au al report 2010-2011 - razor ·...

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East Lake Road Alliance Church

Christian & Missionary Alliance


East Lake Road Alliance Church Of the

Christian & Missionary Alliance







Page Mission Statements of East Lake Road Alliance Church and C&MA Churches*.. 3

Annual Business Meeting, September 1, 2010**************.*. 4

Signature Page of Annual Business Meeting, September 1, 2010*******. 6

Nominating Committee Report**********************..8

Church Event Statistics*************************..9

Church Attendance Statistics***********************10

Pastor’s Report***************************** 11

Elders’ Report*****************************.. 12

Outreach Report****************************..14

Worship Report*****************************16

Christian Education Reports***********************..18-24

Children’s Ministry**************************.18

Youth Ministry****************************.20

Sunday School Ministry & Treasury Report***************...23


Alliance Women’s Ministry Report *********************25

Trustee’s Report****************************.. 26

Deacons’ Report****************************. 27

Treasurer’s Report***************************.. 28

Auditor’s Report****************************.. 33

Active Membership List as of February 29, 2012***************34


The Mission Statement of East Lake Road Alliance Church:


LEADING people to Christ, BUILDING people up in faith, EQUIPPING all for service,

SENDING all to serve,

In obedience to Christ’s command - Matthew 28:19-20

The Mission Statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches: Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and coming King; and complete His Great Commission:

• Evangelizing and discipling persons throughout the United States, and

• Incorporating them into Christ-centered, community-focused congregations,

• Mobilizing them for active involvement in a missionary effort designed to

plant Great Commission churches among both unreached and responsive

peoples worldwide

East Lake Road Alliance Church

Annual Congregational Meeting – 9/1/10

The meeting was called to order by Pastor Rick Rubeis at 6:30 pm

Pastor Rick opened the meeting with prayer and began reviewing the church’s mission and

vision statements. This meeting will be different being that the Directors will be giving

overviews of their ministries and answering questions.

Approval of minutes from 2009 Annual Meeting

MOVED and SECONDED to approve the 2009 Annual Meeting minutes - CARRIED

Election of Officers

Elders – Archie Charron, Clark Rose

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Deacon/Deaconess – Barbara Baker, Joe McQuiston

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Trustees – Gordon Conkling, Craig Merriman, Ron Thompson

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Treasurer – John Baker

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Financial Secretary – Larry Burlingame

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Recording Secretary – Louis Sanchez

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Christian Education Chairperson – Michelle Totleben

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –



Sunday School Superintendant – Carol Schuler

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Alliance Women President – Kristy Gonzalez

MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. –


Presentation of Annual Reports

Joe McLaughlin (Youth), Anne McQuiston (Outreach), Lisa Sanchez (Worship) and

Lindsey Whitney (Children) presented their reports outlining the prior year’s accomplishments,

challenges and visions for each respective ministry.

John Baker presented the Treasurer’s Report and Budget for fiscal year 2010-2011.

MOVED and SECONDED to approve the proposed annual budget. – CARRIED

Building Project Update

Pastor Rick gave an update on the building program which resulted in a discussion about

paving the parking lot and installing a digital sign. Bids for paving ranged from $45,000 to

$60,000, and up to $25,000 for the sign. Funding the improvements were discussed, with the

consensus being refinancing the existing loan and adding on the costs for the capital

improvements to the balance. It was determined that the congregation will vote on whether

or not to move forward with the refinance and capital improvements via ballots.

Ballots were passed out and counted. Results were 49 IN FAVOR and 1 OPPOSED to granting

the Board of Ministries authority to refinance the mortgage and adding the capital

improvement costs to the balance not exceeding $485,000. - CARRIED

MOVED and SECONDED at 8:00 to adjourn the meeting. - CARRIED

Respectfully submitted,

Louis A Sanchez


�ominating Committee Report - Elected Offices

2012 Nominating Committee: Anne McQuiston, Archie Charron, Barb Baker, Lisa Sanchez Current Elected Offices 2010-2011* Elders 2 yr term (Maximum 8) 2012-13 (at least 2) Archie Charron (B) ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Grant Gregory _______________ Clark Rose ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Andy George (B) _______________ Grant Gregory ending 2011* (Feb 2012) Dave Voelker _______________ Andy George (B) ending 2011* (Feb 2012) _______________ _______________ Deacons 2 yr term (Maximum 8) 2012-13 (at least 2) Barbara Baker (B) ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Pat Gonzalez _______________ Joe McQuiston ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Gerri Thompson (B) _______________ Pat Gonzalez ending 2011* (Feb 2012) Bernie Richter_____ _______________ Gerri Thompson ending 2011* (Feb 2012) ________________ _______________ Trustees 2 yr term (Maximum 6) 2012-13 (at least 3) Craig Merriman ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Paul Hollman (B) Jason Chilcott (B) Ron Thompson ending 2012* (Feb 2013) Mike Seib _______________ Gordon Conkling ending 2012* (Feb 2013) John Augustine _______________ Paul Hollman (B) ending 2011* (Feb 2012) Jason Chilcott ending 2011* (Feb 2012) Dave DeAngelo ending 2011* (Feb 2012) Treasurer 1 yr term (1) (one) John Baker (B) John Baker _______________

Asst. Treasurer/Financial Secretary 1 yr term (1) (one) Larry Burlingame Larry Burlingame _______________ Recording Secretary 1 yr term (1) (one) Lou Sanchez (B) Lou Sanchez _______________ Christian Education Chairperson 1 yr term (1) (one) Michelle Totleben (B) Sherrie Decker _______________ Sunday School Superintendent 1 yr term (1) (one) Paul Kraft Amy Charron _______________ *original end date was for August of year listed. By-law revisions changed Annual Meeting date and caused extension of office end dates to February of following year (with office-holder permission). (B) – Board of Ministries


