asian science camp 2011 report

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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1.0 Introduction

The Asian Science Camps aim at enlightening science talented youths through discussion and

dialogues with top scholars in the world, and to promote international friendship and

cooperation among the best young students of the next generation in the Asian region.

The Camp usually invites a number of Nobel Laureates or world‐distinguished scientists as

speakers. An interesting program which includes plenary lecture sessions, panel discussions,

student master dialogues, a creative poster competition, social events and excursion is carried


This camp is the fifth series. The previous camp were successfully held in Taipei (2007), Bali

(2008), Japan (2009), Mumbai (2010). The 2011 ASC took place in Daejeon, Korea from 6th

August until 13th

of August. The specific responsibility conducting this camp was entrusted

to Korea Advance Institute of Science And Technology (KAIST).

The camp was funded by many government institutions such as The Korean Physical Society

(KPS), The Korean Chemical Society (KCS), Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular

Biology (KSMCB), Korean Association of Basic Medical Scientist (KABMS). It is 6 days

inspiring life changing moment for around 200 Asian students, who will learn from Nobel

Laureates and world class scientist in the field of Physic, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine.

Considering that Asia’s current education systems, compared with those in the west,

traditionally lack flexibility and openness in developing student individually, creativity and

originality, particularly with respect to science, reshaping of education in Asian region is a

very important task. A realistic first step is to provide those bright and promising students an

opportunity to satisfy their desire for learning and inspire them to pursue excellence in

science research. These talented students would then become assets not only to their

countries, but to all human kind. It is the dream of ASC that student participating in the event

will contribute to shape a better future for the world someday.


There are 212 student and supervisors from 19 countries/regions in Asia

Australia India Pakistan

Bangladesh Japan Singapore

Chinese Taipei Kazakhtan Sri Lanka

Egypt Korea Thailand

Hong Kong,China Malaysia Turkey

Indonesia Nepal Vietnam


The leaders in this camp are:



Shigang HE Masatoshi KOSHIBA

Eun Seong KIM Yuan Tseh LEE

Jungsang KIM Jim Jr-Min LIN

Seong Keun KIM Douglas OSHEROFF

Sung-Hou KIM Stuart PARKIN

Young-Kee KIM Jia-Wei WU

All the leader are Nobel Laureates and world-class scientist which come here as speakers and

devise an interesting program to attract the participants, including plenary lecture, camps, a

creative poster competition, social events and excursion.



Representative from Malaysia are:

Name Institution

Dr Yusrizam Sharifudin (Supervisor) Universiti Malaya

Muhammad Faisal Bin Khyasudeen Universiti Malaya

Wan Muhammad Afif Bin Wan Ruzali Universiti Malaya

Nor Syazana Bt Shamsudin Universiti Putra Malaysia

Mohd Khairul Nizam Bin Mazlan Universiti Sains Malaysia

Khalisah Bt Mohd Jailam Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Siti Saufu Bt Mat Isa Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Ahmad Taufik Bin Mokhtaza Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

From left: Siti Saufu Bt Mat Isa (UPSI), Nor Syazana Bt Shamsudin (UPM), Muhammad Faisal Bin

Khyasudeen (UM), Dr Yusrizam Sharifudin (Supervisor), Khalisah Bt Mohd Jailam (UKM), Ahmad Taufik Bin

Mokhtaza (USIM), Wan Muhammad Afif Bin Wan Ruzali (UM), and Mohd Khairul Nizam Bin Mazlan (USM).

2.0 Activities

2.1 Welcome Reception/ Cultural Activity

The reception purpose is to welcome all participants from different countries and golden

opportunity for them to show their own distinct culture. Malaysia delegates take this chance

to introduce our traditional clothes usually worn by Malays such as Baju Melayu, Baju Batik,

Baju Kurung and Songket. Some of other countries that perform their unique dances are


Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. I love performance from Pakistan where

they play the keyboard and sing a song about their fondness towards Pakistan.

2.2 Opening Ceremony

During this ceremony, those important persons behind the management of ASC 2011 gave

their massages and hopes for all participants, also introducing once again the leaders and

participants from all countries.

