barbara a. given, phd, rn, faan curriculum vitae

Post on 04-Feb-2022






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Barbara A. Given, PhD, RN, FAAN 1.0 CONTACT INFORMATION Michigan State University College of Nursing C-383 Bott Building East Lansing, MI 48824-1317 Phone: (517) 353-6526 E-mail: 2.0 EDUCATION

1976 Doctoral Degree, Administration and Higher Education, Michigan State University

1972-1973 Fellow in Medical Education OMERAD, Office of Medical Education and

Research, Michigan State University 1965 Master’s Degree, Major (Clinical): Medical-Surgical Nursing, Major (Functional):

Administration, Ohio State University 1964 Baccalaureate Degree, Major: Nursing, Ohio State University 1960 Basic Preparation, Diploma, Miami Valley Hospital

2.1 LICENSE & CERTIFICATION Active Nursing RN License, State of Michigan Permanent ID #4704073779 3.0 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT

2012-2014 Interim Director of MSU/Sparrow Center for Innovation 2007-2015 Director of PhD Program, College of Nursing Michigan State University,

East Lansing, MI 2007-2012 Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing Michigan State

University, East Lansing, MI 2001-present University Distinguished Professor, College of Nursing, Michigan State

University, East Lansing, MI 2001-2010 Research Fellow, Michigan Public Health Institute, Okemos, MI 2000-present Senior Fellow for Outreach and Enrichment, Michigan State University,

East Lansing, MI


2000-2004 Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Health Care Studies, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

1999-2004 Co-Director, End-of Life Research Center for Excellence, College of

Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1980-2001 Professor, College of Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing,

MI 1998-2000 Associate Director, Institute for Managed Care, College of Human

Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1996-1998 Director of Research, , Institute for Managed Care, College of Human

Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1989-1998 Associate Director, Cancer Prevention and Control, Cancer Center,

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1990-1996 Director, Center for Nursing Research, College of Nursing, Michigan

State University, East Lansing, MI 1980-1988 Professor and Director of Graduate Program, College of Nursing,

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1966-1980 Associate Professor and Assistant Director for the Graduate Program,

Instructor of Undergraduate Medical-Surgical Nursing and Research Methods, School of Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

1963-1964 Staff Nurse, Grant General Hospital, Columbus, OH 1960-1961 Assistant Clinical Instructor, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, OH


Given, B., Co-Investigator. Mobile Tool to Aid Health Behavior Choices. (6/1/2015-5/31/2016). Funded by Sparrow Center for Innovation and Research. Huh-Yoo, J., Primary Investigator. Budget: $49,497. Given, B., Consultant. InfoMediator: Weaving Clinical Expertise in Online Health Communities. (9/28/2014-9/27/2017). Funded by NIH/PHS. Huh-Yoo, J., Principal Investigator. Budget: $467,801. Given, B., Co-Investigator. Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Improve Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy Agents. (1/15/2014-1/14/2016). Funded by Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Re39. Spoelstra, S.L., Primary Investigator; Sikorskii, A., Co-Investigator and Bio-statistician. Budget: $150,000.


Given, B., Co- Principal Investigator. BCOG Center for Bio Behavioral Oncology Research Training. (7/1/14-12/31/15). Funded by Walther Cancer Foundation. Budget: $96,270.11. Given, B., Co-Investigator. An Intervention to Promote Symptom Management and Oral Agent Adherence: ADHERE. (1/1/2014-12/31/2015). Funded by Oncology Nursing Society Foundation. Spoelstra, A., Principal Investigator. Budget: $150,000. Given, B., Consultant. Palliative Care Intervention for Poor and Underserved Cancer Caregivers. (2013-2018). Funded by American Cancer Society. Ferrell, B. Principal Investigator. Given, B., Consultant. Telephone Symptom Management for Advanced Lung Cancer Patients and Caregivers. (2013-2018). Funded by NCI/NIH, Grant number: K07CA168883. Mosher, C.E., Principal Investigator. Budget: $136,445. Given, B., Principal Investigator. Improving Adherence to Oral Cancer Agents and Self Care of Symptoms Using an IVR. (2013-2017). Funded by National Institute of Health. Budget: $2,174,769. Given, B., Co Investigators. Text Messaging to Improve Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy Agents. (4/1/2013-7/31/2015). Funded by National Institute of Health. Spoelstra, S., Primary Investigator. Budget: $348,431. Given, B., Mentor. Chemotherapy, Glycemic Control and Symptoms in Adults with a Solid Tumor Cancer and Diabetes. (5/13-4/2015). Funded by BCOG Center for Symptom Management and Walther Cancer Foundation. Hershey, D. Principal Investigator. Budget: $30,000. Given, B., Co-Investigator. Text Messaging to Improve Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy Agents. (2013-2014). Funded by McKesson Foundation. S. Spoelstra, Primary Investigator. C.W. Given, C.W., Given, B.A. Co Investigators. Budget: $250,000 Given, B., Consultant. Developing an mHealth Application to Improve Cancer Chemotherapy Symptom Management. (2013-2014). Funded by McKesson Foundation. An, L. Primary Investigator. Budget: $250,000. Given, B. Consultant. SmartCare: Innovations In Caregiving Interventions. (2012-2018). Funded by NIH/NINR. Sherwood, P. Donovan, H. Co-Primary Investigators. Given, Co Investigator, C.W. Budget: $70,422. Given, B., Investigator. Managing Fatigue Using Virtual Reality for Post-Operative Lung Cancer Patients. (9/1/2012-8/31/2014). Funded by NIH. Hoffman, A. Principal Investigator. Budget: $213,251. Given, B., Mentor. Development of an Intervention to Improve Symptoms and Outcomes in Adults with Cancer and Diabetes. (2012-2013). Funded by 2012 BCOG Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Walther Cancer Foundation. Hershey, D., Principal Investigator, Given, B.A., Mentor. Budget: $30,353.


Given, B., Consultant. Determining Severity, Interference, and Number of Days of Symptoms from Side Effects in Cancer Patients Prescribed Oral Chemotherapy Agents, How Comorbid Conditions may Influence these Symptoms, and Patient Actions and Preferences in Regard to Symptom Management. (5/1/2012-10/31/2013) Funded by Walther Cancer Foundation. Spoelstra, S., Principal Investigator. Budget: $30,000. Given, B., Consultant. Evidence-Based Oncology Nursing: Helping Patients & Family Caregivers Heal (10/6/2011-10/31/2013). Funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation. Lewis, F., Principal Investigator. $161,105 Given, B., Principal Investigator. BCOG Center for Symptom Management. (2011-2014). Funded by Walther Cancer Foundation. Given, C.W. is Co-Principal Investigator. Budget: $337,556. Given, B., Consultant. Telephone Assessment and Skill-building Intervention for Stroke Caregivers. (2010-2015) Funded by the National Institutes of Health. Bakas, T., Principal Investigator. Budget: $1,925,000 Given, B., Research Advisor to the Dean. Michigan State University – Life Science Complex: Nursing Research Addition. Funded by the National Institutes of Health. (2010-2015). Budget: $8,172,872 Given, B., Principal Investigator. Translating Evidence into Demonstrations. (2010-2012). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health. Given, C.W., Spoelstra, S. Principal Investigators. Budget $145,405. Given, B., eCancer: A Technological Approach to Symptom Management from Home to Practice. (2010-2011). Funded by the National Institutes of Health. 1R41MD006148-01 Total Budget: $97,212. Decker, B., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Consultant. Web-based Support for Caregivers of Veterans Undergoing Chemotherapy. (10/1/2009-9/30/14). Funded by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. M. Silveira, Primary Investigator. Budget: $29,559. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator. Mind-Body Interaction in Neuro-Oncology Family Caregivers (2009-2012), Funded by National Institutes of Health (NCI). Total budget: $1,790,553. Paula Sherwood is Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Web-based System to Support Family Caregiving. (2009-2012). Funded by Walther Cancer Foundation, Collaborative Cancer Control Initiative at Indiana University. Total budget: $150,000. McDaniel, A. is Principal Investigator. Given, B., Principal Investigator. Michigan Nurse Corp Funds – Doctor of Philosophy Funds. (2009-2011). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health and Labor and Economic Growth. Total Budget: $744,200. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group. (1996-2011). Funded by Walther Cancer Foundation, Collaborative Cancer Control Initiative at Indiana University. Current year budget: $60,903. Charles Given is Principal Investigator.


Given, B., Sponsor to PhD Candidate Sandra Spoelstra. Falls in the Community Dwelling Elderly with a History of Cancer. (2009-2010). Funded by National Research Service Award. Budget: $29,275. Given, B., Mentor. Caregiver-Assisted Tai Chi for Older Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. (2009-2010). Funded by National Institute of Health. Total Budget: $91,450. Yao, L., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Sponsor to PhD Candidate Elizabeth Byma. Pain and Pain Management in a Medicaid Waiver Program. (2009-2010) Funded by National Research Service Award. Total Budget: $13,565 Given, B., Consultant. Palliative Care for Quality of Life and Symptom Concerns in Lung Cancer. (2008-2013). Funded by National Institute of Health, ARRA. Ferrell, B. is Principal Investigator, Given, B., Consultant. Fostering Independence in Nursing and Outcomes Research (K99NR010750). (2008-2013). Funded by National Institute of Health. Friese, C., Principal Investigator, Budget: $177,619, years 1 & 2; $747,000 estimated years 3-5. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Intervention to Improve Adherence & Symptoms from Oral Agents. (2007-2010) Funded by Oncology Nursing Society. Total budget: $200,000. Decker, V., Co-PI; Given, C., Conley, B., Grant, M., Koczywas, M., Gemmill R., Co-I; Sikorskii A., Statistician. Given, B., Senior Collaborator/Advisor, Spiritual and Emotional Well-Being in Breast Cancer Treatment. (10/06 – 9/09). Funded by National Institute of Health (NCI). Total budget: $2,007,219. Boivin, M., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Automated Telephone Monitoring for Symptom Management (5/03-10/08). Funded by National Cancer Institute, total budget $3,559,146, grant # R01 CA-30724, Given, C.W. Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Sponsor, Fatigue, Self-Efficacy, and Functioning in Lung Cancer. (4/06 – 3/08). Funded by National Institute of Nursing Research. Total budget: $49,575. Hoffman, A., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer – A Community-Based Model. (4/03-3/08). Funded by National Cancer Institute, total budget $2,765,591, grant # R01 CA-79280. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Biobehavioral interactions in neuro-oncology caregivers. (3/06 – 2/08). Funded by Oncology Nursing Society/American Brain Tumor Association. Total budget: $10,000. Sherwood, P., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Sponsor, Frequency, Intensity, and Distress Associated with Chemotherapy Symptoms. (2006-2008). Funded by ONS Foundation, Trish Green Research Grant. Total budget: $7,500. Keehne-Miron, J., Principal Investigator.


Given, B., Co-Investigator, Quality of Life of Cancer Caregivers: 5 Years Post-Diagnosis (2006-2008). Funded by ACS Intramural Research. Total budget: $414,873. Youngmee Kim is Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Identifying Symptom Clusters in People with Cancer. (6/04 – 12/06). Subcontract with Oregon Health & Science University funded by National Cancer Institute, total budget $159,525; Nail, L., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, K05 Senior Scientist, Integrating Symptom Trials. (7/04 – 6/06). Funded by National Cancer Institute, total budget $571,148; Given, C.W., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, ONS Research Agenda Conference, (06/02 – 06/06). Funded by National Cancer Institute (NCI), $67,641; Berry, D., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Consultant, Stress and aging: Caregiver outcomes in neuro-oncology. (5/05 – 4/06). Funded by the University of Pittsburgh Cancer and Aging Program. Total budget: $50,000. Sherwood, P., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Research Agenda Conference. (2/05 – 1/06). Funded by National Cancer Institute. Total budget: $100,000, grant # 5 R13 CA-101305-04. Berry, D., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Sponsor, Hopelessness and Depression in Myocardial Infarction. Funded by Michigan State University, total budget $56,882, (8/03 – 7/05); Dunn, S., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Comparison of Delivery Methods for Supportive Care, (7/99 – 6/05). Research conducted in collaboration with the Mary Margaret Walther Program, Walther Cancer Institute; Total Budget $509,597, Given, C.W., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Principal Investigator, The Science of Family Involvement in Advanced Cancer Care. Funded by National Cancer Institute (NCI), total budget $558,477, grant # K05 CA-91832, (10/02 – 9/03). Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Taking CHARGE: Successful Transition to Survivorship Following Breast Cancer Treatment, (7/01 – 6/03). Research conducted in affiliation with the Mary Margaret Walther Program, Walther Cancer Institute; Total Budget $357,020. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, End of Life: Center of Excellence, (7/99 – 6/03). Funded by the Michigan State University Foundation; Total Budget $526,000, Gift, W. Principal Investigator. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer-A Community Based Model, grant # R01 CA 79280, (6/98 – 3/03). Funded jointly by the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute and National Institute for Nursing Research; Total Budget $2,243,044. Given, B., Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Cancer Control for Patients in Medicaid Managed Care and Community-Based Programs, (1/02 – 9/02). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health; Total Budget $500,000, Nerenz, D Principal Investigator.


Co-Principal Investigator, Quality of Life for Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Partners, (8/98 – 6/02). Research conducted in collaboration with the Mary Margaret Walther Program, Walther Cancer Institute; Total budget, $730,235, Giesler, B., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Improving Outcomes for Somatizers in Managed Care, grant #R01 MH57099, (6/99 – 3/02). Funded by the National Institute for Mental Health and National Institute for Nursing Research; Total Budget $1,430.170. Robert Smith, Principal Investigator. Given, B., Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Cancer Control for Patients in Medicaid Managed Care and Community Based Programs, (10/00 – 9/01). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health; Total Budget: $1,000,000, Farrell, J., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Acceptance and use of Complimentary Therapy by Cancer Patients and their Families. (7/98 – 6/01). Research conducted in collaboration with the Mary Margaret Walther Program, Walther Cancer Institute; Total Budget $297,293, Given, C.W., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Sponsor, Family care of brain tumor patients (2001) Funded by Oncology Nursing Society Foundation, total budget $7,188, Riess, P., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Cancer Control for Patients in Medicaid Managed Care and Community Based Programs, (10/99 – 9/00). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health; Total Budget: $1,000,000, Farrell, J., Principal Investigator. Co-Investigator, A Subacute Care Intervention for Short-Stay Breast Cancer Surgery, grant # DAMD17-96-1-6325, (9/96 – 8/00). Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense; Total budget $799,558, Wyatt, G., Principal Investigator. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Cancer Care Intervention to Improve Functioning and Psychosocial Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients and their Families, (9/96 – 6/99). Research conducted in affiliation with the Mary Margaret Walther Program, Walther Cancer Institute; Total Budget $250,903. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer: A Community-Based Model, grant #R01 NR/CA01915, (9/93 – 6/98). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Nursing Research & AHCPR; Total Budget $2,015,179. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Rural Partnership Linkages for Cancer Care, grant #R01 CA56338, (5/92-4/97). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer Institute; Total Budget $2,367,034. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Small Instrumentation Grant, (1994). Funded by the National Institutes of Health, Small Instrumentation Grants Program; Total Budget $12,355.


Given, B., Principal Investigator, Caregiver Responses to Managing Elderly Patients at Home, grant # RO1 AG06584, (5/89-4/93). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Services Research; Total Budget $869,584. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Secondary Analysis of Cancer Home Care Studies, (1/93 – 1/93). Funded by the Cancer Center at Michigan State University; Total Budget $14,620. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer Patients: An Inception Cohort, grant #PBR-32C, (1/92 - 12/92). Funded by the American Cancer Society; Total Budget $561,000. Given, B., Participant (with C. Collins), Impact of Alzheimer's Disease on Family Caregiver, grant #RO1 MH41766, (2/89-6/92). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health; Total Budget $366,781. Principal Investigator, Social and Economic Costs of Cancer Care, order #263-MO-101484-1, (10/90-4/92). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer Institute; Total Budget $17,976. Given, B., Co-Investigator, Development of Breast Health Education for Women: Innovative Models, (1992). Funded by the Michigan State University Foundation. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention and Control Surveillance Master Agreement, grant #R01 CN15338. (1992). Sample Technical Proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer Institute. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer Patients, grant #PBR-32B, (1/90 – 12/91). Funded by the American Cancer Society. Total budget: $236,000. Given, B., Co-author, Assessment of Barriers and Facilitators to Screening for Breast Cancer: A Worksite Approach. (9/89-8/91). Funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health, Division of Research and Development; Total Budget $187,500. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer: A Community Based Model, grant #R01 NR01915, (9/88-4/91). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Nursing Research; Total Budget $415,844. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer – A Community-Based Model, grant #R01 NR01915, (9/88 – 4/91). Funded by the National Institute for Nursing Research; Total Budget $24,279. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Health Services for the Elderly: A Nursing Demonstration Model Year IV, (1988-1989). Funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health, Total Budget $43,000. Principal Investigator, Family Home Care for Cancer Patients, grant #PBR-32A, (1/88 – 12/89). Funded by the American Cancer Society. Total budget: $265,000.


Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Caregiver Responses to Managing Elderly Patients at Home, grant #RO1 AG06584 (5/86-4/89). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Center for Health Services Research, Total Budget $511,658. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Impact of Alzheimer's Disease on Family Caregivers, grant #RO1 MH41766, (7/86-6/88). Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health; Total Budget $415,467. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Health Services for the Elderly: A Nursing Demonstration Model Year III, (1986). Funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health; Total Budget $75,000. Given, B., Principal Investigator, Health Services for the Elderly: A Nursing Demonstration Model Year II, (1985). Funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health; Total Budget $75,000. Given, B., Author, Mastectomy: Impact on Patient and Family, (1979-1980). Funded by the Michigan State University (AURIG); Total Budget $5,000. Given, B., Participant, Conduct and Utilization of Clinical Nursing Research, (1975), Michigan State University School of Nursing, University of Michigan School of Nursing, Wayne State University School of Nursing and Michigan Nurses Association. Funded by HEW; Total Budget $75,000 to Michigan State University.


Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Novel Approach to Enhance Ostomy Care in Patients with Bladder and Colorectal Cancer. (7/1/16 – 6/30/18). Submitted to NIH. Mohamed PI. Given, B., Co-Principal Investigator, Nurse-Initiated Screening and Interdisciplinary Communications (NISIC) as a Trigger for Early Geriatric Palliative Care. (7/1/166/30/18). Submitted to NIH. Maxwell, C. PI.


Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Cancer Control for Patients in Medicaid Managed Care and Community Based Programs, (10/98 – 9/99). Funded by Michigan Department of Community Health; Total Budget: $1,000,000, Farrell, J., Principal Investigator. Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Access to Care. (10/97 – 9/98). Funded by the Michigan Department of Community Health and State of Michigan; Total Budget $1,000,000, Farrell, J., Principal Investigator. Program Director/Co-Principal Investigator, Cancer Prevention, Outreach and Access to Care for the State of Michigan, (10/96-9/97). Funded by the State of Michigan; Total Budget $1,000,000, Farell, J., Principal Investigator. Part of writing team, Community Partnerships with Health Professions Education, (1991). Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Total Budget $6,000,000.


Author, Professional Nurse Traineeship Program, (1978-87). Funded by the PHS Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Nursing; Total Budget $132,043. Author, Health Services for the Elderly: A Nursing Demonstration Model, (1984). Funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health; Total Budget $30,000. Participant, Professional Oncology Education Program, (1984). Funded by the National Cancer Institute, Total Budget $643,193. Participant, MSU Health Promotion Demonstration Project, (1984). Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Total Budget $879,400. Participant, Teaching Medical Students Patient Education Concepts and Skills. (1983). Funded by the National Fund for Medical Education; Total Budget $925,128. Participant (with College of Human Medicine), Professional Oncology Education Program, (1983). Funded by the National Cancer Institute; Total Budget $643,193. Author (with S. King), Active Participation: Health Care for the Elderly, (1982). Funded by the Michigan State University (AURIG); Total Budget $5,700. Author, Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist Training Grant, (1981). Funded by the Division of Nursing, HEW; Total Budget $296,298. Co-author, Patient Contributions -- Link to Process and Outcomes, grant #1 R02 NU00662, (1978-1981). Funded by HEW; Total Budget $356,289. Co-author, Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate Program, (1976-1980), funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Total Budget $400,000. Participant, Cancer Planning Grant: An Inter-disciplinary Effort, (1976). Funded by the National Cancer Institute. (Co-authored the nursing part of this proposal.)


Akard, T.F., Dietrich, M.S., Friedman, D.L., Hinds, P.S., Given, B., Wray, S., Gilmer, M.J. (2015). Digital storytelling: an innovative legacy-making intervention for children with cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 62(4), 658-665. Conn V.S., Ward S., Herrick L., Topp R., Alexander G.L., Anderson C.M., Smith C.E., Benefield L.E., Given B., Titler M., Larson J.L., Fahrenwald N.L., Cohen M.Z., Georgesen S. (2015). Managing opportunities and challenges of co-authorship. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 37(2), 134-163. Coursaris, C.K., Spoelstra, S. L., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Wormser, M., and Given, C. W. (2015). A health belief messaging framework and a randomized controlled trial of an SMS-based intervention for cancer patient outcomes.


Proceedings of the 48th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5-8, 2015. Nominated for the Best Paper Award in Healthcare. DeKoekkoek, T., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Ridenour, K., Schueller, M., Spoelstra, S.L. (2015). mHealth SMS text messaging interventions and to promote medication adherence: an integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(19-20), 2722-2735. Mosher, C.E., Given, B.A., Ostroff, J.S. (2015). Barriers to mental health service use among distressed family caregivers of lung cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer Care. 24(1), 50-59. Mosher, C.E., Winger, J.G., Given, B.A., Helft, P.R., & O’Neil, B.H. (2015). Mental health outcomes during colorectal cancer survivorship: a review of the literature. PsychoOncology, August Epub ahead of print. Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., Siddiqi, A., Champion, V., McCorkle, R., Spoelstra, S., Given, B. (2015). Testing the differential effects of symptom management interventions in cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 24(1), 25-32. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, B.A. (2015). Feasibility of a text messaging intervention to promote self –management for patients prescribed oral anticancer agents. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(6), 647-657. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, B.A. (2015). Proof of concept of a mobile health short message service text message intervention that promotes adherence to oral anticancer agent medications: a randomized controlled trial. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, Dec 30 ePub ahead of print. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, B.A. (2015) A randomized controlled trial of the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of text messages on medication adherence in adults prescribed oral anti-cancer agents: study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(12), 29652976. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Majumder, A., Schueller, M., Given, B.A. (2015). Treatment with oral anticancer agents: symptom severity and attribution, and interference with comorbidity management. Oncology Nursing Forum. 42(1), 80-88. Wittmann, D., Carolan, M., Given, B., Skolarus, T.A., Crossley, H., An, L., Palapattu, G., Clark, P., Montie, J.E. (2015). What couples say about their recovery of sexual intimacy after prostatectomy: toward the development of a conceptual model of couples’ sexual recovery after surgery for prostate cancer. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(2), 494-504. Zeleníková, R., Ren, D., PhD, Schulz, R., Given, B., Sherwood, P.R. (2015). Symptoms as the main predictors of caregivers’ perception of the suffering of patients with primary malignant brain tumors. Cancer Nursing, April Epub ahead of print. Choi, J., Tate, J., Hoffman, L. Schulz, R., Ren, D., Donahoe, M., Given, B., & Sherwood, P.


(2014). Fatigue in family caregivers of adult intensive care unit survivors. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 48(3), 353-63. Hershey, D.S., Given, B., Given, C., Corser, W., Eye, A.v. (2014). Predictors of diabetes self-management in older adults receiving chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing, 37(2), 97-105. Wittmann D., Carolan M., Given B., Skolarus T.A., An L., Palapattu G., Montie J.E. (2014). Exploring the role of the partner in couples sexual recovery after surgery for prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 22(9), 2509-2515. Akard, T.F. (nee Foster), Gilmer, M.J., Friedman, D.L., Given, B., Hendricks-Ferguson, V.L., Hinds, P.S. (2013). From Qualitative Work to Intervention Development in Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care Research. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 30(3), 153160 Bergman, K., Given, B., Fabiano, R., Schutte, D., von Eye, A., Davidson, S. (2013). Symptoms associated with mild traumatic brain injury/concussion: the role of bother. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 45(3), 124-132. Byma, E.A., Given, C.W., Given, B.A. (2013). Associations among indicators of depression in medicaid-eligible community-dwelling older adults. Gerontologist, 53(4), 608-617. Byma, E.A., Given, B.A. & Given, C.W. (2013). Longitudinal Differences in Pain Among Older Adult Home and Community Based Waiver Program Participants in Relation to Diagnosis of Cancer. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 32(4), 249-266, Choi, J., Hoffman, L.A., Schulz, R., Tate, J.A., Donahoe, M.P., Ren, D., Given, B., & Sherwood, P.R. (2013). Self-Reported Physical Symptoms in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Survivors: Pilot Exploration Over Four Months Post-ICU Discharge. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,47(2), 257-70. Choi, J,. Hoffman, L.A., Schulz, R., Ren, D., Donahoe, M.P., Given, B., Sherwood, P.R. (2013). Health risk behaviors in family caregivers during patients' stay in intensive care units: a pilot analysis. American Journal of Critical Care, 22(1), 41-45. Given, C.W., Given, B. (2013). Symptom management and psychosocial outcomes following cancer. Seminars in Oncology, 40(6), 774-783. Houghton-Rahrig, L.D., Schutte, D.L., von Eye, A., Fenton, J.I., Given, B.A., Hord, N.G. (2013). Exploration of a symptoms experience in people with obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nursing Outlook, 61(4), 242-251.e2. Jiang, Y., Terhorst, L., Donovan, H.S., Weimer, J.M., Choi, C.W.J., Schulz, R., Given, B., Sherwood, P. (2013). Locke-Wallace Short Marital-Adjustment Test: Psychometric Evaluation in Caregivers for Persons With Primary Malignant Brain Tumor. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 21(3), 502-515. Mosher, C.E., Champion, V.L., Hanna, N., Jalal, S.I., Fakiris, A.J., Birdas, T.J., Okereke, I.C., Kesler, K.A., Einhorn, L.H., Given, B.A., Monahan, P.O., & Ostroff, J.S. (2013). Support service use and


interest in support services among distressed family caregivers of lung cancer patients. Psycho Oncology, 22(7), 1549-1556. doi: 10.1002/pon.3168. Newberry, A., Choi, C.J., Donovan, H., Schulz, R., Bender, C. Given, B., Sherwood, P. (2013). Exploring spirituality in family caregivers of patients with primary malignant brain tumors across the disease trajectory. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(3), E119-125. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Grant, M., Sikorskii, A., Ahn, S., You, M., Decker, V. (2013). An Intervention to Improve Adherence and Symptoms for Patients Prescribed Oral Chemotherapy Agents: An Exploratory Study. Cancer Nursing, 36(1), 18-28. Winner of the 2013 Frank J. McDevitt Award Recognizing Excellence in Health and Medical Research Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Grant, M., Sikorskii, A., You, M., & Decker, V. (2013). Issues related to overadherence to oral chemotherapy or targeted agents. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(6), 604-609. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Schutte, D. L., Sikorskii, A., You, M. (2013). Do older adults with cancer fall more often? A comparative analysis of falls in those with and without cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(20), E69-78. doi: 10.1188/13.ONF.E69-E78. Impact Factor 2.5. Choi, J., Kuo, C.J., Sikorskii, A., You, M., Ren, D., Sherwood, P.R., Given, C.W., Given, B.A. (2012). Cognitive behavioral symptom management intervention in patients with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(6), 1243-1250. Choi J, Sherwood PR, Schulz R, Ren D, Donahoe MP, Given B, Hoffman LA. (2012). Patterns of depressive symptoms in caregivers of mechanically ventilated critically Ill adults from ICU admission to two months post-ICU discharge: a pilot study. Critical Care Medicine, 40(5), 1546-1553 Choi-Wen, J., Stone, R.A., Kim, K.H., Ren, D., Schulz, R., Given, C.W., Given, B.A., Sherwood, P.R. (2012). Group-based trajectory modeling of caregiver psychological distress over time. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 44(1), 73-84. Fletcher, B. A., Miaskowski, C., Given, B., Schumacher, K. (2012). The Cancer family caregiving experience: an updated and expanded conceptual model. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(4), 387-398. PMID: 22000812. Given, B.A. (2012). Primary and oncology care: can we coordinate the care? Cancer Nursing, 35(5), 325-326. Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Sherwood, P. (2012). Family and caregiver needs over the course of the cancer trajectory. The Journal of Supportive Oncology, 10(2), 57-64. Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Sherwood, P. (2012). The challenge of quality cancer care for family caregivers. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 28(4), 205-212.


Grant, M., Given, B. (2012). Studies of caregivers of older cancer patients needed. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 3(4), 296-298. Hershey, D., Given, B., Given, C., Von Eye, A., You, M. (2012). Diabetes and cancer: impact on health-related quality of life. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(5), 449-457. Hershey, D., Tipton, J., Given, B., Davis, E. (2012). Perceived impact of cancer treatments on diabetes self-management. The Diabetes Educator, 38(6), 779-790. PMID: 22983823. Newberry, A., Kuo, C.J., Donovan, H., Given, B., Given, C., Schulz, R., Sherwood, P. (2012). Identifying Family members who are likely to perceive benefits from providing care to a person with a primary malignant brain tumor. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39 (3), E226232. Northouse, L., Williams, A., Given, B., McCorkle, M. (2012). Psychosocial care for family caregivers of cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30(11), 1227-1234. Sherwood, P., Given, B. A., Given, C. W., Sikorskii, A., You, M., Prince, J. (2012).The impact of a problem solving intervention on increasing caregiver assistance and improving caregiver health. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(9), 1937-1947. PMID: 22081056. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W. (2012). Fall prevention in hospitals: an integrative review. Clinical Nursing Research, 21(1), 83-103. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., You, M., Given, C.W. (2012). The contribution falls have to increasing risk of nursing home placement in community-dwelling older adults. Clinical Nursing Research, 21(1), 24-33. Barton, D. (2011). Oral Agents in Cancer Treatment: The Context for Adherence. In Given, B.A., Grant, M. (Eds.). Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 93-103. Deatrick, J.A., & Given, B.A. (2011). Creating a pipeline for tomorrow’s nurse researchers. Research in Nursing and Health, 34(3), 171-175. Given, B.A., Sherwood, P., & Given, C.W. (2011). Support for caregivers of cancer patients: Transition after active treatment. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 20(10), 2015-2021. Given, B.A., & Grant, M. (2011). Introduction, adherence and oral agents. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 27(2), 91-92. Given, B.A., & Northouse, L. (2011). Who cares for family caregivers of patients with cancer? Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(5), 451-452. Given, B.A., Spoelstra, S., & Grant, M. (2011). Challenges of oral agents as antineoplastic treatments. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 93-103.


