bbm business plan 2-14

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  • 8/12/2019 BBM Business Plan 2-14


    February 28, 2014

    Executive SummaryWhat does a community look like where no elderly person feels

    alone? What happens in a community where every child is given

    the guidance and support they need to reach their God!given

    potential? What if there were people standing ready to lend ahelping hand to those who truly need it? What can a community

    accomplish when it comes together with the help of God?

    Burton Bridge Ministry is our churches attempt to find out.

    Who We Are

    The name of our organization is Burton Bridge Ministry.

    Founded in 2010, we seek to work together to serve our

    neighbors in the name of Christ, seeing our churches as

    collaborators instead of competitors in building up our people

    and community. To our knowledge, we are the only community

    1Bringing Unity to our Community

    Our Mandate

    Truly I tell you, just as you did it to

    one of the least of these who are

    members of my family, you did it

    to me. - Jesus (Matthew 25:40)

    Our Mission

    The mission of Burton Bridge

    Ministry is to serve our

    surrounding community in Christs

    name by building a bridge

    between racial, cultural,

    educational, and economic

    divisions, to bridge the charitable

    needs of individuals and the

    provisions of other individuals to

    meet those needs and by bringing

    unity to the community.

    Our Vision

    We live out our mission by

    working to build a bridge between

    the people and congregations of

    the Burton area by doing the

    ministry of Christ together in his

    name, by establishing a variety of

    ministries that address the needsof our greater Burton community

    to live out the Good News in the

    same manner that Christ did, and

    to help heal and transform our


    BURTON BRIDGE MINISTRYa mission of a"twelve Burton, TX area churches

    Business Strategy Plan 2014-2021

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    February 28, 2014

    in the U.S. where every church has committed to work together

    as one in this way. We are located at 601 West Main Street in

    Burton; our mailing address is PO Box 68, Burton, TX 77835; our

    email address is; and our

    telephone number is 979!289!2223.

    Where We Are

    Burton is a community of 300 residents with a larger area

    population of 3,500 people. The Burton Independent School

    District serves 366 students on one K!12 campus. There are 12

    churches in and around Burton ranging from very small to over

    500 in membership. Originally founded as an African!American

    community, Burton is divided in two by Highway 290 with the

    African!American community living on the south side and a

    predominantly Caucasian community on the north side. A large

    bridge both connects and separates the two sides.

    What We Do

    Our church congregations have come together to address and

    serve the various needs of our community by direct actions of

    social outreach ministry, intending to bridge racial, cultural,

    educational, and economic divisions, and to provide resources

    and facilities useful for addressing those needs.

    Who We Work With

    In addition to our church congregations, we have a#liate

    relationships and ongoing discussions with Bread Partners, Fishes

    and Loaves, Boys and Girls Club of Washington County, Faith

    Mission, Piece Way Ministry and Washington County EMS. We

    continue to build relationships and seek other service a#liations.

    What We Have Done

    We organized in March 2010. In the late fall of that year, we

    organized into 4 ministry teams to serve our seniors, children &

    youth, larger community, and those in need of home repairs

    through Helping Hands. In 2011, the Seniors team began serving

    lunches once a week to the senior citizens and since that time

    have consistently served an average of 35 people per week with a

    total of 1,926 meals served in just 2012. The Youth team hosts a

    two week day camp called Camp Hope each summer, starting

    with an average of 35 elementary aged children, to 50 this past

    2Bringing Unity to our Community

    Our MemberChurches

    Bethany Christian Church

    Christ Way Temple Baptist

    Church First Baptist Church

    Greenvine Baptist Church

    Greenvine Emmanuel Lutheran


    Hollow Springs Baptist Church

    Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church

    St. Johns Baptist Church

    St. Johns United Church of


    St. Marys Baptist Church

    St. Pauls Lutheran Church ofRehburg

    Zion Hill Baptist Church

    These are all of the churches of

    the greater Burton area of

    western Washington County.

    Pledges of Support

    Burton Ministerial Alliance - all the

    pastors of the Burton area churches;

    Washington County Ministerial

    Alliance; Burton City Council and

    Mayor Peggy Felder; Washington

    County Commissioners Court and

    Judge John Brieden and

    Commissioners Joy Fuchs and Kirk

    Hanath; State Representative Lois

    Kolkhorst; John Muegge - Attorney

    and former Brenham City Manager;

    Burton Independent School District

    Board and Superintendent James

    Palmer and Principals DeBara and

    Stenken; Boys and Girls Club of

    Washington County, including theirbranch service in Burton; Faith

    Mission and J.D. Young and Randy

    Wells Brenham community ministry;

    Washington County Habitat for

    Humanity; Washington County and

    Burton Chamber of Commerce; Vicki

    LaRue -Founding Director of Camp

    for All

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    summer. Additionally, 15!20 teens serve as peer leaders. This

    team also adopts families with children each year at

    Christmas. The Community team has hosted beginning

    computer classes to the community, and each year hosts the

    Community Thanksgiving service and Good Friday services

    with a meal served. Helping Hands has completed 9 significantrepair projects that range from better insulation, to painting,

    to floor repair, etc. In 2012, we added an additional ministry

    team to sta$and operate the thrift store which in less than a

    full year of operation already has seen 2,093 volunteer hours.

