august newsletter 2015

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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Fountain Hills, AZ August 2015

From Our Pastor, Rev. Bill Good

A HARD TURN. . . The high priest Hilkiah said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord.” (2 Kings 22:8) On a certain Sunday morning not long ago a member of our

church family shared her distress, “I just don’t un-derstand why we have to take this hard turn to the right.” She was, I assume, speaking from a theo-logical perspective. Her question troubled me then; and it troubles me still. It makes me wonder about things lost. And things found. 2 Kings 22 recounts a time when Israel had wan-dered far from its roots. Under King Manasseh and his son Amon, the historic faith of the nation had been surrendered to pluralism and idol wor-ship. 18 years after succeeding to power at age 8, King Josiah signaled a turn by commissioning a renovation in the temple which consequently un-earthed “the book of the law”1 buried under the altar. It seems that what would ultimately become the foundation of our Bible had gone unknown, unseen and unheard in Israel for some 75 years.

When the reclaimed treasure was shared with the king, he assembled all Israel and read it aloud so that the people might again hear the life-giving word of God. I share this story because it seems to me very much of a piece with what we have been doing here at FHPC over the past few years – dusting off our Bibles and reclaiming the power of the heritage left us by all those who founded and grounded this family of faith. A quick scan of the topics of the recent sermon series contrasting Progressive and Traditional Christianity reveals that they comprised nothing more than a catalogue of the most basic and time-honored tenets of the traditional Presbyterianism which has given identity to FHPC since its earliest days. Eschewing the distraction of “hot button” social topics such as same sex marriage and abor-tion, they focused enclusively on explorations of core theological issues such as the saving author-ity of Christ, the reliability of the Bible, and the significance of the resurrection. In fact, as I prepared those individual sermons I


Our Vision: Living God’s love.

calls us to . . .

Our Mission : Reach out to all with faith and love.


June 1 through September 8 Church office will be open

Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

The office will be closed on Fridays.

Continued on page 5...

In Touch page 2

On the Inside: Our Pastor, Rev. Bill Good .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . .. . . Relationship with PC (USA) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Media Ministry .. … .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . …. .. . .. Mission Ministry . . … . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . … .. . . . . .. Presbyterian Women .. .. .. …. .. . . . . .. . … .. . . .. . . .. VBS 2015 Photos … .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Not Yet a Member? .. .. .. . . . … . … . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . How Can You Help? .. .. … . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Facebook .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . … .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. VBS 2015 Photos. .. … .. .. .. … … ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. …. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . From the Director of Christian Formation .. . . . . . . . . . VBS Photos (Kitchen Crew) .. . … .. … .. . .. .. . .. . . .. FHPC Foundation.. .. … .. .. . … .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . Lockboxes for Seniors . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. … Music Ministry .. … … .. .. .. .. …. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . … Necrology for 2015… .. … .. . . .. … .. … . .. . . .. . . …. August Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Snow in July!. .. .. .. . . … . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . … . . .. .. .

1 2 3 3 4 6 8 8 9 9 10 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20


Rev. Bill Good Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Stan Jones Parish Associate

Pastor Ken Brown

Associate Pastor

Debby DeBernardi Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig Administrative Coordinator

Debbie Fisher Director of Music Ministry

Dorothy Parris Pianist

Caryl Bates Organist

Lynn Medley Custodian


CHURCH SESSION Class of 2015

John Brockelman Helen Quigley Terri Schmidt Chris Young

Class of 2016 Sally Atchinson

Bob Lull John Skewes

Arlene Stewart Class of 2017

Mary Alice Bivens Bonnie Hollabaugh

Aleyne Larsen-Craig Helen Roesch Ron Waldo

BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Nancy Wulfmeier

Class of 2015 Ben Fast

Jack Morris Ruby Pearson Bev Watters

Class of 2016 Suzie McCready Dorothy Rudack

Donna Sims Nancy Wulfmeier

Class of 2017 Michele Hasley

Mary Lee Lehrich Cynthia Linton Linda Warren


Focus on Finance

Completing the second quarter of 2015, we have managed to keep our expenses below budget, and income above budget, thanks to everyone keeping up their pledges. The third quarter is the toughest, your prayers and support will see us through this period. Respectfully, Linda Lull, Treasurer

June Income $ 37,378 Budget $ 32,700

June Expense $ 34,996 Budget $ 37,199

Yr to date Income $ 235,631 Budget $ 224,700

Yr to date Expense $ 209,886 Budget $ 217,334

page 3 August 2015

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Not all ministry is in front of the congregation, there is much to do behind the scenes as well! The tech team could use some willing volunteers who feel called to use their talents behind the spotlight. We need a few people to learn the video and sound equipment to serve as coverage during vacations and unexpected times of need. If you have an interest, we could use people in either service. Please contact Ron Waldo at 480-228-1575 for more information about how you can be involved!


