assessor feedback note: grades awarded for your work are …€¦ · 6th form academy school of...

Post on 17-Jul-2018






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6th Form Academy

School of Computing



BTEC Level 3 Diploma/Sub-Diploma/

Extended Diploma in Information Technology

&Advance Networking (QCF)


Name of Student: Bradley Williams

Name of Assessor: Janine Manville

Unit Title: Unit 1 - Communication and Employability Skills for IT

Assignment Title: Personal Development

Hand-out Date: 19/9/16 Hand-in Date: 21/10/16

Criteria that can be met by this assignment are the un-shaded areas.

PASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

MERIT 1 2 3


Assessor Feedback Note: Grades awarded for your work are provisional until externally confirmed.

All criteria achieved. Overall this is a good piece of work. Please see the comments on the


P7 and P8 deal with a personal development plan. For P7, you needed to put together a plan,

which may be presented in any appropriate format and may be for any length of time as long as

the time is sufficient for you to monitor progress. Evidence for P8 can come from review points

in the plan when learners and tutors may have input and evaluated progress. M3 is to do with

learning styles and is a relatively straightforward answer to the question: ‘If you are aware of

your preferred learning style, how can you use that knowledge to make your learning more

effective?’ Learners can approach this question from a personal or general perspective. For D2,

you were reviewed to your PDP and identify areas for improvement.

Assessor Signature… …………….

Date ……22/10/2016………………

Internal Verifier signature ………………

Date ………………………

Key: =Pass 1st Time =Pass on Rework =Not Achieved X



6th Form Academy

School of Computing



I confirm that the work attached is my own work *

Student Signature …… ………… Date …21/10/16.

You must sign this before handing in the assignment.

To be retained by student Assignment U1/A1

Assignment Handed in to: Staff Name……Janine Manville…… Inits……

By: Student Name …Bradley Williams……… Date ……21/10/16…………

6th Form Academy

School of Computing



BTEC Level 3 Diploma/Sub-Diploma/ Extended Diploma in Information Technology & Advance Networking (QCF)

Assignment Brief

Unit Title: Communication and

Employability Skills for IT

Unit Number: 1

Assignment: Personal Development

Portfolio Ref: U1-A1


You have been appointed as a junior programmer in a local computer company. Your manager has asked you to identify any skills shortages that you may have in preparation for your appraisal, so that you can agree your personal development plan, which you will then be required to maintain. Further, you may review your plan and identify areas for improvement. You will also have the opportunity to explain how an awareness of learning style can aid personal development.

Note: Your work should be submitted in an A4 ring binder, clearly labelled with your name and “Personal Development Portfolio”.

Tasks 1. You need to produce a personal development plan, including self-assessment

from various classroom tasks and tests (including your learning style analysis test), goal setting and indications of how you may improve. Your completed self-development plan should be included in your portfolio of exercises and on-line tests that you need to collate. To do this you should include:

formal reports eg appraisal meeting notes, customer feedback, and performance data;

self-assessment (personal development planning)


2. Having created a personal development plan and analysed yourself carefully; you should follow the plan throughout this academic year in order to improve your skills. You will also attend and participate in a variety of training workshops, for example Belbin Team Working Styles.

You should include:

Addressing needs: methods eg job shadowing, team meetings and attending events, training eg external or internal.


6th Form Academy

School of Computing



6th Form Academy

School of Computing



3. Now that you have completed a learning styles questionnaire for P7 above, (VARK on-line, or Hawaii), you should explain how an awareness of learning style can aid personal development. Your explanation should include the following:

Learning styles: systems eg active or reflective, sensing or intuitive, visual or verbal, sequential or global;

identification of preferred style;

knowing own;

understanding others


4. In order to evaluate your progress and to plan for your future, you should review

your progress on your personal development plan, and then identify areas for improvement.

Your evidence should show:

Records: target setting; appraisal records.


6th Form Academy

School of Computing



Grading Criteria:

Criteria Range/Elements Achieved

(Assessor initials)

P7 Produce a personal development plan.

Identification of need:

formal reports eg appraisal meeting notes, customer feedback, or performance data;

self-assessment (personal development planning)

P8 Follow a personal development plan.

Addressing needs:

methods eg job shadowing, team meetings, attending events, or training eg external, internal.

M3 Explain how an awareness of learning style can aid personal development.

