basic terms

Post on 26-May-2015






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Stock Market is A Easy Game,Just Visualize : Share Holder – As A Hero Wealth – As A Heroine Risk - As A Villain SEBI (in India),RBI - As A Director. Stock Exchange – Shooting Spot What will happen,under the Guidance and

Instructions of a director ,A hero will act in the Shooting Spot. Uses Some Tactics to Face Villain to acquire Heroine.

This is How Stock Market Works

Makeup Man – Sub Brokers,Dealers Producers- FDI,FII,HEDGE FUNDERS etc. Assistant Directors- Banks, Non Banking

Institution, IRDA etc.

Friends let us know few Basics about these Characters…….

Have a Fun Filled Learning !!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS A HERO WHAT U EXPECT - Ability - Skills to Handle Situation - Few CharactersSimilarly Share Holder Must Know - How to Choose a investment option - When to Invest - How to behave

Short Term( Timid Hero) – Invest and Wait for Returns for a Period of Few Weeks to few Months

Long Term(Silent Hero) - Invest and Wait for returns for one to Many Years

Intraday (Action Hero) – Person who invest and try to take as much as return in that day itself

Heroine – Will be Beautiful ,attractive and More Influential

Similarly Wealth BY Stock Market will Have Attractive nature

Wealth also have various nature, Can Be Classified in terms of Primary and Secondary

Let us See it later in Detail……….

Villain will be a huge barrier between hero and Heroine.

Similarly as a share Holder or a investor we must face huge barriers to acquire wealth

The key role of Share holder to analyze and to handle the risk

Risk in stock Market may be due to Various Factor Like Political Condition, Economic Condition, Government Policies( Interest Rates, Rules) ,Nature of the Sector ,Nature and performance of Corporate,Demand and Supply etc.

To face the risk(Villain), Hero ( investor ) must watch all his character and face it carefully.

Director – They are the regulatory and governing bodies of the nation.

In India Reserve Bank Of India and Stock Exchange Board Of India.

RBI- Have the key Controls like Interest Rate, Currency Exchange, Import and Export activities etc

SEBI – They are directly involved in controlling the stock Exchanges activities like Permission for Listing a company ,Regulation and Rules for trading in the Stock Market etc.

Yes,All the Trading Happens in the Stock Market

Not Only trading ,auction, meeting of Regulatory Bodies, Monitoring of the Trade Progress happens in stock market.

Exchange is nothing but exchange of actions like Buying selling Process. It means Exchange

of Investment and Exchange of Shares Happens

To recognize your identity there needs some decorative as well as few procedure.

Broking and Sub Brokers acts as a Facilitating Factor Between stock exchange and individual

Individual ---Broking Firm ---Stock Exchange

With the Help of Broking Firm an individual can get the Demat Account ( Like saving account demat account is an account where the Buying and Selling of shares are accounted )for trading in the Stock Market.

Success of Movie depends on Producers. Like Wise the Stock Market activities are highly

depends on the Foreign Direct Investment (on Particular Companies or Sector) foreign Institutional Investors, Hedge Funds.

They are Huge investors. They investment Happens From Abroad. Similarly Domestic Institutional Investors are Investors from the own Country.

These Investors invest in a Company or Sector in Huge Value (Total Investment)as Well as In volume( Shares).

As A Individual We may buy 1 to 1lakh shares

in a Company Whereas these Investors investment, Starts from More than Lakh shares or huge Proportion of shares.

It is not Possible by the RBI,SEBI to Coordinate all activities .The Regulation are also implemented or Routed through the Banks ,Non Banking Finance Corporation(NBFC), Insurance Regulatory Authority etc (IRDA).

They Are Collectively known as Intermediaries

These Are Efficient administrators in implementing the plans of Prime Governing Agents.

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