assessments 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 marshall sponder

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Assessments 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Social Media for the Arts

Spring 2016 - Rutgers University - Marshall Sponder - Course Author and Instructor

Assessment 2 – Blogs and Blogging

Photo, Food, Travel, Fashion and Music Bloggers are the most popular

Most students want to create a personal blog

What type of Blog do you most want to create?

NFP 8 1.81%

B2B 11 2.49%

SOLO 20 4.52%

B2C 22 4.98%

Not Sure 24 5.43%

Not Sure 24 5.43%

PERSONAL 357 80.77%

Tumblr is still the preferred platform for blogs

What Platform will this blog live on? Count Percentage

Third Party (WIX/SquareSpace, etc) 14 3.18%

Other 17 3.86%

Unable to answer 24 5.45%

Blogger 42 9.55%

WordPress 102 23.18%

Tumblr 241 54.77%

Shared Interests, Family, Friends, Classmates are main audiences.

Chose you blog audience from the choices provided belowCount Percent

Volunteers 2 0.10%

Clients 3 0.15%

Classmates 4 0.20%

Unable to answer 4 0.20%

Media 6 0.30%

Not sure who my audience is 8 0.41%

Shared Interests 8 0.41%

Board of Directors 9 0.46%

Not sure who my audience is 13 0.66%

Donors 16 0.81%

Volunteers 24 1.22%

Customers 31 1.57%

Customers 31 1.57%

Clients 44 2.23%

Fans 51 2.59%

Prospects 57 2.89%

Professors 62 3.15%

Friends 89 4.52%

Public 113 5.74%

Media 115 5.84%

Fans 119 6.04%

Public 160 8.12%

Classmates 190 9.64%

Friends 258 13.10%

Family 275 13.96%

Shared Interests 278 14.11%

Content for your blogs is focused on shared interests and students’ personal insights.

Most of the content will consist of Text, Images and Photos.

Who are students blogging for?

Students who blog would most likely use illustration, infographic, video and text support.

Blogs as Social Media, are most likely going to be promoted using Social Media.

Most students will use “intermediate” metrics such as visitor count, reach and improved SEO traffic to gauge success.

Assessment 3 – Online Video

to captivate your audience with "hooks" do you envision using with your own videos (someday)Count Percent

spark their curiosity 260 23.72%

make the first shot fascinating 216 19.71%

ask a question 148 13.50%

address the audience immediately 144 13.14%

tell them what they’re watching 114 10.40%

keep branding to less than five seconds 69 6.30%

unless it’s hilarious 69 6.30%

tease the rest of the video 68 6.20%

other 6 0.55%

unable to answeer 2 0.18%

to keep your audience watching your videos what of the following would you do? Count Percent

make sure the audio is clear and balanced 266 14.36%

pay attention to lighting - sound quality and shot-framing 249 13.44%

avoid sloppy editing 201 10.85%

properly light your video 190 10.25%

use varying camera angles 183 9.88%

cut-aways and other visuals to make your videos dynamic 183 9.88%

include only necessary footage in your videos 182 9.82%

add transitions 166 8.96%

overlays and graphics to help convey your story 166 8.96%

use the youtube video editor tool more often 57 3.08%

other 9 0.49%

sound quality 1 0.05%

Which strategies would you use to Optimize your video for "Long Form" content count percentage

use annotations and graphics to allow viewers to jump to specific sections of the video 266 82.61%

Time codes that are linked to specific parts of the video 23 7.14%

Short form Clips of the best of your "longer content" videos 14 4.35%

Create Promo Clips of your videos (probably short - 10-15 seconds each) 13 4.04%

Unable to answer 5 1.55%

Other 1 0.31%

How would you best optimize for serial viewing of your Video? (Episodic Online Videos) Count Percent

Drive viewers to the next video in the series 91 28.17%

Make each episode easier to find via Search Engines by adding the episode number as part of the title or subtitle of the video 79 24.46%

