asu notes spn 2013-04-17. possible student wireframe for fall wellness at asu wellness at asu blah...

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ASU NotesSPN 2013-04-17

Possible student wireframe for Fall

Wellness at ASU

Wellness at ASUBlah blah overview of program, messaging = tools to help you be healthier in and out of school, plus be a part of a community research project to find new ways to improve well-being, etc….

1Connect your myASU account to HealthVaultMicrosoft HealthVault is your own place to collect, store and share health and wellness information. By creating a HealthVault account and linking it with myASU, you can be a part of campus programs and research projects. connect now | learn more about HealthVault

2Get ready for school with an emergency profileHopefully you’ll never need it, but it’s important to be ready if you get sick or have an accident at school. Create an emergency profile in HealthVault and then carry a convenient information card in your wallet or purse. create your profile now

3Keep track of your weight and activityDid you know that studies show that just by tracking your numbers you have a better chance of losing weight and staying active? HealthVault makes it easy on the web, with a connected device or using a smartphone. set your goals and start tracking now

Blah blah more info about using other apps and devices, mobile options, for specific conditions, etc.

Blah blah more info Wellness at ASU, Well Devils programs, etc. etc.

Sends the student to the “authorize” workflow at HV (see slide 3) … if the student already has linked, shows a checkmark instead of the “1” icon, and provides a link to break connection

Sends the student to the emergency prep features of HV (

Sends the student to the weight management features of HV (

Linking HV to myASU• (Note you’ll want to run the HV sample Java code before any of the below will make much sense)

• Recommendation: keep link stored in HV, no external DB needed

• You can use our “alternate id” feature to store the ASU ID (or a proxy for it) associated with a given HealthVault record ID; see here

• To determine if a particular ASU ID is already linked, make a call to GetPersonAndRecordForAlternativeId. You will also use this method in applications anytime you need to look up HealthVault identifiers to read and write data.

• If the student is NOT linked, you can initiate the linking process by sending their browser to the AUTH redirect target. Upon return to myASU, you can store the association for the selected record using AssociateAlternativeId.

• If a student wants to be unlinked from ASU, they can do this at … but it also makes sense for you to offer the feature from myASU. Do this by calling RemoveApplicationRecordAuthorization.

• Note that when you “go live” with HealthVault, you’ll provide a terms of use and privacy statement for the student to review; that’s one place you can disclose all of the various junk about how data will be used. You also will have to set up an “authorization mask” --- that is, what data types you want to read, write, etc. --- this is enforced by the platform, and if you want to add types later the student will have to “re-auth” … so best to pick a good set up front.

Connecting to HV from ASU apps• Since you will over time have multiple apps connect to HV using your authorized connection … you’ll need some way to

make sure each one can do that in an authenticated way.

• HV identifies which “app” it is talking to by asking the app to sign stuff with a private key. This means that the app has to have access to the private key.

• Sharing a single master private key with ALL ASU apps is probably a bad idea. Two options:

1. You can have multiple public/private key pairs for a given app. So you could give each internal app its own private key to use, and you then have the ability to “deauth” those individually in case of a breach or whatever. The only real downside to this is that we have to press a button here at Microsoft to make changes to these … so adding/removing keys will be a bit of a pain.

2. You can create a “proxy service” at ASU … so rather than actually talking to HV directly, each ASU app talks to your single proxy service. There’s actually a lot to like about this option, because you can not only hide the private key behind that service, but you can provide a simpler and more ASU-customized API for applications. E.g., they can probably just use the ASU ID to identify the patient and never know *anything* about HV identifiers. The only downside here is that if we add new APIs, your proxy may have to be updated before ASU apps can take advantage of them.

• My recommendation is the second option.

Pulling data into a research database• There is an option that would allow ASU to get a “ping” every time new data is available in HealthVault for records that

you have access to. However --- this would be my second choice, because it requires you to publish an endpoint on the web for us to call, and that’s just a hassle. But it does have some efficiency gains, so if you want to pursue it, let me know.

• Note this assumes we create an ASU repository vs. taking the pull-each-project-on-demand; early conversations with Ken seem to indicate this is the right choice but we’ll see.

• The pull method works like this:• Once every hour or so (interval up to you), you call the GetUpdatedRecordsForApplication method, passing in a “last updated” timestamp. This will return

all records that have had changes since this time.• For each of these records, you will call GetThings, again passing in that “last updated” timestamp to receive new or update items.• These items can be stored as XML fragments OR you can break them up into traditional table structures, or a mix of both.

• The one hiccup in the pull method if you’re familiar with this kind of thing is that there is no “tombstone” if the student deletes an item --- the only way to know it’s been deleted is because it doesn’t get returned anymore when queried, which is less efficient because you have to query more data. You can decide (a) to ignore this, as it is *very* rare for people to delete data in HV, or (b) deal with it.

• If you choose to deal with it (or even if you don’t) … I have some great .NET sample code you can use as a reference for making it work … it’s a pretty straightforward port to Java and the concepts are identical. I will send that along under separate cover.

Weight kiosks (unclear pri 1?)• One option is to reuse the existing infrastructure and alter it to save

readings to HealthVault using a linked ASU ID instead of the current Google spreadsheet model

• Alternatively, we’ve developed software to support a HV kiosk based on the Health-o-Meter line of professional scales (the unit we’re testing with is this one).

• Kiosk uses email address and a self-selected PIN code to send to HV. Could use this without any further work or connection to ASU, because the data going through HV would automatically come back into the record.

• Or --- could alter the kiosk to use a card swipe rather than an email address and using that linked ASU ID send directly to HV.

• This is an area of personal interest for Sean … happy to engage directly on this part of the project and contribute code if the team would like.

Student health services (not pri 1)• NextGen EMR in use at student health

• NextGen can create “CCD” (Continuity of Care) documents as part of federal interoperability requirements.

• These CCD documents can be directly imported into HealthVault. They can be sent via a connected “app”, uploaded as discrete files or received using a federally-sponsored secure messaging protocol called “Direct”.

• Post program-launch, it would be easy to allow students to use this CCD to populate their HealthVault accounts (and because this is a HIPAA release, it should enable the flow of that data back to research … but this is something ASU legal counsel should be comfortable with).

• Once the ASU ID is linked to HealthVault, it also would be easy to help them bring data INTO NextGen when they need to be seen … for example, the “emergency profile” we encourage them to create could be shared with NextGen.

• Depending on the path taken, it may require work from NextGen to do this smoothly

General Java development stuff

• All-up HV technical site:• Java SDK:

• For Java-specific questions: Rob May (architect on my team)

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