Hoffman, A., von Eye, A., Gift, A., Given, B., Given, C., & Rothert, M. (2011). The development and testing of an instrument for perceived self-efficacy for fatigue selfmanagement. Cancer Nursing, 34(3), 167-175. Hricik, A., Donovan, H., Bradley, S.E., Given, B.A., Bender, C.M., Newberry, A., Sherwood, P. (2011). Changes in caregiver perceptions over time in response to providing care for a loved one with a primary malignant brain tumor. Oncology Nursing Forum, 38(2), 149-55. Landier, W. (2011). Age Span Challenges: Adherence in Pediatric Oncology. In Given, B.A., Grant, M. (Eds.). Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 142-153. Maloney, K.W., Kagan S.H. (2011). Adherence and Oral Agents With Older Patients. In Given, B.A., Grant, M. (Eds.). Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 154-160. Schneider, S.M., Hess, K., Gosselin, T. (2011). Interventions to Promote Adherence With Oral Agents. In Given, B.A., Grant, M. (Eds.). Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 133141. Sherwood, P., Hricik, A., Donovan, H., Bradley, S.E., Given, B.A., Bender, C.M., ... Given, C.W. (2011). Changes in caregiver perceptions over time in response to providing care for a loved one with a primary malignant brain tumor. Oncology Nursing Forum, 38(2), 149-155. Silveira, M.J, Given, C.W., Cease, K.B., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., Northouse L., & Piette, J. (2011). Cancer CarePartners: Improving patients' symptom management by engaging informal caregivers. BMC Palliative Care, 10(1), 21. Spoelstra, S., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., & Grant, M. (2011). Policy implications of oral agents. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 161-165. Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W. (2011). Assessment and Measurement of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Agents. In Given, B.A., Grant, M. (Eds.). Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(2), 116-132. Bearinger, L.H., Taliaferro, L., & Given, B.A. (2010). When R & R Is not rest & recovery but revise & resubmit. Research in Nursing & Health, 33(5), 381-385. Given, B. (2010). Choosing paths to the future to improve cancer care. Cancer Nursing, 33(6), 421-425. Given, B.A. (2010). Symptom management in oncology care – where are we? European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 14, 357-358. Given, C., Bradley, C., You, M., Sikorskii, A., & Given, B. (2010). Costs of novel symptom management interventions and their impact on hospitalizations. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 39(4), 663-672. PMC2859211 Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., You, M., Jeon, S., Champion, V., & McCorkle, R. (2010). Deconstruction of nurse-delivered patient self-managment interventions for symptom


management: Factors related to delivery enactment and response. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40, 99-113. PMC2928661. Newberry, A., Sherwood, P., Hricik, A., Bradley, S., Kuo, J., Crago, E.,... Given, B. (2010). Understanding recruitment and retention in neurological research. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 42(1), 47-57. PMC 2831228. Silveira, M.J., Given, C.W., Given, B., Rosland, A.M., & Piette, J.D. (2010). Patient-caregiver concordance in symptom assessment and improvement in outcomes for patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Chronic Illness, 6, 46-56. Pub Med in Process Soltow, D., Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (2010). Relationship between age and symptoms of pain and fatigue in adults undergoing treatment for cancer. Cancer Nursing. 33(4), 296-303. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., von Eye, A., & Given, C. (2010). Fall risk in community dwelling elderly cancer survivors? A predictive model for gerontological nurses. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 36(2), 52-60. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., von Eye, A., & Given, C. (2010). Falls in the community-dwelling elderly with a history of cancer. Cancer Nursing, 33(2), 149-55 Bakas, T., Farran, C.J., Austin, J.K, Given, B.A., Johnson, E.A., Perkins, S.M., & Williams, L.S. (2009). Stroke caregiver outcomes from Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK). Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 16(2), 105-121. Impact Factor is 0.744, PMC3021456. Bakas, T., Farran, C.J., Austin, J.K., Given, B.A., Johnson, E.A., & Williams, L.S. (2009). Content validity and satisfaction with a stroke caregiver intervention program. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 41(4), 368-375. PMC Journal – In Process. Bradley, S.E., Sherwood, P.R., Kuo, J., Kammerer, C.M., Gettig, E.A., Ren, D., ... Given, B. (2009). Perceptions of Economic hardship and the emotional health of neuro-oncology family caregivers. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 93(3), 333-342. Impact Factor is 2.307, PMC2735729 Byma, E., Given, B., & Given, C. (2009). The effects of mastery on pain and fatigue resolution. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(5), 544-552. PMC Journal-In Process. Decker, V., Spoelstra, S., Miezio, E., You, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2009). A pilot study of an automated voice response system and nursing intervention to monitor adherence to oral chemotherapy agents. Cancer Nursing, 32(6), E20-E29. PMC Journal-In Process. Given, B. (2009). 2009-2013 Oncology Nursing Society research agenda: Why is it important? Oncology Nursing Forum. 36(5), E274-282. Given, B. (2009). Shortening the gap between publication and practice-now! Cancer Nursing. 32(9), 89.


Given, B., & Given, C. (2009). Cancer treatment in older adults: Implications for psychosocial research. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57(Suppl. 2), S283-S285. PMC Journal-In Process. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A, You, M., McCorkle, R., & Champion, V. (2009). Analyzing symptom management trials: The value of both intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(6), E293-E302. Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Given, C., & You, M. (2009). Effects of assisting cancer patients with symptom management on family members reports of burden and depression. [Abstract]. Psycho-Oncology, 18(Suppl. 2), S70-S71 Given, C., Sikorskii, A., Siddiqi, A., & Given, B. (2009). Comparing cognitive behavioral and educational strategies: Does age moderate the impact of interventions on symptom severity among cancer patients? [Abstract]. Psycho-Oncology, 18(Suppl. 2), S71-S72. Hoffman, A., von Eye, A., Gift, A., Given, B., Given, C., & Rothert, M. (2009). Testing a theoretical model of perceived self-efficacy for cancer-related fatigue self-management and optimal physical functional status. Nursing Research, 58(1), 32-41. Impact Factor is 1.538, PMC3108333. Jeon, S., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & Given, B. (2009). Do Interference based cut-points differentiate mild, moderate and severe levels of 16 cancer related symptoms over time? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 37(2), 220-32. Impact Factor is 2.681, PMC2746058 Jeon, S., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & Given, B. (2009). The utility of screening in the design of trials for symptom management in cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 38(4), 606-614. PMC2761530 Radziewicz, R.M., Rose, J.H., Bowman, K.F., Berila, R.A., O’Toole, E.E., & Given, B. (2009). Establishing treatment fidelity in a coping and communication support telephone intervention for aging patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers. Cancer Nursing. 32(3), 193-202. PMC Journal-In Process Siddiqi, A., Given, C., Given, B., & Sikorskii, A. (2009). Quality of life among patients with primary, metastatic and recurrent cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care 18, 84-96. Impact Factor is 4.475, PMC2606910. Sikorskii, A., Given, B., Given, C., & Jeon, S. (2009). Differential symptom reporting by mode of administration of the assessment: Automated voice response system versus a live telephone interview. Medical Care, 47(8), 866-874. Impact Factor is 3.194, PMC2722377. Sikorskii, A., Given, C., You, M., Jeon, S., & Given, B. (2009). Response analysis for multiple symptoms revealed differences between arms of a symptom management trial. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 62(7), 716-724. Impact Factor is 2.896, PMC2743381. Wolff, J.L., Roter, D.L., Given, B., & Gitlin, L.N. (2009). Optimizing patient and family involvement in geriatric home care. Commissioned paper for The Center for Home Care Policy & Research. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 31(2), 24-33.


Given, B., (2008). Cancer-related fatigue: A brief overview of current nursing perspectives and experiences. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 12(Suppl. 5), 7-9. G Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2008). Older adults and cancer treatment. Cancer, 113(Suppl. 12), 3505-3511. PMC2606910 Given, B., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., Jeon, S., McCorkle, R., Champion, V., & Decker, D. (2008). Establishing mild, moderate and severe scores for cancer related symptoms: How consistent and clinically meaningful are interference based severity cut points? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 35(2), 126-35, Impact Factor is 2.324, PMC2635012. Given, B., Sherwood, P.R. & Given, C.W. (2008). What knowledge and skills do caregivers need? American Journal of Nursing, 108(Suppl. 9), 28-34. Report was named “Outstanding Magazine Series, Special Section, or Group Project, External Publication – Circulation between 100,000 and 500,000” by The Association of Women in Communications – Clairon Awards AWC. Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Jeon, S., & You, M. (2008). Managing cancer symptoms: Moving a low-cost system from research to practice. [Abstract]. Psycho-Oncology, 17(Suppl.), S16-S17. Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Tamkus, D., Given, B., You, M., McCorkle, R., ... & Decker, D. (2008). Managing symptoms among patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy: Results of a two-arm behavioral trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26(36), 5855-5862. PMC2645110. Honea, N.J., Brintnall, R., Given, B., Sherwood, P., Colao, D.B., Somers, S.C., & Northouse, L.L. (2008). Putting evidence into practice: nursing assessment and interventions to reduce family caregiver strain and burden. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(3), 507-516. Kim, Y., & Given, B.A. (2008). Quality of life of family caregivers of cancer survivors across the trajectory of the illness. Cancer, 112(511), 2556-2568. Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Given, C., & Given, B. (2008). Age and depressive symptomatology: Impact on the Relative effectiveness of two pain and fatigue control interventions among cancer patients. Cancer Therapy, 6(B), 367-376. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given B. (2008). Patient optimism and mastery-do they play a role in cancer patients’ management of pain and fatigue? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 36(1), 1-10. NIHMS59076 Sherwood, P., Donovan, H., Given. C., Lu, X., Given, B., Hricik, A., & Bradley, S. (2008). Predictors of employment and lost hours from work in cancer caregivers. PsychoOncology, 17(6), 598-605. Impact Factor is 2.589 Sherwood, P., Given, B., Donovan, H., Given, C.W., & Schulz, R. (2008). Guiding research in family care: A new approach to oncology caregiving. Psycho-Oncology, 17(10), 986996. Impact Factor is 2.589 Sherwood, P., Hricik, A., Donovan, H., Bradley, S., Newberry, A., & Given, B. (2008). Emerging distress in neuro-oncology caregivers. [Abstract]. Psycho-Oncology, 17 (Suppl.), S7-S8.


Siddiqi, A., Sikorskii, A., Given, C., & Given, B. (2008). Early participant attrition from clinical trials: role of trial design and logistics. Clinical Trials. 5(4), 328-335. PMC2723836 Doorenbos, A., Given, B., Given, C., Wyatt, G., Gift, A., Rabar, M., & Jeon, S. (2007). The influence of end-of-life care on caregivers of family members with cancer. Research in Nursing and Health, 30, 270-281. Impact Factor is 1.1 Given, B., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & Hadar, N. (2007). Symptom clusters and physical function for patients receiving chemotherapy. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 23(2); 121-126. Hoffman, A.J., Given, B., von Eye, A., Gift, A., & Given, C. (2007). Relationships among pain, fatigue, insomnia, and gender in persons with lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(4), 785-792. Impact Factor is 1.475 Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2007). Symptom cluster among cancer patients and effects of a cognitive behavioral intervention. Cancer Therapy, 5, 105112. Monahan, P.O., Champion, V., Rawl, S., Giesler, R.B., Given, B., Given, C.W., ... Koch, M. (2007). What contributes more strongly to predicting qol during 1-year recovery from treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer: 4-weeks-post-treatment depressive symptoms or type of treatment? Quality of Life Research, 16(3);399-411. Impact Factor is 1.9 Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., von Eye, A., ... Remer, S. (2007). The influence of caregiver mastery on depressive symptoms. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 39(3), 249-255. Impact Factor is 1.24 Sikorskii, A., Given, C., Given, B., Jeon, S., Decker, V., Decker, ... McCorkle, R. (2007). Symptom management for cancer patients: A trial comparing two multimodal interventions. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 34(3), 253-264. Impact Factor is 2.437, PMC2043403. Doorenbos, A. Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Verbitsky, N. (2006). Physical functioning: Effect of a behavioral intervention for symptoms among individuals with cancer. Nursing Research, 55(3), 161-171. Impact Factor is 1.604, PMC2012950 Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Verbitsky, N. (2006). Symptom experience in the last year of life among individuals with cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 32(5), 403-412. Impact Factor is 2.437, PMC1894855 Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Jeon, S., Sherwood, P., & Rahbar, M. (2006). The impact of providing symptom management assistance on caregiver reaction: Results of a randomized trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 32(5), 433-443. Impact Factor is 2.437 Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2006). Family care for the older person during cancer care. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 22(1), 43-50. Kozachik, S. L., Wyatt, G., Given, C.W., & Given, B. A. (2006). Patterns of use of complementary therapies among cancer patients and their family caregivers. Cancer Nursing, 29(2), 84-94.


Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2006). Effects of a symptom control on utilization of health care services among cancer patients: A randomized controlled study. Medical Science Monitor, 12(7), CR319-324. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2006). Predictors of use of health care services among elderly lung cancer patients: the first year after diagnosis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 14(3), 243-250. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., Lovely, M., ... Remer, S. (2006). Predictors of distress in caregivers of persons with a primary malignant brain tumor. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(2), 105-120. Sikorskii, A., Given, C., Given, B., Jeon, S., & McCorkle, R. (2006). Testing the effects of treatment complications on a cognitive behavioral intervention for reducing symptom severity. Journal of Pain and Symptom and Management, 32(2), 129-139. Smith, R.C., Lyles, J.S., Gardiner, J.C., Sirbu, C., Hodges, A., Collins, ... Given, B., & Goddeeris, J. (2006). Primary care clinicians treat patients with medically unexplained symptoms – a randomized controlled trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21(7), 671-677. Cimprich, B., Janz, N., Northouse, L., Wren, P., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2005). Taking CHARGE: A self-management program for women following breast cancer treatment. Psycho-Oncology, 14(9), 704-717. Doorenbos, A. Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., Verbitsky, N., Cimprich, B., & McCorkle, R. (2005). Reducing symptom limitations: A cognitive behavioral intervention randomized trial. Psycho-Oncology, 14(7), 574-584. PMC1904496 Doorenbos, A. Z., Verbitsky, N., Given, B. & Given, C.W. (2005). An analytic strategy for modeling multiple-item responses: A breast cancer symptom example. Nursing Research, 54(4), 229-234. PMC1839066 Fouladbakhsh, J., Stommel, M., Given, B. & Given, C. (2005) Predictors of use of complementary and alternative therapies among patients with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(6), 1115-1122. [won the 2005 Excellence in Research award]. Giesler, R.B., Given, B., Given, C.W., Rawl, S., Monahan, P., Burns, D., ... Champion, V. (2005). Improving the quality of life of patients with prostate carcinoma: A randomized trial testing the efficacy of a nurse-driven intervention. Cancer, 104(4), 752-762. Given, B., Given, C.W., Jeon, S., & Sikorskii, A. (2005). Effect of neutropenia on the impact of a cognitive behavioral intervention for symptom management. Cancer, 104(4), 869878. Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2005). Nursing sensitive patient outcomes – a white paper. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(4), 773-84. Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2005). A randomized, controlled trial of a patient/caregiver symptom control intervention: Effects on depressive symptomatology of


caregivers of cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 30(2), 112-122. PMC1805478 Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W. & Given, B. (2005). Utilization of services among elderly cancer patients - relationship to age, symptoms, physical functioning, comorbidity, and survival status. Ethnicity & Disease, 15, S2-17-S2-22. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C., Champion, V., Doorenbos, A., Azzouz, F., ... Monahan, P.O. (2005). A cognitive behavioral intervention for symptom management in patients with advanced cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(6), 1190 –1198. PMC1805479 Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., Given, B., & vonEye, A. (2005). Caregiver burden and depressive symptoms: Analysis of common outcomes in caregivers of elderly patients. Journal of Aging and Health, 17(2), 125-147. Smith, R., Gardiner, J., Lyles, J., Sirbu, C., Dwamena, F., Hodges, A., ... Given, B., & Goddeeris, J. (2005). Exploration of DSM-IV criteria in primary care patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67(1), 123-129. Given, B. (2004). Commentary by Given. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 26(3), 287. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2004). Research for nursing practice: What do we tell practitioners about nursing interventions? Research in Nursing & Health, 27(5), 293-295. Impact Factor is 1.062 Given, B., Wyatt, G., Given, C.W., Sherwood, P., Gift, A., DeVoss, D., & Rahbar, M. (2004). Burden and depression among caregivers of patients with cancer at the end of life. Oncology Nursing Forum, 31(6), 1105-1117. [Won the 2005 Excellence in Nursing Research award]. PMC1315286. Given, C.W., Given B., Rahbar, M., Jeon, S., McCorkle, R., Cimprich, B., ... Bowie, E. (2004). Does a symptom management intervention affect depression among cancer patients: Results from a clinical trial. Psycho-Oncology, 13(11), 818-830. Impact Factor is 2.079 Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., Jeon, S., McCorkle, R., Cimprich, B., ... Bowie, E. (2004). Effect of a cognitive behavioral intervention on reducing symptom severity during chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22(3), 507-516. Impact Factor is 9.835 Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W. & Given, B. (2004) Depression and physical health among family caregivers of geriatric patients with cancer - a longitudinal view. Medical Science Monitor, 10(8), CR447-56. Rogers, L., Given, B., Given, C.W., Remer, S. & Sherwood, P. (2004) Perceptions of brain tumor treatments by the caregivers for brain tumor patients who are now deceased. NeuroOncology, 6, 357-358. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Doorenbos, A.Z., & Given, C.W. (2004). Forgotten voices: Lessons from bereaved caregivers of persons with a brain tumor. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 10(2), 67-75.


Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., & Lovely, M. (2004). Caregivers of persons with a brain tumor: A conceptual model. Nursing Inquiry, 11(1), 43-53. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Scholnik, A., & Given, C.W. (2004). To refer or not to refer: Factors that affect primary care provider referral of patients with cancer to clinical treatment trials. Journal of Cancer Education, 19(1), 58-65. Sherwood, P., Stommel, M., Murman, D., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2004). Primary malignant brain tumor incidence and Medicaid enrollment. Neurology, 62(10), 1788-1793. Stommel, M., Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (2004). A longitudinal analysis of the course of depressive symtomatology in geriatric patients with cancer of the breast, colon, lung, or prostate. Health Psychology, 23(6), 564-573. Lyles, J.S., Hodges, A., Collins, C., Lein, C., Given, C.W., Given, B., ... Smith, R.C. (2003). Using nurse practitioners to implement an intervention in primary care for high-utilizing patients with medically unexplained symptoms. General Hospital Psychiatry, 25(2), 6373. Smith, R.C., Lein, C., Collins, C., Lyles, J.S., Given, B., Dwamena, F.C., ... Given, C.W. (2003). Treating patients with medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 18(6), 478-89. Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., Kozachik, S., Cimprich, B., Rahbar, M., & Wojcik, C. (2002). Pain and fatigue management: Results of a nursing randomized clinical trial. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29(6), 949-956. [Won the 2002 ONS Excellence in Cancer Nursing Research Award.] Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002). Predictors of depressive symptomatology of geriatric patients with colon cancer: a longitudinal view. Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer, 10(6), 494-501. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002). Predictors of depressive symptomatology of geriatric patients with lung cancer – a longitudinal analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 11(1), 12-22. Rawl, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., Champion, V., Kozachik, S., Barton, D., ... Williams, S. (2002). Intervention to improve psychological functioning for newly diagnosed patients with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29(6) 967-975. Riess-Sherwood, P., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2002). Who cares for the caregiver: Strategies to provide support. Home Health Care Management and Practice, 14(2), 110-121. Ropka, M.E., Guterbock, T., Krebs, L., Murphy-Ende, K., Stetz, K., Summers, B., ... Mallory, G. (2002). Year 2000 Oncology Nursing Society Research Priorities Survey. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29(3), 481-491. Wyatt, G.E., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998). Bridging the gap between nursing outcomes and the research process: One-step computerized documentation and direct data entry. [Abstract]. Oncology Nursing Forum, 25(2), 347.


Smith, R., Gardiner, J., Lyles, J., Johnson, M., Rost, K., Luo, Z., ... Given, B. (2002). Minor acute illness: a preliminary research report on the “worried well”. The Journal of Family Practice, 51(1), 24-29. Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2002). Depression and functional status as predictors of death among cancer patients. Cancer, 94(10), 2719-2727. Given, B. (2001). Into the millennium: Open the door and let the future in for cancer nursing research. Oncology Nursing Forum, 28(4), 647-654. Given, B., Given, C.W., Azzouz, F., & Stommel, M. (2001). Physical functioning of elderly cancer patients prior to diagnosis and following initial treatment. Nursing Research, 50(4), 222-232. Given, B., Given C.W., & Kozachik, S. (2001). Family support in advanced cancer. CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 51(4), 213-231. Given, C.W., Bradley, C., Luca, A, Given, B., & Osuch, J. (2001). Observation interval for evaluating the costs of surgical interventions for older women with a new diagnosis of breast cancer. Medical Care, 39(11), 1146-1157. Given, C.W., Given, B., Azzouz, F., Kozachik, S., & Stommel, M. (2001). Predictors of pain and fatigue in the year following diagnosis among elderly cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 21(6), 456-466. Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., Pierce, S., Azzouz, F., Rawl, S., & Champion, V.L. (2001). Improving depressive symptoms among caregivers of patients with cancer: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Oncology Nursing Forum, 28(7), 1149-1157. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2001). Physical functioning and depression among older persons with cancer. Cancer Practice, 9(1), 11-18. Neumark, D.E., Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2001). Research design and subject characteristics predicting nonparticipation in a panel survey of older families with cancer. Nursing Research, 50(6), 363-368. Ropka, M., & Spencer-Cisek, P. (2001). PRISM: Priority Symptom Management Project Phase I: Assessment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 28(10), 1585-1594. [B. Given participated on PRISM Project Team] Smith, R., Gardiner, J., Armatti, S., Johnson, M., Lyles, J., Given, C.W., Lein, C., Given, B., ... Kanj, M. (2001). Screening for high utilizing somatizing patients using a prediction rule derived from the management information system of an HMO: A preliminary study. Medical Care, 39(9), 968-978. Given, C.W., Given, B., Azzouz, F., Stommel, M., & Kozachik, S. (2000). Comparison of changes in physical functioning of elderly patients with new diagnoses of cancer. Medical Care, 38(5), 482-493.


Kurtz, M.C., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2000). Symptomatology and loss of physical functioning among geriatric patients with lung cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 19(4), 249-256. Wyatt, G., Ogle, K., & Given, B. (2000). Access to hospice: A perspective from the bereaved. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 3(4), 433-440. Given, C.W., Given, B., Stommel, M., & Azzouz F. (1999). The impact of new demands for assistance on caregiver depression: Tests using an inception cohort. Gerontologist, 39(1), 76-85. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1999). The influence of symptoms, age, comorbidity, and cancer site on physical functioning and mental health of geriatric women patients. Women and Health, 29(3), 1-12. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W, & Given, B. (1999). Predictors of physical functioning among geriatric patients with small cell and non-small cell lung cancer 3 months after diagnosis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 7(5), 328-331. Stommel, M., Collins, C.E., Given, B.. & Given, C.W. (1999). Correlates of community service attitudes among family caregivers. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 18(2), 145-161. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (1998). Racial differences in the division of labor between primary and secondary caregivers. Research on Aging, 20(2), 199-217. Wyatt, G., Friedman, L., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1999). A profile of bereaved caregivers following provision of terminal care. Journal of Palliative Care, 15(1), 13-25. Wyatt, G., Friedman, L., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Beckrow, K.C. (1999). Complementary therapy use among older cancer patients. Cancer Practice, 7(3), 136-144. Wyatt, G.K., Ogle, K.S., & Given, B. (1999). Recommendations for pro-active hospice education: A perspective from the bereaved. Journal of Cancer Education, 5(1), 13-25. Stommel, M., Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (1998). Conceptual issues in the measurement of costs of cancer care to patients and their families. The Journal of Quality of Life-A Nursing Challenge, 6(3), 56-60. Yancey, R., Given, B.A., White, N.J., DeVoss, D.N., & Coyle, B. (1998). Computerized documentation for a rural nursing intervention project. Computers in Nursing, 16(5), 275-284. Given, B. (1997). Response to caregiver concept analysis outcomes. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 11(1), 75-78. Given, B., Given, C.W., Helms, E., Stommel, M., & DeVoss, D. (1997). Determinants of family caregiver reaction: New and recurrent cancer. Cancer Practice, 5(1), 17-24.


Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1997). Predictors of postbereavement depressive symptomatology among family caregivers of cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 5(1), 53-60. Dontje, K., Sparks, B., & Given, B. (1996). Establishing a collaborative practice in a comprehensive breast clinic. The Clinical Nurse Specialist, 10(2), 95-101. Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1996). Concordance of cancer patients and caregiver symptom reports. Cancer Practice, 4(4), 185-190. Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1997). Loss of physical functioning among geriatric cancer patients: Relationships to cancer site, treatment, comorbidity, and age. European Journal of Cancer, 33(14), 2352-2358. Sparks, B., Ragheb, N., Given, B., & Swanson, G. (1996). Breast cancer screening in rural populations: A pilot study. Journal of Rural Health, 12(2), 120-129. White, N., Given, B., & DeVoss, D. (1996). The advanced practice nurse: Meeting the information needs of the rural cancer patient. Journal of Cancer Education, 11(4), 203209. Wyatt, G., Kurtz, M., Friedman, L., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996). Preliminary testing of the Long-Term Quality of Life (LTQL) instrument for female cancer survivors. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 4(2), 153-170. Barnes, C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1995). Parent caregivers: A comparison of employed and not employed daughters. Journal of the National Association of Social Workers, 40(3), 375-381. Given, B. (1995). Believing and dreaming to improve cancer care. Oncology Nursing Forum, 22(6), 929-940. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1995). Relationship of caregiver reactions and depression to cancer patients' symptoms, functional states and depression - a longitudinal view. Social Science and Medicine, 40(6), 837-846. Stommel, M., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Collins, C. (1995). The impact of the frequency of care activities on the division of labor between primary caregivers and other careproviders. Research on Aging, 17(4), 412-433. Collins, C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994). Interventions with family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease. Nursing Clinics of North America, 29(1), 195-207. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994). Family home care for individuals with cancer. Oncology, 8(5), 77-83. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Harlan, A. (1994). Strategies to meet the needs of the rural poor. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 10(2), 114-122.


Given, B., Given, C.W., & Stommel, M. (1994). Family and out-of-pocket costs for women with breast cancer. Cancer Practice, 2(3), 187-193. Given, B., Given, C.W., Stommel, M., & Lin, C. (1994). Predictors of use of secondary carers used by the elderly following hospital discharge. Journal of Aging and Health, 6(3), 353-376. Given, B., Stover, D. & White, N. (1994). Nurse-centered community networks, linking specialty cancer to rural areas. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, (Suppl.) 62-65. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Stommel, M. (1994). The impact of age, treatment, and symptoms on the physical and mental health of cancer patients: A longitudinal perspective. Cancer, 74(Suppl. 7), 2128-2138. Kurtz, M.E., Given, B., Kurtz, J.C., & Given, C.W. (1994). The interaction of age, symptoms, and survival status on physical and mental health of patients with cancer and their families. Cancer, 74(Suppl. 7), 2071-2078. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994). Promotion of breast cancer screening in a work site population. Health Care for Women International, 15(1), 3142. Pohl, J., Given, C.W., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1994). Social vulnerability and reactions to caregiving in daughters and daughters-in-law caring for disabled aging parents. Health Care for Women International, 15(5), 385-395. Stommel, M., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1994). The costs of family contributions to the care of persons with dementia. The Gerontologist, 34(2), 199-205. Stommel, M., Given, B., Given, C.W., Kalaian, H., Schulz, R., & McCorkle, R. (1994). Gender bias in the measurement properties of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Psychiatry Research, 49(3), 239-250. Given, C.W., Stommel, M., Given, B., Osuch, J., Kurtz, M.E., & Kurtz, J.C. (1993). The influence of cancer patients' symptoms and functional states on patients' depression and family caregivers' reaction and depression. Health Psychology, 12(4), 277-285. Jensen, S., & Given, B. (1993). Fatigue affecting family caregivers of cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 1(6), 321-325. Kurtz, M.E., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Kurtz, J. C. (1993). Relationships of barriers and facilitators to breast self-examination, mammography, and clinical breast examination in a worksite population. Cancer Nursing, 16(4), 251-259. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J. C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1993). Loss of physical functioning among patients with cancer: a longitudinal view. Cancer Practice, 1(4), 275-281. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1993). The cost of cancer home care to families. Cancer, 71(5), 1867-74.


Barnes, C. L., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992). Caregivers of elderly relatives: Spouses and adult children. Health and Social Work, 17(4), 282-289. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992). Patient and family caregiver reaction to new and recurrent breast cancer. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 47(5), 201-206, 212. Given, C.W., Given, B., Stommel, M., Collins, C., King, S., & Franklin, S. (1992). The caregiver reaction assessment (CRA) for caregivers to persons with chronic physical and mental impairments. Research in Nursing and Health, 15(4), 271-283. Sienko, D. G., Osuch, J. R., Garlinghouse, C., Rakowski, V., & Given, B. (1992). The design and implementation of a community breast cancer screening project. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 42(3), 163-176. Stommel, M., Wang, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1992). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as a method to assess measurement equivalence. Research in Nursing and Health, 15(5), 399-405. Franklin, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1991). Elderly spouses' responses to caregiving. SEARCH, 14(2), 1-2. Jensen, S., Given, B. (1991). Fatigue affecting family caregivers of cancer patients. Cancer Nursing, 14(4), 181-187. King, S., Collins, C., Given, B., & Vredevoogd, J. (1991). Institutionalization of an elderly family member: Reactions of spouse and non-spouse caregivers. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 5(6), 323-330. Schmitt, N., Gogate, J., Rothert, M., Rovner, D., Holmes, M., Talarczyk, G., Given, B., & Kroll, J. (1991). Capturing and clustering women's judgment policies: The case of hormonal therapy for menopause. Journal of Gerontology, 46(3), P92-101. Given, B. (1990). Study Critique: Psychosocial adjustment to recurrent cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 17(3), 53-54. Given, B., & Keilman, L. (1990). Cancer in the elderly population: Research issues. Oncology Nursing Forum, 17(1), 121-123. Given B., Keilman, L., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1990). Strategies to minimize attrition in longitudinal studies. Nursing Research, 39(3), 184-186. Given, B., Stommel, M., Collins, C., King, S., & Given, C.W. (1990). Responses of elderly spouse caregivers. Research in Nursing & Health, 13(2), 77-85. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1990). Depression as an overriding variable explaining caregiver burdens. Journal of Aging & Health, 2(1), 81-102. Collins, C., Given, B., & Berry, D. (1989). Longitudinal studies as intervention. Nursing Research, 38(4), 251-253.


Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1989). Cancer nursing for the elderly: A target for research. Cancer Nursing, 12(2), 71-77. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1989). Compliance among patients with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 16(1), 97-103. Barnes, C. L., Given, C.W. & Given, B. (1988). Worksite hypertension control: A guide to success. Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 36(3), 113-116. Collins, C., Given, B., Given, C.W., & King, S. (1988). Interviewer training and supervision. Nursing Research, 37(2), 122-124. Given, B., King, S., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1988). Family caregivers of the elderly: Involvement and reactions to care. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2(5), 281-288. Given, C.W., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1988). Sources of stress among families caring for relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease. Nursing Clinics of North America, 23(1), 69-82. Given, B. (1987). Self-directed learning. Cancer Nursing, 10(Suppl. 1), 171-176. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Coyle, B. (1985). Prediction of patient attrition from experimental behavioral interventions. Nursing Research, 34(5), 293-298. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1984). Creating a climate for compliance. Cancer Nursing, 7(2), 139-147. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Coyle, B. (1984). The effects of patient characteristics and beliefs on responses to behavioral interventions for control of chronic diseases. Patient Education and Counseling, 6(3), 131-140. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1983). Adherence to hypertensive therapy. Geriatric Nursing, 4(3), 172-175. Given, C.W., Given, B., Gallin, R. S., & Condon, J. W. (1983). Development of scales to measure beliefs of diabetic patients. Research in Nursing & Health, 6(3), 127-141. Simmons, S., & Given, B. (1981). Nissen fundoplication for hiatus hernia repair. Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal, 34(1), 35-46. Given, B. (1980). Education of the oncology nurse: The key to excellent patient care. Seminars in Oncology, 7(1), 71-79. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Simoni, L.M. (1979). Relationships of processes of care to patient outcomes. Nursing Research, 28(2), 85-93. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Simoni, L.M. (1978). The association of knowledge and perception of medications with compliance and health states among hypertension patients: A prospective study. Research in Nursing & Health, 1(2), 76-84.


