austin rain.docx

Post on 08-Oct-2015






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Austin Rain

Abigale Justin AustinHey mom! Can 3 of my friends come over tomorrow? I asked. Sure Austin just make sure you guys dont make a mess my mom called from downstairs. My mom was cool. I love her. Justin is my twin brother, his room is next door. He is cool too. Abigale my sister is a drama queen but Rain my other sister is the quite one. She loves books and reading. She has a lot of books. She is either in her room or on the balcony reading. Abigale loves to draw and paint. She would paint all day if mom would let her. Justin loves video games. He loves to play call of duty black ops and call of duty black ops 2.i play with him a lot. We also like to go outside and play basketball or swim in the swimming pool. Maddie and jace live next door. They are my moms best friends. They have a 5 year old son named Caleb.

Swimming pool in the backyard.

Life couldnt get any better. Oh I forgot to mention my father. He is pretty cool. He takes me and Justin hunting and on camping trips. It is pretty cool. And me! I have awesome fighting skill. And guess who tout me, my mother. She is a really good fighter. You look at her and think she is just a beautiful fragile woman but when she fights she is unbeatable. I havent even won one fight with her. She is really strong and fast. And she is a girl! Thats the last time I will ever think a girl isnt tough. That is so not true. Well thats my home life.

RainDinner time I heard mom call from downstairs. Getting up off my bed I started walking to my door still reading the book in my hand. Walking downstairs I headed into the kitchen and sat down and doing all this still reading my book. Finally putting my book down I saw Abigale came in and was texting on her phone. Then Justin and Austin came pounding down the stairs talking loudly about how awesome they did on their video game. Dad came out of the study and sat next to mom. Our big happy family sitting down to eat.We were having moms homemade macaroni and cheese and corn. We said grace and started serving ourselves. We ate in silence. Well most of us. Austin and Justin were still talking about the video game and abigale was still texting. Typical. After eating I headed back upstairs and walked back out onto the balcony. Sitting in my favorite swing chair I opened up my book and started reading again. At least I could get some peace and quiet out here. Mom did a good job with the balcony. Dad told me she did it when she was pregnant with me. I liked that.

AbigaleRain is beautiful. I am trying to teach her how to act like she is. She is in 10th grade and she doesnt even have a boyfriend. I know some totally jot guys who would love to go out with her she just doesnt know how to let them get to know her. She is shy and quite. I love her so much but I can only do so much for her when it comes to guys. Justin and Austin are just easy going. You can instantly be friends with them. But Rain, its tough enough to just have a conversation with her for more than 2 minutes unless your mom who can talk to her for more than 10 minutes. That a record. Its hard to reach out to her she is just so far away. If I could reach her I could make so much more progress than having her put on makeup. And thats the only progress I have had with her.

Justin Awesome! Austins friends are coming over. And he told me I could hang out with him. His friends have never been to our house and they will be here for the whole weekend. This is going to be fun. We were planning on swimming and playing basketball and playing on the play station. I hope they like it here.

Austin Their coming in the morning. Around 10:30 they will arrive and we will start our weekend fun. Getting ready for bed I dressed in a pair of black pajama pants and no shirt. I and Justin work out a lot so we have a six pack and some arm muscles. I set my alarm clock to 7:30 and turned out the lights.

Abigale Guys are going to be coming tomorrow. So I am totally getting ready. And so is Rain if I could help it. This is her chance and I am going to make it worth it. She is going to look beautiful.

Zayne Brandon

Blake Rain My alarm clock went off. It was 7:30. Getting out of bed I headed into the bathroom and took a shower. After a long one I walked out with a towel wrapped around me. I looked at my bed and jumped when I saw abigale sitting on the end with a bag and a hair brush. Oh no! She was going to give me a makeover. I sighed. Thats right pretty girl there are boys coming over and I am going to make you presentable she told me. Come here and sit down she ordered. I sighed again and sat down on the bed. She handed me a swim suit. Putting on the swim suit she handed me a beach skirt. I looked at her like she was crazy. She looked at me expectantly. So I slipped it on over my waist. The look I gave her said are you happy now? She smiled. She handed me a pair of purple sunglasses and a pair of flip flops. She brushed my hair and it curled as it dried. She applied bronze eye shadow and some pale pink lipstick. I looked in the mirror. I looked beautiful. She then dragged me downstairs to eat.

Austin Justin and I had just finished eating when the doorbell rang. I got up and answered it. It was Zane, Brandon, and Blake. They each had a backpack on their backs. I let them in. your house is sweet zane said. Yea said Brandon. Sweet said blake. I lead them to my room and they put their stuff down. Hey so do you want to go swimming? I asked. You have a pool? Brandon asked. Yea and its pretty sweet too I said. They all said yes. They dressed in their swimming trunks and headed downstairs. my sisters might even join us I told them and said to wait in the kitchen for a second. I headed upstairs and knocked on Rains door. you guys want to go swimming with us? I asked thru the door. yea well be down in a minute dont wait up for us I heard abigale say. So I headed downstairs so they will be down in a minute so lets go outside I told them. They nodded. I opened the door and they gasped as they saw the pool. no way zane exclaimed. sweet Brandon breathed. Blake said nothing but his face told me he was awe struck. They all ran and jumped in the pool. I jumped in after them.

