avinash purandare - kirloskar brothers · avinash purandare flow from the desk of the...

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Editor-in-chief : Avinash Purandare

Managing Editor : Pallavi Kharade

Editorial Committee : Dr. Rajan Kamat, Anil Malik, Sadanand Pose, Rahul Rabade

and Anubhav Bhale

Corporate Office : ‘Yamuna’, S. No. 98 (3-7), Baner, Pune – 411 045, India

Contact : Tel. + 91 20 2721 4444 Fax : + 91 20 2721 1117

Email : pallavi.kharade@kbl.co.in

Visit us at : www.kbl.co.in

Design and Editorial Support : MAESTRO, Law College Road, Pune – 411 004, India

Email : maestro1@vsnl.com

Cascade l 100 Years2

The King of the Jungle, they say, looks back after every ten

steps forward, in a heightened state of alertness, taking every

cue from the environment around him to ascertain that

the path he is on is right; and to assess whether the path

already travelled was as per his expectations. This helps

determine whether any course correction is needed.

Contemplating on past events – be they failures and

frustrations or success achieved, creates a new level of

understanding for greater achievement. This awareness also

restricts the role played by chance, thus making achievement

far more assured and repeatable than ever before. As is said,

‘The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead,

prepare for it. The present is here, live it.’

Dismissing past events with a derisive ‘that’s history’ attitude

can prove expensive for any business enterprise. A

thoughtful examination may identify the root cause to take

corrective action and save future mistakes. Ironically, past

successes are not as instructive as mistakes, since success

may hide a company’s vulnerabilities and exposure to

changing business environments. Instead of ignoring past

mistakes or enshrining past successes, we should realize that

a past mistake may or may not be a mistake in the future;

just as past success may or may not be a guide to future

success. Careful analysis of the past can help with forward-

looking, innovative decisions for the future.

What better time for this soul searching than our centennial

year to look back on the founders whose visionary business

acumen laid the corner stone of the edifice that KBL is

today ? Our cover story this time takes you on a travel back

in time which saw KBLs metamorphosis from a tiny bicycle

agency in 1888 to a trail blazing pioneer on the global stage

it is today ... even as the target of attaining a world ranking

amongst the ‘Top Five’ pump manufacturers blinks like a

beacon on the horizon of year 2015!

– Sanjay Kirloskar

On Turning A Centurion !

Flow From The CMDs DeskFlow From The CMDs Desk

Sanjay Kirloskar

Cascade l 100 Years 3

The Past – A Prologue

People live in the present.

They plan for and worry

about the future. Given all

the demands that press in

from living in the present

and anticipating what is yet

to come, why bother with

what ‘has been’ ? But

knowing your history is

crucially important when

you want to shape your future.

The past offers a storehouse of information about how

people and societies behave. An exclusive reliance on

current data would needlessly handicap our efforts. How

can we understand genius, the influence of technological

innovation, or the role that beliefs play if we don’t use

what we know about experiences in the past?

The past causes the present – and so the future. Any

time we try to know why something happened – we have

to look for factors that took shape earlier. Only through

studying history can we grasp how things change; only

through history can we begin to comprehend the factors

that cause change; and only through history can we

understand what elements of a company or a society

persist – despite change.

History also provides a terrain for contemplation. People

who have weathered adversity – not just in some work

of fiction, but in real, can provide inspiration. Focusing

on ‘Hundred years of Heritage’ is our attempt to inspire

ourselves and guide us through the coming times and

achieve even greater heights !






W h a t’ s i n s i d e

FLOW FROM THE CMD’S DESK ................................ 3


COVER STORY........................................................ 6-40

BRIDGING OCEANS.................................................. 41

KBL RIDING ON A HIGH TIDE............................. 42-45

SPRING OF SUCCESS........................................ 46-47

STREAM OF ORDERS............................................... 48

CURRENTS........................................................... 49-57

DEW DROPS........................................................ 58-61

SHOW’ER............................................................. 62-63

GLISTENING PEARLS............................................... 64

CREATING WAVES............................................... 65-66

KIRLOSKARVADI SPLASH................................... 69-81

DISTRIBUTION SECTOR SPLASH....................... 82-85

DEWAS SPLASH.................................................. 86-89

SHIRVAL SPLASH...................................................... 90

BOOK BROOK..................................................... 93-94


BACK WATERS..................................................... 98-99



Cascade l 100 Years4

Avinash Purandare

Flow From The Desk of The Editor-in-Chief

Information, Information and Information.

That is it ! Everyone needs it. It is the right amount of

information and the right type of information at the right

time which propels an organization towards success.

Information to the organization is like food to human body.

Too much or too little food or the wrong type of food can

do more harm than good !

It is this balance that Cascade has strived to maintain and

will continue to do so. Specifically, it plays a significant role

in :

* Helping members perform as a team by recognizing each

other’s role in the company and its importance

* Giving recognition where due and motivating an encore

of success stories

* Communicating policies and long term objectives and

the path to be followed to reach them

* Providing a platform for KBLians to showcase their

creativity while infusing a ‘we feeling’ amongst them

* Busting stress through humorous cartoons on topical

issues at KBL

* Spotting hidden talent to be harnessed in different areas

of activity

* Complementing PR exercises in building a good image

with customers, government bodies, financial institutions

and all stakeholders.

* Strengthening training programs and being a successful

agent of change.

The list can go on and on. Your feedback on each issue

published is welcome !

Avinash Purandare

Editor-in-Chief and Vice President

Corporate Global Marketing and Strategy

Cascade l 100 Years 5

Cascade l 100 Years6

Cover StoryCover StoryHundred Years Of Heritage

Cascade l 100 Years 7

Every great organization is the lengthened shadow of one man. Laxmanrao

Kirloskar may not be amongst us any more – but he continues to inspire us across

time. It all began with Laxmanrao Kirloskar setting up a business of assembling

and selling bicycles in Belgaum in partnership with his brother, Ramu Anna.

With customer satisfaction topmost in their list of priorities, the business was

doing well. Courage, ambition and the conviction to bet on their own capabilities

and vision fueled the entrepreneurial spirit of the brothers. Implementing their

plans and passing on this vision and confidence to others came naturally to the

pioneering duo.

However, trouble lurked round the corner. In January 1910, the Belgaum

Municipality asked the Kirloskars to vacate the land occupied by them to make

room for a new suburb. Suddenly, they found themselves in dire need of a place

to live and work. But, as is said, ‘Every adversity, is born with opportunity.’ This

opportunity for the two brothers came in the form of the Raja of Aundh, an

erstwhile princely state, who offered Laxmanrao the land needed in his state.

Two months later, Laxmanrao Kirloskar set foot on 32 acres of barren land in

Aundh, near the railway station strewn with cacti and infested by cobras.

Laxmanrao spared no time, putting together a team of 25 workers with their

families to transform the barren expanse, with no electricity or water into a dream

village. The township which was planned and constructed with Ramu Anna at

the helm, came to be known as ‘Kirloskarvadi’. One of the first ‘Factory Village’

in India was born – the other two being Walchandnagar (Maharashtra) and

Tatanagar, Jamshedpur (Bihar). That was a hundred years ago.

Since then, the Kirloskar spirit of enterprise has played a significant role in meeting

the needs of both – agriculture and industrial sector. To their credit are a string of

‘Firsts’ in India – the first iron plough, the first pump, the first diesel engine, the

first electric motor…. all

manufactured indigenously. Thus

evolved the group, in step with the

country’s needs which was taking

industrial revolution in its stride –

congruent to its political and social


To Laxmanrao however, being a

pioneer meant much more than

being first. It was about living with

integrity, creativity and authenticity.

He was an embodiment of all the

qualities that go into making of a

pioneer –

Cascade l 100 Years8

He had the Vision to look beyond himself at the possibilities

in the world around. He saw opportunities where others

saw obstacles. He saw promise where others saw confusion

or problems.

He had the Courage to take risks – albeit calculated. He

understood failure, but focused on the great potential for


He was Generous and believed in helping the society and

other players in the industry.

He was Industrious, recognizing that nothing great is

accomplished without great effort and great sacrifice.

KBL : The first born!

Kirloskar Brothers Limited (KBL), the first Kirloskar group

company, struck roots at Kirloskarvadi to become the

flagship company – serving as a keel to the fleet that was to

follow. The era of Kirloskar enterprise had dawned.

As the only Indian company that entered the engineering

market with its own branded products, KBL took the

competition with British brands head-on. These were to

usher in a new economic order in the Indian industry in

times to come. Having established itself in the market, KBL

diversified into fluid handling and control systems. Its ascent

to the status of being India’s largest manufacturer of pumps

and valves was swift.

The clouds of World War II hovering above, threatened to

barricade import of machine tools into India. With

characteristic foresight and business acumen, the Kirloskars

got into manufacturing of machine tools, electric motors

and pumps for army use, hospital furniture, springs for hand

grenades, etc. This paradigm shift – from farm implements

to machine tools, created a new company – The Mysore

Kirloskar Company Limited.

The Baton passes forward

Indian independence – breaking free from the shackles of

its colonial past brought with it an upheaval of change –

both at the government level and in the industrial sector.

The altered political climate of the 1940s heralded the end

Cascade l 100 Years 9

of the princely patronage for enterprise. Shifting policies, changing priorities, morphing

business equations and redistribution of authority were the order of the day. This period

of change marked a turning point for the Kirloskar group.

Shantanurao Kirloskar, the eldest son of Laxmanrao Kirloskar, travelled to Pune to

prepare the ground for a new business venture – to manufacture diesel engines. He had

to unravel a tangle of red tape and overcome public resistance to his acquisition of

land for industrial purposes.

Countering the resistance with passionate conviction, Shantanurao drove home the

point that since factories had a longer life than human beings, they would continue to

bring prosperity to coming generations. He did succeed finally and won a place for

setting up Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited. (KOEL) in Pune. This was twelve months

after signing an agreement of collaboration with Associated British Oil Engines Export

Limited., UK. Incidentally, this collaboration between an Indian and a foreign company

was the first of its kind and signified a bridging of the technological gap between East

and West.

Enter Electric Motors and Pneumatics

Manufacturing electrical motors was one of Laxmanrao’s cherished dream, the first

being production of engines. The dream saw the light of day with dedicated efforts by

Ravi Kirloskar, his youngest son, in 1942. The venture went on to blossom into Kirloskar

Electric Company Limited.

The development of air compressors at Kirloskarvadi was

initiated next. Once again in 1955, KBL was the first company

in India to make air compressors (200 CFM at 150 PSI). Thus,

a new company – Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited

(KPCL) was incorporated, with a full-fledged plant at Pune –

dedicated to manufacture these compressors. At the helm was

General H M Mohite (Retd.). The manufacture of air

compressors and pneumatic tools, began in technical

collaboration with Broom and Wade of England. Today, KPCLs

turnkey expertise is sought in almost every major industrial

project in India. Collaboration with Twin Disc Inc. of USA has

taken the company into torque inverters, marine gearboxes and

rail traction transmissions.

Transforming Rural India

The achievement of Kirloskar Brothers Limited. at

Kirloskarvadi, is an ideal example of how an industry can

revitalize the rural economy and improve the quality of life of

Cascade l 100 Years10

people there. All KBL ventures have been founded on rural soil. For instance, the

Dewas plant in Madhya Pradesh which manufactures monobloc and submersible pumps

for agricultural and domestic use; the plant at Shirval in Maharashtra, where 100 mm

stainless steel submersible pumps are manufactured; our Kondhapuri plant, also in

Maharashtra, which manufactures valves. Even the SPP plants in Coleford and Atlanta

are in rural areas. Thus KBL shares Mahatma Gandhiji’s dream of empowering rural


The publication of magazines – Kirloskar, Stree and Manohar – was an initiative towards

moulding employees; but more so to empower women from the colony.

On A ‘Green’ Mission

Since its inception over a century ago, the Kirloskar

Group has contributed significantly to the Green

Revolution in India and has been a harbinger of

prosperity to millions.

At Kirloskar, we imbibe the spirit of Green and strive

endlessly with single-minded zeal to spread the color

of prosperity and growth – in India and across the

world. Standing witness are mega irrigation projects

completed by KBL, where huge amount of energy

saving has been achieved through sheer innovation

and engineering excellence. The world’s largest pumping scheme at Sardar Sarovar

Project in Gujarat, the world’s second highest lift irrigation scheme at Devadula, and

irrigation schemes like Pushkara, Tadipudi and Guthpa in Andhra Pradesh are a few

examples. In fact, KBL has formed a separate ‘Green Energy Sector’ to focus on

developing renewable energy technologies such as solar, micro hydel, etc.

In tune with our commitment towards a greener planet, we have constructed our new

Corporate Office in Pune as per stringent LEED norms for Platinum rated Green

Buildings. KBL also conforms to the CII Code for Ecologically Sustainable Growth.

Additionally, our manufacturing plants are certified by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS

18001 and SA 8000. KBL, thus, is a company genuinely practising the ‘Mantra’ of

Green – in vision, thought and deed.

KBL – An Ideal Corporate Citizen

As a philanthropic approach, the seed of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sowed

by Shri Laxmanrao Kirloskar in 1888 and nurtured by Shantanurao Kirloskar continues

to this day. A good company, they say, delivers excellent products and services; while a

great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place! And so the

Kirloskar saga of success continues, setting one milestone of achievement after another,

the horizons of its capabilities forever expanding.

Cascade l 100 Years 11

Celebrating a Centenary – The Industry

and The Industrious

Cascade brings you some milestones in the 100 years it has traversed –

paved with the good times and the bad; always emerging better, ready to

take on more challenges.

1888 : The seed of Kirloskar enterprise sowed by Laxmanrao Kirloskar – Kirloskar

Brothers, a partnership firm established

1902 : The first product of Kirloskar Brothers – a hand chaff cutter launched

1903 : Birth of Shantanurao Kirloskar

1903 : India’s first indigenous Kirloskar brand iron plough manufactured that

revolutionized agriculture, taking competition from British makes head on

1908 : Ramu Anna Kirloskar retires from government service. Assists Laxmanrao

in work at Belgaum and Kirloskarvadi

1 910 : Establishment of Kirloskarvadi near Kundal Road railway station, in the

princely state of Aundh with support from the Kingdom of Aundh and

with the cooperation of colleagues

1910 : The King of the princely state of Aundh extends financial aid for setting up

the factory in Aundh

1911 : Shantanurao sketches an oil engine at a tender age of 10, thus highlighting

his inherent aptitude for anything mechanical

1912 : Ramu Anna goes to Aundh to teach English at the behest of the King of


1913 : Ramu Anna sets up ‘Kirloskar Ashram’ to house children from the Kirloskar

family who were studying in school at Aundh

Cascade l 100 Years12

Cascade l 100 Years 13

The Celebrations

Begin !A grand function was organized to celebrate

Kirloskarvadi’s 100 years of contribution to society. Laxmanrao

Kirloskar had established this Industrial Township on 10th

March, 1910, with the vision of setting up his industry, provide

accommodation and civic amenities and facilities like school,

social club, hospital, etc., for employees.

Union Cabinet Minister Sharad Pawar, along with eminent

industrialists, joined Sanjay C Kirloskar, Chairman and Managing

Director, Kirloskar Brothers Limited and other members of

Kirloskar family at Kirloskarvadi in the celebrations. Involving

the locals and members who have contributed to the success of

Kirloskarvadi, this day long function had various activities


Many small events were strung together to celebrate this occasion.

The day started by paying homage to KBLians Shri Pandya and

Shri Sadubhau Pendharkar who embraced martyrdom in the Indian

independence struggle. Next on cards was tree plantation wherein

101 saplings were planted within the company premises. A ‘Prabhat

Pheri’ (Rally) traditionally undertaken by the Kirloskar family for

many years was organized followed by activities like flag hoisting,

balloon launching, inauguration of a photo exhibition on

Kirloskarvadi and wind solar hybrid system street lamp, etc.

Inauguration of SLK Junior Sports academy as well as the unveiling

of the ‘Shramik’ statue was on agenda, as was the hospital name board,

bearing the name ‘Smt. Sudhatai Chandorkar’. The ground breaking

ceremony for the Heritage Hall was also performed.

Cascade l 100 Years14

Cascade l 100 Years 15

The Media Salutes The Centurion

In tune with the media – Team KBL

Cascade l 100 Years18

The main function started with the release of the book ‘Katha Kirloskarvadichi’,

which recounts the history of Kirloskarvadi penned by Savita Bhave. A

documentary ‘Adhi Bij Ekale’, also had its inaugural screening during the event.

This film on Kirloskarvadi directed by Sudhir Moghe, featured Arun Nalawade

and Shrikant Moghe amongst others. The cinematographer for this film is Debu

Deodhar, while Vinita Angal is the editor. Anand Modak provided the background


To commemorate this milestone, Kirloskar Brothers Limited decided to undertake

a series of initiatives focusing on the needs of the youth in and around

Kirloskarvadi. The initiatives include felicitation programs for budding

entrepreneurs, interactions and experience sharing with eminent industrial

personalities and setting up a hydraulic simulation lab for students, in cooperation

with technical institutes.

A centenary product iCP (Innovative range of Chemical Process Pumps) for the

chemical process industry will be launched during the year. The product will

introduce non-metallic components, zero losses, zero maintenance and zero

leakages. (For more about the product, refer the section on ‘Glistening Pearls’ in

this issue.)

The Present Looks Back for InspirationSpeaking on the occasion Sanjay C Kirloskar, Chairman and Managing Director,

Kirloskar Brothers Limited, said, “Hundred years back my great grandfather,

Laxmanrao Kirloskar laid the foundation to build an industrial township

‘Kirloskarvadi’, where we stand today. It is a very proud moment for all of us to be

a part of this historic landmark. Through this journey, we have experienced,

learned and delivered products and services that not only satisfy consumer

requirement but also help enriching lives.”