Given, B., & Simmons, S. (1977). The interdisciplinary health-care team: Fact or fiction? Nursing Forum, 16(2), 165-184. Given, B. (1974). Outcome of patients having gastric surgery. Henry Ford Medical Journal, 22, 149-152. Simmons, S., & Given, B. (1971). Acute pancreatitis. American Journal of Nursing, 71(5), 934-939. Given, B., & Simmons, S. (1970). Care of the patient with a gastric ulcer. American Journal of Nursing, 70(7), 1472-1475. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1969). Automation and technology: A key to professionalized care. Nursing Forum, 8(1), 74-81.

Manuscripts in Referred Journals – Accepted/In Press Kelly, A., Smith, B., Luo, Z., Given, B.A., Wehrwein, T., Master, I., Farley, J., Edward, J. (Accepted). Discordance between patient and clinician report of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis adverse drug reactions. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

Manuscripts in Referred Journals – Submitted Hoffman, A.J., Brintnall, R.A., Given, B.A., von Eye, A., Jones, L.W., & Brown, J.K. (Submitted) Using Perceived Self-Efficacy to Impact Fatigue and Fatigability In PostSurgical Lung Cancer Patients. Cancer Nursing Kanthawala, S., Vermeesch, A., Given, B. & Huh, J. (Submitted). Answers to health questions: internet search results versus online health community responses. Journal of Medical Internet Research Redeker, N., Sangchoon, J., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., Given, C.W. (Submitted). Evaluating Transitions in Symptom Experience of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: Application of Latent Transition Analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Sherwood, P., Price, T., Weimer, J., Ren, D., Donovan, H., Given, C.W., Given, B., Schulz, R., Prince, J., Bender, C., & Marsland, A. (Submitted). Oncology family caregivers are at risk for systemic inflammation. Annals of Behavioral Medicine Spoelstra, S., Sikorskii, A., Given, C., Coursaris, C., Majumder, A., Schueller, M., Given, B.A. Adult cancer patient recruitment and enrollment into cell phone text message trials. Telemedicine and e-Health.

7.0 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Publications in Non-referred Journals, and Commissioned Publications Given, B.A. (2016). Oral oncolytic agents - a need for research to enhance patient centered? Cancer Nursing, 39(1):84-85. NIHMSID 727367

Given, B.A. (2015). Prevention, identification, and management of late effects through risk reduction. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 31(1), 31-41.


Knobf, M.T., Cooley, M.E., Duffy, S., Doorenbos, A., Eaton, L., Given, B., Mayer, D.K., McCorkle, R., Miaskowski, C., Mitchell, S., Sherwood, P., Bender, C., Cataldo, J., Hershey, D., Katapodi, M., Menon, U., Schumacher, K., Sun, V., LoBiondo-Wood, G. (2015). The 2014-2018 Research Agenda for Oncology Nursing. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(5), 450-465. Given, B.A. (2014). Cancer in the aging: what are we doing to Family Caregivers. Cancer Nursing 37(5), 402-403. Given, B.A. (2012). The challenges of oral agents as antineoplastic treatments. Oncology Nursing Society Foundation News, 19(1), 1. Walsh, K. (2011). Making Strides Toward Better Health for Women. MSU Alumni Magazine, Spring, 32-37. Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Tamkus, D., Given, B., You, M., McCorkle, R., ... Biergans, S.M. (2009). Behavorial interventions for symptom management in patients with breast cancer. Oncology Nursing News. September:22-23. Given, B. (2006). An educational booklet did not improve adherence or symptoms in patients prescribed thyroxine for primary hypothyroidism. Evidence-Based Nursing, 9(1), 22. Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2005). A nurse led educational intervention for cancer pain management was effective in cancer patients in ambulatory settings. Evidence-based Nursing, 8(1), 17. Given, B., Sherwood, P., & Given, C.W. (2003). Family care during active cancer care. Commissioned White Paper. National Cancer Institute, Office of Education and Special Initiatives. Given, B. (2002). Spouses who placed partners in care homes experienced emotional reactions to separation and made efforts to maintain their relationship. Evidence Based Nursing, 5(1), 32. Kozachik, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1999). Cancer patients at home: Activating nurses to assist patients and to involve families in care at home. Oncology Nursing Updates, 6(2), 1-11. Kozachik, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1999). Family caregivers can experience debilitating fatigue. Fatigue Forum Newsletter, 3(2), 1-5. Given, B. (1995). Urban health care. Sigma Theta Tau International Reflections, 21(2) 6-7. Given, B., Stover, D., White, N., Yancey, R., Knapp, J., Blair, J., & File, S. (1995). Nurse managed clinics: Linking specialty cancer care to rural areas. Michigan Nurse, 68(3), 11-12. Given, B. (1994). How nurse researchers can influence policy. Oncology Nursing Society News, 9(5), 4. Given, B. (1993). Researchers: Where has all the policy gone? Pacific Oncology Nursing Society Quarterly, 16(5), 3,10.


Lyles, J., King, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1990). Social interaction, instrumental support and family caregiver perception of support. Behavior, Health and Aging, 1(2), 105-120. Ogle, K., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1989). Physician home visits from the viewpoint of the disabled elderly and their caregivers. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 10(3), 6775. Given, B. (1988). Family homecare for cancer patients. Research Review: Studies for Nursing Practice, 4(5). Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1982). Patient contributions to care: Link to process and outcome. The Voice, 2(4), 1; 4. Given, B. (1982). Cancer nursing education. In American Cancer Society Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Cancer Nursing, New York: American Cancer Society. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Simoni, L.E. (1981). Relationships of process of care to patient outcomes. Kango Kenkyu, 14(1), 41-55 (translated- Japanese). Given, B. (1979). Patient participation. Nursing's influence on health policy for the eighties. In Proceedings of the American Academy of Nursing, 1978. Kansas City, Missouri: American Nurses' Association. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1979). An approach to process-outcome assessment of quality of care in ambulatory settings. Quality Assurance Update, 3(2), 7-8. Simmons, S., & Given, B. (1972). Nursing care of the terminal patient. Omega, 3, 217-225. Books Simone, J., Afrin, L., Byers, T., Chen, V., Given, B. (2005). Assessing the quality of cancer care: An approach to measurement in Georgia. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. Given, C.W., Given, B., Champion, V., Kozachik, S., & DeVoss, D. (2003). Evidence-based cancer care and prevention: behavioral interventions. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Given, B., & Simmons, S. (1984). Gastroenterology in Clinical Nursing (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby. Book/Article Reviews (Selected) Given, B. & Sherwood, P. (2006). A nurse led educational intervention for cancer pain management was effective in cancer patients in ambulatory settings. [Peer commentary on the paper “A randomized controlled trial of a nurse-administered educational intervention for improving cancer pain management in ambulatory settings” by P. Yates, H. Edwards, R. Nash, et al.] Evidence Based Nursing, 8(1), 17. Given, B. (2001). [Review of the book Responding to grief: Dying, bereavement and social care, by C. Currer]. Given, B. (1995). [Review of the book Helping Yourself Help Others, by Carter, R. S.K. Golant].


Given, B. (1989). [Review of the book Oncology for nurses and health care professionals: Pathology, diagnosis, and treatment, by R. Tiffany (Ed.)]. International Cancer Nursing News, 1(2). Given, B. (1989). [Review of the book Research in Nursing (2nd ed.), by H.S. Wilson], Nursing Outlook, 38(3). Given, B. (1988). [Review of the book Pharmacotherapeutics: A nursing process approach (2nd ed.), by M. Mathewson]. Given, B. (1987). [Review of the book Critical care plans: Guidelines for patient care, by M. Moorhouse, A. Geisler, & M. Doenges]. Book Chapters Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (2015). The Older Patient. In. J.C. Holland, W.S. Breitbart, P.N. Butow, P.B. Jacobsen, M.J. Loscalzo, R. McCorkle (Eds.) Psycho-Oncology, 3rd edition (pp. 541-548). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Given, B. A. (2015). Foreword. In G. Christ, C. Messner, & L. Behar (Eds.), Handbook of Oncology Social Work: Psychosocial Care for People with Cancer (pp. xvii). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Given, B. (2015). Caregiver Burden. In J.C. Holland, T. Weiss Wiesel, C.J. Nelson, A.J. Roth, Y. Alici. (Eds.) Geriatric Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimensions of Cancer Symptom Management. (pp. 131-140). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (2015). Cancer. In L. Burgio, J. Gaugler. (Eds.). The Spectrum of Family Caregiver Adults and Elders with Chronic Conditions. (Chapter 4). Oxford University Press. Mallory, G. & Given, B. (2015). Using Research to Influence Policy. In J.M. Phillips, B.H. Damron (Eds.). Cancer and Health Policy: Advancements and Opportunities, (pp. 381394). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society. Marshall, V., Sherwood, P.A., Given, B. (In Press Expected 2016). Fatigue. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig, & M.B. Flynn Makic (Eds.). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence Based Guide to Planning Care, 11th Edition. Sherwood, P.A., Given, B. (In Press Expected 2016). Caregiver Role Strain. In B.J Ackley, G.B. Ladwig, & M.B. Flynn Makic (Eds.). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence Based Guide to Planning Care, 11th Edition. Marshall, V., Sherwood, P.A., & Given, B. (2014). Fatigue. In Betty Ackley, B., & Ladwig. G. (Eds.). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 10th Edition. pp 348-352. Sherwood, P., Given, B.A., Fisher A. (2014). Caregiver, Burden. In Michalos, A.C. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research and Well-Being Research., 1st Edition. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Publishing, pp 569-572.


Sherwood, P.A., Given, B. (2014). Caregiver Role Strain. In Betty Ackley, B., & Ladwig. G. (Eds.). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 10th Edition. pp 191-198. Sherwood, P.A., Given, B. (2014). Fatigue. In Betty Ackley, B., & Ladwig. G. (Eds.). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 10th Edition. pp 348-352. Given, C.W., Given, B.A., Sherwood, P., & DeVoss, D. (2013). Early Adult Caregivers: Characteristics, Challenges, and Intervention Approaches. In R. Talley, R.J.V. Montgomery (Eds.), Caregiving Across the Lifespan: Research, Practice, Policy. Chapter 6, 81-103. New York NY: Springer. Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Sherwood, P., Fisher A. (2012). Caregiver burden. In Michalos, A.C. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research., 1st Edition. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Publishing. Sherwood, P., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., (2012). Caregiver Knowledge and Skills. In K.M. Bellizzi & M. Gosney (Eds.). Cancer and Aging Handbook: Research and Practice. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2010). Caregiver role strain. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Mosby's guide to nursing diagnosis (3rd ed., pp. 235-341). St. Louis MO: Mosby Elsevier Publishing. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2010). Fatigue. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Mosby's guide to nursing diagnosis (3rd ed., pp. 362-366). St. Louis MO: Mosby Elsevier Publishing. Given, B., & Given, C. (2010). The older patient. In J. Holland, W.S. Breitbart, P.B. Jacobse, et al (Eds.), Psycho-oncology, (2nd ed, Ch. 68). New York: Oxford University Press. Given, B., Sherwood, P.R., & Given, C.W. (2009). Family care during cancer care. In S. M. Miller, D.J. Bowen, R.T. Croyle, & J. Rowland (Eds.), Handbook of behavioral science and cancer. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2009). Caregiver role strain. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care, (9th ed., pp. 210-216). St. Louis MO: Mosby Elsevier Publishing. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2009). Fatigue. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care, (9th ed., pp. 373379). St. Louis MO: Mosby Elsevier Publishing. Given, B., Given, & C.W. (2008). Web based interventions for families coping with chronic disease. In P.S. Whitten, J.L. Bokemeier, & H.E. Fitzgerald (Eds.), New directions in family research at Michigan State University (pp. 77-83) East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, University Outreach and Engagement.


Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2008). Caregiver support. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Evidence-based nursing care guidelines: Medical-surgical interventions (pp. 149-54). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2008). Energy Management. In B.J. Ackley, G.B. Ladwig (Eds.), Evidence-based nursing care guidelines: Medical-surgical interventions (pp. 306-309). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2007). Caregiver role strain. In B.J. Ackley, G.B (Eds.), Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (8th ed., pp. 200-209). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2007). Fatigue. In B.J. Ackley, G.B (Eds.), Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (8th ed., pp. 358-363). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Given, B., Sherwood, P., & Given, C.W. (2006). Family Support for the Older Cancer Patient. In H. Muss, C. Hunter, K. Johnson (Eds.), Treatment and Management of Cancer in the Elderly (1st ed., pp. 587-610). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Bradley, C., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Kozachik, S. (2005). Physical, economic and social issues confronting patients and families. In C.H. Yarbro, M.H. Frogge, M. Goodman & S.L. Groenwald (Eds.), Cancer Nursing Principles and Practice (6th ed., pp. 16941711). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2005). Caregivers in early adulthood: The challenges. In R. Talley (Ed.), Caregiving across the lifespan. Sherwood, P., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2004). Symptom clusters. In A.L. Schwartz (Ed), Pocket guide to managing fatigue in cancer (pp. 143-162). Jones and Bartlett: New York. Given B., Given C., Rawl S., & Kozachik S. (2003). Family caregiving intervention in cancer care. In B. Given, C. Given, S. Kozachik, and V. Champion (Eds)., Evidence based behavioral interventions in oncology-state of the knowledge across the cancer care continuum. New York NY: Springer Publishers. Kozachik, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2003). Testing the efficacy of an intervention directed toward family caregivers of cancer patients: The family care research program. In J. Hawkins & L.A. Haggerty (Eds.), Diversity in health care research: Strategies for multisite, multidisciplinary, and multicultural projects (pp. 160-180). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. Given, B. (2001). Nurse practitioners: Issues within a managed care environment. In J. McCloskey-Dochterman & H. Kennedy-Grace (Eds.), Current Issues in Nursing, (6th ed., pp. 358-366). St. Louis, MS: Mosby. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2001). Health promotion for older adults in a managed care environment. In E.A. Swanson, T. Tripp-Reimer, & K. Buckwalter (Eds.), Health promotion & disease prevention in the older adult (pp. 219-241). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.


Given, B., Kozachik, S., Collins, C., DeVoss, D., & Given, C.W. (2001). Caregiver role strain. In M. Maas, K.C. Buckwalter, M. Hardy, T. Tripp-Reimer, M. Titler & J. Specht (Eds.), Nursing care of older adults: diagnoses, outcomes & interventions (pp. 679-695). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Bradley, C., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Kozachik, S. (2000). Physical, economic, and social issues confronting patients and families. In C.H. Yarbro, M.H. Frogge, M. Goodman, S. Groenwald (Eds.), Cancer nursing: Principles and practice (5th ed., pp. 1551-1564). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (1998). Health promotion for family caregivers of chronically ill elders. In J.J. Fitzpatrick (Ed)., Annual Review of Nursing Research (Vol. 16, pp. 197217). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Given, B., Given, C.W., & DeVoss, D. (1997). The education of nurses for the future - Caring for those with chronic health care problems. In V. Ferguson (Ed.), Educating the 21st century nurse: challenges and opportunities. (pp. 175-198). New York: National League for Nursing. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996). Family caregiver burden from cancer care. In R. McCorkle, M. Grant, M. Frank-Stromborg, & S.B. Baird (Eds.), Cancer nursing: A comprehensive textbook (2nd ed., pp. 93-109). Orlando, FL: W.B. Saunders Co. White, N., & Given, B. (1996). Rural care cost issues. In K.H. Dow (Ed.), Contemporary issues in breast cancer (pp.193-204). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Collins, C., King, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1994). When is a service of service? Understanding community service use among family caregivers of Alzheimer's patients. In E. Light, G. Neiderhe & B. Lebowitz (Eds.), Stress effects on family caregivers of alzheimer's patients (pp. 316-329). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Given, B., & Geraets, D. (1994). Antihypertensive Agents. In C.L. Baer, & B.R. Williams (Eds.), Clinical pharmacology and nursing (2nd ed., pp. 534-561). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corporation. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1994). The home care of a patient with cancer: The mid-life crisis. In E. Kahana, D. Biegel, & M. Wykle (Eds.), Family caregiving through the lifespan (pp. 240-261). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Given, B. (1993). The impact of home care for cancer patients. In The economic and social costs of anemia in cancer patients (pp. 6-10). Glenside, PA: Toltzis Communications Inc. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Stommel, M. (1992). Depression and family caregiving: Measurement and definition. In conceptual and methodological issues in family caregiving research, proceedings of the Invitational Conference on Family Caregiving Research, University of Toronto, p. 20-30. Barnes, C. L., Given, B., & Given C.W. (1991). Annotated bibliography for hypertension control programs at the worksite. In Worksite health promotion: Needs, approaches, and effectiveness (pp. 55-73). Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Public Health, Center for Health Promotion.


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Labelle, A., Hershey, D., & Given, B., (2015, November). An integrative review of interventional designs in studies utilizing home telehealth to reduce hospital admissions for heart failure patients. Poster presentation at 43rd Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Spoelstra, S.L., Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., Schueller, M., DeKoekkoek, T., Given, B. (2015, November). Recruitment and enrollment of older adult into mobile phone text message clinical trials. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting., Orlando FL. November 2015. Hoffman, A.J., Britnall, R.A., Given, B.A. von Eye, A., Jones, L.W., & Patzelt, L.H. (2015, July). The impact of a home-based rehabilitation program for cancer-related fatigue for post-surgical non-small cell lung cancer patients. Paper presentation at the International Conference on Cancer Nursing, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (2015, July). Identifying Survivors in High Need for Post Treatment Symptom Management. Poster presentation at 2015 World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Washington DC. Labelle, A., Hershey, D., & Given, B. (2015, May). An integrative review of interventional designs in studies utilizing home telehealth to reduce hospital admissions for heart failure patients. Poster presentation at VA Ann Arbor Evidence Based Practice Fair, Ann Arbor, MI. Silveira, M., Given, C.W., Sikorskii., A., Given, B.A., Cease, K.B., Piette, J.D. (2015, May). A web-based program to engage informal caregivers to support patients through chemotherapy. Poster presentation at ASCO Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium, Chigao, IL. Adams, K., Lehto, R.H., & Given, B. (2015, April). Emotion regulation in African American patients with heart failure: An integrative review. 39th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society conference, Indianapolis, IN. Labelle, A., Hershey, D., & Given, B., (2015, April). An integrative review of interventional designs in studies utilizing home telehealth to reduce hospital admissions for heart failure patients. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Indianapolis, IN. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, B. (2015, April). Feasibility of a SMS text messaging intervention to promote symptom management and medication adherence for patients prescribed oral anti-cancer agents: A randomized controlled trial. Presentation at ONS Congress 2015, Orlando, FL. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C.K., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, B. (2015, April). Proof-of-Concept and Preliminary Efficacy of a SMS text messaging intervention to promote symptom management and medication adherence for patients prescribed oral anti-cancer agents: A randomized controlled trial. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Spoelstra, S., Coursaris, C., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., … Given, B. (2015, March). Proof of concept and preliminary efficacy of a SMS text messaging intervention to promote symptom management and medication adherence for patients prescribed oral anti-cancer agents: A randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation at Annual Greater Lansing Community Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Labelle, A., Hershey, D., & Given, B. (2015, March). Using home telehealth to reduce hospital admissions: What works for heart failure? Poster presentation at Annual Greater Lansing Community Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Marshall, V., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., Given, C.W. (2015, March). Beliefs about Medication among Patients on Oral Cancer Medication. Poster presentation submitted to Community Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Coursaris, C.K., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., Given, B., & Spoelstra, S.L. (2015, January) A health belief messaging framework and a randomized clinical


trial of an SMS-based intervention for cancer patient outcomes. Paper presentation at HICSS Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Honolulu, HI. DeKoekkoek, T., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Spoelstra, S. (2014, November). Preferred Modes for Self-management Inform While Undergoing Active Cancer Treatment in Older Adults. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Demiris, G., Oliver, P., Schultz, R., Given, B.A. (2014, November). Discussant at symposium Family caregiving: reporting on clinical trials in nursing homes and home hospice. Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Given B.A., & Given. C.W. (2014, November). A resource for older adults: symptom management for cancer. (2014, November). Paper presentation at Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Spoelstra, S. (2014, November). Recruitment of older cancer patients in a text message trial. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S.L., Dekoekkoek, T., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2014, November). Text messaging in older cancer patients. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., & Given, C.W. (2014, November). Acceptability & Preliminary Efficacy of a SMS Text Message Intervention in Older Cancer Patients. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 2014 Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Foster Akard, T., Dietrich, M., Friedman, D., Given, B., Hinds, P., & Gilmer, M.J. (2014, September). Examining feasibility of a legacy-making intervention for children with cancer. National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Hilton, M., & Given, C.W. (2014, March). Symptom attribution of older cancer patients with comorbid conditions during chemotherapy treatment. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2014 Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Hilton, M., & Given, C.W. (2014, March). Symptom prevalence, severity, and interference while taking oral anti-cancer (chemotherapy or targeted) agents. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2014 Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C., Majumder, A., DeKoekkoek, T., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Wormser, M., Rausch, S. & Given, C. W. (2014, March). Feasibility of text messaging to improve oral anti-cancer medication adherence in older cancer patients. Greater Lansing Research Day, Allegiance Health System.


Dontje, K., & Given, B. (2014, January). Collaborative Curriculum for Doctoral Programs: Benefits and Challenges. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2014 Doctoral Education Conference, Naples, FL. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Coursaris, C., Majumder, A., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Wormser, M., Given, C.W. (2013, December). Feasibility of text messaging to improve oral anti-cancer medication adherence in older cancer patients. Paper presentation at the mHealth Summit: Healthcare at Your Fingertips, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S.L., DeKoekkoek, T., Given, C.W., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., & Given, B. (November, 2013). Text messaging to promote adherence in cancer patients taking oral agent medications: An integrative review. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society Annual Connections: Advancing Care through Science Research Conference, Dallas, TX. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Schueller, M., Ridenour, K., Hilton, M., You, Z., & Given, C.W. (2013, November). Symptom Severity, Symptom Attribution, and Preference for Assistance While Taking Chemotherapy or Targeted Agents. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society Annual “Connections: Advancing Care through Science” Research Conference, Dallas, TX. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., You, Z., An, H.S., Dekoekkoek, T., Given, C.W. (2013, November). Determining Preferences for Symptom Management Assistance while Taking Oral Anti-Cancer Agent Pills. Paper presentation at 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Wittmann, D., Given, B., Skolarus, T., Montie, J. (2013, November). Exploring the Role of the Partner in Couples’ Sexual Recovery after Surgery for Prostate Cancer. Poster Presentation at the 19th Annual Fall Scientific Meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, Inc. (SMSNA). New Orleans, LA. Wittmann, D., West, B., Given, B., Skolarus, T., An, L., Clark, P., Palapattu, G., Montie, J. (2013, November). Couples’ Sexual Recovery Trajectory during the First Two Years after Surgery for Prostate Cancer: Change in Sexual Function, Sexual Satisfaction, and Dyadic Satisfaction. Poster presentation at the 19th Annual Fall Scientific Meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, Inc. (SMSNA). New Orleans, LA. Sangchoon, J., Redeker, N.S., Given, C.W., Given, B. (2013, October). Evaluating Transitions of Symptom Profiles in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Clusters Application using Latent Transition Analysis. The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) 2013 Special Topics Conference: Innovative Approaches to Symptom Science: Measurement and Analysis, Washington, DC. Adams, K., Donnellan, B., Lehto, R., & Given, B. (2013, March). Feasibility Testing of “Smartphone” Technology to Measure Subjective States. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference (MNRS), Chicago, IL. Adams, K., Donnellan, B., Lehto, R.H., Given, B. (2013, March). Testing “smartphone” technology to measure subjective states. Poster presentation at Greater Lansing Community Research Day. Lansing, MI.


DeKoekkoek, T., Ridenour, K., Given, B., Given, C.W., Spoelstra, S. (2013, March). Text Messaging Interventions to Promote Medication Adherence: An Integrative Review. Poster presentaton at Greater Lansing Research Day, Lansing MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A. You, M. (2013, March). Cost of Symptom Management Intervention and Impact on Health Service Use part of ‘Symptom Management across Multiple Cancer Populations’ symposium. 37th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Chicago, IL. Ridenour, K., Given, B., Given, C.W., Spoelstra, S. (2013, March). Qualitative Analysis of Strategies to Adhere to Oral Anti-Cancer Agents at Home. Poster presentaton at Greater Lansing Research Day, Lansing MI. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., You, Z., Ridenour, K., Hilton, M., Given, C.W. (2013, March). Determining Preferences for Symptom Management Assistance while Taking Oral Chemotherapy. Poster presentaton at Greater Lansing Research Day, Lansing MI. Wyatt, G. K., Sikorskii, A., Lehto, R., Given, B., Smith, B., & Hershey, D. (2013, March). Symptom Management across Multiple Cancer Populations. Competitive Symposium presentation at the 36th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Chicago, IL. Given, B.A. (2012, December). Barriers to breast cancer treatment. Presentation at the Capital Area Health Alliance’s Community Collaboration: Increasing Cancer Screening of Underserved Populations. East Lansing, MI. Hershey, D., & Given, B. (2012, November). Impact of cancer symptoms on diabetes self management in adults undergoing chemotherapy. Paper presentation at ONS Connections 2012: Advancing Care through Science Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., & You, M. (2012, November). Can nursing home transfer be delayed if home and community-based waiver personal care services are increased? Paper presentation at the 65th Gerontological Society of American Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Sikorskii, A. You, M., Given, C. (2012, November). Patient beliefs and their influence on adherence to oral anti-cancer agents. Paper presentation at the ONS’s Connections: Advancing Care Through Science Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Hershey, D., Tipton, J, Given, B., & Davis, E. (2012, September). Perceived impact of cancer treatment on diabetes self-management. Paper presentation at CANS, Washington, DC. Houghton-Rahrig, L., Schutte, D., Fenton, J. I., Given, B., Hord, N., & von Eye, A. (2012, September). Symptoms experience in persons with obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Paper presentation at CANS – Distinction Presentation (top 8 of 725 abstracts), Washington, DC. Vanden Bosch, M.L., Robbins, L.B., Anderson, K., Pfeiffer, K.A., Corser, W.D., Given, B. & Gossain, V. (2012, September). Comparison of middle-aged women with and without Type 2 diabetes on


demographic, clinical and social-cognitive factors associated with moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity. Poster presented at the National State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research, Washington, D.C. Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Majeske, C., Paul D Decker, P.D., Brian Decker, B. (2012, June). Small business technology transfer (STTR) phase 1 study (1 R41 MD006148-01) of an automated voice response (AVR) system to improve symptom management in neurooncology patients. Published abstract 2012 ASCO Annual Meeting , Chicago, IL. Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Spoelstra, S., Given B. (2012, June). Targeting post-treatment survivorship care for high need patients. Poster presentation at the 6th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference: Translating Science to Care, Arlington, VA. Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A., & Given B. (2012, June). Do elderly cancer survivors have more pain? a comparison of cancer survivors to those without cancer. Poster presentation at the 6th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference: Translating Science to Care, Arlington, VA, June 2012. Hershey, D.S., Given, B., Given, C.W. (2012, April) . Older adults with diabetes and cancer: predictors of diabetes self-management while receiving chemotherapy. Paper presentation at the 2012 Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Annual Research Conference, Detroit, MI. Hung, C., Given, B., Given, C.W. You, M. (2012, April). Symptom cluster: cancer patient caregiver congruent perception of symptom severity. Paper presentation at the 2012 Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Annual Research Conference, Detroit, MI. Lehto, R.H., Given, C., You, M., Given, B. (2012, April) . Psychological distress and intervention trial participation among patients receiving treatment for advanced cancer. Paper presentation at the 2012 Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Annual Research Conference, Detroit, MI.. Spoelstra, S., Given, C. W., Given, B., You, M. Sikorskii, A. Development of a risk index to predict transfers from home and community-based waiver programs to nursing homes: can care managers assist older adults to delay nursing home placement? (2012, April). Paper presentation at the 2012 Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Annual Research Conference, Detroit, MI. Spoelstra, S. L., Given, B., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A. You, M., Given, C. (2012, February). Do male or female cancer survivors fall more often? Poster presentation at Women’s Health Day at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, East Lansing, MI. Hershey, D., Given, B., Given, C., Corser, B., Voneye, A. (2011, November). Factors which influence diabetes self-management in older adults undergoing treatment for cancer. Paper presentation at 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Koroukian, S.M., Sattar, A., Wu, S.H., Warner, D. , Owusu, C., Given, C.W., Schluchter, M. (2011, November). Trajectory of health status in older cancer survivors. Poster presentation at International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) annual meeting in Paris, France.


Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., You, M. (2011, November). The influence of comorbidities on use of symptom management strategies. Paper presentation at 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA, November 2011. Talley, C., Given, C., You, M. (2011, November). Health status of older african american breast cancer survivors. Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women Health (BIRCWH) Conference, Washington DC. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A. You, M., Given, C. (2011, May). Falls and fractures in community dwelling elderly cancer survivors. The 34th Annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day Conference, Cleary University, Howell, MI. Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., You, M. (2011, May). Explaining transfers from home and community based waiver program to nursing home: can patients stay at home? The 34th Annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day Conference, Cleary University, Howell, MI. Hershey, D., Tipton, J. Given, B. (2011, April). Patients with diabetes and cancer: a description. Paper presentation at University of Toledo Nursing Research Day, Toledo, OH. McDaniel, A.M., Newlon, C., Schilling, K., Wagler-Ziner, K., Comer, R.S., Given, B., Given, C.W. (2011, April). Using the internet to translate evidence-based interventions and self-managment information for cancer patients: lessons from the field. Seminar presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S., Given, C., Haque, R., Given, B., You, M. (2011, April). Explaining transfers from home and community based waiver program to nursing home: can patients stay at home? MNRS Conference Gerontological Research Section Guaranteed Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. Byma, E., Given, C.W., You, M., Given, B. (2011, March). Associations among indicators of depression in medicaid eligible community-dwelling older adults. Presentation at 2011 MNRS Annual Research Conference, Columbus, OH. Hershey, D.S., Given, B.A., Tipton, J. (2011, March). Patients with diabetes and cancer: clincal issues. Poster presentation at The Greater Lansing Nursing Research Consortium, Lansing MI. Sikorskii, A., Sherwood, P.R., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., You, M., Prince, J. (2011, March). Involvement of caregivers in the assistance with the management of patients’ symptoms: symptom, patient and caregiver level analyses. Poster presentation at Multilevel Interventions In Health Care: Building the Foundation for Future Research, Las Vegas. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A., You, M., Given, C. (2011, March). Falls and fractures in community dwelling elderly cancer survivors. Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Community Research Day, Lansing, MI Spoelstra, S., Given, C., Haque, R., Given, B.,You, M. (March, 2011). Explaining transfers from home and community based waiver program to nursing home: can patients stay at home? Paper presentation at MNRS, Columbus, OH.