Learning styles:

systems eg active or reflective, sensing or intuitive, visual or verbal, sequential or global;

identification of preferred style;

knowing own;

understanding others

D2 Review progress on a personal development plan, identifying areas for improvement.


target setting; appraisal records


The work you submit must be your own. Any information obtained from other sources can be used but must be acknowledged and properly referenced. All sources must be included in your bibliography. Copying others work is unacceptable and is known as plagiarism. If you try to pass off work from the internet or elsewhere as your own, it will not be marked and could lead to disciplinary action. * All Grades awarded for your work are provisional until externally confirmed






Assignment Ref U1A1







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CONTENTS Task 1 – P7 .......................................................................................... 3

Task 2 – P8 .......................................................................................... 9

You need to update the table of contents before you submit your work.






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TA SK 1 – P7

When I started college on the 7th of September 2016 I was given a range of tasks to complete both in class for a personal development portfolio. I have produced a diary of the tasks which can be found in my submission folder. This records which tasks were completed successfully and on time. It also allowed me to plan my time and monitor my progress. I had made a cv for a task that required me to research 3 companies that I could work for in the future when I leave education

Covering letter for Bradley Williams

Dear Sir

My name is Bradley Williams and I would like to become an employee at your company I would like a job to earn money and be able to hopefully get promoted and keeping getting more money a reason to hire me is in good at doing work and I’m patient with dealing with people as long as I’m fully prepared with the knowledge to answer their questions I am also good at using office equipment such as printers and computer programs such as word power point and publisher and etc. I had my education in secondary school at oasis academy john Williams and went to college at college of Bristol city my interests are going to the gym I used to play rugby I like watching TV and playing video games I always like to dress well where ever I go and I am well

behaved and good mannered

When I start work

Nigel frank international

Share point/office 365 trainer £300-£350 per day pay

Contact number +44 (0) 1913387560 Location: London England

Informa5tion security analyst for Eutopia

Salary £50,000-£60,000 With corporate benefits

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8731 3791 Email:

Address 42-48 Victoria Street ST Albans AL1 3HZ


IT manager Stourbridge west midlands (country)

Per annum £35,000 to £40,000 Contact number: 0800 055 6688

Mobile developer – IOS

Location: Leicester

Per annum £35,000-£55,000

Bradley Williams,s CV

Comment [C1]: Should be capital letters

Comment [C2]: You were not asked to include this here. Please take care to follow

the instructions.






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I would like to join a company like yours to make a lot of money and have a career in information technology. I’m motivated well by money and know

I can do a good job at work when I set my mind to it.

I have good communication skills and I am confident to ask people questions and communicate well with people I don’t know.

I have no experience but hoping you will give me some work experience. My secondary school education took place in the oasis academy John Williams’s secondary school in Hengrove and got c grades in 6 of my subjects

such as maths English science history business and product design.

My hobbies and interests I used to play rugby until I stopped after the 3rd season now I go to a gym my other interests include watching TV playing video games my favourite

movies are the ones based in the industrial revolution Address: 49 Barnstaple RD BS4 1JW


Important things to know while operating in a work place is to have good technical knowledge of how to operate office equipment such as printer’s scanners and

guillotines. ✓

Health and safety skills are mandatory in the workplace . The law forces companies to strictly abide by health and safety . ✓

Another attribute to be able to get a job is knowing about security and being able to detect if a security risk has been emailed to the company such as scammers

fraudsters and viruses that may get emailed to the companies

Security is important in the workplace because offices and businesses can often be targets for theft, kidnapping terrorism, unlawful entry and other crimes. It is

important that all businesses whether it be a government office or a retail store, have strong level of security to minimise crimes.

Places such as colleges will have id cards with a image of the wearer and personal id number

Other buildings will have CCTV to prevent people from shop lifting in retail stores

Work attitude is important in the work place as it drives workers to achieve there very best and to take pride in there work . ✓


General attributes in the workplace would being open to help others or assist them with your own knowledge and skills this is

important because it makes a more efficient and productive working area.

If in charge of a group of people the manager of the group needs to be a good leader with efficient decisions and be able to

boss people around what would make a good manager is when the employees working for him respects him team work is also

important in the workplace as people tend to earn faster when working in a group. A team will also give each other healthy

competition as each team player will be pushed to the best inputter of the team






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Having good creativity is valued by all companies and organisations because creativity can cut costs and cause higher productivity. Organisational skills are key in the new fast paced working world as large loads of work can be done quicker if one

is prepared and organised enough to take on the task so a more productive work place.

Ideas can sometimes be very good ideas and this will happen when a employee is confident enough to throw ideas and not

worry about being wrong.