2.3 Lectures

These are general lectures on a wide range of themes carried out for every participants of the

program. Each plenary lecture was held at Terman Hall of Korea Advanced Institute of

Science and Technology. There are eleven lectures given by eleven leaders in this 2011 ASC

session. Throughout the lectures, participants were encouraged to ask relevant questions. (At

the end of ASC, the leaders will confer on the best questions asked throughout the entire

2011 ASC session).


2.4 Camps

The ‘camp’ is a discussion session with a ‘leader’ and a ‘Group’ of students. For this purpose,

the 2011 ASC participant (student) were divided into seven group; A, B, C, D, E, F and G

with each group consisting of 24 to 25 student. The 2011 ASC Community allocated

participant into these ‘Group’in such a way that each ‘Group’ will have participant from

every country. The group leaders/accompanying teachers for each country have the option to

join any group of their choosing for each of the seven ‘Camp’.

The seven ‘Camp’ held, each have seven parallel sessions ( corresponding to seven ‘Group’;

A, B, C, D, E, F, and G). Each ‘Camp’ session began with a short presentation by the

‘Leader’ for a half an hour, followed by discussion between the ‘Leader’ and each ‘Group’ of


Group Malaysian Team Member Meeting Room

A Nur Syazana Shamsudin ( UPM ) 201

B Muhd Faisal Khyasudin ( UM ) 202

C Wan Muhd Afif Wan Ruzali ( UM ) 203

D Khalisah Bt muhd Jailam ( UKM ) 211

E Mohd Khairul Nizam Bin Mazlan ( USM ) 210

F Siti Saufu Mat Isa ( UPSI ) 209

G Mohd Taufik Bin Mokhtar ( USIM ) 208

Since there is every Malaysia representative in each Group, our team should be able to

participate in all 35 ‘Camp’ session and share the knowledge in their respective ‘Group’ with

the rest of Malaysian Team Member.

Camp I August 8 16:05 - 17:15 Group

Zhores Alferov The History of Semiconductor Heterostructures Research A

Sung-Hou Kim Discovery Process of a Cancer Drug B

Jia-Wei Wu Structural Insight into the regulation of Protein Kinase C

Eunseong Kim Supersolidity in Solid helium D

Dougles Osheroff Scientific Discovery: My Lifetime of Adventure E


Jim Jr-Min Lin Ozone Hole Formation and Photochemistry of ClOOCl F

Seong Keun Kim Thinking scientifically : What it means to be a scientist? G

Camp II August 8 17:35-18:45 Group

Sung-Hou Kim Discovery Process of a Cancer Drug A

Yuan Tseh Lee The International Year of Chemistry B

Eunseong Kim Supersolidity in Solid helium C

Aaron Ciechanover Drug Development in the 21st Century D

Jungsang Kim Quantum Physic and Computers E

Young-Kee Kim Understanding the Origin of Mass F

Rojer Kornberg A Personal History G

Camp V August 10 10:35 - 11:45 Group

Jim Jr-Min Lin Ozone Hole Formation and Photochemistry of ClOOCl A

Zhores Alferov The History of Semiconductor Heterostructures Research B

Jungsang Kim Quantum Physic and Computers C

Makato Kobayashi From My Experience D

Stuart Parkin My Journey of Life E

Shigang He Neuroscience and Retinal Structure F

Jia-Wei Wu Structural Insight into the regulation of Protein Kinase G

Camp IV August 11 16:50 - 18:00 Group

Shigang He Neuroscience and Retinal Structure A

Jia-Wei Wu Structural Insight into the regulation of Protein Kinase B

Stuart Parkin My Journey of Life C

Sung-Hou Kim Discovery Process of a Cancer Drug D

Jim Jr-Min Lin Ozone Hole Formation and Photochemistry of ClOOCl E

Zhores Alferov The History of Semiconductor Heterostructures Research F

Jungsang Kim Quantum Physic and Computers G


2.5 Panel Discussion

This is where all the Nobel Laureates sit in a row and throw out their opinions and personal

statements to be shared with all the particioants.

