bar graphs(data interpretation)

Post on 25-Nov-2015






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The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six branches of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing Company in 2000 and 2001.

1.What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of branch B4 for both years?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Required ratio =(75 + 65)=140=7.

(85 + 95)1809

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2.Total sales of branch B6 for both the years is what percent of the total sales of branches B3 for both the years?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Required percentage=(70 + 80)x 100%

(95 + 110)

=150x 100%


= 73.17%.

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3.What percent of the average sales of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001 is the average sales of branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average sales (in thousand number) of branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000 =1x (80 + 95 + 70)=245.


Average sales (in thousand number) of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001 =1x (105 + 65 + 110)=280.


Required percentage =245/3x 100% =245x 100% = 87.5%.


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4.What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Average sales of all the six branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000 =1x [80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70]


= 80.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.Total sales of branches B1, B3 and B5 together for both the years (in thousand numbers) is?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Total sales of branches B1, B3 and B5 for both the years (in thousand numbers) = (80 + 105) + (95 + 110) + (75 + 95) = 560.

The bar graph given below shows the foreign exchange reserves of a country (in million US $) from 1991 - 1992 to 1998 - 1999.Foreign Exchange Reserves Of a Country. (in million US $)

1.The ratio of the number of years, in which the foreign exchange reserves are above the average reserves, to those in which the reserves are below the average reserves is?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Average foreign exchange reserves over the given period = 3480 million US $.The country had reserves above 3480 million US $ during the years 1992-93, 1996-97 and 1997-98, i.e., for 3 years and below 3480 million US $ during the years 1991-92, 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995-56 and 1998-99 i.e., for 5 years.Hence, required ratio = 3 : 5.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The foreign exchange reserves in 1997-98 was how many times that in 1994-95?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Required ratio =5040= 1.5.


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3.For which year, the percent increase of foreign exchange reserves over the previous year, is the highest?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:There is an increase in foreign exchange reserves during the years 1992 - 1993, 1994 - 1995, 1996 - 1997, 1997 - 1998 as compared to previous year (as shown by bar-graph).The percentage increase in reserves during these years compared to previous year are:For 1992 - 1993 =(3720 - 2640)x 100% = 40.91%.


For 1994 - 1995 =(3360 - 2520)x 100% = 33.33%.


For 1996 - 1997 =(4320 - 3120)x 100% = 38.46%.


For 1997 - 1998 =(5040 - 4320)x 100% = 16.67%.


Clearly, the percentage increase over previous year is highest for 1992 - 1993.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.The foreign exchange reserves in 1996-97 were approximately what percent of the average foreign exchange reserves over the period under review?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average foreign exchange reserves over the given period=1x (2640 + 3720 + 2520 + 3360 + 3120 + 4320 + 5040 + 3120)million US $


= 3480 million US $.Foreign exchange reserves in 1996 - 1997 = 4320 million US $.Required percentage =4320x 100% = 124.14%125%.


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5.What was the percentage increase in the foreign exchange reserves in 1997-98 over 1993-94?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Foreign exchange reserves in 1997 - 1998 = 5040 million US $.Foreign exchange reserves in 1993 - 1994 = 2520 million US $.Increase = (5040 - 2520) = 2520 US $.Percentage Increase =2520x 100% = 100%.


The bar graph given below shows the data of the production of paper (in lakh tonnes) by three different companies X, Y and Z over the years.Production of Paper (in lakh tonnes) by Three Companies X, Y and Z over the Years.

1.For which of the following years, the percentage rise/fall in production from the previous year is the maximum for Company Y?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Percengate change (rise/fall) in the production of Company Y in comparison to the previous year, for different years are:For 1997 =(35 - 25)x 100% = 40%.


For 1998 =(35 - 35)x 100% = 0%.


For 1999 =(40 - 35)x 100% = 14.29%.


For 2000 =(50 - 40)x 100% = 25%.


Hence, the maximum percentage rise/fall in the production of Company Y is for 1997.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.What is the ratio of the average production of Company X in the period 1998-2000 to the average production of Company Y in the same period?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Average production of Company X in the period 1998-2000 =1x (25 + 50 + 40)=115lakh tons.


Average production of Company Y in the period 1998-2000 =1x (35 + 40 + 50)=125lakh tons.


Required ratio =115






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3.The average production for five years was maximum for which company?


