atg search installation and configuration guide - oracle

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Version 10.1.2

Installation and Configuration Guide

Oracle ATG

One Main Street

Cambridge, MA 02142


ATG Search Installation and Configuration Guide

Product version: 10.1.2

Release date: 12-17-12

Document identifier: SearchInstallConfigGuide1404301402

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ATG Search Installation and Configuration Guide iii

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. ATG Search Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

How Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Security in Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3. Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Questions for Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Defining Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Architecture for Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Architecture for Production Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation Roadmaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Evaluation Roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web Commerce, ATG Content

Administration, and Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager and Oracle

ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4. Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Installation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Installing HTMLFilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Installing PDF Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Adding Search Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Configuring Remote Indexing Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Configuring Search with CIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Configuring a Multi-Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Configuring Search Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Configuring the DeployShare Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Configuring the Lock Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Configuring the IDGenerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Configuring the IndexingOutputConfig Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Configuring Customization Adapters for Search Merchandising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Configuring SearchSQLRepository Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Indexing Repositories Managed by ATG Content Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Configuring Remote Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Configuring Data Sources for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Creating the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Creating Base Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Importing Initial ATG Search Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Creating Database Tables for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Multisite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Creating Database Tables for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Merchandising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Deleting Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Accessing Search Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

A. Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Component Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

iv ATG Search Installation and Configuration Guide

1 Introduction 1

1 Introduction

This guide explains how to install and configure Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search, and how to integrate your

Search installation with other Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications. It is written for system administrators

and other experienced persons involved in planning and performing a Search installation. Review this guide

thoroughly before beginning your installation.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Audience (page 1)

Document Conventions (page 1)

More Information (page 2)


This manual is intended for system and site administrators responsible for installing and configuring Oracle ATG

Web Commerce Search. To use this guide, you should be familiar with:

• Windows or UNIX administration

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce architecture

• Server environments and security infrastructure in your organization

Document Conventions

This guide uses the following conventions:

• <ATG10dir> refers to your Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation directory.

• <SearchEngineDir> refers to the directory where you have installed a standalone search engine.

2 1 Introduction

More Information

For more information on Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search, see the following:

• ATG Search Administration Guide—Administering your Search installation and indexing content.

• ATG Search Query Guide—Constructing search queries and handling the results.

• ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide—Using Search as part of Oracle ATG Web KnowledgeManager.

2 ATG Search Overview 3

2 ATG Search Overview

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search is an industry-leading search engine that lets users zero in on the information

they need, regardless of format, location, or language. Multiple levels of analysis pinpoint answers and deliver

them with subsecond response times.

Search features include:

• Natural language processing of end-user queries

• Multiple ways to find information (browse, keyword, etc.)

• Support for faceted navigation in client applications

• Multiple language support

• Industry-specific lexicons

• Automated indexing and categorization

• Predefined reports using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Intelligence

• Multisite support

Review this guide thoroughly before beginning your installation. This chapter includes the following sections:

How Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Works (page 3)

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Components (page 4)

Security in Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search (page 6)

How Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Works

“Searching” means retrieving information using an input query. Commonly, the information is textual, it is

retrieved from a collection of documents, and the queries are words or phrases entered by an end-user. The

search results are typically those documents most relevant to the query, plus some indication of why the

documents were retrieved. In order for searching to be efficient, the document collection is indexed by its terms

in a secondary storage component, typically called the index.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search generalizes documents and other content into an abstraction called an index

item. An index item can be an actual document such as an HTML file, a repository item such as an Oracle ATG

Web Commerce product, or a piece of structured data from a database. An index item consists of two elements:

4 2 ATG Search Overview

searchable text content and metadata. Metadata includes the title, summary, and other properties, and is used in

the following Commerce Search features:

• Faceted navigation

• Rank configuration

• Secondary sorting

The index items are fed into Search, which analyzes the content and stores a representation for each item in the

index. The index objects are organized into hierarchical sets much like a directory scheme. Search creates some

sets from the physical organization of the items, some sets from the metadata of the items, and other sets from

topic categorization results. These item sets enable users to search within subsets of the collection and browse

the collection without query input.

Text content is processed through the natural language components, which identify the structural elements

(such as sentences, headers, and tables) as well as the terms in the content. This processing is driven by a

dictionary and other language data, which are also stored in the index. The terms are divided into statement

vectors representing the sequence of terms in a structural portion of the content. The terms are also added to an

index, similar to one found in the back of a large book. This back-of-the-book index allows for efficient searches

and provides a global view of all the content.

Rather than simple text queries, Search accepts complex requests that specify what actions should be

performed. A request may include parameters, processing options, constraints, security settings, and other

information. The two primary requests are the Search Query and the View Item request. Search returns

responses that contain varied information depending on the type of request. For a Search Query, the response

contains a list of results plus other information to drive the search application or user interface.

For more information on how Search processes content into a searchable index, see the ATG Search

Administration Guide.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Components

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search has the following components:

• Search Administration—The interface where you create projects, index content, deploy indexes, etc. Runs

within a standard Oracle ATG Web Commerce installation. The SearchAdmin.AdminUI module is required to

run Search Administration. Your installation should include only one instance of Search Administration.

Project Administration is the part of the Search Administration interface dedicated to project-related tasks. The

search project contains information about the searchable content set you define, such as its location, what

rules are followed for its indexing, what customization data is applied. If you are using multisite, the project

also contains information on which content should be indexed and searchable from which sites.

Note: A search project bears no relationship to an ATG Content Administration project. Search projects do not

contain deployable assets or have an associated workflow, but are a means to organize and configure a given

set of indexable content.

The project links the index with search environments. Environments define the available resources for indexing

content and deploying completed indexes.You can also use projects to associate an index with customization

data. Some customization data affects how topic is indexed; other data is applied when the end-user submits

a query.

2 ATG Search Overview 5

When you install Search, a default environment is created automatically; this means that you don’t have to

create any environments before indexing your content for evaluation. You can add hardware resources to the

default environment, and create environments as required to handle end-user requests. See the ATG Search

Administration Guide for information on creating and configuring environments.

The Search Workbench is where you create and work with customization data and view information about

existing indexes. Customizations either add information to the index itself (such as additional dictionaries and

term weights) or affect the way your content is processed or accessed by end users (for example, Query Rules,

Topic Sets, and Facet Sets). Such customizations optimize your Search implementation for higher accuracy

and improved usability.

For information on Search Administration and customization data, see the ATG Search Administration Guide.

• Search engine—Engine instances can either index content or serve answers to end-user queries. The

DAF.Search.Routing module starts engine instances in the environments associated with a project as


Search engines do not require an Oracle ATG Web Commerce instance (and are therefore also called

“standalone” engines). Your installation can have any number of search engines, but should run only one per

CPU. ATG recommends at least two cores per engine. A single search engine requires at least 1.5GB of memory

on a 32-bit operating system.

• Routing—The DAF.Search.Routing module starts search engines and coordinates communication among

all search components. This module is included in Search Administration and in client applications.

• Client application—Interface through which your users place their search queries, such as an Oracle ATG Web

Commerce site. This application must include the DAF.Search.Routing and DAF.Search.Query modules.

• Search index—The searchable content deployed on your sites. An index is composed of one or more logical

partitions, each of which is associated with content configured in Search Administration. Each logical partition

is composed of one or more physical partitions. Each physical partition requires a search engine to serve

answers from that partition. Each engine has its own copy of the physical partition it serves.

Search Index Concepts Related

6 2 ATG Search Overview

• Search database—Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search uses the following three repositories:

• Routing—Stores search engines, index structure, and index deployment information.

• Search Administration—Stores other Search Administration data.

• IncrementalItemQueue—Stores incremental indexing data.

Search Administration requires access to all three repositories. Your client application requires access to the

IncrementalItemQueue and the Routing repository.

See the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Architecture (page 8) section for detailed information on how

these components can be arranged in your installation.

Security in Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search includes the Search Access role, which allows a user assigned that role to

access Search Administration and the Workbench. This role is granted by default to the admin user; in Oracle

ATG Web Knowledge Manager, by default it is also assigned to the service user.

The role can be found in the SearchAdminRoles folder of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Control

Center. For information on using the Business Control Center, see the ATG Business Control Center Administration

and Development Guide.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 7

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search Installation

This chapter introduces installation and configuration procedures for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search. Review

this chapter thoroughly before beginning your installation. It includes questions that you must consider when

planning your installation, and roadmaps that provide high-level outlines of the steps required to install and

configure Search with other Oracle ATG Web Commerce products.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Questions for Planning (page 7)

Defining Servers (page 8)

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Architecture (page 8)

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation Prerequisites (page 10)

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation Roadmaps (page 11)

Questions for Planning

Before you start installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search, consider the following questions:

• What Oracle ATG Web Commerce products do you plan to use along with Search? It’s a good idea to review all

of the applicable documentation before beginning any installation.

