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Azmat, Ghazala; Bagues Fernandez, Manuel; Cabrales, Antonio; Iriberri, NagoreWhat You Don't Know... Can't Hurt You? A Natural Field Experiment on Relative PerformanceFeedback in Higher Education

Published in:Management Science


Published: 01/08/2019

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Published under the following license:CC BY-NC

Please cite the original version:Azmat, G., Bagues Fernandez, M., Cabrales, A., & Iriberri, N. (2019). What You Don't Know... Can't Hurt You? ANatural Field Experiment on Relative Performance Feedback in Higher Education. Management Science, 65(8),3714-3736.

What you don’t know... Can’t hurt you?A natural field experiment on relative performance

feedback in higher education ∗

Ghazala Azmat† Manuel Bagues‡ Antonio Cabrales§ Nagore Iriberri¶

June 1st, 2018

Forthcoming in Management Science


This paper studies the effect of providing feedback to college students on theirposition in the grade distribution by using a natural field experiment. This infor-mation was updated every six months during a three-year period. We find thatgreater grades transparency decreases educational performance, as measured bythe number of exams passed and GPA. However self-reported satisfaction, asmeasured by surveys conducted after feedback is provided but before studentstake their exams, increases. We provide a theoretical framework to understandthese results, focusing on the role of prior beliefs, and using out-of-trial surveysto test the model. In the absence of treatment, a majority of students under-estimate their position in the grade distribution, suggesting that the updatedinformation is “good news” for many students. Moreover, the negative effect onperformance is driven by those students who underestimate their position in theabsence of feedback. Students who overestimate initially their position, if any-thing, respond positively. The performance effects are short lived - by the timestudents graduate, they have similar accumulated GPA and graduation rates.

Keywords: Relative performance feedback, ranking, natural field experiment,school performance.

∗We would like to thank Cesar Alonso, Brian Jacob, Imran Rasul, Roland Rathelot, Javier Ruiz-Castillo, Na-talia Zinovyeva, participants in multiple presentations and the editor and three anonymous referees for their usefulcomments. We also thank Ryan Kendall for his excellent research assistance and we acknowledge the support of Is-abel Gutierrez, Paloma Arnaiz, Elena Zamarro y Luis Losada from Universidad Carlos III in conducting this study.Manuel Bagues acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Economıa y Competicion (ECO 2012-31358). Anto-nio Cabrales acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Economıa y Competicion (ECO 2012-34581). NagoreIriberri acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Economıa, Industria y Competitividad and Fondo Europeode Desarrollo Regional (ECO2015-66027-P MINECO/FEDER), Departamento de Educacion and Polıtica Linguıstica yCultura del Gobierno Vasco (IT869-13). All remaining errors are our own.†Sciences Po and Centre for Economic Performance, LSE. E-mail:‡Aalto University and IZA, Helsinki, Finland. Email:§University College London. E-mail:¶University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science. E-mail:


1 Introduction

Providing feedback on individual performance is common practice, both in labor as

well as in educational settings. Feedback is often provided on absolute performance or

relative to some relevant reference group. A commonly held belief across organizations

has been that more information will aid accountability. However, the actual response

to information is likely to be complicated by a number of underlying features – making

it unclear whether one can conclude that more information is always good for future

performance. From a theoretical point of view, besides the associated incentives, indi-

viduals’ preferences and their prior beliefs about their relative standings are likely to

feed into their reaction to feedback, such that more transparency can actually increase

or reduce performance.

Using a natural field experiment (Harrison and List, 2004) in an educational set-

ting, this paper studies the dynamic effects of providing relative performance feedback,

on both individual performance and satisfaction, shedding light on an important un-

derlying mechanism – that of prior beliefs. A cohort of approximately 1,000 students

enrolled in various degrees were randomly assigned into treatment and control groups.

The experiment is carried over four years –following students through their full degree

programs– in a large Spanish university.1 Students in the control group, as per usual,

receive only information on their own performance, while students in the treatment

group are provided with their decile rank with respect to other students in their co-

hort. Relative performance feedback is provided to treated students for the first time at

the end of the first semester of their second year of their program and is updated every

six months until the end of the fourth (and final) year of the degree. Additionally, the

timing is such that, after receiving feedback but before undertaking exams, students

respond to surveys on course satisfaction. Finally, an important feature of our study

is that we conduct an out-of-trial survey on students’ prior beliefs, which allows us

to understand the mechanism through which the treatment affects performance and

1An important merit of natural field experiments is that they bypass selection issues due to par-ticipation constraint, since all students in the cohort participate in the experiment (Al-Ubaydli andList, 2015)



The academic performance of students in the treatment and control groups in the

pre-treatment year (first year of degree) is similar. Once the treated students are

provided with their rank information, we observe a significant decrease in their perfor-

mance relative to those in the control group. In particular, during their second year,

treated students pass, on average, 0.4 fewer course modules than students in the con-

trol group. Their GPA in that year falls by around 0.20 standard deviations. Overall,

our results suggest that increased grade transparency has a detrimental effect on aca-

demic performance. Interestingly, satisfaction levels increase during this period. In the

pre-treatment period, treated and control students report similar levels of satisfaction.

However, after the provision of feedback in the second year – which is before exams

are taken – treated students report a higher level of satisfaction.

To understand the mechanism that reconciles the effects of feedback on perfor-

mance and satisfaction, we provide a theoretical framework that focuses on students’

prior beliefs. The framework aims to understand the conditions under which relative

performance feedback will have an impact on performance and the direction of its ef-

fect. In particular, we show that two issues are vital to understanding the sign of the

effects of information provision. First, the type of objective functions that individuals

maximize and, in particular, whether they maximize only their own performance, or

whether they also care about their relative standing in a competitive manner. This

may be because either relative performance materializes into different outcomes or in-

dividuals inherently care about relative standing in performance. Second, and more

important, we consider individuals’ prior beliefs regarding their, and others’, abilities.

This helps to understand, whether, in the absence of information, they were under-

estimating or overestimating their relative position. In particular, in a context where

individuals have competitive preferences, learning that one’s ability, with respect to

others’, is higher than initially believed, leads to lower effort provision, and conversely,

learning that one’s relative ability is lower than initially believed, when overestimating,

leads to greater exertion of effort.


To test our theoretical mechanism, we use data from an out-of-trial student survey

on prior beliefs of their relative standing. The average student makes an error in her

prediction of 22 percentiles, indicating that students are indeed initially unaware of

their relative standing. Moreover, contrary to the commonly held belief that people

are generally overconfident about their ability, in our study the average student un-

derestimates her relative ranking by 18 percentiles. This pattern is consistent with

previous studies that have shown that over- and under-confidence vary systematically,

and there tends to be under-confidence on difficult tasks (Moore and Cain, 2007). We

show that students who are predicted to underestimate their relative rank are those

who react negatively to the information. Students who are predicted to overestimate

their relative position perform better, although the effect is not statistically significant.

For students whose prior beliefs are predicted to be correct (i.e., for whom the feedback

does not provide additional information), the effect is close to zero.

Since the university attracts highly-able students, the underestimation of rank may,

in part, be due to students’ feeling less able than his or her peers. Measuring students’

priors allows us to understand their role in explaining the response to relative per-

formance feedback. While there is some recent work on how individuals update their

beliefs (Eil and Rao, 2010, Mobius et al., 2011, Ertac, 2011), little attention has been

devoted to studying the role that prior beliefs play in the reaction to relative perfor-

mance feedback.

Since we follow the students until the completion of their degree program, we can

look beyond the immediate impact of treatment and study the long-run effects of

the provision of feedback. We find that the provision of feedback information has a

short-lived effect on academic performance. In particular, students whose performance

deteriorated in response to the feedback information retake failed exams at the end

of the academic year and close the gap in grade with respect to the control students.

Although the accumulated GPA is still lower at the end of the academic year, on

graduation, the performance of the treatment and control groups —as measured by

the likelihood of graduating or the average accumulated GPA at end of the degree—


is statistically indistinguishable. The out-of-trial survey conducted in the final year

of study suggests that, as students get closer to program completion, they are better

informed of how they compare to their classmates. Among the control group, the

prediction error falls to 15 percentiles, suggesting that there is learning over time.

Another potential explanation might be the existence of information spillovers.

Our study relates to the empirical literature on the effect of relative performance

feedback, both in educational and workplace settings.2 The findings in the literature

have largely been mixed. In an educational setting, focusing on younger, pre-college

aged students, Azmat and Iriberri (2010), Tran and Zeckhauser (2012) and Katreni-

akova (2014), all find positive effects of the provision of relative performance feedback.

In a workplace setting, observing other’s work or getting relative performance feed-

back, Mas and Moretti (2009) and Blanes-i-Vidal and Nossol (2011) find a positive

effect on performance, while Barankay (2011) finds a negative effect and Blader et al.

