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Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Faculty Project Title Description

Appropriate for Summer Research Fellows?

Appropriate for Research

Concentration Students?

Moving beyond knowledge and attitudes: Skills building in Global Health

A critical review of knowledge and literature on skills building approaches regarding global health in medical education

Yes NO

Accountability in Humanitarian Assistance

This is a review of literature and conceptual analysis of accountability mechanisms in medical humanitarian assistance

Yes NO

Local copying strategies regarding human rights violations in a refugee and migrant community at the Thai-Burmese border

This is subsequent study to assess strategies to reinforce community copying strategies regarding human rights violations in a refugee and migrant community at the Thai-Burmese border

Yes (Thailand) Yes (Thailand)

Asgary, Ramin

Rates and predictors of uncontrolled Diabetes among diabetic adults using New York City shelter-based clinics

This is a retrospective medical record review to determine rates and predictor of uncontrolled Diabetes among homeless compared with

domiciled patientsYes Yes

A photo-educational curriculum teaching practitioners how to evaluate and describe physical sequelae of torture for a legal proceeding in asylum application

This project includes the implementation and evaluation of a medical education curriculum to build skills in evaluation of torture survivors among medical trainees

Socio-cultural challenges of family planning initiatives in conflict and humanitarian refugee settings: a population case study

This is a qualitative and case-based population study that evaluates the socio-cultural challenges of reproductive health initiatives among refugees

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Case studies in Global Health: An educational Module to Improve Global Health Clinical Skills among Medical Trainees

To implement a teaching curriculum in global health clinical skills building for medical students and residents

Yes NO

mHealth strategy to Improve Hypertension Management among Hypertensive Homeless Adults in NYC

This is a study evaluating the perception and experience of homeless hypertensive adults regarding using text messaging to improve hypertension control

Yes Yes

VIA+Cervicography Training for Community Health Nurses for Cervical Cancer Screening in Ghana

This is a project evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of a mHealth supported training for community nurses to screen for cervical cancer in Ghana

Yes (Ghana) Yes (Ghana)

Reproductive health education in Madagascar

This is a follow up project in developing and incorporating reproductive health curriculum in the high school curriculum in Northern Madagascar

Yes (Madagascar)Yes (Madagascar)

Evaluation services to the Corporation for Supportive


Researchers from New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and NYU School of Medicine will conduct a rigorous evalution of the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) Social Innovation Fund (SIF) initiative in all four program sites including Los Angeles County, CA, San Francisco, CA, Washtenaw County, MI, and the State of Connecticut.

Yes Yes

Evaluation of Endocronology Project ECHO

Project ECHO is a successful model developed by the specialists at the University of New Mexico that extends specialty care to rural areas of the state. The model has been replicated with a number of conditions and in many locations outside of NM. The Helmsley Foundation is funding Project ECHO to develop an Endocrinology Project ECHO and will be funding NYU to conduct a rigorous evaluation with a focus on diabetes.

Yes Yes

iPad Food Marketing Study This study aims to explore whether Black, Hispanic, and White male teens differ in their responses to ads that target their race ethnicity, how targeted marketing affects food choices, brand preferences, brand loyalty, willingness to sign up for promos, etc.

Yes Yes

Berry, Carolyn

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Targeted Website Study This study aims to compare nutritional quality of foods marketed on targeted websites such as McD 365 Black; MeEncanta; MyInspirasian (etc). This study also seeks to compare racial narratives and stereotypes through content analysis, as well as prices and promotions across these different sites.

Yes Yes

Comparing Nutritional Quality of Ads Targeting Different


This study seeks to compare the nutritional quality of foods in ads in a variety of mediums that are targeted to various races/ethnicities. Yes Yes

Happy Meal Toy Ban in NYC: Food Choice Study

This study aims to examine which version of a ‘Happy Meal’ parents will choose in order: (a) Healthy ‘Happy Meal’ with a toy (b) unhealthy ‘Happy Meal’ without a toy (c) a cheap ‘Happy Meal.’