Rain This is so weird. I dont go around guys wearing stuff like this. Well except my brothers but they dont count their family. So I wasnt use to this. Abigale practically had to drag me downstairs to get me to leave the safety of my room. She pushed me thru the door and I was blinded by sunlight. Great. At least the guys were busy seeing who could tackle someone and hold them under water longest. Wow! These are the most guyish any guy can get. I started walking with abigale towards the pool. The guys looked up when Austin said hi. Why did Austin have to bring me attention? The guys mouths dropped open when they saw us. But one of them just looked at me. I didnt know what to do. So I just smiled back.

Zane She was beautiful. Her brown hair not dark but not light either. Her brown eyes. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She was more beautiful than my car (and that coming from me that was rare). If only I would have known this girl before I would have asked her out. Austin saw the way I was looking at her and leaned over Her name is Rain he told me smiling. She took off the skirt and stepped in. the other girl jumped in. Austin (being a guy and a brother) splashed Rain. Austin she said. Austin just laughed. hey didnt mom name you rain? So arent you supposed to like water? he joked. She turned beat red and did something amazing. She jumped on Austin and put him in a head lock. No matter how hard he struggled and tried to get loose of her grip he couldnt. she finally let go when he stopped struggling. He stood up and smiled good work sis he told her. she smiled. The guys laughed. I just smiled. Just then I saw a golden streak dash across the yard towards the pool. Abigale saw it Rain watch out she yelled. Rain turned just as the golden thing launched itself at her. it hit her and she fell backwards and under the water. The golden thing turned out into being a laborer puppy. She finally came out of the water and stood up. She laughed and picked up the puppy bell how did you get out of the house? she asked. Just then a big man came towards the pool sorry honey I tried to block her way out but shes a fast little thing he said smiling. its ok dad Rain said. Oh so this is jonathan. He is pretty big.

Austin I think zayne likes Rain. If he does I think it might be good for her. he could bring her out of her room and help her socialize more. He is a good guy and if rain should date any guy he would be the one. I need to talk to him about this.

Rain I had a good time. We finally went inside and I went to change. I changed in a pair of baby blue jeans and a white sleeveless blouse. Abigale found me again and brushed and dried my hair. It curled when it was dry. She redid my makeup and I put on some flat white dress shoes. We went downstairs and ate lunch. After lunch I sat in my room in my swinging chair and started reading. Deciding to go out onto the balcony because it was getting dark I headed out there and sat on the long couch with a roof. I turned on the water fountain light I started reading.

Austin You know she is really sweet I told zayne. He just smiled. come on, you have been looking for someone and Rain is perfect I told him. shes your sister he told me. I dont care if I think she should be with someone it should be you I told him. He just smiled. theres something youre not telling me zayne said. I sighed ok so she is shy and she likes being in her room because its safe and maybe you can show her that being involved with things outside her room and this house isnt always dangerous I told him. He laughed shes shy? She tackled you dude and she was in water and your bigger than her and have big muscles he told me. blake chuckled she did and she put you in a head lock and you couldnt break out of it. I have never seen you like that. Where did she learn that move? Brandon asked. our mom teaches us self-defense I told them. you mom is a fighter? Brandon exclaimed. a pretty good one I told him. I cant even beat her and shes a girl and she is 34 I told him. wow your families cool blake said. how so? I asked. man your dad is huge your mom can beat you your sister is tough and Rain is beautiful and a good fighter Zayne answered for blake. ok I need to talk to you alone I told Zayne. He nodded and got up. We went into the hallway and walked to Rains door. you need to man up. Its obvious you like Rain so just talk to her she probably likes you too so go find out I told him and knocked on her door. No one answered. I sighed. shes on the balcony. We will have to go through my room to get out there I told him and headed back to my room. We walked through my room and I moved the curtain and it revealed a glass sliding door. I opened it and motioned Zayne through go on, talk to her I told him and he walked through. Shutting the door I gave them some privacy. Rain I was curled up on the couch thing reading when I saw movement in front of me. I didnt look up because I thought it was my brother. Well Austin actually. But it turned out to be one of Austins friends. I think Austin said his name was zayne. He came up to me. Can I sit down? he asked. Oh sure I said. He smiled and sat down next to me. So its nice out here he said. I instantly knew he was trying to make a conversation and he must have come out of Austins room to get out here. Typical this must be Austins work. Well its nice to have a brother who cares. Well sometimes he cares too much about me. yea I come out here to escape stress of family but its nice to have someone out here for a change I told him. I bet so what are you reading? he asked me. oh a love story I said. its just something I like about how these two people go thru hard time s but in the process find the one they are supposed to be with I explained to him. I then scolded myself silently because what guy would like to hear about love stories. But he didnt look like he thought it was stupid he looked interested. Which I first thought he was faking the look but the more I looked at him I knew he wasnt faking. We sat out there for a while talking. Finally Austin came out and told me goodnight and asked zayne to come inside. He told me goodbye and walked into Austins room. Abigale came out short after. he talked to you she said smiling. were you spying on me? I asked. She smiled guiltily. You guys talked so long so I had to make popcorn to keep me occupied. I laughed. but you actually talked to a guy she exclaimed for more than 20 minutes she added. You havent even talked to mom that long she said. I just smiled. yea I guess I did. But Austin set me up I told her. well good for him if he can make this much progress with you then Im all for it she said. I finally told her, Goodnight and escaped to my room. Getting dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and a white tank top I crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Austin so how did it go? I asked Zayne. ok he just said but his smile told me that he had more feelings that he wasnt telling me. This is going to be good. I just smiled at him. He rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I just laughed pulled the blanket up over me and turned out the light.