(2015) find positive or negative effects, depending on the context. These mixed results

in the literature suggest that the response is not straightforward. Our study helps to

shed light on the potential mechanism at play. Unlike previous studies, we account for

individuals’ beliefs prior to the provision of information.

In a lab setting, studies have also investigated the role of feedback under various

incentive schemes, showing its importance (Ertac, 2005; Eriksson et al., 2009; Hannan

et al., 2009; Khunen and Tymula, 2012; Charness et al., 2013; Gerhards and Siemer,

2014; Azmat and Iriberri, 2016; Gill et al., 2016). These studies do not elicit beliefs on

ranking position, with the exception of Khunen and Tymula (2012), who, under flat-

rate incentives, find that those who rank lower than expected increase effort and those

who rank higher than expected reduce effort, although the overall effect is positive.

We focus on a particular setting – that of higher education – where the demand

for more feedback has been increasing among students. Williams and Kane (2009),

for example, show that “assessment and feedback routinely score less well than other

2The effect of interim absolute performance feedback has also been studied in the literature. Forexample by Bandiera et al. (2015), where they find that the provision of feedback has a positive effecton students’ subsequent test scores.


course-related aspects of the student experience and have done so for many years.”

However, the results of the study extend to other types of organizations, where greater

transparency is becoming the norm. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the role

of feedback on traditional outcomes, such as performance, which helps to understand

why individuals might respond differentially.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the theoretical framework.

Section 3 describes the institutional background and the design of the experiment, as

well as the additional surveys we conducted in the field. Section 4 presents the results.

Finally, Section 5 concludes.

2 Theoretical Framework

We introduce a theoretical framework to understand agents’ reactions to feedback

on relative performance. We show that two elements are crucial when predicting a

particular direction in the change of effort - one is the motivational component and the

other is the informativeness of the feedback relative to agents’ prior beliefs. At the end

of the section, we propose a hypothesis on how differential reaction to feedback depends

on individuals’ prior beliefs. This is then tested in the natural field experiment, which

is carried out at a university. A more formal description of the model is provided at

the end of the paper in Appendix B.

Assume that the individuals’ utility consists of two elements. One is a cost function

of effort and the other is composed of two main motivational drivers that enter in

an additive way. The first of these drivers is an output function of the individual’s

effort and ability, while the other is a competitive function. This competitive function

depends on individuals’ own effort and ability, as well as the efforts and abilities of

other individuals. We can interpret this as the probability of winning a “prize” (which

could, of course, be psychological reward)3.

The output driver is a function of individuals’ effort and ability, which we assume

are complementary (i.e., the marginal output of effort is increasing in ability). The

3See for example Charness, Masclet and Villeval (2013).


competitive driver is a function of own, as well as other individuals’, effort and ability.

Individual’s own higher ability or effort makes it more likely that she wins the prize,

while others’ higher effort or ability makes her winning less likely. In the competitive

driver component, we specify three more relations. First, own effort and others’ effort

are strategic complements4. Second, the marginal product of own effort is increasing

in the ability of others. And third, own effort and own ability may be complements

or substitutes. Note that relative performance feedback can be informative about own

and others’ ability. With this utility function, we can make predictions about the

effects of the provision of feedback.

If feedback informs the decision maker that others’ ability is lower than expected, it

suggests that she was initially underestimating her relative position. In which case, the

reaction function for the effort of agent will shift down from the effect on the competitive

motivation. This is because marginal product of effort is increasing in others’ ability.

If everyone lowers their estimate of the ability of opponents, the equilibrium choice of

effort will decrease for all. This is because of the strategic complementarity between

own effort and others’ efforts.

If, however, feedback reveals that own ability is higher than initially believed, then

the effect is more complicated. On the one hand, the reaction function for effort should

shift up. This is because of the complementarity of own effort and ability in the output

driver component. However, the reaction function for effort could shift down. This is

because own ability and effort, in the competitive motivation, could be substitutes. In

turn, the impact of feedback could increase or decrease effort. It would depend on the

relative sizes and signs of the effect of the output and competitive drivers on effort.

If the individual impact is the same for everyone, the equilibrium choice of effort for

everyone goes in the same direction. This is due to the strategic complementarity of

own and others’ efforts. The final effect depends on the weight assigned to maximizing

own output versus having a high standing within the cohort. A high weight for own

output increases effort upon learning that own ability is better than expected. The

4As it is assumed in Benabou (1993), Calvo-Armengol et al. (2009), and Albornoz et al. (2017).


opposite can happen with a high weight for relative cohort standing if ability and effort

are substitutes in the competitive component.

The overall effect of feedback, therefore, depends on the prior knowledge of own abil-

ity, versus the knowledge of others’ ability. If we assume that information about others’

ability is the only novelty and that individuals care for the competitive component,

then a positive (negative) surprise about others’ ability would lead to an unambiguous

decrease (increase) in effort. If, however, information on own ability is the novelty,

then the effect would be ambiguous.

This theoretical framework highlights the key determinants for agents’ effort choices.

One determinant is the different motivations in utility and another is the expectations

individuals have before the provision of information. A final important determinant is

whether feedback is informative of own ability or others’ ability. The framework also

makes salient that the average treatment effect of providing relative feedback could

take any direction. It could be positive, negative or zero. The framework allows for

different responses and, at the same time, provide guidance about what effects we

expect to find. In particular, in our setting, it seems likely that knowledge of one’s own

ability is more precise than the knowledge of others’ ability. This is because peers are

new for most students. Thus, the feedback will make individuals update their priors of

others’ ability rather than their own ability. It also seems reasonable to assume that

students have strong competitive motives since grades in a university serve as a signal

of ability to potential employers and to graduate school admissions officers. Moreover,

although some students will have a motivation for better grades, many will have an

even stronger desire to perform better than others. If this is the case, the dominant

force will be the one that shifts effort up or down in the presence of a negative or

positive surprise. We can, therefore, test the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis: individuals who receive positive news (who were underestimating their

relative position in the absence of information) reduce their output, while individu-

als who receive negative news (who were overestimating their relative position in the

absence of information) increase their output.


In the sections that follow, we will describe our empirical application, which will

test this hypothesis.

3 Background and Experimental Design

In our study, we follow a cohort of around 1,000 students, who enrol at University

Carlos III in Madrid, Spain, in 2009. Over three years, 2010 to 2013, we conducted a

natural field experiment. Students were randomly allocated into treatment and control

groups at the start of their second year and treatment was carried out every six months

until the end of the fourth year. In the control group, students receive information on

their own performance (as is the norm). In the treatment group, students additionally

receive information on their relative performance.

The majority of students pursue their degree in Spanish, but a small minority

do so in English. Our study includes only students enrolled in the Spanish track on

four four-year degree programs – Business, Economics, Finance, and Law – and one

six-year degree – Business and Law. Two of these degrees – Business and Business

and Law – are held simultaneously in two different locations, the Northern and the

Southern campuses. We study both, such that our study involves students in seven

different degree-locations. Table A1 summarizes the allocation into treatment and

control groups by campus and degree program.

In this section, we explain the most relevant features of the university system, the

design of the experiment, as well as the timing of the experiment.

3.1 Educational Institution

In Spain, access to university (full-time, undergraduate) is based on applicants’ entry

grade, which is calculated as a weighted average of their high school accumulated GPA

(60%) and the grade obtained on a standardized exam known in Spanish as Selectividad

(40%). University Carlos III offers the most selective degrees in the region according


to the required minimum entry grade.5

An academic year includes two 14-week terms. The first term takes place from

September to December, with exams taken in January. The second term takes place

from February to April, with exams taken in May. Students that fail to pass an exam

on either of the two terms have the opportunity to retake that exam in June.

Each week students attend one lecture and one tutorial. The assignment of students

to lecture and tutorial groups is based on the first letter of their surname.6 As an

illustration, Figure A1 depicts how students enrolled in 2010 in the 1st year of the

Business degree at the Southern campus were distributed across groups. For instance,

students whose surname initial began with “A” or “B” were assigned to tutorial group

number 74 and lecture group “74-75-76” (which combines tutorial groups 74, 75 and

76). In the Spanish context, surname order is uncorrelated with socio-economic status

or academic performance, and as a result, performance across groups tends to be


All courses in the 1st and 2nd year of the degree are compulsory. Courses in the 3rd

and 4th year of the degree are mostly elective. In each course, the final grade is usually

a weighted average of the grade obtained in the end of term exams (60%), midterm

evaluations (20%) and group presentations/assignments (20%). The end of term exam

is usually the same for different groups in the same subject.

Students’ permanence at the university is subject to certain requirements. During

their first year at Carlos III, students must pass at least two courses. By the end of

their second year, they must have passed every first-year course. Finally, they cannot

fail the same exam more than three times. If any of these conditions is not satisfied,

students cannot pursue their studies.7

After each semester, students receive information on the grades that they have ob-

5Information on minimum entry grades is available at

page/portal/acceso_universidad/notas_corte_pc/notas_corte_09_10/notasmadrids09.pdf,retrieved on April 30 2015.

