arxiv:1508.00623v2 [] 18 jan 2017 · active tension network model reveals an exotic...

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Active Tension Network model reveals an exotic mechanical state

realized in epithelial tissues

Nicholas Noll,1 Madhav Mani,2, 3 Idse Heemskerk,4, 3

Sebastian Streichan,3 and Boris I. Shraiman1, 3

1Department of Physics, University of California Santa Barbara

2Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University

3Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

4Department of Biosciences, Rice University


Mechanical interactions play a crucial role in epithelial morphogenesis, yet understanding the

complex mechanisms through which stress and deformation affect cell behavior remains an open

problem. Here we formulate and analyze the Active Tension Network (ATN) model, which assumes

that mechanical balance of cells is dominated by cortical tension and introduces tension dependent

active remodeling of the cortex. We find that ATNs exhibit unusual mechanical properties: i) ATN

behaves as a fluid at short times, but at long times it supports external tension, like a solid; ii)

its mechanical equilibrium state has extensive degeneracy associated with a discrete conformal -

“isogonal” - deformation of cells. ATN model predicts a constraint on equilibrium cell geometry,

which we demonstrate to hold in certain epithelial tissues. We further show that isogonal modes

are observed in a fruit fly embryo, accounting for the striking variability of apical area of ventral

cells and helping understand the early phase of gastrulation. Living matter realizes new and exotic

mechanical states, understanding which helps understand biological phenomena.










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Mechanics of growth and cellular rearrangements plays an important role in morphogen-

esis as both processes are central to defining the shape of developing tissues. As such, it

has become a subject of intense study aiming to characterize specific mechanical processes

involved in cell and tissue-wide dynamics[1–4], uncover the regulatory mechanisms [5], and

identify if and how the mechanical state of the cell feeds back onto the larger developmental

program [6–8].

Epithelial tissue is a monolayer of apico-basally polarized cells tightly connected to their

lateral neighbors [9]. Viewed from the apical side, cells form an approximately polygonal

tiling of the plane. Mechanical integrity of the epithelial layer derives largely from the

cortical actin-myosin network [10, 11] localized as a planar ring just inside the cell’s lateral

surface [12]. Each cell’s cortical cytoskeleton is linked to those of the neighboring cells via

cadherin-mediated adherens junctions [13]. The equilibrium geometry of cells is determined

by the balance of cytoskeletal and adhesive forces [5] within the tissue. Unlike passive

materials, cells actively regulate such forces through mechano-transduction and internal

remodeling, resulting in an intrinsically dynamic relation of stress and strain and controllable

plasticity [14, 15], which can drive rearrangement of cells. Elucidation of the manner in which

cellular activity manifests in collective properties of the tissue is critical to understanding


Here we formulate a phenomenological model of an epithelial tissue as a two dimen-

sional Active Tension Network (ATN), which in addition to cytoskeletal elasticity describes

cytoskeletal re-arrangement through myosin activity and the recruitment of myosin into cy-

toskeletal fibers, thus capturing the plastic and adaptive response of cells to external stress.

We shall explore static and dynamic properties of the ATN model, validate some of its pre-

dictions by comparing with experimental observations and identify new directions of further


Formulation of the Active Tension Net Model

Epithelial monolayers may be approximately represented by two-dimensional polygonal

tilings, parameterized by the set of vertex coordinates {ri} and are often described in terms


by vertex models [2, 17] which assume that geometry of cells minimizes an elastic energy

defined in terms of cell edge length (rij = |ri− rj|) and cell area (Aα). We shall introduce a

generalized class of vertex models by adding internal variables to capture active adaptation

of the cytoskeleton. We begin by defining mechanical energy in its differential form [16]

dE[{ri}] =∑<i,j>

Tij drij +∑α

pα dAα (1)

Here tension Tij defines the change in mechanical energy in response to the change of edge

length by drij and 2D ‘apical pressure’ pα defines the response to the change in cortical area

by dAα. Tension Nets correspond to the situation when pressure differentials between cells

are small so that mechanical balance is dominated by the tensions, in which case pα ≈ p0

with p0 effectively controlling only the total area of cells and preventing the collapse of the

array under the action of tension.

