avoid twitter-mistakes

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Social Media



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10 Points to Improve Your SEO The most important thing for our website is to fulfill the promise of sale. The more we meet the SEO requirements from the search engines, the greater the chances for your website to qualify and get amont the top positions within the search results.

The following are some of the most important factors among more than 45 that can help optimize your site for search engines.

1.-Authority. One of the most important websites that are widely recognized and trusted because of their knowledge in very specific areas.

2.-Social Media. Social networks are thermometer of how well a site is doing among the people. If people find that your site is interesting or useful, and share it with friends through various social media, Google will take these actions into account for positioning purposes.

3.-Keywords. The famous positioning in search engines results isn't based on the keywords within the site but on their quality, density and consistency in titles and labels. If a keyword is not included in these areas, the may not help the page to improve its qualification.

4.-Unique content. Google knows very well who carries original content, who copies and who offers relevant content. This has increasingly become a very influential factor in the results.

5.-Unique items. Just as the previous point, uniqueness speaks of the impor-tance of knowing how to categorize and distribute the content through the different sections of the site, creating quality and individuality. If these contents also become unique to the site, it gains a greater weight because fewer sites can offer that uniqueness.

6.- Popularity. When other sites link to yours, and when in addition they have value and quality, you have a good chance of getting a good grade from Google, which tends to reward these links with better results.

7.-Domain. This is a valuable factor for SEO. Age and life of your domain leave a trail of changes and improvements. So it is important not only to have a good reputation, but that the site has been live at least for two or more years to be considered reliable by the search engines.

8.-Geolocation and language statement. Companies ranking in search results have become more relevant as their websites have been submitted to Google, offer valuable content and generates good reviews. You can do this too by linking your account with cartography services such as Google Places, with Bing's Business Portal, and with Yahoo! listings.local.. Stating your site's language can also improve your position.

9.-Site speed. The speed of a website shouldn't be truncated by coding errors, heavy loads of multimedia elements or images that pushe the user to leave the site. When the speed faces this kind of trouble, the site goes down on its position.

10.- Mobile devices. It's crucial that sites get optimized for mobile devices. This is an important factor for the site's overall optimization, as well as to improve relevance in search results.

Intending to improve results, in 2012 Google made over 300 changes to their algorithms. One notable effect was that pages meeting the general requirement of providing a better user experience have gone up in ranking.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380If you want to know more tips to improve your online presence, contact us, we’re always ready to help.

A Two-Step SEO Solution

The web positioning depends on many factors such as search engines, social networks, directories and other sites. Here we share some steps to improve your position in the virtual world:

• Focus on social networks. Social networks are a simple and economical way to position yourself on the net. Create profiles on networks like Google+, Facebook and Twitter and remember to keep your profile updated. You have to seize this new window to sales.

• Build links to your site. A large number of links to your site will help a lot to a better positioning. For example, when you share content from your page on social networks, you increase your chances of getting backlinks to your page and thus improve your SEO.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Give Your Pages a New Life with these Simple SEO Tactics

With the constant revisions of the algorithms in search engines, especially on Google – intended to increase quality requirements and fight spam- the criteria for positioning on the Web is constantly evolving.

Because of that, some old pages that were well positioned before can now be lingering and falling from the top.

In many cases, that fall in the ranking is not even related to practices rejected by search engines, but to the simply fact that their optimization is outdated. These simple steps may help you relive your old pages:

• Review Google Analytics charts. Look what sites are bringing you more visits. Optimize your content for those sites.

• Update your content. Some of the topics on your site may be out of date or may have fallen out of trends of interest. Replace that content or update it, for instance, by re-writing.

• Revisit your keywords. The relevance of keywords changes over time. It’s possible that those that used to work in the past are… in the past. You have several tools for this review and update, including Google Keyword Tool

• Search for new features. For instance, your site was probably built at a time when there were no authorship labels. If you implement those labels, you may improve rapidly your site optimization for the search engines.

If you want to know more about SEO and how to position your website, please contact us.

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Avoid Mistakes and Increase Your Interaction on Twitter

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

It's easy, keep reading.