6The only exception are second-year students in the English track. This is why we do not considerthese students in our analysis and restrict our attention to students in the Spanish track.

7More detailed information is available on the university’s webpage

portal/page/portal/conocenos/nuestros_estudios/normativa_09/Permanencia), retrieved onFebruary 11 2015.


tained in each subject. The university summarizes this information through an official

measure of accumulated grade point average (AGPA), which students can also access

at any point in time on the university intranet.8 Students do not receive information

on their position in the distribution of AGPAs, relative to other students, or about the

AGPA of any other student.

Students are not explicitly rewarded for their relative performance, except for a

prize given to the best student in the cohort at the time of graduation.9 Nonetheless,

relative performance might still be relevant. For instance, performing relatively well

might lead to better placement on study-abroad programs, receiving a good reference

letter that would help to obtain an internship or a better labor market outcome.

3.2 Experimental Design

The experiment was conducted using the cohort of students who entered university

in the Fall 2009 and who were registered in at least one second-year course in Fall

2010.10 We assigned students to the treatment and control groups using a randomized

block design. In Table A1, we describe how we assigned students into these groups.

Overall, we consider seven blocks on the basis on the location (North campus and

South campus) and degree of students (five degree programs). Within each block, we

randomly assign one lecture group to the treatment group and the rest to the control

group. The table highlights that in the degree-locations that had two groups, one

group was randomly assigned to the control and the other to the treatment. However,

in some cases, the degree-locations had three groups. For these groups, we decided

to randomly assign two groups to the control and one to the treatment. As a result

of the random draw, seven lecture groups including 354 students were assigned to the

8The university calculates the accumulated grade point average summing the grades obtained bythe student, modified with a penalty for the number of times an exam is taken, and dividing this sumby the total number of courses taken. There is no penalty if the exam for the course is taken onlyonce. If the student failed once, the course grade is multiplied by 0.95, by 0.90 if the student failedtwice, and so forth.

9This prize, known as premio extraordinario, is awarded by the Ministry of Education.10This condition excludes approximately 10 percent of the 2009 cohort, generally students who were

expelled because they did not manage to pass at least two courses during the first year.


treatment group and ten groups including 623 students to the control group.11

The time line of the experiment is shown in Figure 1. The first intervention was

done in December of 2010 - before the end of semester exams, which took place in

January. Similarly, the second intervention was done in April 2011, before the second

semester exams - in May. We followed the same timing in the third and fourth year of

the program. Specifically, treated students received an email message from a corporate

account stating the following:12

This email is part of a pilot project of academic assessment

management. If you want to see your average grade, and

your relative position in terms of average grade among the

students that started the degree the same year you did,

you can do it by clicking here

After logging in with their university login and password, students would obtain

access to a screen that displays their own GPA and their position in the distribution

of grades, as measured in deciles (Figure 2).

In addition to the natural field experiment, we conducted our own surveys and gath-

ered information from surveys conducted by the university administration: (i) course

evaluation surveys completed by all students, (ii) a survey on students’ knowledge of

their relative position in the distribution of grades, administered to a sample of 2nd

year students, who were not affected by the intervention, and (iii) a similar survey

administered to a sample of graduating students belonging both to the experiments’

treatment and control groups.

The teaching evaluations asked students about their satisfaction with the course

and the grading standards, as well as their self-reported effort. In terms of timing,

11A few students were enrolled in several lecture groups. They were assigned to the group wherethey attended the majority of their courses.

12The control group did not receive an email. Therefore, as in many interventions in which thetreatment is the reception of an email, whether the effect is due to the reception of email or to thecontent of the email cannot be easily disentangled. However, since - among the treated - we find adifferential treatment effect based on priors, the effect is more likely to be due to the content of theemail.


these surveys were conducted in December and then in April - after treated students

received relative performance feedback but before taking exams. Note that we focus

only on teaching surveys in 2010-2011, and not for the later years. This is because, as is

typical with teaching evaluations, they are performed anonymously and the information

is only available at the group level. In contrast to the second year where all classes are

compulsory, students choose elective courses in the third and fourth and can, therefore,

be in groups that mix treated and control students. In turn, we cannot identify teaching

evaluations from treated and non-treated students for the third and fourth academic


The other two surveys measure students’ knowledge of their relative standing, both

prior to and after the treatment. The first is conducted among second year students

in the later cohort and the second is conducted among the students in the experiment

as they approach the end of their program. These belief-elicitation surveys were non-

incentivized. One reason for this choice is that, in the survey that was conducted in the

4th year, the use of incentives would give a clear monetary advantage to the treated


3.3 Individual Characteristics and Balance-check

Table 1 provides information on the individual predetermined characteristics of the 977

students - at the end of their first academic year - who participated in the intervention

and it compares the treatment and control groups. Just over half of the students are

women, and most students are Spanish (97 percent). A large majority of students

attended high school before entering university - only 5 percent have a vocational

training background. Approximately two-thirds of the students come from the Madrid

region, and within this region, most come from the center of Madrid (31 percent).

13Schotter and Trevino (2014) and Murad, Sefton and Starmer (2016) highlight that the effect of theuse of incentives is still an object of study in experimental economics and that more studies are neededin order to conclude that they encourage truth-telling and/or precision more than not incentivizing.Schotter and Trevino (2014) show that paying a flat-rate versus not paying at all does not seemto make a differential effect in belief elicitation. Closer to our setting, Murad, Sefton and Starmer(2016) find that non-incentivized measures reproduce ‘hard-easy effect’ (overconfidence in easy tasksand underconfidence in hard tasks) and that incentivized measures produce general underconfidence,which is reduced but not eliminated.


Approximately 22 percent come from municipalities located in the southern part of the

region, an area that tends to be less affluent.

In their first year, students usually take a total of 11 courses within their program.

All courses in the first year (and second year) are compulsory. From Table 1, we see

that, relative to their “Entry Grade” - based on national-level tests taken at the end

of high school - students experience a significant decrease in their grades during their

first year in university (as expressed by GPA). While the average entry grade into the

university is 7.24 (out of 10), the average GPA at the end of the first year is equal to

6.02 (out of 10), which implies a decrease of roughly one standard deviation. As shown

in Figure A2, grades shift down along the entire distribution. It is important to point

out that this university is a relatively selective university, such that the entry grade

is high relative to other universities. The fall in grade might reflect different grading

standards with respect to the entry level exams. Hence, the additional information

that we provide on rank, might help students understand this better - especially early

in their university program.

Student’ satisfaction, hours of study and grading satisfaction are obtained through

teaching evaluations.14 Students are relatively satisfied with the quality of the courses

they received before the intervention took place. On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5

(very satisfied), students’ average assessment is equal to 3.8. They are slightly less

satisfied with the fairness of grading; again using a scale from 1 to 5, the response

answer is 3.6. The teaching evaluations also provide (self-reported) information on

study time. Students devote between 4 and 7 study hours to each subject in each

week.15 Taking into account that there are typically 5 or 6 courses per term, this

implies that on average students spend approximately 32 hours studying each week,

which combined with class attendance, amounts to approximately 50 hours per week

14Teaching evaluations are collected by the university administration twice per year. During aca-demic year 2010-2011, students completed their 1st term teaching evaluations in December, beforethe intervention took place.

15Hours of study takes value 1 if the individual studied less than one hour per week; value 2 forbetween one and four hours of studying; value 3 for four to seven hours of studying; value 4 for sevento ten hours of studying; and value 5 for more than ten hours of studying.


in college-related work.16

We formally test whether these predetermined characteristics are balanced across

the treatment and control groups using the following regression:

Xs,d,g = α + βTreatmentd,g +Zdλ+ εs,d,g (1)

where Xs,d,g refers to a given predetermined characteristic of student s, enrolled in

degree d and tutorial group g. Treatmentd,g takes value one if the student is exposed

to the treatment and the equation also includes a set of degree fixed effects ( Zd ). As

expected, the two groups are very similar in terms of their demographic characteristics

and their academic performance before the intervention took place (Table 1, upper and

middle panel).

Similarly, we formally test whether the treatment and the control groups are bal-

anced on satisfaction, self-reported effort and satisfaction in grading before the inter-

vention took place using the following regression:

Yc,g,d = α + βTreatmentc,g,d +Xcγ +Zdλ+ εc,g,d (2)

where Yc,g,d represents some average self-reported measure in course c (e.g. Econo-

metrics I), tutorial group g (e.g. group 72) and degree d (e.g. Business at the Southern

Campus). The regression includes a set of course fixed effects (Xc) and degree fixed

effects (Zc). As expected, students in the treatment and control groups report very

similar values before the intervention in terms of their overall satisfaction with courses,

the fairness of the grading and the hours of study (Table 1, lower panel). Finally, we

also look at the number of students who complete the teaching evaluation per class

and find that the response rates do not differ significantly across the treated and the

control groups.