East Lake Road Alliance Church

Statistics – January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011

Average Attendances This Report Last Report

Sunday School 97 89

8:30am Service 57 n/a

11:00am Service 141 160

Combined Services 197 160

Wednesday Evening 77 68


July 21, 2011 Malachi Whitney

October 10, 2011 August Radecki

November 29, 2011 Logan Chilcott


July 17, 2011 Lily Faith Charron


April 8, 2011 Jeff Tenney


January 12, 2011 Jeff & Kristy Mazza

March 25, 2011 Mike & Kathy Seib


April 7, 2011 Dorothy Feagle

July 20, 2011 Ed DePew

July 26, 2011 Betsy Jones

October 11, 2011 Larry Corey


March 27, 2011 Chuck DeAngelo Jeff McQuiston

Joe Doverspike Ed Radecki

Blake Heynowski Dave Richter

Tom Jakobic Amber Shaffer

Stephanie Kraft Ava Voelker

Jeff Mazza Caleb Voelker

Sydney McGarry Corrine Voelker

New Members

January 2, 2011 John Augustine July 3, 2011 Mike Seib

Diane Augustine Kathy Seib

April 10, 2011 Paul Kraft July 13, 2011 Rebecca Groves

Tom Jakobic August 6, 2011 Bill Schuler

May 15, 2011 Ed Radecki November 13, 2011 Ken Kanoza

Stacy Radecki Debbie Kanoza


Pastor’s Annual Report – 2010-2011

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly

realms with every blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of

the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am

with you always, to the very ends of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

I’m certain that as you consider the facts and figures contained in this annual report, you’ll be

amazed at what God has done through his obedient servants at East Lake Road Alliance Church


Our church has come a long way since the original building was erected at 4500 East Lake Road.

In reviewing our progress, it is important to keep our focus forward, evaluating not only were

we’ve been, but more importantly, where we are going. I believe that at least in part, that is what

the Apostle Paul had in mind when he wrote “But one thing I do; forgetting what it behind and

straining forward to what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has

called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:13b-14

You’ll notice in the coming year a lot of “intentional” stuff. Your leadership team is dedicated to

focusing and re-focusing on intentionally winning people to Christ, intentionally building people

in Christ, intentionally equipping people in Christ to serve, and then intentionally sending them

to serve. Linda and I are excited about the future of this church, and we thank our Lord Jesus

Christ for each of you. Our prayer and deepest desire is for everyone who calls ELRAC their

church home to catch the vision…Let’s build His kingdom together.

Pastor Rick



Serving as an elder/shepherd/overseer is both a weighty responsibility and a joy! As the governing authority of the church (as per our bylaws), the elders are involved in the church’s decision-making, vision for the future, the overseeing of the spiritual health of the church, and the support of our head-elder, Pastor Rick. Much of the administrative responsibility of governing the church is delegated to the Board of Ministries, freeing the elders to focus on one of our primary charges: the spiritual welfare of our church family. As elders, we have a heart for the well-being of each attendee at ELRAC and for guarding and strengthening the health of our church body. Our responsibilities throughout the year include teaching, prayer, visitation, addressing spiritual concerns within our church family, serving communion, overseeing membership, etc… Crucial to the health of our church family is the spiritual condition of each heart in our congregation. In Psalm 86, David prays: “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart.” May this yearning for an undivided heart—a heart that is wholly and single-mindedly devoted to God, heartily hungering after Him, and surrendered to His Spirit’s empowerment—be the heartbeat of each person at ELRAC. This is foundational. No matter where God leads us next as a church, no matter which new program we might offer next, no matter the inevitable changes that lie ahead (indeed, it seems God has positioned us as a church for more change and growth in the future!), may we be known as a congregation after God’s own heart. The past year has been another eventful season of growth at ELRAC. For many months, Sunday morning attendance has regularly exceeded the 200-person mark. It is exciting to see God bringing new people into the ELRAC family! And ministries throughout the church continue to expand, change, and move in new directions. At a recent board meeting, it was truly humbling and exciting to hear from each of our directors (Anne McQuiston—Outreach; Lindsey Whitney—Children’s Ministries; Lisa Sanchez—Worship; and Mike Whitney—Youth) all that God is doing in and through their ministries, as well as their vision for the future. We are so grateful for the hard work and dynamic leadership that each director has provided as they follow God’s leading. And we are equally grateful for so many of YOU who also serve, minister, and partner in God’s work in all kinds of ways at ELRAC. Your investments of service, prayer-equity, sweat-equity, time, and resources are highly valued—and of eternal worth! Growth at ELRAC—while encouraging—has also underscored several weaknesses (i.e., opportunities for growth!) in our church body. Here are three ways you can help strengthen the spiritual health of our church:

• Take to heart the call for every believer to serve. Without each part doing its work, our

growing church body is not functioning at full strength. As we grow in number, the

needs and opportunities for people to serve are increasing. We heartily implore everyone

to embrace this call, as there is a place for everyone to serve and participate at ELRAC.

Each person in our church family—both young and old, new attendee and old-timer

alike—has God-given gifts, abilities, and passions that are necessary for the building up

and effective functioning of this church body. We urge you to put your gifts to use at

ELRAC so that our body can function at full strength.


• Take the step to more formally partner with ELRAC via membership. While we have

seen sustained growth in the Sunday services over the past year and have welcomed

several people into official membership, less than half of all regular attendees are

members of the church. We heartily encourage all regular attendees to take the next step

in committing to this church family by becoming members. Planting your roots in

membership not only strengthens our church body, but also opens up more opportunities

for you to serve and gives you a voice (vote) in the governance of our church. Whether

you have been attending for a few months or many years, we invite you to commit.

