awakening weekend - lisbon baptist...

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Lisbon Baptis t Church

March 2017

Volume 28 , Issue 3

Awakening Weekend

March 17-19, 2017

Renewal Weekend Schedule

24-Hour Prayer Vigil 5:00p Thursday—5:00p Friday


6:00 p.m. Fellowship dinner - fellowship hall

7:00 p.m. General Session: everyone in sanctuary

8:00 p.m. Adult Small groups

9:00 p.m. Closing reports in sanctuary

for everyone


9:30 a.m. Children and youth activities at the church

9:45 a.m. Coffee in church members’ homes

12:00 p.m. Church-wide lunch - fellowship hall

1:00 p.m. Men & ladies group meetings

2:00 Free time

6:00 p.m. Fellowship dinner—fellowship hall

7:00 p.m. General Session: everyone in sanctuary

7:45 p.m. Adult small group meetings

8:30 p.m. Family prayer time in sanctuary

To ensure that we have adequate childcare coverage;

we are asking for an RSVP for preschool age children.

Please call the church office at (770)461-1583

5 Sundays of Easter

Starting Sunday March 26, through April 23, we will begin a new musical ex-

perience and have 5 different weeks of Drama and Easter Music culminating the

Sunday after Easter

See the ministry of Jesus come alive through the lives of the Women at the

Well, Zacchaeus, The Child - Aaron, Mary the Mother of Jesus on Easter Sunday

morning and completing the drama are the lives of Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene

and the Centurion.

Come, be a part of this Biblical experience as we celebrate the life, death

and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Youth Disciple now

March 3-4

WOW News


The February W.O.W. Valentine luncheon was held on February 14th and featured entertain-

ment by a local LINE DANCE group, several of which are members of Lisbon, The menu was

(furnished) fried chicken, covered dish veggies, salads, breads and desserts. Jeff Durham

brought a very uplifting devotion.


The March W.O.W. lunch meeting on Tuesday, March 14th will feature a guest speaker, John

Christopher, from McDonough Road Baptist Church, who will be talking about Security for Sen-

iors, dealing with scams, crooks and other groups that are ready and willing to take advantage

of the older folks in our community. Menu will be covered dish; please bring meats, veggies,

salads, breads & desserts.


The April W.O.W. Lunch meeting will be held at Bay Breeze Seafood restaurant in Lovejoy, GA.

The minibus .will leave at 11:30, those driving their own vehicles should meet us at the res-

taurant at noon.

Our group’s mission is to encourage and support members as they strive to

be healthier by providing information, education programs, and other helpful

resources. Most importantly, we have fun and build lifelong friendships

along the way.

Lean On Me meets at Lisbon every Monday night in Room 106 down-

stairs. Plan to visit us beginning January 9, 2017, 6:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. as

we start a new year and a new US!

If you have questions, please contact Elaine Appling or Toria Almand.

Lean On Me—A Community Health Group

Special Ministries

SCHOOL STAFF APPRECIATION—On February 9th, nine energetic volunteers showed up at 8:30

in the morning, packed 277 sack lunches and had the last ones delivered by 10:15! The lunches

consisted of “made to order” sandwiches, chips, brownies and apples, along with a note from

our church, thanking the staff for their contribution to the students in our community. The hard

working Lisbon volunteers consisted of Doris Caudelle, Jeff Durham, Doug & Lucy Fields, Abby

Hambrick, Cindy Hambrick, Debbie Pass, David Rathbun and Cile Stone. Additionally, Anya

Fields, Clayton McClain and Neal Royal worked until late Wednesday evening cutting and packing

the brownies which were baked and donated by 13 other Lisbon volunteers. We had enough

brownies left to share with a local fire station and the Fayetteville Police Department. Potato

chips were donated by Crystal Chambers.Nickey Gregory Produce at the Farmers Market donated

the apples. Many expressions of appreciation were heard for Lisbon’s caring expression of

kindness. Hope everyone saw the beautiful floral arrangement in the church welcome center

sent as a THANK YOU from the Whitewater High School staff.