Having a optimistic and motivated work force will give them good attitude towards there work place and in doing there job that can lead to a more productive business because they want to work more because they are not bored from doing the same tasks again and again and


Confidence is key to delivering information from word of mouth up or down the chain of command in a company this is because the

communication is clear and precise.

Being independent while working can insure other workers are not disrupted by endless barrage of questions this also help if you are good at

problem solving and are determined to get your work done although chances are people will ask you questions for problems that need solving

so a level of tolerance is required for good team work. ✓

Tolerance is crucial in the work place because you might not always like who your working with however its important to separate your

personal opinions from business as your issues at home will effect you in the work place.

Integrity is important in a business area as being honest will mean you will be trusted to do more responsible and better jobs this can also help

you get a promoting in the chain of command so instead of taking orders your making orders. ✓

When doing the attitude and attributes task as a start point I identified my strengths and weaknesses and produced a SWOT diagram as shown below: Swot analysis Name: Bradley Williams

strengths Weaknesses

I’m good at being on time to get to college as I leave my house 1 hour

before I need to go to the college so if I miss the bus I can get on the next one with plenty of time.

Trying to get to sleep and getting to bed on an early time

Comment [C3]: You were not required to include this in the report. Yu were only

expected to explain the jobs and why you thought you would be good at them

Comment [C4]: You only needed to insert the table not the headings etc.






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I’m well organized in the mornings as all that I need is in my bag and

my money is always chained to my person.

I wake up slowly

I’m confident and not worried to go and do my own thing I can be forgetful sometimes

I am patient mostly

Opportunities: I am soon getting a new tablet with a apparently good camera this may

help me with my learning as I can take pictures of what is displayed on the board for later reference

Threats: My arachnophobia may prevent me from getting to sleep meaning I’m

tired in the morning this is a threat because it may cause me to be late to the college

I took part in a class discussion about the types of attitudes that employers would be looking for and produced a

booklet which identified these and explained why they are important. ✓

I asked a colleague to look at my work and to provide me with some feedback. This is what they said: Feedback –

Bradley Williams

Page 1

Front cover is good – States what the unit you are working on, along with your name on it.

Picture is good and simple and shows teamwork.

Page 2 / 3 / 4

The quality of the work is good – good detail.

The pictures used are relevant to what you are talking about – example of this is where you had an ‘Attitudes’

section with a picture stating different kinds of attitudes.

You could work on the footers / headings – You could add a footer or a heading for it to automatically set the page number on each page and you can set it so it shows you the unit you are working on onto each


The layout of the work is good however it is different for each page – The font size is good as it doesn’t keep

changing however it isn’t always cantered.

I agree/disagree with this because…….i agree with the feed back as the images are relevant to the attitudes and work place I do agree that I could work on footers and heading and my wrighting is also centred throughout

Group Member:1 Kane Group Member:2 Jim 1. Did this group member complete his/her assigned tasks for the group? Yes

1. Did this group member complete his/her assigned tasks for the group? Yes

Comment [C5]: Again yiu did nit need the headings just the main content

Comment [C6]: You did not need to leave this here. This was an instruction for

you to follow not to be left as part of the document, especially as you have then

repeated the phrase straight afterwards

Comment [C7]: Check your spelling.






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2. How would you rate the quality of this person’s work? 3 as best as he did a lot of typing and contributed 3 questions and 3c answers to the questionnaire a fair amount as there was 15

questions to make and there was 5 of us.

3. How would you rate the timeliness of the completion of the work? 2 We were 10 minutes behind the other groups because the teacher hindered us by taking 2 out the group at different times

in the task. 4. How would you rate the accuracy of the work? 3 I say 3 because Kane put in good punctuation and appropriate answers

to the questions he wrote.

5. Overall, how would you rank this group member’s performance in the group? 3 as he put in a lot of effort in the team 6. Would you want to work with this person again? Yes

2. How would you rate the quality of this person’s work? 3 as he contributed 3 questions to the 15 needed for the task 3. How would you rate the timeliness of the completion of the

work? 2 We were 10 minutes behind the other groups as we were hindered by the teacher taking 2 of us at different times 4. How would you rate the accuracy of the work? 3 as he contributed relevant questions to appropriate answers 5. Overall, how would you rank this group member’s

performance in the group? 3 6. Would you want to work with this person again? Yes

Group Member:3 Alex Group Member:4 Johnathan 1. Did this group member complete his/her assigned tasks for the group? Yes