16According to survey information provided by teachers, the attendance rate at lectures is approx-imately 80% (Information available at

Resultados_encuestas_a_alumnos_y_profesores/00_Informe_1_cuatrimestre_2012_2013.pdf,retrieved on April 30, 2015). Each course includes four hours of weekly lectures, which implies that astudent enrolled in 5.5 courses who attended 80% of lectures would spend 18 hours weekly in class.


Overall, of 15 observable characteristics, in no dimension is the difference significant

at the 5%, and in two dimensions the difference is significant at 10% (Table 1, column

4). An F-test confirms that it is not possible to statistically reject that the assignment

was random.

4 Empirical Analysis

We analyze the impact of the intervention in four different steps. First, we examine

the informational impact of the intervention. We measure students’ prior beliefs before

the intervention, using the out-of-trial survey, which will be important to understand

the sign of the relative performance feedback effect, as guided by the theoretical frame-

work. Then, we verify whether treated students actually accessed the link that they

received by email. We finish testing the informational impact on students’ knowledge

after the treatment at the end of the fourth year. Second, we study the impact on stu-

dents’ performance and satisfaction, both in the short and long run. Third, we explore

whether the impact of the treatment depends on subjects’ prior beliefs. Finally, we

also report some heterogeneity analysis on the relative performance feedback effect.

4.1 Students’ Prior Beliefs about Relative Position and the

Impact of Treatment on Beliefs

4.1.1 Students’ Prior Beliefs

The intervention provides treated students with information on their position in the

grade distribution at the beginning of their second year. The impact of this treatment

depends crucially on the information that was available to students before the interven-

tion. We investigate students’ knowledge about their position in the grade distribution,

absent of any intervention, using information from another cohort of students, that is,

an out-of-trial sample of students. We conducted a survey among a group of students

from the 2010 cohort at the beginning of their second year (November 2011). The

survey was administered during the lecture of a compulsory course and in total 57


Economics students participated.17 We decided not to conduct this survey among stu-

dents belonging to the treated cohort (2009 cohort) to avoid the introduction of any

confounding effects that might affect their subsequent performance.

Students were asked to answer privately the following question:18

When you enrolled in this degree one year ago, your cohort

includedN students. If we were to rank all students in this

cohort by their accumulated grade point average (AGPA)

such that number 1 is the student with the highest AGPA

and number N is the student with the lowest AGPA, in

which position do you think you would be?

The answers are reported in Figure 3. The x -axis reports the actual position of

the student in the ranking, normalized between 0 (lowest grade) and 1 (highest grade)

among students who enrolled in Economics in Fall 2009. The y-axis provides infor-

mation on their self-reported relative performance, normalized in a similar way. Most

observations lie far away from the diagonal, reflecting that students are uninformed.

Moreover, students tend to underestimate their position in the distribution of grades.

The average student makes an error in her prediction of 22 percentiles and tends to

underestimate her relative ranking by 18 percentiles. One possible explanation for this

systematic divergence might be related to the difference in grading between high school

and university. Although both are graded out of 10, the standards are different, such

that (on average) they experience a sharp decline in grades as shown by the grades

distribution in Table A2. However, they may not have understood that it affects all

students, not only themselves.

To obtain a better understanding of which students underestimate their position in

17Specifically, we surveyed students enrolled in Game Theory, Degree in Economics, groups 63, 64,68, and 69. A total of 21 people did not attend lecture on the day of the survey. All attending studentsexcept one participated in the survey.

18N was equal to 300, which corresponds to the number of students who enrolled in 2010 in theEconomics degree offered by Universidad Carlos III at its Southern Campus


the distribution and which ones overestimate it, we estimate the following equation:

Ys = α +Xsβ + εs, (3)

where Ys refers to the difference between the self-reported and the actual relative

ranking. The dependent variable takes positive values when students overestimate

their own ranking and negative otherwise. The set of independent variables Xs in-

cludes gender, entry grade, and performance during the 1st year. As shown in Table

A2, underestimation is relatively stronger among women, among students with low

high school grades, and among students who received relatively higher grades during

their first year in university. These observable characteristics explain approximately 50

percent of the variation in the gap between students’ self-reported ranking and their

actual position.

Overall, this analysis shows that the average student underestimates her initial

position, suggesting that there is room for students to learn about their relative ranking.

Moreover, according to the theoretical framework, the provision of feedback should

indeed affect negatively students’ performance as long as the treatment reaches the


4.1.2 Do Students Access the Information?

The treatment provides students the possibility of obtaining information regarding

their relative ranking, as students in the treatment group receive an email with a link

to a personalized webpage where they can find feedback on their relative performance.

As part of the design, we can observe whether students indeed accessed the informa-

tion and the number of times they did so. 72 percent checked this information at least

once. The average student checked the ranking four times during the duration of the

treatment. As shown by Figure A3, there is quite a lot of variation, as 23% of students

check the information only once and about 10% of them checked the information 8

times or more during the three years of treatment. Also, as shown by Figure A4, about

25% of students check during one or two years and a slightly lower proportion checks


during all three years. Finally, as shown in Figure A5, the probability of checking is

strongly correlated with the position in the ranking. In the top quartile, nearly 90

percent of students accessed the information, while in the bottom quartile, less than

half did. This result is confirmed by the regression analysis, shown in Table 2, as for

different dependent variables higher ranked students are more likely to check for the

information. Female students are also slightly more likely to check, but the difference

is only marginally significant once we account for the ranking (Table 2).

We cannot determine why some students do not check the information. Some

individuals might not read emails from corporate accounts, while others perhaps read

the email but prefer not to learn about their position in the ranking. One-third of the

students that did not check their ranking were expelled from the university at the end

of their second year due to their failure to meet the permanence requirements. It is

possible that these students were not active students at the time of the intervention.

While our study is probably not well suited to explain the reasons for information

acquisition, we can offer some speculation as to how these results might fit with the

theoretical framework outlined in Section 2. Suppose accessing the information has a

cost (either cognitive from processing the material, or psychological from fearing bad

news19). Then, if the competitive motive for effort is dominant as we assume in Section

2 and is consistent with our results, then it is natural than the individuals with better

priors about their position in the ranking have more incentives to check it. After all,

if the competitive motivation arises from a desire to win a “prize,” those who have a

reasonable chance to win the prize stand to gain more from accessing the information.

4.1.3 Learning and Information Spillovers over Time

The intervention was designed to minimize information spillovers, but it is still possible

that students from the control group received some information from treated students

(Duflo and Saez, 2003). Students in both groups might also increase their knowledge

of their position in the distribution over time, independent of the intervention.

19As per the anticipatory utility theory, see, e.g., Caplin and Leahy (2001).


To study this issue, we surveyed a sample of students from the treatment and

the control groups concerning their relative ranking three years after the beginning of

the intervention. The survey was conducted at the end of the undergraduate thesis

presentation, which is the final requirement that students satisfy before graduation.20

The sample includes 97 students from Economics, Business and Finance degrees. Four

students did not reply to the survey. Note that, by construction, the sample of students

surveyed is not a random sample of all students. Students in the upper part of the

grade distribution are over-represented.21

The information displayed in Figure 4 reveals two interesting patterns. First, stu-

dents in the control group have more accurate information on their relative performance

at the end of their 4th year than students at the beginning of their 2nd year, before

the intervention took place. The average error has decreased from 22 percentiles to 15

percentiles (Table A3). This improvement might potentially reflect learning over time

or information spillovers. Unfortunately we cannot disentangle these two hypotheses.

Second, at the end of their 4th year students in the treatment group are significantly

better informed than students in the control group. The average error among treated

students is equal to 9 percentiles compared to 15 percentiles in the control group. Note

also that students in the treatment group do not perfectly predict their position in

the ranking. This might be due to several factors. First, students were asked about

their exact position in the ranking, while the intervention provided access only to their

position in terms of decile. Second, the survey was conducted after the final exams but

before students could access information on their final ranking; the last update of the

ranking information took place shortly after we conducted the survey. Third, a few

students in this group (less than 10%) had never checked the information provided.

Finally, some students may have forgotten their position in the ranking.

Overall, the survey information suggests that, while initially the intervention gen-

20To prevent (treated) students from having access to the information provided, they were notallowed to access the internet during the survey.

2143% of surveyed students belong to the treated group and the rest to the control group. We havealso checked if students are balanced across control and treated groups in terms of gender and HighSchool entry grade. They are balanced in terms of gender and students in the control group showslightly higher High School entry grade than students in the treated group, significant at the 5%.


erated a large gap in terms of how well informed are students in the treatment and

the control group, over time the control group catches up. Therefore, the effect of

relative performance feedback is likely to differ in the short run, when the treatment

group experiences an information shock, and in the long run, when the control group

is learning relatively faster.

