at the source of dolquest, the unique systemic questionnaire

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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DoLquest, Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach. Some people need to know from where DoLquest comes. This is for them.


At the source of DoLquest

the DoLquest® dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

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Ontological, Scientific and Philosophical

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For those wanting to know from where DoLquest comes…

DoLquest is born from a dream It was a dream to have a Questionnaire able to translate how each of us is unique and to reveal that people evolve during their whole life! A dream to be subtle enough to take into account is in the same time the given person, the others, the different corporate contexts and the environment and their interactions. And that is DoLquest! DoLquest is also meant for creating a specific relationship between the debriefer and the debriefee. For example, DoLquest explains and gives the keys to understand how our brains , emotional, rational and our different types of intelligence work. The debriefee is able to contribute directly to the debriefing of his/her own profile. This creates quite often the « Yes I see now what I am going to do ». Sharing knowledge creates interaction and contribution. DoLquest aims at reflecting a minima the complexity of the human nature and how diverse we can be - even if we have some common patterns -.

DoLquest is used by coaches and consultants having the highest idea of the people, the teams and the organizations they accompany For Individuals, during high level coaching and training missions, especially when it is necessary to have a deep and rich approach of the person, For Teams and Boards, particularly when the stakes are high and the necessity to create a resilient and evolving team For Groups and Organizations, when they are facing a deep cultural transformation to manage or a quite complex environment to adapt to. In specific contexts and for specific objectives , such as « Leading through Complexity with DoLquest », « Empowering Brand with DoLquest », « Becoming a Resilient Team with DoLquest », etc. The DoLquest Network is composed of more thant 120 Experts (2012). DoLquest is used in more than 9 different languages. Its origin is european. If you wish to know more about DoLquest Questionnaires and Solutions or how to become a DoLquest Expert, and . Contact

the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

the ∞ of the our brain potential - we know only 5% -

the ∞ of the sky constellations -

what we still have to discover -

Understanding simply the the

complexity of a system - ours -

the neurons in our brain and

moreover our capacity to

create synapses and llinks - the human intelligence -

the awarening by opening the synapses


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At the Sources of DoLquest


Ontological Scientific


the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

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The Vision DoLquest has on Man, Mankind, Leadership and Organizations

1. Man 2. Mankind, Digital Renaissance & Leadership

3. Corporate Organizations

the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

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Our Vision of Man Unique, full of Potential, able to adapt in a very complex and muting environment. Fully evolving from Sapiens (the one who knows) to Sapiens Sapiens (the one who knows he knows). Homeostasis.

DoLquest reveals • The Singularity of each of us (+ than 700 000 combinations

with DoLquest INtegral), • The Potentialities each of us has, • Our ability to Evolve and Adapt , • Our main unique and specific Points of Stability (« Pillars ») • The unique inner way each of us proceeds to make a decision

DoLquest enhances • Our own complexity as human beings • Our capacity to be in the « Meta » positionning • Our deep Balance • Our Ability to adapt to new environment

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Mankind & Digital Renaissance Quite New Techniques imply with new Paradigm. Digital leads to the Digital Renaissance and Revolution. It is the Emergence of a different Idea of Man. How to contribute?

Leadership It is time to rethink the system towards a new world. Key concepts of the World to come: Empathy, Fluidity, Innovating & Designing, Otherness, Awareness, Regulation, Distributed Energy…

DoLquest By giving you the keys to formalize what and where are the new stakes, you are in advance

of phase

Leadership DoLquest makes you understand your main Style of Management and also of Leadership according to your Context. DoLquest gives you the keys to adapt to a complex Environment, based on your own Profile (« Leading through Complexity with DoLquest »).

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Collective Intelligence & Teams We are at the very beginnig of how a genuine team can work in collective intelligence. Some key concepts: Integrating the Differences . Ability to Regulate. Contributive. Being able to move & evolve fast. Sharing and co-developping.

Corporate Organizations The main key to succeed in the complex environment we are in is Innovation. Innovation that make people able to envisage business, products and services in a diiferent way. Innovation that makes a Team or a Company be resilient and able to evolve.