Byma, E., Given, C.W., You, M., Given, B. (2011, February). A longitudinal analysis of differences in the pain experience between older adult home and community-based waiver program participants with and without cancer. Poster presentation at ONS 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Foster, T.L., Gilmer, M., Given, B.A., Hinds, P.S. (2011, February). Development of the continuing bonds model in pediatric palliative care. Paper presentation at ONS 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles, CA. Given, B. (2011, February). Adherence to oral chemotheraputic agents: an integrative review. Presentation, part of Adherence to Oral Chemotherapeutic Agents Symposia at the Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Grant, M., Given,B., Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., Ahn, SZ. (2011, February). Patient acceptability and satisfaction in a intevention to improve adherence and symptpoms from oral agents. Presentation, part of Adherence to Oral Chemotherapeutic Agents Symposia at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Kuo, C.J., Kim, K.H., Donovan, H., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schulz, R., Sherwood, P. (2011, February). Developing a risk assessment tool identifying caregivers at risk for prolonged psychological distress. Presenation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Lehto, R.H., Given, C.W., You, M., Given, B. (2011, February). Psychological distress and intervention trial participation during treatment during treatment for advanced stage cancer. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles, CA. Northouse, L., Given, B. (2011, February). Cancer and the family: using research to improve practice. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Reif, S., Prince, J., Donovan, H.S., Flessner., K., Weimer, J., Given, B.A., Sherwood, P.A. (2011, February). Correlation between the unmet needs of family caregivers and their psychological outcomes of depressive symptoms, anxiety and burden. Poster presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles, CA. Soltow Hershey, D., Given, B., Given, C.W., Voneye, A. (2011, February). Diabetes and cancer: impact on health related quality of life outcomes: a comparison study. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., Grant, M., Ahn, SZ. (2011, February). Interventions to improve adherence and symptoms for oral agents. Presentation, part of Adherence to Oral Chemotherapeutic Agents Symposia at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA.


Spoelstra, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Schutte, D. (2011, February). Falls and fractures in community dwelling elderly cancer survivors. Poster presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 11th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Los Angeles CA. Dunn, S.L., Given, B.A., Mundt, M. (2011, January). Partnerships for doctoral education: accelerated BSN to PhD. Poster presentation at American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Doctoral Education Conference, San Diego, CA. Given, B. (2010, November). Strategies and partnerships to enhance research in gerontology in a non-traditional academic setting. Presentation at 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Given, B., Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., & Sikorskii, A. (2010, November). Transitions in cancer care: Family caregivers involvement in symptom management. Presentation at 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & You, M., (2010, November). From treatment to survivorship: Identifying cancer patients in need of supportive care. Presentation at 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Given, C.W., Spoelstra, S, Given, B., You, M., & Sikorskii, A. (2010, November). Explaining transfers from home and community based waiver program to nursing home: Can patients stay at home? Presentation at 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, LA. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A., & Given, C.W. (2010, November). Falls, fall sequale, and healthcare use in community dwelling elderly cancer survivors. Presentation at 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Byma, E.A., Given, B.A., Given, C.W. & You, M. (2010, October). Worst, least, and average pain severity scores: Variability and response to a symptom management intervention. Paper presentation at Kappa Epsilon Chapter-At-Large, Sigma Theta Tau International Fall Research Event, Grand Rapids, MI. Houghton-Rahrig, L., Schutte, D., Fenton, J., Given, B., Hord, N. & von Eye, A. (2010, October). Symptoms, genetics and health-related quality of life in persons with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Presentation at the International Society of Nurses in Genetics, Dallas, TX. Burritt, K., Given, B, & Given, C. (2010, September). Body mass index as a predictor of physical functioning in cancer. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington DC. Choi, J., Kuo, C.J., Given, C.W., Given, B.A., You, M., Sikorskii, A. & Sherwood, P.R. (2010, September). Effect of behavioral intervention on cancer survival. Presentation at the National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research. Washington DC.


Given, B., Given, C., & Sikorskii, A. (2010, September). Intervention fidelity: Cancer symptom management trial. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington DC. Newberry, A. Kuo, C. J., Given, B., Donovan, H., & Sherwood, P. (2010, September). The role of spirituality in family caregivers. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC. Prince, J.S. Kuo, C. J., Donovan, H., Given B., & Sherwood, P. (2010, September). Patterns of caregiver mastery across disease trajectory. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC. Sherwood, P., Donovan, H., Given, B., Given, C., Schulz, R., Cohen, S., & Bender, C. (2010, September). Family caregiver immune response patterns over time. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Schutte, D., Sikorskii, A., & Given, C. (2010, September). Frailty and falls in the community dwelling elderly cancer survivors. Poster presentation at Council on the Advancement of Nursing, Washington, DC. Wyatt, G., Given, B., Horodynski, M., Chang, M. & Robbins, L. (2010, September). Methodological innovations through intervention fidelity: Exemplar studies across the life continum. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington DC. Given, B., Given, C., & Sikorskii, A. (2010, June). Intervention fidelity: cancer symptom management trial. Presentation at 2010 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington DC. Given, C., Sikorskii, A., You, M., & Given, B. (2010, June). Establishing risk groups to predict needs for symptom management and physical function among cancer patients following chemotherapy. Presentation at 5th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Washington DC. Burritt, K., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, April). Relationship of age, comorbidities, cancer site and cancer stage to physical functioning. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Chaiyarit, A., Corser, W.D., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, April). The effect of caregiving tasks on caregiver burden of cancer patients. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Hoffman, A., von Eye, A., Gift, A., Given, B., Given, C. W, & Rothert, M. (2010, April). Development and testing of an instrument for measuring perceived self-efficacy for fatigue self-management. Paper presentation at the 31st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA.


Hung, C.T., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, April). Relationship between congruence of cancer pain perception and caregiver burden. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Netchang, S., Corser, W.D., Given, B., Given, C., & Xie, E. (2010, April). Perceived caregiver burden, mastery and health-related quality of life. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2010 Annual Research Conference, Kansas City, MO. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., You, M., Given, C. (April 2010) Medication use influence on falls in the community dwelling elderly. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2010 Annual Research Conference, Kansas City, MO. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., & You, M. (2010, April) Medication management in the home and community based long-term care setting. Poster presentations at Sigma Theta Tau, East Lansing MI. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., & You, M. (2010, April) Medication management in the home and community based long-term care setting. Poster presentations at Sigma Theta Tau, Grand Rapids MI. Burritt, K., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, March). Body mass index as a predictor of physical functioning in solid tumor cancers. Poster presentation at 18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Chaiyarit, C., Corser, W.D., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, March). The effect of caregiving tasks on caregiver burden of cancer patients. Poster presentation at 18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Hung, C.T., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, March). Relationship between congruence of cancer pain perception and caregiver burden. Poster presentation at 18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Netchang, S., Corser, W.D., Given, B., Given, C., & Xie, E. (2010, March). Perceived caregiver burden, mastery and health-related quality of life. Poster presentation at 18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Spoelstra, S. Given, B., Given, C., You, M., Bloome, R., & Meizio, E. (2010, March). A randomized control trial to test interventions to improve adherence and symptoms from oral chemotherapy agents. Presentation at 16th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, Atlanta, GA. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., & Given, C. (2010, March). Medication use influence on falls in the community dwelling elderly. Poster presentation at 18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Schutte, D., Spence, L., & Given, B. (2010, January) Michigan Nurse Corp.: A model to overcome faculty shortage. Poster presentation at the 2010 Doctoral Education Conference, Captiva Island FL.


Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (2009, November). How does caregiver depression interact with interventions to increase caregiver involvement in managing symptoms among their patients receiving chemotherapy? Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Spoelstra, S., Given, C., Given, B., & von Eye, A. (2009, November). The influence of cancer on falls in community dwelling elderly. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., & von Eye, A. (2009, November). Falls in the community dwelling elderly. Poster presentation at Gerontology Advanced Practice Nurse Association of Michigan Annual Meeting, Dearborn, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., & You, M. (2009, June). The effects of providing assistance with symptom management on depression, mastery and burden of caregivers of cancer patients. Paper presentation at the IPOS 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Vienna, Austria. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Siddiqi, A.A. (2009, June). Does age moderate the impact of interventions on symptom severity: A comparison between two trials. Poster presentation at the IPOS 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Vienna, Austria. Burritt, K., Given, B., & Given, C. (2009, April). Relationship of age, sex, comorbidities and site of cancer to physical functioning. Poster Presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau Kappa Epsilon Spring Research Gathering, Grand Rapids, MI. Given, B., Given, C., & Sikorskii, A. (2009, April). Behavioral interventions for symptom management: Examining the mechanisms of action. Presentation at the National Institutes of Health, Besthada, MD. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., & von Eye, A. (2009, April). Falls in the community dwelling elderly. Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Grand Rapids, MI. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., Miezio, E., Bremer, R., You, M., Decker, V., & Given, B. (2009, April). A Pilot Study to Test interventions to improve adherence and symptoms from oral agent(s). Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Grand Rapids, MI. Soltow, D., Given, B., & Given, C. (2009, March) What is the relationship of age and number of co-morbidities to physical function and symptom burden outcomes in older adults undergoing cancer treatment? Presentation at at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 33rd Annual Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., & von Eye, A. (2009, March). Falls in the community dwelling elderly. Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Lansing, MI. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., Miezio, E., Bremer, R., You, M., Decker, V., & Given, B. (2009, March). A pilot study to test interventions to improve adherence and symptoms from oral agent(s). Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Lansing, MI.


Byma, E., Given, B., Given, C., & You, M. (2009, February). Worst, least, and average pain severity scores: Variability and response to a symptom management intervention. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Orlando FL. Given, B., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & You, M. (2009, February). When compared with information interventions, are cognitive behavioral models more effective in assisting patients to manage symptoms? Presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Orlando FL. Hoffman, A., Given, B., & Given, C. (2009, February). The development and testing of a scale of perceived self-efficacy for cancer-related fatigue self-management scale. Presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Orlando FL. Hricik, A., Newberry, A., Kuo, J.,Walker, A., Donovan, H., Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2009, February). Positive aspects of care: Changes overtime in caregivers of patients with a primary malignant brain tumor. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Orlando, FL. Keehne-Miron, J., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Given, C. (2009, February). The association of frequency, intensity and distress of fatigue, pain, and insomnia for chemotherapy patients. Presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Orlando FL. Sherwood, P.R., Donovan, H.S., Hricik, A., Schulz, R., Cohen, S., Bender, C., & Given, B.A. (2009, February). Preliminary analyses of biobehavioral interactions in oncology family caregivers. Presentation at the ONS 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research. Orlando, FL. Spoelstra, S., Given, B., & Given, C. (2009, February). A pilot study to test interventions to improve adherence and symptoms from orals agent(s). Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Orlando FL. Spoelstra, S.L., Given, C., Given, B., Miezio, E., Bremer, R., You, M., Decker, V., & Given, B. (2009, February). A pilot study to test interventions to improve adherence and symptoms from oral agent(s). Poster presentation at Oncology Nursing Society, Research Conference, Orlando, FL. Walker, A., Hricik, A., Kuo, J., Newberry, A., Baer, M., Donovan, H., Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (2009, February). Changes in perception of social support over time for family caregivers. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 10th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Orlando, FL. Ibrahim, K., Mullard, A., Bremmer, R., Miezo, E., Decker, V., Lee, P., Murray, T., Reed, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Bonner J. (2008, November). Informatics tools for patient follow-up in multi site longitudinal study of oral chemotherapy symptom management. Poster Presentation at the Clinical Research Informatics Expo, American Medical Informatics Association, Washington DC. Newberry, A., Sherwood, P., Kuo, J., Hricik, A., Donovaon, H., & Given, B. (2008, November). Identifying family members who are likely to perceive benefits from providing care to a person


with malignant brain tumor. Presentation at the Society for Neuro-Oncology 13th Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Soltow, D., Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, November). Pain and fatigue: Differences between older and younger adults undergoing treatment for cancer. Poster presentation at GSA 61st Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD. Decker, V., Spoelstra, S., Miezo, E., et al. (2008, October). A pilot study of an automated voice response system and nursing intervention to monitor adherence to oral chemotherapy agents. Presentation at the 41st Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, Troy, MI. Given, B., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & Jeon, S. (2008, October). Understanding the mechanisms through which interventions produce symptom responses among cancer patients. Presentation at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science 2008 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Hoffman, A.J., von Eye, A., Gift, A.G., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., & Rothert, M. (2008, October). Testing a theoretical model of perceived self-efficacy for cancer-related fatigue self-management and optimal physical functional status. Paper presentation at the 2008 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC. Sherwood, P.R., Kassam, A., Chang, Y., et al. (2008, October). Patient outcomes following endoscopic endonasal approach for tumor removal. Presentation at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science 2008 National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Snyder, S., Sherwood, P.R., Ren, D, et al. (2008, October). Predictors of physical activity and energy expenditure in family caregivers of persons with a primary malignant brain tumor. Paper presentation at the National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC. Given, B. (2008, September). Optimal cancer care in the VA: How to create it and how to measure it. Paper presentation at the Association of VA Hematology/Oncology, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2008, September). Supporting caregivers of cancer patients. Presentation at the 6th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatric Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, April). Cancer treatment in older adults: Implications for psychosocial research. Paper presentation at the Geriatric Oncology Conference, Case Western University, Cleveland, OH. Soltow, D., Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, March). Pain and fatigue: Differences between older and younger adults undergoing treatment for cancer. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


Byma, E., Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, March). Differences in symptom management response given patient mastery level. Poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., & Given, C., (2008, February). Intervention fidelity for symptom management. Presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, C., Bradley, C., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., & Jeon, S. (2008, February). Comparing costs and savings from two arms of a symptom management trial. Presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, C, & Given, B.A. (2008, February). Delivering symptom management interventions to cancer patients: do age, education or depression impact deliver strategies? Presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., Jeon, S., & You, M. (2008, February). Managing cancer symptoms: Moving a low-cost system from research to practice. Presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Keehne-Miron, J., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, February). The association of frequency, intensity and distress of fatigue and insomnia for chemotherapy patients. Poster Presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, B., Given, C., & Sherwood, P. (2008, January). What knowledge and skills do caregivers need? Presentation at the AARP State of the Science Invitational Symposium on Family Caregivers, Washington, DC. Given, C., Sikorskii, A., Given, B., Jeon, S., & You, M. (2008, January). The development of anchor-based measures for assessing symptom change: Defining interference based cut-points & establishing difference in interference over time. Paper presentation at Mechanisms and Treatment of Cancer-Related Symptoms Conference at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. Sikorskii, A., Given, C., Given, B., You, M., & Jeon, S. (2008, January) Methodology for assessing patients’ responses to interventions targeting multiple symptoms. Paper presentation at Mechanisms and Treatment of Cancer-Related Symptoms Conference at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. Bakas, T., Farran, C., Austin, J., Given, B., Johnson, E., & Williams, L. (2007, November). Program evaluation outcomes from the Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Kit (TASK) for stroke family caregivers. Poster presentation at 34th Annual American Academy of Nursing Meeting and Conference, Washington, DC. Doorenbos, A., Given, C., Given, B., & Verbitsky, N. (2007, November). Advanced care planning during chemotherapy. Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.


Doorenbos, A., Kim, Y., Demiris, G., & Given, B. (2007, November). Cancer caregivers across the continuum of care symposium. Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Kim, Y., Schulz, R., & Given, B. (2007, November). Quality of life of cancer caregivers after the loss of the care recipient. Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (2007, April). Cancer related fatigue & 6th vital sign. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Las Vegas, NV. Radziewicz, R., Rose, J., O’Toole, E., & Given, B. (March, 2007). Assessing treatment fidelity in a “navigator” coping and communication support intervention for advanced cancer. Presentation at APOS 4th Annual Conference, Austin, TX. Keehne-Miron, J., Sikorskii, A., Given, B.A., & Given, C.W. (March, 2007). The relationship between symptom severity and chemotherapy protocols for breast and lung cancer chemotherapy patients. Presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Omaha, NE. Given, B., Given, C., & Siddiqi, A. (February, 2007). Deconstruction of a nursing intervention: Examining the mechanisms of action. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 9th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Hollywood, CA. Hoffman, A., Given, B., Given, C., von Eye, A., & Gift, A. (February, 2007). How do physical and psychological symptoms relate to each other in patients with different cancer diagnoses? Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 9th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Hollywood, CA. Keehne-Miron, J., Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (February, 2007). The association of pain and fatigue with each other and their impact on physical functioning among adult chemotherapy patients. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 9th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Hollywood, CA. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Bender, C., Baum, A., Schulz, R., Hricik, A., Sereika, S., & Lieberman, F. (February, 2007). Mind body interactions in neuro-oncology caregivers. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 9th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Hollywood, CA. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (March, 2007). Comparing symptom versus patient level response categories for assessing a two arm symptom management trial. Paper presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society 4th Annual Conference, Austin, TX. Cimprich, B., Northouse, L., Janz, N., Given, B., & Given, C. (February, 2007). Evaluating the cultural relevance and utility of the taking charge program for african american breast cancer survivors. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 9th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Hollywood, CA. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Siddiqi, A., Consedine, N., Bowman, K., Rose, J., O’Toole, E., & Raziewicz, R. (November, 2006). The role of age on responses of family caregivers of cancer


patients to interventions to improve caregiver outcomes. Presentation at Gerontological Society of America 59th Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Jeon, S. (November, 2006). Do older cancer patients respond better to nurse directed or automated voice response intervention for symptom management? Poster presentation at Gerontological Society of America 59th Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. Given, B. (October, 2006). Family survivorship care for patients with cancer: A review of research knowledge and future directions. Presentation at 2006 Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Bethesda, MD. Given, B. (October, 2006). Managing cancer patients symptoms through nursing intervention. Presentation at National Cancer Research Institute Cancer Conference, Birmingham, England. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C., & Lu, X. (October, 2006). Predictors of service utilization during chemotherapy. Presentation at Cancer Survivorship: Embracing the Future conference. Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Bethesda, MD. Given, B., & Sherwood, P.R. (May, 2006). Nurse sensitive patient outcomes: Focus for nursing research. Presentation at Conference for Oncology Nurses, Chapel Hill, NC. Hoffman, A., Given, B., von Eye, A., Given, C.W., & Gift, A. (May, 2006). A study on the relationship between fatigue, pain, insomnia, and gender in persons with lung cancer. Presentation at 31st Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Boston, MA. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Verbitsky, N. (February, 2006). Symptoms among individuals with lung cancer. Paper presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society 3rd Annual Conference, Amelia Island, FL. Given, C.W., Given, B., Jeon, S., Sikorskii, A., Champion, V., & McCorkle, R. (February, 2006). Managing symptoms through telephone interventions: Comparing a nurse delivered cognitive behavioral approach with an education for self-care model delivered by a voice response system. Presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society 3rd Annual Conference, Amelia Island, FL. Hoffman, A.J., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., von Eye, A.A., & Gift, A.G. (February, 2006). Predictors of pain, fatigue, and nausea in newly diagnosed persons with lung cancer prior to chemotherapy. Presentation at American Psychosocial Oncology Society 3rd Annual Conference, Amelia Island, FL. Doorenbos, A. Z., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Sherwood, P. (November, 2005). Aging issues in cognitive behavioral interventions for symptoms with cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL. Doorenbos, A. Z., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (November, 2005). Symptoms at end-of-life among individuals with cancer. Poster presentation at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.


Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (November, 2005). Prevalence and predictors of advance care planning among women with breast cancer. Poster presentation at the Michigan Cancer Consortium, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (October, 2005). Listen to the voices of the caregiver. Presentation at the Older Women’s League at 25: Informed, Involved, Empowered – 25th Anniversary National Convention, Sacramento, CA. Keehne-Miron, J., Given, B., Given, C.W., vonEye, A., & Doorenbos, A. (October, 2005). The prediction of symptom severity for breast and lung cancer chemotherapy patients. Poster presentation at the 38th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Research Nursing Conference, Novi, MI. Wagler-Ziner, K., Champion, V., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Haase, J. (October, 2005). Satisfaction with communication and quality of life outcomes in advanced cancer patients. Presentation at the International Conference on Communication Healthcare, Chicago, IL. Fouladbakhsh, J., Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (September, 2005). Predictors of complementary and alternative therapy use by cancer patients. Presentation at the 12th Annual Symposium on Complementary Medicine, Exeter, England. Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (September, 2005). Assessment of dimensionality properties of interference with quality of life items in M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI). Poster presentation at the Mechanisms and Treatment of CancerRelated Symptoms Conference, Houston, TX. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Jeon, S. (September, 2005). Use of M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI) to screen patients for entry into symptom management trials: The importance of targeting pain, fatigue, & disturbed sleep for behavioral interventions. Poster presentation at the Mechanisms and Treatment of CancerRelated Symptoms Conference, Houston, TX. Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Stommel, M., Given, C., & Given, B. (July, 2005). Relationship of physical functioning to depression among geriatric cancer patients. Presentation at the 17th MASCC International Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (June, 2005). Prevalence and communication of advance care planning among women with breast cancer. Poster presentation at the Era of Hope 2005 Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (April, 2005). Caregiver burnout gerontology and oncology. Paper presentation at the 10th Annual Geriatrics and Cancer, School of Medicine, Lake Ozark, MO. Fouladbakhsh, J., Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (April, 2005). Predictors of complementary and alternative therapy use by cancer patients. Paper presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. [won the 2005 Excellence in Research Award]


Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W, & Verbitsky, N. (April, 2005). Symptoms at end-of-life among individuals with cancer. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 2005 Congress, Orlando, FL. Given, B. (April, 2005). The effect of nursing interventions on symptom management. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 30th Annual Congress, Orlando, FL. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (April, 2005). Symptom clusters: Moving research findings into practice. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 30th Annual Congress, Orlando, FL. Hoffman, A., Given, B., vonEye, A., Gift, A., & Given, C.W. (March, 2005). Predictors of pain, fatigue, and nausea in newly diagnosed persons with lung cancer prior to chemotherapy. Paper presentation at 13th Annual Greater Lansing Community Nurse Research Day, Lansing, MI. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W. & Verbitsky, N. (February, 2005). An analytic strategy for measuring and modeling cancer symptoms. Paper presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Given, B. (February, 2005). Out of the shadows and into the light: Nursing sensitive outcomes. Keynote presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Given, B., Given, C.W., Jeon, S., Sikorskii, A., & McCorkle, R. (February, 2005). The effect of neutropenia on a cognitive behavioral intervention for symptom management. Paper presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Hoffman, A., Given, B., vonEye, A., Gift, A. & Given, C.W. (February, 2005). Predictors of pain, fatigue, and nausea in newly diagnosed persons with lung cancer prior to chemotherapy. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Champion, V. (February, 2005). Differential effects of a cognitive behavioral intervention on symptom severity. Poster presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Ziner, K., Champion, C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (February, 2005). Satisfaction with communication and quality of life for advanced cancer patients. Paper presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 8th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Doorenbos, A., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Verbitsky, N. (January, 2005). An analytic strategy for measuring and modeling cancer symptoms: A breast cancer symptom example. Presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Pheonix, AZ. Given, C.W., Given, B., Jeon, S., & McCorkle, R. (January, 2005). Deconstruction of a cognitive behavioral intervention on symptom management. Poster presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Sangchoon, J. (January, 2005). Comparing symptom severity using raw scores and Rasch measures to assess a trial of a cognitive behavioral intervention. Poster presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Given, C.W., Given, B., Jeon, S., Sikorskii, A., & McCorkle, R. (January, 2005). The effect of neutropenia on a cognitive behavioral intervention for symptom management. Paper presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A., Jeon, S., & McCorkle, R. (January, 2005). Caregivers of elderly patients with cancer: Assistance with symptoms. Paper presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Wyatt, G., Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (January, 2005). Outcomes of complementary therapy use by chemotherapy patients and family members. Paper presentation at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 2nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Pathak, D., Osuch, J., Barry, H., Holtrop, J., & Given, B. (November, 2004). Clinical breast exam documentation: Pre-post training evaluation. Poster presentation at NAPCRG Meeting, Orlando, FL. Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (November, 2004). Can a behavioral intervention directed to family caregivers increase their assistance to patients undergoing chemotherapy to manage symptoms? Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Stommel, M., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Holmes-Rovner, M. (November, 2004). Depressive symptoms among elderly cancer and heart patients. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Given, B., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, S., & Jeon, S. (November, 2004). Among cancer patients enrolled in a behavioral trial, do age and comorbidity affect three dimensions of quality of life? Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., Wyatt, G., Gift, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (November, 2004). Impact of end-of-life care for caregivers of family members over 65 with cancer. Paper presentation at Gerontological Society of America 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Kurtz, J., Kurtz, M., & Given, B. (September, 2004). Survival and end of life among cancer patients and involvement of primary care physicians. Paper presentation at the 4th Annual Primary Care and Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., Jeon, S., & Rahbar, M. (September, 2004). The impact of a cognitive behavioral intervention on symptom-based limitations and physical function: Results


of a randomized clinical trial. Paper presentation at National State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., & Lovely, M. (September, 2004). The role of mastery in moderating the negative effects of providing care. Paper presentation at National State of the Science Congress in Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (September, 2004). Decreasing symptom limitations: Effects of a cognitive behavioral intervention. Poster presentation at Nursing Research Day, East Lansing, MI. Mallory, G., Berry, D., & Given, B. (August, 2004). Developing an oncology nursing research agenda. Paper presentation at ISNCC Meeting, Australia. Rogers, L., Given, B., Given, C.W., Remer, S., & Sherwood, P. (June 2004) Perceptions of brain tumor treatments by the caregivers for brain tumor patients who are now deceased. Poster presentation at the 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (June, 2004). Symptom management and survivorship among patients on chemothearpy: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Paper presentation at Great Lakes Chronic Disease Conference, Lansing, MI. Kozachik, S., Wyatt, G., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (June, 2004). Patterns of use of complementary therapies among patients and their family caregivers. Paper presentation at Sigma Theta Tau, Dublin, Ireland. Given, B. (May, 2004). Quality of life, health status, and perceived needs of family members of women with lung cancer: A critique. Paper presentation at the 28th Annual ONS Congress, Anaheim, CA. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., & Lovely, M. (May, 2004). The emotional health of caregivers of persons with a primary malignant brain tumor (PMBT). Paper presentation at the 28th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Anaheim, CA. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R., Murman, D., & Lovely, D. (May, 2004). Caregivers in neuro-oncology: Correlates of caregiver distress. Paper presentation at the 28th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Anaheim, CA. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., & Cimprich, B. (May, 2004). Decreasing symptom limitations: Effects of a nursing cognitive behavioral intervention. Paper presentation at the 28th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Anaheim, CA. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., & von Eye, A. (March, 2004). The role of recency of care demands on caregiver burden and depression. Presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO.


Given, C.W., Given, B., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (February, 2004). Patient responses to problem-solving intervention for symptom management: Results from an rct and decomposition of the experimental intervention. Paper presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Orlando, FL. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (February, 2004). Decreasing symptom limitations: Effects of a cognitive behavioral intervention. Poster presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Orlando, FL. Given, C.W., Given, B., McCorkle, R., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (February, 2004). The impact of a cognitive behavioral intervention on dimensions of symptom expression: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Paper presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Orlando, FL. Given, B., Given, C.W., Rahbar, M., Jeon, S., & McCorkle, R. (February, 2004). Effects of a behavioral intervention on the levels of bother reported by family caregivers of patients with cancer. Paper presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Orlando, FL. Cimprich, B., Northouse, L., Janz, N., Wren, P., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (February, 2004). Taking CHARGE: Developing and evaluating an intervention for breast cancer survivors. Paper presentation at Annual Research Conference Meeting, St. Louis, MO. Given, C.W., Given, B., Doorenbos, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2003, November) Effects of a behavioral intervention on symptoms among depressed cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Doorenbos, A.Z., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2003, November). Effect of a behavioral intervention on symptoms among depressed cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA. Given, B., Given, C.W., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2003, November). Effect of a behavioral intervention on improving involvement in symptom management among depressed caregivers of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America, November 21-25, 2003, San Diego, CA. Given, B., & Keehne-Miron, J. (2003). Patterns of family caregiver assistance: Value to and influence on the patient with cancer. Poster presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Denver, CO. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Doorenbos, A.Z., & Given, C.W. (2003). Forgotten voices: Gaining insight from bereaved caregivers. Poster presentation at 36th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference. Lansing, MI.


Kurtz, M., Kurtz, J., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2003, June). Depressive Symptomatology among patients with colorectal cancer – a panel study. Paper presentation at 15th MASCC International Symposium, Berlin, Germany. Sherwood, P., Given, B., & Given, C.W., Murman, D., Schiffman, R., & Lovely, M. (2003, April). Family care of persons with a brain tumor. Poster presentation at Nursing Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau International, Alpha Psi Chapter. Lansing, MI. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Murman, D., Schiffman, R., & Lovely, M. (2003, February). Family care of persons with a brain tumor. Poster presentation at 7th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, San Diego, CA. Jablonski, A., Gift, A., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2003, April). The theory of unpleasant symptoms: A test of the model in a sample of newly diagnosed lung cancer patients. Poster presentation at Midwest National Research Society, Grand Rapids, MI. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., Murman, D., Schiffman, R., & Lovely, M. (2003, June). Family care of persons with a brain tumor. Poster presentation at 21st Annual Meeting, American Association of Neuroscience Nurses - Southeast Michigan Chapter, Ypsilanti, MI. Given, B. (2003, May). Managing symptoms among cancer patients undergoing a first course of chemotherapy: Results of a randomized trial. Paper presentation at Saint Mary’s Mercy Medical Center Research Symposium, Grand Rapids, MI. Wyatt, G. K., Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (May, 2003). Outcomes of complementary therapy: Use by chemotherapy patients. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Denver, CO. Given, B., Given, C.W., Rahbar, M., Bradley, C., & Jeon, S. (2003, May). Nursing behavioral intervention trial results in fewer hospitalizations among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Denver, CO. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Murman, D. (2003, April). Monitoring quality and human subjects protection in health care research. Poster presentation at American Association of Neuroscience Nurse’s 35th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (2003, February). Symptom management: What do we know? Where are we going? Paper presentation at International Oncology Network ION 2nd Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Wyatt, G. (2003, February). Burden and depression among caregivers providing care for cancer patients at the end-of-life. Paper presentation at Michigan State University End-Of-Life Center Luncheon Seminar Series, East Lansing, MI. Wyatt, G., Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2003, February). Outcomes of complementary therapy use by chemotherapy patients and family members. Poster presentation at 7th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, San Diego, CA.


Neumark, D.E., Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2003, February). Patterns a predictors of sample attrition in a panel survey of elderly cancer patients and family caregivers. Paper presentation at 7th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, San Diego, CA. Sherwood, P., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Murman, D., Schiffman, R., & Lovely, M. (2003, February). Family care of persons with a brain tumor. Poster presentation at 7th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, San Diego, CA. Given, B.A, Given, C.W., Cimprich, B., & McCorkle, R. (2003, February). The role of distress in mediating the impact of a behavioral intervention for reducing symptom severity. Paper presentation at 7th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, San Diego, CA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2002, November). Interactions between symptom severity and a behavioral intervention to explain depression among cancer patients. Poster presentation at 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontology Society of America, Boston, MA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2002, November). The effect of age on cancer patients’ responses to symptom management and function: A randomized trial. In K. Bowman (Chair), The Dual Challenges of Cancer Aging. Submitted for symposia at 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontology Society of America, Boston, MA. Given, B., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S., McCorkle, R., & Cimprich, B. (2002, November). Pain and fatigue of the older adult with cancer: A randomized trial. Poster presentation at 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontology Society of America, Boston, MA. Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2002, November). Physical symptoms, gender and depressive mood among older cancer patients. Poster presentation at 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontology Society of America, Boston, MA. Riess, P., Given, C.W., Champion, V., & Given, B. (2002, October). Nursing interventions for patients with advanced cancer. Poster presentation at 35th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, Novi, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., McCorkle, R., Cimprich, B., & Kozachik, S. (2002, September). Randomized clinical trials of a nursing intervention to manage symptoms for patients during chemotherapy. Presented at the Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the Science conference, Washington, DC. McCorkle, R., Given, C.W., Given, B., Cimprich, B., & Kozachik, S. (2002, September). Does depression influence caregiver involvement in interventions to assist with management of symptoms for cancer patients? Presented at the Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the Science conference, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (2002, April). Care for the family caregivers. Poster presentation at Annual Congress Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Washington, DC.


