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Post on 28-Apr-2017






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1 . According to Oliver, what would Orlando bring to a wrestling match with


(A) A strong competitive edge

(B) A lust for prize money

(C) Poison, or some other deceitful means of securing victory

(D) An comprehensive knowledge of strategic physical combat

2 . Why does Oliver inherit the bulk of his father’s estate?

(A) Oliver was the son least able to make his own way in the world.

(B) Oliver is the oldest son, and therefore guaranteed the inheritance by


(C) Oliver is the more loving than his brothers.

(D) Oliver doctors his father’s will.

3 . At what event do Orlando and Rosalind meet?

(A) The wedding of Duke Frederick

(B) A wrestling match

(C) A public execution

(D) A traveling circus

4 . What name does Rosalind assume for her disguised self?

(A) Ganymede

(B) Jove

(C) Harry

(D) Icarus

5 . Why does Duke Frederick dislike Orlando?

(A) Orlando finds Rosalind more beautiful than the duke’s own daughter,


(B) Orlando’s brother, Oliver, owes the duke a considerable sum of money.

(C) Orlando beat the duke’s prized wrestler, Charles.

(D) The duke and Orlando’s father were enemies.

6 . Upon his introduction in Act II, scene i, Duke Senior gathers his loyal

followers in the Forest of Ardenne for what purpose?

(A) To hunt deer

(B) To mount an army against Duke Frederick

(C) To swim in the brook

(D) To tease the melancholy Jaques

7 . How does Duke Frederick plan to find Celia and Rosalind after their

departure from court?

(A) He will interview every person in his castle until someone confesses

information as to his daughter’s whereabouts

(B) He will recruit Oliver to help find Orlando, whom he suspects has

teamed up with the women

(C) He will assume a disguise and go looking for them himself in the

Forest of Ardenne

(D) He has no plans to find them, and is glad they are gone

8 . On what topic does Corin attempt to council the young shepherd, Silvius?

(A) The maintenance of the flock

(B) The politics of court life

(C) Love

(D) Friendship

9 . Upon arriving in the Forest of Ardenne, Adam claims that he will soon die.

What does he assume the cause of his death will be?

(A) Old age

(B) Hunger

(C) Lovesickness

(D) Gout

10 . After an eye-opening stroll around the Forest of Ardenne, what profession

does Jaques intend to pursue?

(A) A shepherd

(B) A highwayman

(C) A fool

(D) A butler

11 . How much time does Duke Frederick allow Oliver to find Orlando?

(A) One year

(B) One month

(C) One week

(D) A fortnight

12 . What does the disguised Rosalind promise to do for Orlando?

(A) Woo Rosalind on his behalf

(B) Help him to overthrow his brother, Oliver

(C) Help him to overcome his lovesickness

(D) Provide him and Adam with shelter

13 . Why does Rosalind doubt that Orlando is truly in love?

(A) Love is a madness, and he does not look like a madman.

(B) His poems are poorly rhymed and measured.

(C) She has heard him claim to be in love with countless girls.

(D) He is too young to know what love is.

14 . What does Silvius say of Phoebe’s eyes?

(A) They are so amorous that they embarrass him.

(B) They are so dull that they bore him.

(C) They are so beautiful that they intimidate him.

(D) They are so scornful that they will murder him.

15 . Why does Rosalind believe that Phoebe should feel lucky?

(A) Her father has willed her a fortune, allowing her to marry whomever

she chooses.

(B) A man like Silvius loves her, despite her lack of beauty.

(C) She has no lover and therefore her heart will never be broken.

(D) By living in the forest, she is spared the cruel politics of life at court.

16 . How does Phoebe respond to Ganymede’s harsh criticism of her?

(A) She poisons his wine.

(B) She disguises herself as royalty in hopes of putting him in his place.

(C) She writes him a love letter.

(D) She employs Charles the wrestler to beat him up.

17 . Whom does Orlando save from the attack of a hungry lioness?

(A) His brother, Oliver

(B) Duke Senior

(C) Silvius, the shepherd

(D) His long-lost father, Sir Rowland de Bois

18 . What does Rosalind do after learning of Orlando’s injury?

(A) She faints.

(B) She pens him an angry but concerned letter, telling him to be more


(C) She weeps at the thought of losing him.

(D) She delivers a cutting speech about the ridiculousness of bravery.

19 . How does Rosalind respond to Orlando when he contends that he will die

unless she returns his love?

(A) She favorably compares him to the great lovers of classical literature.

(B) She vows to kill herself before his dying body hits the ground.

(C) She suggests that she is not worthy of such devotion.

(D) She assures him that no man has ever died for love.

20 . What animal do Jaques and the lords of the forest kill?

(A) A deer

(B) An antelope

(C) A bear

(D) A squirrel

21 . Which inhabitant of the forest and admirer of Audrey does Touchstone

rudely dismiss?

(A) Jaques

(B) William

(C) Oliver Martext

(D) Corin

22 . With whom does Oliver fall in love?