Recap previous episodes when possible 78 24.15%

Create Context at the beginning of each video of the series 48 14.86%

Provide information on the episodes in the series and when they are available to be watched 23 7.12%

Unable to answer 3 0.93%

Other 1 0.31%

What "Calls to Action" would you use in your Videos? count percent

Invite viewers to subscribe to your video 236 27.38%

Ask viewers to  "Like" or "Share" your video 223 25.87%

Ask your viewers to comment on your video(s) 178 20.65%

Ask your viewers to watch more of your video(s) 134 15.55%

Ask viewers to  "Like" or "Share" your video 49 5.68%

Ask your viewers to watch more of your video(s) 30 3.48%

Ask your viewers to comment on your video(s) 7 0.81%

Other 5 0.58%

How often would you schedule your video? Count Percent

Set up a regular schedule and produce content that fills up that schedule 145 31.66%

Frequent uploads to keep viewers constantly fed with new content 127 27.73%

Set up a regular schedule and produce content that fills up that schedule 103 22.49%

Break  up your content into smaller pieces that give you more content items to post with 48 10.48%

Break  up your content into smaller pieces that give you more content items to post with 30 6.55%

Other 4 0.87%

Unable to answer 1 0.22%

If you have a "Playlist" how would you promote it? Count Percent

Feature your playlists on your channel page. 158 48.92%

Keep adding videos to your playlist. Every addition can show up in your feed. 76 23.53%

Use in-video messaging, annotations, end-cards and links to send viewers to a playlist. 45 13.93%

Invite viewers to comment on the playlist (this generates more links to the playlist that will come up on a search result)/34 10.53%

Other 5 1.55%

Unable to answer 5 1.55%

Jumping ahead to YouTube Analytics which reports would you use? count precent

Likes & Dislikes - Shows how many viewers give your videos a thumbs up or down. 267 45.03%

Examine specific dates and/or videos with high gains (or losses) of subscribers 208 35.08%

Annotations - Shows click-through (CTR) and close rates for all of your annotations. 110 18.55%

Other 8 1.35%

Assessment 4 – Twitter Influence

Assessment 5

– Social Networks – how well are they being used by chosen celebrities?

Celebrities using Social Media Poorly Which Social Medias? What are they doing wrong?

Andrew DePaola Instagram

I follow him because he was a Rutgers graduate and current longsnapper of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He rarely

uses his Instagram , but when he does, it is good to see how he is progressing.

Rodolfo Andres Roca (not specified) Rodolfo Andres Roca because he doesnt use (social media) often and does not promote his soccer career on it.

Matthew Gray Gubler Twitter

Gubler is an actor best known for playing Spencer Reed on Criminal Minds. Frankly, a lot of his tweets do not make

sense. He tweets a lot of "inside jokes" or references things that most people do not know about. He gets a lot of

retweets and likes, but I think he could do better.

Jennifer Lawrence (social medias in general)

Jennifer Lawrence maintains a private life despite being a celebrity, she refuses to use any sort of social media (we

think) because she doesn't really know how to use them . It's kind of interesting to see someone who is always in the

spotlight, and such a famous person, not want to live her life behind a phone. I applaud her.

Justin Timberlake Instagram

I don't think Justin Timberlake is using Instagram very optimally. Although he has 22 million followers, I certainly feel

that he can have more if he posted more frequently . He is a celebrity that is married to another celebrity and people

want to follow his posts to see their life. However, he posts every few weeks. Overall, I think if he posted more often,

he would have more followers coming to his page. No one wants to come to a celebrities page and see that they

haven't posted in weeks.

Robert Kardashian Instagram

I picked Robert Kardashian as my celebrity who is not using my favorite social media channel well. Looking at his

profile you can see he has 4.8m followers which gives him a rating of 5 on our assessment scale. However I don't

believe he deserves a 5 because he does not take full advantage of his social media. He only has 27 posts which is not

very many. Majority of his posts are of food or someone else. He does not advertise for his sock line which is

something he has been working on for years. There are so many ways he could be branding himself and getting his

name out and he is not doing that on his social media. He should be posting regularly so he is in his fans newsfeed.