C.ZD.X and Z both

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average production (in lakh tons) in five years for the three companies are:For Company X =1x (30 + 45 + 25 + 50 + 40)=190= 38.


For Company Y =1x (25 + 35 + 35 + 40 + 50)=185= 37.


For Company Z =1x (35 + 40 + 45 + 35 + 35)=190= 38.


Average production of five years is maximum for both the Companies X and Z.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.In which year was the percentage of production of Company Z to the production of Company Y the maximum?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The percentages of production of Company Z to the production of Company Z for various years are:For 1996 =35x 100% = 140%.


For 1997 =40x 100% = 114.29%.


For 1998 =45x 100% = 128.57%.


For 1999 =35x 100% = 87.5%.


For 2000 =35x 100% = 70%.


Clearly, this percentage is highest for 1996.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.What is the percentage increase in the production of Company Y from 1996 to 1999?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Percentage increase in the production of Company Y from 1996 to 1999 =(40 - 25)x 100%


=15x 100%


= 60%.

6.What is the difference between the production of Company Z in 1998 and Company Y in 1996?

A.2,00,000 tonsB.20,00,000 tons

C.20,000 tonsD.2,00,00,000 tons

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Required difference= [(45 - 25) x 1,00,000] tons

= 20,00,000 tons.

Out of the two bar graphs provided below, one shows the amounts (in Lakh Rs.) invested by a Company in purchasing raw materials over the years and the other shows the values (in Lakh Rs.) of finished goods sold by the Company over the years.Amount invested in Raw Materials (Rs. in Lakhs)

Value of Sales of Finished Goods (Rs. in Lakhs)

1.The maximum difference between the amount invested in Raw materials and value of sales of finished goods was during the year?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:The differences between the amount invested in raw material and the value of sales of finished goods for various years are:For 1995 = Rs. (200 - 120) lakhs = Rs. 80 lakhs.For 1996 = Rs. (300 - 225) lakhs = Rs. 75 lakhs.For 1997 = Rs. (500 - 375) lakhs = Rs. 125 lakhs.For 1998 = Rs. (400 - 330) lakhs = Rs. 70 lakhs.For 1999 = Rs. (600 - 525) lakhs = Rs. 75 lakhs.For 2000 = Rs. (460 - 420) lakhs = Rs. 40 lakhs.Clearly, maximum difference was during 1997.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The value of sales of finished goods in 1999 was approximately what percent of the sum of amount invested in Raw materials in the years 1997, 1998 and 1999?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Required percentage=600x 100%

(375 + 330 + 525)

= 48.78%


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3.What was the difference between the average amount invested in Raw materials during the given period and the average value of sales of finished goods during this period?

A.Rs. 62.5 lakhsB.Rs. 68.5 lakhs

C.Rs. 71.5 lakhsD.Rs. 77.5 lakhs

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Required difference= Rs.1x (200 + 300 + 500 + 400 + 600 +460)


-1x (120 + 225 + 375 + 330 + 525 + 420)lakhs


= Rs.2460-1995lakhs


= Rs. (410 - 332.5) lakhs= Rs. 77.5 lakhs.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.In which year, the percentage change (compared to the previous year) in the investment on Raw materials is same as that in the value of sales of finished goods?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The percentage change in the amount invested in raw-materials and in the value of sales of finished goods for different years are:Percentage change in Amount invested in raw-material:For 1996 =(225 - 120)x 100% = 87.5%.


For 1997 =(375 - 225)x 100% = 66.67%.


For 1998 =(330 - 375)x 100% = -12%.


For 1999 =(525 - 330)x 100% = 59.09%.


For 2000 =(420 - 525)x 100% = -20%.


Percentage change in value of sales of finished goods:For 1996 =(300 - 200)x 100% = 50%.


For 1997 =(500 - 300)x 100% = 66.7%.


For 1998 =(400 - 500)x 100% = -20%.


For 1999 =(600 - 400)x 100% = 50%.


For 2000 =(460 - 600)x 100% = -23.33%.


Thus, the percentage difference is same during the year 1997.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.In which year, there has been a maximum percentage increase in the amount invested in Raw materials as compared to the year?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The percentage increase in the amount invested in raw-materials as compared to the previous year, for different years are:For 1996 =(225 - 120)% = 87.5%.