Dynamics of vertex positions is assumed to be relaxational and in the Tension Net ap-

proximation becomes


dtri = −∂riE =


Tij r̂ij (2)

where {j}i denotes the set of all vertices connected to vertex i, r̂ij is a unit vector in the

direction from ri to rj and ν represents the effective friction between apical cytoskeleton and

its substrate [18], which sets the timescale of mechanical relaxation. Mechanical equilibrium

of a Tension Net is reached when tensions balance at each vertex: the right hand side of

Eq. (2) is zero. Geometrically this corresponds to the three vectors Tij = Tij r̂ij making up

a triangle and since adjacent vertices share an edge, global tension balance means that the

set of Tij’s defines a triangulation [27, 28] (see Fig. 1a,b).

Edge tension Tij depends on the edge length rij and intrinsic variables representing local

state of the actomyosin bundle and cadherin mediated adhesion between cells. We shall start

with a particularly simple form, Tij = k(rij − `ij), parameterizing the internal state of the

each interface by an intrinsic “rest length” `ij of the underlying actomyosin bundle. The

latter has dynamics of its own. Specifically, we shall assume that



dt`ij = τ−1

` W





The generic features of ”walking kernel” W (x), illustrated in Fig.1d, are known from single-

molecule experiments [19, 20]: each myosin will walk contracting the actin bundle, unless

the load per myosin, Tij/amij, reaches the “stall force” level Ts. (The characteristic length

a describes the extent to which myosin motors share mechanical load.) Above this critical

value, the filament simply elongates as each motor slips backwards [21].

Eqs. (2, 3) define the dynamics of a Tension Net with a specified myosin distribution on

interfaces. The fixed point of these equations is then reached when i) tensions balance at all

vertices and ii) all edges are at their stall tension, set by the local myosin level (Tij = aTsmij).

Because tension balance requires the set of Tij’s to form a triangulation, edge tensions, and

hence myosin levels, cannot be prescribed independently. Luckily, in reality myosin levels are

not fixed and are known to themselves respond to mechanical cues [8, 22], although the exact

form of this mechanical feedback is not fully understood. Here we shall propose a particular

form of mechanical feedback on myosin, that will ensure convergence to a balanced state.

The latter is achieved if myosin recruitment depends on internal strain rate:



dtmij = α`−1



= ατ−1` W




with α� 1 parameterizing the rate of myosin recruitment which we assume to be slow rel-

ative to both mechanical relaxation and actomyosin contractility. This “Dynamic Recruit-

ment” form of mechanical feedback builds up myosin on overloaded and therefore “slipping”

bundles and reduces myosin on underloaded and contracting bundles until the stall condition

is reached, bringing the system to equilibrium. This hypothesis is dictated by the require-

ment of ATN stability and should be regarded as a prediction of the model, to be tested by

future experiments.

Equilibrium Manifold of a Tension Net

Mechanical equilibrium a Tension Net requires a local balance of tensions (see Eq. (2))

which relates the geometry of the cell array to a triangulation of the “tension plane” (see

Fig. 1). This relation involves the θiα angles at vertex i which define angles of the ith tension

triangle with π − θiα being the angle opposite of the Tij side (see Fig.1). The fact that






F-actinMyosin Motor

Active Element

T m aTs





x=1W’[1] =1 W[1] =0



β α


βi i

θiβ π-θiβ

Tijj Tij


FIG. 1. (a) Tension Net representation of a 2D array of cells. In mechanical equilibrium tensions

balance at each vertex; (b) Tensions corresponding to an equilibrium state form a triangulation,

with triangle angles being supplementary to the angles at the corresponding vertex; (c) A cartoon

representation of the actomyosin bundle as the active element of the cortical cytoskeleton (d)

Dependence of the actomyosin bundle contraction rate to the mechanical load. The ”walking

kernel” W (x), see Eq. (3), changes sign from contraction to elongation when mechanical load per

myosin T/am exceed the stall load Ts.

triangles corresponding to vertices that belong to the the same cell pack together into a

triangulation constrains the angles

χα =∏


sin θi,αsin θi−1,α

= 1 (5)

where i labels the vertices of cell α, denoted as V(α), in a clockwise fashion. This constraint

follows directly from the sine law applied to the triangles that share vertex α of the triangu-

lation. A polygonal array with all χα = 1 is geometrically compatible with tension balance

equilibrium. Since χα can be readily computed for any polygonal array, the compatibility

constraint allows one to asses whether a given cell array could be a balanced tension net.