4.2 Feedback effect on Academic Performance, Satisfaction

and Effort

We estimate the impact of feedback on academic performance, satisfaction and effort

using the following regression:

Ys,d,g,t+i = α + βTreatmentd,g +Zdλ+Xs,d,g,t + εs,d,g,t+i, (4)

where Ys,d,g,t+i represents the performance of student s, enrolled in degree d and tutorial

group g, in the academic term t + i, and t refers to the time of the intervention.

Treatmentd,g takes value one if the student belongs to the treatment group. Given

that there was not full compliance, β provides information on the intention-to-treat

effect. The equation also includes a set of degree fixed effects (Zd), as well as, Xs,d,g,t

a set of predetermined individual characteristics listed in subsection 3.3. To account

for the potential existence of common shocks, we report standard errors clustered at

the lecture group level.

Below, we report separately the short-term effects (second year) and the longer-term

effects (third and fourth years).

4.2.1 Short-term effects

Table 3 provides information on the effects of the intervention during the regular exam

period of the second year. The provision of relative performance feedback has a negative

impact on the performance of students in the treatment group. On average, students

in the treatment group passed 0.36 (0.1 of a standard deviation) fewer exams during


the regular exam period, a difference that is significant at the 6 percent level. The

average grades, as measured by students’ GPA, decrease by 0.20 standard deviations,

significant at 1 percent level. This negative impact on performance is consistent with

the main hypothesis as the average student is expected to underestimate her position

in the relative performance and therefore, will be getting positive news.

In the short run, we can also analyze students’ satisfaction and self-reported effort

using equation (2). Recall that the evaluations are conducted after students receive the

information but before they do their exams. We cannot observe these two variables at

the individual level, but we can exploit the information on teaching evaluations avail-

able at the course and group level. According to the theoretical framework, the good

news received by the relative performance feedback makes the student more satisfied

and work fewer hours. We do find some evidence for this – treated students show

approximately one-third of a standard deviation higher satisfaction with the teaching.

However, we do not observe any significant impact on self-reported effort. Both the

treated and control groups report that they study between four and seven hours weekly

per course. One possible explanation is that the treatment was not strong enough to

move students’ effort beyond these boundaries, or alternatively, that students do not

feel that they are putting in less effort (despite their later lower performance), which

might be a response to the positive news they receive.

The last column of Table 3 presents the adjusted p-values for multiple hypothesis

testing, using the Holm-Bonferroni correction. As expected, p-values are generally

larger, but the results on GPA and satisfaction remain significant at the 5% even after

the standard error correction. The impact on Exams Passed is not anymore significant

at the standard levels.

4.2.2 Longer-term effects

Table 4 shows the treatment effect on performance in the longer term. We look at the

academic performance of students in the retake exams that take place at the end of the

second year, where they have the opportunity to pass exams that they have failed. We


also look at the third and fourth academic years, as well as at the overall longer term

outcome variables. Unfortunately, we can only look at performance measures and not

satisfaction measures.

As shown in Table 4, we find no evidence for any treatment effect on performance

in the long run. The negative impact found in the short run seems to disappear by the

summer retakes, as treated students tend to catch up at the number of passed exams.

By the third year, we do not observe any significant differences in the number of exams

passed or the average GPA. In addition to academic performance, we also consider the

probability of dropping out or graduating in four years. Overall, we find no evidence

that the relative performance feedback had any significant impact in the long run.

The findings of the short- and longer-term analysis are summarized in Figure 5,

which displays the evolution of the educational performance of the treatment and the

control group over time. While the performance of the two groups was similar during

the first year - before the intervention took place - the performance of the treatment

group declines during the second year. During the third and the fourth years we observe

a rapid attenuation of this short-run effect and, by the time of graduation, there are

no significant differences.

Although the theoretical framework is silent on the long versus short run differential

effect, there are several possible explanations for why the treatment has a decreasing

impact over time. It may be partly related to the design of the intervention, which

provides a relatively large amount of information initially but has decreasing informa-

tional content over time. Students receive information on their position in the ranking

in terms of their accumulated GPA and, as a result, the influence of each additional

term on their position in the ranking decreases over time. As shown in Figure A6,

while 45% of students experienced a variation in their ranking at the beginning of their

2nd year, at the end of the 4th year only 25 percent of students experience any such

variation. An alternative explanation is that, as shown in the previous section, the

informational gap between treated and control students increases sharply when the

intervention is first implemented but then it tends to decrease over time.


4.3 Differential Treatment Effect Depending on Prior Beliefs

The theoretical framework indicates that the impact of feedback on relative perfor-

mance depends on subjects’ preferences and their prior information. Within the pro-

posed framework, the observed negative impact on performance is consistent with a

context where students care about their relative performance but, on average, they

tend to underestimate it.

Beyond this average effect, the theory suggests that the observed pattern should be

driven by the set of students who underestimated their position. Instead, students who

overestimated their position may react by increasing their performance. We do not have

direct information on the prior beliefs of students who participated in the intervention,

but we infer whether a given student was positively or negatively surprised by the

feedback on relative performance using the information provided by the survey that

was conducted during the second year among a group of students who were not affected

by the treatment. We estimate the following equation:

Y self−reporteds = α + βY true

s +Xsγ + εs (5)

where Xs includes students’ performance during their first year, gender and entry

grade. We use these estimates to predict the type of news that students are expected

to receive when they obtain access to the ranking information (see Table A2). We

classify students into three groups, according to whether the actual ranking and the

predicted ranking lie within the same decile (no news), the actual ranking is larger than

the predicted one (positive news), or vice versa (negative news). Using this method-

ology we infer that 644 students are expected to underestimate their position in the

distribution, 142 have an accurate estimate, and 180 overestimate it. Figure 6 depicts

the distribution of these three groups according to the actual relative performance of


We regress equation (4) separately for these three groups of students, using as the

two performance outcome variables, Exams Passed and GPA, during the regular exam


period in the second year. According to our estimates, students who, according to our

estimations, receive “positive” news, pass 0.47 fewer exams during their second year,

and their GPA is 0.21 standard deviations lower, relative to comparable students in

the control group (Table 5, columns 2-4). These effects are statistically significant at

the 5% level.22 The treatment has virtually no effect on students who are expected to

have correct priors regarding their position in the ranking. However, students receiving

“negative” news pass 0.26 more exams during their second year, although this effect is

not statistically significant. Overall, these estimates are consistent with the hypothesis

that the impact of information depends crucially on the students’ prior beliefs.

4.4 Heterogeneity: Gender, High-School Grades and First

Year Grades

We have also examined the potential existence of differential treatment effects based

on other observable characteristics reported in Table 1, such as gender, performance in

the first year and High-School entry grade.

As shown in Table 6, we do not observe any significant difference in the impact of

the treatment across any of these dimensions. If anything, the impact of the treatment

on educational performance is slightly stronger among female students, among students

with a lower performance in their first year in university, and among students with a

lower High-School entry grade.23

4.5 Robustness and Additional Results

We consider several extensions and robustness checks. First, we report the estimates

from an instrumental variables (IV) specification. Second, we examine three additional

ways in which the provision of feedback might affect performance: through changes

22We are not correcting standard errors for multiple testing in this table because the analysis isdriven by the theoretical prediction that the treatment should (i) have a negative impact for indi-viduals that underestimate their ranking, (ii) no effect for individuals who know their position inthe distribution, and (iii) a positive impact for individuals that overestimate their position in thedistribution.

23Similarly, we also observe that the effect is stronger among students who experience a largerdecline in their grades relative to their High School grades.


in grading standards, students’ participation in feedback surveys and the choice of

electives. Finally, we report the post-study probability (PSP) that our findings reflect

a true effect (Maniadis et al. 2014).

4.5.1 IV Specification

Given that not all students in the treatment group accessed the information, we use the

(random) assignment to the treatment group as an instrument for receiving feedback

information. As expected, the point estimates are slightly larger (Table A4). These

estimates provide information on the local average treatment effect, under the assump-

tion that individuals in the treatment group were only affected by the provision of

additional information, but they did not react somehow to the reception of the email.

4.5.2 Grading Standards

There are several factors that, in this context, limit the potential impact of the treat-

ment on grading standards. First, the same teacher typically grades exams for both

the treated and control groups, and whether a student is treated or non-treated is not

known to the teacher. Thus it is not possible for the teachers to condition on the

treatment when they are grading the exams. Also teachers do not explicitly grade

on a curve. In Figures A7 and A8 we plot the grades distribution by course and by

different groups for a particular course (in both cases, we look over time). We see that

these vary substantially across different groups for a specific course, as well as across

different courses, suggesting that teachers do not grade on a curve.