2. How would you rate the quality of this person’s work? 3 this person contributed 3 questions and 3 answers to the questionnaire again a fair amount up to the others 3. How would you rate the timeliness of the completion of the work? 2 We were 10 minutes behind the other groups because the

teacher had hindered us by taking 2 out of the group at different times 4. How would you rate the accuracy of the work? 3 as he contributed relevant questions with appropriate answers 5. Overall, how would you rank this group member’s performance in the group? 3 as he contributed and put in effort

6. Would you want to work with this person again? Yes

1. Did this group member complete his/her assigned tasks for the group? Yes

2. How would you rate the quality of this person’s work? 3 he contributed and gave 3 good questions for the questionnaire 3. How would you rate the timeliness of the completion of the work? 2 4. How would you rate the accuracy of the work? 1 2 3

5. Overall, how would you rank this group member’s performance in the group? 1 2 3 6. Would you want to work with this person again? Yes

My self-evaluation I have contributed fairly in the making of the questionnaire as I contributed 3 questions with

appropriate answers I also had helped and did a bit of typing when the teacher took Kane away for an interview.

I put in good effort in the making of the questionnaire

Questions for the questionnaire evaluation What did you learn from the task? : I learned how to make a quiz successfully about the different learning

styles auditory kinetic and visual.

Comment [C8]: You were not expected to include this here, make sure you follow the







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What did you learn from taking the test? : Different ways of which you can learn and how you can learn in those different ways such as making notes is a visual learning style and certain learning style have many ways

that can be done such as visual learning is books video watching someone do it. ✓ Did you finish the task? : I finished the task as I helped make a quiz and I went about the room to two

different computers and took the test of two different groups. What was easy? : Making the quiz was easy and the first test I took was easy this was because many of the

questions I had answered had a key word I often noticed such as physically, listen, look, read and watch. What was difficult? : The second test was a bit harder as they had written it a bit different and by different I mean they didn’t make it as obvious of what the answer was as they words physically listen look read and watch were not used as much this made it more challenging on the second quiz I had taken as I had to think about it a bit longer What would you do differently next time? : If I were to do it again I would try to take a little more time to read the question and not get pressured by the timer Were you an effective participator? : I was an effective participant of making the quiz as I did three questions which was fair as there was 5 of us so each participant did 3 questions for making the quiz I had thought of

interesting sounding questions and tried not to give away the answer of the questions I thought of. Certain learning styles effect different people and allow them to pick up things faster such as a hands on type doing DIY will be best at seeing and doing kinetic learning to see how something goes together

I had taken an VAK online learning styles test. The results showed me to be a visual learner this shows my learning styles definition to be that I mainly will see something to learn it best as the results show I pick A the most I agree with this because I like to see something being done before trying it myself






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although I do learn well actual doing something with my hands like putting together a puzzle I can memorize the process of how to do it A’s =11

B’s =3

C’s =6

If you chose mostly A’s you have a VISUAL learning style

P7 achieved as there is just about sufficient evidence here. Whilst you have given this portfolio some thought in terms of your strengths and weaknesses, you have not fully followed the instructions here and you have left copies of task here that were not required in this report. Please take care in future as following instructions is an essential skill.

TA SK 2 – P8

I had took a series of online psychological tests from to provide me with more information towards

my personal development. ✓ These tests showed that I am a realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional person

I agree with this as over the past 3 years I have become a lot more confident in myself and talking to others .

Comment [C9]: Please proof read your work

Comment [C10]: These all needed to be readable. If you are unsure how to insert a

picture please ask.






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From this I produced the following personal statement I completely agree with the results I had got on the careers test as I am very realistic I won’t go for something that is impossible or stupid but achievable and then I try to build on that

This provided me with more information about my strengths and weaknesses and the type of career or jobs that would be suitable for me. This was useful to me because I want to find out what job I would be most best at and that I can do well for financial security and get a lot of disposable income this is important to me as I always wanted to live like a rich person or

wealthy to be able to not struggle.

P8 given. There is just about sufficient evidence here.

TA SK 3 -M1 M3

During the class sessions I also worked as part of a team producing a online assessment of different learning styles. This shows our understanding of the different learning styles. My personal assessment of my performance can be found in my submission folder, together with my review of the team. ✓ I am pleased with the work because I was able to contribute good and relevant questions to the questionnaire with also good answers Knowing and understanding my own Personal Learning and Thinking skill and appreciating other people’s learning styles i learned that different people thinking and learning in different ways can help get a different perspective or angle on something this is important as for group work more can be said and more can be used as we are thinking different but trying to get to the same goal I was pleased with the work because it came out good with good questions and answers we manged our time well but went 10 minutes over as we were hindered by the amount of people we had helping as 2 of our group had to go somewhere but came right back afterwards. ✓

Comment [C11]: Check your spelling.