Do not abuse hashtags. It’s proven that tweets with three or more hashtags have a very low retweet rate. Users tend to consider them spam, and won’t even take the trouble to read their content.

Forget the automated tweets. Each social network has its own language and audience. For example, Twitter uses elements like the hashtag or short links that aren’t necessarily important to other networks, although most of them are now starting to adopt hashtags too. Automated messages often convey an impersonal style and some lack of interest in your followers.Watch your spelling.

Avoid tweets longer than 130 characters. Tweets that take the 140 characters or most of them preclude from retweeting or adding comments to tweets.

Update your biography. Most users check your biography before deciding to follow you.

How to Get at the Top of Google Results Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Aim High.If your goal is to get out in the top of the Google search results, welcome. You are not alone, but your goal may not be impossible.

First of all, it is important to understand that Google makes changes to their algorithms without warning and without asking for permission. Therefore it is vital to follow the official sites or blogs that talk about search and everything around. But you also have to take into account a number of factors that can help you improve your site position. Some are simple, others require programming, or improvements in content, but it is also important to be at the technological forefront.

That is the programming part. And that's where, if you have a page and do not know how to do it, you'll need the help of your webmaster, if you have one, or otherwise hire a consulting firm with programming capabilities. Among other factors, these are some of the aspects to consider when your goal is to make your website more visible to Google's search results:

1.Site load time2.Impact on social networks3.Navigation on mobile devices4.Resolution www5.IP canonicalization6.Robot text7.XML sitemap8.Title9.Description10.Keywords11.Headers12.Images13.Text / HTML ratio14.Flash or Ajax15.Internal analysis of the pages

16.Site links17.Keywords for SEO18.Page Rank19.Indexed Pages20.Effective Domain21.SEO Backlinks22.Favicon23.404 Error Page24.Conversion Forms25.Language26.Microformats27.Dublin Core28.Google Analytics29.W3C Validity30.Doc Type

How to Get the Most From Your Social Media Presence

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Squeeze your Social Media

In a world where being part of social networks is a standard requirement for companies that want to gain a spot in the consumer's mind, it is hard to stand out to others. To achieve this recognition, we suggest a few tips that may help you to get an extra value from your customers with a social media presence.

The value depends on the brand. It is true that for long contests and promotions have been the best way to gain attention. However, today many of these awards are won by bounty hunters, people who only seek the awards, maybe never heard of your company, and most likely never will show any other interest than getting the loot.

To counter this we recommend publishing new information, behind the scene photos or videos, how do make your products or services, daily useful tips, comments from opinion leader about your business or any other content that your true fans will really appreciate.

Learn to listen to your customers. Put yourself in the shoes of your users. What would you like to know about them? Do you know when they enjoy your products most? What would your users like to innovate or modify in your products? All these questions can be launched and will serve as feedback to improve. It will also help to create more closeness between your brand and its users, as listening to them, their wishes and feelings would be a plus you can offer.

Also listen to them through the quantitative analysis (your statistics) and find out what of publications have the larger reach and get the more positive comments.

Monitor networks. Check the search engines and social networks and search for mentions related to your company and/or products. Many users mention companies and/or products without labeling or drawing attention from them. Look for those comments and reward who give your business a positive mark. You don't need to send them a supply of your new product; a thank you message may be more than enough and would probably become the first seed of a future lead. As for the negative comments, find a way to compensate the user for their discomfort; you can turn a negative review into a future loyal customer.

Create a personalized experience. Social networks have the ability to treat each user according to their individual interests. This is an opportunity to establish a direct relationship with your customer; you've granted a few seconds from their time. Treat them well, and those seconds may become minutes for you to pitch your brand, product and/or service. Make sure you have a good pitch and those minutes will turn into sales and satisfied customers willing to support and defend your brand.

How to Lose Followers on Your Social Networks

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Publish stuff of little or no interest to your audience. Many social media managers are publishing stuff that has little to do with their brands, mixing up inspirational quotes, memes, breaking stories, photos of landscapes or animals, etc. It’s true that with a little extra creativity they may become parte of your brand’s context. But if you force things too much and too often, you can cause the opposite effect and make your followers go away. Among the annoying and out of place postings we can list random greetings, comments about weather, pictures of food and any other unrelated topic. Remember that all postings should have a specific goal. Don’t publish just for the sake of publishing or to seem active.