A further piece of evidence for there not being curving is that, in the subjective

teaching evaluations, we do not find that perceived fairness in grading changed across

the treated and the control students. As shown in Table A5, both groups report after

the intervention statistically similar values in term of fairness of grading, Grading Sat-

isfaction, indicating that students did not perceive any changes in grading practices.24

24A related problem would arise if the performance of the treatment groups affected the gradingin the control groups, which would lead to a violation of the stable unit treatment value assumption(SUTVA). In this case, the observed gap in performance might overestimate the magnitude of theeffect.


Based on this evidence, we conclude that it is unlikely that variations in grading

standards are the main driving force behind the observed effect.

4.5.3 Participation in Teaching Evaluations

Not all students participate in teaching evaluations. During the period of our study,

only around one third of students completed them. If the provision of feedback informa-

tion affects which students reply, it might introduce a bias in the information provided

by teaching evaluations. While we cannot observe the identity of respondents, we can

observe the total number of respondents. As shown in Table A5, there is no significant

difference in the response rate of students in the treatment and the control group,

suggesting that the treatment did not affect the composition of the sample.

4.5.4 Choice of Electives

During the third and fourth years, students can choose elective courses. A potential

way to improve their relative position in the ranking would be to enrol in elective

courses where grades tend to be higher, either because grading standards are more

lenient or because the value added by the lecturer is larger.

To obtain a proxy for the grades that students may expect to obtain in each elective

course, we collected information on the grades received by students in these courses

during the two previous years. Overall, we observe 26,119 grades in 168 courses. Using

this information, we estimate the following equation:

Gradec,s = α +Ccβ + Ssγ + εc,s, (6)

where Gradec,s reflects the grade obtained by student s in course c, and Cc and Ss are

two vectors of course and individual dummies, respectively. The vector of coefficients

β captures the average grade that students enrolled in each course obtain, conditional

on their performance in other courses.

Using this information, we calculate the average grade associated with the elective

courses chosen by students in the treatment and the control groups, and we normalized


this variable to have mean zero and standard deviation one. We then compare the

choices of students in the treatment and the control group estimating equation (4).

Table A5 shows that students in the treatment group tend to select elective courses with

slightly higher grades (0.03 standard deviations), but the difference is not statistically


4.5.5 Power Calculation and Post-study Probability

As Maniadis et al. (2014) point out, the probability that a declaration of a research

finding is true depends, not only on the statistical significance of the estimate, but also

on the power of the exercise and on the available prior information about the validity

of the hypothesis.

In order to assess the power of the short-term analysis reported in Table 3, we

consider several plausible scenarios about the potential magnitude of the underlying

effect. In the most conservative scenario, we consider that the treatment might affect

the outcome variable by 5% of a standard deviation, in an intermediate scenario we

consider that it might affect the outcome variable by 15% of a standard deviation

and, in the less conservative scenario, we consider a 25% effect. We calculate the

power for each one of these three scenarios taking into account the structure of the

cluster randomized design, the standard deviation of the outcome variable in the control

group, and the observed intra-class correlation within each cluster.25 Our study would

be generally underpowered in the most conservative scenario. If the impact of the

treatment was equal to 5% of a standard deviation, our field experiment would be able

to detect only with 6% to 19% probability, depending on the variable.26 However, if the

true effect had a magnitude of 15%, which is more in line with the impact of information

treatments observed in other studies, the study would be able to detect with a 90%

probability its impact on GPA and with a 86% probability its impact on the number

of exams passed, although it would be still rather underpowered to detect the impact

25We use for the calculation the Stata 15 command power twomeans.26The power is equal to 6% for the number of hours studies, 7% for satisfaction, 17% for exams

passed and 19% for GPA.


on satisfaction (power=30%) and on the number of hours studied (power=18%).27

Following Maniadis et al. (2014), we calculate the post-study probability (PSP)

for the effect of the treatment on students’ GPA and satisfaction, the two variables

that are significant at the 5% level (see Table 3, column 6). The PSP indicates the

probability that our research findings are true for a given prior belief about their

validity. We conduct this calculation taking into account that this is the first field

experiment that studies the impact of relative performance feedback in a context where

subjects underestimate their performance. As shown in Figure A9, the analysis is most

informative about the impact of the treatment on the GPA. For instance, given a prior

belief that there is a 20% probability that the treatment decreases GPA by 15%, the

observed evidence would increase this belief from 20% to 82%. However, the analysis is

less informative about the impact of the treatment on satisfaction, reflecting the lower

power available in this case. Given a 20% prior belief, the evidence raises the posterior

belief only to 60%.

5 Conclusions

We study the role of relative performance feedback in a higher education setting, where

there has been an increasing demand to provide students with more feedback on their

performance. We elicit beliefs from students concerning their relative position and find

that students in our study are uninformed about their rank in their cohort and that

they tend to underestimate their position in the distribution of grades. We randomly

assigned some students into a treatment that gave them access to information regarding

their relative position in the distribution of grades. The treatment was effective in

informing students of their rank compared to a control sample who were not given

access to this information and who remained relatively uninformed and underestimated

their rank. We found that providing feedback on students’ relative performance had

a negative impact on their performance. This effect is driven by those students who

27For instance, Azmat and Iriberri (2010) find an effect of 14.8% of a standard deviation and inBlanes-i-Vidal and Nossol (2011) the impact is around 14.5% of standard deviation.


underestimate their position in the absence of feedback. By regularly providing access

to this information to the treatment group over the course of their studies, there is,

however, no further impact on their performance and the treated students catch up.

In addition to the effect on academic performance, we find a positive effect on self-

reported student satisfaction with the quality of the courses. This was, perhaps, a

response to the positive surprise concerning their own ranking.

Our study also highlights a number of important considerations regarding providing

individuals with feedback and raises a number of interesting questions that are rele-

vant to policymakers and organizations. First, our results suggest that the impact of

relative performance feedback may depend crucially on individuals’ prior information.

Nonetheless, given that our analysis on the role of priors relies on observational evi-

dence, further work is needed exploiting exogenous variations in subjects’ expectations

about their relative performance. Second, the timing of the information is relevant.

We showed that the impact of the treatment is confined to the first time that the stu-

dents receive the information. If the information had been provided in the final year of

study, or after graduation, the impact could have been different. This therefore raises

the question of the optimal timing of information release. If, for example, the program

lasts three or four years, as in the case of an undergraduate degree, the optimal timing

might be different than that for an MBA lasting just one or two years. Third, the

reference group might matter. The individuals in our study compare themselves to the

cohort to which they belong, and thus the individuals’ reference group is unchanged

over time. This might be one reason for the lack of response to feedback beyond the

first time individuals received information. If the reference group changed over time,

then the information may once again have an impact. Fourth, the coarseness of the

information provided may play a role. We provided very detailed information, in par-

ticular, individuals learned about the decile to which they belonged. If they were only

informed of whether they were above or below an average student, or if they were

given the exact percentile, the response might have been different. Again, there may

an optimal information partition to provide (Diamond, 1985). Fifth, the incentives


associated with relative performance could change the response to the information. In

our setting, there was no explicit immediate reward within the university for ranking

high versus low. However, there might be implicit or longer term rewards associated

with rank. Finally, whether information feedback is provided privately or publicly may

have significant impact. In our case, it was provided privately. If such a ranking were

made public, there might be some consequences because of status seeking, even in the

absence of explicit rewards within the organization.


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Figure 1: Time-line of the Experiment

2009-2010: No intervention

2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013: Two-time intervention during three academic years

First Semester Second Semester

Sep.-Dec. Jan. Feb.-April May June

Class Exams Class Exams Retakes

Email with access to relative

performance feedback

Email with access to relative

performance feedback


Figure 2: Feedback on Relative Performance

After logging in….

Surname, NameFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Grado en Finanzas y Contrabilidad

Media 5.3

Créd. Superados 48

Percentil 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Note: The figure shows the screen treated students accessed to when clicking in the link received inthe email.


Figure 3: Expected and Actual Relative Performance Second Year (out-of-trial)Students







d R






0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1Actual Relative Performance

Note: The figure includes information from 57 second year Economics students, class of 2014, whowere surveyed in November 2011, at the beginning of the second year. The x-axis reports the actualposition in the ranking, normalized between 0 (lowest grade) and 1 (highest grade) among studentswho enrolled in the same degree in Fall 2009. The y-axis provides information on the self-reportedrelative performance, normalized in a similar way.


Figure 4: Expected and Actual Relative Performance after Treatment







d R






0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1Actual Relative Performance

Treatment group0









e Pe



0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1Actual Relative Performance

Control group

Note: The figure includes information from 93 students in Economics and Business who were surveyedin the summer of 2013, at the time of graduation. The upper (lower) panel includes students in thetreatment (control) group. The x-axis reports the actual position in the ranking, normalized between0 (lowest grade) and 1 (highest grade), relative to students from the same cohort. The y-axis providesinformation on the self-reported relative performance.39

Figure 5: Short- and Longer-term Impact




1 2 3 4year

Exams passed



1 2 3 4year


Note: The above figures display the corresponding point estimates and 95% confidence intervals fromthe analyses reported in Tables 1, 3 and 4.