• Do you plan to use multisite? This decision does not affect your Search installation, but may affect other

aspects of your installation planning. See the ATG Multisite Administration Guide for information on multisite


• How will you apportion your hardware? Indexing and searching are resource-intensive functions that benefit

strongly from dedicated hardware with robust specifications.

• How will your applications be distributed? Some applications can share an Oracle ATG Web Commerce server

instance, while others cannot. Will your system include clusters? See the ATG Multiple Application Integration

Guide for architectural information.

• How will administrative functions such as lock management be handled? With a dedicated Oracle ATG Web

Commerce server instance, or as part of some other function?

8 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

• What database software will you use? Where will the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform and application

schemas be located? How will they be accessed?

• Where will your Search deployment share be located? The deployment share is a single, scalable, shared

directory where master copies of indexes are stored. Your installation can have only one deployment share,

which should be located on a dedicated high-performance disk, separate from the Search Administration

installation. The Search Administration installation and all search engines must have access to this directory.

Note: The size of the index that is deployed does not bear any direct relationship to the size of the raw

information being indexed—dictionaries, topics, and other customization data can all add to the size of the

index, as can the nature of the content itself. For example, content consisting mostly of pictures with some

metadata might form a very small index relative to the raw content size, while a product catalog with many

small, unique pieces of information might be relatively large.

Defining Servers

The term server can be confusing due to its multiple meanings. In this guide, server refers to an Oracle ATG

Web Commerce application instance that is deployed to your application server in the form of an EAR file. Each

server can (and usually does) include multiple Oracle ATG Web Commerce products and a variety of modules

depending on the server’s purpose. Conversely, one product may require multiple servers.

You can create any number of server instances based on a single physical installation of Oracle ATG Web

Commerce. Server instances are a way to provide server-specific configuration information without undue

duplication; see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information if you are not familiar with this


To reduce confusion, application servers and Oracle ATG Web Commerce servers are always specified as such in

this guide, and the term server never refers to hardware.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Architecture

The purpose of this section is to outline the principles involved in the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

architecture and enable you to make the best decision for your sites. The examples that follow deal solely

with search components; everything else is represented as the “Client Application.” For diagrams that show

Search integrated with other Oracle ATG Web Commerce products, see the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

Installation Roadmaps (page 11). In the diagrams that follow, the light gray boxes represent Oracle ATG Web

Commerce servers, which can be, but are not necessarily, analogous to hardware resources. Dark gray boxes,

when present, represent standalone search engines.

Architecture for Evaluation

This architecture runs all of your search components within a single Oracle ATG Web Commerce instance. This is

sufficient for basic evaluation purposes and for estimating the size of your final architecture, but should never

be used for production.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 9

A Self-Contained Search Installation

You may want to use this setup to estimate the size of your index using Search Administration, and then add

resources to support that index. The original installation can then be used solely for Search Administration.

Architecture for Production Sites

In a production environment, Search Administration and the client application run in separate Oracle ATG

Web Commerce instances, on separate machines, with two instances of the latter to provide redundancy.

Communication between instances is handled by the DAF.Search.Routing module. Note that this module

must be able to communicate with the Search database.

This recommended architecture uses the Search Administration instance for indexing content, with several

standalone engines to serve answers to end-user queries. The dark gray box in the lower right represents any

number of hosts you might assign to one or more production environments, running as many search engines as

your hardware will support.

The diagram also includes Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Intelligence. Note that your data loaders must

run in a dedicated instance, separate from your application and from Search.

10 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

Application Redundancy and Dedicated Engine Resources

If your content set is large enough, serving answers requires more than one search engine, each of which should

have a dedicated CPU and at least two cores per engine. An index is composed of one or more logical partitions,

each of which is associated with a content set configured in Search Administration. Each logical partition is

composed of one or more physical partitions. Each physical partition is served by a search engine. Each engine

has its own copy of the physical partition it serves.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation


This section addresses prerequisites and preliminary configuration procedures that must be followed before

installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search.

• If you are installing on AIX and must run Search using sudo, note that for security reasons, AIX removes

the LIBPATH environment variable when using sudo. To resolve this potential problem you can either set

LIBPATH as root before running Search, or set the LIBPATH in the application server’s startup script.

Note that running any Oracle ATG Web Commerce application as root is not recommended. If at any time you

run Search as root or using sudo, the file permissions in the installation change to root. Therefore, you must

either continue running Search as root or using sudo, or reset the file permissions.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 11

• If you are installing on a UNIX or Linux variant, you must increase the number of open files permitted. The

default setting is too low to support high network traffic, and can result in a “too many open files” error under

load. Symptoms include Routing having problems communicating with the engine or logging an error.

Set the number of open files permitted to 10,000 or higher on all machines running Search, including the

Routing instances and remote search engines.

• If you are installing on a UNIX variant (such as Solaris or AIX) and there is any chance that your content

includes filenames with non-English characters, make sure that your system locale is set to use UTF-8


Note: If you are using multi-byte languages, Search Administration may incorrectly calculate length limits for

fields such as content set names, based on your database capabilities. If your database limits the number of

bytes stored in string columns, set the maxLengthEncoding property of the /atg/searchadmin/adminui/

validator/Validator component to your database encoding. The default setting is UTF-8. If your database

correctly limits string column length based on character encoding, you can set the property to null or leave it


• For any installation in which you are planning to run Search Administration, before you install Search, install

your application server and the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform. If you are only planning to run a

standalone search engine, you do not need the platform or an application server.

• You will need a scalable, shared network drive where indexes are initially created and from which they can be

retrieved by the search engines. This directory is called the deployment share. All search engines and Search

Administration instances must have access to this directory. Indexes can take up a great deal of disk space, so

be sure the directory selected has sufficient space (at least 100 GB, more if your index is large or you plan to

archive old indexes). This directory must be writable. In a production environment, this directory should be

located on a dedicated, high-performance machine.

Note: The deployment share must be created and configured as a shared folder prior to installing Search.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation Roadmaps

The sections that follow outline the tasks involved in setting up Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search in a variety

of configurations. Each roadmap consists of a step and cross-references to the detailed information required to

perform it.

In many cases, configuration tasks can be performed using the CIM configuration tool. Using CIM ensures that

you have not omitted steps and that you have configured your databases and components correctly.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Evaluation Roadmap

The goal of this roadmap is to install and configure an Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installation that does

not integrate with any other applications, but allows you to run Search Administration and index content for

evaluation purposes.

Before you begin:

• Make sure you have your database information at hand, and that any necessary drivers are installed.

• Select a Search Deployment Share directory. See Configuring the DeployShare Directory (page 30) in this

guide. In a self-contained installation, this can be any local directory with enough room for your index.

12 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

To set up a search environment for evaluation:

1. Install your application server. See the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information on configuring

your application server.

2. Download and install Oracle ATG Web Commerce products:

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform; select all components when installing. See the ATG Installation and

Configuration Guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search; select the Full Search Install option. See Installing Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search (page 23).

• Optional HTML and PDF indexing components. See Installing HTMLFilter (page 24) and Installing PDF

Extract (page 24).

3. Create the database tables. See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or see Creating the Oracle ATG

Web Commerce Search Database Tables (page 41) in this guide for manual table creation steps.

4. Assemble and deploy an Oracle ATG Web Commerce application EAR file. See Configuring Search with

CIM (page 27). If using a manual assembly process, include the SearchAdmin.AdminUI module in the

EAR. See the Assembling Applications section of the Developing and Assembling Nucleus-Based Applications

chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide for details on application assembly.

5. Start your Oracle ATG Web Commerce application, log in, and navigate to Search Administration. See

Accessing Search Administration (page 43) in this chapter.

You can now create a search project, index content, and create customization data as described in the ATG

Search Administration Guide. Note that without a client application, you will not be able to search your index.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web Commerce, ATG Content

Administration, and Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising

The goal of this roadmap is to install and configure Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search in an integrated

environment with Oracle ATG Web Commerce, ATG Content Administration, and Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Merchandising. It also includes the use of standalone search engines.

You will need three server instances for this product combination:

• One runs the administrative interfaces, including Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising and Search

Administration; this is referred to as the asset management server in this roadmap.