Shri Sharad Pawar addressed the august gathering, recalling that Yashwantrao

Chavan had graced the Golden Jubilee event of the township.

“Every time I visit this area, I learn something new” he said. If one wants to

document the history of Maharashtra, one would have to devote an independent

chapter to this region; for, one can learn a thing or two from the people here

about turning the table on adversity. He mentioned that the very first circus with

Parshuram Mali in charge, gave its debut performance on this demanding soil.

Though a drought prone zone, the first batch of roses grown as a horticulture

venture, came from here.

People from this region have been at the forefront of the struggle for independence.

Recalling that Puneites had felicitated him in 1978, with Shantanurao presiding,

he said “I remember each word of the keynote address, in which Shantanurao

had proposed a blueprint for the development of Maharashtra.

“When I met him after he had undergone bypass surgery, not once did he mention

anything about his illness. His nature was such that he took the most challenging

obstacles that waylaid his path with calmness and serenity. He also considered

Cascade l 100 Years 19

1914 : Burli, a hamlet close to Kirloskarvadi, reels under floods. Laxmanrao

Kirloskar sends a contingent from Kirloskarvadi to help the flood affected.

His efforts were recognized by being conferred the ‘Kesar-e-Hind’ title

1914 : First World War begins. Laxmanrao Kirloskar passes through trying times

1918 : End of World War - 1. Prosperity dawns on Indian industry

1918 : Friends and family urge Laxmanrao Kirloskar to go Public Limited

1920 : Company registered and incorporated in the name of Kirloskar Brothers


1920 : Kirloskarvadi gains reputation as an industrial township

1920 : An improved version of the Charkha – a symbol of national pride and

patriotism developed at Kirloskarvadi.

1920 : Governor of Mumbai, Sir George Lloyd visits Kirloskarvadi

1921 : Kirloskar Brothers Limited declares a dividend of 6% to all shareholders

1922 : Shantanurao boards a ship to America for further education

1922 : Shantanurao clears the qualifying exam for entrance to MIT for B.SC degree


1923 : Shantanurao takes admission in MIT to study Mechanical Engineering

1923 : Machine shop at Kirloskarvadi factory undergoes expansion; ploughs and

‘Kisan Nahar’ sugarcane crushers launched

1923 : Metallurgical laboratory becomes functional

1924 : 350 HP gas engine imported from USA to ensure sufficient power supply

1924 : Factory begins work in 3 shifts, additional manpower recruited; sale of

ploughs increases to 40,000 a year

1925 : Kirloskar ‘Kamal’ sugarcane crusher and hand pump launched

1926 : Shantanurao returns to India on completion of his studies at MIT. He

receives a warm welcome at Kirloskarvadi

Cascade l 100 Years20

Cascade l 100 Years 21

the promotion of ‘Swadeshi’ movement, his own responsibility, which he took


Shri Sharad Pawar recounted an episode that impressed him while in Egypt.

Strolling along the Nile River, he heard the sound of working pumps. He went

there only to find a battery of Kirloskar pumps doing their job of irrigating farms

sincerely. To his amazement, he found that the Egyptians used ‘Kirloskar’ as the

generic name for pumps.

He recalled that when Shri Jairam Ramesh, Foreign Minister, was on a tour of

Egypt, the minister mentioned manufacturing of BHEL turbines to which the top

brass of the Egyptian delegation replied that all they knew was about Kirloskar

turbines !

“Thus you can see, that despite the typically low profile of any Kirloskar enterprise,

they end up in spotlight due to their dedication and excellence” he said. He

lauded Mukundrao Kirloskars photography collection. He also credited him as

the editor of magazines Kirloskar, Stree and Manohar, which provided thought

provoking contents. He concluded by complimenting the Kirloskars achievements

till date and wished them further progress in the years to come.

* * * * * * *

“KBL Stakes Its Claim As Numero Uno In

Pumping Technology” – Alok KirloskarKirloskar. The very name is associated with innovative agricultural implements

across the nation. My great grandfather – Shantanurao, assigned the various

products manufactured to individual group companies. Thus, oil engines,

electricals, pumps, etc. became the independent production of different group

companies. KBL enjoys a pioneering status as a manufacturer of pumps for various

applications in different fields. It is known internationally for its quality products

and is always on the lookout to enter new sectors that spell opportunity.

Instead of just concentrating on pumps, KBLs focus is on providing total solutions

on an EPC basis and is renowned in India for undertaking entire projects. To

KBLs credit are a number of irrigation, water supply and power projects,

successfully commissioned. For instance, Bheema Lift Irrigation Scheme, Sardar

Sarovar, NTPC, etc.

We owe our stature in the market to our expertise and knowledge in hydraulics.

We have the experience required to aid pump selection to achieve maximum

energy conservation for client benefit. We have bought over a UK based company

manufacturing Fire Fighting pumps with production facilities in USA, South

Africa, Dubai and England. We plan to emerge as a number one company in

pumping technology in the near future.

We aspire to have our manufacturing plants worldwide, serving different sectors

in these regions and capture the market there. We have plans to manufacture

core pumps for varied applications and have already taken steps in that direction.

It is my firm belief that KBLs real strength lies in its self motivated and dedicated

work force. The company is committed to the satisfaction of all its stakeholders

and is always working towards this end.

Only when all the people associated with KBL fully grasp this objective, will they

reach the pinnacle of success. For this, it is important that they have the requisite

knowledge of pumps, an atmosphere that is conducive to work and awareness of

the group’s strength and weaknesses. Collating the knowledge and experience of

all KBLians, such that it is available for use is important. This will enable the

company to concentrate on instrumentation and processes.

In my opinion, it is crucial that self motivated work force, other colleagues,

knowledge based concepts and strategies, along with the management, need to

work in tandem. My great grandfather would often say, that wealth has to be

earned before it can be distributed. Last, but not the least, the company should

be aware of its social responsibility as a corporate citizen – and Kirloskars have

always lived up to this ideal. I think the company’s aim will always be people

oriented and will focus on implementation of knowledge based initiatives. It is

my dream to have a delighted customer base nurtured by a self motivated work

force and fair returns to shareholders, along with quality products and competent

distribution management system.

* * * * * * *

The Essence of ‘Kirloskar Culture’ –

Mukundrao KirloskarThere was a time when this place was barren land. Who would have chosen to

seek employment here ? Thus we absorbed any individual who we coincidentally

came across who had some potential and were willing to join. We gauged their

aptitude, trained them and channelized their energy into the work they were

suited for.

Mangesh Rege was one such youth. Although he was not highly educated, he

managed the company’s finances efficiently and consequently grew in stature.

He rose to the position of Chief Accountant. Another example I can cite is

Anantrao Phalnikar. This boy grew to such a stature professionally, that engineers

all over India would come to seek his advice on foundry related issues.

Laxmanrao arrived at Kundal with colleagues in tow. They were all lodged in a

‘Dharamshala’ nearby. The group comprised people from various castes. Ladies

from the so called low castes had their hearths adjacently which, in those days

was unthinkable !

Kirloskarvadi has one unique distinction – it leaves an indelible mark of ‘Kirloskar

Culture’ on the psyche of those who come here or are brought up here. At times

I asked people whether they had considered to seek employment elsewhere… To

which they said, the thought had never occurred to them !

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years22

Stringers from Cascade got in touch with Kirloskarvadians at random for an informal and spontaneous response as to

their feelings vis-a-vis their bonding with the Kirloskars. We bring you a gist :

“Introduction of the iron plough by the Kirloskars brought

prosperity to the farming community of Maharashtra.

While profit making was an important ingredient of this

commercial enterprise, it was never the only one. Enriching

lives through community welfare initiatives is a value that

was born at the same time as the business entity struck

roots. The Kirloskarvadians were – and will always be ready

with a helping hand extended to the local villagers in the

vicinity in times of calamity.” Sampat Pawar

* * * * * * *

“There was this old tin shed which was converted into

a make shift school. I was a part of the first batch of

students – 20 boys and 10 girls. Laxmanrao gave equal

priority to health as he did to education. We celebrated

the anniversary of Kirloskarvadi with enthusiasm,

organizing games, cultural programs, etc. for all – age no

bar ! Papa was a great believer in outdoor activities and

personally ensured that everyone experienced the

benefits.” Vimal Gajanan Sathe

* * * * * * *

“I joined as a laborer and became a fitter by learning on

the job. I learned that work is worship here. I credit the

Kirloskars for the better days I am seeing today.”

Vishwanath Shivpuje

* * * * * * *

“Our superiors corrected us gently in case we made a

mistake. The atmosphere at work was so conducive, that

one never thought of bunking – come rain or storm. The

idea never struck us.” Achyutrao Gosavi

* * * * * * *

“I am a second generation Kirloskarvadian. My father

before me served the company for 50 years ! I have put in

33 years.

“One of Dada’s (Shantanurao’s) amazing traits was his

ability to remember people, irrespective of their social

stature. He knew each and every member of his enterprize

by name. He did not just sculpt the factory, he sculpted

people as well.” Anil Deshpande

* * * * * * *

“The inauguration of our plant at Vadi was graced by

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru with daughter, Indira Gandhi.

We had the opportunity to see them both, up close.”

Hansabai Mahadeo Patil

* * * * * * *

“The wooden plough could not make grooves deep

enough for planting seeds. Thus Laxmanrao came up with

an iron plough as a solution. Supporting him this venture

were Balasaheb – Raja of the princely state of Aundh and

Bhaurao Patil, Founder – Rayat Shikshan Sanstha. The

place where Kirloskarvadi stands today was given by

Balasaheb. It is here that products which took on British

competition head on were manufactured.” Krantiveer J

D Lad

* * * * * * *

“3rd September, 1942, saw workers leave the premises

to participate in the struggle for independence... Not a

single officer tried to deter them. They participated in a

patriotic rally at Tasgaon with courage and conviction.

‘The British tried to prevent Kirloskarvadians by arresting

them, raiding the factory after planting incriminating

evidence against them, but to no avail.

“Papa did not believe in ultimatums and aggression in

resolving issues; rather, he swore by dialogue conducted

in peace and harmony – that did not hamper production.

A true ‘Karmayogi’, Papa lived by the axiom – work is

worship.” Capt. Ramchandra Shripati Lad

* * * * * * *

“I am grateful to the company for what I am today. My

earnings helped me get my daughters married.”

Bhagwanrao Gawade

* * * * * * *

“I began working as an office boy with Mr. Gurjar. During

work I became acquainted with Dada. Later, in the factory

I worked as Line Manager - I and subsequently, Line

Manager - II. The transition from a peon to a manager, I

believe can only be possible in an organization such as



Cascade l 100 Years 23

“Dada was always engrossed in planning the growth of

the business, while Shankarrao looked after dealings

outside the factory.

“I have a vivid memory of the day a mob of 5000 strong

rioters threatened to set the factory ablaze as an aftermath

of Gandhiji’s murder by a Brahmin. Shankarrao personally

went to face them, unaccompanied. He reasoned with

the arsonists and convinced them to leave the plant well

alone for the sake of the workers and their families.”

Narayan Kabure

* * * * * * *

“Papa was a great believer in adult education. A literacy

class would be conducted for the workers daily for an hour.

He appointed a scheduled caste person as a watchman.

He also got him married – that too, to a girl from a ‘higher’


“My stint at Kirloskarvadi inspired the worker in me to

create jobs for other workers, instead of being a job seeker.

This led me to lay the plinth of ‘Vikas’ factory in 1960 -


“I learned to care for social welfare from Shankarrao,

Shantanurao and Papa. They would make it a point to

attend functions they were invited to by farmers. The

Kirloskars disseminated technical knowledge readily to

the society they operated in. Industrialization of Palus is

witness to this.

The ‘Kirloskar’ magazine waged a war against superstition

and so called Sadhus or God men – rampant in those

days.” Shankar Patil

* * * * * * *

“This hospital was founded in 1933 – a time when there

was no other medical facility in the vicinity. Radhabai,

alias Mama would personally attend as a midwife assisting

mothers from nearby villages in delivery. The ‘Sau

Radhabai Maternity Trust’ was thus aptly named in her


‘I recall Radhabai personally pouring out glasses of

buttermilk for workers working in areas radiating heat in

the foundry to alleviate heat related health consequences.

Such was her sensitivity to peoples’ needs.

“On the occasion of its centenary, I wish the

Kirloskarvadians the very best. May the graph of this

enterprise continue to be on the ascent !” Dr. Rajan


* * * * * * *

“I’m in the computer field and have been a

Kirloskarvadian for the past 35 years. I was briefed about

the objectives of the school as follows :

* It should provide quality education

* The students should enjoy good health

The two objectives figure prominently in our vision which


To become one of the reputed and best school in Southern

Maharashtra by implementing structured processes in

administration, academics, sports and extra curricular

activities. We will achieve this by tapping the hidden potential

of students, boosting their confidence and equip them to deal

with competition successfully; by instilling values like discipline

and teamwork in them; and by nurturing their IQ from play

group level.

“Plans to compile data to form an alumni association are

on the anvil. The idea is to get their suggestions and

guidance to chart the school’s progress.” R L Patwardhan,

Information Center, Kirloskarvadi

* * * * * * *

“The atmosphere at Kirloskarvadi was harmonious and

serene. It didn’t feel like we were in a village. We enjoyed

a culturally enriched and prosperous life-style. There was

no ‘us’ and ‘them’ divide amongst managers and workers

residing in the colony. Women were empowered and their

horizons broadened beyond their thresholds. The spirit

of ‘Vadi’ taught its residents how to live, appreciating the

good things in life healthily. Malati Kirloskar

* * * * * * *

“ Kirloskarvadi was a haven of facilities catering to

women – their progress and their needs. Papa was

committed to women’s welfare and overall personality

development. The ladies were urged to participate in

sports, cultural programs, etc. Yamutai, Leelatai would

take part in dramatics, prabhat pheris (morning rally to

promote a social cause), etc. thus leading by example.

Even today, I feel totally at home in Kirloskarvadi.”

Pratibha Kanetkar

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years24

“When I joined Kirloskar High School, K R Joshi was

at the helm. In 1949 we procured a film projection system

for the school – knowing that the audio-visual medium

was very effective for learning. We screened a lot of Indian

and foreign language films for the colony residents as well.

I also discovered a way of changing the audio track to

Marathi. This was much appreciated – specially by the


“As a resident of the colony, I got the opportunity to attend

music programs of stalwarts like Bhimsen Joshi, sitting

up close to the legendary Maestro.” Nagesh Gholba Sir

* * * * * * *

“Kirloskarvadi is much more than an industrial

township. It has played a significant role in modernizing

Maharashtra and driving its progress in industry as well

as intellectually and politically. It created a socio-

economic class of people who ushered in modern,

revolutionary thought – the medium ? Kirloskar


“For instance, we ran a column on superstition and blind

faith. This highlights the fact that the factory did not just

develop industrial products, but also human beings.

“The iron plough is not just a product. Rather, it is an

icon symbolizing change and modernization of thought

in pace with the changing times.

“Kirloskarvadi is witness to the unfolding of the struggle

for independence, providing ‘safe house’ to our leaders

underground. It is here that I was blessed with the

opportunity to interact with exalted personalities like

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil. I have honed my writing skills

on the platform ‘Vadi provided to upcoming writers like

Sudhir Moghe, Anil Avchat and the like. I had the fortune

of meeting Mangesh Padgaonkar here. I was a part of a

delegation from ‘Manohar’ magazine which organized

seminars on socially relevant topics in surrounding

villages. I’ve contributed articles on women’s issues in

‘Stree’, another publication of the Kirloskar enterprise.”

Avinash Sapre

* * * * * * *

“When I joined the factory here N K Joshi was in-

charge. He was a strict disciplinarian and would send

everyone in a flurry of activity the moment he began his

routine round of the plant. Same was the case with Mr.

Tolpadi. This experience has helped me to be on top of

my work life as well as my personal life.” Maruti Shinde

* * * * * * *

“IMTEX, a machine tools exposition is organized by the

Government of India, every three years. Once

Shantanurao happened to have the distinction of its

inauguration. As he was taking a round of the stalls, he

noticed an indecent poster put up. He did not like it one

bit and did not mince any words saying so.

“Once I had gone to Cummins to install a machine, I

learned that Sanjay Kirloskar was working there as a

trainee. Although his father, Chandrakant Kirloskar was

the Chairman, Sanjay was treated like any other worker.

The first job assigned to him was that of sweeping. Next,

he was shifted to washing parts, followed by maintenance

chores. Indeed there was no special treatment meted out

just because he was the Chairman’s son. I was really

impressed!” Jagannath Bhosale

* * * * * * *

“Once Shantanurao Kirloskar happened to pass by our

table during a round of the plant. We had wiped it just

then. Shantanurao passed his finger on it and pointed

out a film of oil on it. He immediately told us the

importance of good housekeeping and told us how it keeps

work atmosphere pleasant.” Shyamrao Sandage

* * * * * * *

‘‘While addressing workers, Mr. Shewade, Vice

President, mentioned that we too manufacture the very

same products that Japan manufactures. The difference

being our characteristic indifference to the 100% quality.

This is why we fall back – in spite of our superior capability.

‘‘When Dada (Shantanurao) took the factory round the

small details did not miss his eye. Once when I was

working, he was walking by and noticed that the job had

no support in the front. He promptly summoned the

supervisor and pointed out the flaw, asking for immediate

correction.” Baburao Deshmane

* * * * * * *

“I was nominated by the company for the ‘Gunwant

Kamgar Puraskar’ (meritorious worker award), instituted

by the Government of Maharashtra and won it in 1994.