For 1997 =(375 - 225)% = 66.67%.


For 1998 there is a decrease.For 1999 =(525 - 330)% = 59.09%.


For 2000 there is a decrease.There is maximum percentage increase in 1996.

Study the bar chart and answer the question based on it.Production of Fertilizers by a Company (in 1000 tonnes) Over the Years

1.What was the percentage decline in the production of fertilizers from 1997 to 1998?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Required percentage =(45 - 60)% = -25%.


There is a decline of 25% in production from 1997 to 1998.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The average production of 1996 and 1997 was exactly equal to the average production of which of the following pairs of years?

A.2000 and 2001B.1999 and 2000

C.1998 and 2000D.1995 and 2001

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average production (in 10000 tonnes) of 1996 and 199740 + 60= 50.


We shall find the average production (in 10000 tonnes) for each of the given alternative pairs:2000 and 2001 =50 + 75= 62.5.


1999 and 2000 =65 + 50= 57.5.


1998 and 2000 =45 + 50= 47.5.


1995 and 1999 =25 + 65= 45.


1995 and 2001 =25 + 75= 50.


The average production of 1996 and 1997 is equal to the average production of 1995 and 2001.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.What was the percentage increase in production of fertilizers in 2002 compared to that in 1995?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Required percentage =(80 - 25)x 100% = 220%.


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4.In which year was the percentage increase in production as compared to the previous year the maximum?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:The percentage increase in production compared to previous year for different years are:In 1996 =(40 - 25)x 100% = 60%.


In 1997 =(60 - 40)x 100% = 50%.


In 1998 there is a decrease in production.In 1999 =(65 - 45)x 100% = 44.44%.


In 2000 there is a decrease in production.In 2001 =(75 - 50)x 100% = 50%.


In 2002 =(80 - 75)x 100% = 6.67%.


Clearlyl, there is maximum percentage increase in production in 1996.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.In how many of the given years was the production of fertilizers more than the average production of the given years?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average production (in 10000 tonnes) over the given years =1(25 + 40 + 60 + 45 + 65 + 50 + 75 + 80) = 55.


The productions during the years 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2002 are more than the average production.

The bar graph given below shows the percentage distribution of the total expenditures of a company under various expense heads during 2003.Percentage Distribution of Total Expenditure of a Company

1.The total amount of expenditures of the company is how many times of expenditure on research and development?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Let the total expenditures be Rs.x.Then, the expenditure on Research and Development (R & D) = Rs. (5% ofx) = Rs.5xx


= Rs.x.


Ratio of the total expenditure to the expenditure on R & D =x




Then, the total expenditure is 20 times the expenditure of Research and Development.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.If the expenditure on advertisement is 2.10 crores then the difference between the expenditure on transport and taxes is?

A.Rs. 1.25 croresB.Rs. 95 lakhs

C.Rs. 65 lakhsD.Rs. 35 lakhs

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Let the total expenditure be Rs.xcrores.Then, 15% ofx= 2.10 x=2.10 x 100= 14.


Total expenditure = Rs. 14 croresand so, the difference between the expenditures on transport and taxes = Rs. [(12.5 - 10)% of 14] crores = Rs. [2.5% of 14] crores = Rs. 0.35 crores = Rs. 35 lakhsView AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.What is the ratio of the total expenditure on infrastructure and transport to the total expenditure on taxes and interest on loans?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Let the total amount of expenditures be Rs.x.Then, the total expenditure on infrastruture and transport = Rs. [(20 + 12.5)% ofx] = Rs. [32.5% ofx] = Rs.32.5x


and total expenditure on taxes and interest on loans = Rs. [(10 + 17.5)% ofx] = Rs. [27.5% ofx] = Rs.27.5x


Required ratio =32.5x/100=13.


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4.If the interest on loans amounted to Rs. 2.45 crores then the total amount of expenditure on advertisement, taxes and research and development is?

A.Rs. 7 croresB.Rs. 5.4 crores

C.Rs. 4.2 croresD.Rs. 3 crores

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Let the total expenditure be Rs.xcrores.Then, 17.5% ofx= 2.45 x= 14.Total expenditure = Rs. 14 crores.and so, the total expenditure on advertisement, taxes and Research and Development = Rs. [(15 + 10 + 5)% of 14] crores = Rs. [30% of 14] crores = Rs. 4.2 crores.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.The expenditure on the interest on loans is by what percent more than the expenditure on transport?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Let the total amount of expenditures be Rs.x.Then, the expenditure on interest on loans = Rs. (17.5% ofx) = Rs.17.5x


and the expenditure on transport = Rs. (12.5% ofx) = Rs.12.5x.