Yes Yes

Barriers to Changing Food Sponsorship Policies in Schools

This study aims to identify the barriers that exist for schools and other institutions in refraining from partnerships with food/beverage company sponsors. This study will include approaching schools, community centers, hospitals, etc in order to gather information regarding present food/bev co-sponsors, who they are, and follow up with questions about their policies on health and what makes them choose the food / beverage sponsor and what would make them refrain from partnerships with these sponsors.

Yes Yes

The Collaborative Network for Clinical Research in Immune


Dr. Caplan will provide expertise to the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN) by reviewing ITN-supported clinical trials proposals as requested to ensure compliance with all federal standards related to ethical issues in clinical research and human subject protection.

Yes Yes

Gene Therapy for Urea Cycle Disorders

The P01 was designed to address issues related to T cell responses to transgene-encoded OTC and to engineer the vector genome to allow for replication when the target cell population is proliferating (Project I), and to evaluate novel pharmacologic interventions that could augment the efficacy of gene therapy that is less than curative (Project II), and to engineer the AAV capsid to escape some level of pre-existing neutralizing antibodies (Project III).

Yes YesCaplan, Arthur

Bragg, Marie

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Bioethics Concentration Opportunities

end-of-life decision-making; genetics and genomics; organ and tissue transplantation; conflict of interest of physician-researchers; physician-patient confidentiality and privacy; health care disparities; human experimentation; mental health ethics; regenerative medicine ethics; global health ethics; allocation and rationing; vaccines and ethics

No Yes

Medical Humanities topics in the history of medicine and public health; literature and No Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and

Manganese (HEALS)

This proposal seeks to obtain fundamental new knowledge concerning the health effects, geochemistry, and remediation of As and Mn, with a particular focus on groundwater. Knowledge obtained from this research will have direct implications for remediation at contaminated sites and for the improvement of public health.

Yes Yes

Genetic Susceptibility to Cardiovascular Effects of

Arsenic Exposure

The study aims to evaluate whether the effects of arsenic exposure on cardiovascular disease risk differ by genes related to oxidative stress, arsenic metabolism, and inflammation.

Yes Yes

A Prospective Study of Serum Taurine and Stroke Risk in


This study examines the association between serum taurine levels and subsequent stroke risk. Yes Yes

Theory and Methods for Sufficient Cause Interactions

The objective of this research is to develop theory and methods for testing for sufficient cause interactions. The methods will be useful in identifying mechanistic interactions in biological systems.

Yes Yes

A Pilot Study of Global Histone Modifications and Gastric

Premalignant Lesions

The objective of this research is to assess the relationship between selected histone modification and gastric premalignant lesions. Yes Yes

A Prospective Study of Betel Quid Chewing and the Risk of

Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in Bangladesh

The proposed study will be the first prospective study to investigate the influence of betel quid chewing on overall cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease risk, and the first study in a South Asian population.

Yes Yes

A Pilot Study of Early Life Exposure to Arsenic and Surrogate Markers for

Atherosclerosis in Youth

The objective of this research is to assess the influence of arsenic exposure in early childhood on blood pressure and brachial artery distensibility in 60 subjects.

Yes Yes

Chen, Yu

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Homelessness and Other Social Determinants of Health of

Emergency Department Patients

This is a study of a random sample of adult emergency department patients at Bellevue Hospital. Patients completed surveys on issues including housing and homelessness, food insecurity, income and employment, and other social determinants of health, as well as information about their health care use and substance use. For students with a strong background in quantitative research (including statistical software) there are opportunities to use the data to examine multiple hypotheses related to the social determinants of health of emergency department patients. For students without a quantitative background there are opportunities to assist with literature reviews.

Yes Yes

New York State Medicaid and Supportive Housing Project

New York State is currently engaged in an innovative multi-million dollar program to use Medicaid funding to provide supportive housing for Medicaid patients who are homeless. Dr. Doran serves as an advisor to the Department of Health on elements related to program design, evaluation, and new initiatives. There are not currently opportunities for students to do research related to this project, but for students interested in health policy there are opportunities to assist with literature reviews, writing policy reports, and participating in other special projects of interest to policy makers.

Yes Yes

Hospital HOPE Count

Each year the Department of Homeless Services counts all homeless people in NYC who are on the streets or in the subways on a single winter night. The many homeless people who are sleeping overnight in emergency department or inpatient hospital beds are not currently counted, however. A medical student could help lay the groundwork for a future NYC Hospital HOPE Count by building necessary connections throughout the city, and helping to tackle practical planning and human subjects issues. Note that this project is not expected to result in an immediate research publication.