Ropka, M., Braden, C., Dodd, M., & Bender, C. (2002, April). In B. Given (Chair), Where we are, where we are going: A report on ONS’s clinical and research initiatives in symptom management, biotherapy, neutropenia, and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Washington, DC. Given, B.A. (2002, April). Creating the future: The path is yours. Paper presentation at Alpha Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Induction Ceremony, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., McCorkle, R., Cimprich, B., & Given, C.W. (April, 2002). Pain and fatigue management: Results of a nursing randomized clinical trial. Paper presentation at 27th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Washington, DC. [Award winning paper] Given, C.W., Given, B., Kozachik, S., McCorkle, R., & Cimprich, B. (2002, April). Impact of a cognitive-behavioral intervention trial on management of pain and fatigue among patients undergoing chemotherapy. Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. Giesler, B., Weinrich, S., Weinrich, M., Given, B., Given, C.W., Rawl, S., Osborne, S., Miller, B., Musick, B., Burns, D., Kozachik, S., & Champion, V. (2002, April). Sexual functioning following prostate cancer treatment. Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. Champion, V., Rawl, S., Giesler, B., Given, C.W., Given, B., Kozachik, S., & Burns, D. (April, 2002). The influence of depression and treatment type on QOL Indicators in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. Riess-Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002, March). Comparison of delivery methods for supportive care. Poster presentation at Ingham Regional Medical Center’s Nursing Research Day, Lansing, MI. Riess-Sherwood, P., Stommel, M., Murman, D., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002, March). The effect of medicaid eligibility on the incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in michigan in 1996 and 1997. Poster presentation at the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses 34th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Riess-Sherwood, P., Stommel, M., Murman, D., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002, March). The effect of medicaid eligibility on the incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in michigan in 1996 and 1997. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL. Rawl, S., Champion, V., Giesler, B., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Kozachik, S. (2002, March). Correlates of depression in prostate cancer patients undergoing treatment. Paper presentation at the 26th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002, February). Predictors of depressive symptomatology of geriatric patients with colorectal cancer - a longitudinal view.


Paper presentation at the Twelfth International Congress on AntiCancer Treatment in Paris, France. Neumark, D., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2002, February). Research design and subject variables predicting nonparticipation in a panel survey of older families with cancer. Paper presentation at the 8th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer, Washington, DC. Given, B. (2001, November). Family caregiving: The nurse’s role. Paper presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 54th Annual Scientific Conference, Chicago, IL. Given, C.W., Given, B., Azzouz, F., Bradley, C., & Stommel, M. (2001, November). Elderly cancer patients’ recovery of function one year post diagnosis. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 54th Annual Scientific Conference, Chicago, IL. Riess, P., Given, C.W., Given, B., Kozachik, S., Azzouz, F., & Stommel, M. (2001, October). Predictors of pain and fatigue in the year following diagnosis. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, American Cancer Society, Traverse City, MI. Allen, K., Beck, A., Given, B., & Zanella, A. (2001, September). Cuddle a critter: Call me in the morning. Paper presentation at the 1st Annual Human-Animal Bond Initiative conference, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., Slone, N., & Vottero, L. (2001, September). Cease and exist: A smoking cessation program for adults with chronic smoking related health problems. Poster presentation at the Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting, Novi, MI. Osuch, J., Sparks, B., Slone, N., Corteville, L., & Given, B. (2001, September). Essentials of breast care for advanced practice nurses. Poster presentation at the Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting, Novi, MI. Spaniolo, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Wojcik, C. (2001, September). Pain and fatigue as predictors of symptom burden & physical and mental health among advanced cancer patients. Poster presentation at the Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting, Novi, MI. Wyatt, G., Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2001, June). Acceptance and use of complementary therapy by cancer patients and family members. Paper presentation at the meeting of the 11th Annual International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Conference, Boulder, CO. Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Azzouz, F. (2000, November). Cancer stage, other symptoms, and fatigue among elderly, newly diagnosed cancer patients. Poster presentation at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, B. (2001, May). View Points from researchers. Presented at an NCI hosted session at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society’s 26th Annual Congress, San Diego, CA.


Given, B. (2001, March). Navigating the rough waters of building a career. Presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Cleveland, OH. Given, B. (2001, February). Into the millennium: Stepping into the future. Keynote address at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society’s 6th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Given, C.W., Given, B., Azzouz, F., & Stommel, M. (2000, November). A comparison of changes in measures of quality of life among elderly cancer patients. Poster presentation at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Stommel, M, Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2000, November). Depression and functional status as predictors of death among cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, B. (2000, October). Current challenges for 21st century in home care. Presented at the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research and the Tomorrows Children’s Fund, Cancer Survivorship Throughout the Lifespan: Challenges for the 21st Century Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. Wyatt, G.K., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A., (2000, October). Complementary therapy for chemotherapy patients and their family caregivers. Poster presentation at the Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, Novi, MI. Given, B. (2000, September). Vision for the future. Critique presented at the Oncology Nursing Society, Outcomes Expert Panel Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, B. (2000, August). Patients and caregiver: Burden of cancer care. Paper presentation at the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, 11th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, Olso, Norway. Given, B., Given, C.W., Hoppough, S., & Chmielewski, J. (2000, June). Cancer screening in Medicaid populations: Is it possible? Paper presentation at the National Cancer Institute, Washington, DC. Wyatt, G., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2000, May). A nursing protocol for subacute recovery following breast cancer surgery. Paper presentation at Challenges for Nurses in the 21st Century: Health Promotion, Prevention, and Intervention. Reykjavik, Iceland. Pathak, D., Osuch, J., Barry, H., Zuber, T., Holtrop, J., Given, B., & Swanson, M. (2000, June). Teaching clinical breast examination: Pre-post training evaluation. Poster presentation at the Department of Defense, Era of Hope Conference, Atlanta, GA. Given B., (2000, May). Effects of advanced nursing care on quality of life and cost outcomes of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Paper presentation at the 25th Oncology Nursing Society Congress, San Antonio, TX.


Virani, R., Given, B., Kravits, K., & Hinds, P. (2000, May). Courage in the face of catastrophe: How do we support the family caregiver? Paper presentation at the 25th Oncology Nursing Society Congress, San Antonio, TX. Wyatt, G., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Friedman, L.L. (2000, April). A profile of bereaved caregivers following provision of terminal care. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 24th Annual Research Conference, Dearborn, MI. Neumark, D., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2000, April). Research design and subject characteristics predicting early attrition in a family caregiving panel survey. Paper presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 24th Annual Research Conference. Millennium Milestones: Where have We Been, Where are We Going? Dearborn, MI. Champion, V.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S.L., Rawl, S.M., & Williams, S. (2000, March). Conducting a multisite intervention study: Rewards and challenges. Symposium presented at the 24th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI. Given, B.A., Given, C.W., White, N., Kozachik, S.L., Champion, V.L., & Rawl, S.M. (2000, March). Standardizing the nursing intervention across sites. Symposium presented at the 24th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI. Kozachik, S.L., Given, C.W., Given, B.A., Champion, V.L., & Rawl, S.M. (2000, March). Building the collaborative team. Symposium presented at the 24th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI. Rawl, S.M., Champion, V.L., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S.L., & Emsley, C. (2000, March). Conducting multisite intervention research: site-specific issues– accrual, data management, and quality assurance. Symposium presented at the 24th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (2000, January). Predictors of physical functioning and depressive symptomatology of geriatric cancer patients – six weeks post diagnosis. Poster presentation at the 10th International Congress of AntiCancer Treatment, Palai des congress, Paris, France. Given, B. (1999, December). Amazing grace at home – who cares – what care? Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Symposium on Geriatric Medicine, MSU College of Human Medicine, MSU College Nursing, MSU College Osteopathic Medicine, MSU Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, and the Geriatric Education Center of Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B., Azzouz, F., & Stommel, M. (1999, November). Impact of patient factors, site of cancer and treatment on physical functioning. Poster presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Hoppough, S., Given, B., Given C.W., & Chmieliwski, J. (1999, November). Reaching medically underserved populations: low literacy and culturally specific barriers. Poster presentation at the 2nd Annual Cancer Care Symposium, Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Veterans Affairs, Chicago, IL.


Kozachik, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Azzouz, F. (1999, November). Pain, fatigue, and insomnia among elderly newly diagnosed cancer patients. Poster presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1999, November). Substitutions of formal for informal help over time. Paper presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Rawl, S., Champion, V., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1999, June). Cancer care nursing interventions during breast cancer treatment: Physiologic and psychological outcomes. Paper presentation at the 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Indianapolis, IN. Given, C.W., Given, B., Stommel M., & Azzouz, F. (1999, April). Impact of initial treatment on change in physical functioning among older cancer patients. Paper presentation at 6th Key Aspects Conference: Preventing and Managing Chronic Illness, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Hoppough, S., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1999, April). The impact of a nursing intervention on the management of pain among cancer patients living in rural areas. Presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society’s 23rd Annual Research Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Wyatt, G., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Friedman, L. (1999, April). A profile of bereaved caregivers following provision of terminal cancer. Paper presentation at Nursing Research Day, Greater Lansing Nursing Research Consortium, Ingham Regional Medical Center, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1999, March). Impact of initial treatment on change in physical functioning among older cancer patients. Paper presentation at 5th Annual Nursing Research Symposium: A Decade of Research: Advancing Care in Serious Illness, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B. (1999, February). Impact of initial treatment of change in physical functioning among older cancer patients. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 5th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Newport Beach, CA. Given, B., Given, C.W., Kozachik S., & Azzouz, F (1999, February) Family caregiver and patient depression and influence on involvement in care task. International State of the Science Congress. September 15-19, 1999, Washington DC. Rawl, S., Champion, V., Williams S., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Kozachik, S. (1999, February). Effects of advanced practice nursing intervention on physical and psychological outcome for women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society 5th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Newport Beach, CA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, November). Cancer nursing interventions for patients in rural area: Testing nurse sensitive outcomes. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society State of the Knowledge Conference on Nurse Sensitive Outcomes, Pittsburgh, PA. Stommel, M., Wang, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Collins, C. (1998, November). Predictors of primary caregivers’ assistance by secondary helpers: The importance of gender in different task


domains. Paper presentation at 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA. Stommel, M, Given B., & Given, C.W. (1999, March). Quality control in data management: Collecting and integrating panel data from multiple data sources. Paper presentation at Oncology Nursing Society State of the Knowledge Conference on Nurse Sensitive Outcomes, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, B. (1998, October). Challenges of multisite research, a nursing perspective. Paper presentation at the 31st Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, Novi, MI. Neumark, D., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1998, May). Attrition of elderly cancer patients in a longitudinal survey: Who drops out, why, and what can we do about it? Paper presentation at the 23rd Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. White, N., Neumark, D.E., & Given, B. (1998, May). The role of counseling and support in helping rural cancer patients with fatigue. Paper presentation at the 23rd Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. Hoppough, S., & Given, B. (1998, May). Unscheduled readmission among elderly newly diagnosed cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 23rd Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (1998, May). Multisite research studies: Communication & collaboration: confusion or conflict? Paper presentation at the 23rd Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. Freeman, M., & Given, B. (1998, April). Symptom experience of older adult patients with lung cancer. Paper presentation at the 12th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury State University, Salisbury, MD. Given, B. (1998, March). Research on families in managed care environments. Paper presentation at the 22nd Annual Research Conference, Midwest Nursing Research Society, Columbus, OH. Wyatt, G., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1997, October). A subacute care intervention for shortstay breast cancer surgery. Poster presentation at the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Conference Era of Hope, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Champion, V., Given, B., & Rawl, S. (1997, October). Families as partners in cancer care. Paper presentation at the First Annual Behavioral Scientific Colloquium, Walther Cancer Institute, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (1997, August). Health promotion in a managed care environment. Paper presentation at the Vitality Throughout the Adult Lifecycle: Interventions to Promote Health Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.


Given, B. (1997, October). Patient and family as partners in care: Is education the answer? Paper presentation at the 8th Annual Home Care Conference, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1997, February). Relationship of caregivers’ reactions and depression to cancer patients symptoms, functional states, and depression: A longitudinal view. Poster presentation at the 9th International MASCC Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer, St. Galley, Switzerland. Collins, C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, November). Demographic correlates of community service attitudes and use among family caregivers. Paper presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J. C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1996, November). Concordance of cancer patient symptoms: Are there gender differences? Paper presentation at the 7th International Congress on Women’s Health Issues, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Stommel, M., Collins, C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1996, November). Attitudes towards community services among caregivers of cancer and dementia patients. Paper presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1996, August). Who cares? Important role of families and community. Presented at the Toward the New Millennium 46th Annual Conference & AGM of the Directors of Nursing Association Queensland Inc., Cairns, Australia. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, August). Cancer across the continuum of care. Where are the gaps? Presented to community and domiciliary nurses at the Leukemia Foundation Patient Support Center, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, August). Cancer care across the continuum. Presented at the Toward the New Millennium 46th Annual Conference & AGM of the Directors of Nursing Association Queensland Inc., Cairns, Australia. Given, B. & Given, C.W. (1996, August). Supportive care: Symptoms, mobility, and depression. Presented to the Victoria Anti-Cancer Council, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, August). Who cares: Important role of family in community support, burden and respite. Presented at a public forum of the Queensland Cancer Fund and Palliative Care Association of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Given, B. (1996, August). Symptom management impacts upon patient and family. Presented to the Palliative Care-Nurses and Families Conference, Mater Misericordiae Adult Hospital/Australian Catholic University (Queensland) Palliative Care Education, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, August). Elderly cancer patient symptoms experience and recovery. Presented to the Multi Disciplinary Cancer Collaborative Group, Mater Misericordiae Adult Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


Given, B. (1996, August). The family: The hidden health care team. Keynote address to the Palliative Care-Nurses and Families Conference, Mater Misericordiae Adult Hospital/Australian Catholic University (Queensland) Palliative Care Education, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Given, B. (1996, May). Getting your political message across. Paper presentation at the Oncology Nursing Society 21st Annual Congress, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B. (1996, March). Caregiver burden: Can we influence outcomes? Keynote speaker at the 26th Annual Cancer Nursing Conference, American Cancer Society Knox County Unit, Knoxville, TN. Given, B. (1996, April). The impact of fatigue on families and caregivers during and after cancer treatment. Paper presentation at the 6th Annual Western Michigan Cancer Nursing Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. Stommel, M., Given, B., Given, C.W., & Mickus, M. (1995, November). Racial differences in the division of labor between primary and secondary caregivers. Paper presentation at the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Stommel, M., & Mickus, M. (1995, November). Mobility states in the months following hospitalization. Paper presentation at the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA. Given, B., Given, C.W. & Mickus, M. (1995, November). Impact of changes in patients' mobility states on the levels of family caregiver involvement: A longitudinal study. Paper presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau 33rd International Biennial Convention, Scientific Sessions "Celebrating a New Era of Nursing Leadership,” Detroit, MI. Given, B. (1995, October). Cost and quality of cancer care. Paper presentation at the 28th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Society Conference, American Cancer Society, Michigan Division, Kalamazoo, MI. File, S., Yancey, R., & Given, B. (1995, July). The challenges of establishing an advanced oncology nursing practice in a rural community. Paper presentation at the National Rural Health Association's 1995 Conference on Rural Nursing, Bozeman, MT. White, N., Barr, C., & Given, B. (1995, July). Forming partnerships to provide ongoing oncology education for rural primary caregivers: Rural Cancer Care Project. Paper presentation at the National Rural Health Associations 1995 National Conference on Rural Nursing, Bozeman, MT. Ogle, K., Verkest-Dwyer, L., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1995, May). Relationship of pain, perceived control over pain and depression in cancer patients at home. Paper presentation at Family Practice Research Day XVIII Conference, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice, College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1995, April). Impact of fatigue on family and caregivers. Paper presentation at the 20th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim CA.


Wiernasz, C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1995, April). The impact of hospital cost containment upon added burden to families caring for elderly cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 20th Annual Congress for the Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim, CA. Given, B. (1995, April). Legislative process: Where to get involved. Paper presentation at the 20th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim, CA. Pohl, J., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1994, November). Family caregiving characteristics: Referral to and use of home care services following hospital discharge. Poster presentation at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Given, C.W., Stommel, M., Wang, S., & Given, B. (1994, November). Impact of new care demands and care transitions on caregiver depression. Paper presentation at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (1994, August). Nurse centered community networks linking specialty cancer care to rural areas. Paper presentation at the 8th International Conference on Cancer Nursing Sharing our Worlds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Given, B. (1994, June). The cost of continuing care influence on clinical outcomes. Featured speaker at the 25th Annual Research Development Conference, "Outcomes Research: Measuring Cost and Quality in an Era of Cost Containment,” University of San Diego, Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing, San Diego, CA. Given, B. (1994, May). Researchers role in health care reform. Paper presentation at the 19th Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B., Spaniolo, S., & Pollard, K. (1994, May). The effects of radiation therapy on sexual activity in patients with prostate cancer. Poster presentation at the 19th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B., Stover, D., White, N., Yancey, R., & Given, C.W. (1994, May). Using informatics for nursing care. Paper presentation at the 19th Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Cincinnati, OH. Stover, D., White, N., Yancey, R., & Given, B. (1994, May). Building linkages for rural cancer care: A model. Paper presentation at the 19th Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B. (1994, April). Researchers: What do we know, where are we going? Paper presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chapter meeting, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Given, B. (1994, April). Panel discussion on implications of health care reform for education and clinical practice. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Cancer Society, Professors of Clinical Oncology and Professors of Oncology Nursing in Phoenix, AZ.


Given, B., Collins, C., King, S., & Pohl, J. (1992, March). Community service use by family caregivers of elders: Research and policy perspectives. Symposium to the 16th Annual Research Conference, Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994, March). Families as partners in cancer care. Paper presentation at the 35th Annual Science Writers Seminar of the American Cancer Society, Tucson, AZ. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Stommel, M. (1994, March). Impact of patient disabilities and care demands upon caregiver health outcomes. Paper presentation at the Second International Symposium on Symptom Management, San Francisco, CA. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1994, March). The relationships of age, comorbidity, and symptomatology to loss of physical functioning among cancer patients: A longitudinal view. Poster presentation at the 2nd Annual Cancer Care in the 1990's: Nurses Make a Difference Conference, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994, February). The impact of age, treatment, and symptoms on the physical and mental health of cancer patients: A longitudinal view. Paper presentation at the National Conference on Cancer and the Older Person, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1994, February). Interaction of age, symptoms, and survival status on physical and mental health of cancer patients and their family. Paper presentation at the National Conference on Cancer and the Older Person, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA. White, N., Stover, D., Given, B., & Stommel, M. (1994, January). Costs of continuing care for women with breast cancer. Paper presentation at the 3rd National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, American Cancer Society, Newport Beach, CA. Given, B., Kurtz, M., & Kurtz, J.C. (1994, January). Cancer patients immobility and symptomatology and their impact on caregivers reactions and depression: A longitudinal analysis. Poster presentation at the 3rd National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, American Cancer Society, Newport Beach, CA. Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1993, November). The division of labor between primary caregivers and other care-providers. Paper presentation at the 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Stommel, M., & Lin, C.S. (1993, November). Predictors of informal care used by the elderly following hospital discharge. Poster presentation at the 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Kurtz, M.E., Kurtz, J.C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1993, September). Relationships of age, comorbidity and symptomatology to loss of physical functioning among cancer patients: A longitudinal view. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley, Lake Erie Association of Cancer Centers (OLAC) and Michigan State University Cancer Treatment Consortium, Lansing, MI.


Given, B., Given, C.W., Barry, H., & Lin, C.S. (1993, June). Transitions care: Referral to skilled home and hospital readmission. Paper presentation at Sigma Theta Tau 1993 International Research Congress, Madrid, Spain. Given, B. (1993, June). Challenges to health for rural women. Paper presentation at the 8th Annual Michigan Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition Conference, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1993, May). Return to work experiences of persons with cancer. Paper critique at the Oncology Nursing Society Congress Meeting, Orlando, FL. Given, B. (1993, March). Research and practice: Will they ever link? Paper presentation at the Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1993, March). Cancer as a disease. Paper presentation at the Cancer Care in the 1990s: Nurses Make a Difference Nursing Conference at Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B. (1993, March). Supportive care: The new frontier for cancer care. Paper presentation at Tumor Board Cancer Care Conference, Mercy Memorial Medical Center, St. Joseph, MI. Given, B. (1993, February). Researchers: Where has all the policy gone? Paper presentation at the 10th Annual Research Conference for Issues in Nursing Research, Park City, UT. Given, C.W., Given, B., Barry, H., & Lin, C.S. (1993, January). Does skilled home and followup primary care influence Readmissions to Hospital? Paper presentation at the 3rd Primary Care Research Conference: Challenges in Practice-Based Research, Atlanta, GA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1983). A nursing model for promoting patients' management of their chronic disease in family practice offices. Presentation at the Patient Education in the Primary Care Setting: Sixth Annual Conference. Kansas City, MO. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Stommel, M. (1992, November). Prediction of informal supportive care to families of the elderly: A longitudinal model. Poster presentation at the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1992, October). Cancer: A family experience. Paper presentation at the Michigan Tumor Registrars Association Fall 1992 Conference, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992, October). Nurse centered provider networks linking tertiary center specialty care to rural areas. Paper presentation at "Pathways to Partnerships: Present and Future.” American Academy of Nurses, St. Louis, MO. Collins, C. (1992, May). Role transitions in family care of the elderly. Symposium at Voyage in the Future Through Nursing Research, Sigma Theta Tau International, Columbus, OH. Given, B., McCorkle, R., & Given, C.W. (1992, May). Are home care needs being met? Paper presentation at the 17th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, San Diego, CA.


Given, B., & Northouse, L. (1992, May). Family costs of cancer care. Paper presentation at the 17th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, San Diego, CA. Given, B. (1992, April). Caregiving: Its impact on women's health. Paper presentation at the 4th Annual Current and Future Concepts in Women's Health, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1992, January). Influencing public policy for cancer care: A nursing research approach. Paper presentation at the American Cancer Society’s 2nd National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Baltimore, MD. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1991, November). Change in elderly patient dependencies and family caregivers responses. Paper presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International 31st Biennial Convention Scientific Sessions, Tampa, FL. Given, B., Given C.W., & Stommel, M. (1991, October). Psychological and social costs of caring among working and non-working women. Paper presentation at Women and Health Policy: International Perspectives Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Pohl, J., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1991, October). Adult daughters' transition to caregiving for their elderly disabled mothers. Paper presentation at the International Nursing Research Conference: Global Health Perspectives, Los Angeles, CA. Given, B., Stommel, M., & Given, C.W. (1991, October). The economic costs to families of providing homecare to relatives. Paper presentation at the Council of Nurse Researchers 1991 International Nursing Research Conference. American Nurses Association, Los Angeles, CA. Given, B. (1991, September). Mammography screening at the worksite. Paper presentation at the Michigan Health Initiative Worksite Wellness Program’s "Innovative Health Promotion Strategies for Michigan Worksites," Lansing, MI. Pohl, J., Given, B., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1991, May). Social vulnerability and caregiver burden in daughters and daughters-in-law. Paper presentation at the 2nd International Family Nursing Conference, Portland, OR. King, S., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1991, May). Family assistance and values as determinants of service use by caregivers of Alzheimer's patients. Paper presentation at the 2nd International Family Nursing Conference, Portland, OR. Given, B., Given, C.W., Collins, C., Pohl, J., & King, S. (1991, May). Family caregiver involvement in care of the dependent elderly: The impact on mental health. Paper presentation at the 2nd International Family Nursing Conference, Portland, OR. Given, B. (1991, April). Long term care. Paper presentation at New Horizons in Long Term Care, Long Term Care Surveyor Training, Region V. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration, Region V, and Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago, IL.


Barnes, C.L., & Given, B. (1991, April). Caregivers of elderly parents: A comparison of employed and non-employed daughters. Paper presentation at the 3rd Annual Family Care Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1991, January). Transition care from hospital to home: Family members preparation to provide home care. Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference on Primary Care Research: New Frontiers in Primary Care Research, San Diego, CA. Stommel, M., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1990, November). Joint and exclusive involvement of wives and daughters in home care for the elderly. Poster presentation at the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. King, S., Collins, C., Stommel, M., Given, B., & Jerome, J. (1990, November). Knowledge of availability and source of information about community services reported by Alzheimer's caregivers. Paper presentation at the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. Given, B. (1990, October). The Impact of cancer on the spouse. Paper Presentation at the 1st Annual Fall Institute, Oncology Nursing Society, Chicago, IL. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1990, September). Their voices our visions: Families coping with cancer. Paper presentation at the Riverside Regional Cancer Institute's 2nd Annual "Wellness and Quality of Life Issues of the Oncology Patient" Symposium, Columbus, OH. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Stommel, M. (1990, June). Depression and family caregiving measurement and definition. Paper presentation at the Invitational Conference on Family Caregiving, Toronto, Canada. Given, B. (1990, May). An interdisciplinary patient/family-oriented conference: A strategy for improving psychosocial care. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Congress, Oncology Nursing Society, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1990, May). Side stepping traditions: Creative tips and time-savers. Paper presentation at 15th Annual Congress, Oncology Nursing Society, Washington, DC Keilman, L., & Given, B. (1990, May). An untapped resource for hope and coping in family caregivers of individuals with cancer. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Washington, DC. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Keilman, L. (1990, May). Cancer patients' symptoms: Relationship to family reactions and involvement in care. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Washington, DC. Keilman, L., & Given, B. (1990, April). Spirituality and depression: Is there a relationship? Paper presentation at the 14th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Indianapolis, IN.


Barnes, C., & Given, B. (1990, March). Parent caregivers: A comparison of working and nonworking daughters. Paper Presentation. Presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Human Development, Richmond, VA. Collins, C., King, S., Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1990, March). When is a service a service? Factors influencing use of community support among caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Family Care Conference, MSU College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Keilman, L., & Given, B. (1990, March). Is the concept of spirituality the missing link in determining how family caregivers are able to persist in their role? Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Family Care Conference, MSU College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Dwyer, T., Dwyer, L., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1990, March). Family involvement in caregiving for cancer patients: Assistance or just being there? Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Family Care Conference, MSU College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Berry, D., & Given, B. (1990, March). Perceived social isolation and utilization of resources among elderly wives caring for disabled husbands: Is there a relationship? Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Family Care Conference, MSU College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Warren, B., & Given, B. (1989, November). Caregiver reactions to formal cancer services: Implications for care. Paper presentation at the 1st National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA. Given, B., Stommel, M., & Given, C.W. (1989, November). The role of patients' symptoms, functional status, and psychological health on families' reactions to caregiving. Paper presentation at the 1st National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B.A. (1989, November). Caregiver depression as a result of caregiving processes. Poster presentation at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Keilman, L., Given, B., & King, S. (1989, November). The relationship between depression and spirituality in a sample of family caregivers of physically impaired elderly. Poster presentation at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Given, C.W., Stommel, M., & Given, B. (1989, November). Impact of level of depression upon caregivers' responses to process of care and burden measures. Paper presentation at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Collins, C. (1989, November). Care requirements: A predictor of family caregiver burden? Paper presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention, Scientific Session, Indianapolis, IN.


Given, B. (1989, October). Cancer: A family experience. Keynote presentation at the 22nd Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference ‘The Cancer Nursing Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together’, East Lansing, MI. McCorkle, R., & Given, B. (1989, October). Adults requiring chronic care. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting and Scientific Session of the American Academy of Nursing, Denver, CO. Kingry, M., Stommel, M., & Given, B. (1989, May). The children of caregivers of cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 14th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (1989, May). Family response to symptom management for cancer patients. Paper presentation at the 14th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, San Francisco, CA. Keilman, L., Given, B., Given, C.W., & King, S. (1989, May). The relationship between depression and spirituality in a sample of family caregivers of physically impaired elderly. Paper presentation at the 5th National Nursing Symposium: Home Health Care, The University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Vredevoogd, J. (1989, May). Depression among family members involved in caring for their dependent elderly relations: A longitudinal perspective. Paper presentation at the 5th National Nursing Symposium: Home Health Care, The University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI. Barnes, C.L., & Given, B. (1989, May). Caregivers of elderly relatives: Spouses and children. Paper presentation at the 5h National Nursing Symposium: Home Health Care, The University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI. Collins, C., Berry, D., & Given, B. (1989, April). Longitudinal studies as intervention. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B. (1989, April). A spectrum of opportunities. Keynote award paper for Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research in the Midwest, at the 13th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B. (1989, April). An eye on the kaleidoscope of nursing research. Keynote Address at the Clinical Nursing Research: Possibilities and Pragmatics Conference, St. Paul, MN. Barnes, C., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1989, March). Caregivers of elderly parents: Comparison of caregivers with and without siblings. Poster presentation at Family Care: Research and Policy Agendas for the 1990’s, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1989, March). Caregiver depression as reaction to caregiving. Paper presentation at Family Care: Research and Policy Agendas for the 1990's, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI.


Kingry, M., Stommel, M., & Given, B. (1989, March). The children of caregivers of cancer patients. Paper presentation at Family Care: Research and Policy Agendas for the 1990's, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1989, March). Research agendas for the 1990s. Paper presentation at Family Care: Research and Policy agendas for the 1990s, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., Vredevoogd, J., Given, B., Stommel, M., & Ogle K. (1989, March). Depression in family members caring for dependent elderly relatives: A longitudinal perspective on involvement. Paper presentation at Family in Family Medicine, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Amelia Island, FL. Stommel, M., Collins, C., Given, C.W., King, S., & Given, B. (1988, November). Use of community services by caregivers of Alzheimer's patients. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. King, S., Collins, C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1988, November). Family caregivers of the disabled elderly: Positive reactions to caregiving. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Ogle, K. (1988, November). Measurement of intensity of involvement of family in caring for patients at home. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Ogle, K. (1988, November). Depression as an overriding variable explaining caregivers reactions to caregiving. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Collins, C., Given, C.W., Given, B., & King, S. (1988, November). Predicting depression in family caregivers of the elderly. Paper presentation at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (1988, October). Perceptions of diabetics' health belief model. Paper presentation at Trends in Patient Education, Diabetes Education Study Group, Nauplia, Greece. King, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Collins, C. (1988, September). Prediction of the likelihood of institutionalization by family caregivers. Paper presentation at the 5th National Forum on Research in Aging, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE. Given, B., King, S., & Collins, C. (1988, September). The impact of institutionalization of the elderly on the well-being of family caregivers. Paper presentation at the 5th National Forum on Research in Aging, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE. Barnes, C.L., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1988, September). Adult child caregivers of elderly parents: A comparison of two groups over time. Paper presentation at the Conference of the American Association for Continuity of Care, Chicago, IL.


Given, B., Dwyer, T., Vredevoogd, J., & Given, C.W. (1988, September). Family caregivers of cancer patients: Reactions and assistance. Paper presentation at the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Nurses in Cancer Care, London, England. Ogle, K., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1988, May). Reactions to caregiving: A comparison of husbands and wives. Paper presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group 16th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ogle, K., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1988, April). Home visits from the viewpoint of the disabled elderly and their caregivers. Paper presentation at the 21st Annual Spring Conference, Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, Baltimore, MD. Talarczyk, G., Rothert, M.L., Given, B., Holmes, M., Rovner, D., & Schmitt, N. (1988, April). Menopausal symptoms: What are the management strategies? Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. Rothert M.L., Talarczyk, G., Holmes, M., Rovner, D., Schmitt, N., & Given, B. (1988, April). Developing instruments to measure women's judgments regarding estrogen replacement therapy. Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. Given, B., King, S., & Collins, C. (1988, April). Measuring the relative involvement of those caring for physically impaired patients and patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. Given, B., Collins, C., & King, S. (1988, April). Adult daughters as caregivers: Reactions to multiple roles. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. King, S., Given, B., Collins, C., Given, C.W., & Stommel, M. (1987, November). Differences between husbands and wives as family caregivers. In R. Montgomery (Chair), Men as caregivers. Symposium conducted at the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. King, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Ogle, K. (1987, November). Positive reactions to family caregiving. Paper presentation at the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, B., Collins, C., & King, S. (1987, November). Risk profiles of individuals ceasing caregiving. Paper presentation at the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Given, B., & King, S. (1987, November). Predicting patient attrition from longitudinal studies of home care. Paper presentation at the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.