    What We Are Ca"ed To Do

    We see a number of unmet needs of our community and believe God is preparing us to meet those needs.

    A key component of meeting a number of these needs has been identified by prior needs assessments

    and direct requests from members of our community, to

    acquire property and facilities in order to expand our ministry

    and services. Over the next 5 to 7 years, we plan to reach the

    following goals in phases:

    a%Expand our Youth Ministry to include after!school and

    mentoring programs, assisting the existing Boys and Girls Club

    o$ering which is in danger of losing a location for after school


    b%Meet the largely unmet need for early childhood care in our

    area of the county by providing a Head Start program for pre!school aged children, perhaps partnering with Burton ISD or other agencies

    c%Expand our Senior Ministry to include more frequent day

    activities and meals in our own facilities &rather than the

    church currently hosting the meals%, and begin to provide

    weekly meals for elderly people who are homebound.

    d%Begin providing wellness healthcare and screening services

    through a partnership with a local healthcare provider such as

    Texas A&M Health & Sciences graduate internship program.

    e%O$er facilities for an EMS sub!station to our county EMS

    service, which seeks a location on our end of the county to

    decrease response times.

    f%Begin a partnership with Blinn College to o$er facilities for job training classes.

    g%Begin a partnership with the Red Cross to assist with disaster relief and provide emergency shelter.

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    Why We Need Your Help

    We find ourselves at a crossroads, especially when it comes to facilities. We currently rent a small

    building that houses our thrift store, our primary source of income. The store has already outgrown that

    location and there is no space to use for any of our other ministries. We are restricted from helping

    people in deeper ways because of a severe lack of adequate space. We have a plan that not only provides alarger location for our thrift store but also provides for a central Ministry Campus that would allow us to

    fully live into our mission to serve our neighbors.

    We also find that our community at large is at a crossroads as well. A few years ago, our school district

    built a new elementary school adjacent to their high school. This was a very positive step forward for our

    children. However, the old elementary campus, which originally was constructed by the African!American

    members of our community before desegregation, has since been abandoned and has been on the market.

    The Boys and Girls Club currently meets there after school and is in need of a permanent location. We

    have a unique window of opportunity to negotiate directly with the school board to purchase this

    property for our Ministry Campus at a lower price since their realty contract has expired. Furthermore,

    the impact a positive development on that side of the bridge would have for this part of our community

    cannot be understated. Residents there have expressed great concern that if an o$!the!highway business

    such as a convenience store would go in there it would drag down an already struggling neighborhood

    with tra#c, noise, lights and strangers. They mourn the loss of the elementary school, which frankly also

    brought the end of a large portion of our community ever having to cross the bridge and enter that part of

    our town.

    A new location for our thrift store will help ensure the future financial viability of our ministry. A

    purchase of the old elementary school campus for a Ministry Campus would be a double!benefit to our

    community, with that site being put to great use by Burton Bridge Ministry and the money from the sale

    of that property going to benefit our children through the school district.

    We are in the process of negotiating for these new properties. More information, along with photos of

    the sites and a host of other information about Burton Bridge Ministry, is attached.

    If you would like to find out more and think you could be of assistance in any way, please contact us:

    Pastor Larry Ideker Pastor Rich Nelson

    Executive Director Board President979!337!4410 979!530!2495

    4Bringing Unity to our Community

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    Further Table of Contents:

    2. Historical Overview

    3. Organization Plan

    4. Ministry Plan

    5. Financial Plan

    6. Marketing Plan

    7. Contingency Provisions


    1 !The Burton Declaration

    2 !Our initial Mission Strategy Plan

    3 !Our Needs Assessment Survey

    4 !Our 2014 Budget

    5!7 Year end Historical Budgets with Actual Income/Expense for years 2011 !2013

    8 Cost Summary Estimate of School Property Remodeling and Renovations

    9 Provisional Budget after Acquisition of Properties

    5Bringing Unity to our Community

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    2.1 Beginnings in 2010

    Bridge began as an idea discussed during fellowship between pastors at the Burton Ministerial Alliance

    monthly breakfast. We formulated the Burton Declaration &Appendix 1%after much prayer and discussion

    in our churches. We set March 23, 2010 as a community wide meeting at the Fire Station to start the new

    ministry. After much discussion, it was decided to put together a ministry dream team to formulate how

    to carry out the Burton Declaration. In our second meeting, the name Bridge Ministry was adopted and

    the ministry dream team put together a Mission Strategy Plan &Appendix 2%covering our first three years.

