atypical presentation of intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary

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Rev Paul Pediatr. 2016;34(2):243---246



Atypical presentation of intra-abdominal extralobarpulmonary sequestration detected in prenatal care: acase report

Márcio Rodrigues Costa ∗, Théo Rodrigues Costa, Mauricio Sérgio Brasil Leite,Fernandes Rodrigues de Souza Filho, Alexandre Magno Bahia Reis,Bruno Paiva Pereira, Arthur Magalhães de Oliveira

Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, GO, Brazil

Received 27 February 2015; accepted 20 April 2015Available online 24 February 2016


AbstractObjective: To describe an unusual clinical presentation of intra-abdominal extralobar pul-monary sequestration in a 2-year, 9 month-old patient and assess diagnostic and treatmentaspects of this pathology.Case description: An undefined intra-abdominal mass was identified in the right adrenal regionin a male fetus. Postnatal evaluation with ultrasound images, computed tomography, magneticresonance imaging and laboratory testing was insufficient to determine the nature of the lesion.After two years, laparoscopic resection of the mass and histopathological examination of thesurgical specimen allowed to establish the diagnosis of intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonarysequestration.Comments: This malformation can be monitored clinically; however, surgical excision is oftenperformed, probably due to the impossibility of attaining diagnosis with non-invasive meth-ods, such as in the present case, in which the lesion appeared in an unusual position forintra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestration. Therefore, the surgical approach seems

to be the key to attain the diagnosis and establish the conduct for this type of congenitalmalformation.© 2015 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an openaccess article under the CC BY license (

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail: (M.R. Costa).© 2015 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BYlicense (

244 Costa MR et al.


Apresentacão atípica de sequestro pulmonar extralobar intra-abdominal detectadono pré-natal: relato de caso

ResumoObjetivo: Descrever apresentacão clínica incomum de sequestro pulmonar extralobar intra-abdominal em um paciente de dois anos e nove meses e avaliar aspectos diagnósticos e detratamento dessa patologia.Descricão do caso: Uma massa intra-abdominal indefinida em topografia suprarrenal direita defeto masculino. A avaliacão pós-natal com imagens de ultrassom, tomografia computadorizada,ressonância magnética e testes laboratoriais não foi suficiente para determinar a naturezada lesão. Após dois anos, a resseccão laparoscópica da massa e o exame histopatológico doespécime cirúrgico permitiram estabelecer o diagnóstico de sequestro pulmonar extralobarintra-abdominal.Comentários: Essa malformacão pode ser monitorada clinicamente; entretanto, a excisão cirúr-gica frequentemente é feita, provavelmente devido à impossibilidade de diagnóstico commétodos não invasivos, como ocorreu no presente caso, na qual a lesão apresentou-se emposicão não habitual para sequestro pulmonar extralobar intra-abdominal. Desse modo, a abor-dagem cirúrgica parece ser a chave para o diagnóstico e a conducão desde tipo de malformacãocongênita.© 2015 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. Este é um artigoOpen Access sob a licença CC BY (










ulmonary sequestration is a rare event and its incidencen live births is estimated to be 0.15---1.7%.1 This con-enital malformation is characterized by focal areas ofysplasia and nonfunctioning pulmonary parenchyma, notonnected with the bronchial tree or pulmonary arteries.2

xtralobar sequestration, represented by 25% of cases ofulmonary sequestration, is characterized by pulmonaryarenchyma involved by pleura independent of the normalung.3,4 Among the cases of extralobar pulmonary seques-ration, 8% are below the diaphragm. This presentation isxtremely unusual and not all of its diagnostic and thera-eutic aspects have been clarified.5

Intra-abdominal extralobar sequestration is usuallysymptomatic and complications such as malignancy ornfection are exceptionally rare.6,7 The most often per-ormed treatment is surgical resection; probably becauseost cases need histopathological analysis to confirm theiagnosis.8,9 Therefore, intra-abdominal extralobar pul-onary sequestration is potentially a good candidate for an

xpectant conduct.Therefore, the aim of the report was to describe a case

f intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestration andighlight the aspects of diagnosis and management of thisalformation.

ase description

25-year old pregnant woman in the second trimester ofregnancy of a male fetus, without complications, under-ent routine prenatal ultrasound that detected a mass in the

ight adrenal gland of the fetus. Vaginal delivery occurred


t term (40 weeks) without complications. The newborn wasubmitted to postnatal ultrasound on day of life 5, whichhowed a 2.6cm oval mass in its largest diameter, peripher-lly echogenic with an anechoic core. Abdominal computedomography assessment carried out at day of life 30, showed

hypodense nodule (60 pre-contrast Hounsfield units), withlight enhancement after intravenous contrast administra-ion. Through this method, the lesion showed to be 2.5cmn its largest diameter and no apparent cleavage plane withhe right liver lobe or right adrenal. The metabolic assess-ent, which included the measurement of sex hormones,

atecholamines, cortisol, aldosterone and metanephrines,erformed before the computed tomography (CT) assess-ent, showed no abnormalities. All monitoring and all

xaminations in the perinatal and neonatal periods werearried out at another health care service. After a longime without follow-up care, the patient returned for assis-ance at two years and nine months of age, when magneticesonance of the upper abdomen was requested. This exam-nation showed the presence of a nodule with the followingharacteristics: largest diameter of 3.4cm, located abovehe right adrenal, partially defined contours, hyperintenseignal on T2, hypointense on T1, heterogeneous enhance-ent after intravenous contrast injection and no cleavagelane with the right liver lobe or right adrenal (Fig. 1).he adrenal metabolic assessment performed at that time,emained unaltered.

