assistive technology

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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EDU 619 Dr. Moerland


Assistive Technology

Emma Paula Hulsey

EDU 619

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology: a necessity in our classrooms

• Many students with disabilities require assistive technology to participate in and benefit from their educational programs.

• A range of technology solutions is available to support student performance, achievement, and independence in the following areas: academics and learning aids, aids to daily living, assistive listening and environmental aids for the hearing impaired and deaf, augmentative communication, computer access, leisure and recreation, seating, positioning, mobility, and vision. .

• Students who have access to the appropriate assistive technology solutions that they need are more likely to be successful in their educational programs.

Technology Areas

Academic and Learning AidsMath


Math• Assistive technology is also

available to support student achievement in the area of math.

• A range of low technology to high technology solutions are available.

Math Assistive Technologies

• Calculators and/or talking calculators• On-screen electronic worksheets• Hands-on Manipulatives• Math software• Tactile/voice output measuring devices• Alternative keyboard/keyboard additions• Computer with touch screen• K-12 Using Assistive Technology for Math and Science» 3 mins 35 secs


Students who demonstrate difficulty with basic reading skills or reading comprehension skills may benefit from assistive technology.

Reading Assistive Technologies• Colored Overlays• Reading Window• Hand-held spell checker or talking Dictionary• Audio-taped textbooks/Books adapted for page turning• Talking word processing program/electronic devices• Advanced reading aid• CCTV video magnifiers• iPad or Tablet

• A "Reading Community" for Kids with Learning Disabilities

Spelling• Students who have difficulty with

spelling can benefit from assistive technology to identify and correct their spelling errors.

• Technology is available to support spelling in handwritten as well as computer generated text.

Spelling Assistive Technologies

• Personal word list or dictionary• Hand-held spell checker• Standard word processing program

with built-in spell check• Talking word processing program with

built in spell-checker

WritingStudents who have difficulty producing written communication with standard writing tools such as pen and paper may benefit from assistive technology.

Writing Assistive Technologies• Alternative paper/adapted paper• Pencil grips• Adapted tape recorder• Portable word processor• Talking word processor software• Word prediction software• Outlining and webbing software• Voice dictation software• Electronic/talking dictionary• Writing templates• Using Pencil Grips as an Assistive Technology in the

Classroom • 3mins 55secs


Students that have limited verbal expression or none at all, need enhanced communication at school.

Communication Assistive Technologies

• Eye Gaze Board• Simple voice output device• Voice output device with Icon sequencing• Voice output with dynamic display• Device with speech output for typing• Test Speak• Assistive Technology


Assistive Technology can be a part of a UDL because it helps all students. AT is costly but effective and can prove very successful.

Various Cost for Assistive Technology for the Classroom

Cost for assistive technology for writing

Math and Learning Disabilities

Prices range from $15.00 to $3500.00 plus.

Assistive Technology is a necessity for children to be able to learn when they have a LD. AT makes things easier for us but for students with LD or SPED inclusion makes things POSSIBLE!

Funding for Assistive Technology

• If a student who is eligible under IDEA requires assistive technology in order to receive a free appropriate public education, the school must provide the appropriate assistive technology devices and services at no cost to the parents.

• School districts should be proactive in coordinating efforts to secure supplemental funding. Districts may use any of the following funds to purchase assistive technology devices and services.

• When equipment is purchased with state or local district funds, state special education or IDEA funds, the equipment becomes the property of the school and the school is responsible for maintenance, repair and insurance.

Assistive Technologies - Let that voice be heard

For more AT resources please

Having trouble brainstorming and visualizing

References• 1. Introduction to Assistive Technology Many students with disabilities

 • 2.   Assistive Technology Solutions

 • 3.   A resource guide on Assistive Technology

4. Google images

5. Assistive Technology: A Special Education Guide to Assistive Technology

6. Technology and Learning: Meeting Special Student’s Needs, National Center on UDL

7. Schwab Foundation of Learning: Assistive Technology for Children with Learning Difficulties


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