battletech: field manual: mercenaries · professional soldiering 6 crimson crusaders: a jade falcon...

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CONTENTS A DAY IN A MERC'S LIFE 4 Canopian Highlanders: Things Change 49 INTRODUCTION 5 21st Centauri Lancers: Best of the Best 50 PROFESSIONAL SOLDIERING 6 Crimson Crusaders: A Jade Falcon Legacy 52

Mercenaries Throughout History 6 The Dioscuri: Riding the lightning 53 Ancient Times 6 The Furies: The Best of a Bad Situation 54 Mercenaries in the Middle Ages 7 Gray Death Legion: Strength Through Unity 55 Mercenaries in Modern Times 7 Grim Determination: The Misfortunes of War 58 Conclusion 9 Hansen's Roughriders: Tiger by the Tail 59

Modern Mercenary life 9 Hell's Black Aces: Covering Your Six 60 Mercenary Motivations 9 Jacob's Juggernauts: Ambition Thwarted 62 Professionalism and Codes of Conduct 10 Kell Hounds: Outside the Rules 63

OUTREACH 12 Khorsakhov's Cossacks: Debt of Blood 68 The Mercenary System 12 Kristen's Krushers: The Warrior Mariks 71

The Warrior World 13 Lindon's Battalion: Strength Through Adversity 72 Mercenary Database 14 Little Richard's Panzer Brigade: Bad Boys of the

Dragoons Rating 14 Battlefield 73 Training 15 Longwood's Bluecoats: Straddling the Fence 75

OMTC Classes 15 Mobile Fire: Old Loyalties, New Methods 76 Dragoons Simulator Systems 15 Narhal's Raiders: Playing Rough 77 The Open Proving Grounds 15 Quint's Olympian Groundpounders: On the Tetsuhara Proving Grounds 16 Rebound 78

EMPLOYMENT AND CONTRACTS 17 Ramilie's Raiders: A Two-Edged Blade 79 Employment 17 Romanov's Crusaders: Honor and Mercy 80

Job Markets 17 Rubinsky's Renegades: Up Close and Personal 81 Employers 18 Smithson's Chinese Bandits: Down but Not Out 82

Contracts 20 Stalwart Support: Conventional Warfare 83 Mission Types 20 Storm's Metal Thunder: Serving the Alliance 84 Contractual Terms and Obligations 22 4th Tau Ceti Rangers: Earned Respect 85 Emergency Powers Clause 24 12th Vegan Rangers: To Protect and Serve 87 Breach of Contract 24 Vinson's Vigilantes: Character Flaw 91 Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission 25 Waco Rangers: The Price of Arrogance 92

ASSETS AND ORGANIZATION 26 Wannamaker's Widowmakers: A Rocky Start 93 BattleMech Assets 26 Wilson's Hussars: Refusing to Die 94

BattleMech Organization 26 Wolf's Dragoons: Running With the Pack 95 Aerospace Assets 26 Wolverton's Highlanders: A Tragedy in Two Parts 105

Aerospace Organization 27 MERCENARY EMPLOYMENT ROSTER 106 Armor Assets 27 RULES 116

Armor Organization 27 Creating Scenarios 116 Infantry Assets 28 Scenario Type 116 Technical Support 28 Selecting Mapsheets 118 Rank Structures and Insignia 28 Unit Generation 120 Uniforms 30 Force Composition 120

Dress Uniforms 30 Assigning 'Mechs 121 Medals and Decorations 31 Experience Level and Skills 123

The Hound's Tooth 31 Finishing Touches 123 The Blue Star 31 Mercenary Commands 123 Legion of Karsskhov 31 Using Hidden Units Rules 123

MERCENARY UNIT BRIEFS 32 Overlapping Abilities and Advantages 123 Ace Darwin'S Whiplts: Natural Selection 33 Off-Map Movement 123 Avanti's Angels: In the Path of the Tornado 34 Equipment Ratings 124 Barber's Marauder lis: Peace Through Superior Unit Briefs Database 124