• Pray! Pray for our Pastor. Pray for the leadership of the church. Pray for the unity of

our church body. Pray for the many ministries going on throughout the week in and

beyond the walls of our church. Pray for our community and opportunities to reach out.

Pray for the salvation of those who do not yet know Christ. Pray for an undivided heart.

It is a joy to be a part of God’s kingdom work alongside you. THANK YOU for being partners with us! If you ever have questions/concerns about anything at ELRAC or spiritual needs we can help meet, please feel free to contact one of your elders; we are eager to support you and available to meet with you. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the elders, (Clark Rose, Grant Gregory, Archie Charron, Andy George) Andy George


Outreach Report

In September 2010, I concluded my report with one of the Christian and Missionary

Alliance’s core values: “Achieving God’s purposes involves taking faith-filled risks; this

always involves change.” In 2011, we did step out, take some risks, and try new things.

Many of those new efforts were very worthwhile and can be built upon in the future.

Other’s where less successful, but can still be counted as lessons learned.

On Sunday April 17, 2011, we held our first Easter Egg Hunt. Thirty-five families registered

at the event and for many of them it was their first time at ELRAC. The event ran very well

and I am looking forward to doing it again in 2012 with the benefit of experience gained

from last year’s event.

During the summer months, I had the privilege of working with Lindsey Whitney and a great

team of volunteers on Story Time in Whitford Park. It was wonderful to be out in our

community meeting with kids and families. We had as many of 33 children at story time.

In July, we hosted outdoor family movie nights and found that it was not the type of

program to which our community or church responds. In the future, we will not be using

this type of program.

Friend Day was held again in September 2011. The attendance that day was 274- an

increase of 30 people over Friend Day 2010. Several people who first visited ELRAC on

Friend Day have become regular attendees and I look forward to using that special day to

bring even more people into the church.

October brought another large community outreach effort. A large team of volunteers held

a Halloween block party at the home of Andy George. Approximately 400 children received

treats, an invitation to church and the Good News of John 3:16. I am convinced that many

seeds were planted that night. We anticipate working in that neighborhood again this fall

and showing the people there that East Lake Road Alliance Church cares about them.

After 2 years in this position, I have a much clearer vision of what the outreach programs at

ELRAC should look like. I am using a two-pronged approach to reaching people. I am trying

to adequately promote the regular services and programs of the church. By using the

electronic sign, newspaper advertising, and postcard mailing, I hope to make the

community aware of ELRAC and what happens here every week. I will also continue to use

special events such as the Easter egg hunt and Friend Day to draw people who may not

initially come to a regular service. While working on these two fronts, I also hope to

continue to make new guest feel welcomed and like they belong at ELRAC by striving to

improve the welcoming and follow up procedures that are currently in place.

As we move through 2012, I would like to invite you to join with me in East Lake Road

Alliance Church’s outreach efforts. We are in need of greeters, volunteers to man the


Welcome Center, and people to help with special events. If you have found ELRAC to be a

place where you have been able to draw closer to God and form meaningful relationships

with others, I challenge you to help more people do the same by joining in our outreach


In Christ’s Service,

Anne McQuiston

Outreach Director

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes

and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the

people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47


Worship Report

Dear Church Family,

I have been so blessed by the past year as I have led worship services and the choir for East

Lake Road Alliance Church. When reviewing the year in total, I would sum things up as


Choir has begun performing more frequently and now participates in leading worship. I believe

this utilizes the choir members’ talents to a greater degree. Also, most choir members have

been receptive to singing in both services. In the season to come, there are plans for more

performances and also a small cantata for Easter 2012. We have lost some choir members and

also gained new singers. At the beginning and end of the season, the choir stays full with a

member count above 20. New songs as well as old favorites will be sung in spring 2012. Plans

for the winter season 2012 will be developed over the summer of 2012. In addition, the

purchase of choir microphones has been very helpful for all to hear the choir much clearer.

Another thank you goes out to Craig Merriman for building the choir risers. The choir looks

much more comfortable on the platform with them.

Worship team has experienced some advancement in musicians. We now have 6 women

playing keyboard on a rotating schedule. These women have been a blessing because they are

so willing to use their talents to further God’s kingdom. Worship team has lost some members,

and those that are left are such an encouragement to my faith. Even though they are less in

number, they are willing to do more. Many are even willing to sing for both services. We try to

not make this a habit, but they are more than willing. I am praying for more church

members/attendees to step forth to become part of the worship team. I have prayed, as well

as others, that other musicians would step forward. These prayers are prayed along with the

prayer for God’s will to be done. We only want to add musicians as the Holy Spirit leads and

not because we desire them. One last positive is the addition of a rear facing projector in the

sanctuary. It has been a welcome change.

The biggest change this past year was an addition of a music room in the main church building.

This will allow for choir storage all in one spot. Choir robes, sheet music, extra sound

equipment, etc. can all be kept in one place. The trustees have done a great job! I have never

seen such dedicated men working for the Lord in any church I have ever attended.

The current worship format is to have a mix of traditional and contemporary music in both

services. We may be exploring some new options in the future. I also hope to plan another

hymn sing because we had a very successful on in the fall of 2011. Good Friday, Thanksgiving

Eve and Christmas Eve service were beautiful and well-attended.


It goes without saying that working for the Lord comes with struggles for ELRAC music team

members, but the eternal reward will make it all worthwhile. I am proud to be the leader of

music here at ELRAC. I am so grateful that the Lord has called me into this position. I pray His

will be done in our midst as we use our time and talents for His Glory!

In Christ,

Lisa Sanchez,

Worship Director


Children’s Ministry Report February 2012

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or

imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!

Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)

As I reflect on the past year, it is so clear that the Lord has incredible blessings stored up for his people. I think about the relationships that formed during Summer Story Time, the kids pouring into Kids for Christ with Bibles in hand, little arms waving around during Children’s Church, eager to share facts about the day’s lesson, and I am amazed. I am truly amazed at the goodness of our God.

I am so grateful for the team of people that God has assembled to minister to the kids in this church and around the community. I’m grateful for the new members we’ve had join us (Amy Doverspike, Jeremy McGarry, and Tara Biddle), and the team members that consistently give year after year (Paulette, Andy, Jen, Sue, Bernie, Karen, and Linda R.). I’m grateful for those people who serve for a time or for a special project and then move onto the other things God has in store for them (Joe, Anne, Linda K, and many more!) When I think about all the people involved in making Children’s Ministry happen, it reminds me of Romans 12, and makes me truly excited about this ministry.

So, what has the Children’s Ministry been up to? I’m so glad you asked.

In the Spring of 2011, we got serious about Bible study by introducing kids to “Cool Bible Tools” such as Bible Dictionaries, Concordances, Indexes, Maps, and Bible Commentaries. We practiced digging into God’s Word and found that the Bible really does give us instructions on how to live our everyday life.

This summer, we tried something new with Story Time at Whitford Park and Family Movie Nights on the church lawn. We learned a lot from these experiences and plan to do story time here at the church during February and March and again next summer at the park. We’re also looking for another “Big Event” to get the whole church involved with, similar to Vacation Bible School, with a goal of continued church involvement.

During the fall season, we held a hopping block party at Andy’s George’s house in order to “light the night” on Halloween. We provided hot chocolate, hot dogs, candy, and information about the church to kids and their families. It was great being a part of the community, and we hope that the love of Christ we shared that night makes an impact on those who came in contact with us.

For Christmas, the kids performed “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen”. The play had some great music, super performers, and shared the true message of Christmas with friends and family who visited.


Looking Towards the Future

During 2012, we want to partner with parents in a meaningful way. It’s tough to raise kids these days, and we want to be equipping parents with the tools they need to be biblical spiritual leaders in their homes. We are starting this venture with a Child Dedication class where parents will develop a family faith plan and write a blessing to pray over their child each night. We are also starting a Parent Café class in March with a great DVD curriculum called “Raising Kids with a Faith that Lasts”.

Over the course of the next five years, we will be implemented one or two elements of the Legacy Milestones program ( each year in order to partner with parents during key moments in their child’s life (baptism, transition to adolescence, commitment to purity, high school graduation, etc).

We will also be asking parents to join us during Kids for Christ for special “Family Celebrations” once a quarter.

On another note, we want our older kids to find ministries where they can be involved. God has called us all to ministry, whether it’s in our community or in the church, and we don’t want these kids to miss out on that blessing! We’ve begun to use Junior Leaders in Kids for Christ and hope to begin training members of our Sunday morning Adventure Group to help with the Children’s Church program as well.

Speaking of blessings, I am confident that the Lord has growth in store for us during 2012. Our Kids for Christ program grows every week, and we are excited about all the kids that are hearing about Christ and his great works. Of course, we’ll need more volunteers in order to handle all this growth. That’s where you come in! If you’ve read this far in the report, you must care about Children’s Ministry. I’m asking for heartfelt prayer that God will continue to raise up volunteers and leaders in order to minister to the children in our church (one of those leaders might even be you!). Pray with us. Pray for us. Pray expectantly, and then be prepared to praise God when he answers.

Big things are happening at East Lake Road Alliance (and not just in Children’s Ministry!) Kids are getting saved. Families are changing. Parents are becoming more engaged. Kids are excited about reading the Bible and sharing church with their friends. Keep praying for this ministry. I’m excited to be relying on Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Praise God!

Lindsey Whitney


2012 Youth Director’s Report Dear Brothers and Sisters of Christ: Since the beginning of my tenure we have accomplished quite a bit and I feel that the Lord has blessed not only me, but the church’s effort to serve a very important age group. These teens are the future of our church and our world. Before I dive into all the exciting changes, please allow me to pass on a few words of thanks. Our teenagers struggled heavily with the change in directors and felt a level of distrust with the older generation in the church. They were hesitant go get involved and uncertain about how much trust they should give the church. When I came into the room the first time, I was greeted with these feelings and I was glad that they were openly willing to discuss their frustrations. I can happily say that we now find ourselves in a much different mind-set. The Youth are extremely grateful for the ways in which the church has supported them through all of their changes and activities. Following the fundraiser at Pizza Hut, they talked for over an hour about how blown away they were by the amount of people that showed up to eat. They truly felt supported and loved by the congregation for the first time in a long time. Since that day, the Youth have told me how much they feel connected at the church and how they are shocked that adults want to know them and what they are about. I have no words to explain how much the Youth and I am thankful for such a supportive church congregation. Christ called us love all people and you have truly shown them the face of God through your actions, words, and financial support. Thank You. More specifically, I would like to single out a few important volunteers that have made the Youth Group run as smoothly as it has. Thank you to Lindsey Whitney, my wife and my main supporter. Without your love and desire to please God, none of this would be possible. Thank You Michelle Totleben for going above and beyond your call of duty and assisting me with all of my crazy requests and late paperwork. Thank You Jeff and Kristy Mazza for faithfully attending each and every Wednesday night. Thank You Mary Lanius for also bringing a fresh perspective to the group about what “real” life for a former teen really looks like. Thank You Paul Holman and the other trustees for making our room the best looking room in the whole building. Thank You Carol Schuler for your quality assurance skills in making sure that all of the cookies were not only edible but looked great. Thank you to Pastor Rick for your guidance, mentorship, and unfailing commitment to the Truth of Christ. I also want to thank all of the other adults that have come along side the youth to show them what it means to be a part of a loving Christ centered family; your names are too numerous to list but far too important to forget. Thank You. So with all this help, what have we accomplished? Please let me share with you a quick re-cap of the past 1.5 years since we have had an annual meeting.