To count the number of degrees of freedom that define balanced tension configurations we

note that a triangulation is completely specified by the positions of its vertices, the number

of which equals c - the number of polygonal cells - so that triangulation is specified by 2c

independent degrees of freedom. Note that the number of edges e = 3c is larger than 2c


meaning that Tij cannot be chosen independently; the balanced set of tensions satisfies c

angular constraints imposed by the planarity of the triangulation.

Next we observe that the number of degrees of freedom for equilibrium tension net geome-

tries, given by 2v − c = 3c (v being the number of vertices of the cell array), is larger than

the 2c degrees of freedom for the dual triangulations of the tension plane. Hence, a given

set of tensions must correspond to multiple possible cell arrays: specifically, to a manifold

of nets with one degree of freedom per cell. Given a triangulation we can construct a dual

polygonal lattice by defining the circumcircle center for each triangle and drawing a Voronoi

lattice based on these centroids. Yet, such a lattice is not the unique dual of the tension

triangulation. As long as none of the vertex angles are perturbed, we can freely “inflate” or

“deflate” lattice cells, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a), with no cost of energy and thus without

disturbing mechanical equilibrium and the underlying tension-triangulation. Quite generally

such angle preserving - “isogonal” -deformations have the form

δri = S−1αβγ[TijΘγ + TikΘα + TilΘβ] (6)

where δri denotes displacement of vertex at which adjacent cells α, β, γ meet and Sαβγ (Fig.

1ab) denotes the area of said vertex’s dual triangular plaquette and Θα’s are independent

parameters. Tensions Tij appear as coefficients because their ratios capture the implicit

geometric constraints within tension nets central to the structure of the isogonal modes.

(Note for example that δri = 0 for Θα = Θβ = Θγ.) The compatibility condition (see Eq.

5) satisfied by equilibrium tension nets is essential for allowing such isogonal dilation modes

to exist! Because they do not invoke a restoring force, isogonal deformations are the easily

excitable ”soft modes” which are expected to dominate observed fluctuations of tension nets

close to mechanical equilibrium.

We note also that isogonal modes can be thought of as a discrete manifestation of the

conformal symmetry that appears in 2D continuum elasticity in the case of a vanishing bulk

modulus (see SI for details). Isogonal modes also generalize the isoperimetric “breathing

modes” of a hexagonal lattice [23].




Net isogonal transformation

c - dimensional manifoldIsogonally Dilated CellUnderlying Triangulation












-5Position along load axis





Position along load axis





ω ω




FIG. 2. (a) Cartoon illustrating the isogonal, i.e. angle preserving, ‘breathing mode’ of a cell in

a tension net. (b)Because ATN equilibrium is a manifold rather than a point, after a transient

perturbation the system does not necessarily return to the same state, resulting in an ‘isogonal’

transformation. (c) Amplitude and (d) phase of the strain (as a function of position in a 2D sheet)

in response to periodic forcing TB cosωt at the boundaries ( α = 10−2 and ω = 10−4). As the

frequency decreases below α the phase shifts from 0 to π/2 indicating crossover from viscous fluid

behavior to an elastic solid. Crossover at ω ∼ q corresponds to viscoelasticity.

Dynamical properties of Active Tension Nets.