    The community and our churches were canvassed along with our communitys leaders and residents with

    a six!question needs assessment survey &Appendix 3.%We met monthly at di$erent churches to

    formulate an organizational plan, a ministry plan based on the results of the needs assessment survey, and

    to begin implementation of our strategic plan. Our dream team was organized into a board of the 12

    pastors and one or two individuals elected from each church. A special committee was formed in June to

    file for incorporation, write bylaws, and apply for a 501c3 non!profit tax exemption. Our Bylaws were

    approved in July and we received our State Nonprofit Charter and Certificate of Formation in September.

    A volunteer CPA began work on the 501c3 application. After attempting to come up with funds to lease

    the old elementary school, it was decided in November to instead pursue leasing the Schulz building at

    the four!way stop in downtown Burton. We hosted the first community Thanksgiving service at the

    Community Center with almost 100 attending. At the end of the year, we formed 4 ministry teams and

    one committee to complete the final step in the strategic plan.

    2.2 Growth in 2011

    We elected 4 o#cers and negotiated the lease of the Schulz Building in January. We began our monthly

    meetings in the new building in February. We opened a bank account, approved an annual budget, rented

    a post o#ce box, and secured an IRS employer identification number. A sub lease was entered into with

    the Cockrell family to operate a barbecue restaurant in the front room of the building. Germania

    Insurance in Brenham donated o#ce furniture and we opened our o#ce and meeting area in the back

    room of the building. There was a ribbon cutting ceremony in March by the Washington County

    Chamber of Commerce and a kick o$community event. The Senior ministry team began serving Fridaysenior meals at St. Johns U.C.C. church facility with each church rotating as the weekly host for the meals

    and fellowship time. We served an average of 35 seniors during the first year. Bridge hosted the county!

    wide Good Friday service in the High School auditorium in April with over 200 attending and the start of

    a Burton Community Choir with active participation by all of our churches. The Helping Hands ministry

    team successfully completed its first project of a home repair and remodeling. The Children & Youth

    ministry team conducted the first two!week Camp Hope at the new elementary school in the summer

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    with an average of 35 children. Helping Hands completed a second home repair in July. We secured

    insurance coverage in June. The Community ministry team started a beginning computer class at our

    o#ce in July with an enrollment of 10. They hosted a fund raising Dinner Theater at the Community

    Center in August with almost 100 attending. The Helping Hands ministry team completed two more

    home repair projects during the fall. The second community Thanksgiving service was held at the

    Community Center with more attending than the prior year. The Children & Youth ministry team had aChristmas caroling hayride and also adopted 12 families including 12 children to furnish with food and

    presents. Due to declining health, the Cockrells could no longer operate the restaurant and discussion

    was held as to the feasibility of opening and operating a thrift store.

    2.3 Success in 2012

    The existing o#cers were re!elected and our second budget was approved. In March, our thrift store

    opened with immediate success. We hosted the second county!wide Good Friday service at the

    Community Center in April. In June, 10 computers were purchased to resume o$ering computer classes.

    The Children & Youth ministry team held its second Camp Hope with an average of 40 children

    attending. A property acquisition special committee was formed to secure additional property to carry

    out our ministries as the thrift store needed the additional space of the second room. We held an

    appreciation banquet for all the volunteers in July at the Community Center and conducted another

    needs assessment survey, which identified that the need for more facilities had grown. The Community

    ministry team resumed computer classes with 10 students at the elementary school computer lab due to

    not being able to secure a tower to have an internet connection in the o#ce. A part time Ministry

    Coordinator was hired to sta$the o#ce Monday through Wednesday. The third community Thanksgiving

    service was held in the Community Center with 225 attending. In December the Children &Youthministry team delivered food and presents to 17 families with 51 children. Helping Hands reported that in

    the last two years, 6 projects were completed with 275 volunteer hours logged.