Cascade l 100 Years 25

“Also, I was a member of a team of 16 that was sent to Germany on a study tour in

1998. Sanjay Kirloskar had hand-picked the delegates based on the improvements we

had made in production. We visited state-of-the-art factories and modern work processes

they follow.... and I’m proud to say that we follow the very same techniques here, in

this factory village. When foreign guests visit our plant, they are amazed to see the

ultra modern infrastructure – that too set in a rural backdrop !” Raghunath Harane

* * * * * * *

“It was in 1995 that I won the ‘Gunwant Kamgar Puraskar, which qualified me to

represent the company abroad according to policy. The manufacturer who supplied

spare parts to us was based in Coleford. During our visit there, we took notice of a

thing or two, which we have imbibed and have been adopted here. Now our workplace

too looks impressive !” Uttam Sutar

* * * * * * *

“The Kirloskars did not just help my family survive, but nurtured it to strength as

well. No wonder me and members of my family literally worship them.

“Once when I was a member of the working committee, an accident took place. The

analysis about this incident was put up to Sanjay Kirloskar. His response still rings in

my ears – hindsight is not of much use. We must take measures to ensure accidents

don’t occur in the first place.” Suhas Vaddikar

* * * * * * *

Colony ResidentsShruti Minchekar

In building this industrial township, Laxmanrao has broughr prosperity

to rural India. It created job opportunities for the villagers. The

township also saw many small scale manucturing units come up, which

fuelled the progress of hamlets in the vicinity. Shantanurao preserved

the culture nurtured by Laxmanrao and we see Sanjay Kirloskar doing

the same today. The conservation of culture while promoting modernity and visionary

leadership has paved the way to a successful century. My best wishes to Kirloskarvadi for

the future.

* * * * * * *

Swati Gulavani

Laxmanrao, known as the Henry Ford of Maharashtra very interested

in machinery and mechanics – which went on to script the success

story of a Maharashtrian industrialist on the Indian industrial scene.

Lokmanya Tilak acknowledged Laxmanrao’s enterprise as a nation

building exercise. At the plinth of Kirloskarvadi’s unique culture lie

qualities such as cleanliness, discipline, punctuality, etc. The Kirloskars have transformed

this, once barren land into a lovely garden !

Cascade l 100 Years26

1926 : The first centrifugal pump in India manufactured

1926 : India’s first diesel engine manufactured

1926 : Kirloskar iron chairs introduced in an industrial exhibition at Pune

1927 : Shantanurao weds Yamutai in a grand ceremony at Kirloskarvadi.

1928 : Birth of Chandrakant Kirloskar

1928 : New centrifugal pump introduced in the market

1929 : Improved version of groundnut shellers ready for launching

1936 : Radhabai Maternity Trust founded with funds from Sudhatai Chandorkar’s

personal savings

1936 : A statue of Mama erected near the factory gate. Currently it is in the hospital


1936 : Construction of powerhouse at Kirloskarvadi commences

1936 : Gandhiji inspects the charkha model designed by Ganesh Bhaskar Kale

1937 : An improved version of lathe developed at Kirloskarvadi, based on a

Japanese design. This was India’s first machine tool

1939 : World war II begins. Lack of raw material which was entirely imported sees

manufacture of furniture grind to a halt

1940 : Employee strength at Kirloskarvadi touches 1700

1940 : Social gathering at Kirloskarvadi sees Laxmanrao Kirloskar address a large


1940 : Kirloskar’s manufacture India’s first lathe

1940 : Pandit Nehru accompanied with daughter – Indira Gandhi, visits


1940 : Sir Mirza Ismail, the Diwan of Mysore visits Kirloskarvadi

1940 : Mysore Kirloskar registered

1942 : Manufacturing of electric motors at Kirloskarvadi commences when Ravi

Kirloskar returns from USA

On its way to its landmark achievement of scoring a hundred, the enterprise has kept

pace with the times while rising to the many challenges in its way. I am a minuscule

part of the large Kirloskar family and am proud of it. May the company prosper for ever

more !

* * * * * * *

Smita Gore

Kirloskarvadi is like a second home for me for over three decades.

We would frequently visit ‘Vadi’ as my uncle, S G Kulkarni taught in

the high school there. My aunt was an active member of the ladies

club. I would follow her around in the colony. We settled down at

Kirloskarvadi when I was in Std. IV. I did my schooling here. My

husband too has a job here.

Earlier we had bungalow type of houses with tiled roofs. There were coconut and mango

trees in front. I’ve witnessed the transition of the colony from then on. I have seen the

way employees love the plant, Papa and Mamma and their family members. Though

‘Vadi’ has changed with the times, I’m sure the emotional bond will continue to endure.

May the colony progress in the future as well !

* * * * * * *

Sneha Pai

Kirloskarvadi’s magical transformation from a barren, snake infested

land ridden with cacti, to a prosperous industrial township has to be

seen to believed. The Family Kirloskar became renowned in India

and abroad.

The relations between owners and employees has always been cordial.

Hard work, dedication and honesty are the pillars on which their success is supported.

The company extends all kinds of facilities to the colony residents. I wish the company

the very best in the future.

* * * * * * *

Anna Dange

I equate KBL to being a well-wisher of the farming community. Our

founder, Laxmanrao, owned a cycle shop in Belgaum. He would visit

farms during his free time. There he noticed that the wooden plough

used by the farmers was not very efficient. Wanting to relieve them

from tedium, he manufactured an iron plough.

I bought the plough in 1954 when I started farming. Iron furniture was soon added to

the portfolio. Today the Kirloskar name is renowned in the country and abroad.

Kirloskars are not just involved in business activities alone – they are social welfare

oriented too.

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years 29

Vijaykumar Kulkarni

I took admission in Kirloskar High School in 1948 in Std. IV. I had

never seen a better designed township before. I made a lot of friends

here at school. We got the opportunity to play cricket with members

of the Kirloskar family.

Mukundrao Kirloskar set up a printing press and began publishing

Kirloskar, Stree and Manohar – thought provoking magazines which enjoyed growing


Be it water supply problems or residential ones, the company has always helped out

employees to resolve them.

On behalf of Palus Gram Panchayat, educational institutes, cooperative banks, etc., I

wish the company the best.

* * * * * * *

R S Desai

I joined the company as a Safety Officer on 2nd May, 1997. This was

my first experience in industrial safety management. However the

work processes and military discipline of the workers was worth

emulating, which I did ! I also got an opportunity for social work

through the social club. I have seen the Kirloskars always extend a

helping hand to the affected in natural calamities. My best wishes to the company for

its bright future !

* * * * * * *

Meenakshi Deshpande

I had come across the Kirloskar name only in books. My curiosity

urged me to visit Kirloskarvadi some day during my lifetime. This

was satisfied when I got married and shifted here. Initially I was really

lonely. Heavy rainfall, floods and wild vegetation did not help the

situation. Soon however I met other ladies that relieved my loneliness

in a jiffy. I loved the nature and refreshing surroundings here. I made a lot of friends

while discharging duties as the head of the social club. The friendship and respect

shown to me transformed me into a staunch Kirloskarvadian !

* * * * * * *

Vijay Pise

1988. I had just joined the company as a trainee and was working in

the Hydraulic Research Center. One day our supervisor asked us to

clean up with special care. “Dada is due for a visit” he said. I did not

realize that ‘Dada’ meant Shantanurao ! That day I wore my freshly

laundered uniform and got down to work. Dada got off from a Ford

and started walking towards HRC. When he approached my area I greeted him. While

talking to me he saw a nut on the floor and said “I have dropped some money. Could

you please pick it up from the floor ?” I looked around but couldn't see any. He then

Cascade l 100 Years30

pointed out at the nut and said that is my money. This incident made a good impact on


* * * * * * *

Ganpatrao Sawant

No one can become a success relying on destiny it requires ambition,

self confidence and a knack of taking people along. When Laxmanrao

Kirloskar laid the foundation of the Kirloskar group, our country

was under foreign rule. Setting up a manufacturing industry was like

showing a red rag to a bull ! The British Government did not take it

lightly. In spite of knowing this Laxmanrao went and did just that.

In my opinion Laxmanrao was not just an industrialist. He was a person sensitive to

social responsibility. He was a social worker who was committed to the welfare of society.

He manufactured farm implements for the agriculturists knowing that 70% of India's

population depends on farming for their livelihood. He was a truly secular person. He

has helped deserving students get equal opportunity in the Kirloskarvadi High School.

Today Sanjay Kirloskar is continuing with the same tradition. My best wishes to him.

* * * * * * *

V Y Patil

Some people are born great – one such being Laxmanrao Kirloskar.

He set up the factory at Kirloskarvadi without consulting the almanac

for an auspicious time. He catered to the people in the vicinity by

manufacturing products useful for farming, small industry and

consumer durables for household use. The following generations too

kept the same spirit in culture alive. They set an ideal for emerging entrepreneurs to

follow and bring about economic prosperity. Not only did they inspire others, they also

actively involved themselves by providing technical support and outsourcing work to

them. This opened up options for earning a livelihood to them. A small hamlet like

Palus too got its own MIDC area. This cut down on incidences of robbery and

anti-social activities and gave rise to social unity and fairness. The Kirloskars led by

example by appointing Pirya Maang, a hardened criminal and an alcoholic as their

security guard. They recruited employees from different castes and religions to work

together at the same workstation. Till date, the Kirloskars have always been the first to

extend a helping hand to the victims of natural calamities.

They have even extended help to educational institutes, hostels, creches and playgroups

in and around the villages. To organize most of these social initiatives, the Vikas

Charitable Trust was founded. Going by the multi-faceted qualities of Kirloskarvadi

plant, it is like an ever running brook of progress.

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years 31

• G B Alias Tatyasaheb Pant

Son of Pantapratinidhi of the princely state of Aundh,

he was born in 1928 at Aundh. Highly educated, he holds

a degree in automobile engineering from London, which

he acquired in 1952.

Initially at Mumbai and later at Telco, Jamshedpur, he

worked as the Head of Quality Control – from 1956 to

1989. Post retirement, he worked as a consultant for a

decade and was also the judge for the RKQP competition

held between the Kirloskar Group of companies for

excellence in quality.

* * * * * * *

• Dr. Motilal Ginde

When Laxmanrao set up his entrepreneurial venture in

Belgaum, he was financed by a money lender – Mr. Ginde,

who ensured that papa did not feel financial constraint

in business. This helped the venture to prosper.

Dr. Motilal Ginde, belongs to the 3rd generation of the


* * * * * * *

• B G Patil

General Secretary of the recognized workers union

affiliated to INTUC, B G Patil was based at Kirloskarvadi

from 1964 to 2002. An avid and skilled organizer, he has

worked in various capacities for the union. He belongs

to the ‘Warkari’ sect.

* * * * * * *

• P D Gune

82 years young, P D Gune is an alumnus of Banaras

Hindu University from where he holds a BSc Engineering

degree. He is the first batch of engineers to have joined

Kirloskarvadi plant. He was highly knowledgeable and

experienced in the working of all departments. Many

collaborations were struck during his tenure – Bullard

(USA), Sulzer (Switzerland), SPP (UK), Tecumseh

(USA), etc. He initiated the modernization of the

foundry at Kirloskarvadi. He was insistent that

Kirloskarvadi did not remain as an island of excellence;

rather, it should bring prosperity and progress in the

neighboring regions as well.

Thus, various welfare initiatives were implemented – be

it water supply project through ’shram daan’ at Kundal;

help extended to a student’s hostel in Kundal; vendor

development through financial and technical support at

Ramanand Nagar and Palus, P D Gune played a

significant role in each and is remembered and revered

till date.

He was Managing Director, Kirloskar Pneumatic

Company Limited till he retired.

* * * * * * *

• Devappa Tavanappa Chougule

Born in 1917, D T Chougule worked under guidance of

P D Gune in machine shop – 2. He also worked in NK /

SHM divisions as well. On retirement, he opted for a

spiritual way of life. At the age of 94, D T Chougule

made it a point to attend the Centenary celebrations of


* * * * * * *

• Babu Santu Madwane

Born in 1920, B S Madwane was specially attending the

celebrations. He began working as an odd job boy under

P D Gune’s supervision. Post retirement, he played a

major role in setting up Kaamdhenu dairy farm at Burli,

a neighboring village.

* * * * * * *

Dignitaries Felicitated During The Centenary CelebrationsThere was no better occasion to felicitate and recognize the contribution of stalwarts, than during the Centenary

Celebrations. Some of the dignitaries who were felicitated, are as follows.

Cascade l 100 Years32

• Shekhar Talwalkar

Our dealers too play an important role in our business.

The iron ploughs manufactured by Papa were not being

sold due to superstition. However, Ramkrishna Talwalkar

from Ashta village bought the 1st such plough. His son,

Nanasaheb became an Engineer and went to Germany

for work. After his stint there, he returned to Mumbai.

He was determined to do business and dealing in Indian

goods alone.

He met Papa in 1928, and took up the agency for

Kirloskar hand pumps. He also sold thousands of cots

and chairs manufactured by Kirloskar and began being

identified by this feat.

When KBL did not have an office in Mumbai,

Shantanurao operated from Nanasaheb’s office there.

Today they have firms in Baroda, Nagpur and Surat, other

than Mumbai. Consistently ranking in the Top Ten

Category of dealers, this is the 4th generation of

Talwalkars associated with us.

* * * * * * *

• Panditrao Dandekar

It was in 1935 that Ramchandra and Company of Sangli,

with Panditrao Dandekar at its helm, took up the agency

for Kirloskar Sugarcane Crusher. In 1967, his

grandchildren – Vilasrao and Jayantrao stepped in to

manage the show. 1981 onwards the graph of their

performance has been on the ascent. The brothers are

known for the quality products they sell and the prompt

after-sales service they extend.

* * * * * * *

• Appa Pandit

Jagannath Maharaj Pandit who was like a son to

Lokmanya Tilak, was known for his generosity. He gave

away 25 acres of land for S P College just at a mere

indication of the need by Tilak. He was Director of

Kirloskar Brothers, Mysore Kirloskar, Kirloskar

Pneumatics. From 1946 to 1949 Jagannath Maharaj

Pandit was Chairman, Kirloskar Brothers. Appa Pandit

is the third generation player who runs his dealership

firm in the name of Tristar Hydrotech, Pune. He is the

son of Bal J Pandit, the well known cricket commentator.

* * * * * * *

•Muralidhar Maruti and Sons,

founded by Muralidhar Maruti Kamble –

is our dealer in Solapur since way back in

1912. They are dealers for our entire range

of products.

The dealership is now managed and

nurtured by his son Nana Kamble. He was

felicitated with Ravindra Kamble.

Cascade l 100 Years 33

Cascade l 100 Years34

Kirloskarvadi Hospital – Dedicated

To ServiceThe Kirloskarvadi Hospital and Sou. Radhabai Maternity Trust’s

Sudhatai Chandorkar Hospital was founded in 1936 – a time

when there was no medical facility in the vicinity. Even a basic

facility for expectant mothers to deliver babies was unavailable.

The hospital was founded to cater to this basic need.

Radhabai would help mothers deliver babies in this very hospital.

Assisting her in this task were Mrs. Jambhekar, Draupadibai,

Gangutai and later, nurse Gharpure. Radhabai would undertake

home visits by bullock cart or horse pulled tonga to hamlets like

Takari, Shenoli, etc. 20 - 22 kilometers away if need be. The hospital is extending its

services on a no profit no loss basis to patients till date. The cleanliness, housekeeping

and service oriented attitude of the staff is worth special mention.

I joined the hospital in 1987 as Medical Officer and was very proud to work for the

Kirloskars – a name with tremendous prestige even back then. I had the fortune to

work under the supervision of Dr. Nandu Gole who had a vast experience backing his

expertise. I learned the skill of removing foreign particle embedded in the eyes of shop

floor workers from him.

Back then, the hospital had all the basic amenities. However, facilities for performing

caesarian, testing blood / urine or taking a cardiogram were unavailable. Patients had

to go all the way to Sangli for this. These facilities were made available over time. 1988

saw the setting up of a well equipped pathology laboratory. 2002 saw investment in an

operating theatre, facility for performing Cesarean Operation, traction machine, etc.

Involvement of authorities has made available services like 24 hours hot water supply,

Aquaguard for pure drinking water, etc. The building was renovated in 2002.

Today the hospital has a medical store, pathology lab and nursing services available

24 x 7. Dental care by a visiting dentist is also available. A team of well qualified

ophthalmologist, gynecologist, physician, orthopaedic specialist and anesthesiologist

visits the hospital once a week.

Apart from regular medical services, we also conduct health check-up camps in schools

and far flung hamlets, free of cost. Medicines are also given without charge. Dr. Bamne

(dentist), Dr. Mule (ENT specialist), Dr. Suhas Joshi (pediatrician) volunteer their

services in these camps.

This year we plan to set up a sonography facility and a system to seek online expert

opinions with assistance from the company. I am sure this service oriented, charitable

institution will evolve further, promoting health and happiness.

