as an experimental science

Post on 23-Oct-2015






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As an experimental science, physics utilizes the scientific method to formulate and test hypotheses that are based on observation of the natural world. The goal of physics is to use the results of these experiments to formulate scientific laws, usually expressed in the language of mathematics, which can then be used to predict other phenomena

A cylindrical can has a horizontal base of radius 3.4 cm. It contains sufficient water so that when a sphere is placed inside, the water just covers the sphere. If the sphere fits exactly into the can, calculate

(a) The total surface area of the can in contact with the water when the shpere is inside, giving your answer correct to the nearest cm^2 (cm square).

(b) The depth of the water in the can before the sphere was put in, giving your answer correct to the nearest mm.

A trolley is a small vehicle with wheels that can carry things. People can push trolleys.

There are different kind of trolleys. There are shopping trolleys which are used in supermarkets and other large stores with self-service. In American English these are called shopping carriages or shopping carts. Customers can put things they want to buy in the trolley and then pay for everything at the checkout. Usually they are then allowed to wheel the trolley with the things they have bought out to their car.

Sometimes the customers have to pay a small deposit when collecting a trolley. The trolleys are chained together. The customer puts in a coin (in Britain a £1 coin) which he can have back again when he parks the trolley back in the trolley chain

Physics is the mathematically-based study of the physical world and interactions between matter and energy.

Philosophy is an inquisitive study of the nature of things on a non-physical level. It's an attempt to find truths that are beyond simple mathematical computation.

The micrometer is a precision measuring instrument, used by engineers. Each revolution of the rachet moves the spindle face 0.5mm towards the anvil face. The object to be measured is placed between the anvil face and the spindle face. The rachet is turned clockwise until the object is ‘trapped’ between these two surfaces and the rachet makes a ‘clicking’ noise. This means that the rachet cannot be tightened any more and the measurement can be read.

physics to biology because physics is the most basic scenic and helps all the sciences

Physics to biology. Why are u asking this anyway? Science compliments itself, true enough, but i still want to say physics contributes more. Biology only deals with what we see on earth.

Biological processes of course are consequences of physics and chemistry, which is why we require our biology students to study the physical sciences. But organisms are also historical entities, and that’s where the complexities arise. The facts of physics and chemistry are constant across time and space. Any

one carbon atom is the same as any other, and today’s carbon atoms are the same as those of a billion years ago. But each organism is different. That’s not just a statement that fruit flies are different from house flies. Rather, each fruit fly is different from every other fruit fly alive today, and from every other fruit fly that ever lived, and it’s the differences that make biology both thrilling and hard.

No disagreements from me here. The laws which govern physics and chemistry are contant across the universe (though there is some debate as to their constancy in time). Without the strict adherence to the laws we observe, physics and chemistry would be near impossible to understand. It is lucky for biology that this is how the world works, because, as Rosie notes, biology depends on it!

Skipping ahead, here’s where I get confused:

Even genetically identical cells are not functionally identical. When a cell divides its molecules are randomly distributed between the two daughters; because ‘randomly’ does not mean ‘evenly’, these daughters will have inherited different sets of the proteins and RNAs that carry out their functions. And even if the two cells had identical contents, these contents would still have different interactions – repressors bump into cofactors at different times, DNA polymerase slips or doesn’t slip at different points in its progress along a chromosome. Understanding the how and why of biological phenomena thus requires us to consider historical and ecological factors that are many orders of magnitude more complex than those of physical systems.

When trying to understand biological systems (nay, any kind of system, be it a crystal or a batch of cells), much ultimately depends on the type of measurement. Every measurement does not need to take into account the histories and ecological factors that make up every individual cell – it is impossible to know them to the required resolution that such data would be useful. When and where a DNA polymerase may stall on the chromosome in a particular cell of a mL culture containing billions upon billions of cells is effectively irrelevant for a huge number of interesting experiments I might want to do with those cells — say, the study of expression of a particular gene with a gene chip.


The critical word is probably ‘population’. Biologists rarely try to define it, but they use the term everywhere to refer to similar but not identical organisms or cells (or even molecules) that interact in some way. ‘Population thinking’, the realization that species are populations, not pure types, is said to have been key to Darwin’s insight that members of a species undergo natural selection. And population thinking is probably what makes biology so much more complex than the physical sciences.

In the mechanical sense, a given object could have a different length or shape but it might still have the same mass without being a different object. A rubber band or a ball of putty is a good example, or a

copper pipe at one temperature is shorter than the same exact pipe at a higher temperature, yet the mass is the same.

In the relativistic sense, mass and length can change, but I am going to recklessly assume that your question is not intended to be that complex.

Theory of relativity says that as the velocity of a mass approachs the speed of light, the mass of the object increases towards infinity. There is also an associated increase in size of the object, towards infinity. You can see some hint of this in the special effect on "Star Trek - The Next Generation" -- how the ship "lengthens" as it goes into warp drive.

But some physicists argue that this is really a relativity trick. The increase of the mass of the object is due to the increase in energy needed to move it. They call this the Relativistic Mass.

But since I've never gone any where NEAR the speed of light, I don't consider myself an expert. . . . .

Fundamental quantities are those used to derive other quantities.

Examples are the Meter, Gram, and Liter and second. These derive most other quantities of measure. Learning those derivations will save you life in physics.

Example of a derived quantity is the Newton which is the quantity of force. A newton is a kg m/second squared. How do we get this? The equation for force is F=ma which is Force is the mass times the acceleration. Accelaration is also a derived quantity. It is the velocity change over time. Velocity is also a derived quantity. It is the change in distance over time. Therefore

F=m s/t/t mass is a base (kilograms) distance is a base (meters) and time is a base (seconds).

The base quantities are agreed by the scientific community to be the following seven:

length, mass, time, current, temperature, amount of substance, luminous intensity

each unit of these quantity are clearly defined, for example, the base unit of time is the second and "the second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom".

Hethe basic difference between the dimension of a physical quahtity and the units in which it is measured is >.

* there is 1-and-only-1 dimension for a physical quantity (say M^0 L^1 T^0 for distance]

* whereas, there could be as many units as possible or agreed upon internationally depending upon the ease of comprehending its application (eg, mm/s, km/s, light-year for distance in flow of blood in veins, road travel, space travel). re's a reference for a more in-depth reading

Dimensions are fundamental things like length, charge, time, mass, etc. Units are somewhat arbitrary standards of measurement of these dimensions. SO we can discuss mass, length, etc. and write mathematical equations to describe the physics. when we want to get numbers out, we have to express the dimensional quantities in some system of measurement, or units.

The slotted masses and weight hanger combination allows a student to quickly create any desired amount of mass, to use in experiments involving force, acceleration, and mass. There are also many other experiments in other fields where a variable hanging mass comes in handy.

All masses and the hanger may be ordered separately.

Product Code: WH50

A protractor is a square, circular or semicircular measuring instrument, typically made of transparent plastic or glass, for measuring angles. Most protractors measure angles in degrees (°). Radian-scale protractors measure angles in radians.

They are used for a variety of mechanical and engineering-related applications, but perhaps the most common use is in geometry lessons in schools.

Some protractors are simple half-discs. More advanced protractors, such as the bevel protractor, have one or two swinging arms, which can be used to help measure the angle.

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