autoabode report by chanchal sharma (76),mb

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Live Project Report


Submitted By Submitted to Name - Chanchal Sharma Faculty- Praveen Malik Roll No. - 76Section - MBSpecialization - Marketing Batch - 2015-2017



I offer my sincere thanks to Mr. Praveen Malik for his valuable suggestions and guidance to complete this project. He has motivated me a lot during my work on this project and always helped me whenever I approached him with any query.



I Chanchal Sharma bonafide student of PGDM in NDIM would like to declare that the Live Project report done with Top Rankers submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the college is my original work.



Signature of the candidate.

Signature of faculty Mentor

(Mr. Praveen Malik)



CONTENT Page no.

1 Executive Summary 5-72 Introduction of company 8-12

3 Mission & Vision 13

4 Department of work 14

5 Details of job handled 15-16

6 Learning’s 17

7 Suggestions for company 188 Annexure 19-25

9 Bibliography 26


Executive Summary3D printing and additive manufacturing are on the peak of inflated expectations. Rapid reduction in the cost of 3D printers, increase in accuracy, increase in the variety of supporting material, and expiration of critical patents provide a context for accelerating innovation and application of this emergent technology with various sectors using additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Industrial 3D printing (additive manufacturing) is on the way to change production lines and value chains. Functions like tooling and welding became obsolete and small production lines have been replaced. In health and dentistry the dynamic is highest. In the long run, additive manufacturing enables a shift from mass production to mass customization. Several fields are currently applying additive manufacturing. Consumer 3D printing by private makers is in its infancy. So further development is embedded in the context of a sharing and crowd-based community and new business models have been developed. In the medium term consumer 3D printing in ‘fab labs’ has a promising potential for technical learning, urban development and co-working in craftsmanship and creativity sectors. As can be expected, implications for the labor market and for regional development will take place but the intensity and direction is open depending on application strategies, new business models and regulation. Technical innovation in additive manufacturing and 3D printing is speeding up and supported by European programs. The social aspect, consequences for the labor market and the work flow, new business models need further research and development. Additive manufacturing and consumer 3D printing develop in different contexts. Intellectual property right is the key conflict. The link between 3D printing in industry and ‘fab labs’ is promising for technical learning, customer driven innovation, and urban development but so far there are very few examples that make use of this potential. It is important to emphasize that both additive manufacturing and open innovation, together with open source innovation and 3D printing, are not stand-alone technologies or innovation strategies but are embedded and need to be approached from a broader, comprehensive context of change. This also calls for better and more firmly incorporating social and societal


aspects in the innovation process; innovation as such is not sufficient to cope with the big societal challenges successfully. Open source innovation and 3D printing offer ample opportunities for renewing the regional base by creating new potential links between local activities and global production networks. They provide not only the opportunity of starting new business activities but they also give new inspiration for reshaping regional innovation strategies.


Introduction of autoAbode ltd.Think, Create and Procreate these 3 words are enough that tells this company is the house of innovators and creative thinkers.

Founded in 2014, headquarters in Australia & operations in India & USA, autoAbode opens new horizons by launching its robust & user friendly 3d printer - Duper Pro.

Yes, the company is in the business of “3D printing” or “Additive Manufacturing” that takes digital input in the form of Computer Aided Design (CAD) model and creates solid, three dimensional parts through an additive, layer by layer process.



How exactly a 3D printer works:


The company can make numerous type of products, the best thing about 3D printing that it’s flexible enough to produce almost anything whether it’s plastic, wooden, metal, rubber products and etc. Also 3D printing can be used in almost of sectors whether it’s medical, education, defense you name it.


3D Printing industry will see a rise in job opportunities and applications. Wohlers Report 2014, the worldwide 3D printing industry is now expected to grow from $3.07B in revenue in 2013 to $12.8B by 2018, and exceed $21B in worldwide revenue by 2020.

Overall this company’s future is bright and it has a great road ahead which will see great success as this, 3 printing is the NEXT BIG THING.


