autonomy - issue 3

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Autonomy - Issue 3


    Issue #3 Winter 2013

    Higher education workers strike

    AUTONOMYAUTONOMYAUTONOMYA Scott ish newssheet for socia l change f rom below

    The 31st October saw joint strike

    action from UCU, Unison and

    Unite in universities across the

    UK. This was in response to a

    real term pay cut of 13% after

    five years of a pay freeze. It wasalso in opposition to the culture

    of low pay and zero hours con-

    tracts which employers seek to

    normalize and extend, forever

    reforming higher education to

    suit profit.

    Striking workers succeeded in

    seriously disrupting the running

    of the universities. In Edinburgh

    University, staff were well sup-

    ported by students picketing sev-

    eral buildings throughout the

    campus. Students played a gameof shutting the Old College gates,

    the security staff having to re-

    peatedly open them. At the li-

    brary, we urged others not to use

    the building to support those on


    At Glasgow University, manage-

    ment were forced to shut down

    the library. Cleaners were out on

    the picket from 5am, there was a

    large gathering of strikers at

    the main gate and smaller

    pickets elsewhere. Unite even

    brought along Scabby the gi-

    ant rat.

    Not just lecturers but every-one who runs the university,

    from caretakers to caterers,

    were out and this made it par-

    ticularly important. A one day

    strike is unlikely to be enough

    to force a major rethink from

    employers. For that day

    though many of us felt an un-

    usual sense of control over the

    campus. It fostered new ties

    between staff and students.

    And if it was sometimes diffi-

    cult trying to convince some

    students and even other work-

    ers not to cross picket lines, the

    strike itself was an education inclass solidarity.

    We want to see this as the first

    of more industrial action, to

    build on militancy and turn up

    the heat. A big part of this is

    to make UCUs work-to-

    contract, which began on 1st

    November, a success.





    & anti-racist


    Veteran black

    panthers visit


    Events and

    groups around

    the country

    Glasgow feminists protest for reproductive rights


    what happened?

    Every now and again, Glasgow

    sees the small pro-life lobby

    come out of the woodwork. On

    Thursday 24th October, they

    planned a vigil in George Square

    and then a torch-lit procession to

    St Andrews Cathedral. In

    response, feminists and allies

    decided their own get-together to

    argue the case for womens control

    over their own bodies. They easily

    outnumbered anti-abortionists,

    and produced loads of excellent

    signs, slogans and chantsKeep

    you rosaries off my ovaries!.

    Womens access to abortion along

    with other reproductive rights

    remain a massive issue here and

    around the world. We only need to

    read the traumatic stories of

    women in neighbouring Ireland,

    where abortion is restricted.

    Those who campaign against

    choice need to be opposed.

    The counter-demonstration was

    organised and led by self-

    identifying women, who made up

    the majority, and male allies

    supported. Hopefully well see

    more like it.

    Thanks to

    for the picture.

  • 8/14/2019 Autonomy - Issue 3


    Floaker in AFed Glasgow draws

    lessons from the industrial

    dispute, lock-out and threatened

    closure of the Grangemouthpetrochemical plant and refinery

    last October.

    There has been a lot of speculation

    about how ready and willing workers

    at Grangemouth have been to take

    industrial action. Looking at the

    actions of the Ineos bosses, Unite the

    Union, and the politicians we can

    start to see how much of these three

    groups vested interests are tied up in

    making sure workers on the groundare given the thin edge of the wedge.

    First, Ineos themselves - as expected

    from the bosses - have been lying

    through their teeth. On one hand

    they have claimed the site is making

    a loss, though when the economic

    analyst Richard Murphy looked

    through their books he was stunned

    to find they were

    7million in the black

    while at the same

    time the costs to the

    company for site

    assets and a public

    loan they were paying

    back have been

    written off. Money

    from the site is also

    being moved into an

    offshore tax haven.

    All of this makes the future of

    Grangemouth look hugely profitable.

    The only other way Ineos can

    squeeze more money out of the plantwould be to cut staffing costs and

    benefits, and that is just what they

    are doing.

    Michael Connarty, the Labour MP

    who covers Grangemouth, claimed

    on the BBC's Daily Politics show

    that Unite had been "conned and

    that it was "quite clear [Ineos]

    prepared for this conflict quite well".

    However, the workers of

    Grangemouth have not beenoutsmarted by their bosses as much

    as they have been ill-represented by

    the Unite bureaucracy and their

    tired and predictable way of reacting

    to negotiations. The union's

    willingness to keep the peace by

    giving a three year no-strike deal

    means the bosses can do what they

    want for that time with no real way

    for workers to come back at them;

    that is unless the workers take the

    decision to act outside of Unite's

    hands and back into their own.