Fayette Samaritans has a continuing need for the plastic grocery bags to

use when providing assistance to the folks having needs here in our

county. DON’T THROW THEM AWAY! Bag them up and put them in the

specially marked box in the Welcome Center.

You have not lived until you have done something for

someone who can never repay you.

….. John Bunyon

From Your Sunday School Director

There is really a lot going on at Lisbon these days. Lay Renewal Weekend, Power of Ten, Read the Bible

through and a little sprucing up just to name a few. I really want to encourage each of you to plan to be a

part of the Lay Renewal Weekend coming in March. There is info in the Welcome Center and will be more

info coming in the days ahead.

I have seen a few names on some of the Power of 10 posters. Please pray for those on your class list and if

you don’t have any names, pray that God will give you names of people who do not know Jesus as their

Lord and Savior.

Visitors are important to us all. A visit to a Bible Study Class is the beginning of a relationship with our

church. We are having a lot of difficulty in getting Visitor slips filled out. Please make every effort in your

class to get the information we need to make contact with them. There are 3 copies of the slip. The class

keeps the pink copy for your records and the yellow and white copy come to the office. Then I give the

white to the office for their records. I have taken the Visitor slips for the past couple of years and divided

them by classes. Below you will find how many (of the slips turned in) have joined your class. If people

visited and joined your class but you did not get a Visitor slip filled out, they are not included.


Sonseekers 3 2

Sunshine 7 3

Young Married 5 2

3rd Grade 2 0

God’s Keenagers 5 4

4th – 6th Grade 1 0

Inspiration 3 2

Men’s Class 2 2

Encouragers 4 2

Youth 7 0

Abundant Life 5 4

I am sure that there are more, but without that Visitors slip, I cannot count them.

REMINDER: Please save all of your old literature. I collect it and it goes to the mission field. Also we

recycle all paper, please save it and I will collect it. I also collect empty medicine bottles. These go to Mis-

sionary doctors so they can dispense medicine to patients on the mission field. Please remove the labels.

Just give to me or put in the Sunday School office.

Folks, we are in need of teachers. We are going to have to split the preschool class. They average 9 to 10

each Sunday. What a GREAT problem that is to have, however, two people just cannot handle that many

children ages 2 -5 years old. Please be in prayer that someone will feel God leading them to work with our

children. We also need two people to work with the 1st and 2nd grade class. If no one will help in this area I

have no choice but to combine them with the 3rd grade class. There is such a difference in ages that it makes

it difficult to teach without it being over the head of some or boring for others. These children and pre-

schoolers are our future. Please pray for help in these two areas.

As always, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

In Joy and Jesus



2017 General Budget: $455,000.00

Weekly General Offerings Rec’d:

January 29th—$4,483.58

February 5th—$14,230.68

February 12th—$6,179.06

February 19th—$6,473.66

2017 Given to Date: $69,058.90

Usher Schedule - March 2017

Darren Baker

Terry Bradley

T.J. Romine

Mark Okada

Michael Fields

Brian Higgins

See Glenn Royal if you need to

reschedule your turn

Many Special Thanks

To Pastor Rathbun and the Congregation of Lisbon Baptist Church,

Thank you so much for our delicious lunches. It is very thoughtful and kind of you to think of us. Community support is one of

the strengths of Whitewater and your contribution adds to that support.

Thank you again, Roy A. Rabold, Principal, Whitewater High School

Dear Lisbon,

Thank you for the wonderful treat with providing lunch to everyone here at Whitewater Middle School. We look forward to

this every hear!! Your church is such a blessing to us, and if we can ever do anything for you, please let us know.

Sincerely, Connie Baldwin, Principal

Dear Lisbon Church,

We can’t express enough how much we appreciated the meal you made for us on the day of our mother’s funeral. Everyone enjoyed all of the home-cooked meat and vegetables. Mother enjoyed Lisbon and missed all of you while she was living in Carrollton.

Thank you again for the meal and also for the love and friendship you shared with her.