Firepower 36 Training 131 Battle Magic: Support Specialists 37 Outreach Mercenary Training Command 131 The Black Omen: Riding the Edge 38 Aerospace Program 131 Blackstone Highlanders: Corporate Interests 39 Battle Armor Program 132 Blue Star Irregulars: Against All Odds 40 BattleMech Program 132 Brion's Legion: The Value of a Good Education 44 Cavalry Program 132 Bronson's Horde: Sworn to Vengeance 47 Infantry Program 132 Burr's Black Cobras: Iron Will 48 Technical Program 133




Practice Fields Tetsuhara Proving Grounds

Mercenary Battle Armor Gray Death Light Scout Armor


Procedure Outline Unit Paperwork Resolving Conflicts Levels of BattleTech

Step 1: Create a Leader Commander's Background Special Advantages

Step 2: Assemble Founding Members Recruiting Founding Members Special Recruits Identifying Forces

Step 3: Open Recruiting and Battlefield Experience

Organization Open Recruiting Mission Experience

Step 4: Obtain Equipment Unit Technology Rating BattleMech Assignment Upgrades and Customization

Step 5: Buy DropShips/JumpShips DropShips JumpShips Free DropShip Search

Step 6: Determine Payroll, Maintenance Costs and

133 133 133 134 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 137 138 138 139 139

140 140 140 142 142 142 143 144 144 144 145 145

Support Requirements 146 Payroll 146 Maintenance and Support 146 Pe~onnelSupport 147

Step 7: Name the Mercenary Command and Establish Standing Funds

Name War Chest


Finding the Rating Contract Offers

Offers Contract Employer The Mission

Contract Negotiations Bargaining System Total Payment

Missions Advances and Preparations Transportation The Job

Maintenance Keeping Fit Breakdowns

Unit Specialization Command Advantages


147 148 148 149 149 149 150 150 151 151 151 152 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 157 159 159 160



Loren L. Coleman

Project Development Bryan Nystul

Development Assistance Randall N. Bills

Project Editing Robert Cruz Diane Pi ron-Gelman

BattleTech Line Developer Bryan Nystul

Editorial Staff Editorial Director

Donna Ippolito Managing Editor

Sharon Turner Mulvihill Associate Editors

Diane Piron-Gelman Robert Cruz

Production Staff Art Director

Jim Nelson Assistant Art Director

Joel Biske Cover Art

Matt Wilson Black and White Illustrations

Tom Baxa Joel Biske John Bridegroom Jeff Laubenstein Fred Hooper Scott James Larry Macdougall Mike Neilsen Roger Peterson Loston Wallace

Layout John Bridegroom

Color Section Liz Danforth Mike Jackson Dave Martin Mark Zug

The author would like to thank the following people for their assistance: Heather Joy Coleman, Talon LaRon Coleman. and Conner Rhys Monroe Coleman for various

levels of inspiration and support. Keith A. Mick for acting as my chief sounding board. Matt Dillahunty and Tim Tousley. who keep putting my computer back together. Ray Sainze, BanleTech guru. Russell and Bobbi Loveday, who help to hold the group together. Allen and Amy Mattila for hours of BallleTech practice. Bryan Nystul and the FASA staff, who did a great job on the last Field Manual and I expect will

continue with this one. Mike Stackpole for his review of the Kell Hounds and the new mere unit creation system, and for

his support in general. Chris Hartford for taking the ball and running with it on the BTFM:FWL, and for contributions to

the mercenary database. Hugh Brown Jr. and Scott Johnson for contributions to the mercenary database. Greg Gordon and Christopher Kubasik, who I can blame everything on because they got me into


The following FASA sourcebooks and novels provided reference material for this Field Manual: Mercenary's Handbook (J. Andrew Keith. Boy F. Petersen Jr .. Dale L. Kemper and Anthony

Pryor). Mercenary's Handbook: 3055 (Stephan I. Matis. Brent Carter. Bob Charette, Tom Gressman. Mike Stackpole, Blaine Pardoe, Jim Long, Christine Mackay and Gene Marcil). Field Manual: Draconis Combine, by Loren L. Coleman. Field Manual: Free Worlds League, by Chris Hartford.

Historical material: House Davion (Boy F. Petersen Jr., C.R. Green, J. Andrew Keith) , House Kurita (Boy F. Petersen Jr., Tara Gallagher, Todd Huettel, Donna Ippolito, John Theisen, Robt. Wells) , House Steiner (Boy F. Petersen Jr.), House Liao (Rick David Stuart). and House Marik (Richard K. Meyer, Walter H. Hunt, C.R. Green).