King, S., Collins, C., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1987, October). Program targeting for family caregivers of the dependent elderly. Paper presentation at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Ogle, K. (1987, October). Predicting of family attrition from caring for their elderly. Paper presentation at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA. Given, B., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1987, October). Development of a functional involvement scale for measuring family caregiver assistance to the elderly. Paper presentation at ANA Council of Nurse Researchers 1987 International Nursing Research Conference, Washington, DC. Given, C.W., Ogle, K., & Given, B. (1987, October). The burden of caregiving. Paper presentation at the Management of the Frail Elderly Geriatric Conference, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, Kellogg Center, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Cornwell, K. (1987, October). Development of a functional involvement scale for measuring family caregiver assistance to the elderly. Paper presentation at the ANA Council of Nursing Researchers, Nursing Advances in Health: Models, Methods, and Applications, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1987, October). Ethics and nursing research. Paper presentation at the 3rd Annual Conference, The Nursing Honor Society, College of Nursing, Madonna College, Livonia, MI. Given, C.W., Stommel, M., & Given, B. (1987, June). Spending patterns by families for the care of dependent elderly relatives living at home. Paper presentation at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research and Foundation for Health Services Research, Chicago, IL. Given, B. (1987, May). Elderly: Cancer nursing research. Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Denver, CO. Given, B. (1987, May). Chronicity: A challenge for research. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Research Symposium of the National Institute of Health, Washington, DC. Collins, C., & Given, B. (1987, April). Family caregivers of the elderly: Potential for ineffective family coping. Paper presentation at the Ohio State University 17th Annual CNR Spring Research Symposium, Columbus, OH. Given, B., Given, C.W., & King, S. (1987, April). Caregiver burden: Family management of the elderly homebound. Paper presentation at the 11th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, St. Louis, MO. King, S., Cornwell, K., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1986, November). Survey based case studies of family caregivers. Paper presentation at the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL.


Given, B., & Brunsman, C. (1986, November). Caregiver responses to managing elderly patients at home. Poster presentation at the University-Based Research on Aging Conference, East Lansing, MI. Cornwell, K., Given, B., King, S., & Given, C.W. (1986, November). Development of the functional involvement scale (FIS): Homecare assessment. Poster presentation at the 39th Annual Gerontological Society of America National Conference, Chicago, IL. Cornwell, K., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1986, November). Caring for elderly family members at home: Predicting female caregiver response. Paper presentation at the 2nd International Congress on Women's Health Issues, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Given, B. (1986, October). Who cares? The challenge for the 21st century: Family caregiving. Paper presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau 9th Annual Nursing Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1986, September 11). Theoretical basis for self-directed learning. Paper presentation at the 4th International Conference on Cancer Nursing of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, New York, NY. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1986, September). Gender differences in family caregiving for the elderly. 5th Annual Workshop and Convention "Care to the Caregivers", National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners, Santa Fe, NM. Given, B. (1986, January). Translating reality with the health care needs of elderly into faculty practice. Paper presentation at the American Academy of Nursing Faculty Practice Symposium, Clearwater Beach, FL. Given, B. (1985, October). Creating a climate for cancer patient compliance: A nursing model. Paper presentation at the 18th Annual Great Lakes Cancer Nursing Conference, Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1985, June). Predicting patient attrition from experimental nursing interventions. Paper presentation at The Measurement of Clinical and Educational Nursing Outcomes Conference, New Orleans, LA. King, S., Given, C.W., & Given B. (1985, May). Caregiver responses to managing elderly patients at home. Paper presentation at the 1st National Symposium on Home Health Care, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1984, November). Creating a climate for compliance. Paper presentation at the 6th Annual St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center Cancer Symposium, Youngstown, OH. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1983, September). Coping with chronic illness: A strategy for clinical practice. Paper presentation at Conference of the ANA Council of Nurse Researchers, Minneapolis, MN.


Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1983, February). Nursing intervention and high blood pressure control. Paper presentation at the Resources for Curriculum Development and the Teaching of Blood Pressure Management for Nurse Educators workshop, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1982, April). The effect of beliefs about therapeutic regimen upon self-care activities of hypertensive patients. Paper presentation at the 6th Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Columbus, OH. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1982, April). Patient activation for hypertensive control. Paper presentation at the Michigan Heart Association Nursing and Hypertension Workshop, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1982, March). A climate for compliance. Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Western Michigan Pharmacy Nursing Seminar, Comstock Park, MI. Given, B. (1982, March). Through the looking glass: Adventures of nurses in clinical research. Paper presentation at the Research in the 80's Symposium, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1981, December). Creating a climate for compliance. Paper presentation at the Patient Cooperation in Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Cancer Conference, Tampa, FL. Given, B. (1981, December). Quality assurance: Update. Paper presentation at the Quality Assurance in Nursing: Update and Evaluation Process Workshop, Wayne State University, Dearborn, MI. Given, B. (1981, October). Today's strategy, tomorrow's practice. Paper presentation at the Michigan Nurses Association Conference, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1981, October). New trends in cancer nursing education. Paper presentation at the American Cancer Society’s 3rd National Conference on Cancer, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (1981, June). Health belief model. Paper presentation at the Northern Michigan Regional Nurses Conference: Wellness Awareness and Health Beliefs, Higgins Lake, MI. Given, B. (1981, May). Elderly patient compliance with antihypertensive medication. Paper presentation at the Elderly with Hypertension Workshop, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (1981, April). Question: Can pursuit for excellence in nursing practice occur through research? Paper presentation at the 8th Annual Research Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (1981, February). Capricious compliance: Can we avoid it? Paper presentation at the Alpha Psi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau.


Given, B. (1980, October). Advanced nursing practice: What does it mean? Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference, Advanced Nursing Practice in Primary Care: The Family of the 80's, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1980, September). Strategies for improving patient adherence. Paper presentation at the 2nd Great Lakes Conference on High Blood Pressure, Michigan Heart Association, Southfield, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1980, June). Evaluation and evaluation research in primary care. Paper presentation at the American Nurses' Association Convention, Houston, TX. Given, B. (1980, May). Nursing practice and research: Good for what? Paper presentation at the 3rd Annual Nursing Research Symposium, Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Research Consortium, Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B., Buldain, R., & Crano, W. (1980, April). Development and validation of scales for measuring patients' knowledge and beliefs regarding participation in management of hypertension. Paper presentation at the 4th Midwest Nursing Research Conference, Kansas City, KS. Given, C.W., Given, B., Buldain, R., & Crano, W. (1980, March). Development and validation of scales for measuring patients' knowledge and beliefs regarding participation in management of hypertension. Paper presentation at the National Conference on High Blood Pressure Control, High Blood Pressure Control: Challenges for the 1980's, Houston, TX. Given, B. (1979, November). Process-outcome model for nurse practitioner in primary care. Paper presentation at American Nurses' Association, Clinical Sessions- Nursing's Contract with the Future: Practice and Research, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (1979, September). Advanced practice in primary care: Fact or fiction? Paper presentation at the 1st Annual Conference: Nurses in Advanced Nursing Practice in Primary Care, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1979, June). Primary care and the problems of conducting processoutcome studies. Paper presentation at the American Nurses' Association Invitational Conference, Evaluation Research: Assessment of Nursing Care, Ft. Mitchell, KY. Given, B. (1978, September). Patient participation: Policy for the 1980's. Paper presentation at the American Academy of Nursing Annual Meeting, Washington DC. Given, B. (1976, May). Communication with the terminally ill. Paper presentation at the Interdisciplinary Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. Given, B. (1974, May). Pathophysiology of cancer. Paper presentation at Michigan Nurse Cancer Days, Lansing, MI.

Abstracts Accepted


Given, B.A., Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., Vachon, E., Majumder, A, Krauss, J. (Accepted). Oral Targeted Cancer Drugs: Factors That Explain Treatment Interruptions. Poster presentation at APOS 13th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. March 2016. Marshall, V., Sikorskii, A., Given, B.A., Given, C.W. (Accepted). Beliefs about Medication among Patients on Oral Cancer Medication. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI. March 2016. Wierenga, K., Lehto, R. H., & Given, B. (Accepted). Heart failure causual attributions in African American women. Symposium presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Milwaukee, WI, March 2016. Abstracts Submitted Given, B.A., Sikorskii, A., Given, C.W., Vachon, E., Majumder, A, Krauss, J. (Submitted). Oral Targeted Cancer Drugs: Factors that Explain Treatment Interruptions. Oncology Nusing Society 41st Annual Congress, San Antonio, TX. April 28, 2016. Sherwood, P.R., Given, C.W., Ren, D., Weimer, J., Given, B.A., Schulz, R. (Submitted). The Impact of Caregivers’ Depression on their Physical Health. American Society of Clincal Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. June 2016.


Given, B.A. (2015, August). Deconstructing Interventions. Invited lecture at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2015, August). Symptom Intervention. Invited lecture at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2015, May). Assembing a Team: Supervision and Evaluation. Invited lecture at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2015, May). Team Science: Building Successful Research Collaborations. Invited lecture at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2015, January). Triangulation or Not. Invited lecture at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville. Given, B.A. (2013, November). PhD Study in Nursing. Invited talk to nursing class at Hope College, School of Nursing, Holland, MI. Given, B.A. (2014, October). PhD Study in Nursing. Invited talk at Hope College, Holland, MI. Given, B.A. (2014, August). Annalyzing Nursing Interventions in Research. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2014, August). Symptom Interventions. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN.


Given, B.A. (2014, May). Assembing a Team: Supervision and Evaluation. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2014, March). PhD Program at MSU. Invited talk at the APN Council Quarterly Breakfast meeting at the Gilmore Center at Bronson, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B. (2014, March). Team Science. Invited talk to Dr. Sheila Cotten’s CAS 992 Spring 2014 class, East Lansing, MI. Given, B.A. (2014, January). Triangulation or Not. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2013, October). Quality of Life Research for Family Caregivers. Invited talk at City of Hope’s: Quality of Life Research in Oncology Conference, Monrovia, CA. Given, B. (2013, October). Symptom Management. Invited James Distinguished Nurse Lecture at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Given, B. (2013, September). Nursing Research & Evidence – Based Practice The Key to Quality Patient Care. Invited talk at Michigan State University College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (2013, August). Analyzing Nursing Interventions: How Do We Know We Make a Difference? Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2013, August). Center for Innovation and Research – Nursing/Translation Proposal Information Session. Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI Given, B. (2013, August). Center for Innovation and Research – Research Proposal Information Session. Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI Given, B. (2013, August). Center for Innovation and Research – Research Proposal Information Session. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Given, B. (2013, July). Center for Innovation and Research – Nursing/Translation Proposal Information Session. Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI Given, B. (2013, January). Building a Research Team. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2013, January). Center for Innovation - A partnership between MSU and Sparrow. Invited talk at the College of Nursing Research Seminar. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (2013, January). Mixed Methods - Triangulation. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN.


Given, B. (2013, January). The Sparrow/Michigan State University Center for Innovation and Research. Invited talk at the Medical Staff Executive Committee meeting, Sparrow Health Systems. Lansing, MI. Given, B. (2013, January). The Sparrow/Michigan State University Center for Innovation and Research.Invited talk at the President’s Advisory Council, Sparrow Health Systems. Lansing, MI Given, B.A. (2012, December). Barriers to breast cancer treatment. Presentation at the Capital Area Health Alliance’s Community Collaboration: Increasing Cancer Screening of Underserved Populations. East Lansing, MI. Given, B., Given, C. (2012, November). Monitoring and management of side effects for medication safety and adherence. Invited talk at Millennium. Boston, MA. Given, B.A. (2012, October). Optimizing health care outcomes: interdisciplinary team research. Invited Gentile Lecturer at Hope College, School of Nursing, Holland, MI. Given, B.A. (2012, October). PhD study in nursing. Invited talk at Hope College, School of Nursing, Holland, MI. Given, B.A., Grant, M., Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W. (2012, October). Adherence with oral cancer drugs. Invited talk at Hope College, School of Nursing, Holland, MI. Given, B. (2012, September). The Sparrow/Michigan State University Center for Innovation and Research. Invited talk at the Family Medicine Executive Research Committee meeting, Sparrow Health Systems. Lansing, MI. Given, B.A. (2012, August). Analyzing nursing interventions in our research: do we do enough? Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Chowdhary, S.A., Given, B.A. (2012, February). There is no magic to mentoring. Invited talk at University of Pittsburgh T32 Visiting Scholar Program, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, B.A., Sikorskii, A., Given, C. (2012, February). Managing symptoms during treatment for women with breast cancer. Invited talk at Michigan State University’s Women’s Health Research Conference, East Lansing, MI. Given, B.A. (2012, January). Mixed methods-triangulation. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2011, October). Research for the nurse in clinical practice. Invited talk at Allegiance Health, Jackson Michigan. Given, B. (2011, October). PhD study in nursing. Invited talk at Hope College, Holland, MI. Given, B.A. (2011, May). NIH grants: view from a reviewer. Invited talk at the University of Pittsburgh’s Cancer Survivorship Scholars Series, Pittsburgh, PA.


Given, B.A., (2011, May). Building a research team. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B., Given, C.W. (2011, May). Adverse events & symptoms reports: information needs for clinical interpretation and decisions. Invited talk at MSU Breslin Cancer Center, Lansing MI. Given, B.A., (2011, January). Mixed methods-triangulation (multi methods). Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A., (2011, January). Update at NIH. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B., Given, C.W. (2010, May). Adverse Events & Symptoms Reports: Information Needs for Clinical Interpretation and Decisions. Invited talk at MSU Breslin Cancer Center, Lansing MI. Given, B.A., (2011, January). Mixed Methods-Triangulation (Multi Methods). Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A., (2011, January). Update at NIH. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2010, November). Research for the nurse in clinical practice. Invited talk at Sparrow Hospital’s Nursing Excellence Autumn Symposium, Bath, MI. Given, B. (2010, November). Building a successful program of research. Invited talk at Behavioral Cooperative Onocology Group Fall 2010 Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2010, November). Family caregiving. Dyadic Processes Across the Cancer Continuum Workship, National Cancer Institute Conference, Bethesda, MD. Given, B.A., Grant, M, Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., & Ahn, S.Z. (2010, October). Issues in adherence to oral biologics. Invited talk at the 6th Annual Chicago Supportive Oncology Conference, Chicago, IL. Given, B.A., Grant, M., Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., & Ahn, S.Z. (2010, August). Adherence and symptom management for oral agents for cancer. Invited talk at City of Hope, Duarte, CA Given, B.A. (2010, August). Analyzing nursing interventions in our research: Do we do enough? Invited video presentation to Doctoral Students at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Given, B.A. (2010, August). Changes in NIH grant reviews. Invited talk at BCOG 2010 Summer Conference, Columbus, OH. Given, B.A. (2010, August). Dissemination and implementation. Invited talk at BCOG 2010 Summer Conference, Columbus, OH.


Given, B. (June 2010). Family and caregiver needs over the course of the cancer part of session: Family Members and Caretakers: Helping the Family and Helping the Family Help the Patient. Presentation at the 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting Chicago, IL. Given, B. (2010, June). Cancer caregiving in diverse populations, future research for survivorship, part of session Cancer Caregiving: Understanding and Reaching Diverse Populations at National Cancer Institute: 5th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Washington DC. Given, B. (2010, May). Team science. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & You, M. (2010, May). Examining the mechanisms through which technology based interventions foster self care for cancer patients. Invited talk at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, B. Spoelstra, S., Given, C.W., Grant, M., & Ahn, S.Z. (2010, April). Interventions to improve adherence and symptoms for oral agents. Invited talk at Oral Chemotherapy Adherence Workshop, Harvard’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA. Given, B. Grant, M., Given, C.W., Spoelstra, S., & Ahn, S.Z. (2010, April). Adherence and symptoms for oral chemotherapeutic agents. Invited talk at BAHO Committee Meeting held at the NSABP Group Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (2010, March). Symptom science: Where are you? Keynote address at Symptom Management Research: The Past, the Present, and the Future, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. (2010, January). Changes in NIH grant submissions: Are you ready? Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2010, January). Triangulation in research. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2008, June). Research: Why me: I am a clinician. Invited talk at Ingham Hospital, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (2008, May). Building a successful program of research. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2008, May). Maintaining successful funding for programs of research. Invited talk at the Indiana University Grant Boot Camp, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, April). Managing symptoms during chemotherapy: Understanding the response. Invited talk at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Given, B. (2008, March). Intervention research challenges. Invited talk at Indiana University R605 Advanced Research Design Class via the Internet.


Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, March). Caregivers: Symptom management intervention. Presented as part of the Workshop How to promote male and female partnerships to face cancer: Gender-based family caregiver interventions, American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, B., & Given, C. (2008, March). Deconstruction of a nursing intervention: Examining the mechanisms of action. Invited talk at Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, NC. Given, B. (February, 2008). Caregiving stress: What do caregivers need? Invited talk at Henry Ford Hospital Gerontology Nursing Conference, Detroit, MI. Given, B., & Given, C., Radziewicz, R., Rose, J., O’Toole, E. (2008, February). Establishing and maintaining treatment fidelity in psycho behavioral cancer interventions. Workshop American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Jeon, S. (2008, February). Managing cancer symptoms during treatment: The trial measures for practice and research, potential cost savings, next steps. Invited talk at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. Kim, Y., Clark, K., Loscalzo, M., & Given, B. (2008, February). How to Promote male and female partnerships to face cancer: Gender-based family caregiver interventions. Workshop presented at American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, C., & Given, B. (2008, January). Development of symptom specific responses for testing symptom management interventions- cancer as a model for chronic disease. Invited talk at the Aging Research Brown Bag Series at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C. (2007, November). Symptom management for cancer patients: A nursing intervention. Invited talk at the Lowin Vesting Scholar Lecture, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. Given, B. (2007, November). Building a successful program of research. Invited talk at the Lowin Vesting Scholar Lecture, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. Byma, E., Given, B., & Given, C. (2007, November). Pre-doctoral fellowship report: Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group. Invited talk at BCOG Annual Conference, Walther Cancer Institute, Indianapolis, IN. McDaniel, A., Given, C., & Given, B. (2007, November). Web-based symptom management for cancer patients. Invited talk at BCOG Annual Conference, Walther Cancer Institute, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2007, October). Building a successful program of research. Invited talk at the Grand Valley State University College of Nursing, Grand Rapids, MI. Given, B., Given, C., Sikorskii, A., & Jeon, S. (2007, August). How effective are nursing administered cogintive behavioral interventions? Invited talk at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston, TX.


Given, C., Given, B., & Sikorskii, A. (2007, August). Symptom management during chemotherapy: RCT’s to test theory and specify effects. Invited talk at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston, TX. Given, B. (2007, June). Students employees vs students. Invited talk at Indiana University Boot Camp, School of Nursing, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., (2007, June). NIH update. Invited talk at Indiana University Boot Camp, School of Nursing, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2007, April). Caregiver stress: An issue for women. Invited talk at Women’s Day Conference hosted by Department of Internal Medicine, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (March, 2007). Aging and cancer: Relationship to treatment. Society of Behavioral Medicine Meeting Pre-Conference Symposium, Washington, DC. Given, B. (February, 2007). Symptom management during RCT. Invited talk at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center Division of Population Sciences, Duarte, CA. Given, B. (October, 2006). Family caregiving for elderly patients with cancer: Existing knowledge and needed research. Invited talk at IOM National Cancer Policy Forum, Washington, DC. Given, B. (September, 2006). Symptom management: Improving outcomes. Invited talk at By Design - Michigan State University Nursing Alumni and Homecoming, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (May, 2006). Do nurses make a difference? How will we know? Invited talk at the MSU CON 4th Annual Scholarship Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (April, 2006). Caring for the older person with cancer: Maximizing our care. Invited talk at Evidence-Based Practice for the Aging Population: A Nursing Research Seminar at the Veterans Administration, Dayton, OH. Given, C., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Powers, R.W. (April, 2006). Symptom management during chemotherapy: RCT’s to test theory and specify effects. Invited talk at the National Cancer Institute Cancer Control Monthly Seminar, Bethesda, MD. Waltman, N., & Given, B. (April, 2006). Prevention of falls and fractures in post menopausal breast cancer survivors- a critique. Invited talk at at ONS Critique Session Given, B. (March, 2006). Disparities – health disparities in aging. Invited talk at Health Disparities: Future Directions for Behavioral Medicine Pre-day Conference, San Francisco, CA. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sikorskii, A., & Powers, R.W. (March, 2006). Symptom management during chemotherapy: RCT’s to test theory and specify effects. Invited talk at Cancer Control Section of the Arthur James Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


Given, B. (January, 2006). Workshop on the science and practice of informal caregiving. Faculty Researcher Presenter at the VA Care Coordination Forum sponsored by Veterans Affairs and NCI, Washington, DC. Bowman, K.F., & Given, B. (November, 2005). Research in cancer and aging informal ig: Aging issues in end of life interventions with older cancer patients and families. Symposium Presentation. The 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL. Given, B., & Given, C. (November, 2005). Documenting Nursing interventions for symptom management. Invited talk to Aurora Health System Grant at the School of Nursing in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. Given, B., & Given, C. (November, 2005). Automated symptom screening system. Invited talk to Aurora Health System Grant at the School of Nursing in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. Given, B., & Given, C. (November, 2005). Automated patient and education toolkit. Invited talk to Aurora Health System Grant at the School of Nursing in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. Given, B. (November, 2005). Family care program of research. Invited talk at PhD Seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given C. (November, 2005). Cognitive behavioral interventions - challenges to interpretation. Invited talk at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, NY. Given, B. (June 2005). Decisions about publishing. Paper presentation to Center for Enhancing Quality on Life in Chronic Illness (CEQOL) Boot Camp, Indiana University, School of Nursing, Indianapolis, IN. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (June, 2005). Patient centered cancer care: Linking psychosocial interventions to clinical care. Paper presentation at Ingham Medical Regional Center Oncology Grand Rounds, Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (June, 2005). The challenges in demonstrating behavior interventions in symptom management. Invited talk at Northwestern University. Chicago, IL. Given, B. (May, 2005). Getting that grant funded. Paper presentation at a Faculty Seminar, University of Wisconsin, School of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (May 2005). Psychosocial research-integrating aging and cancer: Past, present and future. Paper presentation to Case Cancer and Aging Group at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (April, 2005). Effect of a behavioral intervention on symptom management. Distinguished lecture Paper presentation at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.


Given, C.W., Given, B.A., Sikorskii, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (March, 2005). How does a cognitive behavioral intervention fit in clinical cancer care: Results of a randomized trial. Invited talk at American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (February, 2005). Helping those with chronic illness and their families to ‘live’ through their disease. Paper presentation at Michigan State University Founder’s Day Celebration, East Lansing, MI. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W., & Given B. (November, 2004). Prevalence and predictors of advance care planning among women with breast cancer. Paper presentation at End of Life Seminar, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (November, 2004). Caring for the caregiver: Strategies to provide support. Paper presentation at the Spirituality Seminar Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (November, 2004). Dear study section: How are you today? Paper presentation at the Michigan State University Research Retreat, East Lansing, MI. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, C.W. & Given, B. (October, 2004). Advance care planning: Experience of women with breast cancer. Invited talk at Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Annual Fall Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Given, C.W., Given, B., Jeon, S., & Sikorskii, A. (October, 2004). Out of the black box: A work in progress. Paper presentation at Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Annual Fall Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., Wyatt, G, Gift, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon S. (September, 2004). The impact of end-of-life care on caregivers of family members with cancer. Poster presentation at Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (August, 2004). MSU college of nursing on the road for growth. Paper presentation at the Michigan State University College of Nursing Roadmap Group Meeting, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (June, 2004). Caregiving: Juggling life while caring for a loved one. Paper presentation at the It’s All About You Conference at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (June, 2004). Getting that grant funded. Paper presentation at CEQL Grant Writing Boot Camp Sessions, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (May, 2004). Nursing: The power and opportunity to make a difference. Paper presentation at Mt. Clemens Hospital Nurse Week, Mt. Clemens, MI. Given, B. (May, 2004). Psychosocial issues faced by caregivers of cancer patients. Paper presentation at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Given, B., Given, C.W., & Espinosa, C. (May, 2004). A case management approach to symptom management for patients in cancer treatment. Paper presentation at Blue Cross Blue Shield, Southfield, MI.


Doorenbos, A.Z., Given, B., Given, C.W., Wyatt, G., Gift, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (April, 2004). Impact of end-of-life care for caregivers of individuals with cancer. Paper presentation at the End of Life Seminar, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (March, 2004). Nursing interventions: Out of the black box. Paper presentation at the Michigan State University College of Nursing Research Seminar, East Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (March, 2004). Symptom management for patients on chemotherapy: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Paper presentation at Michigan State University Grand Rounds Meeting, East Lansing, MI. Sherwood, P., Given, B., Doorenbos, A.Z., & Given, C.W. (March, 2004). Forgotten voices: Gaining insight from bereaved caregivers. Paper presentation at the End of Life Seminar Series, Michigan State University. Lansing, MI Given, C.W., Given, B., Doorenbos, A.Z., & Sherwood, P. (2003, November). Integrated and comparative data from two cancer randomized clinical trials. Paper presentation at Mary Margaret Walther Program Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Fall Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Given, C.W., Given, B., Sherwood, P., & Doorenbos, A.Z. (2003, November). Integrated/ comparative data. Paper presentation at the Annual Fall Conference of the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group. Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2003, June). Anatomy of a grant proposal. Paper presentation at Indiana University R01 Grant Writing Boot Camp, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2003, June). Getting that grant funded. Paper presentation at Indiana University R01 Grant Writing Boot Camp, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2003, June). Protection of our patients. Paper presentation at Indiana University R01 Grant Writing Boot Camp, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2003, April). Partners in care: Families caring for cancer patients. Paper presentation at College of Nursing Open House, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B., Cimprich, B., Galecki, A., Rahbar, M., & Jeon, S. (2003, March). Managing depression among cancer patients: Tests of a behavioral trial. Paper presentation at University of Michigan Institute of Gerontology, Ann Arbor, MI. Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., Given, B., Von Eye, A., & Murman, D. (2003). Medicaid enrollment and survival following the diagnosis of a primary malignant brain tumor. Invited talk in Categorical Data Analysis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (2002, December). Building a successful program of research. Presented at the University of Texas video conference call, December 4, 2002, East Lansing, MI.


Given, C.W., Given, B., Rahbar, M., McCorkle, B., & Cimprich, B. (2002, November). Interaction between symptom severity and emotional quality of life among cancer patients: Results of a randomized trial. In S. Rawl (Chair), Exploring the link between HRQL and depression in cancer: Research of the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Orlando, FL. Sherwood, P., & Given, B. (2002, October). Pre-doc report: May, 2002 through October, 2002. Invited talk at the Annual meeting of the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2002). Fatigue and anemia for patient and family: Nursing interventions. Invited talk at Anemia Management Seminar, Amgen Pharmaceuticals, Benton Harbor, MI. Given, B. (2002, September). Getting that grant funded. Invited talk to Faculty at Indiana University at the Annual Research Day, Indianapolis, IN. Scholnik, A., Given, C.W., Patterson, P., Given, B., & He, J. (2002, September). Primary care providers’ attitudes about cancer clinical treatment trials. Invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Cancer Consortium, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., Scholnik, A., Patterson, P., & Sherwood, P. (2002, September). Primary care provider’s attitudes about cancer treatment clinical trials. Invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Cancer Consortium, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (2002, June). Psychosocial issues faced by caregivers, family and friends of breast cancer patients. Invited talk at the Reaching For The Cure® Innovations in Quality Care seminar for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Washington, DC. Champion, V., Giesler, B., Rawl, S., Johnson, M., Miller, A., Given, B., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S., & Weinrich, S. (2001, October). Differences in quality of life indicators by type of prostate treatment. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Giesler, B., Given, B., Given, C.W., Rawl, S., Burns, D., Kozachik, S., Weinrich, S., & Champion, V. (2001, October). Morbidity and bother associated with brachytherapy for prostate cancer. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (2001, October). In need of care: The family caregiver. Keynote Paper presentation at the St. Louis University School of Nursing Annual Research Conference, St. Louis, MS. Kozachik, S., Given, C.W., Wyatt, G., & Given, B. (2001, October). Use and efficacy of complementary therapy among patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Riess-Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S., & Given, B. (2001, October). Comparison of delivery methods for supportive care. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN.


Spaniolo, S., Given, C.W., Given, B., & Wojcik, C. (2001, October). Symptoms, function, and quality of life among persons with advanced cancer: Biweekly changes over a ten week follow-up interval. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Tierney, W., & Given, B. (2001, October). Patient and family member involvement in cancer care. Paper presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Weinrich, M., Weinrich, S., Giesler, B., Given, B., Given, C.W., Rawl, S., Osbourne, S., Miller, B., Musick, B., Burns, D., Kozachik, S., & Champion, V. (2001, October). Patient and partner perceptions of sexual functioning following treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Weinrich, S., Weinrich, M., Giesler, B., Given, B., Given, C.W., Rawl, S., Osborne, S., Miller, B., Musick, B., Burns, D., Kozachik, S., & Champion, V. (2001, October). Sexual functioning following prostate cancer treatment. Poster presentation at the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Colloquium, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., (2001, September). Building a successful program of research. Paper presentation at the Wright State School of Nursing, Dayton, OH. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2001, August). Elderly patients with cancer: Changes in symptoms and function during the year following diagnosis. Invited talk at Oregon Health Sciences University, School of Nursing, John A. Hartford Foundation Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, Portland, OR. Given, B. (2001, July). Informal caregiving for the chronically ill. Paper presentation at the meeting of the NINR/NIH Research in Informal Caregiving: State of the Science Workgroup, Bethesda, MD. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (2001, July). Family care for patients with cancer: A review of research and future directions. Invited talk at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Derald H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, New York, NY. Huang, S., Osuch, J., Given, B., Barry, H., Holtrop, J., Swanson, M., & Pathak, D. (2001, June). Breast cancer screening in three michigan family practice clinics. Poster presentation at the SER meeting Given, B. (2001, May). Victoria Champion: 2001 ONS distinguished researcher. Award presentation at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society’s 26th Annual Congress, San Diego, CA. Given, B. (2001, April). Families care. Invited talk at a meeting of the Walther Cancer Institute donors, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B., Given, C.W., Kozachik, S., White, N., Champion, V., & Rawl, S. (2001, February). Conducting multi-site intervention research: Standardizing the intervention across sites. In S. Rawl (Chair), Conducting Multi-site Intervention Research: Accrual, Data Management and


Quality Assurance. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society’s 6th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Kozachik, S., Given, B., Given, C.W., Champion, V., & Rawl, S. (2001, February). Building the collaborative research team. In S. Rawl (Chair), Conducting Multi-site Intervention Research: Accrual, Data Management and Quality Assurance. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society’s 6th National Conference on Cancer Nursing, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Given, B. (2000, October). Conceptual model of symptom management. Invited talk at the Oncology Nursing Society, PRISM Symptom Management Summit, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, B. (2000, October). Family caregivers: How do they relate to cancer patient care? Invited talk at the National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Survivorship/ Behavioral Research Program, Family Supplement Meeting, Rockville, MD. Given, B. (1999, October). Policy, where are the researchers? Paper presentation at Michigan State University College of Nursing Faculty Seminar, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1999, June). Intervention research methodological challenges. Paper presentation at Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (1999, May). Advanced practice home care nurses. Paper presentation at the University of Washington Adult Home Care program, Seattle, WA. Given, B. & Given, C.W. (1999, August). Improving family care for cancer: The science of supportive care interventions. Invited talk at the Midwest CCOP Consortium, University of Michigan CCOP Research Base, Worthington, OH. Given, B. (1999, May). Nursing interventions for the rural cancer patients: Using a computer based system. Invited talk at the University of Washington Adult Home Care program, Seattle, WA. Given, B. (1999, March). Family care-givers learning to care. Paper presentation at Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research: Aid in decision making and management of cancer, Capitol Hill, WA. Given B., & Given, C.W. (1998, November). Cancer nursing interventions for patients in rural areas: Methodological issues in testing nursing sensitive outcomes. Paper presentation at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, November). Family caregiver contributions to cancer care: The cost is caregiver burden. Paper presentation at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, November). Families as partners in care. Paper presentation at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinical Cancer Center, Iowa City, IA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, October 9). Portraits of survivorship family caregivers. Paper presentation at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinical Care Center, Iowa City, IA.