The panels are Nobel Laureates which are Masatoshi Koshiba, Douglas Osheroff, Makoto

Kobayashi and Zhores Alferov from physics oriented field. From the right side are Yuan

Tseh Lee, Aaron Chiechanover and Roger Kornberg.

The first question was what has attracted you to become scientist, was there any particular

motivation or momentum for you to major science. There are various answers from the Nobel

Laureates such as motivation from their respected teachers, surrounding, parents, self-desire

and books too.

Second question is about how to develop creativity during high school and college period. A

lot of attitudes suggested by them like be different, be big disbeliever, listen to nature, put no

limitation to anything, do analysis, and find problem then solve it.

In order to boost up the level of basic science among Asian students, they said real problems

should be applied to students, less time doing homework and more time learning and explore

new things, share basic excellent science in our country and the government should supplies

basic science research funding.

When asked on how to become Nobel Laureates like them, none of them particularly aim for

the prize actually. They just have passion in doing research and the result is unexpected. They

just try to be good scientist, achieve satisfaction in solving problem, finding the solution for

what you really want to know, and be a good manager for your own human resources.

From this panel discussion, some of the answer startled me where one of them never done his

homework and just read what he wanted to know. Some of them are very humble and

friendly, willingly to share their experiences in life. One of the main point that I got is

anything can be done if it is your own desire, only that self-willingness is enough to

accelerate you to continue what you’re doing.


From left: Zhores Alferov, Makoto Kobayashi, Douglas Osheroff, Masatoshi Koshiba, Chairperson, Yuan Tseh

Lee, Aaron Chiechanover, and Roger Kornberg.

2.6 Banquet

Right after the lecture, we moved to Daejeon Convention Center by buses. We have to eat at

the Vegetarian table to avoid any non-halal foods. The opening was very intriguing with sand

drawing illustration about the ASC 2011. Then a few important peoples behind ASC 2011

delivered their speech and after that we started eating. The menu are tomato with bean curd,

sweet pumpkin soup, fried bean curd stuffed with rice, potatoes corn with vegetable patty and

hot vegetable (broccoli, green pea, corn and carrot), lettuce and tomato with Italian dressing,

cheese cake as the dessert and orange juice. During our dessert, Korean artist perform their

traditional music instrument. And then the performance of some kids singing two songs, and

they are very talented.

2.7 Student Activity

Participants experienced a delightful time with the invited magician. The Malaysia

participants along with participants from Australia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Israel are in the

same group. The magician showed and then taught us a few tricks and the magical kits were

provided. Some of the tricks use card, chopstick and tissues.

2.8 Tour Course A

The first place we went is POSCO, Pohang Steel Works. We, participants from Malaysia

were in the same bus with participants from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia and Israel and also

along with their volunteers. We were taken around the steel work by bus and being briefly


explained about the steel works by their tour speaker. The steel work areas are decorated with

so many plants so that we feel like we are in garden not a steel work. It also emphasized the

safety and environment-friendly rules.

Then we went to Korean Planetarium due to time strain on the way back to KAIST. At the

planetarium we were given the chance to experience stars starring at night. It was an

interesting and wonderful experience since I haven’t stare at the star quite some time. Then

we were explained about the telescope used to watch star. After that we went back to KAIST

to have our dinner and the poster preparation that night was cancelled because all the

participants are tired due to the tour activities.

POSCO (Pohang Steel Works) from the outside view.

2.9 Unit Activity

During unit activity, participants are given the opportunity to discuss on what they want to do

for their posters. This is one of the chances that they have to gather around and exchange

opinion despite the full schedule they had all day. My group is F-4 who the other members

are Nawon Lee and Ki Dae Shin from Korea, Ngoc Oanh from Vietnam, Muhammad Rizal

from Indonesia, Abhieshik Mishra from India. We have discussion on what we wanted to

prepare for poster. Finally we came up with the idea of animal cheating behaviour in nature.