(A) Rosalind

(B) Phoebe

(C) Aliena

(D) Audrey

23 . To what does Rosalind compare the declarations of love from Orlando,

Silvius, and Phoebe?

(A) The music of the spheres

(B) The howling of Irish wolves

(C) The greatest poetry of Ovid

(D) The sound of mourners following a hearse

24 . Why does Duke Frederick abandon his plan to mount an army and attack

Duke Senior?

(A) His followers abandon him, and he lacks the strength to wage a

successful campaign.

(B) He finds a carving of his brother’s image and is overcome by

sentimental memories of their childhood together.

(C) He marries a beautiful woman who convinces him not to be such an

angry person.

(D) He meets a religious man on his way to the forest who converts him to

a peaceful life.

25 . Who decides not to return to court?

(A) Jaques

(B) Celia

(C) Duke Frederick

(D) Oliver

What does Oliver insist to Duke Frederick at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 1? (from Act 3, Scene 1)

He has not killed Orlando. He has not seen Orlando. He has not injured Orlando. He has captured Orlando.

2.From where does Orlando's traveling money come? (from Act 2, Scene 3)

 A retirement fund. The king's treasury. A kind, elderly woman. A charity fund.

3.Who does Corin say is trying to pursue a woman when he arrives on the scene? (from Act 3, Scene 4)

 Oliver. Silvius. Touchstone. Orlando.

4.Who admits to having wondered if Ganymede and Rosalind were brother and sister due to a resemblance? (from Act 5, Scene 4)

 Orlando. Duke Senior. Oliver. Touchstone.

5.Who gives Orlando some traveling money once he leaves the estate? (from Act 2, Scene 3)

 Oliver. Rosalind. Adam. Charles.

Where do Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone arrive at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 4? (from Act 2, Scene 4)

 The court. Forest of Arden. Jaques' camp. Duke Senior's camp.

7.When Jaques arrives, what or whom does he say he met in the forest? (from Act 2, Scene 7)

 A fool. A bird. A girl. A knight.

8.Who else is on the stage with Rosalind during the play's Epilogue? (from Epilogue)

 Celia. No one. Orlando. Duke Senior.

9.Why does Silvius say he will deliver the letter Phebe wrote for Ganymede at the end of Act 3, Scene 5? (from Act 3, Scene 5)

 To read what Phebe wrote. To sabotage Ganymede. To get back at Phebe. To win Phebe over.

10.Whom does Rosalind address in the audience at the play's end?(from Epilogue)

 The nobility. The peasants. The men. The women.

Whose property does Celia negotiate to buy from Corin? (from Act 2, Scene 4)

His servant's. His master's. His sister's. His brother's.

12.Who arrives at the end of Act 5, Scene 1, to summon the men to Ganymede and Aliena's cottage? (from Act 5, Scene 1)

 Silvius. Phebe. Corin. Oliver.

13.What does Touchstone call his wedding ceremony to Audrey?(from Act 3, Scene 3)

 A benefit. A sham. A dream. A laugh.

14.How do Rosalind and Celia feel after their trip? (from Act 2, Scene 4)

 Nervous. Relieved. Joyful. Exhausted.

15.What does Rosalind persuade Celia to pretend to be? (from Act 4, Scene 1)

 A peasant. A jester. A minister. A beggar.

What will Duke Frederick hold possession of until Oliver finds his brother? (from Act 3, Scene 1)

 Oliver's inheritance. Oliver's property. Oliver's nobility. Oliver's sword.

17.What does Touchstone do during his conversation to confuse the man? (from Act 5, Scene 1)

 Uses hand signals. Dances around. Uses poetic language. Talks in riddles.

18.At the end of Act 2, Scene 6, what does Orlando promise to return with? (from Act 2, Scene 6)

 Money. Blankets. Water. Food.

19.How does Touchstone feel about his pending wedding? (from Act 5, Scene 3)

 Angry. Neutral. Sullen. Excited.

20.What does Orlando find in the forest? (from Act 2, Scene 6)

 Food. Firewood. Water. Shelter.

As Orlando prepares to leave the estate, what resources does he have? (from Act 2, Scene 3)

 His horse. His sword. None. His inheritance.

22.Which marriage does the duke give his blessing to? (from Act 5, Scene 4)

 Audrey and Touchstone's. Rosalind and Orlando's. Celia and Oliver's. Phebe and Silvius'.

23.What happens between Ganymede and Phebe after Rosalind intervenes between Phebe and Silvius? (from Act 3, Scene 5)

 Phebe cries and repents. Phebe leaves the forest. Phebe falls for Ganymede. Phebe apologizes to Silvius.

24.Who tells Corin that if he cannot remember the one time he fell in love, then he has never really been in love? (from Act 2, Scene 4)

 Touchstone. Silvius. Phebe. Orlando.

25.What does Orlando's visitor warn Orlando that he must do?(from Act 2, Scene 3)

 Kill Oliver. Take back his inheritance. Leave. Usurp Duke Frederick's power.

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