Your Session voted to affirm the Congregations wishes, expressed in the Straw Poll in February, to enter a time of discernment and continue our discussions about the possibility of separating from The PC (USA) with the Presbytery. They also voted to consult with other churches who may also be contemplating this move before going forward. We are in that process now. Your Session also voted to join the “Fellowship Community” ( . This is a group within The PC (USA) that gives us a forum to discuss our goals for mission, out-reach and the future of our church. The exchange of ideas will be beneficial if we decide to stay within The PC (USA). We have no further meetings planned at this time. In an effort to continue transparency and open communications, if you have any questions, please ask a Session member, if we don’t have the answer we’ll get it. If you have any comments, anything that hasn’t been said that you feel needs to be said, say it to a Session member. If we need to have a meeting, we will. This is God’s church and we are good stewards of his property. Now we need to be good stew-ards of our family, his family. Pray for his guidance for this family to do his will and we will be stronger in our faith for it, no matter what the outcome. Also, Pray for your Session, this is far more than what they signed on for. May God be with all of us, John Brockelman

page 5 November 2012

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord

saying "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am Lord, send me!" Isaiah 6:8

Here we are Lord, gathered together to do what you ask of us. We here in the Mission Ministry want to be there when the Lord needs someone to go

forth and spread his Love and Word to those in need. You need no special talent or skill to spread God's Love and his Word. If you want to join our committee to help those in need, we will welcome you. We are always looking for new projects and new ways to spread God's Love and his Word. Here are some of what we are up to now.

Extended Hands Food Bank

We are continuing to collect canned and non-perishable food for the Food Bank. Every Sunday we provide a shop-ping basket at the front doors to the Sanctuary to place your food dona-tions in. Our local Food Bank pro-vides food for over 300 families in our town. They are always looking for donations to help feed these people. The Friday Night Fish Fry is closed for a couple of weeks to give the Kitchen Volunteers some vacation time. This is just one of the things the Food Bank does to raise money to help supplement the Food Bank as well as help out with money to help with rent or utility bills. They will re-open the first Friday of September. Some of our committee will be there to help out again. If this is something you may be interested in doing, you can contact either Bonnie Holla-baugh or Terri Schmidt.

School Supplies We are collecting School supplies again this year. We will be collecting through August. School will start Au-gust 10th, and we will take it to the school as close to the start as possible, but will take all supplies given as we receive them. The supplies we will be collecting are: spiral writing tablets, #2 lead pencils, erasers, crayons, Elmers glue sticks, colored pencils, and boxes of Kleenex. This has been a pro-ject we have taken on for several years because there are many children that can not afford these items and the schools can not afford to provide for them. We want to say Thank You for helping us with this project again this year.

In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry

Terri Schmidt, Elder

Water for MANA House Thank you for all of you who have so gener-ously given cases of water. We have given over 24 cases of water so far this summer, we have also collected $30.00 to be used for water for the Veterans. With our Arizona heat the homeless Veter-ans and those at MANA House are in need of water. We will continue to collect water through-out the year. Water is such an important staple for sur-vival and is a much needed item for the homeless.

School Backpacks We have joined with S.W.A.T.T. and several other local Churches, as well as Extended Hands and Max’s Closet for this project. There are over 300 chil-dren on the roster at Extended Hands Food Bank in the age bracket of 0-20. Now we know not all of these are school age or even attending school, so Lisa Hadsall of Max’s closet told me her goal is 130 backpacks filled with school supplies. If you would like to join in on this project, we are asking you to buy a backpack and fill it with the following items: hand sanitizer, hand-i-wipes, Kleenex, ruled spiral notebooks, #2 leaded pencils, col-ored pencils, crayons, erasers Elmer’s glue sticks, and a personal plastic water bottle. You can drop off these backpacks in the Narthex or the Church Office, or if you prefer you can take them to Max’s Closet or EHFB. Re-member school starts in August and the sooner we can get them to the kids the better. This is just one of many projects we hope to do with S.W.A.T.T. and other local churches. We look for-ward to continuing working side by side with our fellow Christian brothers and sisters, spreading God’s Love and his Word. We also have several other projects on the back burner, trying to work out the details and will let you know about them as soon as we have all the details worked out.

If this is something you feel is of interest to you, please let us know. We would love to have you join our Mission Ministry Committee. We meet the second Monday of the month at 4:00 pm in the Conference Room. We will welcome you with open arms. God is good and we want to tell as many people as we can, start-ing here in Fountain Hills.

Thank you to all who so generously donate their time and food and money. You serve God well and we are happy to be a part of your family in Christ. May God Bless you all.