Difference between the two expenditures= Rs.17.5x-12.5x


= Rs.5x


and so, the required percentage =5x/100x 100% = 40%.


A cosmetic company provides five different products. The sales of these five products (in lakh number of packs) during 1995 and 2000 are shown in the following bar graph.Sales (in lakh number of packs) of five different products of Cosmetic Company during 1995 and 2000

1.The sales of lipsticks in 2000 was by what percent more than the sales of nail enamels in 2000? (rounded off to nearest integer)



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Required percentage=(48.17 - 37.76)x 100%


= 27.57%


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2.During the period 1995-2000, the minimum rate of increase in sales is in the case of?

A.ShampoosB.Nail enamels

C.Talcum powdersD.Lipsticks

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The percentage increase from 1995 to 2000 for various products are:Lipsticks =(48.17 - 20.15)x 100% = 139.06%.


Nail enamels =(37.76 - 5.93)x 100% = 536.76%.


Talcum powders =(29.14 - 14.97)x 100% = 94.66%.


Shampoos =(12.21 - 7.88)x 100% = 54.95%55%.


Conditioners =(10.19 - 5.01)x 100% = 103.39%.


The minimum rate of increase in sales from 1995 to 2000 is in the case of Shampoos.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.What is the approximate ratio of the sales of nail enamels in 2000 to the sales of Talcum powders in 1995?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Required ratio =37.762.5 =5.


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4.The sales have increase by nearly 55% from 1995 to 2000 in the case of?

A.LipsticksB.Nail enamels

C.Talcum powdersD.Shampoos

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:The percentage increase from 1995 to 2000 for various products are:Lipsticks =(48.17 - 20.15)x 100% = 139.06%.


Nail enamels =(37.76 - 5.93)x 100% = 536.76%.


Talcum powders =(29.14 - 14.97)x 100% = 94.66%.


Shampoos =(12.21 - 7.88)x 100% = 54.95%55%.


Conditioners =(10.19 - 5.01)x 100% = 103.39%.


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5.The sales of conditioners in 1995 was by what percent less than the sales of shampoos in 1995? (rounded off to nearest integer)



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Required percentage=(7.88 - 5.01)x 100%


= 36.42%


A soft drink company prepares drinks of three different flavours - X, Y and Z. The production of three flavours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.Production of Three Different Flavours X, Y and Z by a Company over the years (in lakh bottles)

1.The total production of flovour Z in 1997 and 1998 is what percentage of the total production of flavour X in 1995 and 1996?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Required percentage=(60 + 60)x 100%

(50 + 40)

=120x 100%


= 133.33%.

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2.For which flavour was the average annual production maximum in the given period?

A.X onlyB.Y only

C.Z onlyD.X and Y

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Average annual productions over the given period for various flavours are:For Flavour X =1x (50 + 40 + 55 + 45 + 60 + 50)= 50 lakh bottles.


For Flavour Y =1x (55 + 60 + 50 + 55 + 50 + 55)= 54.17 lakh bottles.


For Flavour Z =1x (45 + 50 + 60 + 60 + 45 + 40)= 50 lakh bottles.


Maximum average production is for Flavour Y.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.What is the difference between the average production of flavour X in 1995, 1996 and 1997 and the average production of flavour Y in 1998, 1999 and 2000?

A.50,000 bottlesB.80,000 bottles

C.2,40,000 bottlesD.5,00,000 bottles

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Average production of flavour X in 1995, 1996 and 1997 =1x (50 + 40 + 55)


=145lakh bottles.


Average production of flavour Y in 1998, 1999 and 2000 =1x (55 + 50 + 55)


=160lakh bottles.






= 5 lakh bottles

= 5,00,000 bottles.