Let us consider the dynamics of small perturbations around a mechanical equilibrium

state, which can be described by linearizing Eqs. (2-4).While detailed calculations are carried

out in the SI, the key features can be understood from a vastly simpler analysis of a 1D “active

tension chain” model which has the form

ddtδTn = D∇2δTn − q(δTn − δmn) (7)

ddtδmn = α(δTn − δmn) (8)

where δTn and δmn are deviations from the equilibrium state, n-is an integer indexing the

edges along the chain, ∇2 is the discrete 1D Laplacian and D, q, α parameters are derived

by linearization of Eqs. (2-4), see SI. The rate of strain in the chain is u̇n = ddt

(rn+1 − rn) =


ν−1∇2δTn. With that, Eq. 7 is recognized as the Maxwell model of viscoelasticity forced by

myosin. With a constant δm forcing these would predict persistent flow (i.e. non-zero rate of

strain ), perturbations of tension being exponentially localized with characteristic “screening

length” λ =√D/q. At long times myosin recruitment (with α � q) is important and the

chain converges towards mechanical equilibrium: δmn ≈ δTn − q−1D∇2Tn so that ddtδmn ≈

αq−1D∇2Tn and ddtTn ≈ αDν−1q−1u̇n (see SI) This means that unlike viscoelastic flow

response at short time, the long time behavior is effectively elastic with keff ∼ αν−1q−1D.

A similar crossover from fluid-like response at intermediate time to solid-like behavior at

long times occurs in the fully 2D ATN (see Fig. 2cd).

ATN predictions and the Ventral Furrow (VF) formation in Drosophila embryo.

One of the striking predictions of the ATN model is the existence of the isogonal soft

modes that allow easy variability of cell area. Extreme variability of apical cell area has in

fact been observed in the beginning of the gastrulation process in Drosophila, when cells along

the ventral midline of the embryo constrict their apical surfaces, initiating the formation of a

furrow that subsequently internalizes the future mesoderm [24], as shown in Fig. 3(ab). This

apical constriction was shown to be driven by pulsed contractions of a medial actomyosin

network (located on the apical cell surface) that connects to the adherens junction-anchored

cortical cytoskeleton. The process has been described as a “ratchet” [29] where medial

myosin pulses cause transient constrictions, that are subsequently stabilized by the retracted

cytoskeletal cortex.

This phenomenon is readily interpretable in terms of the ATN model. If we assume that

the cortical myosin concentrations are relatively static over the timescale of medial myosin

pulsing, the ATN model predicts that any transient perturbation of mechanical balance due

to medial myosin contractions would leave behind an isogonal deformation of the cell array,

as it returns to mechanical balance dominated by cortical tensions that remain unchanged.

Hence we predict that cell deformation during the early stages of ventral furrow formation

should be well described by motion along an isogonal manifold.

However, before testing this prediction, we can test the applicability of the tension balance


hypothesis that underlies the ATN model. While it is not yet possible to measure all internal

tensions in a live tissue, the compatibility constraint (3) provides us with an indirect way to

evaluate if tension balance may be playing a role in defining geometry of cells. To that end

we examine apical snapshots of tissues (e.g. Fig 3a) and calculate χα for each cell. We then

compare the resultant probability distribution function (PDF) of logχ to a “null” distribution

constructed from a fictitious cell array with the angles reshuffled while preserving their

empirical distribution (see SI for more details). A tension net close to mechanical equilibrium

should generate a PDF of χα clustering significantly closer to χ = 1 than the null distribution.

Fig. 3(c) presents the result of such an analysis for the embryonic mesoderm. Based on

the analysis of ∼ 5000 cells, we find strong and highly statistically significant (Kolmogorov-

Smirnov [25] p < 10−9) accumulation of logχα near zero, consistent with approximate tension

balance. (Note that one cannot expect the compatibility constraint to be exact on account

of cellular fluctuations and of the noise introduced in image analysis.) This finding is non-

trivial as similar analysis of cells in wing imaginal discs [26] reveals no statistically significant

tendency towards logχα ≈ 0, from which we conclude that tension balance is not a good

description of imaginal disc epithelia. (Yet other tissues that we have analyzed (see SI) offer

more examples of applicability of the ATN model.)

Returning to the dynamics of VF formation, we used time-lapse microscopy data on the

early stage of ventral furrow formation to examine the deformation of cells as a function

of time (see SI for details). We found, as shown in Fig. 3(g), that the inferred isogonal

modes accounted for about 80% of the total variance of the dynamic vertex displacement

field, which clearly indicates that apical deformation of cells during ventral furrow forma-

tion is well approximated by an isogonal transformation. Thus, the cell array appears to

behave much like a transiently perturbed ATN, flowing along the isogonal manifold which

comprises the set of its (mechanical) equilibrium states (see Fig. 2(b)). Consistent with this

interpretation, analyzing time-lapse images of Sqh-GFP we found that cortical-myosin levels

do not significantly change during this time despite medial-myosin spiking. The results not

only suggest that an ATN model is suitable for describing tissue behavior, but also provide

a simpler set of degrees of freedom that accurately describe the dynamics. The profile of

final isogonal deformation {Θα} was found to be approximately parabolic (shown in Fig.