DoLquest With DoLquest « TeamIN », a Team develops main postures to become a 3rd Dimension Team. REGULATION Ability to regulate itself and so to evolve. AWARENESS on the balance between the Results and the Way to reach the Results with people (« what » and « how »). OTHERNESS Possibility to transform the diversity into power to evolve and adapt.

Designing Organizations By formalizing very finely what makes the "uniqueness" of a Company, DoLquest enhances the potentials to innovate, reinforces the pillars that make the Company sustainable success, contributes to design & diffuse its own ecosystem and adapt to the new environment (unstable always).

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The scientific Bases on which DoLquest is designed

1. Neuroscience, the science of the Brain 2. Systemics, Science of the System 3. Complexity & Digital Technology

the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach


Neuroscience Neuroscience is the scientific knowledge of the Brain. It contributes to make us understand the specific relation and vision of the world each of us has. Hence the behaviors and the reactions and evolution we may have. Our three « Brains » (Reptilian, Limbic, Cortical) and two Hemispheres (Right and Left) do not really make the difference in terms of intelligence. Our human intelligence is mainly based on the links we are able to create - the synapses, among others-, hence our ability to evolve and to adapt. The synapses are the connections between the neurons. Even if we may lose neurons in some parts of the brain, when we grow old, we are always in capacity to create new synapses. It means that we can always develop potentialities and adapt to new situations or contexts. This explains also why each of us is a unique combination of the synapses we have - or not - activated. As it is considered that we know only

around 5% of the way our Brain works, let us stay very humble.

Neuroscience & DoLquest At DoLquest, we made the choice to create our own Model « EASE (c) » in order to be able to deep dive each Profile - and not to stay superficially with only 2 or 3 levels of understanding. DoLquest has from 4 to 9 Levels to better understand your Profile. Each level is deeper and subtler. DoLquest reveals how unique you are, based on its 700 000 possible combinations per Integral Profile. DoLquest uses the « potentiality for action » of the neurons to make you better understand what is in development in your Profile. DoLquest is behavioral (based on Neuroscience and Cognitivism) and not psychological. Not « why » but « how ». DoLquest always uses a simple language when talking about the way the brain works. DoLquest is aiming at sharing its knowledge. It contributes to create a knowledge language people share. DoLquest explains the links between our evolution, our environment and our brains.

Ancient Greek People thought that what we call today the « brain » is in the stomach and quite recently neuroscientists consider that we may have neurons in our stomach too. It seems that our stomach could « think ». If it is the case, does it change our idea of the human intelligence?

the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

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Complexity A complex system is a « set of elements and of their components interacting dynamically and organized according to a specific goal ».

An example? Internationally, we entered into a higher complexityworld by going from a world governed by 2 main Empires («the « Cold War » - black or white, friend or foe) to a world game with much more Powers (the G20). Each of them evolving differently at different steps.

The main Characteristics of Complexity are : uncertainty, emergence/innovative, dynamics/movement, fluidity, inner energy, instant , autonomy, regulation (ability to balance . Some people see Complexity as « it is complicated » and qualify it as non controlable, non achieved, ambiguous, unstable or contradictory.

Complexity & DoLquest Human beings are quite complex but it seems as if we lost this idea when entering into the Industrialization Era. It is time to get it back. DoLquest is aimed at making this complexity obvious and simpler. It is aimed at making people feel more comfortable with a more and more complex environment. We know that when we contribute to make our DoLquest debriefees more aware of their inner complexity they are able in return to deal easily with more complexity. “Dynamics”: DoLquest integrates dynamics at 3 levels. By making visible one’s evolution (« Evolve »), by showing how the different levels of your Profile work in a dynamic Interaction (especially Level 2, 3 and 4) and by revealing some areas which are boosted from time to time in your profile (Level 6, DoLquest INtegral) "Autonomy": everyone is in capacity to be individually autonomous. DoLquest insists on the fact that by knowing more precisely the origin of the way one decides and sees others, one is in position to regain a bigger room for maneuver. "Instant" often called « hyperpresent ». Digital Revolution makes it a challenge to deal with. Especially because we are used to be in the Past (Left Hemisphere) or on the Future (Right Hemisphere). From the 3rd level of the DoLquest Profile, we play with 3 dimensions, Past, Future, confounded in the Present one. "Regulation": the little circle in the center of each DoLquest Profile is the image of the right Posture to be able to regulate one’s Profile, based on the awareness of where you are and where the others are, in a dynamic interaction. "Contradiction“ or “Paradox”: A DoLquest Profile shows the zones where people may have inner contradictions. The simple fact to make them able to formalize where and what they are is quite helpful.