• The second runs your Oracle ATG Web Commerce sites for testing, and is referred to as the staging server.

• The final instance runs your live sites, and is referred to as the production server.

The servers can be set up on separate machines, or can run as separate instances on one machine if it has plenty

of memory. Do not use the latter option for live sites, but you may use such a configuration for evaluation or

testing purposes. You may also want to dedicate resources for additional search engines.

Your configuration may also include a staging and preview server.

Some of the steps in this procedure can be performed using CIM. These steps are noted in the roadmap. See

Configuring Search with CIM (page 27) and the CIM online help for additional information.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 13

Architecture Diagram

This section provides a visual explanation of the pieces involved in an installation. For each server, the diagram

shows key modules and other components.

The diagram includes the following databases, each of which includes data for several repositories:

• Management—Versioned data for ATG Content Administration and other non-catalog information.

• Production—Catalog and other deployed asset information for your sites. Use the switching database

feature described in the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide. If you use switching, the production

database becomes in actuality three databases, two containing switched data and a third containing

information that does not benefit from switching, such as user profiles and ATG Search.

• Staging—Duplicates the part of your production database that is necessary for staging and testing. In this

configuration, that includes at least your product catalog and refinements.

If you use Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Intelligence, you also have a data warehouse, not included in this

diagram. See the ATG Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide for reporting information.

14 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

Servers, Products, and Databases for Search and Commerce

Basic Installation Steps

This section covers the actual installation of the components and database configuration.

1. Install your application server on all machines that will be used for Oracle ATG Web Commerce instances. See

the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information on configuring your application server.

Note: If you are using standalone search engines, those do not need to have an application server.

2. Download and install Oracle ATG Web Commerce products. Some applications will be included in more than

one EAR file during deployment.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform; select all components when installing

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 15

The platform includes the DAF.Search.Routing module, which will run on the production and staging

servers using local Routing (see the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Architecture (page 8) section).

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search; select the Full Search Install option. Install the HTML and PDF

components if needed (see Installing HTMLFilter (page 24) and Installing PDF Extract (page 24) in

this guide).

If using standalone search engines, see Adding Search Engines (page 25).

3. Configure databases and data sources for all applications. See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or

see the following documents for manual database configuration:

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Platform. See Configuring Databases and Database Access in the ATG Installation

and Configuration Guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search. See Creating the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database

Tables (page 41) and Configuring Data Sources for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search (page 40) in

this guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce. See the Configuring and Populating a Production Database chapter of the ATG

Commerce Programming Guide. This includes creating tables, importing data, and configuring data sources

for both the publishing and target databases, and configuring a SwitchingDataSource if using one.

• ATG Content Administration. See Setting up the ATG Content Administration Database in the ATG Content

Administration Programming Guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising. See Configuring Database Tables in the ATG Merchandising

Administration Guide.

4. Create your asset management, staging, and production ATG servers. See Configuring Search with CIM (page

27), or see the ATG Platform Programming Guide for manual server creation information.

5. Configure lock management. See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or see Configuring the Lock

Manager (page 30) in this guide for manual lock management configuration.

Asset Management Server Configuration Steps

Configure the asset management server. This server runs ATG Content Administration, Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Merchandising, and Search Administration.

1. Configure the /atg/search/service properties for the administration server. See Configuring

SearchSQLRepository Components (page 35) in this guide.

2. Configure Oracle ATG Web Commerce components. See Configuring the IndexingOutputConfig

Component (page 31) and Configuring Customization Adapters for Search Merchandising (page 32) in

this guide.

3. Set up your asset management server. See the Setting Up an Asset Management Server chapter of the ATG

Content Administration Programming Guide.

Staging and Production Server Configuration Steps

Configure the production and staging servers.

1. Create a client application. See the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

16 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

2. Configure your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Commerce client. See the ATG Search Query Guide.

Build and Deploy Applications

See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or see the Developing and Assembling Nucleus Applications

chapter of the ATG Platform Programming Guide for manual application assembly information. If you are

assembling manually, include the following modules:

• Asset management server EAR file

• DCS.Search.Versioned

• SearchAdmin.AdminUI

• DCS-UI.Search

• Publishing

• DCS-UI.Versioned

Note: If you are going to run Search Administration as part of a standalone EAR, you must do the following:

• Run the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installer and install a standalone search engine on the machine

to which you are going to deploy your EAR. See Adding Search Engines (page 25) in this guide.

• Set the engineDir property of the /atg/search/routing/Configuration component to the new

search engine’s <Searchdir>\SearchEngine directory. For example:


• Production and staging server EAR files

• DCS.Search

• DCS.PublishingAgent

• DAF.Search.Routing

• DafEar.Admin

Post-Deployment Configuration

The following tasks are performed in your running Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications.

1. Use ATG Content Administration to create your deployment topology, and initialize your deployment targets

by doing a full deployment. See the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

Note: If you are going to use refinement configurations (facets), include the RefinementRepository in your

repository mappings for your production and staging deployment targets.

2. After deploying your catalog from ATG Content Administration to the production server, make sure the

Product Catalog update and Catalog Maintenance services are run (this step is necessary in order to index

your catalog). See the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

3. Use the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Control Center to access Search Administration. See Accessing

Search Administration (page 43) in this guide.

4. In Search Administration, create a search project and add content and any customizations, such as languages

and custom dictionaries. See the ATG Search Administration Guide. Use the following settings when you add

the content:

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 17

• Content Type—ATG Repository

• IndexingOutputConfigPath—/atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig

• Location—Remote

Set the Host Machine and Port as appropriate for the content location.

At this point, you can use the default environments to estimate the size of your index and evaluate whether

you have dedicated sufficient resources for indexing and answer serving.

Note: A search project bears no relationship to an ATG Content Administration project. The search project is

a persistent item that defines the content you want to include in your index, what type of index you want to

create and any customization data used during indexing. Search does not use workflows.

5. If using standalone search engines, add those hosts to your search environment. See the ATG Search

Administration Guide. Search environments associate a project with the physical resources that project uses to

index content and serve answers.

6. Index your catalog, using the “Full” indexing option.

7. Configure Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising as described in Structuring the Search Configuration Tree

in the ATG Merchandising Administration Guide.

Testing Your Installation

To test your installation, you can use the Search Query Console (see the Sample Application section of the ATG

Search Query Guide) or Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising (see the ATG Merchandising Guide for Business

Users). Use the following steps:

1. Deploy your content.

2. Index the content.

3. On your production sites, make sure you get search results

4. Use Merchandising to change the catalog.

5. Deploy the changes.

6. Reindex the content.

7. Verify the change on your production sites.

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager and Oracle

ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service

The goal of this roadmap is to install and configure Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search in an integrated

environment with Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager and Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service.

You will need at least three servers for this product combination:

• One runs Search Administration and ATG Content Administration; this is referred to as the asset management

server in this roadmap.

• Another runs the Service Administration application and Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager, and is called

the agent server.

18 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

• A third server runs Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service, and is referred to as the production


The servers can be set up on separate machines, or can run as separate instances on one machine if it has

plenty of memory (the latter option is not recommended for live sites, but you may use such a configuration for

evaluation or testing purposes). You may also want to dedicate resources for additional search engines.

Architecture Diagram

This section provides a visual explanation of the pieces involved in an Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

installation with Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager. In addition to the three servers, the diagram includes the

following databases:

• Management—Versioned data for ATG Content Administration, Search Administration, and other non-catalog


• Production—Catalog and other deployed asset information for your sites. Use the switching database feature

described in the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide. If you are using switching, the production

database becomes in actuality three databases, two containing switched data and a third containing

information that does not benefit from switching, such as user profiles.

• Agent—Versioned and non-versioned repositories including user profiles, internal and external user

segments, solutions, content groups, Search Routing, ATG Ticketing, and topics.

If you are using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Intelligence, you will also have a data warehouse, not

included in this diagram. See the ATG Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide for an overview.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 19

Search with Knowledge Manager

Basic Installation

This section covers the actual installation of the components and database configuration.

1. Install your application server on all machines that will be used for Oracle ATG Web Commerce instances. See

the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information on configuring your application server for ATG


Note: If you are using standalone search engines, those machines do not need to have an application server.

2. Download and install Oracle ATG Web Commerce products.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform; select all components when installing.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search; select the Full Search Install option. Install the HTML and PDF

components if needed (see Installing HTMLFilter (page 24) and Installing PDF Extract (page 24) in

this guide).

• ATG Service; select ATG Service Administration and Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager.