    2.4 A Crossroads in 2013

    We began the year by re!electing the existing o#cers to a third term and adopting our third budget. Our

    monthly meetings were moved from the thrift store/o#ce to the science classroom at the elementary

    school due to lack of space. The third county!wide Good Friday service was held at the Community

    Center. Washington County EMS proposed an a#liation with them to coordinate health ministry in ourarea and Habitat for Humanity requested our participation in their plans to build a home in the Burton

    area in the near future. The Children & Youth ministry team held their third annual Camp Hope during

    June with an average of 50 children attending. In December, the team delivered food and gifts to 28

    families. The fourth community Thanksgiving service held in the Community Center saw our largest

    attendance to date. Our thrift store proved to be a continued success, averaging '2,500 in income each

    month. However, the owner of the Schulz Building we have been leasing announced his decision to sell

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    the building. After unsuccessfully exploring financing options with the bank and failing to agree on a

    purchase price, our property committee began in earnest to locate property to house the thrift store,

    o#ce, and future expanded ministries. The necessity to reorganize our organizational plan came up due to

    our inability to secure 501c3 status under the present structure. We found out that our arrangement of 12

    churches working as one was unprecedented and was not easily categorized by the IRS. Our o#cers and

    property committee wrote a new simplified set of bylaws with a smaller Board size, applied for a new statenon profit charter and Certificate of Formation, and applied for an IRS 501c3 tax exemption under the

    new structure. In December, we elected a new president and vice president, re!elected the secretary and

    treasurer to an additional term, and appointed an executive director. We engaged a realtor and through

    our agent, agreed to purchase a temporary building and submit a bid for the feed mill property in order to

    keep the thrift store downtown which is key to its continued success, and to tender an earnest money

    contract to purchase the old elementary school property for our expanded future ministries.

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    3.1 Original structure

    We first organized as a confederation of churches with membership consisting of all the members of all 12

    churches. Our board consisted of 33 individuals from the 12 churches including all twelve pastors along

    with one or two church elected representatives. We elected 4 o#cers and formed numerous committees.

    The committees were quickly consolidated into one committee and 4 ministry teams. After the IRS

    found it di#cult to classify us for 501c3 status because of our unique nature, we decided to re!organize so

    as to better fit into a more traditional non!profit structure while still maintaining joint participation by

    our large base of churches.

    3.2 New structure

    We re!organized in 2013 into a board of directors with the former larger board now serving as an active

    advisory council. The Board is elected annually by the Advisory Council. The 5 ministry teams of Seniors,

    Children & Youth, Community, Helping Hands, and the Thrift Store choose their respective leaders

    annually, hold their own meetings, and report to the Board. They recruit volunteers from the churches

    and the community at large to carry out the work of the ministries of Bridge. The sta$, consisting of an

    Executive Director and a part!time Ministry Coordinator, serves the Board in facilitating the daily

    operation of the ministry.

    3.3 Mission Statement

    The mission of Burton Bridge Ministry is to serve our surrounding community in Christs name by

    building a bridge between racial, cultural, educational, and economic divisions, to bridge the charitable

    needs of individuals and the provisions of other individuals to meet those needs, and by bringing unity to

    the community.

    3.4 Vision Statement

    We live out our mission by working to build a bridge between the people and congregations of the Burton

    area by doing the ministry of Christ together in his name, by establishing a variety of ministries that

    address the needs of our greater Burton community to live out the Good News in the same manner that

    Christ did, and to help heal and transform our community.

    3.5 Affiliations

    We desire to cooperate and a#liate with other ministries and agencies who share our charitable vision to

    live out the Good News as Jesus Christ did.

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    Given the success we have already experienced and the open doors we see before us, we have a bold vision

    for the healing and transformation of our community. We believe we can be an example to other

    communities and churches of what they can do in their own hometowns. If it we can do it in Burton,

    Texas, they can do it where they are too. We have organized and plan to develop and expand three

    primary area of ministry: On!site ministries; In!community ministries; and Referral/A#liation ministries:

    I. On!site Ministries

    4.1 Children & Youth: We believe Christ calls us to invest in our children and youth and their future and

    believe this ministry area has the single greatest potential to a$ect positive change in the long term. To

    begin with, we see a need to support after!school programming, ensure access to food year!round and give

    our kids role models and mentors rooted in our faith. We have identified a multi!faceted approach to

    meet the needs of our kids:

    1%Camp Hope, our summer camp, provides a two week camp for children to have activities,

    recreation, breakfast and lunch and mentoring opportunities. This past year we partnered with

    school teachers to o$er tutoring and bus transportation as well. We have been relying on the

    generosity of the school district to allow Camp Hope to happen on their site free of charge. We

    would like to move this to our own permanent location at the old elementary school after

    remodeling is completed.