Yes Yes

Doran, Kelly

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Health App Use Among Verizon Users

The proposed study will fill this gap in knowledge about demographics of health app users and reasons for health app use by examining these factors in a sample Verizon users in the United States. More specifically, the aims of the proposed project are to survey US-based Verizon users on: demographic characteristics, reasons for health app use, frequency of health app use, perceived effectiveness of health apps used and reasons for stopping use. This innovative project has substantial implications for marketing and improving smart phone-based health apps. Status: Collecting Data

Yes Yes

Papers on how neighborhood characteristics

influence population health and health disparities, using

spatially explicit approaches such as computer-based geographic information

systems and geospatial modeling techniques

Research support, especially conducting background research (e.g. Pubmed literature searches) and manuscript preparation (e.g. formatting references in Endnote).

Yes Yes

Duncan, Dustin

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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The goal of this grant was to evaluate New York City’s sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) portion cap rule limiting the sale of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) in serving sizes >16 ounces at restaurants and other food-service establishments. Although the rule was not implemented, we have rich and diverse data ready for analysis and additional interpretation. The project included point of purchase receipt collection and surveys from 12,000 fast food restaurant consumers, along with follow-up 24 hour dietary recalls with some of these same consumers. In addition, we examined the SSB environment, including beverage availability, size, price, placement and promotion in fast food restaurants as well as in corner and grocery stores. There are many projects that students interested in the food environment could pursue.

Impact of the Food Environment on Child Body

Mass Index

This project combines multiple rich datasets to determine the influence of the food environment on childhood obesity, one of the largest public health problems facing the United States.

Yes Yes

Hayes, Richard Air Pollution and MortalityIdentify relationships between air pollution and mortality in the US

Yes Yes

Early Childhood Health and Development: Epidemiological Studies in Uganda and Kenya

Children in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are facing numerous health challenges (including physical and mental health). However, there is limited epidemiological and health service research with Ugandan and Kenyan children. This study attempts to address this research gap by analyzing data collected from ongoing studies. Findings from the epidemiological studies will inform prevention program and health service development in school and community settings

Yes Yes

Elbel, Brian

Impact of NYC Sugar Sweetened Beverage Policy on Calories Purchased and Consumed

Yes Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Implementing a school-based child mental health prevention program in Uganda

Children in Uganda are burdened by significant unmet mental health needs, but this region has limited access to mental health workers and resources to address these needs. Despite the successes of numerous school-based interventions for promoting child mental health, most evidence-based interventions are not available in SSA & Uganda. This study investigates the transportability of an evidence-based program, ParentCorps, from a developed country (United States) to Uganda. This includes evaluating the impact of the intervention and factors that may influence task-shifting and quality of implementation in low resource settings.

No Yes

Mental Health Disparities in Asian American young children

Asian American children are at greater risk for anxiety and depression problems compared to other racial/ethnic groups. Although numerous prevention and intervention programs have been developed to address these childhood mental health problems and are relevant to Asian American population, these have not been utilized or disseminated in Asian American families. This project focuses on the translational research gaps (applies mixed-method design) and identify possible strategies to improve dissemination and implementation of interventions in Asian American communities and service settings.

No Yes

Huang, Keng-Yen

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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EM Talk

Emergency physicians set the trajectory of care when such patients come to the ED. Preparing this largely ignored, yet important, physician group with the communication skills to engage patients and families at the end of life in goals of care conversations would enable them to successfully transition such patients to comfort care. This project will involve qualitative interviews with physicians to explore how the training has changed their practice patterns and communication with patients and families, as well as a randomized controlled trial of communication training to assess its impact on the quality of communication, as well as measures of health care utilization (admission to the ICU, intubation and other life-prolonging procedures).

Yes Yes

ED-Initiated Palliative Care Consultation

Emergency Physicians can play a unique role in connecting patients to palliative and supportive care that prioritizes symptom management and quality of life, and ensures treatments match the patients’ goals of care. We propose expanding our trial to four sites and to a range of chronic diseases, based on our pilot data that demonstrates ED-based palliative care can improve quality of life, decrease ICU admissions, and even lengthen survival.