In Touch page 4 page 5 August 2015

Mission Ministry

MISSION PROJECT – SUPPORT OUR TROOPS/VETERANS Many thanks to those of you who generously participated in our Summer Project to help our homeless Veterans by donating new t-shirts and socks for the warm summer months. The delivery was made to MANA House in downtown Phoenix the last week of June and they were thrilled with all the boxes and bags that were loaded full of badly needed items. In addition to this delivery, there was also a load of magazines and books that was deliv-ered in the same week to the Veterans Hospital/Home in Phoenix. We con-tinue throughout the year to collect gently used clothing, toiletries, books, DVD’s, CD’s and magazines that will be delivered throughout the year on a regular basis. Deliveries are made when there are enough items collected to do so. There are two boxes for you to place your donations located at Church. One is in the Narthex on the table and the other one is in the Fellowship Center located on the left side as you en-ter. Any questions, please just ask me. Donna Sims, Deacon

found comfort and inspiration in recognizing that I wasn’t preaching anything different than found-ing pastor Glenn Atchinson had preached from that bar stool in Little John’s 40 years ago. So, does this represent some “hard turn to the right?” Not unless somebody moved the bound-ary markers. Here’s the point: Jesus Christ – not the culturally modified one, but the one we meet in the Bible – is now, just as he has always been, the center around which all life revolves here at FHPC. He calls us to follow him. . . and so we have, and so we do. If we’ve made a turn here it’s more in the nature

From our Pastor continued from page 1...

of a re-turn -- like Israel we “have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord” and are sharing it publically. This doesn’t seem to me so much a hard turn to the right as it is a hard turn to the center. Thanks be to God for guarding and guiding us on our continuing journey of dis-cipleship. Grace and Peace, 1 Commonly understood now to be either the 5 books of

the Pentateuch or, perhaps, the book of Deuteronomy.

page 7 December 2011

Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2015-2016 Moderator: Maurene Gerson Mission Coordinator: Sandy Larson Vice-Moderator : Linda Capron Librarian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Bonnie Matty Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Linda Warren Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Ilene Berg Search Committee: Arlene Stewart

Morning Circle Leader: Suzie McCready Evening Circle Leader: Judy Irvin Afternoon Circle Leader: Martha Baxter Historian: Office Angels Hooked on Books Leader: Jan Hoff New Member Chair: Carol Fuls Out n’ About Leader: Nancy Wulfmeier

Presbyterian Women

In Touch page 6

COME JOIN US! PW Circles will begin meeting in September for a new season of shared faith, friendship and outreach. All Circles – morning, afternoon and evening – are open and eager to welcome new members, whether you are new to our congregation or a longstanding member of FHPC. If you have wondered what Circles offer, this is your chance to find friendship, expand your knowledge of scripture and to follow Jesus’ example of mission. Carol Fuls can help you find a Circle that meets at a time most convenient for you. See her at worship service, or call her at 836-2346. Circles meet monthly at the times and places shown below: Morning Circle 9 a.m. 2nd Thursday Adult Center Afternoon Circle 1 p.m. 1st Tuesday Fountain View Village Chapel Evening Circle 7 p.m. 3rd Monday Members’ homes

2015-2016 BIBLE STUDY

Did you know there were more than 800 references to water in the Bible?? Sometimes there is too much water (think Noah); sometimes there is too little water (think drought in the de-sert). Our bodies are 60 percent water; our brains are 75 per-cent water. Just as water nourishes our bodies, so the scrip-tures on water nourish our souls. This study has been re-viewed by members of FHPW and comes highly recom-mended! The author of this year’s study, Judy Record Fletcher is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She re-ceived a BA in English and history from Lamar University and an MDiv from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Judy has served as a director of Christian education and as a pastor. She has written for Presbyterians, Lutherans, and the United Church of Christ. She has served as keynote speaker, director, and preacher for conferences at every governing body level of the denomination. She has chaired special committees for the General Assembly. After serving as executive of the Synod of the Sun for 14 years, Judy retired in July 2011. Do you know how the Horizon Bible Study is selected?? Mem-bers of Presbyterian Women around the country suggest topics or potential writers by submitting their comments and ideas to the Churchwide Coordinating Team Bible Study Committee. Any suggestions that are considered are then field tested to identify strengths and weaknesses in the texts chosen for each lesson, the language used to communicate ideas, the questions for discussion and the overall helpfulness of the study for spiritual growth and

page 7 August 2015

Random Thoughts As We Age Even duct tape can't fix stupid ... but it can muffle the sound! Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway? Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice. Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!