Dr. Rajan Kamat

Medical Officer

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years 35

1944 : Large scale manufacture of Neera tender pumps during World War II

1946 : Kirloskar Oil Engines commences operations

1950 : A P Good, Chairman, British Oil, visits Kirloskarvadi

1953 : The Mahratta Chamber of Commerce and Industries bestows honorary

membership on Shantanurao

1954 : Shantanurao visits Russia as member of a delegation of Indian Industrialists

1954 : India’s first reciprocating compressor ready at Kirloskarvadi

1957 : Shantanurao elected as President of Engineering Export Promotion Council

1958 : Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited established at Hadapsar

1958 : Shantanurao elected as President of Mahratta Chamber of Commerce

and Industry

1958 : Kirloskar Brothers Limited begins exports to Britain

1958 : Laxmanrao passes away

1960 : Honorable Yashwantrao Chavan graces KBL’s golden jubilee celebrations

as Chief Guest

1960 : Technical collaboration for manufacturing vertical turret lathe with Bullard,


1964 : Shantanurao's 60th birthday celebrated. The occasion was marked by Time

magazine, which carried an article on him. The article lauded his business

acumen and quoted him – ‘‘I direct by invisible authority. If things are

running right, I don't interfere.’’

1965 : Shantanurao and Yamutai meet Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.

1965 : Shantanurao receives the Padma Bhushan from President of India –

Sarvapally Radhakrishnan

Cascade l 100 Years36

Cascade l 100 Years 37

Picture This ....A photography contest was organized recently for KBLians. 3 subjects – each

revolving around the hundred year strong Kirloskar manufacturing facility –

Kirloskarvadi – were given. The subjects and winners in each category are as

follows :

• Scenic Beauty at Kirloskarvadi

1st : G P Kulkarni, Secretarial and Legal Department, Pune.

2nd : Meenal Vinayak Pai, Kirloskarvadi Colony

3rd : Omkar Vitthal Gulavani, Kirloskarvadi

• Nature’s Splendor Outside Kirloskarvadi

1st : Bhalchandra Gajanan Limaye, SPP Centre, Pune

2nd : Ramkrishna Patwardhan, Information Centre, Pune

3rd : Sunil Deshpande, Exports, Pune

• Glimpses of Kirloskarvadi

1st : Dr. Rajan Kamat, HRM&C, Kirloskarvadi

2nd : Sachin Suresh Gaikwad, Power Sector, Pune

3rd : Sujit Narayan Kabure, Maintenance Department, Kirloskarvadi

Congratulations to all the prize winners and also the other avid shutter

bugs who participated, giving the competition that exciting edge !

Cascade l 100 Years38

Excellence – An


It is my fortune that I had the

opportunity to do social work, before I

retired, via Vikas Charitable Trust.

As a member of a team of volunteers I

have had the most satisfying stint – both pre and post retirement doing social work.

Initial enthusiasm led us to implement initiatives like setting up facilities for drinking

water; ensuring bus stop locations convenient for passengers – specially students,

donating garments and food grain to deserving NGOs, spreading Aids awareness,

donation of Jaipur foot to invalids, gifting toys to play groups, ambulance service round

the clock, etc.

After working for two years we realized that there is scope for lots of work in the

vicinity of Kirloskarvadi – what we do need to have is direction to channelize our


In 1998 we decided to focus on schools. We began by surveying around 60 schools run

by various institutes in talukas nearby and established a dialogue with the Principals.

This helped us zero in on their needs and set priorities.

Based on our findings we realized that these schools had poor motivation to initiate

self improvement. It was thus decided to institute the ‘Ideal school award’. The

parameters to score on were cleanliness, conservation of tree cover, participation in

sports, provision of laboratories, libraries, etc. imparting of values, dedication of teachers

and the like. While it is a contest amongst schools, this activity really aims at self


The Trust has also played an important part in relief operations in the face of calamity,

conducting health check up camps and teacher training programs, promoting cultural

activities, as well as holding first aid courses.

M D Deshpande

Vikas Charitable Trust

* * * * * * *

Cascade l 100 Years 39

A K Phalnikar was associated with Laxmanrao before Kirloskarvadi factory started

and was one of the first men to come to Kirloskarvadi in 1910. He retired as the

Works Manager of the factory in 1958. His tremendous enthusiasm, drive and initiative

played a vital part in the success of Kirloskar Brothers Limited.

* * * * * * *

S V Kirloskar who was initially a General Manager and later, a Director of the company,

joined the Works in 1914. He launched the three Kirloskar magazines (Kirloskar,

Stree and Manohar), which have been at the forefront of social, cultural and industrial

progress in Maharashtra. These magazines are till date, very popular among Marathi


* * * * * * *

Rao Bahadur M B Jambhekar, a former Works Superintendent of Kirloskar Brothers

Limited and later a Director of the company, joined the Works in 1911. He was

responsible for developing the Machine Tools Factory of Mysore Kirloskar Limited

and retired as General Manager of the company in 1955.

* * * * * * *

N W Gurjar joined the company in 1923, and as the Business Manager of the Company

played a leading part in the growth of Kirloskar Brothers Limited. To him goes the

credit for starting Mysore Kirloskar Limited, during World War II – the first machine

tool factory of its kind in India - and the Kirloskar Electric Company Limited.

* * * * * * *

R L Kirloskar joined the company in 1925. In 1941, he joined Mysore Kirloskar

Limited, of which he was in-charge. He made a sustainable contribution to the

development of the Machine Tools Industry in India.

* * * * * * *

S L Kirloskar joined the company in 1927. A Director of the company, he was at the

helm of its affairs. He was mainly responsible for engineering the development of the

company’s products and their marketing network. He was also responsible for the

starting and the growth of the Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited and the Kirloskar

Pneumatic Company Limited.

* * * * * * *

Ravi L Kirloskar joined the company in 1941. He was responsible for starting the

manufacture of electric motors on a commercial scale, and was the Chief Executive

Officer and later as Chairman and Managing Director of Kirloskar Electric Company


* * * * * * *

Pillars of StrengthThese are the men who worked with Laxmanrao Kirloskar in setting up the factory of Kirloskarvadi

and nurturing it to its present stature and who helped in founding the other Kirloskar factories at

Harihar, Bangalore and Pune.

Cascade l 100 Years40

An ‘Iron’ Will

Blessed is this day a hundred years back

The Kirloskars’ struck root – in courage they didn’t lack.

Adversity posed as cacti and thorn

Opportunity beneath, unearthed by a will strong

Grape vines clung with tendrils fine

and roses bloomed with efforts combine

Industry modern, ushered prosperous days

With nature conserved in ‘Vadis ‘Green’ ways

‘Work is worship’ the spirit ingrained

The enterprise grew, and society gained

Decades passed as the team grew strong

Bonded by tenacity and patriotism lifelong

Fortunate is the land tended by visionaries true

Fortunate too are we lauding their contribution anew

So gushes the spring encouraging emulation

‘Enriching lives’ across the nation.

This is a free wheeling translation inspired by the original verse penned by Ramkrishna Patwardhan, Information Centre,

Kirloskarvadi on the occasion of its Centenary Celebrations. The song was set to music and sung by Kumar Karandikar

during the function at Kirloskarvadi.

bmohmgdo Ë`m IoiVmZm§ H$mo[aë`m Ë`m§Zr

{eim !

YÝ` AmZ§X {XZ hmo ^ì` Am{U AmJimeVm wfr CËgdmbm Jw{UOZm§Mm ñZoh_oim

_miamZr ~rO hmoVo {ZdSw>§J AZ² ~m^irMoOmo_mV VoWo \w$b{dbo hmo Ðmj AZ² Vo \w$b~JrMoË`mM doJo COibr CÚmo{OVoMr hr Yam

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gmo{Z`mMo ^m½` Oo y_rg `m hmo bm^bobm^Ê`m Vo {H$VoH$m§Zr H$ï> H$m_r doMboË`m H$am§Zr d§XwZr hmo yfdy hm gmohim

A_a Amho hr Aer hmo H$_©H$Ë`m©Mr H$WmKoVrb COm© Ë`mVwZr Zd{Z{_©Ê`m `m ydZmgmjr Amho Ë`mV H$s hm Jw{UOZm§Mm _moham

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JrVH$ma : am_H¥$îU nQ>dY©Z


Cascade l 100 Years 41

Lao PDR Continues To Be In Focus

2nd February, 2010, saw L H Dabi, Vice President,

Corporate International Institutional Business have

an interactive business meeting with HE

Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Prime Minister and

Minister of Foreign Affairs with their accompanying

business delegation.

Bridging OceansBridging Oceans

Cascade l 100 Years42

Golden Peacock Award Won !The Golden Peacock Award is recognized worldwide as the hallmark of corporate excellence because

of the independence, integrity and transparency in assessment of entries.

KBL made its bid for this award in the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ category for the year 2009–

2010. Vying for honors were 180 companies from India. The assessment was conducted by a committee

of jury members with Justice P N Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India and Lt. General Surinder

Nath, former Chairman, Union Public Service Commision, at the helm.

Anant Chincholkar made a presentation to the jurors, highlighting KBLs community development

activities. Business leaders and experts from the world over comprised the audience.

The award ceremony is scheduled in Portugal on 22nd April, 2010.

KBL Riding On A High TideKBL Riding On A High Tide

Cascade l 100 Years 43

1966 : Fortune magazine carries an article on Shantanurao, titled ‘An MIT Man

in Poona’

1966 : Manufacture of hermetic compressors begins

1966 : Shantanurao elected Chairman of FICCI

1966 : Vasantdada Patil declares Shantanurao as the ‘Shivaji’ of Indian Industry,

crediting him for bringing India on the industrial world map

1969 : Kirloskar factory at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, begins operations

1969 : Papa’s birth anniversary. A bronze statue erected at Kirloskar gate.

Celebrations see Home Minister – Yashwantrao Chavan, Congress President

(Maharashtra) – Vasantdada Patil and Minister of Industries (Maharashtra)

– Rajarambapu Patil attend

1969 : Shantanurao awarded the ‘Sir Walter Puckey Prize’ for significant

contribution to Engineering industry

1970 : The Institute of Engineers – India, grants life membership to


1972 : Shantanurao appointed on the Executive Board of Directors of International

Chamber of Commerce, Paris

1973 : Kirloskar enterprise sets foot in Philippines – starts company there

1973 : Large scale export of pumps to European market

1974 : British original equipment manufacturers visit Kirloskarvadi

1976 : Shantanurao Kirloskar awarded a gold medal by National Institute of Quality

Assurance for product quality

Cascade l 100 Years44

Cascade l 100 Years 45

KBL Riding On A High TideKBL Riding On A High Tide

Chennai Water Sector On The RiseChennai region saw the inauguration of 2 schemes recently – the Poondi Water Supply Scheme and the Guindy Sewage

Pumping Station – both by the Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. These orders were entrusted to us by the Chennai

Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB). The highlights :

• Poondi Water Supply Scheme

The scheme was for conveying 100 MLD raw water from

Poondi reservoir to Puzhal water treatment plant through a

90 cusecs canal. It was estimated that the evaporation and

seepage loss would be around 34 %. Hence the raw water

was conveyed through 1000 mm diameter DI pipe line to

the 300 MLD water treatment plant. This restricted the

loss to just 2%, thus saving 32 MLD of water.

The scope of work:

* RCC sump of capacity : 3 Million Liters per day

* Pump house : 45 x 12 meters

* Compound wall and roads

* BHR 42 – VT pumps : 5

* 250 kW motors : 5

* 5 Ton EOT crane : 1

* 1600 KVA transformer, including substation with allied

panel boards

* 1000 mm. diameter DI piping : 2.1 km

• Guindy Sewerage Pumping Station

The scope of work

* Main pumping station with civil and electrical work;

capacity : 13.88 MLD

* Mechanical and 450 mm diameter DI pumping main

measuring 1557 meters

* Civil and electrical works and lift pumping station;

capacity : 4.88 MLD

* Mechanical and 450 diameter DI pumping main

measuring 547 meters

This scheme benefitted around 1 lac people and about 610

industries in the Chennai region.

Both projects were ably handled by K Balakrishnan, Project

Manager and M R Varatharajulu, Site in-charge.

Cascade l 100 Years46

Spring Of SuccessSpring Of Success

Name Department

Nupur Pathak Human Resource

Management &


Raghunath Agrawal Manufacturing

Jeetendra Shukla Product Development and


Prakash Jain Central Planning

Milind Vaidya New Projects

Rajiv Mate Foundry Maintenance

Dinakarrao Deore Product Development and


Nirmal Chandra Tiwari Product Development and


Dinesh Mahajan Manufacturing Engineering

(Tool Engineering)

Uday Apte Materials

Subhashrao Pawar Materials

Virendra Kumar Yadav Manufacturing (Sub-


Subodh Ahershinge Stores

Ajay Pradhan Stores

Shailendra Diyodhar Materials

Pradipkumar Giri Foundry (Pattern shop)

Vivek Joshi Foundry (Pattern shop)

Rajesh Agarwal Accounts

Vijay Deshmukh Accounts

Jitendra Sadhu Accounts

Tushar Parolkar Manufacturing Engineering

(Tool Engineering)

Manoharsingh Bhardwaj Manufacturing (Sub-


Hemant Watwale Materials

Chandra Bhushan Shukla Product Development and


Nishikant Pandit Quality Assurance

Shailesh Gujrathi Process Quality

Dheeraj Gupta Process Quality

Rajesh Sonakiya Process Quality

Girish Mujumdar Quality Assurance

Gaurav Sulaxan Gaur Quality Assurance

Keeping Score Of ‘I Appreciate’ Cards

Name Department

Vikrant Bhagwati Prasad Quality Assurance

Mrityunjay Ghosh Quality Assurance

Sanjay Jain Machine Shop (Maintenance)

Shambhu Dayal Shivpure Machine Shop (Maintenance)

Abdul Khalique Mansoori Foundry Maintenance

Arvind Badri Prasad Vyas Machine Shop (Maintenance)

Pushpendra Kumar Kataiha Quality Assurance

Brajesh Chaturvedi Manufacturing Engineering

(Tool Engineering)

Bhushan Sharadrao Bhapkar Industrial Engineering

Moreshwar Bakre Manufacturing Engineering

(Tool Engineering)

Atul Kaushilal Vijaywargiya Quality Assurance

Team Player Card Holders Between December 2009 and

February 2010

Name Department

Anil Kumar Gupta Quality Assurance

Deependra Singh Thakur Manufacturing

Rahul Topkhanewale VPs Office

Atul Nigoskar Central Planning

Rajesh Sonakiya Quality Assurance

Sanjay Naik Foundry (Production)

Uday Apte Materials

Ajay Pradhan Stores

Sanjay Jain Machine Shop (Maintenance)

Congratulations to our colleagues at KBL – Dewas who ‘earned’ I Appreciate cards between December 2009 and February

2010 . The winners :












Spring Of SuccessSpring Of Success

Cascade l 100 Years 47

Narendra Lohokare, Divisional Manager, SAP Center

recently inaugurated ETHOS, a journal published by the

students of Dnyanganga College of Engineering, Pune –

E & T department.

He also conducted a session on ‘How to face an interview’

and the ‘Process of selection followed in the industry’.

During the session, he used a live demo method of group

discussion and interviews.

Narendra has been regularly visiting engineering colleges

to guide students on ERP, Quality Assurance, Soft Skills,


A R Sathe, Vice President (Corporate Finance & Accounts)

was one of the Panelists on “The Trustee’s Conclave 2009

(Maharashtra)” organized by ICICI Prudential Life

Insurance to discuss on the findings from ICICI Prudential’s

research – “Self Managed Trusts – A study on Investment

Practices & Governance Norms – 2009”, “Formulation of

Investment Policy for Employee Benefit Funds” on 31st July,

2009 at St. Laurn Business Hotel, Pune.

• KBL – Head Office, Pune

Our colleagues from CGMS department who were awarded

‘I Appreciate’ cards :

Name I Appreciate

Saroj Paranjape 2

Pallavi Kharade 2

Ketaki Joshi 2

Gaurav Ray 1

Aniket Kulkarni 1

Rajendra Karve 1

Santoshsingh Pujari 1

Amitkumar Bodhe 1

Preeti Sapre 1

Swati Jadhav 1

Anita Ghatnekar 1

Amit Sangrulkar 1

Vikram Palshikar 1










Spring Of SuccessSpring Of Success

Cascade l 100 Years48

Stream Of OrdersStream Of Orders



In a joint venture, the KBL – SPML

combine has won a prestigious order

from the Bangalore Water Supply and

Sewerage Board for civil and

electromechanical works. The order

is for pumping station and reservoir

at T K Halli, Harochalli and Tataguni,

on a turnkey basis.

The scope of supply includes total

electro-mechanical package including

30 20UPH3M2-DV HSC cast steel

pumps along with 2300 kW / 970RPM

/ 11 KV HT motors, 2500 mm, 1300

mm, 900 mm, 800 mm motorized

Butterfly Valves, 220 KV sub stations

and other electro - mechanical


The total contract value is Rs. 448.35


This is the largest EPC contract

bagged by (WRM) Water Resource

Management over tough competition.

Cascade l 100 Years 49

Surface preparation :

The surface was cleaned to a near

white blast quality. Thus, without

magnification, it was free of all visible

oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust,

paint, oxides and other foreign matter.

Internal painting :

A modified epoxy barrier with DFT

400 micron and two component paint

system with low VOC and high solids

was used to give long term protection

in a single coat. It continues to cure

when immersed in water and has

excellent cathodic disbondment


The coating was tested at 67.5 volts

and cleared the adhesion test as per

ASTM 3359. All inspections were

conducted in the presence of experts

from Tata Projects Limited.

External painting :

A two component epoxy, anti-

corrosive primer pigmented with zinc

phosphate having DFT 60 micron was

used for coating the pump externally.

A high build, two component epoxy

pigmented with lamellar micaceous

iron oxide having DFT 80 micron was

used for mid coat application. This

gives enhanced corrosion resistance

and improved over coating properties

after ageing.