Poor spelling and bad writing habits. Good spelling and grammar are elements that really weigh and count to achieve a good reputation in social networks. Many social media managers pretend that social media networks are informal and no one pays attention to small details. It’s quite the opposite. Your company or brand must show your followers that every detail is important when it comes to providing exceptional service. Whichever way you choose to handle your writing style, that’s parte of the message you are conveying to your network. Avoid random and indiscriminate usage of uppercase and lowercase or abbreviations belonging to slang, unless you intend to reach that kind of audience.

Use a design profile that does not correspond with your audience. It is important to consider the tastes of your target audience and tailor the cover photos, profile and other graphical elements to what the public expects. Make polls with colleagues and people who belong to the profile of your target audience. If you hear many people suggesting you to change your graphics, it may be a good time to make that happen, no matter how much you love them or how convinced you are of their beauty.

Sometimes it takes less effort and work, sometimes more, but it’s always hard to win a new follower on social networks. Some stars from the show business may have it easier than the rest of us. But whatever is your case, you should know that it is easier to lose a follower than to win one. As ironic as it may sound, it’s very easy to loose them if you follow these "anti-advice" tips, something like the equivalent of "How to lose a girlfriend (or boyfriend) in ten days".

Stop listening to your followers. The main purpose of social networking sites is to encourage your followers to interact with your brand. Your followers make comments or mentions of your brand, and expect an answer, no matter if your comments are positive or negative.

If you do not answer the positive feedback, your followers will feel discouraged and forgotten; they may respond by distancing themselves and slowing down their interactions with you. It may be worse when you do not respond to negative comments, since users will be right on point if they interpret that you are trying to hide the problem or, worse, ignoring it. Remember that social networks are visible to everyone.

Get them, don't lose them!

How to Make an Advertising Campaign on Google

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

You have to use equations to lower those costs. This is why we need a strategy for each ad type, keywords -positive and negative-, as well as choosing, depending on the client's strategy, text ads, static or dynamic graphics, video, mobile, ads by extension, product inventory, etc.

Whenever I analyze the scope of a campaign project, I pay attention to: brand reach, product or service, both geographically and compared to the competition. Google has several useful tools such as the traffic estimator, that helps to project the estimated cost of each click for each word (for reference only ), allowing transparency and letting the advertiser know how much he or she may need to invest and therefore make the best choice.

When approving ads for a campaign, Google will check that the selected words are within the ad and within the target page, which may increase or decrease the cost of each click: the optimal quality level is 10, but whenever that level falls between 1 and 4, it's likely that those ads won't be accepted.

Before starting a campaign on Google, make sure you have a diagnosis of the website or page where you want to direct potential customers to, so you'll know whether your elements of content meet the claims from your campaign. The site should be optimized, be navigable and have the ability to generate conversions, which ultimately leads to sales.i

An advertising campaign on Google requires AdWords, a platform to channel your ads, but also very effective to sell, launch, buy and increase the number of prospects or customers by directing them to the website or landing page where the transaction may take place.

An effective campaign on Google involves or requires several formulas and a good knowledge of the elements that make it to work. Within these elements are KPI'S (Quality Level), CTR (Click through Rate), position, conversions, ROI (Return on Investment), Cost, CPC (Cost per Click), impressions, etc., all of them important to lower the cost and increase the effectiveness of a campaign.

Dare do it yourself.

How to Make the Contents of Your Social Networks Go Viral

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

However, creating high quality content is only half the process. Creating good content doesn’t guarantee by itself that you’ll get an optimal distribution.

Here we share some tips to get your message across to the audience you want to reach with your content.

Spread the content on your website. As average users spend very little time on the Internet, they tend not to browse too much when looking for information. Make it easy for them. Put links and calls to action on your home page or pages related to your product. Consider including them on your mobile site or creating an app. This type of links work best in content related to tutorials, troubleshooting guides or usage recommendations.