The road of life

God of our life, there are days when the burdens we carry chafe our shoulders and weight us down; when the road seems dreary and endless, the skies gray and threatening; when our lives have no music in them, and our hearts are lonely, and our souls have lost their courage. Flood the path with light, turn our eyes to where the skies are full of promise; tune our hearts to brave music; give us the sense of comradeship with heroes and saints of every age; and so quicken our spirits that we may be able to encourage the souls of all who journey with us on the road of life, to your honor and glory. —St Augustine

Ilene Berg

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

daily living. Any PW group can apply to be a field tester. You can read more about the selection process at the back of 2015-2016 PW/Horizons Bible Study.

Isaiah 55: Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;

I hate when he plays Everest!

Not Yet A Member? *If you are attending our church and don’t have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession

of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if you’ve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ. *If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership to our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership church to ours. *If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church “back home”, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full active membership there. For additional information, please contact Aleyne Larsen-Craig at 602-625-6201, Sally Atchinson at 480-837-1054 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

Sally Atchinson & Aleyne Larsen-Craig

In Touch page 8

VBS 2015 Everest

People make all the difference: Top, left to right: Debby DeBernardi and Jo Nelson; Debbie Fisher; Debbie Fisher, Bonnie Hollabaugh, Ron Waldo and Jaime Brown; Bottom from left to right: Sandy Heunisch with her VBS crew; Judy Irvin; Suzie McCready; Heather Greco.

page 9 August 2015

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Fry's Community Rewards Program The more our church family shops at Fry's, the more mone-tary support our church will have. Won't you consider regis-tering to allow Fry's to donate a portion of your grocery expenditures to our church programs? Register for the Fry's Community Rewards Program Go to make sure you enter the whole address to visit the Fry's web page. • If you already have an account online , select Sign In at the top right of the page. Enter your email and password then click Sign In.

• If you don't already have an account on line: click Register at the top right of the page. - Fill in the required fields, (be sure to write down your password). - Enter your zip code to find your preferred store. From the drop-down menu below Find Store, select your store. Now click Create an Account. - You must sign up for a V.I.P. card to sign up for the Community Rewards Program - Check your email for a confirmation, click the hyperlink in your email, and finish creating your account. - In your account, enroll for Community Re wards program, using the new FHPC organization #84123

How can you help? Did you Know? (continued)

23. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 24. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueber-ries, broccoli, and almonds. 25. Try to make at least three people smile each day. 26. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, en-ergy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 27. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card. 28. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 29. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. For-give them for everything! 30. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 31. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 32. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the pre-sent. 33. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.


Reverse economy In Love Does (Thomas Nelson), Bob Goff describes his childhood interactions with a storekeeper. Goff would choose some candy, spread his change on the counter and let the man count out what was owed. One morning, judging by the man’s face, Goff could tell there wasn’t enough money. “We’re one penny short,” the storekeeper said. After a long pause, he took one of Goff’s pennies, rubbed it with some vinegar and revealed a coin that looked brand new. Returning to the pile, the man said, “In my store, shiny pennies are worth double.” Goff says that was an important lesson about Christians’ role in Jesus’ economy, where the poor are rich and we must give to receive: “We get to decide that people, including ourselves, are worth more than others might figure and that following Jesus means doing the math differently sometimes,” he writes. “Because actually we’re all on the same side of the counter when it comes to needing a little help and grace and a shiny penny now and then.”

VBS 2015 Everest

In Touch page 8 In Touch page 10

page 11 August 2015

VBS 2015 Everest

Go to Facebook to see all the wonderful pictures of VBS in full color!

Christian Formation: Recap VBS Everest In Touch page 12

During the week of July 6 – 10, the Presbyterian church took on a little different look. Believe it or not, it was actually snowing…in Fountain Hills…in July. We saw such things as snowshoes, pine trees, and snowy mountains. We received visits from animals like marmots and mark-hors. There were close to 150 extra people on our campus, and it was

amazing. Vacation Bible School this year

was done as a collaborative effort with the Church of the Ascension, as it was last year. Working with our Catholic brothers and sisters to show God’s love proved to be a truly uplifting experience. We had approximately 73 kids who at-tended, from nursery-aged through fifth grade, and close to seventy volunteers. Approximately 57% of the kids who attended are not con-nected to any specific church fam-ily. Trek Rockrambler (who looked an awful lot like Andrey Lull) was really in a sticky situation. All Trek wanted to do was scale the great mountain Everest, but things kept happening to him which prevented his pro-gress. He started off with a cold, then he didn’t have the proper supplies. At times, he felt discouraged, but in the end, and with God’s ability to pro-vide, Trek finally reached the summit! Each day, he would come in and share his experi-ences with the group. Through his insightful conversations with Debbie Fisher (which we have all had, I’m sure), Trek found out that God is always keeping an eye on everyone, and that He is always with us. Each day, there was one specific Bible point for the kids to learn. These Bible points were then illustrated in several differ-ent ways throughout the day. Bible Expeditions showed the

Bible point through skits that were taken from the Bible. The KidVideo area gave kids an insight into some of the ways that other people were showing God’s love and told the story of actual people. Imagination Station gave the climbing crews the chance to see the Bible point through science gizmos and ex-periments that the kids were able to do. Glacier Games gave the crews some lessons in teamwork, but done through playing games. Mountaintop Treats, which were prepared by a group of kids each day, was the refreshment that everyone needed midway through the morning. The Bible points that were illus-trated were, “God has the power to provide”, “God has the power to heal”, “God has the power to comfort”, “God has the power to forgive” and “God has the power to love us for-ever.” Simple points, but very important ones.