For the finish coat, a two component

acrylic polyurethane was used giving

excellent durability and long-term re-

coatability, having DFT 60 micron with overall DFT 200 micron.

Process modification :

There was a major problem during internal painting of the bowl, due to over

lapping and over spraying. This created high DFT and rough finish in that area.

We developed a high width wooden raze to prevent over spray, thus resolving the


Teamwork – ‘works’ :

• Significant reduction in time taken for blasting, painting and packaging, thanks

to composite large pumps and quality assurance teams working in perfect


• Consumption of paint – Interthane 900 – drastically reduced, thus saving up

to Rs 65,000

• Saving in manpower cost – about Rs 31,000

• Elimination of wirework

The triumphant team :

S R Joshi, Nitin Hebalkar, M R Kulkarni (Composite Large Pumps); R P Malavade,

Mahindra Borade, B S Suryawanshi (Quality Assurance) and Vikram Bhatkande

from QCCI.

The team was ably guided by Narendra Wagh (Vice President), Prakash Pudale

(General Manager – Manufacturing) and Subhash Karambelkar (General Manager

– Quality Assurance).

INNOVATION To The Fore !The critical task of painting BHM - 130 pumps for Bechtel, was recently undertaken at Kirloskarvadi. The project was

completed well in time and in conformance with specifications, thanks to the teamwork amongst members led by Mahindra

Borade, Associate Manager, Quality Control. We bring you the gist of how the task was accomplished.

Internal painting

External painting


Cascade l 100 Years50


Global Partners Meet 2010The second week of January 2010, was slated for a 3-day Global Partners Meet to

interact with our select partners across the globe. The event featured activities

held in and around Pune, from 14th to 16th January, 2010. For the KBL partners

who had flown in from 30 countries, it was an enthralling experience. It was the

first time ever that KBL had organized a meet of this scale. Conducted at ‘Yamuna’

– our Platinum rated ‘Green’ Global Headquarters in Pune, the event was a

business meet to share, expand, prosper and conquer newer horizons together.

14th January, 2010. The guests arrived at ‘Yamuna’ in the morning on the

auspicious day of Makar-Sankranti and were accorded a warm traditional

welcome. They were first taken for a round of the new headquarters. Each one

was given a dossier with the agenda for the coming 3 days, a brochure and a set of

postcards featuring ‘Yamuna’, maps of Pune and Mahabaleshwar, a list of cultural

dos and don’ts, important contact details and a feedback form.

Later, the participants assembled in the auditorium which sported two visual panels

reflecting the banners of the countries they represented. Sanjay Kirloskar, R K

Srivastava, J R Sapre, Alok Kirloskar and all department heads warmly greeted

the guests. A series of talks, presentations and panel discussions were packed in

for the day. Also on schedule was a talk by Professor R M Dholakia, faculty member

from IIM Ahmedabad.

The second half of the day saw a wonderfully exhilarating evening brewing as

KBLians and guests gathered at the amphitheater in ‘Yamuna’ around 7 p.m. for

a special get-together. The theme of the function was Bollywood Blast. The venue

was decorated with a fusion theme of Bollywood and Makar-Sankranti. All invitees

wore traditional kurtas which were presented to them earlier as part of the dress-

code for the evening. Bollywood backdrop with famous actresses and actors and

film posters of Don, Slumdog Millionaire, Sawariya, Mughal-e-Azam and Lagaan

made the entire canvas come to life. Attractive cutouts of Aishwarya Rai

Bachchan, Shilpa Shetty and Shahrukh Khan were main attractions that set the

tone of the evening. Kites, candles and lanterns decorating the amphitheater

added that extra touch of zing to the atmosphere. Marigold garlands draped the

pillars, while fairy lights on trees gave a festive touch – all very Indian.

Til Gul (A sweet made from sesame

and jaggery, traditionally distributed

during ‘Makar Sankranti’) was given

to all at the entrance with a small card

explaining the significance of the


The evening kicked off with a

‘rocking’ filmy dance performance by

the Rocky Poonawalla troupe. Adding

spice to the show was a Latino

sequence of Salsa. The lively anchor

and the DJ belting out toe tapping

music encouraged people to come on

stage, shake a leg and win exciting

gifts. As the evening picked up

rhythm, KBLians and guests took to

the dance floor and grooved to the


15th January, 2010. The day began

with the morning spent at

Kirloskarvadi. The ‘Global Partners’

were accorded a warm welcome by

Narendra Wagh, Vice President and

Operations Head – Kirloskarvadi.

Next on cards was a day-long plant

visit, wrapped up with a riveting

cultural program and a multi-cuisine


16th January, 2010. Reserved for fun.

The participants donned the T-shirt

and a cap with a Kirloskar emblem on

it and were all set to roam the hilly

terrain of Mahabaleshwar, a famous

Cascade l 100 Years 51

1976 : Karnataka Chamber of Commerce bestows Shantanurao an honorary degree

– ‘Star of Commerce’

1978 : 75th birthday of Shantanurao celebrated

1985 : A joint venture undertaken to develop process pumps with Ebara

Corporation, Japan.

1988 : Kirloskar Ebara starts operations

1988 : India’s first canned motor pump manufactured

1990 : Shantanurao completes his tour to the North Pole with enthusiasm

1992 : KBL becomes the first pump manufacturing and 4th Indian company to get

ISO 9001

1992 : KBL bags a national award for research in capital goods development

instituted by Government of India

1993 : National Productivity Council award won by Kirloskar Brothers Limited

1994 : KBL wins FICCI award instituted by Engineering Export Promotion Council

1994 : Shantanurao breathes his last. An era in India’s industrial history comes to

a close

1994 : KBL wins MKRC award for Best Energy Efficient Foundry from Institute of

Indian Foundrymen, Kolkata

1995 : KBL claims the first prize in the National Heavy Industries category for


1995 : CI Foundry at Kirloskarvadi modernized and designated as ‘K Line’

1995 : India’s first concrete volute pump ready

Cascade l 100 Years52

Cascade l 100 Years 53


KBLs Project Management Group and Kirloskarvadi plant have successfully

undergone the audit for recertification for ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management

Systems. The audit, completed on 6th January 2010 (for Project Management

Division) and on 16th January (for Kirloskarvadi plant) was conducted by

Bureau Veritas, certification auditors.

Credit is due to senior officials, service heads, project coordinators and site

personnel. The next surveillance audit will be in June, 2010.

Quest For Quality Continues

hill-station near Pune. There was no structured agenda for

the day which was devoted to complete relaxation. Guests

visited the must-see tourist spot – the tableland where they

had breakfast and indulged themselves with strawberries

in cream. They also enjoyed horse-rides and kite-flying !

Later, they visited nearby places for some quick sight-seeing.

After a fabulous day at Mahabaleshwar, everyone was back

to Pune at night.

The meet, with just the right combination of work and play

was a grand success. The initiative was led by Avinash

Purandare – Vice President. Credit is due to the Corporate

Global Marketing and Strategy Team, with special

contribution from S K Pikale, Sumir Pandya, P K Tayal,

Aniket Kulkarni, Snehal Ambani, Preeti Sapre, Neeraj

Singh, Saroj Paranjape and Amit Sangrulkar. The event was

coordinated by Ashish Tiwari.

Water Awards 2009- 2010Kirloskar Brothers Limited has been awarded the

‘Best Water Supply Engineering Pumps’ for

outstanding contribution in the field of water in India.

Cascade l 100 Years54


Code of Ethics7th December, 2009 was an evening full of anticipation and curiosity for KBL

employees at Yamuna, the global corporate headquarters of Kirloskar Brothers

Limited – also a Platinum rated LEED certified Green building. Prior to the evening

all what had been informed to the employees was that they were to attend some

corporate event to be held and the dress-code !

After a quick round of refreshments, all KBLians gathered at the pleasant open

air amphitheater around 6 pm. The anchors, Amit Linge and Preeti Sapre,

welcomed the audience and finally.... they disclosed the mysterious agenda of

the event.

In February 2009, Sanjay Kirloskar had proposed to publish a document – a Code

of Ethics for KBL. Under the leadership of Aseem Srivastav, a 12 member cross-

functional Ethics Committee was formed. A draft of the Code of Ethics was

prepared by the committee which covered various aspects and areas that required

focused improvements over the existing Code of Conduct. It also incorporated

additional aspects related and relevant to the business processes, ethical practices

vis-a-vis employees, governments, dealers, customers and all other stakeholders

who are KBLs partners in the journey towards Business Excellence.

After this brief history, it was announced that the event was to formally launch

KBLs ‘Code of Ethics’. The evening began by invoking the blessings of Lord

Ganesh by performing the Ganesh-Vandana, a solo dance performance. Sanjay

Kirloskar, Jayant Sapre and Alok Kirloskar lit the auspicious traditional lamp.

Inspiring and thought provoking speeches by Alok Kirloskar, Jayant Sapre and

Prasad Kulkarni were followed by an address to Team KBL by Sanjay Kirloskar

explaining the purpose and expectations. Just as the motivated audience finished

applauding, the felicitation ceremony came as a complete surprise!

Suddenly the stage-lights focused behind the audience, highlighting the Ethics

Committee proudly marching down

the aisle with a Code of Ethics Flag

and a Torch towards the stage. The

dignitaries felicitated each member

with a Code of Ethics Golden Sash.

The most awaited moment came by

as Sanjay Kirloskar proudly unveiled

the Code of Ethics Book. Each

member of the Committee – Aseem

Srivastav, Alok Kirloskar, Sayaji

Shinde, Ashutosh Singh, Prakash

Pudale, Prasad Kulkarni,

Chandrakant Wadkar, Amit Linge,

Prashant Vaishampayan, Anoop

Tandon, Sachin Dixit and Varinder

Dhoot – were presented with the copy

of just released book ‘Code of Ethics’

and a memento.

Umesh Shastry was specially

felicitated for contributing part-

contents of the book while Ashish

Tiwari and Preeti Sapre were

felicitated for coming up with an

elegant design and print of the Code

of Ethics book.

The grand finale of this event ended

in a spectacular performance by a

troupe of dancers who beautifully

conveyed the meaning of ethics in our

lives. The unveiling of a life-size

dummy of the Code of Ethics book

added much more meaning and

punch to the performance and to the


The program concluded with Aseem

Srivastav proposing the vote of











Cascade l 100 Years54


Cascade l 100 Years 55


KBL achievement towards Business Excellence

___ and ____ receiving the award from K N Shenoy

Confederation of Indian Industry

(CII) and Export-Import (EXIM)

Bank of India jointly established the

Award for Business Excellence in

1994 with the aim to enhance the

‘Competitiveness of Indian

companies.’ The award is based on

the EFQM (European Foundation

for Quality Management) Model for


This Excellence Model is based on

universally accepted standards and

practices prevalent across the world.

Apart from recognition, the model

provides a holistic management

framework to achieve excellence. A large number of organizations have

successfully used this model to:

• Define excellence across the organization

• Develop an integrated approach for achieving sustainable


• Measure progress on the journey towards excellence

• Review and improve strategy, processes and organizational performance

• Identify and share good management practices

• Provide learning opportunity to develop business leaders

CII ensures that the model remains dynamic and contemporary to management

thinking. Both CII and EFQM are committed to researching and updating the

model with practical and academic inputs drawn from organizational experiences

across the world. To facilitate organizations focus on emerging trends and targets,

as well as to assist them to continually improve and achieve higher levels of

performance, EFQM has revised its model, designated as

‘EFQM Model 2010’.

As one of the key objectives, CII has been promoting and

encouraging Indian industry to adopt the Excellence

framework among the large, medium and small businesses

and derive benefits to enhance their competitiveness.

There are four levels of recognition, starting from the

‘Commendation for Strong Commitment to Excel’,

‘Commendation for Significant Achievement’, ‘Prize’ and

the ‘Award’.

Over 180 Commendation Certificates have been awarded

by CII during last sixteen years. Organizations from various

sectors of Industry viz. Manufacturing, Services, Power,

Process, etc. and both with Public and Private Ownerships

are participating in the award program.

In year 2009, Kirloskar Brothers Limited applied to CII-

EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence on the company

level. KBL has been awarded by CII-EXIM in the category

of “Strong Commitment to Excel”. The award was given

to KBL on 17th December 2009 during the Quality Summit

organized by CII Institute of Quality at New Delhi by

K N Shenoy Chairman, CII Institute of Quality. Kirloskar

Group companies KOEL and KPCL have also been awarded

by CII-EXIM in the category of “Strong Commitment to


Cascade l 100 Years56 Cascade l 100 Years56


CIC Annual Meet

From (L to R) : Abhishek Agarwal, Assistant Manager,(Exemplary Award Winner) Anushka Shembekar, AssistantManager (Employee of the Year Award Winner) and PrashantKolhatkar (Exemplary Award Winner)

The Corporate Information Center (CIC) celebrated its 3rd

Annual Meet on 19th and 20th February, 2010. The meet was

inaugurated in the auditorium by Alok Kirloskar, performing

‘e- Ganesh pooja’ – a new concept that saw a unique

combination of tradition and technology. Participants were

welcomed by Chaitanya Wagle, Associate Vice President, CIC.

In his address, Sanjay Kirloskar lauded CIC for zero attrition

for the 3rd consecutive year.

R K Srivastava and J R Sapre and Alok Kirloskar were felicitated

and presented with saplings signifying KBLs commitment to

‘green’ initiatives. These were later planted in the garden

premises at Yamuna.

J R Sapre urged Team CIC to be uncompromising and

unrelenting about principles and consistently work towards

earning more and more customer satisfaction. He also suggested

the team members go one step ahead to visit and observe IT

functions in other industries and adopt good practices they

notice. He stressed upon his now famous motto – Generate


R K Srivastava appreciated CIC as an ideal department with

an aura of serenity, peace and harmony. He also complimented

the department for its prompt response to customers. He

suggested CIC to stress on MIS in the coming year.

Alok Kirloskar stressed upon the need to go one step ahead

and suggested a need for MIS that can enable managers to take

data based decisions rather than taking ‘feelings’ based ones.

Avinash Purandare and Ravi Ullangwar expressed their views

on ‘One Step Ahead’ and ‘Knowledge Management’


Cascade l 100 Years 57


Pumps India - Kirloskar Gold Medal award 2009, was

given to 2 outstanding mechanical engineering students

at the inaugural function of National Conference on

Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power on 17th December,

2009, in Pune by Sanjay C Kirloskar, CMD, Kirloskar

Brothers Limited.

Hitesh Choudhary, student of College of Engineering,

Pune received the Gold Medal for post graduate

category, while Nandha Kumar of Sona College of

Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, received Gold Medal

for highest marks in graduation.

Encouraging Engineers

Some of the IT partners also shared their thoughts on this

occasion. SAP India Limited presented the ‘Business

Roadmap’, while Microsoft made a presentation on


Narendra Lohokare, Jeevan Phadke, Sunil Khanzode and

R L Patwardhan presented CIC success stories of the year.

This event was followed by a unique CIC vendors’ meet in

the evening. Around 40 vendors extending their services to

KBL through CIC, attended the meet. They were presented

a memento as a token of our appreciation for their valuable

services. The occasion was attended by department and sector


In keeping with the tradition, ‘The CIC Employee of The

Year Award’ for best contribution during the year was

declared for the year 2009 - 2010..... and the winner...

Anushka Shembekar! Special exemplary awards were

presented to Prashant Kolhatkar for implementing the

Quality Module model in 3 locations single handedly and

Abhishek Agrawal for SAP B1 implementation. The 3 ‘Best

Resolution’ Awards were won by Bhalchandra Limaye, Irfan

Khan and Hemant Patankar.

ONE STEP AHEAD was declared as a theme of CIC for

the coming year.

On 20th February was the annual CIC trip. The venue this

year was ‘Eco Village’ near Warasgao. All CIC members

enjoyed the campfire, boating, star gazing, games and songs.

A nature walk was also on cards as a part of team building

activity. Every member of CIC completed this difficult

trek successfully.

Cascade l 100 Years58

Dew DropsDew Drops

KBL Sponsoring Sports

The Kolhapur Sports Acrobatics Gymnastic Association organized the 6th All India

Acrobatic Championship tournament from 1st to 3rd January, 2010 at village Shirol,

Kolhapur. The Gymnastic Federation of India and Amateur Gymnastic Association,

Mumbai provided the necessary guidance in organizing the event.

KBL was the chief sponsor for the championships. Participants and organizers were

presented caps and T-shirts on this occasion. Avinash

Purandare – Vice President, Subodh Shrivastava – Associate

Vice President, Pallavi Kharade and Amol Date from KBL -

Pune contributed in making the event a success.

The meet was inaugurated by Yashasvi Yadav, Police

Superintendent, Kolhapur in the presence of Avinash

Purandare. 350 gymnasts from 17 states competed for honors,

with 150 officials to look into technicalities of the sport. S R

Patil, Member of Parliament was the President, while Sadanand

Pose was the Vice President of the

Organizing Committee.

Ganesh and Radha Iyer released

the souvenir published on this

occasion. Sandeep Sawant, Nitesh

Patel and Vikas Patil along with

their teammates played an

important role in making the event

a success. Indeed, it proved to be a

well executed branding exercise

too !

Cascade l 100 Years 59

1996 : KBL awarded for significant contribution to technology and science by


1998 : 16 meritorious workers from Kirloskarvadi plant sent on a tour of industries

to England and Germany

1998 : KBL’s employee welfare and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives

proven recognized by winning a national award for ‘Best HRD Practices’.