Figure 6: Predicted Difference between Expected and Actual Relative Perfor-mance








ed R






0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1Actual Relative Performance

No news Negative news Positive news

Note: The figure includes information on the actual ranking of the 977 individuals who participatedin the intervention and on their expected ranking, according to their observable characteristics. Thered group (triangles) includes individuals who expect a higher ranking than their actual one, the bluegroup (points) includes individuals with accurate expectations, and the green group (squares) includesindividuals who are expected to underestimate their relative ranking.


Table 1: Balance-Check

1 2 3 4

All Treated-ControlMean St. Dev. Difference p-value

DemographicsFemale 0.54 0.50 0.03 0.43Foreigner 0.03 0.18 -0.00 0.71High School 0.95 0.21 -0.02 0.17Entry Grade 7.24 0.99 -0.10* 0.07Subjects taken 4.89 0.78 -0.06 0.23Geographic origin:Central Madrid 0.31 0.46 -0.01 0.81Western Madrid 0.11 0.32 0.01 0.72Southern Madrid 0.22 0.41 0.05* 0.07Other regions 0.30 0.46 -0.04 0.19

PerformanceExams passed 3.70 1.49 -0.09 0.37GPA 6.02 1.36 -0.07 0.45

Teaching evaluationsSatisfaction 3.87 0.76 0.01 0.89Hours of study 2.92 0.45 0.13 0.13Grading satisfaction 3.56 0.67 -0.00 1.00Response rate 0.41 0.19 0.02 0.68

Notes: The table provides information on 977 students that took part in the interven-tion, except variable Entry Grade which is available only for 966 students. Column(3) reports the difference between the treatment and the control group, conditional ondegree. Column (4) reports the p-value of this difference. Exams passed provides in-formation for the second term of the first year and GPA is measured at the end of thefirst year. The lower panel of the table includes information from teaching evaluationsthat were completed in Fall of academic year 2010-2011, before the intervention tookplace. The sample includes 182 tutorial groups. Satisfaction provides information onstudents’ self-reported satisfaction with the overall quality of each course, coded in ascale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very satisfied). Hours of Study provides information onthe number of hours studied weekly. Hours of study takes value 1 if the individualstudied less than an hour per week; 2, between one and four hours; 3, four to sevenhours; 4, seven to ten hours and 5 more than ten hours. Grading Satisfaction reportsthe average satisfaction with the grading, also coded in a scale from 1 (not at all)to 5 (very satisfied). Response rate reports the share of students who complete theteaching evaluation survey. This information is available for 149 groups.


Table 2: Who Checks the Information?

1 2 3 4

Dependent variable: Checked # checks # years

Female 0.106** 0.079* 0.065 0.092(0.047) (0.045) (0.075) (0.103)

True rank 0.585*** 1.409*** 1.814***(0.097) (0.160) (0.221)

Entry grade -0.047 -0.070 -0.119(0.034) (0.057) (0.078)

Constant 0.665*** 0.708*** 0.762** 1.225**(0.034) (0.229) (0.380) (0.523)

Observations 354 347 347 347

Note: The regression includes information from 354 students who were assigned to thetreatment group. The dependent variable in (1) and (2) is a dummy that takes value one ifthe students checked at least once the information. The dependent variable in (3) measuresthe (log) number of times students checked the information, and the dependent variable in(4) measures the number of years in which the student checked the information. Robuststandard errors in parenthesis. *: p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05,*** p < 0.01

Table 3: Short-term Impact

1 2 3 4 5 6

All Treated vs. Control


Mean St. Dev. Difference St. Error Unadjusted Adjusted for MHT

Exams passed 7.75 3.83 -0.36 0.18 0.057 0.114GPA 5.80 1.36 -0.20 0.06 0.006 0.024Satisfaction 3.63 0.85 0.30 0.11 0.010 0.030Hours of study 3.00 0.48 0.15 0.10 0.131 0.131

Note: Rows 1 and 2 include information on performance measures measured at the student level (N=977).Rows 3 and 4 provide information measured at the level of course and tutorial group (N=165). The variableExams passed refers to the number of exams passed during the regular exam season in academic year 2010-2011(January and May). GPA refers to the Grade Point Average. Satisfaction provides information on students’self-reported satisfaction with the overall quality of each course, coded in a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (verysatisfied). Hours of Study provides information on the number of hours studied weekly. Hours of study takesvalue 1 if the individual studied less than an hour per week; 2, between one and four hours; 3, four to sevenhours; 4, seven to ten hours and 5 more than ten hours. Column 3 reports the main estimates from equation(4), and each cell corresponds to a different regression where the independent variable is a dummy that takesvalue one if the student was part of the treatment group and the dependent variable is indicated on the left-hand side of the table. All regressions include controls for a set of individual predetermined characteristics.Column 5 reports standard errors clustered at the lecture group level in parenthesis, and column 6 reportsHolm-Bonferroni standard errors corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (MHT).


Table 4: Longer-term Impact

1 2 3 4 5 6

All Treated vs. Control


Mean St. Dev. Difference St. Error Unadjusted Adjusted for MHT

End of Second year: RetakesRetakes passed 1.12 1.25 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.15GPA after retakes 6.04 1.24 -0.07 0.03 0.06 0.12

Third yearExams passed 8.07 4.06 0.13 0.21 0.54 1.00GPA 6.26 1.23 0.00 0.05 1.00 1.00Retakes passed 0.98 1.28 0.05 0.09 0.61 1.00GPA after retakes 6.14 1.25 -0.04 0.03 0.15 0.60

Fourth yearExams passed 6.69 4.41 0.27 0.22 0.24 0.96GPA 6.71 1.39 0.03 0.05 0.59 1.00Retakes passed 0.68 1.11 0.02 0.05 0.72 0.72GPA after retakes 6.30 1.27 -0.03 0.04 0.37 0.74

OverallExams passed 25.82 11.54 0.32 0.50 0.54 1.00Accumulated GPA 6.30 1.27 -0.03 0.04 0.37 1.00Dropout 0.15 0.36 -0.01 0.02 0.74 0.74Graduation in 4 years 0.51 0.50 0.02 0.02 0.45 1.00

Note: Columns 1 and 2 include information on 977 students that took part in the intervention for performance measures(Exams passed, GPA, Retakes passed and GPA after retakes). The variable Exams passed refers to the number ofexams passed during the regular exam season (January and May). GPA refers to the Grade Point Average. VariableRetakes passed refers to exams passed during the retake season (June). GPA after retakes refers to accumulated GradePoint Average grade up to that point in the Degree. Dropout takes the value of 1 if the student dropped the Degree.Graduation in 4 years takes the value of 1 if the student completed the degree in 4 years. Column 3 reports the mainestimates from equation (4), and each row corresponds to a different regression where the independent variable is adummy that takes value one if the student was part of the treatment group and the dependent variable is indicatedin the first column. All regressions include controls for a set of individual predetermined characteristics. Column 4reports standard errors clustered at the lecture group level in parenthesis. Column 5 reports standard errors clusteredat the lecture group level in parenthesis, and column 6 reports Holm-Bonferroni standard errors corrected for multiplehypothesis testing.


Table 5: Differential Treatment Effect Based on Prior Beliefs

1 2 3 4


Dependent variable: All Positive No News Negative

Exams passed -0.36* -0.47** 0.16 0.26(0.18) (0.22) (0.32) (0.59)

GPA -0.20*** -0.21** -0.14 -0.11(0.06) (0.08) (0.14) (0.18)

N 966 644 142 180

Note: The dependent variable is the number of exams passed and GPA duringthe regular exam period of the 2nd year. All regressions include controls forgender, nationality, entry grade, academic background, academic performanceduring the first year at university and geographical origin. Standard errors areclustered at the lecture group level. Significance levels: *: p < 0.10, ** p <0.05,*** p < 0.01

Table 6: Heterogeneity Analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6

Gender 1st year grades HS grades

Dependent variable: Female Male Low High Low High

Exams passed -0.46 -0.18 -0.33* -0.18 -0.60** -0.13(0.28) (0.22) (0.16) (0.22) (0.21) (0.23)

P-value (unadjusted): 0.47 0.54 0.05P-value adjusted for MHT: 0.94 0.54 0.15

GPA -0.19** -0.21** -0.20*** -0.14 -0.22*** -0.19**(0.07) (0.09) (0.06) (0.10) (0.07) (0.08)

P-value (unadjusted): 0.81 0.53 0.62P-value adjusted for MHT: 0.81 1.00 1.00

N 521 445 435 531 482 479

Note: The dependent variable is the number of exams passed (upper panel) and GPA during the regularexam period of the 2nd year (lower panel). All regressions include controls for gender, nationality, entrygrade, academic background, academic performance during the first year at university and geographicalorigin. Standard errors are clustered at the lecture group level. The third and the fourth row of eachpanel provide information on the p-value of a test of equality of coefficients, unadjusted and adjusted formultiple hypothesis testing. Significance levels: *: p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05,*** p < 0.01


A Figures and Tables

Figure A1: Assignment to Tutorial and Lecture Groups

Surname  initials Tutorial Main  lecture

 AA-­‐BZ 74  CA-­‐FEIZ 75

 FEJ-­‐GONZAZ 76  GONZB-­‐LIZ 77  LJ-­‐MORZ 78  MOS-­‐POZ 79  PR-­‐SAM 80  SAN-­‐ZZ 81




Note: This assignment corresponds to 1st year students, Business Administration, Getafe, Spanishtrack, 2010.


