assesment objectives for gcse areas of study, which fulfill the ao’s. ao1 record observations,...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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AO1 Record observations, experiences, ideas, information and insights in visual and other forms, appropriate to your intentions.

Sketchbook studies Visual studies, direct observational drawings, home-works, photographs, photocopies, notes, compositional development, thoughts, visits to galleries, pastiches, recording relevant artists work. Visual Study sheets On A2/A1 sheets: A range of direct obs. Studies, developmental work, colour studies, experimental work in different media, composition development.

AO2 Analyse and evaluate critically, sources such as, images, objects, artefacts and texts, showing an understanding of purposes, meanings and contexts.

Sketchbook Studies Critical and contextual written and visual work, which relates directly to your ideas development for final compositions. Visual/development sheets Work which has a direct bearing on how you develop your ideas.

A03 Develop ideas through a sustained series of investigations and exploration, selecting and using materials, processes and resources, identifying and interpreting relationships and analysing methods and outcomes

Sketchbook Studies Investigating artists/ceramicists and making links with their work and your emerging ideas. Analysis of others work and your own, evaluating outcomes and selecting/rejecting ideas. Samples and experimental work. A wide range of creative ideas with various media, selecting the best practice and showing exploration of ideas and making intelligent judgments for final work.

AO4 Present a personal, coherent and informed response, realising intentions and articulating and explaining connections with the work of others.

In both sketchbook and development sheets, you must explore from a purely personal view, the starting points that you have been given. The word response, gives a clear indication that you must be motivated and inspired through your visual and written investigations into the subject matter at hand. Your final work must be a direct outcome of your developmental work.

‘How many…’

‘Describe what happened…’

‘Explain why…’

‘Illustrate what took place…’

‘Interpret the reasons why…’

‘Analyse reasons why...’ ‘What if X


‘Assess the contribution…’

‘Compare and contrast…’

Teaching Writing in ArtArt and Design Journal Framework

Suggested Structure Sentence Starters

Introduction This project is about….

The project we were given was……

Early Ideas (Including Visuals) The first thing I did was to brainstorm my ideas……

A critical decision was…….

Talking to other people helped me think of…..

Looking ahead I decided…..

Sources drawn on I started by looking up…..

I looked at the work of… and…..

I liked the work of…because…..

Annotated reproductions (Visuals)

Information about artists I found out that name (artist) has been inspired by…..

The time that (name) influenced his work because…..

How the work developed (Including visuals) To start with I…..

Later on I…..

At this point I judged……

I developed the work further by…..

Problems and difficulties (if any) and how these were overcome

A critical moment was…..

When I got stuck I…..

As a result I decided to…..

Strengths and Weaknesses of final piece I was pleased with…..

I need to work harder at my…..

On reflection…..

Teaching Writing in ArtCritical Studies Framework

Focus Prompts1 Back ground information The piece of art that I have chosen to write about is called…..Who made the image or artefact? The artist or designer who made this piece is…..What is it called? He/she lives and works in…..Where does it come from? It comes from the tradition of (European painting/Aboriginal art/What tradition does it belong to? Chinese ceramics etc…..)2 What can you see? The piece is constructed from../painted in../drawn in..What is it made from? In the picture I can see…Is the image realistic or abstract? The sculpture looks like…Describe accurately what you see3 Meaning The picture/sculpture/photograph makes me think of…What do you think it is about? I think the artist/photographer means to say that…Does it have a story? It makes the viewer think of…Can you find out what the makerthought about when making this?4 How it has been made up Examples of sentences here:How have the following been used? The artist has used line to define the edge of objectsTexture, shape, form, space, line, By blending in all the edges, the artist ahs created an organic formtone and colour, composition, This composition is dynamic and takes your eyes in lots of different directionsobjects and symbols The use of close-ups makes us feel near the character in the photograph5 What materials and processes The artist has used…have been used? This piece is made out of…Materials: natural, made, ephemeral Materials are used to create a powerful effect by…preciousProcesses: painting, drawing,printmaking,sculpture, digital media6 What do you think of it? I chose to write about this piece because…What do you like or don't like and why? What I particularly like about this piece is…..This is because…Why did you choose to write about this? I like everything in this piece except…This is because…How would you use this in your own work? I have been inspired by this work to experiment with…

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