If using standalone search engines, see Adding Search Engines (page 25).

3. Configure databases and data sources for all applications. Note that the documentation referenced is

extensive; review it carefully before proceeding.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Platform. See Configuring Databases and Database Access in the ATG Installation

and Configuration Guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search. See Creating the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database

Tables (page 41) and Configuring Data Sources for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search (page 40) in

this guide.

• Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager. See Configuring Databases for ATG Service and Configuring the ATG

Service Servers in the ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide.

4. Create your administration, agent, and production ATG servers. See Configuring Search with CIM (page

27), or see the ATG Platform Programming Guide for manual server creation information.

5. Configure lock management. See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or see Configuring the Lock

Manager (page 30) in this guide for manual lock management configuration.

Server Configuration Steps

Configure the administration server. This server runs Search Administration and ATG Content Administration.

1. Configure the /atg/search/service properties for the administration server. See Configuring

SearchSQLRepository Components (page 35) in this guide.

2. Run the create-atgservice-searchproject script against your ATG Search database as described in the

Configuring Search Environment section in the ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide.

3. Set up your asset management server. See the Setting Up an Asset Management Server chapter of the ATG

Content Administration Programming Guide.

Create your client application, which runs on the production server.

20 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

Configure the agent server. Search Routing runs on this server. See Configuring the Agent Server in the ATG Service

Installation and Configuration Guide.

Build and Deploy Applications

See Configuring Search with CIM (page 27), or see the Developing and Assembling Nucleus Applications

chapter of the ATG Platform Programming Guide for manual application assembly information. If you are

assembling manually, include the following modules:

• Administration server EAR file

• DafEar.Admin

• SearchAdmin.AdminUI

• PubPortletService.ExternalUsers

Note: If you are going to run Search Administration as part of a standalone EAR, you must do the following:

• Run the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installer and install a standalone search engine on the machine

to which you are going to deploy your EAR. See Adding Search Engines (page 25) in this guide.

• Set the engineDir property of the /atg/search/routing/Configuration component to the new

search engine’s <Searchdir>\SearchEngine directory. For example:


• Production server EAR file

• DafEar.Admin

• ARF.Base

• Service.SelfService

• Agent server EAR file

• DafEar.Admin

• ARF.Base


• Service.Knowledge

• Service.admin

• Service.SampleCRMClient

• Service.CRMIntegration

Post-Deployment Configuration

The following tasks are performed in your running Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications.

1. Use ATG Content Administration to create your deployment topology, and initialize your deployment targets

by doing a full deployment. See the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

2. Use the Oracle ATG Web Business Control Center to access Search Administration. See Accessing Search

Administration (page 43) in this guide.

3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation 21

3. In Search Administration, add content to your project as described in the Configuring Search Environment

section in the ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide.

22 3 Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 23

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search

This chapter explains how to install Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search and its related components, and how to

configure your installation.

This chapter is intended to be used in parallel with the Search Roadmaps described in the previous chapter.

Before you perform any of the tasks described in this chapter, review the Planning Your Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search Installation (page 7) chapter to be sure that you understand all of the required steps and


This chapter includes the following sections:

Installation Process (page 23)

Installing HTMLFilter (page 24)

Installing PDF Extract (page 24)

Adding Search Engines (page 25)

Configuring Search with CIM (page 27)

Configuring a Multi-Server Installation (page 29)

Configuring Data Sources for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search (page 40)

Creating the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables (page 41)

Accessing Search Administration (page 43)

Installation Process

To install ATG Search:

1. Download the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installation executable.

2. Start the installer.

3. On the start page, click Next to begin the installation.

4. Read the license agreement. Select “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click Next.

24 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

5. Select Search Administration + Search Engine for the installation type. Click Next.

Enter an installation location, or accept the default. Click Next.

6. Select locations for product icons and shortcuts.

7. Review your selections, and click Install to begin the installation.

8. Enter a Deployment Share folder. This is the scalable, shared directory you created before beginning the


9. When the installation is finished, click Done.

Installing HTMLFilter

If the content you want to make searchable includes Word files and other rich-text formats, download and install

the HTML Filter component for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search.

1. Download the ATGSearchHtmlFilter executable.

2. Double-click the installer icon to start installing.

3. On the start page, click Next to begin the installation.

4. Accept the license agreement, and click Next.

5. Select an installation directory, or accept the default, and click Next. The directory must include a valid Search


6. Click Install to install the component.

No additional configuration is necessary to use the component.

Installing PDF Extract

If the content you want to make searchable includes documents in PDF format, download and install the PDF

Extract component for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search.

1. Download the ATGSearchPDFExtract executable.

2. Double-click the installer icon to start installing.

3. On the start page, click Next to begin the installation.

4. Accept the license agreement, and click Next.

5. Select an installation directory, or accept the default, and click Next. The directory must include a valid Search


6. Click Install to install the component.

No additional configuration is necessary to use the component.

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 25

Adding Search Engines

A search engine is a piece of software that performs the work of either indexing content or answering queries.

Engines are managed through Search Administration and are started and shut down automatically through a

service running on the engine location.

Note: A given partition on a given host should only have one search engine associated with it. In order to add

engines to support that partition, additional hardware is required.

The process of adding engines is most easily understood through an example.

Say that you have installed Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search and used the Search Administration’s estimation

tool to determine the size of your index. It is going to be large, with four physical partitions. You have two


• Run Search Administration on hardware robust enough to support four engines for answering queries in

addition to performing indexing tasks.

• Add hardware resources that will be dedicated to answering queries.

The first option does not require any additional installation work to add the engines. In Search Administration,

you create an indexing environment and specify the machine on which you are running Search Administration

as the host. Engines will be created as needed on this machine, up to the number specified in the environment

configuration. This is not a recommended solution, however, since indexing and answer serving functions could

compete for resources.

Instead, you add two machines to your Search installation. Each has four cores, providing for a robust

answering configuration. The machine on which you are running Search Administration will continue to

handle indexing. You run the Search installer once on each machine, following the steps described below. In

Search Administration, you create a new environment, give it the type “production” and associate your two

new machines with that environment (see the ATG Search Administration Guide for detailed information on

environment configuration). When your sites are up and answering user queries, engine instances will be started

as needed, up to the limit configured on each machine.

The following diagram summarizes the procedures involved. This diagram uses indexing engines as an example;

to add engines dedicated to server query answers instead, you would create a new environment in Search

Administration (see Step 2 in the diagram).

Note: All search engines in your installation, including the indexing engine, must run on the same operating

system with the same bit size. Load is balanced automatically across the engines, based on their capacity.

26 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

The Search Administration installation includes the search engine and a default environment, which can be

used for indexing. For anything other than a basic evaluation environment with a very small index, you will

need additional, standalone search engines on separate hardware. If you have multiple physical partitions in

your index, you need one search engine per partition. See the Estimating Index Size section of the ATG Search

Administration Guide for information on sizing your index.

These standalone search engines run on dedicated hardware; you must add hardware and install the search

engine on them. Engines are in turn associated with search environments. The environments are configured in

Search Administration.

Standalone search engines run without an Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installation or application server.

To add a standalone search engine to your installation:

1. Download the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installation executable.

2. Double-click the installer icon to start installing.

3. On the start page, click Next to begin the installation.

4. Read the license agreement. Select “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click Next.

5. Select Search Engine Only for the installation type.

6. Select an installation location.

7. Review your selections, and click Install to begin the installation.

8. On the machine where you have installed the standalone engine, navigate to the search engine installation

and execute the <SearchEngineDir>/SearchAdmin/bin/ or .bat script.

The startRemoteLauncher script starts up a launcher service, which is then used by Routing to start search

engines on that machine. Under normal use, you do not need to manually start or stop search engines.

Note: This step is required only for standalone search engines. Engines running local to your Search

Administration installation do not need this script.

The startRemoteLauncher script includes two optional parameters –p and –o, which allow you to specify

the ports used for remote method invocation (RMI). For example:

startRemoteLauncher.bat -p 8860 -o 8861

If you do not specify a port, the second port is chosen randomly. The default for the first port is always 8860.

9. If you are adding engines for indexing purposes, see the Configuring Remote Indexing Engines (page 26)

section of this guide for additional steps.

In Search Administration, you can now create an environment that includes this machine. When Search indexes

content (if an indexing environment) or serves answers (if a staging or production environment), the Routing

module starts engine instances on that machine as needed. See the Managing Search Environments section of

the ATG Search Administration Guide for information on creating search environments.

