audience presentation

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine is young adults and teenagers, specifically targeted at an age

range of 16-24.

I decided this is an appropriate age range as the majority of people who like the young fresh artists featured in the magazine are around this age, and many people between these ages go to gigs, festivals and concerts, and enjoy the genres of music my magazine focuses on.

I aimed to target my magazine at both male and female audiences to draw in more readers and cater for both genders, as the style of music and artists featured in the magazine are very gender neutral and enjoyed by both girls and boys. So I tried to reflect this in the images, language, tone and colours of my cover, contents and article.

Here is an idea of the audience, styles and interests of those who may read and enjoy my magazine. I imagine my audience to be fairly fashion conscious, young teenagers and adults who enjoy pop, indie and acoustic music and going to gigs and concerts.

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