


Everyone’s Materials Are In…

Now What??

All discussions among committee members are confidential.

Applicant names and materials should be kept in secure location.

Confidentiality breeches should be disclosed to committee chair.


Formal selection interviews are conducted by the search committee and sometimes additional evaluators.

Must be consistent for all applicants. Use questions that cover major job functions and

desired skills/abilities only. Must ask same questions of all applicants, but

can ask varying follow up questions depending on applicants’ answers and/or experience/education.

Use interview questions to probe ‘potential’ using ‘what if’ type questions.

Interview Format

Committee members who miss some or all of the interviews should not participate in discussions of rank ordering of applicants, but may provide comments on those that they attended.

You or the applicant have questions ◦ Academic Human Resources Ex:2922◦ Office of Inclusion Ex:3496

Interview Tips

Inappropriate interview venues: Sporting Events Gentlemen's Club Dinner with Partner/Spouse and Family House Parties

Interview Tips (cont’d)

Do not ask about or discuss the following (even if applicants volunteer the

information):- age- sexual orientation- marital status- religion- children (present or future)- ethnicity/culture- veteran status- disability status - Pregnancy and Health


Arrange for applicants to meet with other faculty of similar interests or backgrounds on campus.

Prepare ‘welcome packet’ for campus visits (e.g., handbooks, school/dept policies, benefits summary, web site info, regional activities, chamber of commerce materials, etc.).

MI-HERC – Dual Career Issue

Ensuring a Positive Campus Visit

Concern about struggles with promotion due to race/ethnicity (perception that they might not ‘fit the profile’)

Having gender/ethnicity given more attention than credentials (often report that their race is mentioned first, not their academic credentials)

Being expected to work harder than non-minority/male colleagues

Concerns of Minority/Women Faculty

Being treated as a token and feelings of isolation

Being expected to handle minority affairs (expected to be ‘experts’ on their racial or ethnic group)

Concern about whether they can maintain their cultural identity under pressure to ‘fit in’

More Concerns

Connecting faculty with campus resources and support

Mentoring programs

Clearly stated standards and procedures for advancement

Ways to Address Concerns

No negotiations with finalists, even verbal, are

to occur prior to Provost’s Office review andapproval of the search and the finalist list.


Not enough time to perform a search Renewing a visiting faculty contract (must

be completed each year) Outstanding individual (with detailed

explanation attached) Make certain to attach CV to the completed

form for submission/approval

When to Use Faculty Search Waivers

Turner, Caroline S.V. 2002. Diversifying the faculty: A guidebook for search committees. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges &

Barker, Kathy. 2002. At the helm: A laboratory navigator. Cold Spring Laboratory Press. (Covers personnel issues in a laboratory setting. Geared toward new Principal Investigators.)

Faculty Search Resources Academic Human Resources website of Inclusion and Intercultural

Initiatives website

Faculty Search Resources (cont’d)


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