Physical Changes – Our room has received a total make-over and has become a must-see destination.

After a fresh coat of paint and a new carpet the room has a great feel. We added a TV and Audio equipment to meet the teens on their level and encourage worship (Led by Jam Master Jeff Mazza). The Lord also provided us with a great sectional couch from a private donation within the church family. Thanks! As time continues, we are adding some Bible Verses, posters, and other décor as a way giving the youth a home within the church. By changing the room and re-designing it, the Youth Ministry team has created an environment that is comfortable and reliable for the teens. When they feel accepted


and loved, even through just a “new” room they in turn are able to focus on God and to feel comfortable. This has resulted in nearly every regularly attending teen to invite at least one friend in the 8 months since I have been director.

Curriculum –

When I was applying for the position of Youth Director, I did so with a specific curriculum plan in mind. Based off of the book “The Seven Checkpoints” by Andy Stanley I constructed a loose outline for two years of growth. Every Sunday, over the course of 2 years, the youth will have cycled through seven checkpoints (Authentic Faith, Spiritual Disciplines, Moral Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Wise Choices, Ultimate Authority, and being Others First) three different times. When our teens graduate from the Youth program they will have received a thorough training on how to have a Foundation of Christ in their lives.

On Wednesday Nights we have been focused on apologetics and how to defend their faith in a dark world. By using the DVD based curriculum “True U”, the teens discovered the Bible’s in-errant historical accuracy as well as discovered extremely compelling evidence for God’s existence. Following that series we have just begun to use another DVD based curriculum called “Up”. This series uses popular Christian music artists and their music to teach theological and Biblically sound lessons. Since beginning this series, I have already heard from several parents about their teens cleaning secular music from their IPods and replacing it with uplifting and life changing Christian music.

Mentoring –

Several weeks ago, we spent time with the Youth developing their goals and plans for life. With some direction from me and the other youth volunteers, we guided the Youth to discover the passion and skills that God created each person with. We urged them to think about their next year, next five years, and next 25 years. Through this time we, as a Youth Ministry team were able to scratch the surface on how every individual teen is wired and created. We believe that this will be a greatly important tool in learning how to effectively mentor, motivate, and counsel each teenager. Aside from this, my wife and I have met individually with some of our teens to provide extra support and guidance as they wade through some of their spiritual battles.

Camps –

Under my tenure the Youth group was introduced to Youth Adventure Camp (YAC) and Winterfest. Between the aforementioned camps and Edinboro Camp we had nearly 80% of our teens attend summer camp. I believe that while each camp is different, they were all effective in drawing the teens closer to Christ as their savior and foundation for life. I personally attended YAC with the group and was able to witness first-hand how the Holy Spirit forever changed the course of their lives. I am encouraged by how much each teen that has attended has grown spiritually more mature, and on-fire for Christ.


Special Events – We have completed several fundraisers to include the two most prominent: The 1st

annual Pizza Hut Extravaganza and the Bake-In. Not only did we have tremendous volunteer support, but we also received remarkable financial support from the congregation. With your help we were able to re-design the youth room as well as send so many teens to camp. We have also had several game nights mixed in throughout our educational classes.

The Youth also have attended two different concerts. We went locally to hear Chasen, followed by the much bigger concert of WinterJam. WinterJam took place in Cleveland, OH and exposed the teens to 10 different major Christian Bands like Skillet, Peter Furler, Newsboys, Sanctus Real, Building 429 and several others. This concert was dynamic and life-changing. On the drive to the arena, I listened as the teens talked about their favorite secular music. On the way home, all they could talk about was that they had no idea that Christian music was “cool”.

In the coming months I am excited about the direction of the Youth Group. We are looking to develop strong leaders amongst the teens and also cultivate a budding faith. Our numbers have steadily improved and we are seeing more unchurched teens enter our doors every month. As we grow and change I ask that you please continue to support me and the Youth Ministry Team in prayer. I also encourage you to serve. Whether with the Youth or another ministry of the church, find a place to serve and watch God blow your mind. Please find me for any more details. One day this group of teenagers is going to drastically change the face of their families, their city, and their country. I am humbled that God chose me to be in such an important role and that the parents continue to trust me with their most precious gift. I again want to thank everyone who has supported the youth in even the smallest way. It is the little things that end up making the biggest difference in the lives of these teens. Whether you have helped a teen go to camp or just helped them smile one Sunday, you have made an eternal difference. We can do nothing without Christ being strength and our lead. I give Him all the glory and praise for what He has done. In Christ’s Service Mike Whitney


ELRAC Sunday School Report

The Sunday school has seen steady attendance this term, but is still lower than could be

expected based on church attendance. Eunice Burlingame continues to sheppard our smallest

lambs. The 4-6 year olds are still officially being led by Gerri Thompson, but while she is

enjoying a brief respite, Amy Charron has offered to stand in the gap. Denise Rogers has

stepped forward and accepted responsibilities for the 7-9 year olds. Our pre-teens are being

prepared for those critical teen years by Diane Augustine. And our Youth Leader, Mike

Whitney, continues to guide our teens through the difficult transformation from youth to adult.

I believe the excellence of our youth speaks well for the dedication and commitment put forth by

our Sunday school teachers, and those who support them in so many ways.

The adult programs, under the leadership of Christ through the help of Nancy Rose, Elmer Huey

and Andy George, are continuing to grow. Class sizes are large enough to justify opening some

new classes as new teachers step forward.

And in closing, the Sunday school continues to enjoy a great deal of help from many people in

the church, but the help provided by Bonnie Lou and Don Wakeley rates a special thank you.