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4.What was the approximate decline in the production of flavour Z in 2000 as compared to the production in 1998?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Percentage decline in the production of flavour Z in 2000 as compared to the production in 1998 =(60 - 40)x 100%


=20x 100%


= 33.33% 33%.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.For which of the following years the percentage of rise/fall in production from the previous year is the maximum for the flavour Y?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The percentage rise/fall in production from the previous year for flavour Y during various years are:In 1996 =(60 - 55)x 100% = 9.09% (increase)


In 1997 =(60 - 50)x 100% = 16.67% (decrease)


In 1998 =(55 - 50)x 100% = 10% (increase)


In 1999 =(55 - 50)x 100% = 9.09% (decrease)


In 2000 =(55 - 50)x 100% = 10% (increase)


Maximum change is decrease of 16.67% during 1997.

The bar graph given below shows the percentage distribution of the total production of a car manufacturing company into various models over two years.Percentage of Six different types of Cars manufactured by a Company over Two Years

1.What was the difference in the number of Q type cars produced in 2000 and that produced in 2001?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Total number of Q type cars produced in 2001 =(60 - 40)% of 4,40,000 = 88,000.Total number of Q type cars produced in 2000 =(45 - 30)% of 3,50,000 = 52,500.Required difference = (88000 - 52500) = 35,500.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.Total number of cars of models P, Q and T manufactured in 2000 is?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Analysis of the graph:We shall first determine the number of cars of each model produced by the Company during the two years:

In 2000 : Total number of cars produced = 3,50,000.P = (30 - 0)% of 3,50,000 = 30% of 3,50,000 = 1,05,000.Q = (45 - 30)% of 3,50,000 = 15% of 3,50,000 = 52,500.R = (65 - 45)% of 3,50,000 = 20% of 3,50,000 = 70,000.S = (75 - 65)% of 3,50,000 = 10% of 3,50,000 = 35,000.T = (90 - 75)% of 3,50,000 = 15% of 3,50,000 = 52,500.U = (100 - 90)% of 3,50,000 = 10% of 3,50,000 = 35,000.

In 2001 : Total number of cars produced = 4,40,000.P = (40 - 0)% of 4,40,000 = 40% of 4,40,000 = 1,76,000.Q = (60 - 40)% of 4,40,000 = 20% of 4,40,000 = 88,000.R = (75 - 60)% of 4,40,000 = 15% of 4,40,000 = 66,000.S = (85 - 75)% of 4,40,000 = 10% of 4,40,000 = 44,000.T = (95 - 85)% of 4,40,000 = 10% of 4,40,000 = 44,000.U = (100 - 95)% of 4,40,000 = 5% of 4,40,000 = 22,000.

Total number of cars of models P, Q and T manufacture in 2000 = (105000 + 52500 + 52500) = 2,10,000.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.If the percentage production of P type cars in 2001 was the same as that in 2000, then the number of P type cars produced in 2001 would have been?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:If the percentage production of P type cars in 2001 = Percentage production of P type cars in 2000 = 30%.then, number of P type cars produced in 2001 = 30% of 4,40,000 = 1,32,000.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.If 85% of the S type cars produced in each year were sold by the company, how many S type cars remain unsold?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Number of S type cars which remained unsold in 2000 = 15% of 35,000and number of S type cars which remained unsold in 2001 = 15% of 44,000.Total number of S type cars which remained unsold = 15% of (35,000 + 44,000) = 15% of 79,000 = 11,850.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.For which model the percentage rise/fall in production from 2000 to 2001 was minimum?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The percentage change (rise/fall) in production from 2000 to 2001 for various models is:For P =(176000 - 105000)x 100% = 67.62%, rise.


For Q =(88000 - 52500)x 100% = 67.62%, rise.


For R =(70000 - 66000)x 100% = 5.71%, fall.


For S =(44000 - 35000)x 100% = 25.71%, rise.


For T =(52500 - 44000)x 100% = 16.19%, fall.


For U =(35000 - 22000)x 100% = 37.14%, fall.


Minimum percentage rise/fall is production is the case of model R.

The following bar graph shows the Income and Expenditures (in million US $) of five companies in the year 2001. The percent profit or loss of a company is given by% Profit/Loss =Income - Expenditurex 100


Income and Expenditure (in million US $) of five companies in the year 2001.

1.The companies M and N together had a percentage of profit/loss of?

A.12% lossB.10% loss

C.10% profitD.There was no loss or profit

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Total income of Companies M and N together = (35 + 50) million US $ = 85 million US $Total expenditure of Companies M and N together = (45 + 40) million US $ = 85 million US $.Percent Profit/Loss of companies M and N together% Profit/Loss =85 - 85x 100= 0%.