    2%Our Christmas adoption of families with children for food and presents. This need was

    previously met in our community by an organization called Goodfellows, but after 30 years of

    ministry they disbanded this past year.

    3%We work to provide school supplies at the beginning of the school year by coordinating with

    the school to identify specific needs.

    4%Burton Boys and Girls Club

    a. Secure a permanent facility. They are currently meeting at the former site of Burton

    Elementary School. They briefly moved to the new school campus but were forced toreturn to the old site as there is not adequate room for them at the new campus due to

    sports after school. If the old campus sold to another group, the Club would be without a

    place to provide after!school programs and would have to quit o$ering services in the

    Burton area. If we were to secure this present site, after remodeling, it would adequately

    serve the childrens needs for years to come. We recently have submitted an earnest

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    money contract to the Burton ISD School Board to purchase this site. We are awaiting a

    reply from them.

    b. Ensure the facility adequately serves their needs. Currently the gym can only be used

    late fall through spring as it has no air conditioning. This restricts all club activities to the

    relatively small cafeteria area. At the Brenham BGC site, the gym can be used year roundand there are separate rooms for homework, snack time, art time, recreation and a

    computer lab. This site is not owned by Brenham BGC but rather was built and is

    maintained with Brenham City funds. We would like to see similar opportunities for our

    kids in Burton. The Burton BGC site director has a vision for the current site and has

    painted and tried to clean it up, even knowing it could be sold.

    c. Provide volunteers and mentors to support their programming. The Club sends two

    sta$people over from Brenham every day. With an average of 25 kids a day, they are

    limited in the amount of help they can give with homework and other activities.

    d. Christian mentoring. Studies have shown that the number of mature, supportiveadults a child has in their life as they grow up is directly related to their ability to resist the

    temptations towards drugs, gangs, and other destructive behavior. We believe that having

    a mature, adult Christian in the lives of our children can make a huge di$erence for them

    both now and long term. One by one we can make a di$erence and together we can raise

    the standards of our community.

    5%Summer Food Program

    a. 56(of our elementary school children come from homes the State of Texas classifies

    as economically disadvantaged and therefore qualify for the reduced!price or free meals

    during the school year. However, there is no access to a food program during the summer.

    Many communities partner with the State to o$er a meal to these children once school

    lets out and we would like to see that happen for our children as well.

    b. We would also like to start a weekend back pack food program to provide healthy

    non!perishable food and snacks to cover the days when the children are not at school.

    6%Head Start and Preschool Day Care Program. We would like to coordinate with experienced

    volunteers who could initiate this federal program in the remodeled facilities. A retired couple

    with over 30 years experience running a Christian school and Head Start program in the San

    Diego area have recently retired to our county and are actively helping us prepare to o$er thisministry.

    4.2 Seniors: With the upcoming surge in retirees, we believe that it will be an ever!increasing need in our

    community to ensure that a decent quality of life is extended to these deserving members of our

    community. We have identified three potential ways to meet their needs:

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    1%Expand the noon meal to our seniors from Fridays to 3 days a week and move the location to

    the kitchen in the remodeled old elementary school.

    2%Provide access to a permanent computer lab.

    3%Provide activities and speakers to educate the seniors and their caregivers, and a place to walk

    and exercise, especially in inclement weather or excessive heat. This would also provide for social

    interactions because many of them have limited outside contact on a day!to!day basis.

    4%Begin delivery of ready to eat food to homebound and disabled people, checking in on their

    general well being.

    4.3 Community: This ministry also has a need of facilities to expand into areas identified by the

    community needs assessment.

    1%Safer access to eastbound Highway 290. Tra#c continues to get heavier and more dangerous

    with the requirement that all residents of Burton cross 4 lanes of tra#c to head east to Brenham.

    We want to see a safe access go in on the south side of the highway, allowing people to cross the

    bridge and head east via that access instead. The Texas Department of Transportation has already

    approved a highway access to eastbound 290 on the old elementary school campus. If we acquire

    that property, we will likely work with TXDOT to install this access as we believe this will save


    2%Set up a computer lab for youth after school programs, senior programs, and computer classes

    in our remodeled facilities.

    3%Begin a partnership with an area healthcare provider to house a wellness clinic for basic health

    screenings and general health education.

    4%Provide facilities for our county EMS to sta$an ambulance sub station to service the western

    end of the county for faster response times.

    5%Provide space for our local food pantry, Fishes and Loaves, which serves an average of 70

    families once a week. The food pantry is currently housed in a very dilapidated house two miles

    outside of town which lacks running water or restroom facilities for volunteers or clients.