Throughout the course of the week, there were two separate mission activities that we were involved in. The local mission was to collect food and non-perishable items for the Extended Hands Food Bank. The global mission included raising money to send New Testament Bibles to kids in Thailand. Many kids in Thailand do not have a Bible that they can read, so through Opera-tion Kid-to-Kid, Bibles are being provided in the Thai lan-guage. Throughout the course of the week, enough money was raised to send 212 Bibles to Thai-

land. It was amazing to hear the kids talk about the things that they did at home so that they could earn the money to donate. Overall, the experience of Ev-erest was one that will not soon be forgotten. Throughout the week, we were all blessed by the music, the stations and the people. A special thanks goes out to the key people who made it happen, to the people who prayed for the experience, to the people who did a zillion things behind the scenes, to the people who got up on stage and the people who took pic-

tures and ran slide shows. Climbing Everest truly was a team effort! Thank you for being part of the journey!

Bonnie Hollabaugh, Elder

From the Director of Christian Formation

page 13 August 2015

Thanks to our Christian Formation Summer Interns: Evan and Logan Cain! When Evan Cain, who played Jesus during our Weird Animals VBS, con-tacted me this summer about a poten-tial internship, I sensed God was up to

something good for FHPC! What I also discovered was a twin brother, Logan Cain, of equal passion and dedi-cation to our Lord with a longing to serve. Both young men are honor students at Azusa Pacific University in Biblical Studies. Both have a variety of talents of which most of you have enjoyed at VBS and second service. What some of you may not realize is that they have been empowered as Christian Formation summer in-

terns to create new ways of “connecting” and

“becoming in community” as they adventure in develop-ing a summer ministry which uses some of their passion and expertise. Here is their introduction to their new

summer ministry that kicked off at Stalling’s home with a dozen college students in attendance. They meet weekly and in addition will offer another social and mis-sion activity before most students return to school. Be-low is an exciting logo created by Evan and a summary of the ministry purpose by Evan and Logan: ReFrame is a young-adult ministry that seeks to help gradu-ates and college stu-dents answer some of this generation’s most fundamental ques-tions about God, reli-gion, and life in gene-ral. Through conver-sations centered on the Bible and scholarship, we dis-cover more about who God is, how God worked in his-tory, and how God can use students like us in history today. Through vulnerable dialogues and experiences addressing doubts, fears, and genuine concerns we seek to build and deepen our relationship with God and each other with a resultant strong foundation of spiritual and moral character.

As a summer ministry, ReFrame acts as a place where students and graduates can reorient themselves toward the important values and questions of life and begin to embody these values in mission. Therefore, ReFrame acts as a launchpad to drive all of us toward an identity

(in Christ) and the right direction (telos) as we prepare for the year ahead.

Special thanks to their beautifully spirited and talented girl friends, Shannon and Eternity, who supported them, their ministry and our faith family this summer. Please take time to appreciate them this month!

Nothing Happens Outside of Relationships: VBS Highlights

Relational Ministry!

Here are a few quotes and stories:

Same Truth ReFramed for

Today ’s Generation!

Kids have spiritual awareness! VBS was the first time I “visually” could “see” the Holy Spirit manifest through the kids! My kids could em-brace spiritual things that even adults can’t! Crew Leaders show evidence of the Holy Spirit: Eternity was so patient with her climbing crew of kids. I saw the fruit of the spirit in her! God knew just where to place her! Thank you for the experience of allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me. It was unlike any other feeling or experience I have ever had! -Logan Cain From Task to Relationship When asked if I could assist a crew leader with one of the girls in her group, I was not sure I could. I was terrified, thinking of the task. How-ever, I said I would do my best. We both were hesitant with each other. Well, within the hour, she was my best friend and she said to me, "I love you Suzie". We were inseparable for the balance of the week. I fell in love with her too, what a sweetheart! We were sad to part on Friday, I had a nice conversation with her mother and grandmother, and told them our story, which made them very happy. God put Anna and I together, for a good reason, a SHARED LOVE relationship! I hope to see her again next year at VBS ! Fondly, Suzie McCready Inspiring Leadership at FHPC: S eeing Bon-nie Hollabaugh and Ron Waldo take a week’s vacation to minister was an incredible witness and a challenge to follow!