    Some have claimed that rank-and-file

    action may not have been possible,

    but if that's the case then it raises

    the question of how the workforce got

    into that state, and what was the

    union's role in creating this

    situation? Back in 2000, workers atGrangemouth were striking in

    solidarity with truckers blockading

    the plant as part of the fuel price

    protests, then again in 2009

    hundreds of Grangemouth workers

    took wildcat strike action to stand

    shoulder-to-shoulder with striking oil

    refinery workers at Lindsey. Have

    they really

    given up this

    strong will to

    fight in justfour short

    years? Or

    have Unite

    (and the

    other trade

    unions) been

    quick to

    dampen any

    militancy in

    an attempt to show the bosses that

    they are in control of militancy and

    keep their own slice of the pie?

    However, The Scotsmanreported

    that 665 workers did notsign the

    survival plan agreement, indicating

    that workers on the shop floor are

    still up for a fight. How has Ineos

    reacted? They are going to sack these

    workers and have them rehired as

    new employees, putting them on

    contracts with lower pensions than

    those who where forced into giving in.

    Those who did sign the contract will

    also get a sweetener of between2,500 and 15,000. Unite, rather

    than fighting this blatant attack to

    divide the workforce, had already

    tied their hands in preparation by

    signing that no-strike agreement

    and are complicit in worsening

    conditions for its members and

    breaking the bonds of solidarity

    between different workers. It is

    clear that they have no interest in

    protecting the working class, just so

    long as they get their place at the

    bosses table.

    Over in Holyrood, the SNP have

    been only too willing to play into

    the hands of the bosses, giving

    Ineos support in the calls for

    compromise to be reached. The

    thought that a Scottish government

    (either further devolved or fullyindependent of Westminster) will be

    any friendlier to workers, the

    unemployed or anyone else is an

    assertion without any backing. The

    state will always behave in the

    interests of the state. Holding hope

    that someone else can fix things for

    us is only going to lead to half-

    measures and disappointment. It is

    only by building up our ability to

    take action together at the heart of

    the problem that will give us anyreal measure control of our lives.

    The way in which the unions and

    the politicians have behaved is not

    the victory for common sense that is

    being billed; it is a stitch-up

    against all of us as a class. Bosses

    are pitting worker against worker

    while the trade unions and

    politicians are only too happy for

    this to happen as long as their

    power remains intact. The people on

    the shop floor know their business

    better than anyone else. We should

    learn the lessons from past fights

    such as the 2009 Lindsey strikes

    where worker stood in solidarity

    with worker and won the

    reinstatement of 698 workers and

    an agreement of no retaliation from

    the bosses: a victory through shared

    struggle. By helping to empower

    one another by showing support

    when action is called for we can

    take a degree of power forourselves, and to hell with the

    bosses, union bureaucrats and

    politicians who stand in our


    Grangemouth: the rank-and-file against the world


    The union's willingness to keep the

    peace by giving a three year no-strike

    deal means the bosses can do what

    they want ... unless the workers take

    the decision to act outside of Unite's

    hands and back into their own.

  • 8/14/2019 Autonomy - Issue 3



    Veteran black panthers visit Scotland

    On 6th October, JoNina Abron

    Ervin and Lorenzo Komboa Ervin,

    two long-time grassroots organisers

    from the United States and former

    Black Panthers, kicked off their

    speaking tour of the UK at

    Edinburgh University. They spoke

    on the subject of The Rise of the

    Ku Klux Klan, new confederacy

    movements and the anti-racist

    movement for this period to an

    audience of nearly 100, standing

    room only. The following day they

    travelled to Glasgow for another

    packed talk this time on the

    1960s/70s US black power


    In the Edinburgh talk, Lorenzo

    gave background on the history of

    the three rises of the Ku Klux Klan,

    and both he and JoNina spoke

    about the recent mobilisation

    against them in Memphis,

    Tennessee. JoNina told us about Ida

    B. Wells, a pioneering investigative

    journalist who visited the UK in

    1893 and 1894 to raise awareness of

    lynchings in the United States. In

    her memory JoNina and Lorenzo

    introduced the new Ida B. Wells

    Coalition Against Racism and Police

    Brutality, and invited groups in the

    UK to join.

    Lorenzo and JoNina are both

    founding members of the Black

    Autonomy Federationbased in

    Memphis, promoting class-based

    grassroots anti-authoritarian

    struggle, self-determination for the

    Black community and autonomy and

    liberation for the oppressed world-

    wide. You can like them on facebook.

    JoNina is the author ofDriven by

    the Movement: Activists of the

    Black Power Era, and Lorenzo

    is the author ofAnarchism and

    the Black Revolution.

    Edinburgh dayschool: building working class resistance

    to capitalism and racism

    Edinburgh Anarchist Federationinvite

    you to a day of discussion on

    contemporary anarchist and

    communist strategy and organisation.