The right posture to surf on Complexity is the Meta Posture, being in the same time “in” and “out” of the system. An image? It is, in a way, going from “Sapiens” (the one who knows) to Sapiens Sapiens (the one who knows he knows). We have a specific approach to “catch” this posture thanks to DoLquest , the zoom in - zoom out, based on your own profile (“Fundamentals”)

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Systemics It is a way to envisage ourselves and our environment as a whole and to (fore)see what is at stake. Systemics is one of the best way to understand what is at stake today, as an individual, as a team or a company. At the very beginning of the scientific era, at the Renaissance, the world and the science were envisaged as a whole. Then following the Enlightments, Science became more and more « rational », cutting the reality in order to analyze it better. It was a great strenght. An image? Allopathy vs Homeopathy. A system is a coherent entity made of different elements moving at diverse speeds and interacting together in a dynamic interaction. A systemic approach sees the links between the diverse elements of the system, turns its attention towards the side/counter/ effects of the decision/action, has a global perception and sees time as a cycle and change as a continuum where modifications occur simultaneously.

Systemics & DoLquest DoLquest is designed in a Systemic approach. Each Profile is seen as a whole. At each step of the Profile, one has a whole view on his/her Profile and in the same time on the Profiles that are different from theirs. Each Profile is seen both individually and contextually. DoLquest also shows how dynamic each Profile is. The debriefing of the DoLquest Profile follows 3 different logical levels, from an analytical one (binary), to a cyclic one (Modus Operandi) and eventually a multipolar one (« Fundamentals » and « Pillars »). At DoLquest, we aim at helping people to be able in the same time to understand clearly the way the behave and the consequences of their behaviors on other people, according to the diversity of the profiles and of the environments. DoLquest makes the links between the different levels of depth of the Profile in order to understand how they are sustained or not.

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Human Being is a system. Not a machine. “Neuro Marketing” tries to sell to companies the fact that they would be able to predict human behaviours by using the neuroscience. How could it be possible, knowing that each of our one hundred billions neurons is connected to others with an average of 10 000 synapses and with a very interesting number of glial cells ? And that a “map” of each brain would also have to take into account that each specific brain has developed in a unique way, given one’s specific environment? And that Brain is not Man, as the Map is not the Territory.



1. An Asian Approach 2. Ancient Greek Philosophy

3. Carl Gustav Jung

Philo Sophia : Loving Wisdom - A Path to Awareness?

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DoLquest DoLquest explains where you put your energy in - or not -, in an apparent or a deep way. DoLquest describes the type of Energy you have and its scope.

With DoLquest, you make the links between the different levels of the profile and you understand very subtly what it means for you. You see how your Profile evolves or can evolve. You are able to understand your profile according to certain contexts - the worst or the better for you - .

DoLquest shows your Lights and your Shadows. By integrating both Light and Shadow, you develop a capacity to surf on what happens to you. You have the means not to be trapped in the same situations.

By being able to equally understand your own behavior and the reactions they create, DoLquest helps you to stand in the very center, being aware of where you are and where the others are, in a dynamic process.

From Ancient Chinese

& Indian Philosophy From Ancient Chinese Philosophy The Importance of taking also into Account the Energy (Qi) (氣) (what makes us move and how). We are made both of Matter & of Energy, as light is made both of wave and of particule. Being plunged into the Ancient Chinese Civilization is one of the best way to experiment what a Complex System is. An example? The same ideogram can be a name, a verb, an adverb...according to diverse contexts. Fluidity is a game between Movement (Yang) and Stability (Yin). Within the movement there is Stability as within the Stability there is movement. Is that all? No, because Stability can become Movement and Movement Stability. It evolves.

