as media studies: evaluation question 5

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 5How did you attract/address your audience?

Film ResearchBefore making my film, I researched and analysed 4 thriller films, one of which was an action thriller (Skyfall). The others were psychological (Black Swan), mystery (Sherlock Holmes) and fantasy/sci-fi (Iron Man). Researching these 4 different types of thriller films helped me to choose the type of thriller I wanted to make. Skyfall inspired me to create an action thriller because of the fast pace and intriguing storyline. As a 17 year old, I fit into my target audience. This meant that I could use my initial thoughts of and ideas about action thriller films to help me to make a successful one myself.

Target Audience ResearchHowever, I needed to research what other people my age liked about action thriller films. So I conducted a filmed interview with 16/17 year olds to help me to understand what attracts them to this genre. I also interviewed two adults so that I could compare their ideas and maybe include factors that would attract the older audience as well.Although I have chosen my target audience as 12-18 year olds, I think anyone aged above that would enjoy my film as well.

Film TechniquesI used a variety of techniques to attract my audience.EditingQuick jump cuts- to make the film fast paced and to create adrenaline.Slow fades at the beginning- to intrigue the audience and make it enigmatic.Camera(Extreme) Close ups- to portray emotions and draw the audience in.Mis en SceneCharacters- the characters in my film are the age of my target audience, this makes them more relatable and, so, interests my audience more.Dark lighting- this makes the overall film very mysterious which is something my target audience have said they like about films as it creates tension and puts you on the edge.

Were you successful in attracting your audience?I have shown my film to my peers and asked for their feedback. Overall, it was very positive and members of my target audience said they really enjoyed my film. They said the music was fast paced which made the film interesting and the second piece of music was moody and mysterious which reflected the scene really well.I also received some constructive criticism. For example, I could include more characters to add depth to the film and extra interest. However, this will help me to make a better film in the future.

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