When you deploy a new index, the search engines serving the old index continue to answer query requests until

new engines are started for the new index. Once the new engines are started, queries are directed to them by

the Routing module, and the old ones are shut down.

Configuring Remote Indexing Engines

If you are running search engine instances on machines other than the Search Administration machine, and you

want to use those instances in an indexing environment, additional configuration is required.

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 27

In order to create a full index (see Note below) the indexing engine needs a clean partition, a file from which

all indexes are created. If the engine is not local to the Search Administration installation, you must make it

available. The clean partition is located in the <Searchdir>\SearchEngine\operatingsystem\data\


To make a clean partition available:

1. Either move the clean partition into your deployment share folder, or create a new share with read access for

the search engine (for example, \\mymachine\sharedData).

2. Create a file in your <ATG10dir>/atg/search/routing directory

to point to the partition in the shared directory, using the full network path. The file should contain a

cleanPhysicalPartitionPath property as shown in the following examples.





The search engines must also be able to access all directories that contain content to be indexed. When indexing

a file system, the search engines receive paths to the files, for example, D:\CustomerDocs\whitepaper.doc.

If the search engine is not on the same machine as Search Administration, then the D drive is not accessible, and

the engine cannot open the file to index it. In that case, you should share the content location, for example as \


Note: Even if you use incremental indexing, you should recreate the full index every so often; see the ATG Search

Administration Guide for indexing suggestions.

Configuring Search with CIM

This section provides step by step instructions for using CIM to configure your ATG Search installation.

CIM greatly reduces the chance for configuration errors. It configures datasource components, calculates which

database scripts to run in what location and what order, determines which data imports are required, configures

lock managers, and creates the required server types for the selection of products have you have installed.

For general instructions on using CIM, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide. CIM dynamically

generates menus based on which configuration steps you have performed and which products you have


Note that you will need connection information for your database (usernames, passwords, driver location, etc.)

before performing the database configuration steps.

1. Start CIM.

2. From the Main Menu, select Product Selection.

3. From the Product Selection menu, choose Search and any other products you want to configure. Only

products you have installed can be selected.

4. From the Commerce Addons menu, select any additional features to configure, such as dedicated lock servers

or staging servers.

28 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

Additional steps not related to Search may follow, depending on your selected addons.

5. Specify which server should include the optional QueryConsole tool, if you plan to use it. See the Sample

Application section of the ATG Search Query Guide for information.

6. Select Index by Product or Index by SKU. See the ATG Search Administration Guide.

Additional steps not related to Search may follow, depending on your selected addons.

7. From the Main Menu, select Datasource Configuration. CIM guides you through the process of configuring

the datasources needed to communicate with the schemas required by your product combination. Follow

the prompts to configure your datasources.

• Select database type

• Enter the use name for the database connection.

• Enter the password for the database connection.

• Enter the hostname of the machine on which the database is installed.

• Enter the port number used to connect to the database.

• Enter the database name.

• CIM automatically creates the database URL. Check it for errors before proceeding.

• Enter the path to your database driver.

• CIM automatically assigns a JNDI name to the datasource. You can accept the default or provide your own

JNDI name.

8. From the Configure Datasource menu, select Test Connection to ensure that your datasource is correctly


9. From the Configure Datasource menu, select Create Schema.

10.From the Configure Datasource menu, select Import Initial Data.

11.From the Main Menu, select Server Instance Configuration. CIM automatically determines which server types

are required. Perform the steps required under general configuration.

For a publishing server, specify the hostname for the Search instance, and the RMI port it will use to connect

to either the staging server or production server.

Note: Server instance types represent publishing, asset management, etc. server types. Server instances

represent individual servers of that type.

12.For each server instance type, configure at least one server instance. For many installations, you only need

one instance of each type.

13.Perform any non-CIM configuration tasks as specified by the relevant roadmap.

14.Use CIM to assemble and deploy your applications. From the Main Menu, select Application Assembly and

Deployment. CIM walks you through creating EAR files based on your server instances and deploying them to

the application server.

Note that CIM does not configure the following:

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 29

• Standalone search engines.

• Any components for a staging environment to be used with Search.

• Your ATG Content Administration topology. See the Setting Up an Asset Management Server chapter of the ATG

Content Administration Programming Guide.

• Your IndexingOutputConfig component. CIM does handle some configuration options, such as whether

you plan to index by product or by SKU, but you will most likely have to do additional configuration.

• Automatic startup for the ProductCatalogOutputConfig components on either production or staging

servers. You must manually configure these components to start automatically.

• Configuration for deployment-triggered indexing (see Synchronizing Versioned Repository Deployment and

Indexing (page 39)). You must manually configure these components.

• Your search project, indexing rules, and customizations. See the ATG Search Administration Guide.

• Additional search environments. CIM automatically adds a /atg/commerce/search/catalog/ file with the following configuration:


However, in order to use the target, you must manually add the appropriate search environments.

Configuring a Multi-Server Installation

The Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search installer assumes that all Search modules are running locally, as with the

evaluation example in the section; in real use, this will never be the case. This section of the guide addresses

configuration that must be done in order for Search to communicate with remote search components, or

with other Oracle ATG Web Commerce products. See the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

Roadmaps (page 11) section for some common multi-server arrangements.

Note: Before you begin, review the documentation for each of the products you plan to configure.

The sections that follow explain the configuration steps involved. Configure all components in the

<ATG10dir>/home/servers/servername/localconfig/ configuration layer. See Creating Additional ATG

Server Instances in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information on creating servers.

Configuring Search Routing

Routing refers to a group of services responsible for sending indexing and searching requests to search engines

and processing the responses.

The default Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search configuration assumes that all Search modules are running

locally. In production, you will have Routing modules running in other locations (for example, in your client

application). You must perform the following configuration steps:

1. On each server on which you plan to run DAF.Search.Routing, configure the shared deployment directory.

See Configuring the DeployShare Directory (page 30).

2. Configure server and client lock managers between your servers. See the Locked Caching section of the ATG

Repository Guide for information.

30 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

Configuring the DeployShare Directory

Search Administration and all search engines must have access to the deployment share directory in order

to deploy and search indexes. This is a single, scalable, shared directory where master copies of indexes are

stored. Your installation can have only one deployment share. This directory should ideally be located on a high-

performance drive separate from the Search Administration machine. For all machines running search engines,

the deployshare directory must be mounted at the same location, and the path must be exactly the same for all

components accessing this directory.

On each server on which you plan to run the DAF.Search.Routing module, configure the shared deployment

directory. To do this, change the deployShare property in the /atg/search/routing/LaunchingService

component on each server. Make sure the deployment directory is visible to all of the servers running search

engines. For example, a Windows path might be:


Configuring the Lock Manager

Configure server and client lock managers between your servers. The lock manager is used for locked caching

mode (see the Locked Caching section of the ATG Repository Guide).

Both Search Administration and Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager automatically point their

SearchClientLockManager components to the ClientLockManager_production component;

SearchClientLockManager requires no further configuration. If you are using other Oracle ATG Web

Commerce applications with Search, you may need to perform this configuration manually. You must also

configure the following components:

• /atg/dynamo/service/ClientLockManager component on the production server

• /atg/dynamo/service/ClientLockManager_production component on the asset management server

• /atg/dynamo/service/ClientLockManager_production component on the staging server (if using one)

In each of those components, perform the following configuration:


The address and port specified for this component on the asset management and staging servers must match

that of the ClientLockManager on the production instance.

Configuring the IDGenerator

An IDGenerator generates IDs for repository items. There should be only one per repository.

On the asset management and agent servers, by default the /atg/search/service/SearchIdGenerator

component points to the /atg/dynamo/service/IdGenerator_production component, which is the ID

generator for the production server. This ensures that Search Administration and all search client applications

use the same ID generator for the ATG Search repositories.

If you are adding a staging server to your configuration, you may need to configure this component as shown:

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 31


Configuring the IndexingOutputConfig Component

This guide addresses only certain basic configuration options for IndexingOutputConfig components. See

the ATG Search Administration Guide for detailed information on this component. By default Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search includes an instance of this component called ProductCatalogOutputConfig, which is

intended for use in indexing Oracle ATG Web Commerce catalogs.