Given, B. & Given, C.W. (1998, September). Caregiver responses to care: Fatigue, burden, depression. Oncology Nursing Society, Paper presentation at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, April). Quality of life issues for cancer patients and their families. Paper presentation at the Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan and the Leukemia Society of America, Michigan Chapter, Southfield, MI. Given, B. (1998, March). Psychosocial intervention research: Are we up to the methodological challenges? Paper presentation at the Cancer Control Group, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (1998, February). Intervention research: Are we up to the methodological challenges? Paper presentation at Rutgers University Lecture Series, Newark, NJ. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1998, February). Symptom experience of newly diagnosed elderly cancer patients. Paper presentation at the Research Center for Symptom Management Advisory Committee, University of California, San Francisco, CA. Given, B. & Given, C.W. (1997, December). Elderly cancer patients: What are their care needs? Invited Paper presentation at the Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Given, B. (1997, November). Elderly cancer patients: What are their needs? Invited talk at the University of Nebraska Medical School, Omaha, NE. Given, B. (1997, November). Nursing interventions for the rural cancer patients: Using a computer based system. Invited talk at the University of Nebraska Medical School, Omaha, NE. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1997, November). Family caregivers as partners with the care team. Invited talk at the University of Nebraska Medical School, Omaha, NE. Given, B. (1997, October). Web of discovery: Using the internet to improve nursing practice and education. Paper presentation at the College of Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1997, August). Managed care educational opportunities. Paper presentation at the Michigan Primary Care Association 18th Annual Meeting and Board Training Conference Managing Change with Care II, Traverse City, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1997, July). Survivorship for aging patients with cancer. Invited Paper presentation at the President’s Cancer Panel, Concerns of Special Populations in the National Cancer Program: Cancer in the Aging Population, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (1997, June). Building a program of research. Invited Paper presentation at the Cancer Prevention & Control Program, Cancer Center, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE.


Given, B. (1997, March). Continuing needs of elderly cancer patients: Early treatment and follow-up. Invited Paper presentation at the Sparrow Regional Cancer Center Meeting, Sparrow Hospital, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1997, February). The family caregiver: The hidden patient. Paper presentation at the University of Maryland Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD. Given, B. (1997, January). Considerations in designing nurse-sensitive indicators in outcomes research: Models of care. Keynote Paper presentation at the 4th National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research, Panama City, FL. Given, B. (1996, October). Today’s chaos is tomorrow’s opportunity. Invited talk at “Challenges of Advanced Nursing Practice in Today’s World: Practitioners Defining their Roles,” MSU College of Nursing Homecoming Conference, Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1996, September). Family home care for cancer-a community-based model. Congressional Poster Session at the Science in Service to the Nation’s Health Symposium, National Institute of Nursing Research, Washington, DC. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, June). Older women with breast cancer: Symptoms and function. Paper presentation at the Breast Cancer and Aging Research Retreat, Psychosocial and Behavioral Issues, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (1996, May). Cancer care by family caregivers: Can we influence the outcome? Paper presentation at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1996, April). Supportive studies of cancer patients. Paper presentation at the Michigan State University Cancer Treatment Consortium, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1996, February). Transitional care: Relationship between research and practice. Roundtable discussion as Visiting Professor in Oncology at the Royal Victoria Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Cancer patients symptomatology and its impact on caregivers: A longitudinal analysis. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology, Royal Victoria Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Demands of home care on family caregivers. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology, Royal Victoria Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Elderly cancer care. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology, Gerald Bronfman Centre, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Impact of home care on families: Building a program of research. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology, McGill University, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Impact of patient disabilities and care demands upon caregivers: Health outcomes of caregivers. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology, Montreal General Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1996, February). Transitional care from hospital to home: Patient disability, use of home care services and family preparedness. Paper as Visiting Professor in Oncology at St. Mary’s Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Given, B. (1995, December). Prediction of recovery: Can we assist the elderly? Paper presentation at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, B. (1995, November). Family home care for cancer: A community-based model. Paper presentation at St. Mary’s Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI. White, N., & Given, B. (1995, November). The advanced practice nurse: Meeting the educational needs of the rural cancer patient. Paper presentation at the American Association for Cancer Education, Tampa, FL. Given, B. (1995, October). Family caregiver and patient responses to recurrent disease. Paper presentation at City of Hope, Duarte, CA. Given, B. (1995, September). Oncology related healthcare reform. Paper presentation at The Oncology Experience: Healing with Hope, Munson Medical Center, Acme, MI. Given, B. (1995, September). Symptom management: The key to outcomes and cost containment. Paper presentation at Oncology into the Next Century, Western Michigan Cancer Center, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B. (1995, April). Believing and dreaming to improve cancer care: ONS distinguished researcher session. Paper presentation at the 20th Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim, CA. Given, B. (1995, March). A call to action: Research and policy. Keynote paper presentation at Advancing Knowledge in Serious Illness Through Nursing Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B. (1995, March). Issues for family caregivers. Paper presentation at Advancing Knowledge in Serious Illness Through Nursing Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B. (1995, February). The legislative process: Where to get involved. Paper presentation at the ONS Government Relations Legislative Education Program, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1994, May). Family involvement in cancer care. Paper presentation at "Cancer Care in the 1990s: Nurses Make a Difference" conference at Pennock Hospital, Hastings, MI; South Haven Community Hospital, South Haven, MI; and Allegan General Hospital, Allegan, MI.


Given, B. (1995, April 8). Broadening your chapter's parameters for programming. Symposium member at the Region 4 Assembly, Sigma Theta Tau International, Evanston, IL. Farran, C., Hinshaw, A. S., Buckwalter, K., Given, B. & Stevenson, J. (1995, April). Orchestrating your research career: Middle and later phases. Panel member at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Kansas City, MO. Given, B. (1994, October). Family involvement in cancer care. Invited talk at the Traverse Bay Region ONS Chapter, Petoskey, MI. Given, B. (1994, September). Care of the patient with fatigue. Invited talk at the Southwestern Michigan Oncology Interest Group, St. Joseph, MI. Given, B. (1994, February). Transitional care: Maximizing clinical outcomes. Invited talk at the 3rd Annual Research Day "Chronic Health Conditions: Transitions in Care,” Mayo Foundation Continuing Nursing Education, Winona State University, and Kappa Mu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Rochester, MN. Given, B. (1994, February). Building a research team: Is there a blueprint? Invited talk at the Third Annual Research Day "Chronic Health Conditions: Transitions in Care," Mayo Foundation Continuing Nursing Education, Winona State University, and Kappa Mu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Rochester, MN. Given, B. (1993, October). Opportunities: Research career. Paper presentation at School of Nursing, University of Iowa (Visiting Faculty), Iowa City, IA. Given, B. (1993, October). Transition care for dependent elderly: Secondary careers and skilled home care. Paper presentation at School of Nursing, University of Iowa (Visiting Faculty), Iowa City, IA. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1993, April). Family cost of cancer care: Time and money. Paper presentation at the MSU Cancer Treatment Consortium, Saginaw Sheraton, Saginaw, MI. Given, B. (1993, January). Family home and supportive care for breast cancer: What is the cost? Paper presented at the President's Cancer Panel Special Commission on Breast Cancer, Atlanta, GA. Given, B. (1992, October). Life span challenges: The aging. Paper presentation at "Windows on our Global Future Human, Urban, and Regional Development,” College of Social Sciences 30th Anniversary Celebration, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., Collins, C., King, S., Pohl, J. & Stommel, M. (1992, August). Predictors of informal care use by the elderly following hospital discharge. Paper presentation at "A Celebration of Nursing," Sigma Theta Tau, Washington, DC. Pohl, J., Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992, May). Adult daughters' transition to caregiving for their disabled mothers. In C. Collins (Chair), Role transitions in family care of the elderly. Symposium


conducted at the meeting of the International Nursing Research conference, Sigma Theta Tau, Columbus, OH. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992, May). Transition care from hospital to home: Patient disability, use of home care services and family preparedness. In C. Collins (Chair), Role transitions in family care of the elderly. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Nursing Research conference, Sigma Theta Tau, Columbus, OH. Given, B. (1992, April). Assessment of barriers and facilitators in screening for breast cancer: A worksite approach. Paper presentation at The Michigan Leadership Summit: The Challenge of Breast Cancer, Detroit, MI. Given, B., McCorkle, R., & Given, C.W. (1992, April). Are home care needs being met? Paper presentation at the Invitational Workshop on the Costs of Continuing Cancer Care for American Families, Applied Research Branch of the National Cancer Institute, Washington, DC. Given, B. (1992, March). The cancer survival kit for families and patients. Paper presentation at the 2nd Annual Current Issues in Oncology Care Conference, Lansing, MI. Given, B., Stommel, M., & Given, C.W. (1992, March). Family costs of cancer care. Paper presentation at the American Cancer Society's 34th Annual Science Writer's Seminar, St. Petersburg, FL. Given, B. (1992, February). Contrasts among four community breast cancer projects: What worked and what didn’t. Paper presentation at the 42nd Annual Director's, Battle Creek, MI. Given, B. (1992, January). Family costs of cancer care, can we contain them? Paper presentation at The Greater Lansing Area Oncology Nursing Society Chapter, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1992, January). Cost containment in health care: Does anyone care about family costs? Paper presentation at The Center for Meaning and Health, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1991, May). Family care: How to provide support to families. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of Cooperative Extension, Gull Lake, MI. Given, B. (1991, April). A mosaic of research opportunities. Paper presentation at Boston College. Invited visiting scholar, Boston College, Boston, MA. Given, B. (1991, April). Breast cancer, mammograms, and you. Paper to the Clerical Technical Union of Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1991, April). Family caregiver stress: Victim or victor. Paper presentation at Beth Israel Hospital, Boston. Invited visiting scholar, Boston College, Boston, MA. Given, B. (1991, April). Sharing the care: Professional vs. family. Paper presentation at Boston College. Invited visiting scholar, Boston College, Boston, MA.


Given, B. (1991, April). The nurse practitioner and life time scholar. Paper presentation at Boston College. Invited visiting scholar, Boston College, Boston, MA. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1991, April). Cancer survivorship: Long term effects on family caregivers. Invited talk at Oncology Symposium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1991, April). Family supportive care for cancer patients. Paper presentation at Michigan State University Surgical Grand Rounds at St. Lawrence Hospital, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1990, October). Sharing the care: Families coping with cancer. Invited talk at the 1st Annual Fall Institute, Oncology Nursing Society, Chicago, IL. Keilman, L., & Given, B. (1990, June). Family caregivers' expression of spirituality as an anchor for the caregiving experience. Paper presentation at Blueprints VII elderfair: Pathways for elder care, Temple University Geriatric Education Center of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Given, B. (1990, May). The care demands on women. Paper presentation at Women's Health Issues for the 21st Century, the Michigan Chapters of Sigma Theta Tau International, Dearborn, MI. Given, B. (1990, April). Sharing the care: Family reactions to caring for the dependent elderly. Invited talk at the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Veterans' Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN. Keilman, L., & Given, B. (1990, April). A comparative analysis of spirituality and depression in family caregivers of physically impaired elderly and individuals with cancer. Paper presentation at Human Ecology: Strategies for the Future, Society for Human Ecology, East Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1990, March). Caregiver utilization of community service: Implications for practice. Paper presentation at Greater Lansing VNS, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1989, August). When your parents need help! Caring options and resources for elderly parents. Invited Paper presentation at Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Seminars, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B, Collins, C., King, S., & Stommel, M. (1989, June). National survey of caregivers: Summary of findings. Paper presentation at Perfecting Our Image, Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan, Detroit, MI. Given, B., Given, C.W., Keilman, L., & Vredevoogd, J. (1989, April). Family involvement in caring for elderly: Do negative reactions occur? Paper presentation at Elder care: Today's research, tomorrow's practice, The Center for the Advancement of Nursing Practice at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA. Given, B., Collins, C., Given, C.W., Ellis, B., & Stommel, M. (1989, April). Prediction of caregiver well-being. In J. Stevenson (Chair), Major issues of eldercare: Cognition, function, and well-


being. Symposium at the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, B., Collins, C., & Given, C.W. (1989, April). Predictors of caregivers' depression to institutionalize elderly family members. In C. Collins (Chair), The transition from family in-home care to institutional care of the elderly. Symposium at the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cincinnati, OH. Elgood, J., King, S., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1989, April). Caregiver perceptions of the importance of community services in preventing institutionalization of elderly family members. In C. Collins (Chair), The transition from family in-home care to institutional care of the elderly. Symposium at the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cincinnati, OH. Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1989, March). Who cares for the elderly? The family: Who cares? Invited talk at the Michigan State University College of Human Ecology and Michigan Council on Human/Family Relations, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., Collins, C., & King, S. (1989, March). The impact of institutionalization of the elderly on the well-being of family caregivers. In C. Collins (Chair), The transition from family in-home care to institutional care of the elderly. Symposium at Family care: Research and policy agendas for the 1990s, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Elgood, J., Collins, C., & King, S. (1989, March). Caregiver perceptions of the importance of community services in preventing institutionalization of elderly family members. In C. Collins, (Chair), The transition from family in-home care to institutional care of the elderly. Symposium at Family care: Research and policy agendas for the 1990s, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., Collins, C., & King, S. (1989, March). Predictors of caregivers' decision to institutionalize elderly family members. In C. Collins, (Chair), The transition from family in-home care to institutional care of the elderly. Symposium at Family care: Research and policy agendas for the 1990s, Michigan State University Department of Family Practice and College of Nursing, East Lansing, MI. Given, B., King, S., & Collins, C. (1988, November). Understanding and supporting family caregiving. Paper presentation at the Aging of America: Implications for the Future of Health Care, Visiting Nurse Services of Southern Michigan, Battle Creek Health System, Battle Creek, MI. Stommel, M., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (1988, August). A description of family members and their patients with Alzheimer's Disease and an examination of their use of medical and community services. Paper presentation at the National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, MD. King, S., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1988, June). Topics in geriatric nursing. Invited talk at Kith Haven Nursing Home, Flint, MI.


Collins, C., Given, B., & King, S. (1988, April). Measuring the behaviors of elderly patients with physical illnesses and of patients with Alzheimer's Disease that influence caregivers' reactions to their caregiving role. In B. Given (Chair), Development of measures for use in caregiver research. A symposium conducted at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. King, S., Collins, C., & Given, B. (1988, April). Measuring the reactions of caregivers of the elderly physically impaired patients and of patients with Alzheimer's Disease. In B. Given (Chair), Development of measures for use in caregiver research. A symposium conducted at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. Given, B.A., King, S., & Collins, C. (1988, April). Measurement and comparison of family members involvement caring for patients with physical impairments and those with Alzheimer’s disease. In B. Given (Chair), Development of measures for use in caregiver research. A symposium conducted at the 12th Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Wichita, KS. Given, B. (1988, January). Family members' reactions to caring for the elderly: A conceptual and methodological perspective. Paper presentation at School of Nursing, Center for Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1987, October). The caregiver: A profile. Paper presentation at the Senior Services, Inc. "Best of Care Conference," College of Health and Human Services, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Given, B. (1986, October). A brave new world. Paper presentation at the Annual Convention of the Michigan Non-Profit Homes Association, Grand Rapids, MI. Given, B. (1986, June). 2006: A brave new world. Invited talk at Michigan State University College of Nursing & the Michigan Nurses' Association Advanced Nursing Practice Day, E. Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1985, August). Creating a climate for compliance among cancer patients. Paper presentation at a Royal Marsden Hospital Seminar, London, England. Given, B. (1983, November). Through the looking glass: Adventures of clinical research. Keynote presentation at Research Day, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1983, October). Strategies for promoting patient compliance. Invited talk at Great Lakes Conference on High Blood Pressure Control, Minneapolis, MN. Given, B. (1980, December). Quality assurance: Examination of the concept. Paper presentation at Advanced Quality Assurance Seminar, Wayne State University College of Nursing, Dearborn, MI. Given, B. (1980, November). Psychosocial influences on nutritional status for cancer patients. Paper presentation at Nursing Care of the Cancer Patient with Nutritional Problems, Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH.


Given, B. (1980, October). The key is education. Paper presentation at Advances in Oncology Nursing: 1980, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI. Given, C.W., Given, B., Buldain, R., & Crano, W. (1980, June). Identifying patient responsibility for their care. Paper presentation at the American Diabetes Association, Washington DC. Given, B. (1979, May). Through the mist: The expanded role of the nurse. Paper presentation at Divisions of Practice Program Sessions, Michigan Nurses Association 75th Anniversary Celebration, Lansing, MI. Given, B., & Given, C.W. (1979, April). Vague and ill-defined health problems: Where the medical model fails. Paper presentation at the College of Nursing faculty and students, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Given, B. (1978, October). When the medical model fails can the nursing model succeed? Paper presentation at the Council of Nurse Researchers, Michigan Nurses Association, Lansing, MI. Given, B. (1975, October). Quality assurance. Paper presentation at the Public Health Section Region 5, Health Education and Welfare, Chicago, IL. Given, B. (1974, February). Patients evaluate nurses. Paper presentation at the Greater Lansing Ostomy Association Meeting, Lansing, MI.

Video Presentations

Given, B. (2009, September). Analyzing Nursing Interventions in Our Research: Do We Do Enough? Video presentation for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. Healthcare Management Television (2001). End-of-Life Care [Video]. (Available from Healthcare Management Television, 529 14th Street, NW, Ste. 1292, Washington, DC 20045) [B. Given and C.W. Given interviewed.]


Given, B.A. (2015, December). Speaker at the Trifecta and Sparrow/MSU Center for Innovation & Research Grant Resubmission Workshop. East Lansing MI. Given, B.A. (2015, August). Speaker at the Trifecta and Sparrow/MSU Center for Innovation & Research Grant Resubmission Workshop. East Lansing MI. Given, B.A. (2015, May). Caregiving: Impact on Patient Outcomes.Presentation at NCI/NINR Meeting on Informal Cancer Caregiving, Rockville, MD. Given, B.A. (March 2015). Panelist at WKAR’s Cancer Discussion at the Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies pre-screening, East Lansing, MI. Given, B.A. (2015, January). Speaker at “Coping with the Stress of Caregiving When Your Loved One Has Myelofibrosis ” a CancerCare Connect Workshop Teleconference. Given, B. (2014, November). Speaker at “For Caregivers: Practical Tips to Cope with Your Loved One’s Lung Cancer” a CancerCare Connect Workshop.


Given, B., (2013, October). Mentoring. Future of Nursing: Leadership Learning Collaborative teleconference, AARP. Given, B. (2013, July). Keynote address The Challenge of Quality Care for Family Caregivers in Adult Cancer Care, at the Improving Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Oncology Family Caregivers course offered by Dr. Betty Ferrell and City of Hope in Anaheim, CA. Foley, H., Given, B., Kronk, R., McCorkle, R., Overcash, J. (2013, April). Oncology Nursing News Peer Perspectives workshop. Oncology Nursing Society 38th Annual Congress, Washington, DC. Given, B., Given, C.W., Sikorskii, A. You, M. (2013, March). Cost of Symptom Management Intervention and Impact on Health Service Use part of ‘Symptom Management across Multiple Cancer Populations’ symposium. 37th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Chicago, IL. Given, B. (2012, December). Speaker at “Helping Cancer Patients and Their Families Cope with the Stresses of Caregiving” a CancerCare Connect Workshop. Given, B. (2012, June). Speaker at “Changing Roles and Responsibilities for Caregivers” a CancerCare Connect Workshop. Given, B. (2012, May). Speaker at “I Can’t Remember to take My Pills on Time: Help! A Practical Guide to Follow” a CancerCare Connect Workshop. Given, B. (2011, December). Speaker at “Taking Your Pills on Schedule – Adherence: Sharing Responsibility for Your Care” a CancerCare Connect Workshop. Given, B. (2011, July). Keynote address The Challenge of Quality Care for Family Caregivers in Adult Cancer Care, and moderator of ‘Family Caregiver Research’ breakout session at the Improving Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Oncology Family Caregivers course offered by Dr. Betty Ferrell and City of Hope in Anaheim, CA. Given, B. (2011, June). Speaker at “The Challenges of Coping with Cancer and Other Health Problems” a CancerCare Connect Workshop. Given, B. (2011, March). Keynote address The Challenge of Quality Care for Family Caregivers in Adult Cancer Care, and moderator of ‘Family Caregiver Research’ breakout session at the Improving Quality of Life and Quality of Care for Oncology Family Caregivers course offered by Dr. Betty Ferrell and City of Hope in Anaheim, CA. Given, B. (2010, November). Strategies and Partnerships to Enhance Research in Gerontology in a Non-Traditional Academic Setting. Presentation as part of “Transitions Over the Life Course: Reflections of Leading Gerontologists on the Evolution of Their Careers” symposium at the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Given, C.W., Given, B., & Sikorskii, A. (2010, April). Behavioral Interventions for Symptom Management: Issues in Examining the Mechanisms of Action Presentation part of “Informatics, eHealth & Behavioral Science – Creating Synergy for Best


Implementatoins & Outcomes”. Course at the Society of Behavioral Medicine 31st Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Given, B. (2009, May). 2009 Summer Intensive Research Grant Writing Workshop. Workshop at Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana. Given, B., Given, C., Radziewicz, R., Rose, J., & O’Toole, E. (2008, February). Establishing and Maintaining Treatment Fidelity in Psycho Behavioral Cancer Interventions. Workshop American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Kim, Y., Clark, K., Loscalzo, M., & Given, B. (2008, February). How to Promote Male and Female Partnerships to Face Cancer: Gender-based Family Caregiver Interventions. Workshop at American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Irvine, CA. Given, B. (May, 2006). Anatomy of a Grant Proposal. Presentation presented at University of Indiana Boot Camp Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (May, 2006). Getting that Grant Funded. Presentation presented at University of Indiana Boot Camp Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Given, B. (May, 2006). Intervention Fidelity for Symptom Management. Presentation presented at University of Indiana Boot Camp Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Presenter “Getting that grant funded; Protection of our patients; Anatomy of a Grant Proposal.” Workshop Presentations at Indiana University R01 Grant Writing Boot Camp, Indianapolis, IN, June, 2003. Presenter “Getting that grant funded.” Presented to Faculty at Indiana University at the Annual Research Day, Indianapolis, IN, September, 2002 Presenter “Where Do We Go From Here?” In Nurses Make a Difference. Symposium at the ATAQ regional workshop, ONS Foundation, Dearborn, MI, September 8, 2001. Presenter for "Designing a Health Plan for Michigan: A Workshop for Legislators and Policymakers." Group leader for "Designing (or evaluating) a Health Plan for MichiganSingle Payer & Managed Competition Plans-Do it Yourself Plans," MSU Department of Medicine, College of Human Medicine, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR), and College of Social Science, East Lansing, MI, July 14, 1993. Presenter for "Breast Cancer." Workshop presentation at College Week '91, East Lansing, Michigan, June 18, 1991. Presenter for "Sharing the care: Care of the primary caregiver of the elderly". Workshop presentation at the VA Medical Center, Battle Creek, Michigan, April 18, 1990. Presenter for Advanced Quality Assurance Seminar, Wayne State University, College of Nursing Continuing


Presenter for "Caregiver burnout and depression." Workshop presentation at Challenges in Geriatric Care: Managing Difficult Emotional Disorders in Late Life, Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 26, 1990. Presenter for "The family: Who cares?" Michigan State University College of Human Ecology and Michigan Council on Human/Family Relations, East Lansing, Michigan, March 31, 1989. Presenter for "Caring for the caregivers." Workshop presentation for Grand Valley State University Kirkhof School of Nursing, Saginaw Valley State University Continuing Education for RN's, in cooperation with Michigan Home Health Care, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 30, 1988. Presenter for MSU Spring Term Faculty Seminar, "What is Caregiving? Issues of Concern to Caregivers," Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 20, 1988. Presenter for The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Nursing, Continuing Education and Outreach Program, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 30, 1988. Presented, "Analysis of Independent Nursing Interventions." Presented, "Gastrointestinal Assessment - The Key to Comprehensive Care"; "Management of Acid-Peptic Disorders - Could the Success Lie with Nurses?"; and "Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Can Nurses Cope with the Challenge?" Presenter for the Medical Nursing Update '85, "Problems of Gastrointestinal Dysfunctions," University of Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, April 24, 1985. Presenter for the Resources for Curriculum Development and the Teaching of Blood Pressure Management for Nurse Educators, Lansing, Michigan, February, 1983. Presenter for the First Annual Southwest Medical/Surgical Nursing Institute, St. Francis Hospital Education Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 1982. Presenter for the Michigan Heart Association workshop on Hypertension: A Nursing Perspective, Detroit, Michigan, November 1982. Presenter for the Michigan Heart Association workshop on Nursing and Hypertension, Gaylord, Michigan, October 1982. Presenter for the Michigan Heart Association workshop on Hypertension: A Nursing Perspective, Detroit, Michigan, September 1982. Presenter for the Michigan Heart Association Conference on Nursing and Hypertension, Lansing, Michigan, April 1982. Presenter for Research in the 80's Symposium, Bronson Clinical Investigation Unit, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, Michigan, March 1982.


Presenter for the Thirteenth Annual Western Michigan Pharmacy Nursing Seminar, Comstock Park, Michigan, March 1982. Presenter for Quality Assurance in Nursing: Update and Evaluation Process Workshop, Wayne State University, College of Nursing Continuing Education, Dearborn, MI, December 1981. Presenter for Wellness Awareness and Health Beliefs Workshop, Northern Regional Nurses Conferences, Higgins Lake, Michigan, June 1981. Presenter for The Elderly with Hypertension Workshop, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1981. Presenter for Advanced Quality Assurance Seminar, Wayne State University, College of Nursing Continuing Education, Dearborn, Michigan, December 1980. Group leader, Measurement in Ambulatory-Primary Care Settings, ANA National Conference -- Evaluation Research: Assessment of Nursing Care, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, June 1979. Developed and presented one-day workshop on Oncology Series -- Part I: Introduction to Oncology, Gaylord, Michigan, April 1979; Kalamazoo, Michigan, April 1979. Developed and presented one-day workshop on Breast Cancer: The Patient, The Family, The Nurse, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, March, 1979. Panel member, Michigan Heart Research Day, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 1978. Four, one-day workshops on Cancer Care for Patients, Michigan State University, 1976, 1977, 1978. Six, one-day workshops on The Gut Issue, Michigan State University, 1976, 1977. Developed and presented one-day workshop on Nursing Care of Patients with Liver Disorders, Michigan Nurses Association, March 1976. Developed and presented one-day workshop on Nursing Care of Patients with Pancreatic Disorders, Michigan Nurses Association, February 1976. Two-day workshop on Emergency Nursing, Michigan State University, 1974; Saginaw, Michigan, August 1975. Planned and presented three-day workshop on Lower Intestinal Diseases, Northern Regional Conference of Public Health Nurses, Tustin, Michigan, June 1975. Two-day workshop on Nursing Assessment The Key to Quality Care, Michigan State University, 1974, 1975.



2014 Burdette Kunkel Behavioral Research Achievement Award, presented by the Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group.