Every each one of us need to find as many interesting examples as we can to make our poster

interesting. It’s a pleasure to get to know them and they are all very friendly. I got to learn


different English accent from them which help me to listen more careful to them and pay

more attention. For the second unit activity, my group met in computer room so that it’s

easier for us to gather on information on our topic; Animal’s Cheating Behaviour. We

manage to get some useful information before we were ordered to leave the room because of

the time is already late.

2.10 Poster preparation and presentation

During the first ‘Group’ meeting, the student in each ‘Group’ were divided into ‘Teams’,

each consisting of 5 to 6 students. The participants have been divided by the organiser so that

each team will have different countries. Since each ‘team’ are from the same ‘Groups’, they

would have attended the same ‘Camp’ session and were exposed to the same dialogue session

with the same Leaders. The participants have to work together in their respective ‘Teams’ to

come up with a Poster (each of size 1150mm x 750mm) conveying a specific message. What

was learned from lectures and discussions during camps may be incorporated into their

message with further information from the internet.

Each ‘Team’ was provided with 2 blank card sheets (1150mmx750mm), blank A4 papers,

sketch pens, colour pencils, glue and other stationary. Computers and colour printer also

available in the computer lab nearby.

On the last day of ASC 2011, each ‘team’ will display their poster. Six of about forty posters

will be selected by the five judges (Leaders and Organizers) and also judges by the

participant. Each ‘Team’ need to vote their best five posters. This is to train the student to be

a determined scientist who able to judge their own members. The six ‘Teams’ who has

chosen will get the three bronze medals, two silver medal and one gold medal.

My team and I tried our best to prepare the poster and display it on time. During the poster

presentation, we need to answer the questions from everybody who came to us and ask about

the poster we made. And we also need to evaluate others poster and then choose 5 best


2.11 Closing Ceremony

During the closing ceremony, representative of each country are given their certificate of

attendance to ASC 2011 on the stage by Dong Phil Min. And then three participants were

awarded The Best Question Award, the selection of best question was based on the qquestin


that will evoke another question and the scientist need to do another research to answer those

questions. The next award is Best Poster award, three bronzes, two silvers and one gold prize

will be awarded to most inventive and distinguished posters. One of Malaysian poster which

is belong to Wan Muhammad Afif B Wan Ruzali won the Bronze Medal, his group poster

use illustration to convey about particle and antiparticle in more funny and enjoyable way.

2.12 Farewell Party

The opening of this party was marked by performance from B-Boyz who perform break

dance. And then the party continued with few songs and the participants and the volunteers

dance and sing along.

3.0 Scientists and their lectures

3.1 Masatoshi Koshiba

Title: The Birth of Neutrino Astrophysics

This lecture was about an entirely new aspect of the Universe was revealed by the birth of

neutrino astrophysics. This is the discovery on neutrino, the elementary particle that is not

electrically charged, our bodies actually emit neutrino every seconds. Only that we cannot see

and feel them but they are existed. Masatoshi Koshiba is a very humble and passionate person

in science, one of the participants asked him what made him continue his research even there

are so many obstacles in doing research especially in the physics field. His answer is that his

own desires and passion in doing the research itself.

3.2 Yuan Tseh Lee

Title: Energy, Environment and the Sustainability of Human Society.

Professor Lee invited us to realize that the world is already over-developed, long time ago

man is a part of nature but now man is making nature apart. Now, it’s time to wake up and

save the earth. He wanted researchers to have green-ethics in doing research to maintain the

sustainability of human society.

3.3 Young Kee Kim

Title: E=mc2, Opening Windows of the World


She talked about Higgs Boson which also called the ‘God Particle’ because it’s the particle

that can explain object with mass and energy, and also about strong and weak forces. This

particle is not discovered yet but theoretically existed. At the end of this lecture, she leave us

with some unsolved mysteries such as do forces become one? Do protons decay? Are there

extra dimension of space? And many other unsolved questions as if she wanted us, the

participants to solve it someday.

3.4 Roger Kornberg

Title: Bridge to the Future

A history of biomedical science was introduced to us, about the x-ray, lysosome and the

structure of bacteria cell wall. He said that knowledge is limiting, what he meant was he

wanted us to not learn from the books but learning by doing, to solve the unsolved problems.