Novels: Wolves on the Border and Wolf Pack by Robert Charette; Saga of the Gray Death Legion series, Tactics of Duty and Operation Excalibur by William H. Keith Jr.; and the various works of Mike Stackpole: the Warrior series, the Blood of Kerensky series, Natural Selection, Assumption of Risk, Bred for War, Malicious Intent and Grave Covenant.

BATTL ETECH®, MECH®, BATTLEMECH®, and MECHWARRIOR® are Registered Trademarb of FASA Corporation. BATTLETECH FIELD MANUAL: MERCENARIESTM is a Tradema rk of FASA Corporation . Copyright © 1997 FASA Corporation . All Rights Reserved . Printed in the U. S. A.

Published by FASA Corporation 1100 W. Cermak Road • Sui te B305 Chicago, IL 60608

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A DAY IN A MERCJS LIFE The Victor, bearing the light blue colors of the Denebola

SMM, strode confidently into the midst of the mercenary scout lance. The faster mercenary BattleMechs peeled off and began to circle around the Victor, keeping a wary eye on the assault 'Mech 's powerful Gauss rifle. A Jenner passed too closely to the Victor and took a sidearm blow that crushed what passed for its own right arm, robbing it of half its laser firepower. The Victor began to pivot rightward, raising its right-arm Gauss weapon toward the fleeing 'Mechs.

Four hundred meters down-range, Marcus GioAvanti tight­ened his grip on the controls of his CES-3R Caesar until he thought they might snap off in his hands. The Caesars targeting reticule showed the deep gold of a solid target lock on the enemy Victor, but the mercenary commander held his fire; the Caesars Gauss rifle would do little damage to the assault machine unless he managed to hit the Victors light rear armor. The Victor con­tinued to turn under the Caesars sights, and GioAvanti breathed deeply as he waited for the 'Mech to expose its back.

A stray PPC blast from the far north side of the battlefield nearly cost GioAvanti his opportunity. The beam of energy cored into his Caesar's left leg, sending rivulets of melted armor streaming toward the ground. Resisting his instinctive impulse to shift his 'Mech around and present fresh armor to the unseen enemy, he kept the Caesar facing the Victor. Finally, the enemy assault 'Mech completed its turn. GioAvanti stabbed down on the Caesars right thumb trigger, sending a 250-pound nickel-ferrous Gauss slug toward the Victor. The slug cracked open the assault machine's rear torso. The Victor shuddered violently and fell, its massive gyro damaged beyond repair.

Like wolves on a wounded bear, the smaller mercenary 'Mechs spun back and poured laser fire into the downed Victor, as GioAvanti moved in closer. The smaller 'Mechs were finishing up and moving off to the right when Ki-Lynn, the Angels' comm offi­cer, cut in on her private channel to the merc commander.

"Cherub lance sends its appreciation, Angel-One," she said calmly. GioAvanti admired the way Ki kept such tight control over her voice-part of the Combine upbringing that made her such a successful communications officer. "Charlene reports that they are peeling away to the north to shore up our flank."

Standing over the fallen Victor, GioAvanti turned his 'Mech toward a Denebola Crusader six hundred meters away. He sent a blast of energy from the Caesars right-arm PPC lancing out toward the Crusader in an attempt to convince the enemy MechWarrior to keep his distance. A glance at the Caesars heads­up display showed Charlene's Phoenix Hawk leading the light 'Mechs north. "How bad is it?" he asked, already suspecting the worst. A green company of Gustafson's Grenadiers was manning the Angels' north flank, and an enemy 'Mech had gotten in close enough to tag him with a PPC. That did not bode well.


"Smashed," Ki replied . "Their communications are a mess­panicked reports bleeding over conflicting orders to fall back south or east."

The Crusader hadn't taken the hint. It was sprinting forward, angling toward a stand of light trees. Before it could gain that pro­tection, GioAvanti hit it with a second PPC blast, which vaporized more than half the armor from the right side of its chest. A good shot considering the range and the Crusaders speed, but the enemy 'Mech had gained an advantageous spot. Worse, the Caesars sensors detected an Orion and a second Victor moving up to support the Crusader. GioAvanti mentally sped through several possible strategies and their likely outcomes-none met his liking. Current damage to Avanti's Angels could be measured in lost armor, but trying to force their way through such heavy opposition with a questionable flank would cost them machines and MechWarriors-neither of which he was willing to sacrifice.