RainAbigale was shaking me. I opened my eyes and she smiled. Oh no! not again. yep time to wake up she told me and pulled me out of bed. She showed me my swimming suit. swimming again? I asked. She smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes. She did my hair and makeup and shooed me into the bathroom to put my swim suit on. Then she dragged me downstairs and out the back door. We went over to the pool and she jumped in. I walked over to the diving board and walked onto it. Austin came out with the guys just as I jumped off it and did a flip in the air. I made a little splash. As I came up out of the water I saw Austin running to the pool. He jumped in and made a big splash. I laughed. He came up out of the water and tried to tackle me and I dodged him. He turned around and I dived under the water and grabbed his legs and he went under. He was splashing a lot. I then quickly swam to the other side of the pool and leaned on the edge and he came up and looked around for me. when he saw me on the other side of the pool I giggled. He smiled I challenge you to a duel at a fight in the gym he told me. ok lets do it after lunch I told him. then its a deal he told me smiling. Austin looked at his buddies faces. There expressions said that they didnt think it was a good idea. oh come on you have never seen her fight. You will have to see her he told them. I blushed. So we played in the water until mom told us it was lunch time. So we went into the house. After eating me and Austin got out boxing gloves and headed to the gym. Everyone followed. We reached the arena and me and Austin walked out into the middle of the room. you ready? he asked. I nodded and he came at me. I dodged him. He turned around and I socked him in the face. He went flying. He landed a couple feet away. nice he told me and got up. He started walking towards me. I readied myself but just then I felt Justin come up behind me. oh so they think they can double team on me! well see about that. Just when Justin was about to grab me I spun around and kicked him. I dodged Austins attack and punched him again. We did this over until Austin and Justin surrendered. ok ok ok! you win Austin said. He was flat on his back on the pad. I walked over and helped him up. He smiled. Im going to be sore for a while he said. why is it that when you and I practice fighting I am so sore and beat up? he asked me. because love hurts I told him. He laughed. I then walked over and helped Justin up. He groaned. go sit down I told him. I walked over and grabbed an ace bandage and wrapped his ankle. go get mom and shell give you some ice I told him. He nodded and headed out the door. so Austin how does it feel to be beat up by a girl? zayne asked him. He laughed I feel like it happens to often he said. This time I laughed thats because it does I told him. He just smiled. He started walking towards the door and I followed and so did the other guys.

Austin so your sister is a kick butt fighter? zayne asked. yea one of the many special things about her I told him. I am so regretting challenging her to a fight. What was I thinking this is what she does every time I challenge her to a fight I exclaimed. Zayne laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

Abigale My sister cant see it. zayne is totally into her. he cant keep his eyes off her. she doesnt even notice. I cant believe she doesnt see that he likes her. I need to talk to her.

Rain I was sitting in my chair swing and reading my favorite book when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed who is it? I asked. abigale abigale said. come in I called back. She opened the door and sighed. what? I asked. put down the book we need to talk she said. I just looked at her. she sighed and went over to me and grabbed my arm and lead me to my bed. She sat down and sat down next to me. ok what is it with you? I asked. youre so blind she told me. I just looked at her. not literally. You cant see that zayne is so into you she told me. no hes not I said. She sighed in frustration. really? He cant stop looking at you and he has those dreamy eyes when he looks at you she told me. I looked at her like she was crazy. you so dont know how to act or even see that a guy likes you she told me. she got up and left. That was weird. I finally went to bed.