From Ancien Indian Philosophy Void or Emptiness. It is not a lack of something. It is a Phase offering the possibility of a real change or evolution. Otherwise one reproduces always the same. (Philosophy of Void, ). Timeless or Instant. In the old indian languages, there is no time for past or future. Just present. What best way to adapt oneself to hyperpresent that we have to face today? Accepting of being aware of the constant flux in which we are is one of the best way to feel comfortable with the always moving environment we have entered. This is translated by the concept of « Impermancence » (अनित्य in Sanskrit).

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Ancient Greek


Socrates Being able of finding one’s own « solutions » by being aware of what we really are or are not.

The human being is born with knowledge but without knowing he knows. The Philosopher aims at making this knowledge « conscious » through dialogue and questionning



Ptolemeus The 4 + 1 Elements, (Air, Fire, Water, Earth + Aether or Sunya, Void) to be understood as an ancient way of seeing the characters and behaviors, experiences and sensations, in a dynamic process.

Heraclitus Ever-present change in the universe « No man ever steps in the same river twice ».

The unity of Opposites « the path up and down are one and the same »

All existing entities are are characterized by pairs of contrary properties « All entities move and nothing remains still ».


At the very beginning, DoLquest is designed for Professional Coaches. One of their mission is to contribute to make the coachee find his/her own solutions. It is the same kind of movement than the mayeutics. The DoLquest methodology of the Individual debriefing is based on Mayeutics. It means that the Questionnaire brings keys in order for the coachee to find by him/herself his/her own path to success.

Our world is (re) balancing towards movement, mobility and fluidity. On the contrary of most

assessments, DoLquest shows how we are able to evolve, to adapt and to transform. And in the same time how deep our core « pillars » of stability are. Stability and Movement.

In the middle of the DoLquest graphics, you will always find a little empty circle. Emptiness is the potentiality for evolving. Without the stage of the « emptiness », you always repeat all the same - without being aware of it. You can improve, you may not think or see in a different way. Thinking different is the key for Innovation. Is not Innovation the key for success in a complex world?

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Carl Gustav Jung Some of the main concepts of CGJ we did use with deep respect.

The Self seen as a whole, in a systemic approach.

Process of Individuation. Natural processus by which a human being becomes an « individuality » (autonomous, as a whole) . One of the leverage is the differenciation between oneself and the others/the environment.

Archetypes / Imagos . Behavioral patterns determining types of actions and reactions.

Opposites, Compensations and Conjunctions. By being aware of the Opposites, the Self is able to balance them and to enter in a dynamic movement (from Heraclitus)

Projection . One projects on the others what is unconscious/not « inhabited » for him/her. As long as one is not aware of this inner part, this creates a blockade.

Typology. Understanding personalities through types of attitude or behaviour (Thinking Feeling Intuition Sensation, Introversion or Extroversion), based on the way the energy of the person is oriented. It is a dynamic process including compensation, opposites, and the game between conscious and unconscious (for Jung, it can’t be a used as psychometry, without integrating

complexity & dynamics).



DoLquest introduces and uses some of the Jungian conepts, such as : the Process of Individuation (through the awaress to the differenciation between one and the others / the context; the Archetypes which resonate with the Wheel of the 8 Intelligences; the dance between Oppositions and Compensations; the Process of Projection .

Moreover, Dolquest is still and always a « work in progress » and every Facilitator and Debriefee contributes to its evolution.

the DoLquest dimension Questionnaires & Solutions based on a Systemic Approach

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The Unique Systemic Questionnaire

INtegral « Enhancing your Potential »

mYwaY of Contributing to the World

TeamIN Integrate a 3rd Team Dimension

TeamU Team & Leader

On measure Solutions

Enlighten your Potential with DoLquest





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