as spanish exemplars: paper 2 section a and section b · as spanish exemplars: paper 2 section a...

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AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2 Section A and Section B


Introduction 1

Paper 2 Section A: Translation - Question 1 2

Paper 2 Section B: Written responses to works – question

15 9

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015



The purpose of this pack is to provide teachers and students with some examples

of responses to AS Spanish.

The sample assessment materials which these responses are based on can be

found on the Pearson website

In this pack, you will find a small sample of responses, an examiner commentary

and the mark scheme for each question.

The responses are all from students and we have retained their original responses

where possible. In some cases, the student scripts have been typed to ensure

that they are clear to read.

We will add to these exemplar packs throughout the year

If you have any enquiries regarding these materials or have any other questions

about the course, please contact our subject advisor team on

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Paper 2 Section A: Translation - Question 1

Question and mark scheme

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Notes on the mark scheme

As part of the usual examiner standardisation and marking process, the above mark

scheme was refined in light of student responses

Point 2 – ‘Estaban’ is added to the correct answer column

Point 6 – ‘pero para’ is added to the reject column

The following exemplars have therefore been marked using the updates listed above.

Correct phrases and words are marked with a

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Candidate A:

Examiner comment:

The candidate gained marks for points 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in the mark scheme

6 marks

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Candidate B:

Examiner comment:

The candidate gained marks for points 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in

the mark scheme.

Note on Point 16:

The reason that the masculine form has been accepted is that “información” has been

treated as masculine by this student. Point 15 was not awarded a mark, but to consider

point 16 to be incorrect would effectively be to penalise the same mistake twice. It is a

consequential error.

12 marks

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


Candidate C:

Examiner comment:

The candidate gained marks for points 2, 3 (this is a consequential error from the use of

‘media’ in point 1), 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 in the mark


15 marks

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Candidate D:

Examiner comment:

The candidate gained marks for points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

(‘disponible’ is credited as an appropriate alternative), 17, 18, 19 and 20 in the mark


18 marks

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


Candidate E:

Examiner comment:

The candidate gained marks for points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 19 and 20 in the mark scheme.

20 marks

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Paper 2 Section B: Written responses to works –

question 15

Question and mark scheme:

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Candidate A:

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

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AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Examiner mark and commentary:

The candidate addresses the question by using the bullet points provided. The ideas are

generally good, with appropriate evidence selected from the film, but the expression is

rather confused. The opening paragraph which discusses how death is seen as ‘normal’

in the film is the strongest element as the point is relevant and although rather wordily

expressed, is accurate in terms of expression and vocabulary.

The second idea around respect for the dead is less strong and the last element of the

essay around the difference between death in the city and a rural area could have been

explained more clearly. The concluding remarks are also not directly linked to the


Overall, this response has general clarity and good terminology but is not consistent

enough to move higher in the mark band.

AO4 – 9 marks and AO3 – 9 marks.

Total – 18 marks



AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


Candidate B:

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Examiner mark and commentary:

The candidate responds to the question well and opens the response with a clear

introduction. The first paragraph about how death is portrayed as a normal way of life is

clear with some analysis and a good example from the film is used. The second

paragraph develops the idea of women’s role in death with further analysis but phrases

such as ‘disponer del cadaver’ introduce ambiguity.

The candidate uses a range of vocabulary and different structures and conveys their

points clearly. They use the pluperfect effectively, but ‘ante’ instead of ‘antes de’ causes

some ambiguity. The candidate would have benefitted from using more complex

vocabulary and structures.

AO4 – 15 marks. AO3 – 14 marks

Total: 29 marks



AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


Candidate C:

AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2015


Examiner mark and commentary:

The candidate has responded to the question well and covered each of the bullet points

provided. They have gone slightly over the advisory word limit which is not penalised.

The sentence which is crossed out at the top was not marked but was relevant to the

essay and may have raised the mark higher. Candidates should be reminded that they

should stick to the word count as closely as possible but should avoid crossing out

material in an attempt to keep the word count down as this could impact on the overall

AO4 mark. Despite this, the candidate uses the PEE (Point, Evidence, Explain)

technique which ensures that each paragraph is well structured and linked together. The

language and structures used are complex and each point is well explained and

articulated. There are some slips in language (such as ‘la muerto’ and ‘differentes’) and

the use of pronouns is inconsistent.

The conclusion also mentions a new point about honest characters which is not

mentioned in the body of the response. However, this response is placed in the top band

for each grid as each point is supported with evidence from the film and the use of

language is accurate throughout with variation in vocabulary and structure.

AO4 – 18 marks AO3 – 18 marks

Total – 36 marks



AS Spanish Exemplars: Paper 2

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.


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