The patient underwent laparoscopic surgical exploration.he position used was the lateral decubitus position at5◦ with slight lumbar deformation. Four trochanters were

laced in the usual position for right adrenalectomy. Theedial displacement of the right colon after sectioning of

he line of Toldt and the hepatocolic ligament was car-ied out without difficulty, showing a protuberance in the

Atypical presentation of intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary s





Figure 1 Close association between intra-abdominal extralo-bar pulmonary sequestration and right adrenal gland in





magnetic resonance imaging (T2 images).

region above the right kidney. After dissection, contact ofthe mass with the diaphragmatic crus and the right liver lobewas observed superiorly, with no adherence to these organs,while inferiorly, the lesion showed no cleavage plane withthe right adrenal. The mass was removed together with theadrenal gland and then they were separated on the surgicaltable. Major, higher-caliber and dominant vessels were notidentified during the procedure. The material was sent forhistopathological analysis and the gross examination showedthe presence of an 11g tumor with 4.3cm in its largest diam-eter, of brown color and regular, smooth, heterogeneous andshiny surface. Microscopic examination showed the presenceof lung tissue with alveoli filled with macrophages (Fig. 2).The adrenal identified in the histopathological examinationshowed usual aspect. The results found in the histologicalsections defined the diagnosis of intra-abdominal extralobarpulmonary sequestration. The patient recovered unevent-

fully and was discharged on the 2nd postoperative day.

Figure 2 Microscopy of intra-abdominal extralobar pul-monary sequestration showing respiratory epithelium (arrow)and hyaline cartilage (asterisk), 400× magnification.




equestration 245


bdominal tumors, including intra-abdominal extralobarulmonary sequestration, are unusual among the malfor-ations of the perinatal period. According to Teel and

hare, only 5% of fetal abnormalities correspond to abdom-nal tumors visualized at the prenatal ultrasonography.10

lthough infrequent, more than 90% of the tumors detectedn this phase are diagnosed correctly; gestational age, ultra-onographic characteristics, the location, blood supply ofhe masses and the results of laboratory tests, such as mea-urement of vanillylmandelic acid are assessed.11

The evaluation of abdominal masses in neonates can bearried out by different imaging methods, but usually theltrasound examination is requested initially.12 Tumors thatepresent intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestra-ion at the ultrasound commonly display hyperechogenicitynd sometimes a thin hyperechoic halo.9,13 When Dopplers added to the ultrasound evaluation, one can detecthe arterial blood supply that originates from the aortand establishes the diagnosis of intra-abdominal extralobarulmonary sequestration.9 According to some researchers,here are no characteristic ultrasound images that definentra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestration.14 Inhis case, the ultrasound images in the postnatal periodhowed an echogenic halo of the mass without other findingshat might indicate intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonaryequestration, whereas the lesion topography suggestedhat it was an adrenal neoplasia. This method, therefore,id not allow the correct diagnosis to be attained.

Additional tests to the perinatal ultrasound may beeeded to assess intra-abdominal masses in neonates.12 CTnd/or magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen aresually the subsequent tests used for this purpose. Theiagnosis of intraabdominal extralobar pulmonary seques-ration through CT can be defined by the presence of masseterogeneity, with enhancement after contrast injectionssociated with the identification of blood supply originat-ng from the aorta.12 According to Amitai et al., however,here are no CT and magnetic resonance images thatnequivocally represent the malformation.15 Supporting thisoncept, the data reported by Chan et al., in a review of3 cases of intraabdominal extralobar pulmonary seques-ration, showed that the findings of imaging tests werenspecific.16

It is interesting that among the cases reviewed by Chant al., only one was located on the right.16 This reporthows the lesion in the right adrenal region, considered annusual clinical presentation for intraabdominal extralobarulmonary sequestration, making it difficult to suppose theharacteristics of this neoplasm. Probably the unusual posi-ion of lesion and the absence of characteristic aspects athe computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imag-ng prevented the early attainment of the diagnosis.

According to Pumberger et al., the histopathologicalnalysis of the surgical specimen of the resected mass ishe best way to establish the diagnosis of intra-abdominalxtralobar pulmonary sequestration.9 In addition to anccurate diagnosis, the resection allows the concomitant

orrection of frequently present abnormalities, such asiaphragmatic hernia and the elimination of the risk ofalignant transformation of the mass.6,17 The diagnosis



















f intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestrationhrough imaging tests and/or biopsy without surgery is,owever, the ideal method of approach in these cases.15,18

omplications related to asymptomatic pulmonary seques-ration, not connected with the lung such as malignantegeneration, are rare and therefore the conservativeanagement of the malformation is an advantageousossibility.7 How to diagnose and treat intra-abdominalxtralobar pulmonary sequestration remains a controver-ial topic.19 In the present case, the laparoscopic surgicalxcision of the mass allowed the definitive diagnosis toe attained. Histopathological examination of the surgicalpecimen confirmed the nature of the lesion.

Therefore, it can be concluded that, although it is com-on to establish the nature of abdominal masses in neonates

nd fetuses through noninvasive methods, in this patient itas not possible to determine the nature of mass even after

he using several laboratory and imaging tests. In the casef intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestration, sur-ical excision seems to be the key to the diagnosis andanagement of these cases.


his study did not receive funding.

onflicts of interest

he authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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