Figure A2: Entry Grade and 1st Year Grades in College




4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1st Year GPA Entry Grade

Note: Grades distribution of entry grades and 1st year grades in college. Both grades lie between 0and 10, 5 being the passing grade.


Figure A3: Share of Individuals who Check the Ranking, by Number of Times

Note: Each bar reflects the proportion of people who check once, twice, three times, up to 8 times ormore the relative performance information.


Figure A4: Share of Individuals who Check the Ranking, across the Three Aca-demic Years

Note: Each bar reflects the proportion of people who checks at least once the relative performanceinformation during one year only, during two years or all three years.


Figure A5: Share of Individuals who Check the Ranking, by Quartile












1st   2nd   3rd   4th  

Note: Each bar reflects the proportion of people who checks at least once the relative performanceinformation, by Quartile.

Figure A6: Information over Time












2nd  Year,  1st  Term  

2nd  Year,  2nd  Term  

3rd  Year,      1st  Term  

3rd  Year,  2nd  Term  

4th  Year,        1st  Term  

4th  Year,  2nd  Term  

Note: Each bar reflects the proportion of people who experienced mobility from one term to the nextin terms of their decile in the relative distribution. For instance, approximately 45% of individualswere placed in a different decile at the end of the 1st term of their 2nd year relative to their positionat the end of the 1st year.


Figure A7: Grade Distributions of Microeconomic in 2009 and Macroeconomicsin 2010

Note: Test score distributions for different courses and groups in 2009 and 2010. All test scores arefrom the Business Degree, North and South Campuses.


Figure A8: Grade Distributions of all courses in 2009 and 2010

Note: Test score distributions for different courses and groups in 2009 and 2010. All test scores arefrom the Business Degree, North and South Campuses.


Figure A9: Post-Study Probability

(a) GPA






dy p




0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1Prior probability

Δ = 0.05; (1-β)=0.19Δ = 0.15; (1-β)=0.90Δ = 0.25; (1-β)=0.99

(b) Satisfaction






dy p




0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1Prior probability

Δ = 0.05; (1-β)=0.08Δ = 0.15; (1-β)=0.30Δ = 0.25; (1-β)=0.66

Note: The figure provides information on the Post-Study Probabilities that the treatment affects thedifferent outcome variables reported in Table 3, following the methodology proposed by Maniadis et al.(2014). The post-study probability depends on the significance of estimates, the potential strengthof the effect (∆), and the prior probability assigned to this effect. For this calculation we rely onsignificance levels reported in Table 3, column 6. In order to calculate the power of the estimation (1-β), we consider several possible scenarios relative to the potential strength of the effect (∆), measuredin standard deviations, and researchers’ priors (π). For instance, the upper figure indicates that,given an initial prior that there is a 20% probability that providing feedback on relative performanceincreases students GPA by 15% of a standard deviation (and a 80% probability that it has no effect),the post-study probability would be around 82%.


Table A1: Assignment to Treatment

Southern Campus Northern Campus

Treatment Control Treatment Control

Finance and Accounting 36 (1) 59 (1)Economics 47 (1) 187 (2)Business 60 (1) 121 (2) 40 (1) 35 (1)Law 60 (1) 132 (2)Law and Business 50 (1) 49 (1) 61 (1) 40 (1)

Note: Each cell includes information on the number of students assigned to each group and,in parentheses, on the number of lecture groups.

Table A2: Expected vs. Actual Relative Performance - Before the Treatment

Female -0.07(0.04)

True rank 0.34***(0.11)

Entry grade 0.11***(0.03)

Constant -0.49**(0.21)

Adj. R-squared 0.48N 52

Note: The regression includes information from 52 studentswho were surveyed at graduation. The dependent variableis the absolute difference between the self-reported positionin the ranking and the actual one, normalized between 0and 1. Robust standard errors in parenthesis. *: p < 0.10,** p < 0.05,*** p < 0.01


Table A3: Expected vs. Actual Relative Performance - After the Treatment

1 2

Treatment -0.050** -0.048*(0.025) (0.025)

Female 0.048**(0.022)

True rank 0.023(0.070)

Entry grade -0.004(0.023)

Constant 0.143*** 0.129(0.019) (0.142)

Adj. R-squared 0.055 0.073N 93 93

Note: The regression includes information from 93 studentswho were surveyed at graduation. The dependent variableis the absolute difference between the self-reported positionin the ranking and the actual one, normalized between 0and 1. Robust standard errors in parenthesis. *: p < 0.10,** p < 0.05,*** p < 0.01


Table A4: Impact on Academic Performance - IV Estimates

1 2 3 4

Regular Exams Retakes

Exams Passed GPA Exams Passed GPA

Second year -0.49* -0.27*** 0.26 -0.09*(0.24) (0.09) (0.17) (0.04)

Third year 0.18 0.00 0.07 -0.06(0.29) (0.06) (0.13) (0.04)

Fourth year 0.37 0.04 0.03 -0.04(0.31) (0.07) (0.08) (0.05)

Note: Each cell reports the result of a different IV regression on the sample of 966 studentsthat took part in the intervention and for whom there is information available on theirpredetermined characteristics. The independent variable is a dummy variable that takesvalue one if the student accessed the information on relative performance, instrumentedby being assigned to the treatment. The first two rows provide information for the 2ndacademic year, the second two rows for the 3rd academic year, and the last two rows forthe fourth academic year. The first two columns report information from exams passed andGPA during the regular period (January and May). Columns (3) and (4) provide informationfrom retakes (June). The dependent variable in columns (1) and (3) is the number of examspassed. The dependent variable in columns (2) and (4) is the GPA. All regressions includea control for academic performance during the first year and degree fixed effects. Standarderrors clustered at the lecture group level in parenthesis. *: p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05,*** p <0.01.


Table A5: Other Outcome Variables: Grading Satisfaction and Grading ElectiveCourses

1 2 3 4

All Treated-Control

Dependent variables: Mean St. Dev. Difference St. Error

Grading satisfaction 3.15 0.82 0.12 0.12Response rate 0.29 0.20 -0.04 0.04Grading elective courses 0 1 0.03 0.03

Note: Columns 1 and 2 include information on 977 students that took partin the intervention. Grading Satisfaction reports the average satisfaction withthe grading, also coded in a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very satisfied). Re-sponse rate measures the proportion of students who participated in teachingevaluations in the second term of academic year 2010 in each group. Grad-ing elective courses is a measure of the grades that students obtained in theprevious two years in the elective courses selected by the students. Column3 reports the main estimates from equation (4), and each row corresponds toa different regression where the independent variable is a dummy that takesvalue one if the student was part of the treatment group and the dependentvariable is indicated in column 1. Column 4 reports standard errors clusteredat the lecture group level. *: p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05,*** p < 0.01.


B Theoretical Model

Total utility of an individual is given by three main components. First, an output driver

that depends on own effort, xi, and ability, θi. Second, a competition motivational

component that depends on own effort, xi, and own ability, θi, as well as, others’

efforts, x−i, and abilities, θ−i. And third, the cost function of own effort:

αF (xi, θi) + βG (xi, θi, x−i, θ−i)− C (xi) .

The output driver, F (xi, θi), is a function of individual’s effort and ability in a

complementary fashion:

∂F (xi, θi)

∂xi∂θi> 0 (B.1)

The competitive driver, G (xi, θi, x−i, θ−i), is a function where a higher talent θi or

effort xi of individual i makes it more likely that she wins the prize, while a higher

talent θ−i or effort x−i of opponents makes her winning less likely. We assume own

effort and others’ effort are strategic complements in G (.)

∂G (xi, θi, x−i, θ−i)


> 0, (B.2)

and that marginal product of own effort xi in the competitive motivation function is

increasing in the ability of others θ−i

∂G (xi, θi, x−i, θ−i)


> 0, (B.3)

but in terms of the competitive motivation, own effort xi and own ability θi may be

complements or substitutes

∂G (xi, θi, x−i, θ−i)

∂xi∂θiQ 0. (B.4)


top related