Paul Kraft

Interim Sunday School Superintendent

Sunday School Treasurer’s Report 2011

Cash on Hand January 1, 2011 $1083.88 Total Offerings January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 $2186.61 Total Expenses January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 $2589.72 Cash on Hand December 31, 2011 $ 680.77 Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Lou Wakeley Sunday School Treasurer


Nursery Annual Report

Currently, we have 36 active nursery volunteers and 8 teen helpers. While we have lost 6 volunteers during the past year, the Lord has blessed us with 5 new nursery volunteers and 2 new teen helpers for the toddler nursery. The following shows how the nursery is staffed and the average attendance for the service.

Service # volunteers # children Sunday 8:30 AM 1 3 Sunday School 1 1

Sunday 11:00AM infant nursery

2 3

Sunday 11:00 AM toddler nursery

2 (1 adult & 1 teen)


Wednesday Prayer Meeting

1-2 4

During the past year, wall decorations were added to the toddler nursery and we have been utilizing the identification labels. Bulletin boards have also been placed in both nurseries to post schedules, reminders, etc. For the upcoming year, I would like incorporate play and learning stations into the toddler nursery. It is my prayer that the Nurseries at ELRAC will continue to grow in number of children, as well as volunteers. I truly appreciate the service and dedication each volunteer provides for our nursery. In Christ, Jennifer McGarry


Alliance Women

Annual Report

As many of you know, I have been involved with East Lake Road Alliance Church for the last 6 years.

While here, my faith has matured in leaps and bounds, and I am utterly grateful for my church family

and the opportunity to be involved with Alliance Women this year and in years previous.

Over the last year, I held about 8 meetings. We discussed the national theme, which was On the Move.

We watched videos about exercising your body and your faith and discussed some of the spiritual

disciplines. We had one member participate in the Walk-a-Thon at First Alliance Church, which

benefitted the National Project. Also cards were sent to our adopted Missionary Kid, Silvia Howard, in


The first three or four meetings were well attended, averaging about 20 people. However, the last

meeting I held included four people. At one meeting we talked about how the role of Alliance Women is

shifting. The world is changing with the advent of technology. Alliance Women started as a time for

prayer warriors to get together and pray for the lost of the world and those who were working with

them. They did tangible things, like rolling bandages, to help those around the world. But now, with the

rise of the internet, the world has become smaller, and traditional Alliance Women groups are unable to

cope with the changes and are therefore dying out.

During the last year, I had discussions with other Alliance Women presidents in the area while attending

a meeting at Grandview Alliance Church. The ladies all said they were experiencing the same problems.

They all love working with women, but they felt that the role of Alliance Women was changing. We were

all at a loss of what to do to turn the tide.

I am hoping that the next person to take over this position has a heart for missions, but also

understands the changing times. Also, whoever takes this over should also know that there is now a

Missions Committee here at East Lake Road Alliance, and that person may need to reconsider what

Alliance Women really is all about.

Thank you for allowing me to serve in this position this year. Thank you also to Gerri Thompson, Linda

Kirik, and Karen Altimus for their help. It was an eye-opening experience for me, and I will learn from it

for the future.

In Christ,

Kristy Mazza


Trustee Report


The trustees have been quite busy keeping up with the ever expanding church body that the Lord

is producing. The Active church and numerous ministries mean frequent setups and tear downs

of tables, chairs and equipment. As always, a spring cleanup, both inside and outside, was

completed with the help of the congregation.

Several big projects were completed, including paving of the parking lot, the new electronic sign,

lighting and brick work at the entrance of the parking lot, and a new classroom. Risers were built

for the choir, and the old nursery window at the back of the sanctuary was removed. A new

cupboard base and counter were added in the kitchen. The youth room was recently painted and

the old restrooms are a work in progress. They are going to be painted and have the floor

coverings replaced. A new television was installed in a classroom and several bulletin boards and

white board were hung. Hand sanitizer is now available at the front and side entrances of the


It is a privilege serving the church and watching as our always faithful Lord uses the work of His

servants to His glory.


David DeAngelo



East Lake Road Alliance Church Treasurer’s Report

August 1, 2010 – December 31, 2011

With the change in our fiscal year, this report actually covers a 17 month period. Our church has been growing in numbers and we have seen some growth in giving. Total income for the 17 month period was $437,396 compared to the same period a year earlier of $408,035 or about a 7% increase. For the calendar year of 2011, giving was $311,351 compared to $287,089 in 2010, an 8.4% increase. Respectively, expenses have also increased. For the same 17 month period, expenses increased from $438,414 to $449,022 or about 2.5%. For the calendar year 2011, expenses were $274,597 which were down from $318,495 in 2010.

As of July 31, 2010, the balance in our checking account was $71,153 representing a total of all of the funds, up from $40,987 in the previous report. We are also still holding $19,955, in GE stock that we received from an estate in 2008.

As our church grows, so does the volume of work in all areas of the church. In the area of accounting, we averaged writing 74 checks per month. We filed payroll taxes for 8 employees as well as producing reports each month for the board and the congregation. Part of this work is done under contract with an outside accounting service.

For calendar year 2011, we budgeted $216,450 in fixed expenses and $35,300 in prorated (discretionary) expenses for a total of $252,100. Our actual spending, including building expenses of $14,887 was $256,927, or 3.9% under budget. Praise the Lord!

General Fund

The General Fund is used for general operation of the church and to pay any part of the mortgage not covered by the building fund. The majority of our routine expenses are paid out of this fund. All offerings, not otherwise designated, go into the General Fund and are paid out according to the budget passed each year by the membership of the church. Inflows to the General Fund for the calendar year of 2011 totaled $206,618 compared to $206,194 in 2010. Our actual expenses from the General Fund were $203,837. See the comparison of budgeted items to actual spending later in this report to see the details.