To ensure that this component is started automatically, you must add your ProductCatalogOutputConfig to

the list of exported services in the /atg/dynamo/server/ file (if you are using CIM,

this step is done automatically). For example:


Additional configuration depends on your system architecture:

Architecture IndexingOutputConfig Component Configuration Required

Indexing production repository

from the asset management



Indexing production repository

from the production instance

On the asset management instance, configure the following:



The targetName value is the ATG Content Administration deployment

target name for the production instance

Indexing production and

staging repositories from the

asset management instance


Indexing production and

staging repositories from the

asset management instance

On the asset management instance, configure the following:



The targetName value is the ATG Content Administration deployment

target name for the production instance.

On the asset management server, configure the following:



The targetName value is the ATG Content Administration deployment

target name for the staging instance.

32 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

For all servers, make sure that your IndexingOutputConfig component is started automatically (if you are

using CIM, this step is done automatically). You can do this by adding it to the initialServices list as shown:

/atg/commerce/Initial:initialServices+=\ /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig_staging

If you are using a staging server, you must also add the ProductCatalogOutputConfig_staging component

to the /atg/search/repository/IndexingDeploymentListener on the asset management server in order

for synchronized indexing (see Synchronizing Versioned Repository Deployment and Indexing (page 39)) to

work on that instance.

indexingOutputConfigs+=\ /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig_staging

Configuring Customization Adapters for Search Merchandising

The Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform uses customization adapters to submit post-indexing customization

data to Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search. Each customization adapter is a Nucleus component that is invoked

by Search Administration when it runs an indexing job. When you set up a project in Search Administration for

indexing your Commerce catalog, you can select the customization adapters to include in the project as part of

specifying the indexing content.

There are three customization adapters commonly used to submit post-indexing customization data for

Commerce sites using Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising:

• /atg/commerce/search/refinement/CatalogRefineConfigAdapter – Manages the process of

generating the refinement configuration files used for Faceted Search and submitting them to Search.

• /atg/commerce/search/config/CatalogRankConfigAdapter – Manages the process of generating the

search configuration files used for Search Merchandising and submitting them to Search.

• /atg/commerce/search/config/SearchUpdateAdapter – Manages the process of collecting updated

inventory information used for Search Merchandising and submitting it to Search.

Registering Adapters

To make the customization adapters available in Search Administration, they must be registered with the /atg/

search/adapter/customization/CustomizationAdapterRegistry component. This configuration is

set up by default for production and staging environments; if you add a third environment, however, you must

register adapters for it.

The CustomizationAdapterRegistry component has a nameToNucleusPath property that lists the

registered adapters (if you are using CIM, this step is done automatically). This property is a Map in which each

key is the display name of an adapter and the corresponding value is the actual Nucleus component.

The CustomizationAdapterRegistry component is in the DAF.Search.Index module, but by default

nameToNucleusPath is not set there. The DCS.Search.Index module adds the three Oracle ATG Web

Commerce customization adapters to the Map:


4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 33

select_custsource_type.repository.rank_config=/atg/commerce/search/config/ CatalogRankConfigAdapter,\select_custsource_type.repository.staging_rank_config=/atg/commerce/search/config/ CatalogRankConfigAdapter_staging,\select_custsource_type.repository.search_update=/atg/commerce/search/config/Search UpdateAdapter,\select_custsource_type.repository.staging_search_update=/atg/commerce/search/ config/SearchUpdateAdapter_staging,\select_custsource_type.repository.refine_config=/atg/commerce/search/refinement/ CatalogRefineConfigAdapter,\select_custsource_type.repository.staging_refine_config=/atg/commerce/search/ refinement/CatalogRefineConfigAdapter_staging

In this configuration, each Map key (such as select_custsource_type.repository.rank_config), is a

resource bundle key that represents the displayName property of the corresponding adapter component,

rather than being the display name itself. Using the resource bundle key allows you to modify or translate the

displayName value without affecting the registration of the component.

Configuring Adapters

The customization adapters are invoked on the Search Administration environment, but the processes they

execute run on the Oracle ATG Web Commerce environment. Therefore, you must have separate sets of adapter

components on each environment, and configure them to communicate over RMI.

The CatalogRefineConfigAdapter, CatalogRankConfigAdapter, and SearchUpdateAdapter

components are actually generic references that you configure to point to other components:

• On the Commerce environment, these components point to local customization adapters that actually run

the processes.

• On the Search Administration environment, these components point to proxies that communicate remotely

with the customization adapters running on the Commerce environment.

Configuring the Adapters on the Production Server

The customization adapters are configured by default, so you typically do not need change the configuration on

the Commerce environment.

If for some reason you need to configure a customization adapter on the Commerce environment, set its

componentPath property to the Nucleus pathname of the corresponding local adapter:

• For the CatalogRefineConfigAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/


• For the CatalogRankConfigAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/


• For the SearchUpdateAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/config/


Configuring the Adapters on the Asset Management Server

In the asset management environment, set up the proxies that communicate with the customization

adapters on the Commerce environment. First, configure the CatalogRefineConfigAdapter,

CatalogRankConfigAdapter, and SearchUpdateAdapter components to point to their corresponding

remote proxies:

34 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

• For the CatalogRefineConfigAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/


• For the CatalogRankConfigAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/


• For the SearchUpdateAdapter, set the componentPath property to /atg/commerce/search/config/


Now configure the RemoteCatalogRefineConfigAdapter, RemoteCatalogRankConfigAdapter, and

RemoteSearchUpdateAdapter components to communicate with the adapters running in the production

server. Set the enabled property of these components to true, and set the remoteHost and remotePort

properties to the machine name and RMI port number of the server instance on which the Commerce

application is running (if you are using CIM, this step is done automatically). For example:

If your installation includes a staging server, you will need to give the asset management server access to those

configuration adapters as well. Configure the following components as indicated:





Invoking Adapters

Each time a catalog indexing job runs, Search Administration invokes the specified post-indexing customization

adapters after the indexing itself is complete. Doing this ensures that Search has up-to-date search refinements,

search configurations, and inventory information (assuming you specify the appropriate adapters).

Depending on the needs of your sites, you may want to run the customization adapters more frequently than

you re-index the product catalog. This is particularly true if your inventory information changes rapidly, and your

search configurations include rules based on inventory status. For example, for rules that exclude out-of-stock

items, you want to make sure the data that triggers these rules is up to date.

When you set up scheduled indexing jobs for your project in Search Administration, you can also set up post-

indexing customizations jobs and schedule them to run more frequently than the indexing jobs. For more

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 35

information about creating and scheduling post-indexing customizations jobs, see the ATG Search Administration


Configuring SearchSQLRepository Components

The SearchSQLQLRepository and SearchSQLRepositoryEventServer components are used by the

subscriber table needed for GSA distributed cache invalidation.

These components are located in the DAF.Search.Base module, in the /atg/search/service component

directory. By default, these components point to the local, default JDBC connection and the related services. If

your environment has both production and internal-facing ATG instances, you must change these components

on the internally-facing machines to point to the _production versions of the target components.

Note: Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager sets these components to point to their _production equivalents

automatically, and you do not need to configure them further.

Component Default Setting Production Setting










The SQLRepositoryEventServer

used by ATG Search. Should always

match the data source configuration

of SearchJTDataSource.





Note: There should only be one SQLRepositoryEventServer per data source. It’s important that /atg/

dynamo/server/SQLRepositoryEventServer_production on the asset management server and /atg/

dynamo/server/SQLRepositoryEventServer on the production server are connected to the same database


If you want to use something other than the production server as the target, clone the _production

components and configure them to point to components on your alternative server. Most installations should

not require this.

Indexing Repositories Managed by ATG Content Administration

This section addresses configuration options for indexing versioned data managed by ATG Content

Administration, such as a product catalog. Repository indexing relies on the IndexingOutputConfig

component. This installation guide discusses this component in terms of configuring your installation

architecture; for other information on this component, see the ATG Search Administration Guide.

Selecting a Data Loading Location

You will have to decide whether you want data loading to run on your asset management server or your

production server (see the ATG Search Administration Guide for information on this process). Consider the

following factors when making your decision:

36 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

• Size of your sites. The main benefit to loading data on the asset management server is that it relieves load

on the production server; asset management-side loading may be appropriate if you have relatively small

sites. Alternatively, data loading on production is more appropriate if you have large sites and can dedicate

additional non-DRP servers to handle the load.

• Data availability. You may have data that is available to production, but not to the asset management server,

such as inventory information.

When you add repository content to a search project in Search Administration, you specify local or remote

location. If Search Administration is running on your asset management server, select Local to load data on the

asset management server. To load data on a production server, select Remote, and specify a production server as

the host. See the ATG Search Administration Guide for details on search projects.

The two diagrams that follow show the arrangement of components in both configurations. For simplicity, these

diagrams omit the staging server and database.