1998 : Technical collaboration for manufacturing small hydel turbines with Ebara,


1999 : FICCI award won for exceptional contribution in family welfare initiatives

2001 : Pressed stainless steel pump launched to meet market demand

2003 : SAP goes live on line at KBL

2003 : His Excellency, the Honorable President of Zambia, Levi Mwanawasa visits


2003 : KBL wins a contract from the Ministry of Public Works, Suriname for

building nine pumping stations in Paramaribo, Saramacca and Nickerie

2003 : KBL celebrates Shantanurao’s birth centenary and an Indian Postal Stamp

released in his honor by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

2003 : KBL acquires SPP Pumps Limited., England

2004 : Dr. Manmohan Singh appreciates performance of Kirloskar pumps in Laos.

2005 : KBL certified for ISO 14000, an environment related standard

2005 : River Krishna in spate. Burli, Amanapur, Punadi villages flood-hit. KBL

donates Rs 16 lacs to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund

2005 : Gandikota Lift Irrigation Scheme – A project of the Irrigation and Command

Area Development Department, Kadapa (Government of Andhra Pradesh),

entrusted to a joint venture between KBL and MCCL. The first order in

2005 was valued at Rs. 286 crores, followed by a second order of Rs. 110

crores in 2007 and a third order of Rs. 336 Crores in 2007.

Cascade l 100 Years60

Cascade l 100 Years 61

Day by day, pollution is spreading its shroud on Earth... and consequently, on our future generations as well.

We need to take measures to keep this disaster in check – urgently, at that. It is with this intention that 14th

to 20th December is observed as ‘Energy Conservation Week’ the world over.

At TKSL too the week was observed by unfurling the energy conservation banner and an oath taking

ceremony, vowing to conserve energy. A quiz contest for individuals as well as teams was on cards. Multiple

choice questions – 1 per day were posed in front of employees. 3 winners were selected from all the correct

entries received by lucky draw. The team quiz contest saw 6 teams participating.

All employee vehicles were tested for PUC clearance, free of cost. 180 tree saplings were planted in the

company premises. The week concluded on a happy note – prize distribution to winners of various contests

they participated in.

Every individual or a team likes appreciation

for work done well. Recognition boosts self

confidence urging us to do even better.

Recently, The Kolhapur Steel Limited was

awarded the ‘Excellent Vendor Award’ by

BHELs unit at Hyderabad. We were selected

from amongst 3000 vendors – domestic and

foreign. The main parameter in bestowing this

distinction was quality and timely delivery.

Credit is due to all members of Team TKSL.

This achievement is indicative of the positive

change in the team’s attitude and approach to

work. The coveted award was received on

behalf of TKSL by Chief Executive, Ganesh

Iyer from Mr. Shrivastava from BHEL.

Dew DropsDew Drops

TKSL Wins Coveted Distinction

Keeping Pollution At Bay

Cascade l 100 Years62



• Municipalika 2010

KBL participated in ‘Municipalika 2010’ – the 8th

International Exhibition and Conference on Municipal

Services, Urban Development and Public Works held at

Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The event, which is India’s biggest

ever, on Municipal and Urban solutions was organized from

28th to 30th January, 2010.

Our stall won the ‘Best Indoor Display Award’ at the


• Municipalika 2010

Cascade l 100 Years 63











• Aquatech 2010

Held between 3rd to 5th February, 2010, Aquatech India

emerged as the finest show for drinking and waste water

sector. Professionals related to consultancy, environmental

management, eco-auditing, financing, analysis laboratories,

research institutes, water and sewage, refuse disposal and

recycling, public cleansing, participated and visited the show.

KBLs participation in the show was a great success.


A view of our stall

• Aquatech 2010

Cascade l 100 Years64

Meant for the chemical industry, the pumps were unveiled at the Centenary celebrations

of Kirloskarvadi. Being totally seal-less and gland-less, the iCP series of pumps deliver

high efficiency with zero leakage and zero maintenance.

Salient features

* Sealing / flushing water not required

* Self-venting design

* Pump with back pull out design

* Conforming to ISO 2858 standard

* Pump is sturdy yet light in weight

* Shaft is fully protected from liquid

* Widely interchangeable components

* Models available in 1450 and 2900 rpm


iCP pumps are suitable for :

* Light chemicals like caustic soda, weak acids, etc.

* Food and Beverage industries – sugar, vegetable oils, etc.

* Hot water, brine, DM water, lime water, etc.

Performance Range

* At 1450 rpm : Rate of flow (Q) up to 55 m

Head (H) up to 55 m

* At 2900 rpm : Rate of flow (Q) up to 150 m3 / hr.

Head (H) up to 85 m

* Temperature up to 950 C

Glistening PearlsGlistening Pearls

iCP Series



Cascade l 100 Years 65

Creating WavesCreating Waves

Deepak, son of Rajesh Gajarmal, System Engineering, a standard VII student in Vidya Niketan

High School performed extraordinarily in the Interclass Cricket Tournament and won the

trophy for his team. His bowling figures were great – 4 overs – 3 maidens – 2 runs and 3


Shivani, daughter of Vishwesh Deshpande, Commercial Department – Irrigation Sector wasa keen participant of ‘Rin Chamakta Sitara’ a singing competition organized by Rin andRadio Mirchi 98.3 FM and emerged as Runner up.

She was also a participant in ‘Antarnad’ – a symphony which brought over 2750 exponents of

Hindustani Classical Music together, from all over India. The event was organized by the ‘Art

of Living’ Foundation and held at the S P College Ground, Pune, on 12th January, 2010.

Shivani is a student of Madhavi Talnikar for classical music and Dr. Salil Kulkarni for light


Pradnya, daughter of Shivajirao Chavan, Shirval plant, won a Silver and a Bronze medal in

the Maharashtra State Karate Championship held in Mumbai. Pradnya participated in the

sub-junior category (below 9 years).

Shivani Deshpande

Pradnya Chavan

Deepak Gajarmal

Atul, son of Nishikant Ingle, Business Excellence scored the highest marks in all branches of the B Tech program at VJTI,

Mumbai. He won the Gold Medal, which he received on 1st February, 2010, from Dr. Anil Kakodkar, former Chairman,

Atomic Energy Commission.

Atul is currently pursuing Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Satwik, son of Nitin Mehta, Corporate Global Sourcing, won the ‘Best Technical Innovation

Award’ of Rs. 2.5 lacs in the SAE - Bajaj India 2010 competition. He led a team of 22 members

who designed the award winning 4-wheeler with ‘Leaning Vehicle Concept’. The design allows

the vehicle to take turns at high speed.

Satwik received the award from Dr. Pawan Goenka, President – Automotive Sector, Mahindra

& Mahindra.

Satwik Mehta

Cascade l 100 Years66

Creating WavesCreating Waves

Neel, son of Avinash Gunde – Irrigation Sector, won a Bronze Medal (200 M back stroke)

in the CANA Swimming Competition held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 8th to 10th January,

2010. For twelve years old Neel, it was his debut international event. Swimmers from 16

nations participated in this international event.

Passionate about the sport, Neel trains for 3 hours daily under the able guidance of Vinay

Marathe, who is a certified Level 5 swimming coach of the US Swimming Federation.

Says Neel “It was a proud moment for me to hold the Indian Flag and represent India...

That I won a medal at this meet was like icing on the cake !!” He gives the credit for his

performance to his mother Janhavi and his coach.

Neel Gunde

Soham, son of Sawantan Majumder, CGMS, has scored a distinction for the last two

years in the Junior Diploma in 'Ankan' exam conducted by Sunandan Bharati. He has

been promoted to 2nd year.

Soham Majumder

Dr. Poonam Gaikwad, daughter of Suresh J Gaikwad, CGMS,

is a successful entrepreneur and has set up Nandini Beauty Parlour

and Nandini Beauty Clinic at Kothrud and Dahanukar Colony.

She is an authority on make up, hair styling, skin treatment and

weight management.

Poonam has a Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science and

has passed the Yog Ayurved Prarambhik exam. She holds several

certificates in this field. Sisters – Sonali and Sayali are her able

assistants in these ventures.

Revati, daughter of E V Bachute, participated in the 34th National Yoga Championships

held at Yamuna Nagar, Haryana recently. Rewati, with her partner, Serena Sharma, ranked

second in the Rhythmic Pair event (Junior) and booked her place for the international


Revati Bachute

Cascade l 100 Years 67

2005 : Bheema Lift Irrigation Scheme, Andhra Pradesh – A project under

‘Jalayagyam’, where three 12 MW (16000 hp) and three 4 MW (5300 hp)

motor driven Francis Turbine pumps are being installed in this scheme

2006 : KBL forms a Joint Venture with England based Corrocoat, UK

2006 : KBL acquires Aban Constructions, Chennai

2007 : KBL achieves production of over Rs 1000 crores

2007 : KBL wins National Energy Conservation Award

2007 : Enertia award won for being the ‘Best Business Entity’ in power and energy


2007 : Formation of a wholly owned company - Kirloskar Brothers International

B. V., Netherlands to function as an investment company abroad

2007 : KBL takes over The Kolhapur Steel Limited as a part of backward integration

2007 : KBL bags ‘Star Performance’ award for export excellence

2007 : KBL’s FM/UL pumps win Best New Fire Fighting Product Award’

2008 : SPP, England wins “Manufacturer of the Year Award’

2008 : Formation of Kirloskar Brothers Europe B.V. in a joint venture with Kirloskar

Brothers International B. V., Netherlands and the Industrial Pump Group

2008 : KBL bags National Award for Excellence in Energy Management from

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

2008 : The innovation for India Awards 2008 – Instituted by the Marico

Foundation under the Chairmanship of Dr. R Mashelkar, the award was

conferred on KBL for innovative approach in Siphon Action Creation and

Siphon Breaking Arrangement used in Sardar Sarovar Project at Saurashtra

Branch Canal – Dhanki, District – Surendranagar

Cascade l 100 Years68

Cascade l 100 Years 69

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Vikas Charitable Trust on School Campus

• Study Tour

A study tour for all participants in the Ideal School Contest

is conducted every year by Vikas Charitable Trust – all

expenses being borne by the Trust.

The excursion this year, included about 50 science teachers

who were taken to Lokmanya Tilak Vidyalaya, Chikhalgaon.

The school, with Renu Dandekar at the helm extends

vocational training in addition to regular academic inputs

to the students.

Teachers were quite impressed and came back with a firm

resolve to implement some ideas which seemed particularly

useful. M D Deshpande facilitated the entire visit.

• Guide Posts On The Runway To Success

Vikas Charitable Trust organizes a lecture series annually for

school students. On 7th November, 2009 the event was

organized at the Parvati Khemchand Vidya Mandir, Takari. The

auspicious lamp lighting ceremony was performed by student

representatives, B A Patil, Principal, and M D Deshpande.

In her speech, Rekha Gharge, from Takari Kanyashala dwelled

on the importance of teachers and parents in instilling good

values in their wards. She shared her concern about

commercialization of education and highlighted the importance

of good student teacher relationships.

• Street Play Contest

The subject for this year was to revolve around ‘Social

Welfare’. 13 schools participated and presented the plays at

busy junctions in their own villages. Judges went to all the

venues where students enacted their plays. The winners

are :

1st : Islampur High School, Islampur

2nd : Krantisingh Nana Patil High School, Pundi

3rd : Devendragirji High School, Burli

Cascade l 100 Years70

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

• General Knowledge Contest29th November, 2009, saw the contest being held at Kirloskar High School, Kirloskarvadi. 34 students from 23 schools

pitched in for the winners podium... and the following made it there !

Rank Name School Award

First Lakshman Dake Naveen Marathi Madhyamik Shala Rs. 400

Second Mayur Sakhare Kirloskar High School Rs. 300

Third Rohit Badawe Adarsha Balak Mandir High School Rs. 200

Third Pritam Sutar Bhavani Devi English School Rs. 200

Consolation Parshuram Dongare Ghogaon High School Rs. 100

Consolation Swaroop Bobade Adarsha Balak Mandir High School Rs. 100

• Drawing ContestAlso held on 29th November, 2009, the competition had 37 contestants vying for honors... with those listed below emerging


Rank Name School Award

First Deepali Koli Vinayak Patwardhan Kanya Prashala Rs. 400

Second Indrajeet Sapkal Kirloskar High School Rs. 300

Third Deepti Kamble Ghogaon High School Rs. 200

Consolation Netra Jhende Madhyamik Vidyalaya Rs. 100

Consolation Urmila Jadhav Vinayak Patwardhan Kanya Prashala Rs. 100

The two contests were inaugurated by Dr. Vijaymala

Chougule, Assistant Medical Officer. Both events were well

conducted, thanks to the volunteers of the Trust and colony


• Educational TripPupils from standards I to V of Kirloskarvadi High School

were taken to Kanerimath, Kolhapur, on a field trip on 12th

December, 2009. The children took great interest in the

man-made cave depicting legends in different fields. The

village showing rural life at Kanerimath roused their

curiosity as well.

Cascade l 100 Years 71

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

• Cultural Bonanza

‘Hadga’ and ‘Deepotsava’ were celebrated at Kirloskar High

School on 4th November, 2009. Students presented a variety

entertainment program in the evening, even as the lamps

lit for the Deepotsava illumined the surroundings.

Mukundrao Kirloskar graced the occasion.

• Flying High

A program on ‘Science Behind an Aeroplane’ was organized

on 26th November, 2009, in Kirloskar High School.

Sadanand Kale from Satara explained the working of planes

with different models and demonstration.

• Ideal School AwardsIf the quartet – government authorities, educational institutes,

faculty and students – put their act together in a synchronized

effort, the day will not be far off when India dons the yoke of a

super power in the world, asserted Mukundrao Kirloskar. He was

addressing the audience at the Ideal School Awards function as

Chief Guest. The event was graced by Narendra Wagh, Vice

President, KBL. These awards have been instituted by Vikas

Charitable Trust.

Madhukar Deshpande, Secretary of the Trust welcomed the guests. Narendra Wagh highlighted the significant role

played by education and teachers imparting it, in building the society at large.

Of the 60 schools assessed for the award, Parvati Khemchand Vidya Mandir, Takari, bagged the top slot, while Swami

Ramanand Vidyalaya, Ramanand Nagar, ranked second. Claiming the consolation prize were Mahatma Gandhi

Vidyalaya, Kedgaon, Kirloskar High School, Kirloskarvadi, Kanya High School, Ankalkhop and Bramhanand

Vidyalaya, Bramhanand Nagar.

Awards were given away by Mukundrao Kirloskar, Narendra Wagh and Anant Chincholkar. The function was graced

by Haribhau Kirloskar, Ramkrishna Patwardhan, Sharad Desai and other dignitaries.

The function was anchored by Tejaswini Joshi, Suhas Vaddikar and Mohan Altekar, while Anjali Chincholkar proposed

the vote of thanks.

Cascade l 100 Years72

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

• Celebrating Childhood

Children’s Day was celebrated on 14th November, 2009, on the High School campus. The day was spent in playing games,

browsing through the book exhibition and other fun activities.

• World AIDS Day Observed

An AIDS awareness talk by Dr. C R Marathe of Palus was

organized for students from IX to XI standards, to mark

World AIDS Day on 1st December, 2009. Also on agenda

was the release of ‘AIDS’ magazine.

• Sporting Success

* 15 boys were selected for the state level foot ball tournament

held at Balewadi, Pune, on 2nd and 3rd January, 2010.

* 12 boys and a girl were selected for the state level soft ball

tournament held in Aurangabad in December 2009.

Cascade l 100 Years 73

• Highlight of The Year

The annual social gathering of Kirloskar High School was held on 22nd and 23rd December, 2009. A science

and art exhibition was arranged on the first day, which was inaugurated by Vasant Godbole, Associate Vice

President and L Sahoo, Associate Vice President. Prizes for various achievements were distributed by Nitin

Wagle, Associate Vice President.

The main function was in the evening with Vivekrao Ponkshe, Principal, Dnyanprabodhini, Pune, as Chief

Guest. Dignitaries from Vikas Charitable Trust, Deccan Education Society, Willingdon College, members of

the School Committee, parents and colony residents were present.

23rd December, 2009 saw lunch being organized for students while a variety entertainment program was presented

in the evening.

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Cascade l 100 Years74

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

The Social Club Working Committee

organizes many interesting events for its

members round the year. Committee office

bearers are freshly appointed every year.

Anant Chincholkar, Chairman of the

Committee for 2009 passed on the charge for

2010 to S V Yesugade on 11th February,

2010. As per the practice for the last 15 years,

the winner of ‘General Championship Trophy’

was awarded during the handing over

ceremony. Anagha Godbole won the coveted

award this year.

We wish the new members of the

committee the very best !

Social Symphony

Blood Donation Camp

Mrs Anagha Godbole receiving trophy from Mrs andMr Anant Chincholkar.

To mark the National Safety Week and the

Centenary Year, a blood donation

camp was organized for employees on

5th March, 2010. The camp was

organized with the help of the blood bank

attached to the Vasantdada Patil

Government Hospital, Sangli. Enthusiastic

response from donors saw a collection of 176

bottles. This is the highest collection of blood

recorded in any camp in Sangli District. Anant

Chincholkar, General Manager, Dr. Sharad

Desai, Divisional Head, Dr. Rajan Kamat,

Medical Officer and Bhagwan Bargir, Ramesh

Joshi and Akaram Kadam - Union

Representatives supported for the highest


Dr. V S Chougule, Madhuri Sanas and

staff from HRM & C and the dispensary

complimented Dr. Shende and his

team from the blood bank. The

camp was inaugurated by Lalatendu

Sahoo, Associate Vice President.

Cascade l 100 Years 75

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Keeping Kilos Away !A check-up to ascertain the Body Mass Index (BMI) for colony ladies was held on 18th February, 2010. The event

was conducted with support from Meyer Pharma, Sangli.

