audience questionnaire evaluation - music video

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Audience Questionnaire Evaluation – Music Video

Drew Allen

We have created a audience questionnaire as this is an important because it allows up to find out who we are targeting our music video to and what they would like to see in the music video, such as colours, props and setting. To create this questionnaire we used Google Forms which allows you to create a questionnaire with different answering options. After we had created the questionnaire on Google forms we posted it to our Facebook and asked people to share it. This enabled us to get a wide variey of people to answer it. After we got the amount of results to made an analogy we created a powerpoint to show our results clearly.

DemographicsI first asked some demographic questions to get an idea of the focus of my target audience. I asked the gender and the age of the people answering my questionnaire. This helps us to focus our ‘Respect’ music video to a particular age group and gender.

What is your age?At the start of the questionnaire I started with a simple question that allows me to find out the the audience that would to viewing me pop music video. The age range of the people that answered my questionnaire was conclusive and was very wide but 26+ is clearly the most common age range. This was not the age range that I thought I would get because the pop music genre is most popular with the younger generation. I can now create a music video to target that specific age range in mind but by using the colour scheme and props we can please all age ranges and keep our target audience wide.

What is your gender?This next question also tells me a bit more about the audience that I will be targeting the music video towards. The results I got for this question were conclusive. The gender that was clearly the most common answer was males but we have decided to aim our music video towards both male and female as it keeps the target audience wide which should attract more viewers to the video. We will attract both males and females by the props we use and by the colours we use. For example we could use yellow or red which could attract both genders rather than using pink which is a girly colour.

I think that because the people that answered the questionnaire were mostly mostly male and were aged 25+, we will get more male orientated answers. For example the props might be cars because males see this as a high speed, powerful object and the costume choice might be the casual, jeans and T-shirt.

The song we have picked is ‘Respect’ cover by Kelly Clarkson. What clothing would you like

the people in the video to be wearing and why?We have picked the song ‘Respect’ which Kelly Clarkson has covered. We have picked this song because it is an old, well known song but has been bought back into the pop genre by Kelly Clarkson. This also allows the costume design to be very wide and creative as we can have consume ideas from the 60’s and the stereotypical bright pop clothing. The result we got from this question was conclusive. The most common answer for the type of clothing is clearly casual, jeans and t-shirt. This follows the stereotype of the pop music audience as they wear casual but bright, vibrant colours. We will use this answer and the stenotype of the pop music genre by using casual but brightly coloured clothing in our music video.

What sort of lighting would you like to see in the music video?

I have asked this question in the questionnaire because the lighting creates the whole mood of the video and you want the lighting to reflect the song. For example low key lighting might be used in a slow, sad song and high key lighting might be used in a fast, happy song. The results of this question were conclusive but the answers were close. The most common answer was high contrast between high key and low key. We expected high key lighting, which follows the pattern in upbeat pop songs, as Respect is a fast, happy, pop song, so we didn’t expect low key lighting. We have decide to follow the stereotypical lighting of a upbeat pop song and follow our initual idee of high key lighting.

What shot angle would you like to see when the artist is on screen?

The shot angle of the camera allows you to highlight things in which you want the audience to pay close attention to within the music video. The results from this question were conclusive as there is a clear winner. The most common answer was long shot and the next most common answer was medium shot. A long shot allows the viewer to see the full body of the person in the video, focusing on the clothing and a medium shot focuses the viewers attention to the actual person. Using long shots and medium shots are common is pop music videos as the artist wants the viewer to see the stylish, vibrant clothes they are wearing and we have decided to follow this idea to show the artists clothing style as originally planned.

What props would you like to see in the music video?

Props in a music video might make the video music interesting and visual for the viewer. The results for this question were conclusive as there is a clear winner. The most common answer was musical instruments which is a wide category and a lot can be taken from this to use in our music video. This was the result we were expecting based on the results from the demographic questions as males mostly answered the questionnaire. Females stereotypically are more likely to choose formal accessories as males stereotypically care less about there appearance. Musical instruments is such a wide category and a lot can be taken from this. This also goes against our initial idea of cleaning equipment.

Would you like the video to be narrative or lyrical?

Narrative is a story and a lyrical video is the artist singing the words to the song. The results of this question are inconclusive as two of the answers have the same amount of results. The most common answers were both lyrical and hybrid, which is a mixture of narrative and lyrical. This question is personal preference and couldn’t be predicted based on the demographics of the target audience or by the stereotype of the genre. We have decided to use the idea of a hybrid video which a mixture of narrative and lyric.

Would you like to see special effects, visual effects in the music video?

Visual effects and special effects can be extreme, such as explosions or subtle, such as a colour filter. The results from this question were conclusive as there is a clear winner. The most common result was yes. This gives us a wide range of ideas we can use to incorporate into our music video.

Would you like to see a dance routine in the music video?

A dance routine also adds to the visuals making it more interesting to watch. The results for this question are conclusive as there is a clear winner. The most common answer was people would prefer to have a dance routine to watch as well. This is what we were expecting based on the pop music genre and most up beat pop songs have a dance routine to keep the viewer interested but this answer isn't what we were expecting based on the audience that answered our questionnaire as it was mainly males that answered the questionnaire.

What would you want to see as the setting/background of the music video?

The background and settings throughout a music video in a the main theme and is there throughout the music video. The results from this question were conclusive but the other answers are very close. The most common answer was studio. I think the studio theme would work well as the pops suggested were musical instruments but this goes against our initial idea of a household background which went with our idea of cleaning equipment we have decided to stick to our original story idea of a house wife not being respected which tells the story of the title of the song ‘Respect’.

Would you like to the artist lip syncing to the song?

The artist lip syncing makes it more visual for the viewer. The results for this question were conclusive but were very close The most common answer was it have lip syncing to the song which makes the viewer think that the video is personal to them. This is used in most pop songs and it makes the viewer feel like the artist is singing just to them. We are going to use this response in our music video as this is what we originally decided.

Would you like the video to reflect the lyrics or be abstract to the lyrics of the song?

The video can ether reflect the lyrics or be nothing to do with the lyrics. The results for this question were conclusive as there is a clear winner. The most common answer was reflects the lyrics. This helps the views to understand the some better. this is what we were expecting because the audience likes a video that they can relate to. We have decided to uses this idea as it makes our music video more relatable.

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