    6%Begin a partnership with Blinn College to provide space for classrooms to provide job skills

    training to residents on our side of Washington County.

    7%Begin a partnership with Red Cross to provide disaster relief and space for shelter in the eventof hurricanes or other disasters.

    8%O$er space for events and functions that would be community related, especially to the

    African!American residents of our community since the old elementary school is located on the

    side of 290 where most reside and because the two of their churches that are there are without

    adequate facilities for large funerals and other events.

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    4.4 Helping Hands: While this ministry is primarily o$site, a facility would provide space to store

    material used for ongoing and future projects.

    4.5 Thrift Store: This ministry has proved essential to providing an income stream to finance the overhead

    and maintenance of future facilities and a part of the operating budget of the ministries. A visible location

    on the main street has been determined to be necessary to maintain the amount of revenue the previouslocation provided.

    4.6 Administration: While not a ministry, it is important that the executive sta$have a central o#ce that

    is easily accessible to the community to work from, provide referral ministries, and provide a meeting

    place for the Board and the team ministries.

    II. Off!site Ministries

    4.7 Piece Way. For years the people of Bethany Christian Church in Burton, under the banner of Piece

    Way Ministry, have worked to empower people in the Burton and western Washington County areas to

    improve their standard of living through better access to running water and sewage facilities. We want to

    volunteer our service to assist Piece Ways e$orts to care for our brothers and sisters in need and help

    them escape the third!world conditions that many of them are living in. We intend to directly help

    individuals and families on a case!by!case basis. We also intend to work with local and state governmental

    o#cials and Habitat for Humanity to find ways to address these issues on a broader scale.

    4.8 Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We would like to begin a Burton chapter of FCA as a way to build

    fellowship and discipleship among our communitys young athletes.

    4.9 Community Building events in Burton. We would like to increase the number of community!buildingevents that would foster opportunities to deepen our relationships with our neighbors.

    III. Referral/Transportation Ministries

    4.10 We intend for Bridge to become a needs!assessment resource for our community, referring people in

    need to existing social services in Brenham and beyond. We want to work more closely with our A#liates,

    such as Faith Mission, and other county, state and national resources in referring people to them. We do

    not seek to duplicate services that are already o$ered by others, but rather work to strengthen them. In

    cases where transportation is a barrier to receiving these services, we will arrange transportation to theBrenham area.

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    IV. Property Acquisition

    4.11 The Thrift Store !"225,000 to purchase, additional money to renovate

    Our successful thrift store brings in an average of '2,500 a month which funds all of our overhead

    expenses and a good portion of our ministries. The store is so successful it has already outgrown itscurrent location, which has been placed up for sale for an amount higher than the size warrants for us.

    The lack of parking is an additional concern. A suitable location has been found in the former Burton

    Lumberyard &currently known as the Pig and Whistle Pub%. This site has a building with over 3,000

    square feet, over three times the size our current thrift store. Additionally it has two more buildings that

    could be used for o#ces and other ministry space. The site provides ample parking. We believe this also

    has the potential to become a destination shopping experience which would expand our customer base.

    Additionally, we have located a temporary portable building that could be brought onsite to allow for

    additional ministry space. The asking price for this location is '225,000. We are currently getting an

    estimate on the cost to renovate and outfit the large building as a thrift store. The cost of the portable

    building is '30,000. The cost to move and set up the building is an additional '10,000.

    Current rented location Old Lumberyard &Pig and Whistle%Building #1

    Building #2 &third building not pictured% Portable building to be purchased and moved

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    4.12 The Ministry Campus !"250,000 to purchase, "1.08million to renovate

    After years of discussing the limited options available in the Burton area, we believe that the old

    Elementary School campus is the best option for a long term Ministry Campus. The benefits include:

    1%It allows us access to already existing space with utilities in place.

    2%We believe the gym and cafeteria can be developed into a great facility for a youth/senior center.

    3%Two adjacent classroom buildings with ample space to house health services, a computer lab, a

    community library, child tutoring, a prayer chapel and other areas of ministry as we grow into


    4%It gives the Boys and Girls Club the stability they need to continue to develop their

    programming here in Burton.

    5%It allows the plans for an access to eastbound 290 to go forward.

    6%It allows the possibility that, with possible historical preservation grant funding, the front

    faade of the building constructed by our African!American community for educating their

    children prior to desegregation can be preserved as a historical marker to relate the history of the

    site. The building can no longer be used due to foundation erosion and environmental concerns.

    7%The land in the back of the property would be ideal for a city soccer field, a park, a$ordable

    housing, and/or other needs.