An obesity awareness kit, booklet with guidelines to keep obesity at bay, low cal recipes and a BMI calculator was

given to the 79 ladies who attended. Participants were offered individual counselling too.

The inaugural function was graced by Subhash Karambelkar – General Manager (Quality), Sharad Desai – Divisional

Head (HRM & C), Dr. Rajan Kamat – Medical Officer and Amol Digraje of Meyer Pharma. Credit is due Dr. V S

Chougule, Madhuri Sanas and Anant Chincholkar for the well planned event.

Cancer ConcernA cancer awareness camp was organized for ladies residing in Ramanand Nagar, at Shramik Mangal Karyalaya.

There was a lecture and slide show by Dr. Jayanti Pathak and Dr. Meera Khochikar of Siddhivinayak Cancer Hospital,

Miraj, on 19th February, 2010.

Cancer awareness literature was distributed amongst the 55 ladies who attended. Individual counseling was also

extended during the event.

The camp was inaugurated by Anant Chincholkar in the presence of Suryakant Sawant, Sarpanch and local politicians.

Dr. Rajan Kamat, Sharad Desai, Dr. V S Chougule, Madhuri Sanas and the dispensary staff helped conduct the

session successfully.

Cascade l 100 Years76

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Canines Add To Colony Security

Parichay 2010A workshop and factory visit (Parichay) of the worker’s better halves was organized on 29th January, 2010. The objective

was to give them a feel of the work culture and the role and responsibilities of their spouses in the factory.

37 ladies attended this program which was organized by HRM & C.

It was 24th April, 2009, when we got a pair of Great Danes

to the colony. The pups have been brought up on a diet of

dog food. About 13 months old, Max (male) and Julie

(female) undergo training for an hour in the morning,

afternoon and evening. They also patrol the colony roads.

Ever since, there is an aura of alertness in the premises.

Max and Julie have apprehended thieves a couple of times

too. Even their baritone bark instills fear in the minds of

strangers !

Helping HandVidyadhar Patil, Electrician in the Pump Test Lab working

for the last 15 years was hospitalized for 5 months due to

failure of both kidneys. Consequently the family is in

financial crisis.

Sensing the need for assistance, KBL contributed

Rs.1,00,000/- for his medical treatment.

Cascade l 100 Years 77

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Government Recognition

Good-bye 2009 : Welcome 2010 !

New Year Eve was celebrated by the ‘Vadians

enthusiastically with various activities, fun and games.

Conferring fishponds to people, dance and other

entertainment programs saw wide smiles on everyone’s

faces. Thanks to Team HRM & C which worked hard to

see the smiles that did not leave even once from any face.

• Vijay Bhupal Pise from

Pump Testing Lab,

Kirloskarvadi, has been

appointed as ‘Special

Executive Officer’,

Government of Maharashtra.

Apart from this distinction,

Vijay Pise has won ‘Man of the

Month’ and the ‘Gunawant

Kamgar’ award instituted by

Government of Maharashtra.

• Ravindra Sambhajirao

Desai, Security Officer,

Kirloskarvadi plant, has also

been appointed as ‘Special

Executive Officer’,

Government of Maharashtra.

He is also the winner of the

President’s medal for

‘Excellence in Saving Life’Vijay B Pise Ravindra S Desai

Congratulations to both !

From Campus To CompanyAn Induction Training Program for Operator Trainees

– 2010, was conducted with their parents in attendance

on 6th March, 2010.

Anant Chincholkar welcomed everyone to the session.

He also shared KBLs Vision and Mission with them.

KBLs overview was presented by R M Chougule and

Madhuri Sanas. S B Desai introduced the concept of

‘Adarsh Trainee’ to the audience. The session concluded

with a round of the factory accompanied by R M

Chougule and R R Patil followed by lunch for all.

HRM&C team performing a play.

On The Training TerrainThe newly inducted apprentices at Kirloskarvadi were put

through an intensive training program which involved

personality development, housekeeping, health, kaizen,

corporate social responsibility, etc.

Cascade l 100 Years78

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

‘Gunawant Kamgar’ In Our MidstShantaram Nalavade, KBL (Kirloskarvadi) has been conferred this prestigious award, instituted by the ‘Maharashtra

Kamgar Kalyan Mandal’. He received the award from the honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Ashok Chavan.

Presiding over the ceremony was the honorable Minister of Labor, Hasan Mushrif. Gracing the august function was

honorable Minister of State for Tribal Welfare, Labor

and Command Area Development as also Chairman

‘Maharashtra Kamgar Kalyan Mandal’ Padmakar


Working in the ACS Foundry, Shantaram

Nalavade has to his credit productivity boosting

initiatives, social work and active involvement in

cultural and educational fields. He thanks Anant

Chincholkar, Sharad Desai and Ravi Chougule for

their guidance and support for this achievement.

Assessors AppreciatedNarendra Wagh bestowed appreciation letters to the following RKQP auditors, lauding their work :

Kantilal Shah

Improvement CellAnant Chincholkar


Uday Katti


R B Patil

Central Pattern Shop

Sandeep Minchekar

Product Design


Sambhaji Yesugade


Vinayak Damle

Quality Assurance

Congratulations !

Cascade l 100 Years 79

2008 : KBL wins Amity HR Excellence Award instituted by Amity, NOIDA

2008 : Golden Peacock Award for siphon breaking and siphon arrangement system

won by KBL

2008 : KBL and SPP have been awarded the contract for Hull Pumping Project,

UK. Hull is a small town in North-East of UK. The value of the KBL part of

the contract is Rs. 95 million

2009 : Kirloskarvadi wins national award for being an ‘Excellent water efficient


2009 : Excellent Energy Efficient Unit and innovative award from CII

2009 : Certified by OHSAS 18001 for industrial health and safety standards

2009 : ‘Yamuna’ – KBLs new office inaugurated by Rajendra Singhji – the ‘water

man’ of India

2009 : ‘Yamuna’ – The Corporate Office of KBL in Pune, is certified by Leadership

in Energy Environment Design (LEED) as a Platinum rated ‘Green Building’.

This is the highest level of LEED certification. Yamuna is the second greenest

building of the country

2009 : KBL’s first ever Condensate Extraction Pumps outside India have been

successfully installed and commissioned at the 115 MW Glow project (Unit-

3) in Thailand

2009 : KBL’s first venture in Sewage Treatment Plants – The Hyderabad

Metropolitan Development Authority placed an order on KBL for a 4.0

MLD sewage treatment plant, at Noor Mohammad Kunta. This is a part of

the ‘Lake Improvement Project’. The Project has been successfully

commissioned. The plant was inaugurated by honorable Chief Minister of

Andhra Pradesh

2009 : KBL wins National Energy Management Award – ‘Excellence in Energy

Management 2009’ was instituted by The Confederation of Indian Industry,

where KBL came up as a winner. KBL also bagged three awards instituted

for ‘Innovative Projects’

Cascade l 100 Years80

Cascade l 100 Years 81



Women’s Day8th March, 2010, saw ladies at Kirloskarvadi join the

world to celebrate International Women’s Day. All

turned out draped in lovely saris which are making a

fashion statement internationally today.

A talk by Rashmi Khandekar, (BDO) Palus was

organized on the occasion. Thanks to efforts taken by

Dr. Vijaymala Chougule, Manjiri Govonkop and

Megha Patil, the program, organized by Madhuri

Sanas, was a success.

PlaygroundAn inter-school sports meet for primary section students

was organized at Kirloskar Vidyalaya on 17th February,

2010. This was the debut event and will

henceforth be held every year. 270

students from 4 schools from Palus

participated in the tournament. Track

and field events like running and kho-

kho were held too.

Suhas Nikam, Head Master, Pandit

Vishnu Digambar School, Palus, was the

Chief Guest for the opening ceremony.

Suvarna Koli, Kendra Pramukh, Kundal,

graced the occasion.

Kirloskar Vidyalaya won the

championship in individual events sharing it with

Laxmanrao Kirloskar Vidyamandir, Palus. Prizes were given

away by S B Desai, Divisional Head, KBL.

The sports meet was organized with the initiative of R L

Patwardhan, Education Officer. Mrs Y A Tade, Head

Mistress and A S Biraj, P E teacher.

Kirloskarvadi SplashKirloskarvadi Splash

Cascade l 100 Years82

Distribution Sector SplashDistribution Sector Splash

KBL sponsored the 1st state level conference of the ‘All Kerala Borewell Drilling Contractors Association’

held at Kochi, on 20th and 21st December, 2009.

Day 1 was devoted to a meeting of all delegates at Hotel Poulson Park, Kochi. This was an ideal

opportunity to interact with more than 100 borewell contractors on one platform. KBLs promotional

material was effectively and tastefully displayed at the venue. As official sponsors of the event, we got

an opportunity to address the gathering.

Day 2 saw the number of participants swell to about 1000

strong ! The venue was the Kochi Town Hall. Here too

KBLs promotional material made the intended impact.

Complementing it was media coverage in the form of

advertisements and event news reports. KBL also

participated in the exhibition organized during the

conference. A seminar on ground water was conducted as


T M Jacob, ex-minister of Kerala Water Resources and other

political leaders were among the dignitaries who graced the


Borewell Contractors Meet – Kochi

The Distribution Sector organized a training program for

dealer’s sales staff and authorized service center staff. Held

at Madurai and Chennai, the sessions were conducted

on 27th and 31st December respectively.

The program covered Kirloskar history in brief, basic

technical details, pump selection, domestic and

agricultural range of pumps, booster pump selection and

installation, assembling and dismantling of KU - 4. Dealers

Updating Knowledge and ASCs were briefed about their responsibilities vis-a-

vis after sales service as well. Those who deputed their

delegates for training are :


* Jyothi Rewinding Works

* Sai Engineering

* Thenas Engineering

* Vikram Rewinding


* Jayalakshmi Electrical Services

* Sri Ramana Electricals

* Vijay Electricals

* Shakthi Trading Company

* Electrotech Engineers and Traders

The participants shared their field experience, common

complaints received and expressed their desire to visit

KBLs works at Dewas and Shirval. Satisfied with the

interaction during the program, they opined that such

events be organized annually to help them boost sales.

A small gift as a token of appreciation along with technical

reference material was given to all participants.

Cascade l 100 Years 83

Gaining Dealer ConfidenceAs a part of his tour of rural markets, Subodh Shrivastava, Associate Vice President (Marketing), visited Bharat

Machinery Stores, our dynamic dealer in Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh). The aim was to palpate the market and

gauge its potential as well as to understand the local market needs. During the visit, he also briefed Abid Khan,

Managing Director, Bharat Machinery Stores of KBLs future plans.

KBLs ascent from a zero market share in Hoshangabad last year to notching a sale of Rs. 100 lacs in the current fiscal,

is performance worthy of ovation indeed... All thanks to this dealership which is all set to woo the farmers in the

region !

During their interaction, Subodh Shrivastava informed that KBL would supply pumps to suit varying voltage demands

and efficiently draw water during low voltage. He and Sunil Muley, General Manager (Agriculture Segment), gave

detailed information about KBL and its products.

Distribution Sector SplashDistribution Sector Splash

Agri InitiativesThe biggest state agri event PAU- Punjab Agriculture University Mela

was held at Ludhiana on 18th and 19th March, 2010.

The Distribution Sector participated with its agricultural products. Star

rated products, Pedal Pump, Solar Pump, Monoblock and Submersible

Pump sets were displayed at the stall. Almost 50,000 farmers visited the

KBL stall which won a prestigious award for the Best Stall. Ravindra Murthy

and Subodh Shrivastava received the award on behalf of KBL.

The stall reflected the culture and life style of typical Punjabi farmers.

The company received a windfall of enquiries and 7 dealership proposals

at the stall.

Cascade l 100 Years84

Distribution Sector SplashDistribution Sector Splash

KBL recently organized a Mechanics Meet with our sub-

dealers at Batala – Padda Pipe Store. To this dealer’s credit

is bagging the order for 65 submersible pumps – a highlight

of last year’s performance.

Various technical parameters were covered in the

discussions, like selection and installation of pump sets, cable

and starter selection, details about the shunt capacitor and

CED coating. Such interactions with opinion leaders help

build credibility unmatched by any other medium.

Strengthening Grass Roots In The Market

Cascade l 100 Years 85

• Bihar

Held at Hotel Windsor, Patna, on 22nd February, 2010, this

interactive session was attended by Subodh Shrivastava,

Associate Vice President (Distribution Sector), Ajit Kumar

Bhagat, Zonal Manager (Agriculture Segment – East Zone), Santosh Gupta, Business

Manager, (Bihar Agriculture Segment) and Tarandeep Singh Dutt, Business Manager (Bihar

and Jharkhand Domestic Segment). Most Agriculture Segment dealers from Bihar were


Subodh Shrivastava spoke on the overall performance of the Distribution Sector, focusing on agriculture segment. He also

briefed the dealers about the plans and expectations from them in the next fiscal.

Also on the agenda was an audio visual presentation by Ajit Bhagat on VISION 2015, and technical details of the Pedal


The dealers on their part, came up with valuable suggestions towards improving our business in the state. Dealership

certificates and mementos were presented to dealers on this occasion

• Jharkhand

The Jharkhand dealers meet was held at Hotel Green Horizon, Ranchi, on 24th February, 2010. Subodh Shrivastava, Ajit

Kumar Bhagat, Pradumna Satra, Business Manager (Jharkhand Agriculture Segment) and Tarandeep Singh Dutt, Almost

all the Agriculture Segment dealers from Jharkhand attended

The auspicious lightning of the lamp by the seniormost dealer present – S Budhia of Kamla Machinery Stores, along with the

juniormost dealer present – D Agarwal of the dealership, Jagannath Prasad Baijnath Prasad. The agenda was more or less

same as the one followed in the Bihar meet.

Additionally, the Jharkhand meet saw 3 new products being launched which were specially developed for Jharkhand. A live

demo stand was also inaugurated by Subodh Shrivastava. This stand was given to all the dealers selling Monobloc Pumps for

display in the front of their shops.

A press conference was organized in which reporters from audio visual and print media were present. A power point

presentation by Pradumna Satra giving performance details of all the products which were launched today. The interactive

session that followed, drew a lot of suggestions for improving our business in Jharkhand. Dealership certificates and mementos

were handed over to dealers. Both meets generated a lot of confidence and satisfaction amongst the participating dealers.

Distribution Sector SplashDistribution Sector Splash



Cascade l 100 Years86

Dewas SplashDewas Splash

Tapping Group Synergy22nd January, 2010, saw the Kirloskar Group Manufacturing Committee Meeting held at Dewas. In attendance

were members from KBL (Kirloskarvadi, Kondhapuri and Dewas), KPCL (Hadapsar) and KOEL (Khadki).

Conducted under the chairmanship of S B Chandorkar, Director - Kirloskar Group, the occasion had several

presentations on various improvements made by participants in their respective plants. This sharing of

information will go a long way in replicating successful initiatives instead of reinventing the wheel.

A plant round was also on schedule. Participants appreciated developments made in the plant – specially the

CED and the overall good housekeeping.

Investing in Infrastructure

Inauguration of Conference Hall by R K Srivastava on 22nd December,


Inauguration of VC Room by J R Sapre on 22nd December, 2009.

Cascade l 100 Years 87

From Idea To ActionProject Sankalp was drawn up for a well defined quality system to instill internal and external confidence and inspection

with specific procedures. The project has gone live from 8th January, 2010.

The last two groups which attended the training program at Moral Re-armament Centre, Panchgani, have resolved to

translate their self initiated projects into action as ‘Initiative of Change’.

• Operation ‘Bichhoo’

The objective is to make our plant free of gutka, supari,

tobacco, wrappers, etc. that litter the premises.

Team members plan to pick up wrappers littering the shop

floor and around the plant regularly and dump them in a

bin at the security gate. The team, which is led by Babu

Singh from Machine Shop, began the drive on 10th

December, 2009.

• Operation Green

The objective is to make our plant ‘plastic free’, by

consistently picking up plastic cups, carry bags and other

such trash and collecting it in a bin at the security gate

labeled ‘Operation Green’. The team, led by Md. Sabir Khan

from ETP, began the drive on 10th December, 2009.

Both teams have resolved to consistently undertake these

drives till the people shed their littering habit.

Distinction For DewasKBL – Dewas plant has been awarded the

CII TCM Plaque and Certificate, in the

‘Cost Congress’ held at Chennai on 17th

December, 2009. Dewas has achieved level

– 4 of the CII TCM Maturity Model.

Dewas SplashDewas Splash

Cascade l 100 Years88

Dewas SplashDewas Splash

22nd December, 2009. Members of KBL - Dewas

celebrated the Annual Day, holding a sports meet

(Cricket, Volleyball and Kabaddi) and a cultural

program. Around 500 members participated in the


The cultural program was graced by Sanjay Kirloskar,

R K Srivastava and J R Sapre. The program was

inaugurated by lighting the lamp and rendition of the

‘Saraswati Vandana’. The 3 hour program featured

songs, dances and staging of a play. It was concluded

by a prize distribution ceremony.

The show was well anchored by Anil Malik.

Annual Day


Cascade l 100 Years 89

Republic Day CelebratedAs is our annual practice, KBLians at Dewas celebrated the Indian Republic Day on 26th January, 2010. The security guards

presented the march past.

Sweets were later distributed by Aseem Srivastava, Vice President and Operations Head.