Thus, there was neither loss nor profit for companies M and N together.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.In 2001, what was the approximate percentage of profit/loss of all the five Companies taken together?

A.5% profitB.6.5% profit

C.4% lossD.7% loss

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Total income of all five companies = (35 + 50 + 40 + 40 + 50) million US $ = 215 million US $.Total expenditure of all five companies = (45 + 40 + 45 + 30 + 45) million US $ = 205 million US $.% Profit =(215 - 205)x 100% = 4.88%5%.


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3.Which company earned the maximum percentage profit in the year 2001?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:The percentage profit/loss in the year 2001 for various comapanies are:For M =(35 - 45)x 100% = -22.22% i.e., Loss = 22.22%.


For N =(50 - 40)x 100% = 25% i.e., Profit = 25%.


For P =(40 - 45)x 100% = -11.11% i.e., Loss = 11.11%.


For Q =(40 - 30)x 100% = 33.33% i.e., Profit = 33.33%.


For R =(50 - 45)x 100% = 11.11% i.e., Profit = 11.11%.


Clearly, the Company Q earned the maximum profit in 2001.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.For Company R, if the expenditure had increased by 20% in year 2001 from year 2000 and the company had earned profit of 10% in 2000, what was the Company's income in 2000 (in million US $)?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Let the expenditure of Company R in 2000 bexmillion US $.Then, expenditure of Company R in 2001 =120xxmillion US $.


120x= 45 x= 37.5.


i.e., expenditure of Company R in 2000 = 37.5 million US $.Let the income of Company R in 2000 be I million US $.Then, 10 =(I - 37.5)x 100 [%Profit in 2000 = 10%]


I - 37.5 = 3.75 I = 41.25i.e., Income of Company R in 2000 = 41.25 million US $.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.If the income of Company Q in 2001 was 10% more than its income in 2000 and the Company had earned a profit of 20% in 2000, then its expenditure in 2000 (in million US $) was?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Let the income of Company Q in 2001 =xmillion US $.Then, income of Company in 2001 =110xxmillion US $.


110x= 40 x=400.


i.e., income of Company Q in 2000 =400million US $.


Let the expenditure of Company Q in 2000 be E million US $.Then, 20 =[(400/11) - E]x 100 [%Profit = 20% ]


20 =400- 1x 100


E =400x100= 30.30.


Expenditure of Company Q in 2000 = 30.30 million US $.

Study the bar chart and answer the questions.Sale of Cellular Phones

1.The difference in the sales of cellular phones for the years 1997 and 1999 is ?

A.500 unitsB.1,000 units

C.5,000 unitsD.18,000 units

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:The required answer is got by 48,000 - 30,000 = 18,000.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The two years between which the rate of change of cellular phones is minimum are ?

A.1997 and 1998B.1999 and 2000

C.Both option (A) and (B)D.2001 and 2002

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:The lowest rate of change forFor year 1997 and 1998 = ((48000 - 40000) / 40000) x 100 = 20%For year 1999 and 2000 = ((30000 - 25000) / 25000) x 100 = 20%is exhibited by both option (A) and (B).View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.The sum of sales of cellular phones in the years 1999 and 2001 is equal to that in ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The sum of sales in the two years is 30,000 + 18,000 = 48,000, which is the sales value for 1997.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.The percentage increases in sales from 2001 to 2002 was ?

A.115 %B.128 %

C.122 %D.118 %

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:The percentage increase exhibited is((40 - 18)/18) x 100 = 122 % approximately.

The following bar chart shows the trends of foreign direct investments(FDI) into India from all over the world.Trends of FDI in India

1.What was the ratio of investment in 1997 over the investment in 1992 ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The 1997 figure of investment as a factor of 1992 investment = (31.36/5.70) = 5.50View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.What was absolute difference in the FDI to India in between 1996 and 1997 ?


C.8.13D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The difference in investments over 1996-1997 was31.36 - 24.23 = 7.13 millions.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.If India FDI from OPEC countries was proportionately the same in 1992 and 1997 as the total FDI from all over the world and if the FDI in 1992 from the OPEC countries was Euro 2 million. What was the amount of FDI from the OPEC countries in 1997 ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Let x be the FDI in 1997.Then: (2/5.7) = (x/31.36)x = (2/5.7) x 31.36x = 11View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.Which year exhibited the highest growth in FDI in India over the period shown ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:It can be seen that the FDI in 1996 more than doubles over that of 1995. No other year is close to that rate of growth.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.What was India's total FDI for the period shown in the figure ?