    8%It provides space to rent to potential ministry partners such as Washington County EMS, the

    Fishes and Loaves Food Bank, health/dental clinics, etc. which would provide some income

    stream to help sustain the property.

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    February 28, 2014

    Arial view of Old Elementary School Campus, outlined in yellow. The bridge over 290 is visible in

    the lower left hand corner of the photo. The dangerous highway access is visible just north of the

    top corner of the school property.

    Classroom building

    Rear view of classroom building and additionalportable building

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    Gym and Cafeteria, location of current Boys and Girls Club in Burton

    Rear view of Gym

    Historic Building Historic Marker

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    Highway access view

    Panoramic view of the back field

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    5.1 Current Budget &see Appendix 4%

    5.2 Revenue

    Our sources of revenue include: monthly contributions from our churches, private donations, and income

    generated by our thrift store. We are seeking greater support from individuals within our community who

    have a heart to invest in the future of our people.

    5.3 Planned Capital acquisitions

    A.%Portable classroom building '30,000, plus '10,000 to move and set up

    B.%Old Lumberyard property '225,000, plus additional money to renovate

    C.%Old Elementary School property '250,000, plus '1,250,00+ to renovate

    5.4 Grants

    We have already had some success in obtaining small grants from the Christ Lutheran Foundation in

    Brenham, TX and Wheatridge Minstries in Itasca, IL for specific ministry programs. We will be applying

    in the coming year and beyond for grant funding from foundations, religious organizations and possibly

    governmental sources. We will also seek funding from private donors in our area who may have the means

    and interest in seeing Burton Bridge Ministry succeed in our mission and vision to care for our neighbors,

    loving them as ourselves. With a representation from a broad range of Christian denominations, we are

    well positioned to apply for grants from a wide variety of sources.

    5.5 2014 Budget &see Appendix 4%

    5.6 Year end Historical Budgets with Actual Income/Expense for years 2011!2013 &see Appendix 5!7%

    5.7 Cost Summary Estimate of School Property Remodeling and Renovations &see Appendix 8%

    5.8 Cost Summary Estimate of Farmers Mill Property Remodeling and Renovations &see Appendix 9%

    5.9 Provisional Budget after Acquisition of Properties &see Appendix 10 %

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    6.1 Periodic bulk mail outs to our zip code with information about current activities and with a direct

    appeal to be a volunteer, donate items to the thrift store, or contribute to the ministry.

    6.2 Community appeal at Thanksgiving and Good Friday community services.

    6.3 Person to person direct appeals. We send a periodic newsletter to the volunteers, members, and

    customers announcing news and events that includes an appeal for volunteers and donations.

    6.4 Church to member direct appeals through announcements, bulletins, newsletters, emails, etc.

    6.5 Develop a website to compliment our already active Facebook page.

    6.6 Area Demographics. *

    1%Population 3500

    2%Square mile land area 275

    3%Educational Indicators

    a%14.7 (less than 9th grade

    b%11.5 high school non graduates

    c%34.7 high school graduates

    d%15.9 bachelor degree or higher

    4%Economic Indicators *Household Income

    a%13.5 (below '10,000

    b%8.2 10,000 *14,999

    c%15 15,000 *24,999

    d%16 25,000 *34,999

    e%17.1 35,000 *49,999

    f%18.3 50,000 *74,999

    g%6.5 75,000 *99,999

    h%4.7 100,000 *149,000

    i% 0 over 200,000

    5%Age Indicators

    a%11.5 ( 0 *9 years

    b%13.4 10 *19

    c%8.5 20 *29

    d%11.4 30 *39

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    e%13.4 40 !49

    f%13.5 50 !59

    g%11.8 60 !69

    h%10.3 70 !79

    i% 6.4 over 80

    6%Health care service

    Many people in our area are underserved. Leading factors are due to local access availability, lack oftransportation, and economic restrictions. Scott & White Brenham Hospital is the closest medical facilitywhich is 15 miles from the center of our area.

    * Statistics compiled from US 2010 Census, Washington County Appraisal District,, and includes estimate of partial area outside statistical information range.

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    7.1 In the event of not being able to secure the elementary school facilities, we would carry all possible

    ministry out at the temporary portable building located on the historic Farmers Gin property until

    another location could be secured.

    7.2 In the event of not being able to secure the Farmers Gin property, we will be seeking another lot in

    town to move the temporary portable building onto and continue to seek permanent locations for both

    the thrift store and the Ministry Campus.