Continued on page 15...

In Touch page 14

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation “An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow”

Distribution of FHPC Foundation Funds At the end of every year, FHPC Foundation determines funding that is available to the Church for the following year. For 2015 the Foundation allocated $4,900 to the Church. Through the Foundation evaluation procedure, the money was awarded to Ron Waldo, who is in charge of the Tech Department for the Church. The money was used to provide campus wide Wi-Fi Equipment, Live Streaming Web Cam, a Music Office Computer, new Library software, expanded accounting software usage and mounting of the Projector in the Fellowship Center. The actual cost for the project was under budget at $4,790.61. Thank you Ron!

To learn more about the Foundation, contact a member of the Board of Trustees. They will be happy to an-swer your questions and assist you in becoming a “LEGACY” member of the Foundation. Foundation Board of Trustees Barbara Oakeson 480-837-5563 Susan Phillips 480-837-1225 Matt Jefferson 480-837-6001 Dawn Lau 480-837-2607 Roy Nickel 480-688-8392 Ben Fast 480-837-1119 John Skewes 480-292-9021

VBS 2015 Everest

Amazing VBS Kitchen Volunteers! Thank you!

Lockboxes for Seniors

page 15 August, 2015

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

My generation looks for genuineness - kids and adults embodied it at VBS! Everyone was who they are. Kids were so genuine-it was amazing! -Evan Cain VBS is not the only place God is active… thank you church and FHPC Leadership! I almost gave up on church, then I came here for the in-ternship. There is “realness” here and Jesus is using this experience to show me that we can have intimacy in the church. - Evan Cain I have appreciated meeting and the accountability. It is a different kind of accountability, it is not judgment, rather it helps us see what the Holy Spirit is doing. -Logan Cain

Continued from page 13...

Fall Ministries resume for Christian Forma-tion after Labor Day! We are excited and

looking forward to John Biven’s teaching in

September, Sylvia Burke’s study on Daniel beginning in January, Life with God for Ele-

mentary and Preschool on Sunday’s and the Big God Story for Elementary on Wednesday nights.

A work in progress A Christian is always in the process of becoming, never in the state of having be-come. The Christian life is not being pious but becoming pious, not being healthy but becoming healthy, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet (what we are to be), but we are becoming it. It is not yet done and has not yet happened. It is, however, going on and coming to be. It is not the end, but it is the way. —Martin Luther Prayer — it’s in our genes I don’t think prayer is merely a sociological phenomenon. I don’t think it’s something we do just to fit into a community or when we’ve exhausted all other options. I think it’s hardwired into our spiritual DNA, God is the inevitability of humanity’s search for true meaning. - Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully

Library Footnotes

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch page 16

LOTS OF CANDLES, PLENTY OF CAKE By Anna Quindlin Who doesn’t like birthday cake? This book is not about birthday par-

ties, but it is one of twelve books on the PW reading list and has never been checked out. Well, not until last Thursday. I recommend it without reservation. It is a book for women, it’s “our age”, which can cover several decades. There is no mys-tery, no exotic love affairs, no tragic events; but it will take you back to memories you cherish as she writes about life from late mid-dle age to early old age. For instance, does this sound familiar? “When I was young I used to make fun of older couples, with two guys in the front seat of the car and the two women in the back, used to wrinkle my nose at parties where the men were in the living room with beers and the women in the kitchen filling platters with cold cuts. But now I totally get it. I love hanging out with other women.” Quindlin has lots to say about friendships and their impor-tance in our lives. Close girlfriends can be more therapeutic than therapists. Husbands rarely understand the importance of frequent phone calls (daily?) to one special friend, and also wonder how a friend you’re in touch with only a few times a year, can still a be a “best” friend. I feel so fortunate

to have one of those “best” friends, and when we get together it is a special gift. Because we have lived through many of the struggles of maturing, we have lots of advice stored up ready to share; but we often painfully learn that when we share this with a different generation it sounds like a different

language to them. Things don’t really change much from one generation to an-other. What things were not allowed in your family? What rules did you have for your children? Adults have been critical of the clothes teenagers wear forever. As we age, Quindlin says we can gracefully ac-cept changing mores or stubbornly become old coots. Even though Quindlin is only 62, she has great insight into aging and the things that make a difference in a retired person’s life. It’s not a how-to-book, but delightful sto-ries that touch the heart and make you smile. I guarantee you will find yourself in the pages of this book more than once.

