asking ourselves why - cabrillo collegeogarcia/ece 31 d2b - eng lecture-sp16.pdf · y respuesta)....

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ECE 131/31 - Day 2 Spring 2016 2/3/16

Day 2: Part two of two 1

¿ ? Asking ourselves why When we think

about children we often want to know how and why they behave as they do

For example, we want to know:

Ø … Ø …

Explaining human development Ø A theory is a

systematic framework of explanations resulting from scientific research*.

Ø Each theory offers a frame of reference that helps us understand how and why … cómo y por qué

*siguiendo el método científico

Las teorías…

Ø Ask questions Ø  Propose hypotheses Ø Generate discoveries Ø Offer practical guidance Ø Are dynamic:they change

over time to incorporate new discoveries. Ø No single theory

explains all aspects of human development.

Theories… The scientific method

El método científico

Ask a question

Conduct research

Formulate a hypothesis

Test the hypothesis

Analyze results and reach conclusions

Write and publish report for peer


Unconfirmed hypothesis

Rethink and reformulate

Confirmed hypothesis

Asking why?

Queremos saber ¿por qué?

Explanations of human behavior

depend on our

perspective or point of

view regarding

human nature.

Once upon a time … … in an infant and toddler center

ECE 131/31 - Day 2 Spring 2016 2/3/16

Day 2: Part two of two 2

Five theoretical perspectives Each one helps us to

understand, describe and explain human behavior.

Throughout this class we will study five theoretical approaches or points of view for explaining certain aspects of human development.

1.  Psychoanalytic 2.  Learning

theory or behaviorism

3.  Cognitive 4.  Sociocultural 5.  Epigenetic


5 Theoretical perspectives

Psychoanalytic and psychosocial theorists

Suponen que ciertos impulsos inconscientes y conflictos básicos moldean la personalidad

Subconscious drives and basic conflicts underlie and shape personality development (Freud & Erikson)

Erik Erikson

Learning Theory & Behaviorism Behavior is

learned as a result of

conditioning, by association, reinforcement

or consequences.

(El conductismo: cuestión de estímulo

y respuesta). (Watson, Pavlov, Skinner y


Ø We construct knowledge through active

exploration, assimilating and accommodating new experiences to previous

information. (Jean Piaget) Ø Focuses on thought

processes and brain research.

Cognitive theory

Ø  Supone que construímos conocimiento explorando nuestro

ambiente de manera activa, asimilando y acomodando nuevas

experiencias a lo ya conocido. Jean Piaget

Sociocultural perspective

Focuses on the individual within her/his social and cultural context.

Studies how culture, social environment, home and school influence development and behavior (Bronfebrenner & Vygotsky)

Lev Vygotsky

ECE 131/31 - Day 2 Spring 2016 2/3/16

Day 2: Part two of two 3

Evolutionary theory

Epigenetics Focuses on the adaptive aspects of behavior… and how it contributes to the survival and reproduction of the individual and of the human species. (Darwin, Bowlby)

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems

approach Ø The person is

considered within all the contexts and interactions of her/his life.

Ø  The individual, in turn, with her/his own characteristics, exerts an influence on the family, the school, the community and beyond.

Bronfenbrenner considers human development to be a dynamic and reciprocal process.

El modelo de sistemas ecológicos del desarrollo humano

Research methodologies Ø Surveys and

interviews Ø Observations Ø Case studies Ø Studying change over

time (e.g. Longitudinal research)

Observation is an important method of research. You will be conducting several observations throughout this course.

La observación For our first research project we will employ this research method.

The parent interview

ECE 131/31 - Day 2 Spring 2016 2/3/16

Day 2: Part two of two 4

Purpose of our first research project As we learn about the experiences of a particular parent, we: v  Learn to collect data

objectively (con objetividad) v  Learn to listen without judging v  Learn to organize data logically v  Learn to present results in a

report v  Relate and analyze data in light

of what we’ve studied in class and in the textbook.

For next week: a list of questions for the interview First, choose an area of focus for your interview. Then: s  Design “open-ended questions” to obtain

ample data s  Design “unbiased, non-judgmental, neutral questions” that do not communicate interviewer’s own ideas or experiences

s  Design “follow-up questions” to help interviewee expand on topics you (the interviewer) consider important

Consolidate what you’re learning. Write one or two sentences about

two or more of the following: 1.  What are theories and how

do they help us? 2.  What does the science of

human development study? 3.  What are some examples of

environmental factors that affect development?

4.  What is learning? 5.  What is socialization?

5 minutes… “short write”

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