Data Loading on the Asset Management Instance

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 37

Notice the connector in the second diagram that runs between the Asset Management Instance and the

IndexingOutputConfig component on the Production Instance:

Data Loading on the Production Instance

Using Incremental Loading with ATG Content Administration

If you are using incremental indexing of your versioned content, whenever you modify and redeploy your

content, the incremental loading system needs to be notified about the changes in order to reflect them in

the next incremental index. Therefore, an IndexingOutputConfig component must run in the ATG Content

Administration environment (asset management server) and listen for change events on the deployment

repository (production server).

You can actually load the content using an IndexingOutputConfig component running on either server,

as explained in the previous section. If you want to load content on the production server, configure the

targetName property of the IndexingOutputConfig component on the management server to the name

38 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

of the ATG Content Administration deployment target. However, if you are loading content on the asset

management server, you must not configure this property, or loading will not work.

If you are using a secure product catalog (for instance, as part of a B2B commerce installation), you must change

the indexing configuration on the asset management server, so that it can listen for change events on the on the

deployment target repository. By default, this is configured to point to the non-secure catalog repository. To do

this, in the /atg/commerce/search/ file, change the following property:


The new value should be as shown:


Configuring the IndexingOutputConfig Component for Versioned Repositories

If you are indexing a versioned repository and are running your indexing process on the asset management

server, make sure that the IndexingOutputConfig component and the related /atg/commerce/search/

IndexedItemsGroup are configured to point to the production repository, rather than the versioned repository.

If this configuration is incorrect, your index may not accurately reflect your published repository. This example

describes how things could go wrong:

1. A project is checked in to ATG Content Administration, and the IndexingOutputConfig component on the

asset management server records the change in the incremental item queue.

2. The project is deployed to production.

3. Another project is checked in, and these changes are also recorded in the incremental item queue.

4. When incremental indexing runs, both sets of changes are processed, although the second set has not

actually been deployed to production.

The result is an index that does not accurately reflect your repository, in ways for which it is difficult to test.

By default, the IndexingOutputConfig component is configured to load product catalog data, and to be

used on either the asset management or the production server. The IndexingOutputConfig component’s

repository property refers to the catalog repository as ProductCatalog:


In DCS.Search.Versioned, this value is overridden to point to ProductCatalog_production:


The IndexingOutputConfig component may also use a repositoryItemsGroup property:


By default, IndexedItemsGroup also points to /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog, and is

overridden by DCS.Search.Versioned to ProductCatalog_production.

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 39

If you are using similar components to index non-catalog repository data, be sure they are configured to point to

the correct repository.

Note: You will see a warning during indexing if the IndexingOutputConfig and IndexedItemsGroup

components’ repositories don’t match.

Synchronizing Versioned Repository Deployment and Indexing

You can configure search components to synchronize your repository deployments with the indexing process,

ensuring that changes deployed from ATG Content Administration are reflected in your search index as soon

as possible. This means that you do not have to schedule indexing for your versioned repositories in Search

Administration. You will still have to schedule indexing for any other data, such as files or other repositories that

are not part of synchronized deployment.

To use synchronized deployment indexing:

1. If indexing a repository other than the product catalog, append your IndexingOutputConfig

component to the list in the IndexingOutputConfigs property of the /atg/search/repository/ file.

Note: The product catalog IndexingOutputConfig is in this list by default.

2. In Search Administration, create a search project.

3. Add the appropriate IndexingOutputConfig component as a Content Set to the search project.

4. Create automatic indexing rules for your search project. See the ATG Search Administration Guide for

information on automatic indexing rules.

5. When you deploy your catalog, indexing starts.

Note: While indexing takes place, the repository and search index are in an inconsistent state.

The IndexingOutputConfig component includes a list of repositories to track for synchronization purposes in

the synchronizedRepositories property. For each repository, you can specify item descriptors to watch for.

In the default configuration, the DCS.Search.Versioned configuration layer adds the following configuration

to the ProductCatalogOutputConfig:

synchronizedRepositories+=\ /atg/search/repository/RefinementRepository_production=*

The asterisk tells the deployment synchronization listener that when any item type in the production refinement

repository is deployed, with no catalog repository changes, run the CA_deployment_target_name-

Customizations indexing rule.

If you want to synchronize only on certain item types, you can specify the types to watch by listing them as


synchronizedRepositories+=\ /atg/search/repository/RefinementRepository_production=\ itemTypeA,\ itemTypeB,\ itemTypeC

In this case, the CA_deployment_target_name-Customizations indexing rule runs only when changes to the

specified item types are deployed.

40 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

Configuring Remote Routing

Under normal circumstances, Search Routing runs locally, as part of your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

installation. It is possible to direct queries to Routing instances running as part of other Search installations,

however, and you may want to do this as part of your development environment, allowing multiple clients to

access a single Search Administration instance, or to conserve processing resources.

The DAF.Search.Base module is a lightweight Routing module that can be run in a separate Oracle ATG Web

Commerce instance, independent of Search Administration. You can run multiple instances of this module. An

example of this architecture follows:

Two-Machine Setup with Remote Routing

To connect a form handler to a remote Routing instance, configure the /atg/search/formhandlers/

SearchContext component as shown:

primaryConnection=rmi://remotehostA:8860/atg/search/routing/SearchServicefailoverConnections=\ rmi://remotehostB:port/atg/search/routing/SearchService,\ rmi://remotehostC:port/atg/search/routing/SearchService,\ rmi://remotehostD:port/atg/search/routing/SearchService

The remote Routing component uses the primaryConnection unless it fails, in which case it uses a connection

from the failoverConnection. If the first failoverConnection fails, it moves to the next, etc.

Configuring Data Sources for Oracle ATG Web Commerce


ATG data source components are wrappers that provide the connection information that applications use to

connect to the repositories that represent your databases. You can configure datasources very easily through

CIM. If you must configure a datasource manually, see the information in this section.

You must configure the componentPath property of the /atg/search/service/SearchJTDataSource

component on each of your servers:

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 41


By default the SearchJTDataSource component is configured to point to JTDataSource_Production, which

is typically a switching data source. You must change this configuration to use a non-switching datasource (such

as JTDataSource_Production_core) that points to the production database. (If you are using switching, you

can configure the componentPath to point to either datasource that makes up your switch configuration, but

do not use the switching datasource itself.)

Note: The startSQLRepository script, which is used to import initial data into Oracle ATG Web Commerce

application databases, uses a FakeXADataSource, while JBoss uses a JNDIReference JTDataSource. To

work around this, you define a FakeXADataSource in <ATG10dir>/home/localconfig/atg/dynamo/

service/jdbc (which startSQLRepository uses) and the JNDIReference in <ATG10dir>/home/

servers/server_name/localconfig/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc (which JBoss uses). The JNDI name must

match the JBoss name for the management schema.

Note: All servers that share a data source need to use a common server lock manager.

Creating the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database


Your Search Administration installation and all Routing installations must have access to the Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search databases. You can create and populate databases very easily through CIM. If you must create

database tables manually, refer to this section.

Search components rely on two database schemas, one internal, which is used by management applications

such as Search Administration and Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising (referred to in the sections that

follow as the management schema), and one external, which is used by search client applications such as the

Routing module, Oracle ATG Web Commerce and Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager (referred to as the

production schema). Most of the search tables are installed in the production schema so they are available at

runtime to other applications.

Creating Base Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables

After installing ATG Search, create the database tables.

1. Run SQL scripts to create the Search Routing tables in your production database schema:

• <ATG10dir>\DAF\Search\Routing\sql\db_components\db_type\


• <ATG10dir>\DAF\Search\Index\sql\db_components\db_type\


• <ATG10dir>\DAF\Search\common\sql\db_components\db_type\


• <ATG10dir>\DAF\Search\Topics\sql\db_components\db_type\

42 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search


The search_ddl.sql script creates the tables used by the IncrementalLoader to track changes

to the indexed repository. The refinement_ddl.sql script creates the tables used by the


2. Run the scripts to create the Search Administration tables in the production database schema. The following

script is located in the <ATG10dir>\Search10.1.2\SearchAdmin\common\sql\db_components

\db_type\ directory:

• searchadmin_admin_ddl.sql

The following scripts are located in the <ATG10dir>\Search10.1.2\SearchAdmin\customizations\sql

\db_components\db_type\ directory:

• searchadmin_dictionary_ddl.sql

• searchadmin_termweights_ddl.sql

• searchadmin_queryrules_ddl.sql

• searchadmin_tpo_ddl.sql

• searchadmin_facet_ddl.sql

3. If you have not already done so for any of your other applications, run the following script to create Oracle

ATG Web Commerce Business Control Center tables:

• <ATG10dir>\BIZUI\sql\install\db_type\bizui_all_ddl.sql

Importing Initial ATG Search Data

Having created your database tables, they must be populated with initial data before using Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Search.