Yes Yes

Grudzen, Corita

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Promoting Adherence to Sleep Apnea Treatment among Blacks with


This proposal will test the effectiveness of a tailored telephone intervention in increasing adherence to recommended sleep apnea assessment and treatment among black patients at high risk for sleep apnea. No Yes

Program to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Cardiovascular Health Related Research (CVD PRIDE)

The aim of this project is to establish an Institute for training and mentoring underrepresented minority scientists and those with disabilities by enhancing their research skills. The institute will be administratively and conceptually housed within the Brooklyn Health Disparities Research Center (BHDRC) and will benefit from the experience gained from the existing Summer Institute Program to Increase Diversity (SIPID) at the Center. The goal of the Center is to reduce health related disparities in minorities and immigrants in Brooklyn, New York and to increase diversity among the ranks of scientists towards alleviating health disparities.

Yes No

Program to Increase Diversity in Faculty Engaged in Behavioral and

Sleep Medicine

The Behavioral Medicine and Sleep Disorders Training Institute will train, mentor, and sustain a network of 36 minority faculty committed to developing research programs in behavioral and sleep medicine. Yes No

Chronic Moderate Sleep Restriction in Older Long and Older Average Sleepers

The aims of this expansion of HL71560 are: (1) to examine the ability of older long sleepers and older average sleepers to adhere to 60 min TIB restriction; and (2) to contrast effects of 12 weeks of 60 min TIB restriction on health-related measures in older long vs. average sleepers. The study should also provide genotyping and qualitative information about habits/beliefs about sleep in these groups.

No Yes

Tailored Sleep Health Education: A Community Engaged Approach

This study responds to the NHLBI’s PAR-11-098, aiming to develop education tools and platforms to promote the transfer of sleep health information to blacks to foster adoption of healthful sleep practices.

No Yes

Brooklyn Health Disparities Center: Maximizing Sleep Apnea Treatment at the Community Level to Reduce CVD

Risks among Blacks

The Brooklyn Health Disparities Center proposes to extend a unique partnership between a community based organization, a medical center, and a government agency to address health disparities in Brooklyn by: training community members to participate in research and policy-making; developing community-engaged projects; and increasing the presence of underrepresented minorities entering the health field. Yes

Jean-Louis, Girardin

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Family Based Dental Health Promotion in the Sikh Community

UNITED SIKHS, a Project RICE community partner, received an award from the DentaQuest Foundation’s National Community Committee (NCC) Oral Health Initiative to address dental health promotion in Sikh South Asian communities in New York City and New Jersey. With this award, UNITED SIKHS, the NYU PRC, and the NYU College of Dentistry will collaborate to conduct a descriptive study on dental health in the Sikh South Asian communities of New York City and New Jersey and to build the capacity of these communities to address dental health issues. Findings from the descriptive study will be used to integrate a family-based dental health intervention component into the existing Project RICE diabetes intervention study.

Yes Yes


MARHABA (Muslim Americans Reaching for Health And Building Alliances), is a two-year research study designed to understand beliefs and practices regarding breast and cervical cancer screening among a diverse group of Muslim women in New York City using a qualitative, community-engaged approach. Study findings will inform the development of a large-scale social marketing campaign to increase breast and cervical cancer screening among Muslim women.

Yes Yes

Project RICE

Project RICE (Reaching Immigrants through Community Empowerment) is the core research project of the NYU PRC grant. RICE is a community-driven initiative to promote diabetes prevention among Korean American and South Asian American immigrants in New York City using a community health worker (CHW) model approach. The project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is conducted in partnership with local health providers and community and faith-based organizations. The purpose of Project RICE is to improve knowledge, increase preventive health behaviors, and increase access to health care services among Korean and South Asian Americans who are at risk for diabetes.

Yes Yes

Dream ProjectDREAM Project (Diabetes Research, Education, and Action for Minorities) is a community health worker intervention designed to improve diabetes management among Bangladeshi immigrants with uncontrolled Type II diabetes in New York City.

