basic body systems unit 6 immune system lecture pages 128-129 and 400-409 chapter 5 and 17

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Basic Body SystemsUnit 6 Immune System


Pages 128-129 and 400-409Chapter 5 and 17

Viruses• A virus is technically not alive because it

doesn’t have any organelles inside it• It also cannot live on its own, it has to have a

host• A virus that infects bacteria is called a


Virus Structure

• A virus is a piece of nucleic acid covered by an outer coat of protein called a capsid

Reproduction in Viruses

• Viruses reproduce themselves inside of their host

• The tail fibers of the virus attach the outside of a cell

• Enzymes from the virus make a hole in the cell and inject the virus’ genetic material inside

• Once inside of the host, the virus controls the cell and reproduces itself

• Eventually there are so many new viruses made that the host membrane ruptures

• All the viruses escape to attack new cells• Usually the host cell dies at this point• Some viruses , like HIV, don’t kill the host as

the new viruses are released

Dormant or Active

• Some viruses can live in your cells and go dormant, or sleep

• Cold sores are causes by viruses that live in your body

• When they are active you will see the sore

Classifying Viruses

• Viruses are classified based on which type of organisms they infect

• There are plant viruses, animal, and bacteria viruses

• Three ways viruses are classified:• 1. Structure of the capsid• 2. Does it contain DNA or RNA?• 3. The way it reproduces

Defense Systems

• Pathogens are agents that cause diseases in your body

• Your body is constantly fighting them off


• Skin is made of layers of cells that block the entry of most pathogens

• This is your body’s first line of defense

Digestive System

• Bacteria and viruses enter the body through your mouth

• Hydrochloric acid in your stomach helps kill them

Respiratory System

• Bacteria and viruses can enter your body through your nose

• Hair and mucous help trap them as you breathe in

• Your body gets rid of them when you sneeze and cough

Circulatory System

• White blood cells called phagocytes travel in your bloodstream and attack bacteria and viruses it meets

• The white blood cell eats them

The Lymphatic System

• White blood cells called lymphocytes hang out in the tonsils, spleen, and various glands and fight bacteria and viruses

The Immune System

• White blood cells called B and T cells send signals to the immune system that a foreign substance is present called antigens

• The immune system makes antibodies that fight off these specific antigens

Resisting Disease

• Once the body has made specific antibodies, they remain so the next time they are ready when needed

• When you have these antibodies, your are immune to that disease

Types of Immunity

• There are two types of immunity:• 1. natural• 2. acquired

Natural Immunity

• Natural immunity means you are born with certain antibodies

Active Acquired Immunity

• Your body fights a disease because it has had it once already and made the specific antibodies to fight it

• Ex: chicken pox

T cells and B cells

• T cells work by calling the B cells into action• T cells determine what antibody is needed,

and B cells help the phagocytes attack

Passive Acquired Immunity

• Instead of making the antibodies, your body gets them from somewhere else

• Example: the flu shot• This type of immunity does not last as long


• Vaccines are a serum injected into the body that help it make antibodies to fight a specific disease

• Ex: polio, measles, mumps

Germ Theory

• Diseases are caused by microscopic organisms called germs

Identifying Germs

• Cholera affects the small intestine• Lyme disease affects the skin, joints, heart• Salmonella affects the intestine• Tetanus affects the nerves• Tuberculosis affects the lungs, bone, and


Spread of Bacterial Diseases

• Most diseases caused by bacteria are contagious

• This means they can be spread from one person to another

• Some diseases are spread by living organisms

Treating Disease

• Medicine and injections• Antibiotics kill bacteria

Discovery of Antibiotics

• Penicillin, a type of mold, was the first developed antibiotic

• Today they are produced from plants, animals, bacteria, etc

How Antibiotics Work

• Antibiotics are made for a specific disease• Allergic reactions can happen

Overuse of Antibiotics

• Antibiotics can kill both the harmful and the useful bacteria in your body

• Bacteria can also become resistant to the antibiotic and no longer work

Viral Diseases

• Different kinds of viruses attack different parts of the body

• Viruses that cause warts only attack skin cells

Common Viral Diseases

• The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses

• Others include chicken pox, measles, mumps, and hepatitis


• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks a persons immune system

• Causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

• AIDS kills white blood cells so you can’t fight off diseases

Transmission of AIDS

• In order to get aids you must exchange blood or body fluids from an infected person

• This can happen during sexual contact• This can happen during a blood transfusion

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