avoir- to have. use it to say that someone has something. e.g. he has a pen or i have a book. il a...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Avoir- to have. Use it to say that someone has

something. E.g. He has a pen or I have a book. Il a un stylo. J’ai un livre.

J’ai Nous avonsTu as Vous avezIl a Ils ontElle a Elles ont

1. I have a pencil.

2. She has a pen.

3. He has a book.

4. They (girls) have a car.

5. We (class) have tv.

J’ai un crayon.

Elle a un stylo.

Il a un livre.

Elles ont une voiture.

Nous avons une tele.


Etre- to be Use it to say that someone is something. E.g. I am big or They are tall. Je suis gros. Ils sont grands. The difference between English and French is that in

English the adjective stays the same, whereas in French it can change.

E.g. I am tall or You (girl) are tall or They (girls) are tall.

In French, the word tall changes depending on who you are talking about.

E.g. Je suis grand, Vous etes grande, Elles sont grandes.

1. He is angry.

2. We are friendly.

3. They (girls) are strange.

4. You (girl) are spooky.

5. I am friendly.

Il est fache.

Nous sommes amicaux.

Elles sont bizarres.

Tu est etrangee.

Je suis amical.

Your assignment:

1. Work with a partner and make up 8 simple sentences each in English using to have and to be.

2. Trade sentences with your partner and translate your partners sentences into French.

3. Remember to keep your sentences simple and use the adjectives that you have been given.

4. Your sentences should be in your duotang for the check next class.

5. E.g. She is hairy. Elle est poilue.

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