2014 The Ohio State University College of Nursing 100 Alumni Transformers

in Nursing & Healthcare. 2014-present Vanderbilt University, Visiting Professor 2013 Distinguished Oncology Nursing Lectureship from the James Cancer

Hospital at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center 2013 Sparrow Nurses Lifetime Achievement Award 2008-2013 Vanderbilt University, Martha Rivers Ingram Visiting Professor 2007 Sigfried Lowin Visiting Scholar Award, East Carolina University 2006 Senior Fellow for Outreach and Engagement 2006 ONS Distinguished Service Award 2005 ONS Excellence in Research Award for paper titled “Predictors of use of

complementary and alternative therapies among patients with cancer” published in Oncology Nursing Forum

2005 Canadian Health Services Foundation, Center & Chair Award 2004 MNRS Honor A Researcher 2004 ONS Excellence in Nursing Research Award for paper titled “Burden and

depression among caregivers of patients with cancer at the end of life” published in the Oncology Nursing Forum

2002 ONS Schering Excellence in Cancer Nursing Research Award for paper

titled “Pain and fatigue management: Results of a nursing randomized clinical trial” published in the Oncology Nursing Forum

2002 MCC’s Spirit of Collaboration Award for collaboration on

“Characteristics of Patients Who Enter Clinical Trials” 2001 Michigan State University Distinguished Professor Award 2001 Elizabeth McWilliams-Miller Award for Excellence in Research, Sigma

Theta Tau International 2001 Friends of National Institute for Nursing Research Pathfinder

Distinguished Researcher Award


2000 Life Time Achievement Award, College of Nursing Alumni Association 1999 Friends of the National Institute for Nursing Researcher for

Congressional Breakfast 1995 Distinguished Researcher Award, Oncology Nursing Society 1995 Michigan Association of Governing Boards, Outstanding Faculty, Award

Reviewer 1994 Distinguished Contribution to Nursing Science Award, American Nurses

Foundation 1989 Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research, Midwest Nursing

Research Society 1988 Golden Key Research Award, Michigan State University 1987 Sigma Theta Tau, Nominee for Excellence in Research Award, National 1983 Division of Women's Programs Outstanding Faculty Award, Michigan

State University 1983 Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Psi Chapter, Nominee for National Founders

Award 1982-1983 Certificate of Recognition as a Michigan State University Woman

Achiever by Michigan State University Department of Human Relations; 1977 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing 1976 Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Psi Chapter, Humanitarian Service Award 1976 Outstanding Young Woman in America 1975 Michigan State University Faculty Women Award

Websites & Apps

2015 Given, B.A., Given, C.A. (2015). Understand Side Effects section of website Workplace Transitions for People Touched by Cancer e-Toolkit, available at:

2015 Self-Care During Cancer app. Available on iTunes. NearSpace 2002 Certified Medinex Health Site, Family Care Research Program Web Site


2002 Health On the Net (HON Code), Family Care Research Program Web Site 2002 Health Link Select Site, Family Care Research Program Web Site 2000 Clean Bill of Health, Hardin MD, Family Care Research Program Web Site 1998 Dow Jones Business Directory Select Site, Institute for Managed Care

Web Site 1997 Editors Choice Award, Web Course, Oncology Nursing Society


1975-present Alpha Psi Chapter 1978-present American Academy of Nursing 1960-present American Nurses Association 2010-present American Society of Clinical Oncology 2002-present Council for Advancement of Nursing Science 2000-present Gerontological Society of America 1975-present Midwest Nursing Research Society 1975-present Oncology Nursing Society

Community Memberships 1996-2006 Older Women's League 2005-2006 Older Women’s League, Board of Directors Other Memberships

1982-1983 Reviewer, Social & Behavioral Research Grants, March of Dimes Foundation 1978-1983 Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Nurse Faculty Research

Development in the Midwest, 1979-1981; Advisory Council, Midwest Data Base: Doctoral Nursing Resources

1975-1980 Research Adviser to Joint Nurse Project of Michigan State University, University

of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Michigan Nurses Association, "Conduct and Utilization of Clinical Nursing Research," funded by HEW for five years

1980 Consultant to plan Roundtable on Nutrition for Cancer Patients, Ross



1975-1978 Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Steering Committee to Study Resources Available for Doctoral Education in Nursing


Journal Editorial Board Member 2009-present European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2009-present Western Journal of Nursing Research 2000-present Cancer Nursing, Associate Editor 1990-present Research in Nursing and Health 1997-2006 Editorial Advisory Panel for Annual Review for Nursing Research,

Springer Publishing Company Journal and Book Reviewer 2015 BMC Geriatrics 2015 CEBP 2015 Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2015 Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 2015 International Journal of Family Medicine 2015 Journal of Medical Economics 2015 Journal of Personalized Medicine 2015 Journal of Nursing Management 2015 PLOS ONE 2014-present European Journal of Cancer Care 2014-present Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014-present Journal of Applied Gerontology 2014-present Journal of Cancer Education 2014-present Journal of Nursing Measurement 2014 Pain Research and Management 2014-present Social Science and Medicine 2013 Ammons Scientific 2013 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2013 International Journal of Palliative Care 2013, 2015 Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 2013, 2015 Nursing: Research and Reviews 2013 Social Work in Health Care 2009-2013 Geriatric Nursing 2008-present Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 2012-2013 Patient Preference and Adherence 2011-2013 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2011-12, 2014-present Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 2009-present Contemporary Clinical Trials 2000-present Journal of Geriatric Oncology 2006-present Nursing Research and Practice 1997-2013 Transitional Behavioral Medicine 1987-present European Journal of Oncology Nursing 1978-present Journal of Aging and Health 2010-2012 Psycho-Oncology


2010-present Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010-2012 Nursing Outlook 2009-present Research in Nursing and Health (Editorial Board) 2009-present Journal of Oncology 2009-2013 Journal of Palliative Medicine 2008-2010 Seminars in Oncology Nursing 2008-2013 European Journal of Cancer Nursing (Editorial Board) 2008-present Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer 2007-2012 The Oncologist 2007-2013 American Journal of Nursing 2006-2012 BMC Health Services Research 2006-2012 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1997-present Journal of Palliative Care 1997-present Annals of Behavioral Medicine 1994-2013 Journal of Clinical Oncology 1992-present Quality of Life Research 1992-2012 Social Science and Medicine 1988-2012 Western Journal of Nursing Research 1992-2010, 2013-14 Cancer, American Cancer Society 1979-2014 Nursing Research 2006, 2008-09 Clinical Nursing Research 2003, 2006, 2009 AACR Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2003-04, 2009 American Journal of Community Psychology 2006 American Journal of Public Health 2006 Quality of Life & Outcomes 2005, 2006 Evidence-Based Nursing 1988-2005 Journal of Professional Nursing 2004 Psychosomatic Medicine 1999-2003 Clinical Nursing Research 1993-2003 Cancer Practice 2000-2002 Evidence-Based Nursing, July 2000, October 2001, January 2002 1989-2000 Outstanding Clinical Paper, Oncology Nursing Forum, Research Papers 1985-present Cancer Nursing 1992-present Health Psychology 1993-98, 2000-04 Issues in Gerontological Nursing Series 1995-97, 2004, 06, 09 Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1989 Oncology for Nurses and Health Care Professionals, Vol. 2, International

Cancer Nursing News, 1(2) Grant Reviews 2015 CDC SEP 2015 Michigan State University: Choi, Hershey 2015 New York State Breast Cancer Review 2015 University of South Carolina: Karen McDonnell 2015 University of South Florida: Hsiao-Lan Wang 2014 National Institute of Health, RPHB C-10 2014 National Institute of Health, Provocative Questions


2013-2014 Michigan State University - SPG, Chaired Review Group (2014) 2013 ONS Foundation - Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy Research Grants 2004-08, 12, 2014-15 National Institute of Health, Loan Repayment 2012 National Cancer Institute of Health, NINR 2012-present National Cancer Institute of Health, SBIR/STTR 2012 Oncology Nursing Society Foundation 2010-12 National Institute of Health, Dissemination & Implementation Research

in Health 2010-2013 National Institute of Nursing Research, DWR 2010 MSU Foundation, Strategic Partnership Grants 2009-2013 National Cancer Institute, Training Grants 2008-2009 Indiana University Boot Camp 2008, 2009 National Cancer Institute, AVON/NCI 2005-2009 National Center for Nursing Research, NASS Study Section 2001, 2009 National Cancer Institute, Can Cor Grant Review 2008 Cancer Research UK 2008 Health Research Board 2008 Julia Goodwin – Describing Multiple Myloma Survivorship 2003-2008 MSU , Families & Communities Together (FACT) 1991-93, 2008 Oncology Nursing Society, Research Awards 2006-2007 State of New Jersey Health Commission on Cancer Research 2003-2007 National Center for Nursing Research, Training Grants 2005, 2006 National Cancer Institute, AVON/NCI 1999, 2005 Yale University 2002, 2004 Alzheimer’s Association of Canada 2002-2004 State of New Jersey Health Commission on Cancer Research 2003 National Cancer Institute, Scholarship 1988, 20-03 National Cancer Institute, Special Review Section, RFA; Self Care

Interventions, Chair 2002 National Center for Nursing Research, Family Caregiver RFA 2000-2002 California Palliative Care Research Program 1999-2001 California Breast Cancer Research Program 1999, 2000 Alzheimer’s Association of Canada 1994, 1996-2000 Department of Defense, Breast Cancer Grant Reviews 1999 American Cancer Society Prostate Grants 1999 Donaghue Women’s Health Program 1996-1999 National Center for Nursing Research, K Awards 1997, 1998 University of California San Francisco 1996, 1997, 1998 Alzheimer’s Association 1996-1997 National Center for Nursing Research, Ad Hoc 1995, 1997 National Institute of Mental Health, Alzheimer Caregiver Studies 1994-1996 Komen Foundation 1992-1996 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HSRD Study Section 1992-1996 American Cancer Society Advisory Committee on Clinical and Cancer

Control Investigations II 1990-1996 Alzheimer’s Association of Canada 1988, 1996 National Cancer Institute, Cancer Control Grant Review Committee,

Small Grants


1995 American Nurses Foundation 1994 Montana State University (MONTS) 1987, 1994 National Institute of Mental Health 1993 National Center for Nursing Research, Research on Clinical Care in

Nursing Homes, Chair 1992, 1993 National Center for Nursing Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer 1992, 1993 National Center for Nursing Research, Community Health for Frail

Elderly 1992, 1993 Oncology Nursing Society, Research Short Course 1986, 1992 National Institute on Aging, Life Span Development; Special Reviewer 1990 National Center for Nursing Research, Community-Based Rural Health

Care Models for Minority Populations 1990 National Center for Nursing Research, Rural Health Initiative 1989, 1990 Oncology Nursing Society, Research Short Course 1989 National Center for Nursing Research, AIDS 1988, 1989 National Center for Nursing Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer 1986-1988 American Cancer Society Clinical Professorships 1986-1988 American Cancer Society Doctoral Fellowships, Masters Fellowships 1987 National Institute of Health, Small Business Innovation

Outside Peer Reviewer for Faculty Promotion or Appointment 2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2015 University of California, Los Angeles 2015 University of South Florida 2014 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2014 Ohio State University, College of Nursing 2012-13 Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 2012 Marquette University 2012-13 Texas Christian University 2012 University of Buffalo 2012-13 Vanderbilt University 2010, 2014 Purdue University, School of Nursing 2010 University of Toronto 2009-10 University of Illinois, College of Nursing 2005, 2010 University of Pennsylvania 1994, 2010 University of Virginia 2009 University of Louisville 1993, 2005 Fox Chase Cancer Center 2007 University of Arkansas 1987, 2005-07, 13-14 University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing 2006 Mount Sinai Medical Center 2006 Oregon Health Sciences 2006, 2012, 2013 University of Michigan 2005 Duke University School of Nursing 1992, 1993, 2005 University of Wisconsin at Madison, College of Nursing 2004 Rutgers 1995-99, 2000, 2004 University of Washington, College of Nursing 1991, 2002, 2004 University of Missouri, College of Nursing


2003 Loyola Faculty Promotion 2003 Temple University Faculty Promotion 1992, 94, 00, 03, 12 University of Utah, College of Nursing 1990, 2000-01 University of North Carolina, College of Nursing 1999, 2000

University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing (reappointment two Chairs)

1998, 2000 University of Texas, Austin 1992, 2000 University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, College of Nursing 1999 Northeastern University, Boston, MA 1999, 2015 Yale University 1995, 98-99 University of Pennsylvania 1997, 1998 University of Utah, College of Nursing 1995-96, 98 University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing 1992, 98, 14 University of Minnesota, College of Nursing 1997 Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing 1994, 1996 University of Nebraska 1991, 1996 University of Rochester, College of Nursing 1994 University of Iowa, College of Nursing 1994 University of Northern Illinois, School of Nursing 1991, 1994 University of Arizona, College of Nursing 1989, 93, 99, 01, Indiana University, School of Nursing 06-07, 09, 13

1989, 1993 University of South Carolina, College of Nursing 1987, 1992, 1993 Wayne State University, College of Nursing 1992 Boston College, School of Nursing 1987, 1992 University of Illinois, College of Nursing 1986, 1989, 1991 University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing 1990

University of Rhode Island, College of Nursing



2010-present Michigan State University: Dunn, S. 2010-present Michigan State University: Hershey, D. (Mentor) 2010-present Michigan State University: Hoffman, A. 2010-present Michigan State University: Huh-Yoo 2010-2015 Michigan State University: Spoelstra, S. 2010-present City of Hope: Ferrell 2010-2014 City of Hope: Grant 2010-2014 2010-2013 City of Hope: Sun 2009-present University of Michigan: Wittmann, D. 2009-2014 University of Michigan: An, Friese, Silveira 2008-present Vanderbilt University: Foster-Akard 2008-present Vanderbilt University: Deng 2008-2013 Vanderbilt University: Bell

2008-2011 University of Nebraska, Schumacher 2006-present University of Pittsburgh: Bender (T32) 2006-present University of Pittsburgh: Rosenzweig 2006-present University of Pittsburgh: Sherwood


2006-2014 University of Pittsburgh: Donovan 2003-present Indiana University: Mosher 2003-2014 Indiana University: Hickman 2010 American Cancer Society, Behavioral Research External Advisory Board 2010 American Cancer Society, Youngmee Kim 2010, 2012-13 Mount Sinai, Redd Montgomery 2006-2009 American Cancer Society, Caregiver External Advisory 2003-2009 Duke University-Hendrix 2000, 2009 University of Wisconsin, College of Nursing 2004-2008 Indiana University Center for Enhancing QOL in Chronic Illness Grant,

School of Nursing (Funded in 2000) 2003-2008 Case Western University 2006 University of Oregon, Messecar 2005-2006 Wright State University 2003-2006 University of Washington, Bond 2000, 2005-06 City of Hope National Medical Center 2003-2005 University of Tennessee Memphis, Wicks 2004 University of Illinois 2004 University of Washington, Berry 2004 Wayne State University, Floyd 2003-2004 Rutgers University, Research Consultant-Leu 2000, 2002, 2004 University of Missouri 2003 University of Michigan, R25 2003 University of Washington, Whitney 2002-2003 University of Hawaii, Kataoka-Yahiro 2000-2002 Indiana University Center of Excellence Advisory Group 1999-2002 University of Washington, Robert Wood Foundation, End-of-Life (Wilkie) 2001-2002 Wright State University 2001 University of Alabama, Birmingham, Aging Caregiver grant 2001 University of North Carolina 2000-2001 University of Central Florida 1999, 2001 Indiana University Center for Enhancing QOL in Chronic Illness Grant,

School of Nursing (Funded in 2000) 2001 Oregon Health Sciences University 2000 University of Michigan, College of Nursing 2000 University of Texas, Austin, Braden 1996-2000 University of Nebraska, Research Consultant 1995-2000 John Hopkins University, Mock 1995-2000 Rush University-First Award Grant (Kleinpell) 1999 Rutgers University, Research Consultant-Ireland 1998-1999 University of Washington, Craaven 1996-1997, 1999 Family Caregivers and Pain Management 1995-1999 Rutgers University, Research Consultant 1994-1999 University of California-San Francisco, Consultant for proposal "Self-Care

Intervention to Control Cancer Pain" Center grant 1998 Rutgers University, Research Consultant-Dropkin 1998 VA Postdoctoral Nursing Fellowship, Lovell 1996-1998 Rutgers University, Research Consultant-Eller


1994-1998 University of California-San Francisco, Advisory Committee, Symptom Management Research Center

1995-1997 University of Nebraska, Eihlers 1996 James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia - Research

Consultant 1996 La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Research

Consultant 1996 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada-Visiting Scholar 1996 Fatigue for Oncology Nursing Society Project 1994-1996 University of Indiana-Margaret M. Walther Cancer Center Grant 1995 University of Texas-Arlington 1992-1995 Pain Management in the Outpatient Setting," 1994 University of Arizona Research Center on Chronic & Disabling Disease,

Center grant 1991-1994 Ohio State University-Specialty in Aging Doctoral Program Grant 1985-1994 St. Joseph Hospital 1985-1994 Technical Advisory Services Association, Expert Consultant 1993 Memphis State, Albrecht 1992-1993 Condon, Petraglia Law Firm, New York 1992-1993 University of Michigan, Albrecht 1992-1993 Wayne State University, NCNR- Northouse 1991-1993 City of Hope National Medical Center, American Cancer Society funded

Program grant 1/1992 Alpena General Hospital, Alpena, MI 1991-1992 Dilley, Dewey, & Damon, Detroit Law Firm 1990-1991 Grand Valley State University 1990-1991 The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Hamilton

Regional Cancer Centre, Hamilton, Ontario 1987-1989 Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation 1988 Kaufman Legal Firm, Albuquerque, NM 1987-1988 Van Vechten and Associates, Inc. 1987 Cancer Prevention & Control Program, Cancer Center, University of

NebraskaOmaha 1984-1986 The American College Testing Program, Inc., Council of State Boards of

Nursing, Iowa City, IA 1983, 1985-1986 University of Wisconsin, Wierenga 1985 Ingham Medical Center, Patient Satisfaction for Nursing Care Study,

Lansing, MI 1985 University of Saskatchewan, Nurses Research Interest Group 1984-1985 Calhoun County Medical Society, Geriatric Health Education Committee,

Battle Creek, MI 1984-1985 Ingham County Health Department-Breastfeeding Study Among WIC

Recipients, Lansing, MI 1983 Ferris State University, Improving Research Skills of Faculty, Big Rapids,

MI 1982-1983 University of California, Cancer Education Grant, San Francisco, CA 1982-1983 University of Wisconsin, Lazinski



National Oncology Nursing Society 2006-2007 PEP Panel 2006 Evidence-Based Practice and Outcomes Subgroup of the Research

Advisory Panel 2005 ONS Research Agenda 2003-2006; Distinguished Researcher 2004-2005 Nursing Sensitive Outcomes Project Team 2000-2005 Chair Research Priorities Committee 2001-2003 Chair Nursing Sensitive Outcomes Project Team 2000-2001 Expert Panel on Neutropenia 2000 Agmen Expert Panel 2000 Expert Panel on Symptoms 1999 Oncology Education Corporation – Fatigue 1996-1999 Government Relations Task Force 1997 Oncology Education on Family Caregiving 1992 ONS Outstanding Researcher Review 1989-1992 Reviewer of Abstracts, Annual Congress 1988-1989 National Cancer Institute, Cancer Nursing Research Course 1987-1988 Corresponding Member, Education Committee 1995 Think Tank 1993-1995 Government Relations Committee 1988-1993 Research Committee 1993 Chair 1992-1993 Government Relations Task Force 1992-1993 Awards Committee 1991-93, 07, 12-13 ONS Research Grants Review 1978-1980 Education Committee, Chair American Nurses Association 1996-1998 Mentor Minority 1995 Grant Reviewer 1988-1990 Abstract Reviewer, Council of Nurse Researchers 1982-1985 Council of Nursing Research Nominating Committee 1979-1981 Nursing Quality Assurance Consortium American Cancer Society 2004-2009 National Institute of Nursing Research, Research Review Group NSAA 2005-2008 External Advisory Committee for the American Cancer Society’s

Behavioral Research Committee (BRC) 2004 External Review Panel 1998 Psychosocial Research Conference 1995 Blue Ribbon Committee Research for the 21st Century 1995 Psychosocial Sub Group Chair 1991-1992 2nd National Research Conference, Chair 1986-1989 Professorships & Scholarships


1987 Health Promotion Conference 1981-1983 National Nursing Advisory Committee 1980 Planning Committee for the Third National Conference on Cancer

Nursing American Academy of Nursing 2007-2009 Society of Behavioral Medicine Cancer SIG Conference Steering

Committee 2005-2009 Advisory Group to ACS Caregiving Intramural Program 2002-2009 Member, Behavioral & Health Outcomes (BAHO) Committee, National

Surgical Adjuvant Breast & Bowel Project 1999-2008 Medical Advisory Board,, Jones & Bartlett Company 2006 National Cancer Advisory Panel on Eldery 2005 Board of Directors Older Womens League (Policy Group) 2005 Committee on Assessing Improvements In Cancer Care in Georgia 2003-2004 Institute of Medicine Panel on Cancer Outcomes in Georgia 2002-2004 National Institute of Aging--Data Safety Committee for REACH 2001-2004 Member, Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (Reach

II) Data Safety and Monitoring Board. Appointed by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute on Nursing Research Study Section

2000-2004 Department of Defense, Breast Cancer Integrating Panel 2003 Conference Committee 2003 NINR review panel 1996, 2000 Schering Award Recipient Reviews Oncology Nursing Society 1998-1999 Fellow Selection Committee 1998-1999 State of the Science Conference, Co-Chair 1995-1998 Governing Council 1997-1998 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation End of Life Roundtable 1996 Scientific Session Planning Committee, Chair 1991-94, 1996 Helene Fuld Fellowship Selection Committee 1993-1995 Expert Panel on Community Based Nursing Models, NINR 1991-1995 Expert Panel on Aging, Chair 1990 National Nurse Panel, AHCPR, Forum for Quality and Effectiveness in

Health Care 1984-86, 1989 Wellness Interest Group


2007-2008 International Society for Palliative Care 2002-2003 Program Committee, Sigma Theta Tau International, 1992-1995, Awards

Committee 2000 Nurses Task Force, 1st International Consultation on Nosocomial and

Health Care Associated Infections in Urology, Paris, France 1984-1992 Board of Directors, Rep. of N.A., International Society for Nurses in



State Michigan Nurses Association 1971-1973 Legislative Committee 1973-1976 Board of Directors Medical-Surgical Nursing 1973-1975 Editorial Board, Michigan Nurse Publication 1974-1976 Nominating Committee, Education Division 1977 Task Force for Pilot Project on Competency 1978-1982 Ex-officio Member, Council on Nurses in Expanded Practice (CONEP) 1982-1990 Research Review Committee, Chair of Review, First Vice Chair, Board of

Directors, Commission on Nursing Research 1973-1974 Nursing Advisory Committee, Michigan Cancer Society 1975 Advisory Committee on Graduate Education in Nursing in Michigan,

(State Board of Education) 1977-1980 Conduct and Utilization of Research in Nursing (CURN) Research

Committee 1978-1979 Primary Care Task Force, Michigan Mid-South Health Systems Agency 1978-1980 Study of Nursing Personnel Needs in Michigan (Office of Health &

Medical Affairs) Michigan American Cancer Society 2003-2005 Michigan Cancer Consortium, Colorectal Task Force 2002-2003 Michigan Public Health Institute – Human Subjects Committee 2001-2003 Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research Advisory Board -

Michigan Public Health Institute 1998-1999 Michigan Cancer Consortium, Breast Cancer Advisory Committee Chair 1998 Colorectal Advisory Psychosocial Group Chair Grants Reviewer 1996-1997 Children’s Leukemia Foundation Advisory Board 1996-1997 Community Public Health Agency Colorectal Advisory Group 1992-1995 American Cancer Society Cancer Control Task Force 1991-1993 Breast Cancer 1990-1991 Breast Cancer Detection TF 1983-1990 Corresponding Nursing Education Committee 1985-1989 Michigan Heart Association Research Committee 1982-85, 1988 Nursing Education Committee 1985-1986 Adjunct Faculty, Grand Valley State College 1983 Research Reviewer Regional Midwest Nursing Research Society 2012 MNRS Planning Committee for 2012 1999-present Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group Executive Committee 1999-2009 Mary Margaret Walther Cancer Center, External Advisory Group 1983-93, 2008 Awards Committee 1999-2000 Mary Margaret Walther Post Doctoral Review Committee 1994-1995 Strategic Planning 1993-1995 Mary Margaret Walther Cancer Center, External Advisory Group 1989-1991 Research Committee 1989-1991 Reviewer of Abstracts, 14th and 15th Annual Conference


1988-1990 Vice-President 1988 Adjunct Faculty, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee 1987-1988 Governing Board 1985-1986 Finance Committee 1983-1985 Treasurer 1981-1983 Governing Board 1980-1981 Nominating Committee


2015 Sparrow Health System – Audit Committee (Ex Officio) 2015-present Sparrow Health System – Board of Directors (Chair) 2015 Sparrow Health System – Board Leadership Network (Chair) 2015-present Sparrow Health System – Compensation Committee, (Ex Officio) 2015-present Sparrow Health System – Government Effectiveness Committee, (Ex

Officio) 2015-present Sparrow Health System – Human Resources Committee, (Ex Officio) 2015-present Sparrow Health System - Quality and Safety Committee (Ex Officio) 2013-2014 Sparrow Health System – Government Effectiveness Committee, Chair 2009-2014 Sparrow Health System – Board of Directors (Vice Chair) 2010-2013 Sparrow Health System - Quality and Safety Committee (Vice Chair) 2010-2012 Sparrow Health System - Human Resources Committee 2010-2011 Sparrow Health System - Investment Committee 2000-2009 Sparrow Health System - Chair Home Care 2002-2007 Sparrow Cancer Committee 2000-2007 Home Care 1997 Disease Management - Aging Programs - Steering Committee 1997 Search Committee Program Director, GME - College of Human Medicine 1996 Research Committee 1994-2006 Cancer Center Committee 1993-1996 Community Advisory Committee for Women's Services 1993-1994 Sparrow Health Systems Medical Education and Research Planning Task

Force 1992-1994 Title 15 Work Group Ingham County 1991-1994 Sparrow Regional Cancer Center Planning Task Force 1992-1993 Resource Committee 1991-1993 Representative Diane Byrum's Breast Cancer Round Table 1991-1992 President 1989-1990 Alpha Psi Chapter, President Elect 1986-1989 Ingham County American Cancer Society, Professional Education

Committee 1987 Abstract Reviewer, Eligibility Committee 1978-79, 1986 Sigma Theta Tau, Honors Committee 1976-1977 Implementation of Greater Lansing Ostomy Association, Program

Committee Chair 1976-1977 Nursing Cancer Care Consortium, Regional Planning Chair 1970-1972 Developed and helped to implement "Ostomy" program in Lansing


1969-1972 Legislative and Nominating Committee, Capitol Area District Nurses' Association


Michigan State University, College of Nursing 2014-2015 Dean Search 2013-present Tenure Search Committee, Chair 2011 HRPP Search Committee 2011 Search Committee Regulations 1999-2007 PhD Committee 1995-2007 Doctoral Program Ad Hoc Committee 2005-2006 CON Dean Search Committee, Chair 2005 Associate Dean Chair, Director of PhD Committee Search Chair 2004 Chaired Roadmap Task Force 2004 Telehealth Conference Planning Committee 2001-2003 ARPETA, Chair 2000-2003 Research Committee 2000-2002 College of Nursing, Search Committee for Senior Research Faculty 1999-2001 College of Nursing, Organization/System Work Group 1999-2001 College of Nursing, Search Committee for Continuing Education Position 1998-1999 Research & Development Committee 1997-1999 Faculty Advisory Council 1996-1999 College of Nursing, PhD/Research Vision, Member 1996-1997 Curriculum Committee 1995-1996 Curriculum Committee, Chair 1995-1996 Research Competency Committee, Chair 1992-1996 Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee 1991-1996 Awards Committee 1994-1995 Faculty Development Task Force 1994-1995 Vision 1994-1995 College of Nursing, PhD/Research Vision, Chair 1993-1995 Intellectual Integrity, Chair 1993-1995 Technology Task Force 1990-1995 Doctoral Program Ad Hoc, Chair 1991-1994 Space Committee, Chair 1993 Curriculum Committee 1992 Home Care Task Force 1988-1991 Graduate Curriculum Committee 1984-1990 Faculty Practice Committee 1981-1988 Research & Development Committee 1979-1981 Faculty Development Task Force 1987-1979 Faculty Affairs/Faculty Development 1976-1978 Graduate Program Advisory Committee, Chair 1974-1976 Graduate Task Force (Develop Master’s in Nursing), Chair 1974-1976 Ad Hoc for Nursing on Campus Ambulatory Care Center, Chair 1972-1974 Bylaws Committee 1970-1974 Student Affairs Committee


Michigan State University 2013-present Faculty Excellence Advocate 2010 CTSA - Functional Leaders Co-PI 2009-11, 2013-present ADAPP Advance: Advancing Diversity Through the Alignment of Policies

& Practices 2008-present Council of Research Deans 2006-2009 Science and Technology Deans 2008 Institute of Health and Engineering Search 2007-2008 Office of Clinical Research Search Committee 2005-2008 Honorary Degree Committee 2003-2008 FACT Grant Reviews 2006-2007 Search Committee Family Research Initiative 2005-2007 Graduate Fellowship Reviews 2005 Reviewer for grants – Vice President Research Office 1998-2002 University Research Council Misconduct/Procedures Appeal Panel 1997-2001 Biomedical Research Advisory Committee 1999-2000 Reviewer for grants – Vice President Research Office (2 cycles) 1998 Search Committee Assistant Vice President for Research 1998 Search Committee Assistant Vice President for Research 1995-1997 Research Committee, Kellogg Partnership, Chair 1994-1997 Aging Specialization Ad Hoc Committee 1993-1997 University McNair/SROP (Summer Research Opportunities Prog)

Roundtable leader 1993-1996 Data Base Task Force 1993-1996 PCR-Net Committee 1987-1996 University Research Council 1995-1996 Graduate Council, 1980-84, 1994-1996, Graduate Welfare Sub-

Committee 1994-1995 All University Research Initiation Awards Review Committee 1992-1995 Research Committee, Kellogg Partnership 1988-1992 University Awards Committee, President's appt. 1989-1991 Community Partners Primary Care Initiative Kellogg (HHP) 1989-1991 Council on the Review of Research and Graduate Education (CORRAGE) 1989-1991 Ad Hoc Task Force on Aging, Human Health Programs 1989-1990 Women's Advisory Committee to the Provost, Ad Hoc Subcommittee 1987-1989 University Committee on Aging 1980-1988 Graduate Associate/Assistant Dean 1980-1984 All University Research Initiation Awards Review Committee Interdisciplinary 2004-2006 GLCI Advisory Group 2004-2006 Cancer Control – GLCI 1988-1998 Cancer Center Executive Committee 1997 University Adult Development and Aging Committee 1995-1997 Institute for Managed Care Steering Committee 1995-1996 Managed Care Research Committee, Research Task Force; Chair 1992-1995 Kellogg Partnership Grant Operations Committee 1991-1995 Research Committee Chair


1992-1993 Human Health Programs Space Committee 1988-1992 Breast Cancer Steering Committee 1988-1991 Planning Committee, National Caregiver Conference 1987-1989 Institute on Aging Committee 1985-1988 Retirees Group, MSU Kellogg Health Promotion Demonstration 1983-1984 MSU Health Promotion Task Force, Kellogg Foundation 1978-1980 Executive Committee, Clinical Center 1975-1977 Steering Committee, Cancer Planning Consortium (CHM and COM) 1974-1976 Clinical Sciences II Subcommittee (Ambulatory Care Center) 1972-1974 Committee to Explore Health Care Management Course with College of

Business 1972-1974 Quality Patient Care in Health Care Centers at MSU 1973 Medical Care to Upper Peninsula Project, OMERAD Doctoral Committee Memberships 2015-present Eric Vachon, Co-Chair, Doctoral 2013-2015 Co-Chair, Doctoral Committee, Tracy DeKoekkoek 2013-present Member, Doctoral Committee, Dawn Frambes 2013-2015 Co-Chair, Doctoral Committee, Aimee Labelle 2013-present Member, Doctoral Committee, Victoria Marshall 2013-present Joseph Winger, Member, Doctoral & Dissertation, Clinical Psychology,

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2012-present Co-Chair, Doctoral Committee, Kelly Adams Wierenga 2012-2015 Member, Doctoral & Dissertation, Michigan State University, School of

Social Work (completed August 2015) 2012-2013 Member, Doctoral Committee, Panarat Chenchob , Chair 2011-2012 Member, Doctoral Committee, Arunee Chaiyarit, Chair 2011-2015 Member, Doctoral Committee, Ana Kelly 2011-2012 Member, Doctoral Committee, Saowaluk Netchang , Chair 2011-2013 Member, Doctoral Committee, Daniela Wittmann (Dept of Social Work) 2010-2014 Chair, Doctoral Committee, Teri Holwerda 2010-2013 Member, Doctoral Committee, C.J. Choi (University of Pittsburgh) 2008-2011 Member, Doctoral Committee, Lori Houghton-Rahrig 2007-2012 Member, Doctoral Committee, Chia Tai Hung 2007-2011 Member, Doctoral Committee, Karen Burritt 2005-2011 Member, Doctoral Committee, Karen Bergman 2006-2011 Chair, Doctoral Committee, Denise Hershey 2009-2010 Chair, Doctoral Committee, Sandra Spoelstra 2006-2010 Chair, Doctoral Committee, Elizabeth Byma 2005-2007 Chair, Doctoral Committee, Dissertation Chair, Jackie Miron 2005-2007 Member, and Mentor Post-Doc, Doctoral Committee, College of

Nursing, Ardith Doorenbos 2004-2007 Member, Doctoral Committee, Dissertation Committee, Amy Hoffman 2002-2006 Member, Doctoral Committee, College of Nursing, Judy Fouladbakksh 2001-2005 Chair, Doctoral Committee, College of Nursing, Susan Dunn, (Graduated

in August) 2000-2004 Chair, Doctoral Committee, College of Nursing, Paula Riess, (Graduated

in August)


2000-2002 Chair, Doctoral Committee, College of Nursing, Lori Kraus 1997-2002 Member, Doctoral Committee; Donna Neumark (Completed in May,

2002) 1996-1997 Member, Doctoral Committee; Pam Seibring 1996-2002 Member, Doctoral Committee; Judy Shell (Completed in May, 2002) 1994-2000 Member, Doctoral Committee, College of Child and Family Ecology (4

Students in 1999) 1989-1990 Chair, Doctoral Committee, College of Education

Special Panels

2008 AARP and ANA Nurses and Social Workers Support of Caregivers 2005-2006 National Cancer Institute, Science & Practice of Informal Caregiving 2004 NINR Invitational Conference on End of Life 2003-2004 Institute of Medicine, Committee on Assessing Improvement in Cancer

Care In Georgia 2001 NINR Invitational Conference on Informal Family Caregiving 2001 National Cancer Institute, Kidney/Bladder Cancer Progress Review

Group Roundtable (strategic planning) 5/1/2001 Testimony to the Michigan State Senate Appropriations Committee 2000-2001 Department of Defense Integrated Panel 2000 National Cancer Legislation Advisory Committee, Quality of Life Round

Table Discussion 2000 National Institute of Cancer, Family Care Supplement Conference 7/1997 Testimony to President’s Cancer Panel: Aging 1994-1995 American Cancer Society Blue Ribbon Committee 1994-1995 National Institute of Nursing Research, Expert Panel on Community

Based Research 1993-1994 Institute of Medicine Committee to Advise the Department of Defense

on Breast Cancer Program 1993 Testimony to President's Cancer Panel: Special Commission on Breast



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