Comment [C12]: Check your spelling.






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These where the results that me and my group got from completing someone else’s test

M3 Given. This is a weak section but you have just about enough evidence here. Your personal evaluation of your role in the team was honest and ideally it would have been nice for you to indicate how you felt you could have improved your performance.

TA SK4 -D2

I created SMART targets in my EILP to observe and review my progress. I also produced a diary of my work for this portfolio which tracks my







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I had a meeting with my lecturer the SMART target setting and looked again at my identified strengths and weaknesses (a copy of the meeting is my submission folder) and we discussed areas for development, which may help me improve my

performance. ✓

I read several presentations about SMART targets and improvement techniques. I identified the following things I could do to improve my grade by making my work more organised and to put more information into it this can improve my grade as I’ve been told some of my work is very brief in some parts so I relooked at them and was able to elaborate and write more in depth about my work

Looking back at my performance now and comparing this with my initial SWOT I believe I have improved in getting up and getting to bed on specific times that help me sleep better this in term has help me be more awake and learn better in class I have also been getting better at

remembering things .

D2- given. You have some evidence here but it would have been nice for you to provide a list of the methods you want to implement over the next few weeks to improve your performance on the next assignment, so you could use this to reflect on your development.



Learner Name: Bradley Williams

Qualification: BTEC L3 National Diploma (QCF) in Information Technology

Unit Number & Title: Unit 1A1 – Communication and Employability Skills for IT

Description of activity undertaken

• Group discussion to EXPLAIN a range of personal attributes is and why they are valued by


Grading criteria

Towards P7

• Creation of a Personal Development Portfolio

• Identification of personal attributes in order to conduct SWOT analysis and show how

learners may improve their performance in college and at work.

How the activity meets the requirements of the grading criteria

This session provides the candidates with the opportunity to verbally clarify any anomalies in the assignment task. The continuous use of Q&A sessions allows learners to monitor their progress and also to provide formative feedback, which aids motivation. As professional discussion provides a holistic approach to assessing knowledge and understanding and is useful in determining not only what and how a candidate is performing, but also their analytical and decision-making abilities. Performance assessment is based on observation which promotes Equality and Diversity by giving the candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their ability verbally including justifying their ideas, as well providing opportunities to extend communication skills such as voice, word choice, sentence fluency, content, organisation, presentation and use of language in an oral presentation which underpins Unit 1 and enables them to work towards their PLTS throughout the assignment.

Comments on student participation:

I confirm that this learner took part in the group discussion. Information given clearly related to the main topic but no details and/or examples were

given. He responded to questions but did not engage in reflection. He interacted or responded to other members of the group, but in a fairly limited manner and only when encouraged. Professional vocabulary and discussion style were used occasionally

throughout the discussion. He listens carefully and respectfully but does not always participate as fully as he could. His opinions are valued and he must try to take a more effective role.

Assessor Signature:

Date: w/c 12th Sept 2016

Assessor Name: Janine Manville


Learner Name: Bradley Williams

Qualification: BTEC L3 National Diploma (QCF) in Information Technology

Unit Number & Title: Unit 1A1 – Communications and Employability in IT

Description of activity undertaken

Group discussion to identify future strategy for methods of improving performance. Grading criteria


D2 Review progress on a personal development plan, identifying areas for improvement.

How the activity meets the requirements of the grading criteria

As professional discussion provides a holistic approach to assessing knowledge and understanding and is useful in determining not only what and how a candidate is performing, but also their analytical and decision-making abilities it also provides E&D opportunities. This increases self-confidence as it allows the learners to identify their learning style as part of a team and to analyse and reflect on methods to improve their performance based on the BTEC study skills presentation, not just as an individual but as part of the learning group. This enables learners to see that many of the issues with learning methods are across the group and works to eliminate their sense of isolation and build group identity. Comments on student participation:

I confirm this student took part in this activity.I confirm this student took part in this activity.I confirm this student took part in this activity.I confirm this student took part in this activity.

Learner Signature:

Date: 21/10/16

Assessor Signature:

Date: 21/10/16

Assessor Name: Janine Manville

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