In God’s Love, Cheryl Miller & Richard Bailey (The Family of Omie Lee Bailey)

Dear Lisbon,

Thank you so much for a wonderful meal and showing such love for my sister and niece, Kay & M. Kay {Lawson}. Your kind-

ness was appreciated more than you know.

Thanks Again, Wanda Wolfe

Dear Lisbon Baptist Church,

Thank you for your generous support of students who attend Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

Your gifts make it possible for students from your church to further their education to the glory of God. May he continue to bless you.

In His Name, Danny Akin, President

Weekly Opportunities for Kids

Sunday School – every Sunday 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. (rooms 107, 108)

Family Worship – every Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon in the Worship Center

Melody Makers Children’s Choir—every Sunday @ 5:00 p.m.

Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills—every Sunday @ 6:00 p.m.

GAs (Girls in Action) – Wednesday 6:30–7:30 p.m. – Girls learning about missions (room 107)

RAs (Royal Ambassadors) – Wednesday 6:30–7:30 p.m. Boys in missions (room 116)

Upcoming Children’s Department Events

March 26—Service Project for Annie Armstrong. We will meet in the Fel-lowship Hall from 5:45—7:00 p.m. to work on a service project for Annie Armstrong. Come prepare to have fun as we serve HIM!

April 14—Friday Night Flashlight Easter Egg-Stravaganza—Get your flashlights ready for this Easter Egg hunt like none we have ever had!!!!

3/18—Anna Pritchett

3/20—Kendall Rathbun

3/21—Becca Durham

Schedule of Activities for March 2016

Friday—Saturday March 3-4 Youth Disciple Now Weekend

Saturday March 4 9:00a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Piccadilly

Sunday March 5 9:00a Church-wide Prayer Time in Youth Room

9:00a Sunday School Teacher Meeting (FH)

4:00p Deacon’s Meeting

Tuesday March 14 12:00n W.O.W. Senior Citizens Luncheon (FH)

Wednesday March 15 Newsletter Deadline

Friday—Sunday March 17-19 Lay Renewal (Awakening) Weekend

Saturday March 18 9:00a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study @ Piccadilly

Sunday March 19 5:00p Special Evening Service

Sunday March 26 9:30a Blood Pressure Screening, Room 206

5:45p Children’s Dept. Service Project (FH)

Wednesday March 29 6:30p Church Bible Drill

Thursday March 30 6:30p Advisory Council Meeting (FH)

Weekly Recurring Church-Wide Events:

Monday’s 6:00-7:00 PM—Lean on Me Health & Fitness

Wednesday’s @ 6:30 PM—Prayer Meeting (4th Wednesday; Mission Studies)

Wednesday’s @ 6:30 PM—Children’s Mission Groups & Youth Bible Study

Wednesday’s @ 7:30 PM—Celebration Choir Practice

Thursday’s @ 10:00 AM—Ladies Prayer Group meets in Room 103

Sunday’s @ 5:00 PM—Melody Makers Children’s Choir

Sunday’s @ 5:00-7:00 PM—Read the Bible for Life

Sunday’s @ 6:00 PM— Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills

Lisbon Baptist Church

1662 Highway 85 South, Fayetteville, GA 30215

(770)461-1583 /

Office Hours: Monday-Friday—9:00a-4:00p

David Rathbun, Pastor

Jeff Durham, Minister of Worship

Clayton McClain, Youth Minister

Carol Holt & Anya Fields, Children’s Ministry Co-Directors

Debbie Pass, Ministry Assistant

Weekly Worship Schedule:


9:45 AM Bible Study (all ages)

11:00 AM Celebration of Family Worship

5:00-7:00 PM Read the Bible for Life

5:00 PM—Melody Makers Children’s Choir

6:00 PM—Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills


6:30 PM Prayer Meeting (except 4th Wednesday Missions


6:30 PM Preschool Mission Friends

6:30 PM Children’s R.A.’s and G.A.’s

6:30 PM Youth Bible Study

7:30 PM Celebration Choir Practice

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