Yes Yes


Using a faith- and community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach, the OASIS Project seeks to elucidate the behavioral, social and cultural mechanisms that link stress, obesity, and obesity-related behaviors and disease in South Asian populations in New York City (NYC) and to adapt a faith-based intervention for health promotion and disease prevention in these communities

Yes Yes

Islam, Nadia

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Longitudinal Study of Trauma, HIV Risk, and Criminal Justice Involvement

The purpose of this project is to conduct a secondary data analysis study to measure the effect of childhood trauma on HIV-related substance use and sex risk and criminal justice involvement, mediating effects of psychopathology, and moderating effects of social support in the United States. We will conduct this secondary data analysis using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), a study of more than 20,000 adolescents followed into adulthood. Potential Tasks/Responsibilities:• Perform literature reviews• Data analysis• Manuscript preparation

Yes Yes

Relationship Disruption during Incarceration and HIV Risk in African American Men

This study seeks to evaluate the hypothesis that dissolution of stable intimate relationships during prison incarceration elevates HIV sexual risk behavior and drug use among HIV-negative African American male inmates upon their release. Potential Tasks/Responsibilities:• Perform literature reviews• Data management and analysis• Manuscript preparation

Yes Yes

Khan, Maria

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Development and Acceptability Evaluation of a Novel STI/HIV Prevention Intervention for Couples Affected by Incarceration

This project aims to adapt Project CONNECT -- a couples-level HIV prevention intervention focused on strengthening relationship ties and communication while also building skills in problem solving and safer sex negotiation – for couples affected by incarceration (CONNECT III). We aim to conduct key informant interviews with Connecticut Department of Correction (CTDOC) staff to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of implementing CONNECT III in the prison setting. We also aim to pilot test CONNECT III among male inmates in the CTDOC and their community-dwelling female partners. Potential Tasks/Responsibilities:• Assist in key informant interviews with the CTDOC staff• Assist in piloting CONNECT III among inmates and their partners• Assist in conducting semi-structured interviews to assess acceptability and feasibility of CONNECT III among inmates and their partners

Yes Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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An Interactive E-Health Program to Promote Health Behaviors

Among Cancer Survivors

This study will develop and pilot test an interactive e-health behavior change tool that clinicians can give to patients recently completing cancer treatment that will provide: a) Information about the benefits of healthy lifestyle behaviors in survivorship and b) Evidence-based strategies for making desired behavior changes.

Yes Yes

Practice Models to Meet the Tobacco Cessation Needs of VA

Cancer Patients

this study will fulfill two main objectives: 1) Develop a risk communication tool to enhance clinical cessation interventions and educate cancer patients about risks associated with continued tobacco use and 2) Conduct a randomized pilot study (best practices vs. best practices + targeted risk communication) among tobacco-dependent Veterans receiving outpatient cancer care. This pilot study will provide preliminary data on motivation to quit, tobacco cessation outcomes, and patient acceptability in the Veteran cancer population and test the hypothesis that targeted risk communication will increase motivation to quit.

Yes Yes

Krebs, Paul

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health for Asian Americans (REACH FAR) program

The objective of this CDC-funded project is to prevent cardiovascular disease in Asian Americans living in the New York/ New Jersey metropolitan area by increasing access to healthy foods and culturally tailored health coaching efforts to improve high blood pressure management. REACH FAR will partner with local community-based organizations to implement several key strategies to fight high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease in Asian American communities -- specifically the Asian Indian, Bangladeshi, Korean and Filipino communities. These strategies include working closely with: 1. Faith-based organizations to improve nutrition of its members by serving healthier foods during communal meals; 2. Asian American restaurants to offer healthy menu options to its customers; 3. Asian American grocery and corner stores to ensure the availability of healthy foods; and 4. The NYC Department of Health to offer health coaching efforts in faith-based organizations to improve high blood pressure management among its Asian American congregants.

