basis website: how to guide for reviewing transactions in webbasis and 3270 basis

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • Desk Represents your job duties within BASIS Application access privileges TARGET routing Review Groups A desk is assigned to a review group Multiple desks may be assigned to the same review group Review Levels Lower levels usually denote an administrative assistant review Sequence of when pending transactions are displayed on the reviewers list Material vs. Immaterial Material transactions must be approved by the primary reviewer or his/her alternate Immaterial transactions may be reviewed by the reviewers designated proxy Approve or Reject? Display the transaction to be reviewed Evaluate the transaction information Electronic Signature Whether you approve or reject a transaction, the system records your electronic signature Transaction represents a request for a specific and independent activity to be performed within BASIS. To add, update, or delete information.
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  • Did you know that you can receive email notifications when you have transactions that require your approval? You can even designate how often during the day you want to receive notifications. You will only receive an email if you have transactions to review,
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  • Log into webBASIS via the Administrator Login and follow these steps: First click on the Administrator Menu
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  • Now select the TARGET Menu
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  • Now select: E-mail Notices of Pending Txns
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  • Notification Option Select summary or detail notices Notification Times Select desired times to receive an email Optionally You may receive information regarding pending transactions for up to three other desk ids. Click on Validate, then click on Save
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  • How to find pending TARGET Transactions in webBASIS
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  • Once you have selected the TARGET Menu you will then select TARGET Transactions
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  • Enter your Desk ID or the primary reviewers desk (if acting as an alternate reviewer) and click New Search
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  • Types of TARGET Transactions
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  • AIMS - Asset Inventory Management System All TARGET transactions in AIMS are available in webBASIS for your review and approval. ABRL (Asset BU, Responsible Employee, and Location) PAID (Primary capital Asset IDentifiers) SPBA (Surplus Pickup Batch Approval
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  • Previous values are highlighted and underneath the requested change values Reviewer Desk with Level. Transaction Action
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  • Listing of surplus assets
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  • GJIM - General Journal Interface Module All TARGET transactions in GJIM are available in webBASIS for your review and approval. ETTP (Expenditure Transfer TARGET Processing) FTTP (Funds Transfer TARGET Processing) IITP (Interdepartmental Invoice TARGET Processing)
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  • HRLY-TS Hourly Time Sheets All TARGET transactions for HRLY-TS are available in webBASIS for your review and approval. HTA (Hourly Time Approval) WR (Wage Rate)
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  • Additional information available
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  • More detail available for each employee
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  • Types of Transactions (cont) LABOR Labor Distribution PD (Payroll Distribution) web approval available LEAVE Leave Accounting OTA (Overtime Approval)-web approval available PAYROLL SUMT (Summer Teaching)-web approval available XPAY (Extra Pay)-web approval available PSB Position System/ Budget AFF (Affiliate privileges)-web approval available DIST (Distribution change) GATW (Graduate Assistant Tuition Waiver) PACT (Personnel Action)-web approval available UPS University Procurement System IPO (Internal Purchase Order) web approval available PA (Procurement Authorization) PAPC (PA Pre-approved Cost centers)-web approval available PODT (Purchase Order Distribution change) POHT (Purchase Order Header change) POIT (Purchase Order Item change)-web approval available POLA (PO Line Add) REQT (Requisition) web approval available TA (Travel Authorization) TCT (Travel Claim TARGET) web approval available TRPO (Travel Related PO) UPAY (University Payment)
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  • How to Approve or Reject Transactions via the web
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  • Approve, Hold, or Reject
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  • Your Profile Press PF6 to modify your profile
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  • User Profile Screen Press PF6 to modify your profile using the default setting.
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  • Finding Transactions awaiting your Review When logging into BASIS, system displays pending transactions for your desk
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  • Finding Transactions awaiting your Review Select AIMS
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  • Action: Review Your cursor will be located in the Status field. A Approve D - Disapprove Request to change asset location from the green highlighted information to the new room information. Press PF10 to save. Automatically logged into AIMS with first transaction displayed with action of R for review.
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  • System will present next transaction for your review or give you this message indicating that youre finished.
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  • Request to update the location of the asset. Previous location highlighted in green to the new room location. Press PF10 to save your approval or rejection. Transaction Information Action: U (Update) Entered: date entered By: initiator of the transaction Status: where you enter Approve or Disapprove
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  • Transaction Information for TA (Travel Authorization) Transaction Information Action: S (Submit) Entered: date entered By: requestor C indicates a Comment Status: P (Pending) (With Action of Review, the Status box will be blank for your approval or rejection.) Press PF11 to view Options Function keys display additional information.
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  • Options Box View reviewer activity and transaction comments
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  • Reviewer Activity Date and time of review with user id and name of reviewer #/$ Column indicates if the review was performed by a proxy or alternate
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  • Transaction Comment Transaction Comments may be entered at anytime by anyone. If you need more information about the transaction, having the appropriate person to add a comment or an additional comment is a good method for documenting the purpose of the request.
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  • Updated Transaction for a TA Action: U (update) Before (previous value highlighted in green) and After (the new value requested)
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  • PACT Transaction Information Reason for the requested transaction Changing positions from position to new position Pressing PF4 (DCode) will display cost center distribution. Material Transaction
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  • Action of D (Delete) Occasionally users are required to delete a future or a same dated reason code. This normally occurs when a change has been made to the position record and another change to the Position is processed which would affect the way the pay is calculated. In order for the pay to be correct the changes must be processed in sequential order
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  • Transaction Comment
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  • Approving a transaction PD Payroll Distribution This request is to change the cost center distribution for this payroll distribution. For additional information, press PF4 Dcode. For cost center percentage information, press PF6 Pct.
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  • PF4 - Decode information
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  • PF6 Cost Center Percent Distribution
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  • Enter Approve in the Status field And press Enter. System prompts you to press PF10 to save your review.
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  • Rejecting or Holding Transactions To reject a transaction enter a status of D (Disapprove) and press PF10 (save). If the transaction is no longer valid, you will be required to enter a status of I (Invalid at the time of review). To hold a transaction enter a status of H (Hold) and press PF10 (save). The system requires you to enter a comment for any of these statuses. If disapproved, the requestor will be notified with your comment on the BASIS log on screen.
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  • Proxy Proxy is our process for allowing a pre-defined user to approve transactions on behalf of the reviewer. PROX is the function to establish a proxy authorization for your desk. Financial Affairs must approve the proxy before it is established. A proxy must be established for each BASIS application.
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  • ARRP (Assume Review Responsibility via Proxy) Enter the desk that you have been established as proxy or press PF1 (Help) for a list of desks for which you can act as proxy. Press PF10 to act as proxy
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  • To Assume Proxy in webBASIS select Change Desk or Assume Proxy
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  • Enter the Reviewer Desk of click for search criteria.
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  • After entering a Desk, click on Validate. If your proxy is valid, click on Save.
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  • Finding Transactions for other Desk IDs If you are designated as an alternate reviewer, you will have to find pending transactions by using the primary reviewers desk. Adding the primary reviewers desk to your email notification will alert you to pending transactions for that desk. You may also use the web transaction list to find pending transactions for the primary reviewers desk. You may use LATP (while in any BASIS application). Change the reviewer desk to the primary reviewers desk, then select a transaction to review.

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