-1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5








-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

















∆θij /<θij>


<rij>Static Junctional Myosin

Pulsed Medial Myosin

∆mij /<mij>









Array (Δ 1.5 minutes)Fit Array Array













Minutes before Furrow Ingression-4.5 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0-3.5 -2.5 -1.5

FIG. 3. (a) A ventral view of Drosophila embryo at the beginning of VF formation process (top)

and (b) 4 minutes later (bottom): note the variability of apical cell area. (c) Observed changes in

edge length ∆rij , edge orientation angle ∆θij and myosin level ∆mij . While edge length shrinks

∼ 75% relative changes in myosin level and edge orientation are considerably smaller. (d-e) Test

of compatibility constraint (Eq.5) compares the PDF of the measured logχ’s (blue) with the con-

trol distribution (red) defined by permuting angles. Embryonic mesoderm (d) exhibits a strong

tendency towards compatibility (logχ ≈ 0) while epithelium of the third instar imaginal wing disc

(e), does not. (f) Spatial profile of the isogonal mode amplitude, {Θα} (just before invagination)

describes increasing anisotropic compression of cells towards ventral midline. (g) Fraction of defor-

mation 1 − <|∆r−∆riso|2><|∆r|2> captured by the best-fit isogonal transformation. Each color represents

an independent measurement with 200 cells. Inset: a graphical comparison of the fit for a single


3f), consistent with anisotropic constriction of cells with the long axis oriented along the

anterior-posterior direction [24]. This could be patterned via graded medial myosin pulses.



ATN model formulated above describes epithelial tissue dynamics in terms of three pro-

cesses: i) fast relaxation towards mechanical equilibrium dominated by cortical tension; ii)

myosin driven rearrangement of cortex on an intermediate time scale and iii) on the slow-

est timescale, Dynamic Recruitment (or reduction) of myosin driven by the internal rate of

strain in the cortex. The 1st two alone would result in a viscoelastic fluid behavior (driven

by myosin generated internal forces), Dynamic Recruitment however, dramatically changes

the long term behavior so that while being able to flow at short times, ATNs, like solids, can

support external stress at long times.

Tension balance imposes a constraint on cell geometry, which we found to be approx-

imately obeyed in some of the epithelial tissues observed during Drosophila development.

Existence of isogonal “soft modes” predicted by the ATN model was strikingly confirmed by

the analysis of cellular deformations in the process of Drosophila Ventral Furrow formation,

where isogonal modes nicely account for the observed extreme variability of apical area of

cells. While these observations confirm the validity of tension balance in describing me-

chanical equilibrium of epithelial tissue, new experiments will be needed test the Dynamic

Recruitment hypothesis, that was introduced to explain how myosin levels at different inter-

faces can be coordinated to attain equilibrium.

In conclusion, the ATN model describes a very unusual solid - an “Active Solid” - illus-

trating the wealth of novel physics associated with Living Matter, while providing insight

into biological phenomena.

Materials and Methods

The following fly stocks where used for ventral furrow live recordings: Spider GFP [30],

sqh-GFP;membrane-mCherry [31]. Embryos where dechoreonated following standard pro-

tocols, and mounted in Matek Dishes for imaging. Images where acquired on a Leica SP8

confocal, equipped with a 40x/N.A. 1.1 objective water immersion objective. See SI for

details on image analysis and numerical simulation of ATN dynamics.



The authors gratefully acknowledge stimulating discussions with Ken Irvine, Thomas

Lecuit, and Eric Wieschaus and would like to thank K. Irvine for sharing the wing imaginal

disc data. This work was supported by the NSF PHY-1220616 (BIS) and by the GBMF

grant #2919 (BIS/IH).

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