Add content to the blog. Blogs allow all sort of content, and are especially good for SEO. They also have the advantage of distribution via RSS feeds and email. Blogs also allow social participation through comments or content sharing.

Creating quality content to post on your social networks is a task that requires resources, effort, intelligence, connection with your target audience and a good use of appropriate language.

Share content on the proper networks. Usage of applications that enable a scheduled replica of the same content through different networks has gained popularity in recent years. Granted, these tools can be really good at time saving. However, as each network uses different languages and communication styles, we’d recommend you to take a couple of minutes to tailor your posting to each social network. It’s also important that you ponder which networks are used most by your target audience.

Include your content in your emails. Email is still a communication channel with extensive penetration. Don’t miss the opportunity to include links to your content in newsletters, promotional emails, purchase confirmations, account statements, customer service responses and any other email exchange.

Take advantage of your physical spaces. If you have outlets and branches, use those spaces to place links and references to your social networks. Include links in packaging, bags, promotional videos, commercials, billboards and other items bearing your brand. You can also insert links, summaries or excerpts of your content in catalogs or any other printed material.

Take advantage of your internal communication channels. If the content you promote is of interest to people outside your company, I would definitely have to be for those who are part of it. Encourage your staff to review your company's social media content through internal publications, job boards and integration spots.

Your content NEED to go VIRAL

10 Points to Improve Your SEO The most important thing for our website is to fulfill the promise of sale. The more we meet the SEO requirements from the search engines, the greater the chances for your website to qualify and get amont the top positions within the search results.

The following are some of the most important factors among more than 45 that can help optimize your site for search engines.

1.-Authority. One of the most important websites that are widely recognized and trusted because of their knowledge in very specific areas.

2.-Social Media. Social networks are thermometer of how well a site is doing among the people. If people find that your site is interesting or useful, and share it with friends through various social media, Google will take these actions into account for positioning purposes.

3.-Keywords. The famous positioning in search engines results isn't based on the keywords within the site but on their quality, density and consistency in titles and labels. If a keyword is not included in these areas, the may not help the page to improve its qualification.

4.-Unique content. Google knows very well who carries original content, who copies and who offers relevant content. This has increasingly become a very influential factor in the results.

5.-Unique items. Just as the previous point, uniqueness speaks of the impor-tance of knowing how to categorize and distribute the content through the different sections of the site, creating quality and individuality. If these contents also become unique to the site, it gains a greater weight because fewer sites can offer that uniqueness.

6.- Popularity. When other sites link to yours, and when in addition they have value and quality, you have a good chance of getting a good grade from Google, which tends to reward these links with better results.

7.-Domain. This is a valuable factor for SEO. Age and life of your domain leave a trail of changes and improvements. So it is important not only to have a good reputation, but that the site has been live at least for two or more years to be considered reliable by the search engines.

8.-Geolocation and language statement. Companies ranking in search results have become more relevant as their websites have been submitted to Google, offer valuable content and generates good reviews. You can do this too by linking your account with cartography services such as Google Places, with Bing's Business Portal, and with Yahoo! listings.local.. Stating your site's language can also improve your position.

9.-Site speed. The speed of a website shouldn't be truncated by coding errors, heavy loads of multimedia elements or images that pushe the user to leave the site. When the speed faces this kind of trouble, the site goes down on its position.

10.- Mobile devices. It's crucial that sites get optimized for mobile devices. This is an important factor for the site's overall optimization, as well as to improve relevance in search results.

Intending to improve results, in 2012 Google made over 300 changes to their algorithms. One notable effect was that pages meeting the general requirement of providing a better user experience have gone up in ranking.

A Two-Step SEO Solution Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

Give Your Pages a New Life with these Simple SEO Tactics

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Avoid Mistakes and Increase Your Interaction on Twitter

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Get at the Top of Google Results Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Get the Most From Your Social Media Presence

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Lose Followers on Your Social Networks

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Make an Advertising Campaign on Google

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

How to Make the Contents of Your Social Networks Go Viral

Make Contact(832) 631 61 72info@seowebsitehouston.com9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 8210.The Woodlands, TX, 77380

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