3.5 Makoto Kobayashi

Title: Particle and Antiparticle

He showed the structure of matter such as proton and neutron which consist of elements in

Higgs Boson, and the history about antiparticle idea, pair annihilation, charge conjugation,

and also standard model. His research focussed on the CP violation (C is for charge and P is

for Parity symmetry). He asked us to not only care about things that we can see but put our

imagination beyond it.

3.6 Aaron Chiechanover

Title: Why Our Protein Have to Die so We Shall Live

Meat or steak that is left for one night will degenerate and become stinky but meat in our

body did not get rotten because it can resynthesized itself. 5-7% protein in our body changes

every day.

3.7 Sung Hou Kim

Title: Brief ‘History’ of Life 101

He is attracted to the question from one of the participant in the first lecture and he answered

it in his lecture. The universe is expanding but the sizes of galaxies do not increase only the

distance between them increased. The earth is only one pale blue dot in the universe. He


loves to give some enthusiastic questions like ‘how was the universe formed?’ and ‘what is

dark energy?’.

3.8 Stuart Parkin

Title: Science of Magnetism

He discovered the way on how to separate and change the spin of electron by manipulating

the magnetic field. He also contributed in making the size of computer smaller, and invented

digital storage devices such as hard drive. He also gave brief explanation on the evolution of

hard disk.

3.9 Zhores Alferov

Title: Semiconductor Revolution in the 20th


He discovers new physics in developing silicon and semiconductor and had done research to

give message to the humankind. His idea is science is international and should be shared with

all humankind.

3.10 Seong Keun Kim

Title: Past and Future of Modern-day Alchemy

From his lecture I found out that the Nobel Prize was from Alfred Nobel, the original

discovery and benefits humankind. He suggested that we use solar energy as the main

resource since it can be replenished and convert it to heat, electricity, and also store it in form

of second solar resource. Besides if we can mimic the mechanism of photosynthesis, we

might be able to store energy more efficiently.

3.11 Douglas Osheroff

Title: How Advances in Science are Made

His study is closed to absolute zero, and the discovery of superconductivity. The unit of radio

is called Jansky because Carl Jansky was the first person to discover it. He thinks that

advances in science should benefits mankind, that is the true meaning of research in science.

3.12 Jim Jr Min Lin

Title: Ozone Hole Formation and Photochemistry of ClOOCl


He thinks that light is life, without light many life will be endangered. During spring, there

will be a big hole formed at the North Pole, due to human environment destruction activities

such as release too much green house gases especially. He showed us the mechanism of

ozone depletion with chlorine especially. Thus, he advised us to use more ozone friendly

substance that can form water molecules eventually, not the long-life particle like Br and Cl.

3.13 Young Kee Kim

Title: Understanding the Origin of Mass

She continued what she started in the lecture about the mass and energy. As we learnt in

school we were told that in the state of vacuum, nothing existed. But actually there are mass

that exist which is Higgs Boson but it cannot be proofed physically yet. She also told us more

about quarks, leptons and neutrino.

3.14 Makoto Kobayashi

Title: From My experiences

He told us the story about his experiences where he was motivated by his teacher, Professor

Sakata to start do what he done today. I can tell that he respected him very much from the

way he talked about Prof. Sakata.

3.15 Shigang He

Title: AAV Mediated Gene Theraphy Rescues Retinal Ganglion and Visual Function after

Acute Elevation of Intraocular Pressure

He explained about the experiments he had done on mouse and monkey for the retinal

ganglion cell problem which emulate the action of virus. This can help human from losing

more ganglion cells but further experiments should be held in order to ensure the mechanism

is safe on human being. His priceless advice is that answer from nature is mysterious and

indirect, need to be interpreted carefully.

3.16 Seong Keun Kim

Title: How to be a Good Scientist

My camp which is Camp F should be delivered by Zhores Alfrov but due to some

unavoidable problem, he cannot deliver the lecture. Thus, we were organized to join others


lecture. In this lecture, Prof. Kim gave us some guidance on how to become a good scientist.