Building fund

The Building Fund was set up to accomplish the building of our church addition and is now used to pay the mortgage and make additional improvements such as the parking lot. Offerings specifically designated for the Building Fund totaled $52,478 compared to $35,930 the previous year. We paid $49,345 to the Conneaut Savings Bank in mortgage payments; $27,537 was





2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Total Giving for the Year


applied to the principal. As our church once again begins to burst at the seams, giving to this fund will become very important when we need to expand. Please continue to give generously so we can move the work of God’s church forward.

Memorial Fund Two hundred and twenty five dollars was specifically contributed to the Memorial Fund. This fund is used for special projects, designated by the Board of Ministries, such as landscaping.


Although we are still having trouble getting people to commit to giving to the Great Commission fund through pledges, your actual giving was up considerably with $38,649 given during 2011, up from $32,543 in the 2010. (Note: This is a different time period than the pledge so these numbers will

vary from those of the financial secretary) Special gifts were also given: $680.75 to Bob & Cheryl Fugate, $335 to Bob and Joy Brougher, and $190 to Jerry Ester, the Edinboro Camp Director. We also gave gifts from the General Fund to various other local charities like the City Mission, Youth for Christ, Edinboro camp and the Fairfield Fire Department.

Special Projects

In addition to these budgeted funds you also gave generously to several special projects (i.e. camp scholarships). These projects are vital to our youth and our church. Your generosity in these areas of special needs is sure to have eternal results. You gave a total of $5,135 to the parking lot fund, $2,515 to the camp scholarship fund, $2,870 to the kitchen fund, $2,375 to the Restroom fund, $530 to the sign fund, $270 to the projector fund for total additional giving of $13,695.

Offering Income

Average wkly


General Fund Building


Total (all


2005-2006 4,667 150,283 61,291 242,723

2006-2007 4,937 156,967 58,858 256,706

2007-2008 5,468 199,043 74,816 284,369

2008-2009 4,597 174,932 41,860 249,156

2009-2010 4,817 188,269 35,930 250,730

2011 5,234 205,023 52,479


Weekly �eed General Fund Building



2005-2006 2,235 108,722 7,505 116,227

2006-2007 5,271 142,759 131,344 274,103

2007-2008 4,363 160,835 652,444 813,279

2008-2009 5,620 171,233 121,042 292,275

2009-2010 4,782 199,850 31,916 231,766

2011 4,191 191,944 25,995 217,939


Although our church overall does a great job of giving, it is a concern that much of that giving is done by a few people. Overall, there were 148 people who gave something in 2011. As you can see by the chart to the right, the top 10% of givers in our church, about 15 people, give 46% of the offering. The next 10% give 19%, the next 10% give about 11%. The remaining 70% (105 givers) give about 15% of the total offering or about $8 per week per giver. We also received about 11% of our total offering in cash. Tithing, the concept of giving the first 10% back to the Lord, is spoken of throughout the Bible from Genesis through the New Testament. Since God owns everything, He does not need our money, but He does want our obedience. When we are obedient, He has promised to bless us. (Luke 6:38) If you are not tithing, I would challenge you to give it a try. God says “test Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Malachi 3:10, Ezekiel 44:30). Tithing can be scary at times because it forces us to trust God to take care of our needs but, praise the Lord, He is more than able to take care of all of our needs. The Bible tells us that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35) but what will tithing do for you?

1. Increase your intimacy with the Lord (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34)

2. Increase your treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20, Matthew 19:21, Luke 12:33, Luke 18:22, Philippians 4:17, 1 Timothy 6:17-19)

3. Bring blessings on earth (Deuteronomy 14:28-29, 2 Chronicles 31:10, Proverbs 11:24-25, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Philippians 4:19)

4. Increase in blessings (Ezekiel 44:30, Luke 7:2-5, Acts 9:36-37, 40, Acts 10:1-4, 31)

The table on the next page shows the actual budget for last year and the amounts spent in each category. All funds, with the exception of the missions fund are included. Percentages over 100% indicate areas that we are over budget.







Giving at ELRAC

Top 10%

2nd 10%

3rd 10%

4th 10%

Other 60%



Category Name

Fixed Expenses

Alarm System 650 432 66% 650 100.00%

Copier Lease 2,035 2,035 100% 2,035 100.00%

Copier Supplies 200 159 80% 200 100.00%

District Expense Fund 5,400 5,437 101% 5,400 100.00%

Fellowship Fund 1,100 1,158 105% 1,200 109.09%

Insurance:Property 3,000 2,977 99% 3,000 100.00%

Insurance:Workers Comp 1,000 830 83% 1,000 100.00%

Janitorial Services 6,500 3,825 59% 6,500 100.00%

Janitorial Supply 1,200 1,137 95% 1,200 100.00%

Bookeeping 1,000 900 90% 1,000 100.00%

Office Supplies - Other 3,200 2,943 92% 3,900 121.88%

Mortgage Payment (Prin & Int) 48,500 46,303 95% 48,500 100.00%

Pastor Compensation:Health Insurance 17,000 18,655 110% 17,000 100.00%

Pastor Compensation:Salary 32,870 31,870 97% 32,870 100.00%

Pastor Compensation Housing Allow 34,000 32,888 97% 34,000 100.00%

Pastor Compensation - Retirement 2,135 3,158 148% 5,229 244.92%

Pastor Compensation:Social Security 4,460 4,330 97% 4,460 100.00%

Pastor Compensation:Exp & Mileage 3,400 2,173 64% 3,400 100.00%

Secretarial 6,200 5,277 85% 6,460 104.19%

FICA Expense 2,600 3,035 117% 3,400 130.77%

Utilities-Church:Electric 7,000 6,778 97% 7,000 100.00%

Utilities-Church:Water-Sewage-Trash 2,000 2,432 122% 2,600 130.00%

Utilities-Church:Gas 4,200 4,556 108% 4,600 109.52%

Utilities-Church:Telephone 2,200 1,580 72% 2,200 100.00%

Outreach Director 5,400 4,175 77% 5,660 104.81%

Children's Ministry Director 8,400 8,401 100% 8,868 105.57%

Youth Ministry Director 5,400 2,250 42% 5,660 104.81%

Worship Director 5,400 4,143 77% 5,660 104.81%

Total Fixed Expenses 216,450 203,837 94% 223,652 103.33%

Prorated Expenses:

Christian Education 1,500 675 45% 1,500 100.00%

Children's Ministries (Incl VBS) 2,000 1,116 56% 2,500 125.00%

Conferences & Continuing Ed 4,000 4,016 100% 4,000 100.00%

Decorating 1,400 104 7% 1,400 100.00%

Donation 500 2,328 466% 500 100.00%

Edinboro Camp 800 780 98% 800 100.00%

Edinboro Camp (Scholorships) 1,573 Covered by Special Of fering

Flower Committee (Deacons) 1,100 377 34% 1,100 100.00%

Hostess 3,000 2,105 70% 3,000 100.00%

Missions 1,500 410 27% 1,500 100.00%

Outreach 3,000 7,383 246% 7,300 243.33%

Pulpit Supply 1,000 704 70% 1,000 100.00%

Trustees 4,500 9,727 216% 5,500 122.22%

Van Service 3,000 3,416 114% 3,500 116.67%

Worship 7,000 3,354 48% 5,300 75.71%

Youth For Christ 0 50 n/a 0 n/a

Youth Ministries 1,000 86 9% 2,000 200.00%

Total Prorated Expenses 35,300 38,203 108% 40,900 115.86%

Fixed Expenses 216,450 203,837 94% 223,652 103.33%

Total NonCapital Expenses 251,750 242,040 96% 264,552 105.09%

Building Expenses 14,887

Total Expenses 251,750 256,927 264,552 102.06%

1. The church started paying into retirement for the pastor in the middle of the previous period.




Jan - Dec 2011


Percent of


Jan - Dec 2012

Proposed Budget

% Change

from last


If you give regularly, offering envelopes are available from Larry Burlingame. These envelopes assure your privacy and make Larry’s job a lot easier when recording your contributions. On the envelopes you can designate money to go to specific funds but only to ones designated by the Board of Ministries. We would encourage you to use these envelopes. We have come a long way in the past few years with the new building, new ministry directors, two services and so much more! But we have a lot of work left to do. ONLY 3% of the people you see on the streets each day are born again and over 80% do not go to church at all! But, 25% of them said they would go if ask. We must do the asking! As we concentrate on the work of the Lord, reaching the lost for him, I am confident that He will take care of all of our financial needs through His people. Thank you for giving generously to the cause of Christ! Respectfully submitted, John E. Baker Treasurer


February 22, 2012 To Membership and Board of Ministries at East Lake Road Alliance Church: We have examined the financial records of the church’s ministries (Deacons, Sunday School and ELRAC) and have found them to be in order. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Decker Michelle Totleben

Membership as of February 29, 2012

Inactive Members Bates, Brianna Bates, Veronica Conkling, Gordon Associate Members Corbin, Hazel McClellan, Mary Jane Pjecha, Helen Thornton, Ann Welch, June

1. Altimus, Karen

2. Augustine, Diane

3. Augustine, John

4. Baker, Barbara

5. Baker, John

6. Bell, Karen

7. Bird, Sharon

8. Blum, Wilma

9. Burlingame, Eunice

10. Burlingame, Larry

11. Chance, Karen

12. Charron, Amy

13. Charron, Archie

14. Chilcott, Jason

15. Chilcott, Sarah

16. Corey, Barb

17. Cragle, Marge

18. Davis, Phyllis

19. DeAngelo, Dave

20. DeAngelo, Paulette

21. Decker, Bruce

22. Decker, Sherrie

23. Doverspike, Amy

24. Ekblom, Sandi

25. Frudd, Charles

26. Frudd, Marjorie

27. George, Andy

28. Gonzalez, Pat

29. Gregory, Grant

30. Gregory, Jean

31. Groves, Rebecca

32. Halloran, Shirley

33. Hamme, Ann

34. Harcourt, Donna

35. Hollman, Carolyn

36. Hollman, Paul

37. Huey, Doris

38. Huey, Elmer

39. Jakobic, Tom

40. Jones, David

41. Kanoza, Debbie

42. Kanoza, Ken

43. Kraft, Paul

44. Markel, Bonnie

45. Mazza, Kristy

46. McQuiston, Anne

47. McQuiston, Joe

48. Merriman, Craig

49. Perrine, Dave

50. Perrine, Sue

51. Pierce, Doris

52. Pierce, George

53. Radecki, Ed

54. Radecki, Stacy

55. Renner, Doreese

56. Richter, Bernie

57. Rodgers, Denise

58. Rose, Nancy

59. Rose, Rev. Clark

60. Rubeis, Linda

61. Rubeis, Rev. Rick

62. Sanchez, Lisa

63. Sanchez, Lou

64. Schuler, Bill

65. Schuler, Carolyn

66. Seib, Kathleen

67. Seib, Mike

68. Shaffer, Jason

69. Shaffer, Stacey

70. Stangle, Judy

71. Stemple, Linda

72. Thompson, Gerri

73. Thompson, Ron

74. Thornton, Charles (Chuck)

75. Torok, June

76. Totleben, Michelle

77. VanDessel, Mona

78. Voelker, Dave

79. Voelker, Tina

80. Wakeley, Bonnie Lou

81. Whitney, Lindsey

82. Whitney, Mike

83. Widomski, Carol



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