C.93.19D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Total FDI investment in the figure shown is = 5.7 + 10.15 + 12.16 + 10.22 + 24.23 + 31.36 = 93.82 billion.

The following bar chart represents the GDP of different countries during the half decades 2001 - 2005 and 2006 - 2010. All figures are in Rs. billion.GDP of Various Countries

1.Which of the countries listed below accounts for the maximum GDP during the half decade 2006 to 2010 ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:It's clear that US is the highest amongst the given options.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The GDP of UAE is what fraction of GDP of the UK for the decade (approximately) ?


C.(1/6)thD.Data inadequate

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:(10/50) = 20% = (1/5)thView AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.Which of the countries listed below accounts for the highest GDP during the half decade 2001 to 2005 ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:It's clear that Russia is the answer.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.Out of every Rs. 10,000 spent during the decade 2001 - 2010 approximately how much was the GDP of Russia during the half decade 2001 - 2005 ?

A.Rs. 700B.Rs. 1,400

C.Rs. 2,800D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Russia will account for 10 out of 125, i.e, 8% of the total, i.e, 800 out of 10,000 (approximately values based on visual interpretation).

The following chart represents the number of students who passed the CAT exam or the XAT exam or the CET exam or None of these exams. (Assume that there are no students who passed more than one exam.)Number of students who qualified CAT/XAT/CET Exams

1.Which year showed the best result in MBA entrance exams (in terms of percentage of students who cleared) ?


C.2002D.Cannot be determined

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Compare the respective pass percentage for three years : 2000, 2001 and 2002= (140 x 100)/170 < (150 x 100)/180 and (150 x 100)/180 > (160 x 100)/200= 82.35% < 83.33% and 83.33% > 80%View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.What was the percentage of students who succeeded in at least one of three exams in 2000 ?

A.82.4 %B.82.8 %

C.82.35 %D.83.3 %

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Total percentage of students who succeeded in at least one of three exams in 2000 = (140 x 100)/170 = 82.35 %View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.What is the percentage increase in the number of students in 2002 over 2000 ?

A.30 %B.17.64 %

C.117.6 %D.85 %

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Total percentage increase in the number of students in 2002 over 2000 is = (30 x 100)/170 = 17.64 %View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.What is the percentage of students who cleared CAT in 2000 ?

A.19.56 %B.12.65 %

C.14.28 %D.11.76 %

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Total percentage of students who cleared CAT in 2000 = (20 x 100)/170 = 11.76 %

Study the following bar chart and answer the questions carefully.Sales Turnover of 5 Companies (in Rs. crores)

1.What is the percentage change in the overall sales turnover of the five companies together between 2001 - 2002 and 2002 - 2003 ?

A.17.21 %B.14.68 %

C.12.67 %D.21.24 %

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The required answer is100 - percentage value of the fraction (Absolute change/first year's value).View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.What is the absolute change in overall sales turnover of the five companies together between 2001 - 2002 and 2002 - 2003 ?


C.683.53D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Absolute value of the difference between the sum of the turnover of the five companies for 2001 - 2002 and 2002 - 2003.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.Which of the companies shows the maximum percentage difference in sales turnover between the two years ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Hyundai with 25.25 % is marginally higher than Honda with 24.5 %.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.What should have been the sales turnover of GM in 2002 - 2003 to have shown an excess of the same quantum over 2001 - 2002 as shown by the sales turnover of Maruti ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:GM should have increased its sales turnover by Rs.49.13 crore. Hence, the answer is 913.63 + 49.13 = 962.76.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.What is the approximate difference between the average sales turnover of all the companies put together between the years 2001 - 2002 and 2002 - 2003 ?


C.117.6D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Difference between the sum of the two years divided by 5.