Rain I was down in the kitchen talking to mom. The guys had gone out to the movies for their last day together so I was talking to mom about school. so we go back in a couple weeks? I asked. She nodded. She was at the sink doing dishes. so when are we going out to get school supplies? I asked her. Ill take you out to get some tomorrow and we should get you some new school clothes too she told me. ok I told her. I finished washing the table and headed upstairs.

Zayne It was a fun weekend. I asked Austin what grade his sister would be in. he said the same grade we would be in. we said goodbye and headed home.

Rain It was dark out so I set my alarm clock and climbed in bed. Turning out the lights I pulled the blanket up and tried to sleep.Around 2:00 am I woke up. I felt like I was being watched. I looked out on the balcony. I saw a shadowy figure at the door. I screamed. I heard footsteps outside my door and the thing disappeared. My mom came rushing in. sweetie are you alright? she asked. no there was something outside my balcony door I said. what did it look like? my father asked. big and tall I said. and when I screamed it jumped off the balcony I told him. My mother looked seriously worried. She then told me that it was going to be all right. But somehow I knew this was scaring her. I nodded and she kissed my head and turned out the lights. I was alone.

Ashleigh I dont know jonathan. Something disturbed my force field and then something was watching rain from the balcony, I dont think this is a coincident I told him. it will be ok she locks her door every night he told me. all I could do is think it was going to be ok and wait to see if I get a vision. I just nodded and we went back to sleep.

Rain Last night was weird. I was at the table when Austin came down. hey rain what happened last night? he asked. I just looked away. Abigale walked over and explained what mom told her. what why would someone do that? he asked. Oh great he was getting over protective of me. I hate being the youngest. I ignored them while abigale explained to Justin what happened. He had almost the same reaction. But Austin was more protective. Visibly. Mom came downstairs and asked me if I was ready to go. I nodded and we headed out the door.

Austin Someone is watching my sister. And I dont like it. its really creepy. If this happens again I will do something about it.

Rain Me and mom were gone most of the day. We got home around 4:30. We had a good time. She told me to go put my stuff in my room and come down and eat dinner around 5. I nodded and headed upstairs. Putting my stuff away I started reading. I was in my room after dinner and was getting ready for bed. I locked my balcony door and my windows and got into bed. Bell jumped up and snuggled with me. I turned out the lights and put my back to the balcony door and fell asleep. I woke up again. And the thing was back. It was out there watching me. I sprung up and tried to back away. Instead I got tangled in my covers and fell on the floor. I made a huge crash sound. My mom came in and I was breathing heavy. She looked where I was looking and must of saw the thing right before it ran because she paled. She then went over to me and knelt down next to me and held me. dad came in and Austin was behind him. what happened? he asked. the thing was watching her again and I saw it before it ran my mother told my father. what did you see? he asked her. exactly what she saw the night before. A big and tall shadow she told him. She turned to me it will be ok. I will get you some curtains so you can put them up she told me. I nodded.

Austin I really wasnt liking this. And this time mom saw it. I was worried about Rains safety. RainI was outside watering moms garden. When I was finished I headed inside. When I shut the garden gate something grabbed me. I didnt have time to scream because a hand was over my mouth. I was struggling but the person was super strong. I started hauling me out into the woods. I was pretty far out when it let its hand come off my mouth. who are you? I asked. It didnt answer. let me go you creep I growled. Its grip got tighter. He was going to leave hand marks on me. I kept struggling. I got lose and started running but it tackled me and I started fighting it. it punched me a couple times and it hurt. I finally got lose and ran fast. I saw our home coming up and I knew the thing was right behind me. I ran into the yard but it didnt follow. I felt light headed and passed out.

Austin I saw rain running from the woods. She looked terrified. She looked back from where she was running like if she was looking to see if someone was following her. then she just fell to the ground. I started running to her. I reached her and saw she was all bruised up. She had and marks on her wrist and arms. I picked her up and carried her to the house. I banged on the door and mom opened it. when she saw rain she freaked. I rushed in and laid her on the couch. I saw dad come down the stairs with abigale and Justin behind him. Abigale screamed when she saw rain and Justin paled. what happened? mom asked me. I dont know. I was walking in the yard and rain came running out of the woods and she was running from something. I saw her fall and ran to her and found her all bruised up and she had hand marks on her arms and wrist I told her showing her the hand marks. She looked at dad. He had a knowing look on his face. Just then rains eyes flew open and she started screaming saying dont let him get her. mom grabbed her and told her it was ok. she started and crying. I have never seen her so scared. Dad came over to her who did this to you? he asked. I dont know. I came out of the garden and the guy grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I tried to get loose but the guy was really strong. When he dragged me into the woods I asked him who he was but he didnt say anything. I ran but he got me again and we fought each other. I got loose and ran as fast as I could she said shaking. I didnt like this. someone watching my sister then trying to kidnap her. not cool. I need to find out who this guy is.

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