Mission and VisionThe company’s vision is to become an enabler and help the 3d printing ecosystem to grow and evolve. For making this a reality, The company make partners across the globe, host an array of 3d printing services, make new material accessible to printers and work towards a goal of providing an End-to-End solution.

Our aim is to make it easier, affordable and more accessible than ever before to turn your ideas into a reality with the power of 3d printing.


Department of Work I was working in Digital Brand Management – SEO, Social media and Email marketing.

I had to promote company on social media platform – Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube etc.

Also got the opportunity to be the company’s content writer and blogging about the company’s 3D printer and its services.

Plus Email marketing and Data handling work made work more interesting and working in all these areas made sure that 6 weeks of internship never felt that there is repetition of work and that enhanced the job involvement.

SEO – search engine optimization, this was the main task to do it and make sure that whenever someone searches about 3D printing or about its services the name of autoAbode comes on the top of the list of the search.

Plus objective of the project was to create awareness and promotion of autoAbode and its services.


Details of job handledOn the first day 14th December when I reached the office, I found the office pretty chilled out place to work in as the working environment was pretty nice with cozy chairs, bean bags to sit and cartoon poster on wall made us think whether to call the place office or not plus what made things more interesting when we find out that for fun video games, ping pong and guitar were there that kept the place wonderful place to work in.

1 st Week

First day was the day of orientation where I was introduced to people who work there and to the 3D printer plus was important to know what 3d printer is, how it works and about all its features as I was about to promote this product.

Then on second day onwards my training began about SEO, blogging, link building, key words and etc.

2 nd week

This week was exclusively all about blogging; I was given target of writing 3-4 blogs per day on various topics like: 3d printing services in Delhi, 3D selfies, 3D printers’ materials and etc.

3 rd week

This week was added with one more task other than blogging was data handling, I had to filter the data and take out the useful contacts of people from huge amount of data, which was boring and tiring work.

4 th week

With blog writing work on one hand I was introduced with one more type of work which I personally found it quite interesting and that was email marketing, this work consist of designing the email in an interactive way, creating enough


curiosity in customer’s mind that he follows the evidence that will lead him towards the company.

5 th week

This week was the mixture of 3 tasks as, the blogging continuously being part of our job and email marketing introduced to us last week was still a challenge to master as it needs to be designed highly effective, one more thing add to the list and that was YouTube channel promotion which was amazing and i turned to learn a lot thins about the YouTube channel and how promotions things work on this platform.

6 th week

Last was a slow one with only one consistent job, blogging had become easy for us as I was doing it for the past 5 weeks, one more thing introduced to me and that was link building, it’s about how to generate traffic on blogs we write.

On the last day the whole office gave a small farewell party.


Learning1. Firstly I learnt about the practical knowledge about Digital branding.

2. I came to know about the real market behavior which is totally different from the theories.

3. I learnt basic skills required for brand promotion.

4. I learnt about SEO, Social media, email marketing

5. Plus learning about content writing that adds to my list of skills

6. Working with a start-up taught things that a start-up need to compete with its big rivals

7. I learnt about the differences between academic knowledge and practical knowledge.

8. I learnt the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and to be highly creative.

9. I learnt about the behavior of organization’s people and team work

10. I learnt about the internal and external behavior of an organization.


Suggestions for the companyTo become a leading brand in 3D printing industry, autoAbode should-

1. Company should also need to try to promote the company other than just on digital platform.

2. 3D printers of the company are not that attractive looking as its rivals.

3. Company is depending upon only on one exclusive quality that it’s safer to use with children as its plate on which product is printed doesn’t get hot in comparison of other 3d printer . this one unique quality is not enough to compete with its rivals.

4. More investment required as all the other rivals are too big to compete.


ANNEXUREFigure 1 : Giving tour to customers who visit


Figure 2 : Explaining how 3D printer works


Figure 3 : 3D printer working


Figure 4 : 3D selfies of real people

Figure 5 : 3D selfie of an infant


Figure 6 : 3D Prototype of Taj Mahal

Figure 7 : Working on 3D model in work shop


Figure 8 : Whiteboard with working target


Figure 9 : Group pic of autoAbode team

Figure 10 : Group pic with co-workers


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