The following chart shows the production of cars in thousands.Production of Cars for 2002 - 2005 period from the Selected Manufacturers

1.How many companies have shown production below their average production in 2002 - 2003, but have showed above the average production in 2003 - 2004 ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:Average sales of company:Honda = (6 + 14 + 21)/3 = 13.66GM = (12 + 18 + 18)/3 = 16Maruti = (5 + 9 + 15)/3 = 9.66Hindustan Motors= (16 + 9 + 12)/3 = 12.33Hyundai = (8 + 14 + 7)/3 = 9.66View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The ratio of Hindustan Motors production in 2003 - 2004 to Honda's production in 2002 - 2003 is ?


C.2D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The required ratio is (9/6) = 1.5.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.For how many companies has there been no decrease in production in any year from the previous year ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:By visual inspection we can say that Honda, GM and Maruti have not shown a decrease.

The total of the first three deficit countries (in Rs. crores) = 3594.3. The total of next five deficit countries (in Rs. crores) = 2588.5. The total of the last five deficit countries (in Rs. crores)Cumulative Trade Deficit/Surplus of Countries for the Year 2006 - 2007 (All figures in Rs. Crores).

1.The ratio between the difference between the highest and the lowest of the surplus countries to the difference between Bangladesh and Oman is ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:The required answer will be equal to 360/94 = 3.829.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.The average of the total deficit of the middle five deficit is closest to the deficit of which country ?

A.KoreaB.South Africa

C.UAED.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:The middle five deficit countries are India, New Zealand, South Africa, Korea and Namibia.Their average deficit is (1946.6/5) = 389.32. Korea's deficit is close to this value.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.The state whose surplus is nearly equal to the average of the four surplus countries is

A.Sri LankaB.UAE


Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:The average trade surplus of the four countries is 1860.4/4 = 465.1. Of the four options, USA has the closest value.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.The ratio of the deficit of the first five deficit countries to the overall deficit of all the deficit countries is nearly equal to ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The required answer is (4885.2/6517) = 0.7496View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.The net total deficit/surplus is equal to ?

A.4656.6 surplusB.4656.6 deficit

C.3836.5 deficitD.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Adding all surpluses and subtracting all deficits will give an overall value of deficit of 4656.6.

Study the following bar charts and answer the questions.Foreign Trade (Imports and Exports) by countries for the year (1993 - 1994)

1.The ratio of the maximum exports to the minimum imports was closest to ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:The value of maximum exports = 6045.The value of minimum imports = 87.Therefore, the required ratio (6045/87) = 69.48 = 69 (approximately).View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.How many countries exhibited a trade surplus ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Out of a total of 12 countries, 8 showed a deficit while 4 showed a surplus.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.The total trade deficit/surplus for all the countries put together was ?

A.11286 surplusB.11286 deficit

C.10286 deficitD.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Sum of exports - Sum of imports = deficit(11286).View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.The highest trade deficit was shown by which country ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Visually its clear that L has the highest trade deficit.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.The ratio of Exports to Imports was highest for which country ?



Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:I has a ratio of 4002/2744 = 1.45, which is the highest.

The following bar chart shows the composition of the GDP two countries (India and Pakistan).Composition of GDP of Two Countries

1.If the total GDP of Pakistan is Rs. 10,000 crore, then a GDP accounted for by Manufacturing is ?

A.Rs.200 croreB.Rs.600 crore

C.Rs.2,000 croreD.Rs.6,000 crore

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:20% of 10000 = 2000View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

2.What fraction of India's GDP is accounted for by Services ?


C.(2/3)rdD.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionBExplanation:Service accounts for 20%, i.e., (1/5)th of the GDP of India.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

3.If the total GDP of India is Rs.30,000 crores, then the GDP accounted for by Agriculture, Services and Miscellaneous is ?

A.Rs.18,500 croreB.Rs.18,000 crore

C.Rs.21,000 croreD.Rs.15,000 crore

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionCExplanation:(40 + 20 + 10)% of 30,000 = Rs.21,000 crore.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

4.Which country accounts for higher earning out of Services and Miscellaneous together ?


C.Both spend equal amountsD.Cannot be determined

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionDExplanation:Although the percentage on Services and Miscellaneous put together is equal for both the countries, we cannot comment on this since we have no data about the respective GDP's.View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum

5.If the total GDP is the same for both the countries, then what percentage is Pakistan's income through agriculture over India's income through Services ?

A.100 %B.200 %

C.133.33 %D.None of these

Answer & ExplanationAnswer:OptionAExplanation:Since the GDP is same, the answer will be got by (40 - 20)/20 = 100%.

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