Just because he has a lot of followers does not mean he is using his instagram well to promote and brand himself.

Milo Yiannopoulos Twitter

@Nero or Milo Yiannopoulos, the reporter, with the social authority of 86, does not use Twitter optimally because he

tweets very controversial and racist comments.

Childish Gambino Twitter Childish Gambino, because he has deleted all his tweets/ favorites and is not active

Benson Henderson Instagram

Benson Henderson is a former world champion in mixed martial arts. I do not believe he is using instagram optimally

simply because of the little content he puts up. As an avid fan, it would make a lot more people exposed to his

sponsers through the use of constant updates. Simply not being active enough does not take advantage of his celebrity


George H.W. Bush Facebook

George H.W. Bush Sr., because he is from an age before which Facebook was popularized in this nation. Soon after

he left office (in 1992), communication became facilitated through advanced forms of technology and media.

Brendan Shanahan

Brendan Shanahan who is the president of the Tornto Maple Leafs does not use twitter optimally. This is because a lot

of his job is meant to stay private and a lot of the work he does (contracts and trades) are not meant to leak out to

the public and that is why he doesn't use twitter that much.

Shigeru Miyamoto Facebook

I think that Shigeru Miyamoto, president of Nintendo, does not use Facebook optimally because he does not update

his page regularly, does not post relavent content that his audience expects of him, and does not drive popularity to

his product.

Nicole Guerriero Instagram

I'm picking Nicole Guerriero as a celebrity I really like but I don't think she's using her instagram platform as efficiently

as she could. Although her instagram grade is a 5, she mainly uses instagram as a way to let people know when she's

uploaded a video. This is why people are subscribed to her so that they get a notification when someone uploads a

video. I don't think it's bad that she does this as almost all youtubers use this technique, however I do feel she needs

to upload other content more frequently. For example since she is a makeup guru she can upload short videos of

makeup tips or hair tricks. She uploads usually to announce videos or personal pictures but since she has so many

followers and because it's so much easier to post on instagram than post good quality videos on youtube, I think she

needs to take her instagram authority and use it to compliment her status as a makeup/hair guru in order to attract

more people to her youtube channel.

Assessment 6 – Viral Videos

Emotion Count Percent

Happiness 74 15.10%

Amusement 61 12.45%

Hilarity 59 12.04%

Shock 50 10.20%

Exhilaration 48 9.80%

Inspiration 47 9.59%

Surprise 42 8.57%

Astonishment 36 7.35%

Frustration 16 3.27%

Calmness 14 2.86%

Discomfort 13 2.65%

Sadness 9 1.84%

Anger 6 1.22%

Disgust 6 1.22%

Irritation 6 1.22%

Bordom 3 0.61%

Tactic Count Percent

Performance 94 19.11%

Anticipation 85 17.28%

Eyes Surprise 69 14.02%

Cutsie Wootsie 43 8.74%

Comedy Side Split 38 7.72%

Impromtu 35 7.11%

Disruption Distruction 28 5.69%

Simulation Trigger 24 4.88%

Baby Love 22 4.47%

Skill Bill 15 3.05%

Vigilante Justice 12 2.44%

Rose Glasses 11 2.24%

Nostalgic Bubblegum 8 1.63%

Voyeur 8 1.63%

I will create a video about What is the "actions" or "events" that will take place in the video What happens at the end of the video?

An advertisement with John Stamos to sell male body wash in his house. He comes in shirtless then a flock of women surround him. He flies away like Superman.

security camera footage of dogs in a shelter dogs are escaping from an animal shelter by undoing the lock with their paws the dogs jump over a fence and run off into the distance

sneakers reviewing new released shoes show how the on feet views of the shoe with matching pants

embarrassing moments in my life the embarrassing events

an event that could potentially be embarrassing but ends up being particularly


food cooking finished meal

dogs The dog will be on a surf board The dog will fall off the surf board

Food Cooking A meal is made

I will create a video about how to do hair and makeup.