See you at the Library! Vivian Virden

A broken body The video for “broken Together,” a contemporary Christian song by Casting Crowns, features a married couple struggling through a lifetime of faults and failings. But the song’s message applies to church fami-lies, as well, according to lead singer Mark Hall. Instead of trying to appear perfect and put-together on Sundays, he says, Christians need to be real with one another in an honest, “broken together” community. “In community,” Hall says, “we can tear the plastic off and just be ourselves. We can say, “You know what, we don’t have it all together at our house, and it’s kind of a mess. But Jesus lives in this mess, and he’s walking with us through it.”

page 17 August, 2015

If you are able to attend either of our services through the sum-mer, you have no doubt been hearing some wonderful and thought provoking music offered up by our music staff and those who have stepped into our special music slot as solo-ists, duets, quartets and instru-mentalists. Our "Home By An-other Way" has stepped up with extra musicians adding to the

fun with brothers Logan and Evan Cain adding to the gui-

tar and percussion sections, and Eternity Stallings adding flute and vocals! It's so fun to have young Christians come in and add to the joy of being among other faithful souls! They have been good friends of Jon Trautman and Jake Eberspacher for years, and they have great respect for each other! They also have the attitude it takes to play with Hilltop, one of freedom to improvise in the Spirit, playing overlap-ping genres which makes the music of this service so unique. We often see people in this service who have al-ready attended the 9:00 a.m.! Although I am musically involved with both services every Sunday, respecting both for what they nurture in me and others, I am blessed each Sunday! The sermons delivered each Sunday have never failed to be spiritually inspiring, leading both services to be welcoming and inclusive of all who seek to deepen their faith in God, our Father, Jesus, His Son, and His Holy Spirit which guides us all.

Music Ministry

Debbie Fisher, Director of Music

Before we approach the season where our music groups all begin rehearsing, I have decided to accept an invitation to sing in a 24 voice choir made up of singers from all over the valley made to me by a Director friend, Michael McCall, to sing the "Lux Aerterna," "Illumination" and "Contre Qui Rose," compositions of Morten Laurid-sen. The composer will be in attendance at both venues in September, one being the Scottsdale Center for the Arts. We will combine with Master Choirs of two of our state Universities, performing these works which draw spectacular reviews, commenting that the music sounds like what is imagined of "music upon the arrival in Heaven!" My final thought is in saying farewell to Jake Eberspacher, who has been a musical part of this church for the last 10 years. He will be traveling on to College, leaving Hilltop, pursuing a degree in computer sciences. He has been a part of my week for so long, and I absolutely love him. He has always been level headed, sincere, and will-ing, and I respect him so much. Good luck, Jake, in all you do. On the other hand, Jon Trautman, who will also be heading off to college will be staying with Hilltop, con-tinuing to get his musical fix while no doubt giving his Professors a run for their money! "O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to theLord, bless His name; tell of His salva-tion from day to day!" Psalm 96: 1,2 Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries

Okay, I caught him, now what do I do with him?

quote, written by Henry van Dyke:

"Time is too slow for those who wait,

too swift for those who fear,

too long for those who grieve,

too short for those who rejoice,

but for those who love — time is eternity"

In Touch page 18

Member Spotlight …. Did you know? John & Mary Alice Bivens

If this article were an interview, it would go like this:

Q: Where were you born, and where did you grow up? John: I was born and grew up in Wingate, North Carolina in a home still owned and occupied by a family member. I’m a Tar Heel born and bred and remained so until I became a 1st Lt. in the US Army following my graduation from N.C. State University. Mary Alice: I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan as my father was the Pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Muir, MI. We moved to Minnesota when I was 3 yrs old and moved to Anchorage, Alaska shortly after I turned 15.

Q: How long have you lived in Fountain Hills?

John & Mary Alice : We moved here from central Phoenix in 2000 after deciding to downsize and reside in the delightful community of Foun-tain Hills.

Q: How many siblings do you have? John: Two. My brother, 9 yrs my senior now deceased, was among those who served on Okinawa in WWII. My sister has been married to a Southern Baptist minister for 66 years. They and their 5 children still live in or nearby my home town. Mary Alice: I’m the eldest of my siblings. My sister just retired from Disney World where she has worked since the park opened. My two younger brothers, who live across the country from each other, are still my best friends.

Q: How long have you been married? How did you meet your spouse?

John & Mary Alice: Some 58 years ago, after graduating from the University of Minnesota, Mary Alice returned to Anchorage, AK, to begin a career working with kids in a public recreation program. John was stationed at nearby Ft. Richardson. As an active member of the post-high school/college group at the Presbyterian Church he happened to be in their office planning a “Welcome Back” party when he was less than impressed with the person he was introduced to as the Pastor’s eldest daughter. Never-the-less we became fast friends. We were married the following January after deciding we really wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

Q: What was the craziest or silliest thing you have ever done? (If you can mention it!)