He said that predictability is science, we should learn from empirical knowledge, science is

learning new language. Another advice is that a scientist should seeing like a poet, writing a

novel, ask question till understand, think like Devil’s Advocate, and play in your own way


4.0 Personal opinions

4.1 Korean Advance Institute of Science and Technology

Since its establishment in 1971, KAIST has been increasingly recognized for its excellence in

education and research throughout the world. Current ‘green growth’ project such as the

Online Electric Vehicle and Mobile Harbour are part of its endeavours tp provide unique

solutions to challenging problems of the 21st century. KAIST will continue to be stimulating

place to study, work and pursue one’s aspirations and dreams.

KAIST have been investing in ideas and devoting unparallel resources to make critical

contribution toward solving problems of the 21st century. In selecting undergraduate students,

we look for those who can become leaders in ploughing new paths for the solution of these

problems. Studying at KAIST may be a challenge because their courses are aimed at

producing graduates of the highest quality and need rise to that challenge.

KAIST is the 1st ranking university in Korea, 7

th ranking in Asia and also 69

th overall ranking

by 2009 World University Rankings by THE/QS. It has the best facilities and technology for

research and to student who want pursue studying in Korea, KAIST have it all.

My first personal impression is that KAIST is very green. The landscape is very beautiful

with trees and flowers yet very sophisticated with modern buildings. The dormitory where we

stayed for a week was very comfort with sufficient supplies. It has many buildings that we

are able to explore only some of them where most of the activities taken place such as

Terman Hall, Creative Learning Building, Auditorium, Faculty Hall and KAIST Institute

Building. The electronics devices are up to date and seem very well functioning. The people

we met all the way also very friendly and able to speak well English. We can see people from

all over the world, and not only Korean people, this institute sure is a well-known place to

pursue any research and study.


Some views of KAIST

4.2 Asian Science Camp 2011

The idea of the Asian Science Camp (ASC) was co-proposed in September 2005 after the 55th

Annual meeting of Nobel Laureates and Student in Lindau, Germany, by Professor Yuan

Tseh Lee ( 1986 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry ) from Chinese Taipei, and Professor

Masatoshi Koshiba ( 2002 Nobel Laureates in Physics ) from Japan. The proposal expressed

the aim at enlightening science talented youths through discussion and dialogues with top

scholars in the world, and to promote international friendship and cooperation among the best

young students of the next generation in the Asian region.


The 2011 Asian Science Camp did not only further encourage our interest in the exploration

and application of pure science knowledge, but it also inspired us to be the pioneers who will

pave the way for Asia to emerge as a stronghold of scientific knowledge and discovery.

Regardless of our nationality, and despite having different cultural, religious and national

backgrounds, we share an important common ground: our passion for science.

From the process of making a poster to simple conversation at dinner, we were able to

interact and learn from each other. Our distinct cultures and languages emphasized our

feeling of belonging to Malaysia. We are able to feel proud to be Malaysians, and at the same

time appreciate the diversity of other languages, cultures and nationalities.

In my point of view, this camp offered intriguing experience one can ever feel. The

organization was well organized and we only encounter small problem with the Ramadhan

and foods only. All the participants are able to get to know each other from different

countries where they were mixed up in the Camp session. The lectures are full of information

never heard before even in lectures. It is really advanced researches that we the participants

being exposed to. Even there are some of the lectures that needed more additional readings by

ourselves, it exposed the participants about advances research that they can be involved in.

This camp also must be very inspiring for those who are interested in doing research. There

are also plenty of useful and priceless advices from Nobel Laureates, persons who already

encounter many obstacles in order to pursue their researches which are also their dreams

actually. These people never aim for the price instead for self-satisfaction. The person that I

admire the most in this camp is Masatoshi Koshiba whom is very down to earth yet great

scientist. It is really an honoured to meet him and listen to his lectures and opinions in this

advance science world. This camp also open the door for many students to get to know each

other, people from different country and at the same time get to know the uniqueness of every

each country and persons.


Some views of environment and participants of ASC 2011

Reported by,



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