In the video, I would start off with what I would look like in the end and then

begin with a bare face. At the end of the video, I will have make up on and my hair will be curled.

A funny video repeating a line similar to "Damn Daniel" The line will be said to several random individuals The line is used sarcastically with the last one

Rutgers Football 2016 Season "Hype" Video Show clips of the football players training for this upcoming season Rutgers football logo and stadium are shown

animals performing various actions evoking humor.

Animals will be performing various actions that will be humorous to the

audience at the end will be a campaign flier to raise adoption awareness

good, affordable food that can be found on campus for students I'll visit different restaurants and recommend certain things to students I'll asks viewers to subscribe and comment what they think

Just because you're an adult, doesn't mean you can't have fun anymore!

Parents will take their kids to a place for kids, but will end up joining them in

the fun Adults, and kids, have fun together

A compilation of skateboard tricks

I would include skateboard tricks performed on stairs, half pipes, and

skateboards. I would put up my name and links to my social media pages.

A group of cheerleaders will try to hit a stunt. The stunt will hit but the girls get so excited and the girl falls down Laughter from the person filming

My video will be about funny animals. Probably an animal acting in a way they do not usually act in

First the animal will start by doing something funny, but will finish by doing

something impressive.

Babies Farting A collection of various babies farting moments The mothers come and pick up babies to feed them an organic product

Sports and its impact on life Comparing and contrasting the positive and negatives of sport on people Throw a fun fact to mind blast the viewers

Cosmetology Styling, cutting and coloring hair. The client will have a fabulous hairstyle.

Cheerleading different stunts, and tumbling passes from cheerleaders at practice a stunt goes terribly wrong, unplanned yet caught on camera

adventures around the world

beautiful landscapes, amazing creatures, and some jokes; with some fear along

the way breath taking shot over a mountain

Short video on a student struggling on college.

The student initially struggles in school but eventually figures out what he

needs to do to better his grades.

The student ends up graduating and he realizes it's always better to approach

things the right way before they get worse.

how exam cramming is bad for mental health Students cramming every last minute, using Adderall to cram. Students get mentally exhausted and change in how they react.

A situational comedy about what happens when classes are cancelled the next


Friends will be breakdancing, shuffling, and working out at the gym in order to

show their excitement. All the friends convene together to have fun at night and hang out.

My baby cousin dancing to a Taylor Swift song. Dancing to a song is the action. My cousin will fall over from dancing too much, then laugh.

Assessment 7 – Influence

Assessment 8 – LinkedIn


Rutgers University 150 16.67%

Rutgers Networking 137 15.22%

Rutgers Alumni 76 8.44%

Social Media Marketing 51 5.67%

Rutgers Research 44 4.89%

Digital Marketing 29 3.22%

Finance Club 25 2.78%

Global Public Health 23 2.56%

The psychology network 22 2.44%

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 20 2.22%

College Student Affairs @ Rutgers 19 2.11%

Marketing Communication 18 2.00%

Public Relations and Communications Professionals 17 1.89%

Rutgers University School of Communication and Information 16 1.78%

Psychology Students Network 15 1.67%

Getting Started With Groups 14 1.56%

American Physical Therapy Association 12 1.33%

Harvard Business Review 11 1.22%

Rutgers Business School 11 1.22%

Technology 11 1.22%

Delta Sigma Pi 10 1.11% 10 1.11%

Rutgers 10 1.11%

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading - Unofficial 10 1.11%

Gamma Phi Beta 9 1.00%

Summary•Here is a sampling of the assessments that are also presented

in more detail in the accompanying spreadsheet.

•Consult the spreadsheet to see the entire report, esp. for Assessments 4 and 7

•Download the Spreadsheet at

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