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    Appendix 1: Our guiding principals

    The Burton Declaration: a response to Gods call to minister to the people of theBurton/western Washington County area

    We, the pastors of the Burton Area Churches, share a conviction that:

    1. Our churches are called by God to e$ectively share the saving grace of our Lord Jesus with our


    2. God has placed our churches, their current leaders and people, in this particular place and time as

    a part of Gods mission to spread the Kingdom.

    3. Our churches are not competitors, we are collaborators who conspire to make the Burton

    community a more perfect image of Gods kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

    4. The Holy Spirit is guiding Christs Church in Burton into deeper engagement with our

    community, especially those in greatest need, as Christ commanded &ex. Matthew 25 %.

    5. We do not wish to duplicate services that are e$ectively o$ered by area agencies, and in fact wish

    to help people more e$ectively use those resources.

    6. Yet we remain convinced there are a number of legitimate needs by people in our community

    which are not being met. We feel God is guiding us to meet some of those needs.

    7. We believe that God has given talents to people in our churches that they have not had anopportunity to put to use in Gods service. If we o$er opportunities for that to happen, everyones life

    will be enriched.

    8. We believe each church should continue to worship, teach, and share the good news in our own

    unique ways. Diversity of ideas and practice in Gods Church builds it up, as many members build up one

    body. However, we believe that when it comes to putting Christs body into action by serving people in

    Christs name and meeting their physical needs, that is something more powerfully done together than


    9. That this process of together becoming more outwardly focused will in turn strengthen what

    happens inside of each of our congregations.

    10. Developing relationships is critical to the success of this endeavor. Where two or three are

    gathered, we know Christ will be in the midst of us.

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    Appendix 2 - Mission Strategy Plan

    Burton Area Churches Mission Strategy PlanWe propose a four step plan to discern what God is calling us to do to further share the love of Christ

    with our neighbors. The basics of the four steps are:

    Step 1 Create a Dream Team (first meeting in February 2010)A. Create a Dream Team composed of the pastor and one or two lay people from each congregation.

    Its up to each church to decide if these people come from the congregations current missionsministry or some other group if no such thing currently exists. Each congregations churchcouncil should approve and commission these people for this work at its January meeting.

    B. The Dream Team will commit to meet for dinner, fellowship, and work once a month for 12-18months.

    C. The Dream Team will create a process (ex. a survey, open forums, etc.) to ask people basicquestions about hopes for the future, concerns about the present, perceived needs of thecommunity, etc.

    Step 2 Ministry of Listening (Spring/Summer of 2010)A. The Dream Team will begin by listening to the people in our churches by asking these questions of as

    many people in our congregations as possible and really listening to their responses.B. The Dream Team will then listen to the people in our community by asking these questions as many

    people in the community as possible. Examples of how this might be done: Door to door surveys aswell as meet with groups like City Council, County officials, School Board and Teachers, Fishes andLoaves, Boys and Girls Club, etc. and especially the people who are living in poverty or some othertype of need in this area. We want to really listen and show them we care about what they have to say.Again, building relationships here is crucial.

    Step 3 Developing an Action Plan (Summer/Fall of 2010)A. We will then spend time together reviewing our findings and discerning where God is calling us to act

    and how. This will include a discussion of what resources we have in the talents of our people to meetthe issues we plan to address.B. The Dream Team will then develop a three-to-five-year strategic plan focusing on the areas we feel

    called to act on together and how we imagine that might collaboratively happen.C. This plan is then communicated in draft form to everyone in our congregations and our church councils

    for feedback and suggestions.D. These comments are then brought back to the Dream Team for any needed modification of the strategic

    plan. Wide support in each congregation is required.E. A final proposed plan will then be brought before our congregations for buy-in and approval.

    Step 4 Implementation and Support (Fall/Winter of 2010 and beyond)The Dream Team will either begin to implement the plan, oversee its implementation, or create a

    longer-term Board (perhaps a separate non-profit entity) to oversee the new ministry. This will be a new

    outreach ministry, powered by our congregations, that serves the needs of people in our community. It will bea ministry that engages the collective talents and treasures of our congregations and the people in them,deepening relationships between our Christian brothers and sisters and those we are called by God to serve inChrists name.

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    Appendix 3 - Needs Assessment Questionnaire

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    Appendix 4 - 2014 Budget

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    Appendix 5 - Year end Historical Budgets with Actual Income/Expense for 2011

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    Appendix 6 - Year end Historical Budgets with Actual Income/Expense for 2012

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    February 28, 2014

    Appendix 7 - Year end Historical Budgets with Actual Income/Expense for 2013

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    February 28, 2014

    Appendix 8 - Cost Summary Estimate of School Property Remodeling and


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    February 28, 2014

    Appendix 9 - Provisional Budget after Acquisition of Properties

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