badreya mohamad 200401184 shamma h. rashid 200514554 maryam al naqbi 200406346

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Badreya Mohamad 200401184Shamma H. Rashid 200514554Maryam Al Naqbi 200406346

Meaning of ER segments of ER Examples


Emergency Response isterm for a series of appropriate actions and precautions in the event of a disaster

UAE ER Example :

Bird Flu – Swine Flu Awareness Campaign Education Programs Medical Examination Vaccination

Applicable Methodologies

Address Matching/Geocoding

Routing Allocation Buffering

Thiessen Polygon Dynamic

Segmentation GPS-GIS


Where a polygon is created around an object (point, line, polygon)

is a zone around a map feature measured in units of distance or time.

Why? Estimation

Example : Population Ecologically sensitive



Any line feature, such as a street, highway, river, or pipe, that has a unique identifier.

It’s a tool facilitate path finding within a network. Shortest Path Quickest Path

Why ? Evacuation purpose Minimize potential


Address Matching/Geocoding

4 steps of Geocoding:1. Preparing a reference theme or base map2. Creating an address table that’s contains the

addresses3. Matching the addresses4. Creating Geocoding points



Route Identification and characterization

Location & characteristics of ER Response Time Analysis

Thank You

Reference Urban Planning & Development Applications of GIS





UAE ready to deal with bird flu Feb 28 2007


The National Committee for Emergency Response to Bird Flu has said that the country has its emergency plans ready to deal with any threat of the bird flu.

“The UAE has an integrated stand-by emergency plan to handle possible bird flu outbreak among human beings or birds. We have drawn up quarantine plans in case the infection is detected among human beings,” said Majed Al Mansouri, Coordinator of the Committee.

The official asserted that no infection had been found among residents so far. Three suspect cases had been reported but the medical tests showed negative results.

Al Mansouri discounted any threat from migratory birds, saying the current migration season is for return trips, from south to north. He informed that the number of monitoring teams in bird sanctuaries had been increased.

“Tests have been conducted on more than 30,000 birds of various species,” said Al Mansouri.

He added that a recent meeting presided over by the Minister of Environment and Water, Dr Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi. and attended by the Director General of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority, Rashid Al Shuraiqi, discussed a plan for coordinating efforts in Abu Dhabi to keep all kinds of birds and animals entering the emirate under strict surveillance.

The official also pointed out that airports and border checkpoints in Al Ghuweifat and Al Muzaid were ready to tackle any emergency.

The Abu Dhabi Executive Council has earmarked Dh5 million for the quarantine facilities, he announced. The Committee had also contacted Kuwaiti officials as soon as the Gulf state announced the occurrence of bird flu. He said the source of the infection was yet to be determined.

Meanwhile, Kian Akram, Resident Representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), termed the UAE emergency plan as one of the best to combat avian flu in the region. He said the FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health were closely monitoring the latest developments.

Dr Hussein Hassanien, Secretary General of the UAE Poultry Producers’ Association, said all farms in the country had their own precautionary measures in place. “These measures are being observed at all times without any leniency,” he confirmed.

The Ghuweifat border checkpost has taken strict measures to check incoming food shipments, a senior customs official has said.

Sayah Sultan Al Mansouri, Director of Customs at the border checkpost, said food consignments would not be allowed entry without valid health clearance certificates issued by accredited government laboratories in the countries affected by bird flu. “The certificate should be issued 15 days before the date of forwarding the consignment to the UAE. This is to make sure that the shipment is free of the avian flu disease,” he pointed out.

As for the avian-free countries, he said random samples of inbound consignments would still be collected for tests to ensure they are free of the disease. “All shipments that have recently entered through the checkpost were subjected to these measures,” he informed.


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