Yes Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Asian America Community Health Resource and Needs

Assessments (CHRNAs)

CSAAH is undertaking a second round of Community Health Resources and Needs Assessments (CHRNAs) in 2013-2015. First administered in low-income Asian American communities in NYC between the years 2004-2006, the purpose of the CHRNA surveys is three-fold: 1) to determine existing health issues in Asian American communities in NYC; 2) to determine resources available to Asian Americans; and 3) to determine best approaches to meet the needs of these communities. This second round of surveys will allow us to assess population changes (especially the increasing diversity of Asian subgroups in metro NY and new emerging populations), population health improvements, and changes in risk and protective factors in the last decade. Working closely with community-based partners, CSAAH will use a venue-based approach to ensure that we reach underserved and hard-to-reach immigrant populations and collect representative data on these communities. A total of 1,000 surveys will be collected in diverse Asian American communities including, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Tibetan, Nepali, and Bangladeshi. Responsibilities: • Perform data collection, entry, and analysis• Conduct analysis and develop reports/manuscripts on Round 1 CHRNA data • Attend outreach and screening events (may include some weekends and evening hours) • Recruit community survey participants • Administer community-based surveys • Assist in the translation of documents • Participate in community forums and health education trainings

Patient-Centered Approaches to Diagnosing Coronary Heart


The specific aims of this grant involve developing patient-centered approaches to diagnosing CHD that improve diagnostic accuracy, reduce unnecessary testing and radiation exposure, and incorporate the impact of false-positive stress test results on patients’ anxiety, perception of illness, and quality of life.

Yes Yes

Project Specific Qualifications: • Commitment to working in

underserved immigrant communities in NYC

• Bilingual in at least one of the following Asian languages

preferred: Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tagalog,

Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian

Kwon, Simona

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial Of Financial Incentives Versus Usual Care

For Smokers Hospitalized In The Veterans Affairs Hospital


The goal of this proposal is to advance understanding of effective strategies to promote smoking cessation among hospitalized patients. We will determine whether financial incentives improve use of evidence-based therapies and increase smoking cessation rates in this population.

Yes Yes

Statistical Methods for Complex Survival Date in Biomedical


This study will explore two general classes of semiparametric models, the transformal model and the accelerated failure time model, for analyizing complex survival data. The broad, long-term objections of this research are to develop new statistical methodology for the analysis of complex survival data from both epidemiological studies and clinical trials.

No No

Integration and Evaluation of Pooled Cancer Studies with


This project will investigate the novel use of penalty regularization ideas to handle heterogeneity in pooled cancer studies. The goals are to identify important cancer risk factors in pooled cancer studies while accommodating heterogeneity, and to delineate the homogeneous and heterogeneous structure of predictors in pooled studies

NoYes (must be quantitatively


Time-Variant Effects of Cancer Risk Factors in Nested Case-

Control Studies

This research project proposes to develop statistical models and inference approaches to accommodating and characterizing temporal effects of cancer risk factors for nested case-control studies. No

Yes (must be quantitatively


McNeely, JenniferScreening for Substance Use with Computer Assisted Self

Interview in Primary Care

This study explores an innovative approach to improving rates of substance use screening in primary care, a major impediment to which has been the lack of a brief instrument that can accurately and efficiently identify patients with unhealthy substance use behaviors. The widely accepted and validated “Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is too lengthy for the typical medical visit, and greatly under-utilized as a result. The study will adapt the ASSIST, which was designed and validated to be administered as an in-person interview, to an audio guided computer-assisted self interview (ACASI) that patients can complete prior to their medical visit.

No Yes

Liu, Mengling

Ladapo, Joseph

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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The purpose of this study is to develop a tool to assess patient reported experiences of discrimination in the inpatient setting. The goal of the tool is to promote equity for vulnerable populations within healthcare organizations. Our study is designed to collect information from recently discharged patients on their experiences, both positive and negative, to get a better understanding of how we can make patients from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and comfortable when receiving inpatient care.

Yes (looking for bilingual Spanish


Yes (looking for bilingual Spanish


Racial Differences in Patient-Provider Communication and

Medication Adherence(MedChat)

The goal of this career development award is to develop theoretical and methodological expertise in patient-provider communication to facilitate the candidate's development into a leader in research to improve patient-provider communication with an emphasis on its relation to health disparities in patients with chronic disease.