    Focussing on practical experience of

    organising above abstract theory we

    want as many people as possible to

    come together on November 30th.

    In the aftermath of the largest

    economic crisis in decades and the

    collapse across the world of the

    legitimacy and membership of social-

    democratic parties, the opportunity

    should exist for a re-emergence of the

    communist movement. Despite this, we

    remain marginal, disorganised and

    lacking in strategic direction. The left

    remains in thrall to outdated ideas and

    tactics unable to adapt to current

    conditions, to offer any effective

    opposition to neoliberal attacks or build

    the organisations

    necessary for working

    class power andautonomy.

    Too often self-described

    revolutionaries and

    communists meet only to

    discuss abstract theories

    or to analyse historical

    events, divorced from any

    material relation to

    current struggles in the

    UK, and unwilling to

    consider new

    organisational methods. This

    gathering aims to be different. Wewant to discuss practically how we

    create a culture of resistance and

    organisation in our own workplaces

    and communities, to smash the

    growing threat of fascism and racism

    from the EDL to the UKBA.

    Though we remain weak at present,

    reasons for optimism do exist, from

    the wave of spontaneous workplace

    occupations and wildcat strikes in

    2009 to the student movement of

    2010, the arrival of the anti-fascist

    network as a serious, militantalternative to the UAF, the

    innovation of the pop-up union at

    Sussex university and the growth ofsolidarity networks. We want to draw

    out the successes and failures of

    these nascent formations and

    consider where we go from here. Do

    these ideas offer the basis for a new

    workers movement or another dead

    end? We invite everyone who opposes

    capitalism and fascism to present any

    ideas and discuss the future of our


    Lineup to be confirmed. Contact

    @ScotAFed for more information.

  • 8/14/2019 Autonomy - Issue 3


    Autonomyis produced byAnarchist Federation (AFed) Scot-

    land. It aims to promote and link

    together campaigns that empower

    working class people and that

    challenge capitalism and irrational

    systems of power. We want to re-

    port on positive, inspirational ex-

    amples of struggle but also storieswhich motivate us to act. We will

    focus on things happening in Scot-

    land and also report on events in

    Britain, and around the world.

    Upcoming Events

    The Anarchist Federation organises for social

    change through solidarity, direct democracy

    and direct action. We have groups and

    members across Scotland including Dundee,

    Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.

    Meadbowbank Sports Centre, 7pm.

    24th November: STUC St Andrews Day

    Anti-Racism march and rally. Assemble:10.30am at Glasgow Green. Rally at 12

    noon at the Glasgow Film Theatre, RoseStreet.

    26th November: Glasgow Reclaim the

    Night 2013. Assemble 6pm at BotanicGardens entrance. March off 6.30pm toSTUC.

    30th November: AFed Edinburghs

    dayschool Building working class resistance

    to capitalism and racism. The Pleasance,9.30am-5.30pm.

    2nd December: start of the Week ofAction to Stop Workfare and Sanctions.

    Watch out for protests against workfare in

    1st November:UCU members start work-to-contract.

    6th November: Day of action against depleteduranium weapons. Dundrennan Range,

    Kirkcudbright. 12.30pm.

    10th November: IWW Scottish Assembly, Stirlingfrom 11am-6pm. For members and radicals in

    education, health, call-centres etc. Contact theIWW below fore more info.

    10th November: Scottish Education WorkersNetwork, a sub-meeting of the IWWs Scottish

    Assembly, 3pm-5.30pm.

    11th November: IWW Edinburghs AGM, at theAutonomous Centre of Edinburgh from 7pm.

    20th November: Trade unions: in whose

    interests do they act?, AFed Glasgow talk and

    discussion. Fred Paton Centre, 19 CarringdonStreet, Glasgow. 6.45pm-9pm.

    22nd November: Public meeting: Edinburgh CityCouncil to cut 36 million next year: what are the

    alternatives? organized by local anti-cuts groups.


    Glasgow Solidarity

    Edinburgh Private Tenants Action


    Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

    Scottish Education Workers Network


    Call Centre Workers Network


    Edinburgh Coalition against

    Contribute your article or

    let us know about a

    grassroots initiative!

    Get involvedWest Glasgow against Poverty (WestGAP)

    Unity Centre


    Glasgow Feminist CollectiveSearch on facebook!

    Hollaback! Edimburgh

    Social Centres

    Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh

    Disability rights

    Black Triangle


    Anti-cuts & Bedroom Tax

    Edinburgh Anti-Cuts


    Greater Leith against the Cuts

    On facebook

    For regular updates on Glasgow events,

    subscribe to:

    facebook com afed scotlandScot Fed

    afed org uk scotland

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