Note: The import scripts import data using startSQLRepository. Make sure your JTDataSource and

FakeXADatasource are configured to permit this in home/localconfig. JTDataSource should automatically

point to FakeXADataSource. FakeXADataSource should point to the administration database, and

FaxeXADataSource_production should point to the production database. Note that some product

installation processes, including Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service, need FakeXADataSource

pointed at the production database, so you may need to change the FakeXADataSource between installations.

If you haven’t already done so for other applications, run the following scripts to import initial data for the Oracle

ATG Web Commerce Business Control Center:



To import initial data into your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search schema, run the following commands:

<ATG10dir>\home\bin\startSQLRepository.bat|sh -m DAF.Search.Topics-repository /atg/searchadmin/TopicRepository -import

4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search 43


<ATG10dir>\home\bin\startSQLRepository.bat|sh -m SearchAdmin.AdminUI-m DPS.InternalUsers -repository/atg/userprofiling/InternalProfileRepository-import<ATG10dir>\Search10.1.2\SearchAdmin\common\data\initial\searchadmin-profile.xml

<ATG10dir>\home\bin\startSQLRepository.bat|sh -m SearchAdmin.AdminUI-repository /atg/searchadmin/SearchAdminRepository -import<ATG10dir>\Search10.1.2\SearchAdmin\common\data\initial\searchadmin-data.xml

Creating Database Tables for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Multisite

If you are using the Oracle ATG Web Commerce multisite feature, see the ATG Multisite Administration Guide

for configuration information. You will need to run the following additional database script against your

administration, production, and versioned database schemas:


Creating Database Tables for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web

Commerce Merchandising

If you are running Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search with Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising, see

Configuring Database Tables in the ATG Merchandising Administration Guide, skipping any steps that you have

already performed.

Deleting Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Database Tables

Each table creation script noted in the previous sections has a corresponding drop script located in the

component_path\sql\uninstall\db_type directory. For example, the routing_ddl.sql table creation

script for Oracle has a corresponding drop script at:


Accessing Search Administration

To access Search Administration:

44 4 Installing Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

1. Make sure your database is running.

2. Deploy the EAR to your application server. See the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation

Roadmaps (page 11) section of the Planning Your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Installation (page 7)

chapter for details on how to build EAR files for different search applications.

3. In your Web browser, access the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Control Center on your administration

server. The default location is http://hostname:port/atg/bcc.

4. Enter your login and password.

5. In the left navigation area, click Search Administration.

6. Click a menu option to begin working with Search Administration.

Note: If you are familiar with ATG Content Administration, bear in mind that search projects are not related to

ATG Content Administration projects.

The Search Administration interface is loaded into the current browser window. See the ATG Search

Administration Guide for administration tasks.

Appendix A. Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Component Ports 45

Appendix A. Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Search Component Ports

The default ports used by Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search components may conflict with your organization’s

current port assignments. This appendix describes the ports used.

If you are using Search with Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager or Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self

Service, the RMI IIOP port must be opened so that Search can extract content from the Knowledge Manager/Self

Service installation. By default, the RMI port is 8860.

Knowledge Manager, Self Service, and Search Administration communicate with the search engines using HTTP.

One port per search engine is by default allocated from the 6070—6100 range.

The following table summarizes the locations where ports are set and used:

Component Default



Search engines 6072-6100 Search Administration: Host Machine Details for each machine.

46 Appendix A. Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search Component Ports

5 Glossary 47

5 Glossary

The glossary provides a description of the terms used in ATG Search.

Term Definition Replaces prior term

content Raw data for indexing, such as html files, Word

documents, or repositories.

content label The content label identifies the purpose of a

content set, such as a catalog or a collection

of articles. If your search project includes

different types of content that you want to

search individually, you can use content labels to

differentiate the content types.

content set Bundles content into a single organizational unit

that can be indexed as one.

document repositories/sets

customizations Blanket term for topic sets, query rules,

dictionaries, facet sets, languages, parsing

options, query rules, and preferred answers.

deploying The action of moving indexes and/or

customization data from a staging to a

production environment

dictionary Contains definitions of special words and the

relationships between them. Users can add terms

to improve the search responses.

expansion A synonym for a term, either defined in a custom

dictionary or in the default language files

facet set Allows users to search within an existing result


index The end result of indexing content, and what is

used to answer queries submitted by end-users.


indexing environment Search environment that indexes content. indexing server

48 5 Glossary

Term Definition Replaces prior term

partition An index is divided into one or more Logical

Partitions, depending on the number of Content

Sets. Each Logical Partition is composed of one or

more Physical Partitions, depending on the size of

the content.

learning files Rules that automatically apply topics to a content


preferred answer Custom response to frequently-asked end-user

questions. Can be linked to source text within

content collections.

project Projects represent the top-level container for

managing and indexing content. The project

associates customization data and search

environments with an index.

Job script (also included

actions, which are now part of


query rules Link actions in Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

to certain types of user queries.

Search Administration The Search user interface, including both project

administration and the workbench.

Management Console

search engine Part of Search that creates the index, receives

an end-user query and returns the results of the


Answer Server

search environment A combination of a single index and one or more

machines and search engines used for indexing or


Content clusters, also called


stem In linguistics, the stem is the part of a word that is

common to all its inflected variants. For example,

the stem of banking, banker, and banks is bank.

structured data Content that adheres to a well-defined structure;

typically repository data that has been exported


target type Identifies the general purpose of the search

project. If you are using ATG Content

Administration, the target types should

correspond to your ATG Content Administration


topic set A hierarchy of topics. topic taxonomy

term Individual entry within a dictionary.

5 Glossary 49

Term Definition Replaces prior term

term weight set/stop


A set of term/weight pairs, in which the weight

describes the amount of influence a term has in a


topics User-defined classification system that can be

applied to indexes, allowing end-users to refine

their search by finding related information.

type-ahead Search feature that allows you to provide a list

of terms that can be used in your UI to auto-

complete search terms as they are entered.

unstructured data Content that has no governing structure, such

as that typically found in file systems, which

might include a variety of document formats and

information types.

Workbench Part of the user interface where users create and

edit customization data.

Management Console (partial)

50 5 Glossary

Index 51


Aarchitecture, 8

ATG Content Administration, 12

ATG Merchandising, 43

audience, 1

Bback-of-the-book index, 4

Business Control Center, 6

CCatalogRankConfigAdapter, 33

clean partition, 26

client application, 5

components, 4

Content Administration, 4

conventions, 1

customization adapters, 32

configuring, 33

invoking, 34

local access, 33

registering, 32

customization data, 4

Ddata loading location, selecting, 35

data sources

configuring, 40

database, 6

configuring, 41

importing intial data, 42

database tables

deleting, 43

deployment share directory, 11

deployment, synchronized with indexing, 39

deployShare property, 30

dictionaries, 4

documents, 3

Ffeatures, 3

HHTMLFilter, 24

IIDGenerator, configuring, 30

index, 3, 4

customizing, 5

index item, 3


synchronizing with deployment, 39

IndexingOutputConfig component, 31

for versioned repositories, 38

installing, 23

Llock managers, 30

logical partition, 5

Mmulti-server installations, configuring, 29

Nnatural language components, 4

OOracle ATG Web Commece Merchandising, 12

Oracle ATG Web Commerce, 12

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search, installing, 23

Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager, 17

Oracle ATG Web Knowledge Manager Self Service, 17

PPDF Extract, 24

physical partition, 5

prerequisites, 10

Project Administration, 4

Rremote Routing, 40

requests, 4

rich text, indexing, 24

Routing, 5, 9

configuring, 29

SSearch Administration, 4

accessing, 43

52 Index

search engine, 5

search engines

adding, 25

configuring remote, 26

Search Merchandising

customization adapters, 32

search projects, 4

Search Query request, 4

Search Workbench (see Workbench)

SearchAdmin role, 6

searching, definition, 3

SearchSQLRepository component, 35

SearchSQLRepositoryEventServer component, 35

SearchUpdateAdapter, 33

security, 6

server, 8

Vversioned repositories

indexing incrementally, 37

View Item request, 4

WWorkbench, 5

top related