a.types of elections 1.primary election 2.general election – an election in which voters make...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Voting and


I. Being a Voter

A. Types of elections1. Primary election2. General election – an election in which

voters make final decision about candidates and issues

B. Ballot measures1. Initiative - citizens introduce a bill• WA initiative to create a state sales tax

2. Referendum - voters cast ballots for or against proposed laws• Altoona referendum to increase property

taxes to fund the school district

3. Recall - citizens can remove elected officials from office• Campaign to remove Scott Walker

C. The Basics of Voting1. Must be 18 and a resident of the state

you’re voting in2. Registration – the process of signing up

to be a voter• Can register on voting day in WI with a

photo ID

3. Federal congressional and presidential elections are held the Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November• Other elections can happen at any


4. Must vote in your designated precinct

D.How to become an Informed Voter1. From the candidates themselves2. Public service organizations w/no

political ties like the League of Women Voters

3. Newspapers 4. Debates

II. Influencing Your Vote

A. Messages from candidates1. Posters, bumper stickers, leaflets, yard

signs2. Personal appearances3. Direct mail4. Internet5. Media advertisements• Rarely a good source for what a candidate

would do if elected

B. Messages from Interest Groups1. Want to elect candidates that agree

w/their views by endorsements or donating money

2. Large interest groups have political action committees (PACs) whose job is to carry out election activities• Get money from people they represent

(union members, business employees, corporation stockholders) to use for elections

C. News Media and Elections1. Try not to show bias2. How to spot bias• Media giving more attention to a particular

candidate• Play up negative side of a candidate

3. Conduct or report opinion polls• Must poll a random sample of people

III.Campaigning for Office

A. Planning and Running a Campaign1. Campaign manager – helps plan broad

outlines of campaign2. Must find out what the public thinks3. Media use• Campaign press secretary – makes sure

media show the candidate in the best light

D. Financing a Campaign1. Individuals may give up to $2,400 to

each candidate2. See handout for other limits

F. Who is most likely to win – candidates who

1. Are good looking and well organized2. Have backing of political party3. Are able to raise a lot of money4. Is an Incumbent – someone who

already holds the office - has a good chance of winning again

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