No Yes

Ayudando Latinos Hipertensos para Mejorar Adherencia a los

Medicamentos (ALMA)/ Helping Hypertensive Latinos to

Improve Medication Adherence

This project will evaluate the effect of a practice-based adherence intervention (AI) vs. usual care (UC) on medication adherence in 148 high-risk Latino patients with uncontrolled HTN. Yes (looking for

bilingual Spanish candidates)

Yes (looking for bilingual Spanish


Schoenthaler, Antoinette

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Preventing Diabetes Mellitus through Panel Management


This cluster-randomized trial of panel managment support for primary care teams at the VA aims to reduce the incidence of Type 2 DM among the many veterans with Pre-DM. Panel Management Assistants will join intervention teams to systematically identify the cohort at risk and provide outreach to patients between visits.

YesYes (must be quantitatively


Incidence and Predictors of DM among Veterans with Pre-DM

This epidemiologic study will examine a retrospective cohort of veterans from 2004-2012 to determine predictors of DM among patients at risk with pre-DM (HgbA1C of 5.7-6.4%)

YesYes (must be quantitatively


Improving Adherence to Smoking Cessation Medication


This study will provide new information about the impact of an innovative approach to tobacco cessation that addresses barriers that may make it harder for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to quit. Yes Yes

Implementing Tobacco Use Treatment Guidelines in Dental

Public Health Clinics

Despite the existence of effective treatments to support smoking cessation, cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Dental public health clinics afford a unique and relatively untapped opportunity to help those patients most in need of smoking cessation services. This study will test models of care that have promise to increase adoption and implementation of tobacco cessation clinical practice guideline into routine dental practice, an essential step toward achieving national health.

Yes Yes

Feasiblity of electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation intervention

We will be conducting a pilot study comparing e-cigs to e-cig placebo to assess feasibilty of recruitment, retention, acceptability and preliminary cessation rates at 3 and 6 months

Yes Yes

Schwartz, Mark

Shelley, Donna

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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AED Adherence, Depression and Quality of Life in Chinese

Patients with Epilepsy

The specific aims of this pilot study are: (1) to conduct qualitative and quantitative data collection to examine the effects of clinical, behavioral, cultural and psychosocial factors on antiepileptic drug (AED) adherence, depression and quality of life in Chinese epilepsy patients; and (2) to translate and culturally tailor intervention content for a smartphone-based self-management intervention. There are opportunities for students who are fluent in Mandarin and/or Cantonese to recruit Chinese epilepsy patients, collect data (via focus groups, individual interviews, self-report questionnaires), analyze data, and help adapt intervention content for this patient population.

Yes Yes

Spruill, TanyaPerseverative Cognitions:

Assessment & Associations with Stress, Sleep and BP

More than 28% of the U.S. population has hypertension (HTN), which continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Psychological stress increases HTN risk, and understanding the mechanisms involved may lead to improved interventions. This study utilizes ecological momentary assessment methodology to examine the effects of stressful events and stress-related thoughts on sleep and blod pressure. Participants use electronic diaries and ambulatory sleep and blood pressure monitoring devices for two weeks of their routine daily lives. The long-term goal of this work is to identify ecologically valid, individual-level predictors of impaired sleep and blood pressure elevation and to develop tailored, technology-supported interventions to improve these outcomes. The findings of this study will also be broadly applicable to the design of investigations of other health effects of stress.

Yes Yes

Tofighi, Babak

Mobile phone messaging to support linkage to addiction treatment among inpatient

detoxification program patients

The study will pilot an interactive text messaging tool to help patients admitted to the inpatient detoxification program at Bellevue Hospital with evidence-based strategies to maintain sobriety and enter primary care based addiction treatment services

Yes Yes

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Trinh-Shevrin, ChauNYU Health Promotion and

Prevention Research Center - NOPREN

NOPREN (NYU Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network) this collaborating center is one of six CDC-funded centers across the nation. It is a multidisciplinary, comprehensive research center that coordinates, develops, and disseminates evidence-based multilevel policy recommendations to address nutrition and obesity prevention for racial and ethnic minorities in urban settings. NOPREN unites NYU and its community and government partners to conduct research and evaluation projects to inform policy development. NOPREN partners are preparing a cohesive set of policy recommendations building on existing research on nutrition and obesity prevention in New York City and State. By evaluating existing policies with a focus on racial and ethnic minorities, NOPREN tailors its recommendations to improve the availability and accessibility of healthy food in diverse communities.