Dewas SplashDewas Splash

Fond FarewellBidding good-bye to colleagues on

their retirement is not exactly what

one looks forward to, unavoidable

though it may well be. At Shirval, we

bid adieu to four colleagues

mentioned below, by felicitating them

at a function organized specially for

them :

* Indradev Ram, Manufacturing –

33 years of service

* M D Patwardhan, Customer

Support and Logistics – 36 years of


* Shyam Kamble, Manufacturing –

28 years of service

* Manohar Songaonkar, Human

Resource – 30 years of service

We wish them a stress free, joyous and

fulfilling life ahead !

Indradev Ram retirement 19th November,2009.

M D Patwardhan retirement 30thNovember, 2009.

Manohar Songaonkar retirement 12thFebruary, 2010.

Shyam Kamble retirement 25th January,2010.

Shirval Splash

Cascade l 100 Years90

Quality Month CelebrationsNovember, 2009 was celebrated as ‘Quality Month’ at Shirval plant.

Employees participated enthusiastically in the various competitions

organized to ensure that ‘Quality’ continues to occupy the ‘Top of Mind’

slot in their minds. Participants with winning entries sifted by a cross

functional panel of judges, were presented awards during the concluding

ceremony on 4th December, 2009. A report :

Laxman Aglawe, Assistant Manager, Quality Assurance, highlighted the

importance of consistently delivering quality products and services in tune

with customer’s requirements and expectations at all times. The quest

for quality, he emphasized in his inaugural address, is not restricted to the

month devoted to it; rather it should pervade every sphere of our lives,

24 x 7.

Contests and the contest winners

* Quality Man of the Month : B V Magar

* Best Slogan : First – Mangesh Pantoji

Second – Ashish Bansode

* Best Essay : First – Sunil Naigade

Second – Prakash Patil

* Best Kaizen : First – S B Chavan, S K Mulla and B V Magar (shared)

Second – Prakash Patil

Third – Prashant Patil and Anil Mahangre (shared)

In his concluding address, Nitin Joshi, General Manager, Manufacturing

congratulated the employees for their keen participation. Urging them to

be self motivated in implementing quality enhancing initiatives, he asked

everyone to be active in imbibing and nurturing a culture of Total Quality


The focus is currently on achieving the production target of manufacturing

200 pumps a day.

All workmen on their part assured adherence to quality norms set vis-a-

vis manufacturing.

Shirval SplashShirval Splash

Cascade l 100 Years 91

2009 : KBL – Kirloskarvadi wins the Silver Award in Engineering Sector instituted

by Greentech Foundation, Delhi, for outstanding performance in

‘Environment Management’

2009 : KBL hands over the prestigious project of Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam

Limited (SSNNL) to the Government of Gujarat. All five pumping stations

commissioned, water being lifted from the Narmada and brought of Dholi

Dhaja dam through three stations. The SSNNL project – the lifeline of the

Saurashtra region, will irrigate 5.4 hectares of land and provide drinking

water to 4,620 towns and villages of Surendranagar District, Gujarat

2009 : Grande Digue Pumping Station Commissioned – KBL has completed the

erection and commissioning of all 4 pumps of Grande Digue and handed

them over to the Grande Digue Farmer’s Association. Ms. Fatou Gaye Sarr,

Minister of Agriculture, Senegal, has expressed her satisfaction about KBL’s


2009 : Destination Egypt – Two of KBL’s recently constructed pumping stations

were inaugurated by the Honorable Minister for Irrigation and Water

Resources – H.E. Mohamed Naser Eldin Allam and the Governor of Minya

H.E. Dr. Ahmed Diaa Eldin. The pumping stations are at Sharona where 4

BHMa 55 pumps are installed and Zawyet Sultan where 2 BHMa 45 pumps

are installed

2009 : KBL wins a single order from Nepal for 10,000 KBL pumps

2009 : Taraka Lift Irrigation System Commissioned – Pumping machinery for Taraka

Lift Irrigation Scheme of the Cauvery Neeravari Nigam limited (CNNL), a

Government of Karnataka Enterprise. Contract value – Rs. 8.79 crores

2009 : KBL wins a prestigious contract worth US $ 22 million from Mechanical

and Electrical Department (MED), Ministry of Water Resources and

Irrigation, Egypt, for the construction of a new irrigation pumping station

at Benban and Rozaikat on turnkey basis

2009 : KBL awarded the 5 star rating for energy efficiency of Monobloc pump sets

from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

Cascade l 100 Years92

Cascade l 100 Years 93

Who Is Reading What At KBL

Book BrookBook Brook

Built to Last :

Successful Habits of Visionary CompaniesDeepak Kotecha, EA to CMD

Written by Jerry Porras and Jim Collins ‘Built to Last’ is a philosophical

blueprint based on research into the development of most successful

corporations. Recognizing struggling competitors whose businesses disappear after a period of

time, Collins and Porras focus their research towards 18, “Visionary” and “Comparison”

companies and analyze them in accordance with guidelines they’ve set on what makes a good

company. Selection criteria and research between the two authors was extensive, with attention

paid towards companies with average founding dates of 1897 and prior along with a surefire

system evaluating companies as start-ups, midsize companies, and large companies. In the

face of sociological events, Porras and Collins wanted to answer the question “What makes the

truly exceptional companies different from the other companies?” With an emphasis on timeless

management principles instead of trends and innovations like employee empowerment and

shared values.

Porras and Collins learned that their prior beliefs were misfires. During a six year research process, they “unlearned” much of

what they learned with large corporations’ successes. In place of former beliefs lies a new groundwork for what exemplifies

visionary companies. Here are some of the former myths removed with their research :

1. A great idea is needed to start companies

2. Visionary organizations need charismatic leaders

3. Maximizing profits is the dominant goal of visionary


4. Visionary companies focus on beating competitors

5. Hiring outsiders as CEO’s is the best way to spark an


Some of the core beliefs Porras and Collins discuss in ‘Built

to Last’ include preserving a core ideology, the BHAG (Big

Hairy Audacious Goals) concept, owning a cult-like culture,

trying new things, refusing the idea of a “great idea” and

consistent innovation. Preserving a core ideology allows

companies stay in tune with competition through the constant

evolution of products. The BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious

Goals) philosophy encourages organization leaders to conduct

paradigm shifts with their products by constantly launching

missions, like new products and the building of “firsts.” Both

authors also dive into the “cult-like culture” mantra, where

every single employee in the company must adapt to a leader’s

vision and become cohesive and non-fragmented to survive.

Porras and Collins provide the examples of fantastic

department store sales people and companies’ devotion to

technological products as milestones.

Other philosophies described in Built to Last include constant

innovation, “refusing the idea of a great idea”, and embracing

evolution. According to the authors, innovating allows

companies to keep products and services updated to beat

the competition. They use Boeing Engineering as an example

of an innovative leader and rival McDonnell Douglas as a

company struggling to meet industry standards. Porras and

Collins denounce the “great idea” based on research that

found many past founders did not start companies with

established ideas (i.e. Hewlett Packard’s involvement with

failed products prior to discovering electronics as a niche.)

These are outlined below :

• Be a Clock Builder, not a Timekeeper : All the successful

corporations focused on building the organization and

company so it would run ‘as smooth as a clock.’ The

visionary companies didn’t simply follow others in their

fields (watching the clock), but tended to lead the way.

• Your Company must have a set of ‘Core Values’ : Each

of the visionary companies had established a set of core

values in its infancy that still survive today. If it ever came

upon hard times, the values would still be retained. They

would only be modified in the most extreme cases.

• Preserve Your ‘Core Ideology’ : While the core values

stay the same, the core ideology can be modified. The

ideology of a company is the stimulus that keeps the

Cascade l 100 Years94

company evolving over time. This change usually takes

place slowly, one piece at a time, but is fast enough to

keep ahead of the competition. Without this constant

evolution of products, the company will eventually be left

behind and disappear.

• BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) : In addition to

the day-to-day ideology changes listed above, you

occasionally need to paradigm shift in your product or

service environment. These monumental changes are

called ‘BHAG,’ and are considered clear-cut, compelling,

cutting edge goals the company sets to progress forward.

Examples of these given in the book are Boeing’s BHAG’s

of building the first commercial jetliner in the U.S. in 1952

(the 707), and the first truly ‘Jumbo Jet’ in 1965 and the

mission to put a man on the moon in the 1960’s.

• Have a ‘Cult-Like” Culture : This must pervade the

company, invading it like a disease. Everyone in the

company must be committed to following the path of the

leader (similar to a cult leader). They must commit to the

same core ideology, must be indoctrinated into the

company culture, must develop a tight fit with others in

the company, and must think of themselves as the ‘elite’

in their field. Without a good cohesive staff, the company

will be fragmented, non-innovative, and probably won’t

survive. The best example given was that of Nordstroms

department stores, who have the most fanatical, loyal sales

persons. Other examples given were Disney with their ‘cast

members’ in the theme parks, and IBM with its early

devotion to office machinery.

• Don’t be Afraid to Evolve : Try New Things and Use

What Works. - All companies have to do this. As the

company grows, tastes, preferences and technology

change. The visionary companies keep abreast on

upcoming changes, anticipate them, or make them

themselves, or else the company’s products will become

obsolete. You try different things and see how they work,

quickly getting rid of the things that don’t work. Two good

examples given in the test are 3M (evolved from a mining

company to a sandpaper company, to an adhesives based

products company) and Marriott (from a small chain of

restaurants to an airline commissary service to a full service

hospitality corporation).

• Look Inside for Your Top Management : The study found

it is extremely difficult to bring in persons from the outside

who can effectively manage a company. Instead, the

company should have management development

processes and succession plans in place to ensure smooth

transitions and direction as the company ages. A good

example of this is GE, where current CEO Jack Welch

started with the company and worked up to CEO. And

with GE’s management development processes, his

retirement should not create a succession problem.

• Constantly Innovate : Without this, the company’s

products/services become obsolete and lead to a decline.

You must constantly keep ahead of the pack, innovating

your products to try and keep ahead of the competition.

And this involves an investment in innovation that can’t

be eliminated. The of the examples given in the text is

Boeing. They have consistently created innovative

airliners, while McDonnell Douglas had simple tried to

keep pace. And in the end Boeing Swallowed up

McDonnell Douglas.

• Make the Core Ideology/Values a Reality : It is not

enough to simple craft vision and mission statements, they

must be put in place so that all persons/divisions of the

company know what they are and work together toward

those vales and ideals. In other words, get everything

aligned on the same plain. One example of how this focus

was achieved was in Hewlett-Packard. Both Hewlett and

Packard initially avoided any outside corporate debt so its

entrepreneurial discipline would not be compromised by

the need to maximize profits. In addition to the things

Collins and Porras found that made the visionary company,

they also found a few things that these companies did NOT


• No Strong Dynamic Leader Necessary : Many of the

companies did not have a well known ‘figurehead’ in the

CEO/COO position. Most top executives were too busy

‘building the clock’ and innovating to do extensive PR

work that would promote themselves.

• No ‘Great Idea’ Needed to Start a Company : Many of

the companies’ founders did not start the company with a

set idea. The best example given in the test is Hewlett-

Packard. Both of these friends did not have an idea for

what their product would be before starting their business.

They tried making a few interesting products until they

developed a piece of military hardware that caused their

business to start growing.

In essence, ‘Built to Last’ is an analysis of how visionary

companies should operate. It revolves around value

arrangement and does not specifically ask companies to fire

employees, remove resources, etc. It asks for companies to

assume a workman like culture and keep an eye out for

tomorrow and the long term.

Book BrookBook Brook

Cascade l 100 Years 95


• Members of Team HRM & C took off for a pleasure

trip to Goa. That they had a great time on the

beckoning beaches of Goa goes without saying.

Picnic Pleasures

• Team Bhubaneshwar treated themselves to a family

picnic on 2nd January, 2010. They came back

rejuvenated and with strengthened friendships.

The crisp and cool January air begged for a picnic. And

that’s what Team Kolkata did ! So, on Sunday, the 17th

of January, 2010, they met at the office early in the

morning and boarded the bus for Splendor Spa and

Resort with families in tow.

A healthy morning breakfast fuelled excitement. On

the anvil were games for children and ladies and a 7

over cricket match. The two teams – C and D, were

led by Pushan Pahari and Ashish Pal. Team C won the

match and Suman Desai was named Man of the Match.

Team B were the defending champions for the last three

years, led by Swapan Basu, clashed with team A- led

by Sawantan Majumder. The champs had to bow out

this time.

Best Bowler of the Tournament was Subir Basak – with

a hat-trick in the final match. Amitava Das and

Sawantan were adjudged the Best Fielder and Best

Batsman respectively. Sumantra Mukherjee was the

Player of the Tournament.

The event was a good opportunity to know each other’s

families while strengthening the bonds between


• 6th March, 2010 saw six enthusiastic KBLians

headed to Sinhagad for a trek, accompanied by Ms

Sandhya, gym instructor at ‘Yamuna’. Everyone enjoyed

the climb – sweat and grime not withstanding. In fact

they have decided to make it a regular practice !

Cascade l 100 Years96


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Howzzat !As a part of the centenary celebrations, an KirloskarGroup cricket match was held for the first time on 9thand 10th January, 2010 at Kirloskarvadi.

The tournament saw participation from Kirloskar OilEngines (Pune and Kagal), Kirloskar PneumaticCompany (Pune), Kirloskar Brothers (Kirloskarvadi,Corporate Office, Kondhapuri, Dewas) and KolhapurSteel (Kolhapur).

The event was inaugurated by D B Nimbalkar, VicePresident, CHRM & C. Present for the occasion weremanagers, Union Office Bearers and Ranji Trophyplayers of yesteryear.

The Finals had KOEL eleven – Pune pitched againstKOEL eleven – Kagal, with the latter emerging winners.

Awards :

* Tournament winners : KOEL (Kagal)

* Runners up : KOEL (Pune)

* Man of the series : Ranjeet Gaikwad – KOEL (Kagal)

* Man of the match : Santosh Kubade – KOEL (Kagal)

* Best Bowler : Santosh Londhe – KOEL (Kagal)

* Best Fielder : Ganesh Desai – KOEL (Kagal)

* Best Batsman : Sanket Sancheti – KOEL (Pune)

The awards were presented by Amol Tambe, Dy. SP,Sangli. Credit is due to Anant Chincholkar, SharadDesai, Ravi Chougule and Vasant Godbole for the effortsthey put in to make the event a success.

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Factory Anniversary : Readers are aware that our anniversary is celebrated on the eve

of ‘Holi’ festival (akin to Spring festival). It is 15 years since Kirloskarvadi was set up;

this being the 16th year of our presence here. The happy occasion was celebrated as

usual with games (relay race, high jump, sack race, etc.) which received enthusiastic

participation. The game that stole the thunder though was Tug-of-War – the vying

teams being ladies versus gentlemen ! The latter team was restricted to using their left

hand only, while the former could use both. Also, there were 10 members in the gents

team, while there were 12 in the ladies team. The ladies won of course.... no surprise,

this. Whenever the gentleness of women is pitted against sheer muscle power of men,

it almost always arouses chivalry in men causing their debacle in such contests. Besides,

men have donned the cloak of winners / conquerors since they lived in caves – a sort

of unwritten law. There you are, guys ! Don’t take it too hard!!

The anniversary celebration also had Laxmanrao presenting awards as a token of


Cascade brings you a nugget from the treasure trove of memories – an extract from‘Kirloskar Khabar’ the in-house newsletter of Kirloskar companies. This is a translatedversion of the original in Marathi, that appeared in the issue dated April 1925.

Kirloskar Khabar

Cascade l 100 Years98

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H$maImÝ`mMo§ nmZ

H$maImÝ`mMm dmT>{Xdg YwidS>rMo {XderMAgVmo, ho Am_À`m dmMH$m§Zm _mhrV AmhoM. dmS>rMr ñWmnZm

hmoD$Z ~amo~aM n§Yam df} Pmbr d oWo Amë`mg H$maImÝ`mbm ~amo~aM gmoimdo df© bmJbo§. m AmZ§XmoËgdm{Z{_Îm

§Xm{h gmbm~mXà_mUo§ [abo aog, C§M CS>r, nmoË`m§VyZ Ym§dUo§, BË`m{X e ©Vr d Ioio Pmbo. Ë`m§V gdmªV

J§_VrMr e ©V ÷UOo ~m`H$m d nwéf (Am°{\$gg©) m§Mo_Yrb añgr Io§M (Q>J - Am°\$ - dm°a) hmo . nwéfm§Zr

\$ŠV S>mdm hmV Cn`moJm§V AmUm`Mm d ~m`H$m§Zr XmoÝht hmVm§Mm Cn`moJ H$amd`mMm Aer AQ> d gdbV

hmoVr. {edm` 10 nwê$f d 12 ~m`H$m h§o à_mU hmoV|. AWm©V² hr e ©V ~m`H$m§Zr qOH$br ! H$mo_bVm {dê$Õ

H$mQ>H$nUm Agm gm_Zm CnpñWV Pmbm AgVm§ nwéfm§Mr Xm{jÊ`d¥{Îm OmJ¥V hmoVo d H$mo_bVog gmh{OH$M

`e {_iV|. {edm` Am{X_m`oZo§ nwéfmg qOH$Ê`mMm {eañVm OJmÀ`m àma§^mnmgyZMm Amho, Voìhm§

{H$bm}ñH$admS>rVrb CnamoŠV _{hbm§M| lo Ë`m§Zm yfUmñnX Agb| Var nwéfm§Zm V| XyfUmñnX hmoÊ`mM§o

H$mhr H$maU Zmht.

`m àg§Jt H$maImÝ`mV\]$ lr wV bú_Uamd `m§Zr BVa {H$aH$moi ~jrg| dmQ>bt.

{H$bm}ñH$a I~a

E{àb 1925

Cascade l 100 Years 99

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