aws re:invent 2016: host a massively scalable website around the world for a fraction of the cost in...

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.

MJ DiBerardino, CTO, Cloudnexa

Paul Andrushkiw, Senior AWS Cloud Architect

December 2016

Host a Massively Scalable Website

Around the World for a Fraction of the

Cost in a DevOps Model


What to Expect from the Session


Going serverless

Design & scalability

Cost effectiveness

Use cases

Speaker Bios

• 16+ years experience

• Cloudnexa Cloud Warriors

• Works closely with AWS product teams

MJ DiBerardino


Paul Andrushkiw

Senior AWS Cloud Architect

I. Going ServerlessTraditional vs. Serverless Architecture

Evolution of Cloud Computing

Data center

• The physical hosting environment is abstracted.


• The hardware is abstracted.


• The operating system is abstracted.

Serverless (BAAS, FAAS, etc.)

• The language runtime is abstracted.

Server-Based Computing Sample Characteristics

1. Multi-tier application (three-tier, n-tier, etc.)

- Presentation layer (Amazon EC2 instances)

- Logic layer (EC2 instances)

- Data tier (EC2 or Amazon RDS instances)

2. Management of operating system and server resources

3. Ownership of principal and supporting software, integration

points, etc.

4. Responsible for scalability, forecasting capacity, and

performance planning

Serverless Computing Sample Characteristics

1. Multi-tier application (three-tier, n-tier, etc.)

- Presentation layer (Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront)

- Logic layer (Amazon API Gateway & AWS Lambda)

- Data tier (Amazon DynamoDB)

2. Zero management of server resources & supporting software

- Operating system eliminated (no need to choose, secure,

patch, or manage)

3. Functions run in containers that are event-triggered and fully


Q&A Break

II. Design & Scalability

Serverless Design Components & Patterns

Supporting AWS services

- Lambda, API Gateway, Cognito, S3, CloudFront, DynamoDB,

ElastiCache, etc.

Simple architectural patterns

- Persistent data, web form submissions, authentication, etc.

Advanced architectural patterns

- S3 hosted websites, mobile back end, microservices

architectures, etc.

Scalability Fundamentals

Serverless compute is the next layer of abstraction in

cloud compute

- No forecasting or capacity planning needed (automatic!)

- No risk of over-provisioning (only pay for what you need!)

- No risk of under-provisioning (performance guaranteed!)

WordPress (Server-based) vs. Serverless

WordPress (Server-based)

• Higher baseline resource


• Web and database server


• High overhead for larger

infrastructure investment

• Continuous infrastructure



• Minimal baseline resource


• Serverless platform

• Pay per request


• AWS maintained and


Real World Example (Server-based): WordPress

Real World Example (Serverless): Persistent Data

Real World Example (Serverless): Web Form Submission

Real World Example (Serverless): Authentication

Simple Build Workflow

Simple, Unstructured Development

Code Development & Deployment

Advanced Build Workflow

Structured DevOps Model

Code Repository Build Service Automated Code Review

Q&A Break

III. Cost Effectiveness

Load Test Examples

WordPress (Server-based)

• Requests per second on base

EC2/RDS – 1,000 (approx.)

• Increase – additional

EC2/RDS resources,

performance tuning,

conversion Auto Scaling, RI

planning, load testing, etc.

• EC2 Data transfer rate – Highest

available 20 Gbps on a x1.32xlarge



• Requests per second per

distribution default – 100,000

• Increase – simple AWS

support request to increase


• Data transfer rate per distribution –

40 Gbps

Traditional Servers

• Native vulnerability issues

• Patching

• Maintenance

• Development

• Price point

Cost of Ownership


• AWS-maintained

• Development

Price Example

WordPress (Server-based)

• 1 EC2 m3.medium

• 1 RDS Single-AZ


• 100 GB storage

• 50 GB of data transfer

• On demand = $1,584/yr

• No high availability or



• S3 1 GB

• CloudFront 50 GB Transfer

• $168/yr

• Fully redundant across

many geo locations around

the world

• Best practice

Where do I go from here?

Blog Generator Public Knowledge Base Website Generator

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Thank you!

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