John: Thinking I was in condition to hike the Grand Canyon from the North Rim to the South, all 28 miles, and actually doing it. Mary Alice: Being convinced by the President of the American Motorcycle Association that I could ride such a machine safely up a winding mountain trail in Moab, Utah. The experience resulted in my having one of the biggest bruises I’ve ever had. I did finish the ride, nonetheless.

Q: What was your first job? John: I worked on our family farm all my high school years. My first “real” job was as an officer in the U.S. Army. Mary Alice: My first ever was baby-sitting the neighbor’s kids. The first professional job was establishing a year-round recreational program for the city of Anchorage.

Q: What has been your favorite job, either paying or non-paying and why?

John: I have been blessed with several enjoyable jobs. I guess my favorite would be as the first Director of the Delaware State Planning Office. Working directly with the Governor, State Legislature, and providing services for the public was a great learning experience. I also served as the

Assistant Director of ADOT, heading the first Planning Division, employed to help make the old Highway Department into a multi-modal Transportation Department. Mary Alice: My most rewarding job was and is being a mother. Professionally it would be as the Director of the Arizona Outdoor Recrea-tion Coordinating Commission (now integrated into Arizona State Parks). Q: How long have you been a member of our Church? John & Mary Alice: We’ve been members of FHPC since moving here in 2000. Q: What was the most interesting event or

accomplishment in your life? John: I had the privilege of developing the first plan for the Atlanta Rapid Transit system (MARTA) which essentially has been built as planned. I also was involved in Magnetic Levitation transportation systems nationally and interna-tionally. Just wish Phoenix would have thought outside the box and used this technology for its rail system. Mary Alice: The answer to this question is intertwined with my answer to the following question. I spent my sophomore college year attending the Beirut College for Women (now Lebanese American University). This ex-perience forever changed my life and became a major fac-tor in my becoming the person I am today.

Q: Have you ever had a life changing experience? John: Yes, more than once. The most recent was our trip to the Holy Land to replace 1600 olive trees a few years ago. That trip kindled a passion for peace within me that calls me to action whenever there is an opportunity.

Q: What is the best advice you were ever given? John: Stand by your Christian principles. Once you make a commitment, keep it.

Mary Alice: As a mother of two young girls and a travel-ing husband I was advised to become involved in activities that interested me and my girls outside of the home. So, when John was home we were happy to all be at home together.

Q: Who would you say has had the most impact on your life? John: My parents and my wife.

Mary Alice: My father and his sister. My spiritual journey was intricately begun by my father and my zest to be my own person was instilled in me by my Aunt Mary.

Q: Who in your life would you say you might have had the most positive influence on and why?

John: I think I may have had the most positive influence on our three children and on some of my many employees. Perhaps that influence came by example, firmness, and unconditional love.

Continued on page 19...

page 19 August, 2015


08/23 Lynn Medley 08/23 JJ Prokupek 08/26 Maria Berry 08/26 Kent Martinson 08/27 Korah Manzanares 08/27 Richard Uphoff 08/29 Keith Junk 08/29 Ashlynn Mitchell 08/30 Margie Brown

08/12 Charlotte Hissler 08/13 Pat Ahrens 08/14 Ruth Tessmer 08/15 Byron Hodgson 08/15 Myka Mitchell 08/17 Andy Hasley 08/17 Suzie McCready 08/18 Mary Ann Nickel 08/20 Wanda Collins 08/22 Charles Eberspacher

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2015.

Billy Neal Sylvester Taylor

Marjorie Koepke Dallas Shuck Jack Schuler Paul Barker

Mildred Aimone

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Matthew 25:21

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply “vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by com-municating your situation.

08/03 Carol Hencz 08/04 Jerry Miles 08/06 Rodger Bachman 08/08 Ken Brown 08/08 Norm Collins 08/09 Samuel Hissler 08/09 Letha Neely 08/10 Ben Owens 08/11 Maurene Gerson

Mary Alice: Outside of our children, I probably have had the most positive influence on those who worked with me at AORCC.

Q: What would be your best advice you might offer to someone today? John: The best advice I could give is to strive to follow Christ, pray daily, and live a life of service to others. Mary Alice: The best advice I can give to anyone is to be true to yourself and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. To a young married couple it would be to never go to bed on an argument. (John & I never have!)

Q: There are many wonderful things about our church, what do you like best?

John: The most important thing about our church is the love, care, and friendships. Mary Alice: The #1 important positive aspect about our church is the feeling of love, support and care I get from and with our mem-bers.

John & Mary Alice Bivens continued from page 18

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard

Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Non Profit Organ.


Permit NO. 299

Scottsdale, AZ

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Marilyn Humes, Mary Martinson and Vivian Virden. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

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