NYU Health Promotion and Prevention Research Center -


PRC (Prevention Research Center) its mission is to use a community health worker (CHW) model approach in diverse communities to build community capacity and leadership for health promotion and disease prevention. A multidisciplinary collaboration across NYU and a coalition of community partners, the PRC is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) network of Prevention Research Centers, which brings academic researchers, community members, and public health agencies together to conduct prevention research and promote the wide use of practices proven to promote good health.

Yes, but need to also contact Brian Elbel and Courtney Abrams to

review potential projects as they oversee NOPREN

Yes, but need to contact Nadia Islam and Smiti Kapadia re: specific internship opportunities under the

Training, Community Engagement & Outreach, and Policy Cores.

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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NYU Health Promotion and Prevention Research Center -


Project RICE (Reaching Immigrants through Community Empowerment) is the core research project of the NYU PRC grant. RICE is a community-driven initiative to promote diabetes prevention among Korean American and South Asian American immigrants in New York City using a community health worker (CHW) model approach. The project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is conducted in partnership with local health providers and community and faith-based organizations. The purpose of Project RICE is to improve knowledge, increase preventive health behaviors, and increase access to health care services among Korean and South Asian Americans who are at risk for diabetes.

NYU Health Promotion and Prevention Research Center -


MARHABA (Muslim Americans Reaching for Health And Building Alliances), is a two-year research study designed to understand beliefs and practices regarding breast and cervical cancer screening among a diverse group of Muslim women in New York City using a qualitative, community-engaged approach. Study findings will inform the development of a large-scale social marketing campaign to increase breast and cervical cancer screening among Muslim women.

Yes, but need to contact Nadia Islam and Shilpa Pata re: specific internship opportunities under


Trinh-Chevrin, Chau

Yes, but need to contact Nadia Islam and Jennifer Zanowiak re: specific internship opportunities

under the Research Core and Project RICE.

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Mental Health Project (NYU Center for the Study of Asian

American Health)

As a key scientific focus area of our Center, we wish to address mental health disparities by (1) examining the current literature and (2) performing a detailed analysis on the data that has been collected within our Center, taking care to disaggregate findings by Asian group. The main deliverable of this project is to assist in the development of one or more publications/reports related to mental health among Asian American subgroups in New York City.

Responsibilities:• Perform literature reviews on mental health among Asian American subgroups• Assist with data entry and data cleaning as needed• Perform statistical analysis of data, focusing on mental health components• Develop manuscript sections specific to mental health among Asian American subgroups• Develop documents and reports related to mental health

NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health

Asian American subgroups have specific health challenges compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Specifically, research has found that there are mental health disparities among Asian Americans. As a key scientific focus area of our Center, we wish to address mental health disparities by (1) examining the current literature and (2) performing a detailed analysis on the data that has been collected within our Center, taking care to disaggregate findings by Asian group. The main deliverable of this project is to assist in the development of one or more publications/reports related to mental health among Asian American subgroups in New York City.

Yes, but need to contact Nadia Islam for the OASIS Project; Mei Fu for the Lymphedema project; and

Simona Kwon for Community Engagement/Research

Training/Research Cores.

Project Specific Qualifications: • A strong interest in mental health

and mental health disparities• Data software experience (SPSS,

SAS preferred)

Trinh-Shevrin, Chau

Available Student Research Opportunities in the Department of Population Health

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Exploring cutpoints for overweight and obesity in Asian


Alternative cutpoints for defining overweight and obesity have been suggested by the World Health Organizations for Asians, but the utility in Asian Americans and in specific Asian subgroups (East vs. South Asian) is unknown. The objective of this project would be to determine body mass index cutpoints in Asian American patients that are longitudinally associated with outcomes/endpoints by conducting secondary data analysis on NYU systems electronic health record data.

No Yes

Mortality and disease risk associated with potassium and

fruit and vegetable intake

To assist with scans of the literature to assess the impact of increasing potassium and/or fruit and vegetable intakes.

Yes No

Physical activity in Chinese Americans

Conduct systematic review to understand physical activity patterns in Chinese American adults

Yes No

Yi, Stella

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