"Sound recall , Harp," he said over his channel to Ki-Lynn. "We've hurt them, maybe as bad as they've hurt Gustafson's company. We'll settle for that today. Standard salvage and flight procedures."

Even as Ki acknowledged his orders, Marcus bent his Caesar over the Victor and grabbed hold of its right arm with his BattleMech's left hand. Short blasts from the Caesars medium lasers stabbed into the assault machine's shoulder, weakening the supports. With a wrenching twist he pulled the entire arm and its attached Gauss rifle free. As he withdrew, Ki returned with more news.

"Duchess Gustafson acknowledges your decision to pull back. She is sending a reserve company over to support the northern flank and has ordered the survivors there to link up with the reserve group, despite Charlene'S assessment that the enemy completely controls the area."

Marcus sensed what was coming. The duchess had given an order that would only cause more casualties. "And?" he prompted, because Ki expected it of him.

"Two of her warriors have already linked up with Charlene. They are requesting permission to remain with the Angels."

This wouldn't be the first time the Angels had drawn battle­field orphans away from their parent units, and it very likely wouldn't be the last. Marcus took a deep breath. Accept them or send them to a possible death following unsound orders-there was never any real choice. "Have Charlene incorporate them into her forces on our flank." He'd fix it with the duchess later. "Make sure they each pick up some salvage. This is going to be a long campaign." Sam

ple file

INTRODUCTION Following the publication of the Field Manual: Draconis

Combine, General Maeve Wolf proposed that Wolf's Dragoons compile and publish a similar volume devoted to mercenary units of the Inner Sphere. Such a volume, General Wolf argued, would help acquaint potential employers with the mercenary industry and available units, and help foster competition among merce­nary units-thus encouraging professional conduct and the adoption of professional standards among all mercenary com­mands. Commander Jaime Wolf, however, voiced his concern that such a publication might be interpreted by the Combine as a Dragoon attempt to belittle what was-in his words-an aggressive and insightful move on the part of Theodore Kurita. In the end , the Dragoon council tabled the general's proposal until Wolfnet operatives confirmed the existence of the Field Manual: Free Worlds League. Almost immediately, Jaime Wolf ordered Wolfnet to begin compiling Field Manual: Mercenaries.

As outlined by General Wolf , Field Manual: Mercenaries is intended to serve two main purposes. First, the manual will acquaint potential employers with the mercenary commands of the Inner Sphere and the mercenary industry in general. Second, the manual will promote uniform standards of professionalism among mercenary units. To achieve these objectives, the Field Manual is divided into the following sections: Professional Soldiering, Outreach, Employment and Contracts, Assets and Organization and Mercenary Unit Briefs.

Professional Soldiering offers a profile of the mercenary soldier throughout history and a discussion of the challenges fac­ing a mercenary command in the thirty-first century. Outreach provides a detailed description of the world of Outreach, the mer­cenary center of the Inner Sphere. The section includes detailed entries on the Warrior's World, including the capital city of Harlech and the Hiring Hall. Employment and, Contracts describes the various mission types and the wotkingsof typical contracts, summarizes the current job market for mercs in the Inner Sphere and Periphery, and briefly describes the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission. The next section , Assets and Organization, describes the organization and use of the various types of forces available to modern mercenary commands, such as BattleMechs, aerospace, armor, infantry and support. Typical mercenary rank structures and a few well-known decorations are described in this section as well.

Finally, the Mercenary Unit Briefs section is a sampling of the actual Unit Briefs Database maintained on Outreach. The database contains entries on more than forty different mercenary units. Every entry describes the unit's history, command struc­ture, available forces and organization, common tactics, special­izations, composition, quality and loyalty ratings.


While researching the histories and battlefield tactics of cer­tain units for use in this manual, Wolfnet tasked its staff and resources to their limits. Only now, looking over the final form of what we have created, do we fully realize the potential benefit this manual offers all who approach it with wisdom and a recep­tive attitude.

We only hope it will be used in such a spirit. -Major Michi Noketsuna, Wolfnet 1 October 3059



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